STORES CLOSE FRIDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK DURING JULY AND AUGUST Net Circulation Friday, 1026 Copies. THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Sunday Gentle southwest winds. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 17, V)20. NO. 163. . . . ' v CORPORATION COMMISSION PERMITS Action Taken Friday Will Add Greatly to Con venience of Elizabeth City Travelling Public . and Eventually Increase Trade Territory. The corporation Commission has granted petitions from Elizabeth City, Edenton and Hertford that the Norfolk South ern be permitted to change the schedule of Waddy's train so as to give these points a train to Norfolk arriving in that city at about noon. Under the schedule now to be worked out by the Norfolk Southern, this train will arrive at Elizabeth City at about ten o'clock in the morning and re turning, will arrive here at about six o'clock in the after noon. Moreover, instead of start ing from Edenton under the new schedule Waddy's train will start at Helhaven, leaving that town at about seven o'clock in the morning and ar riving there from Norfolk in the evening at about nine o'clock. The new arrangement will necessitate the stopping of trains one and two, heretofore known as through trains, at local stops between Edenton and Norfolk. This arrange ment has been tried heretofore and does not work very great ly to the disadvantage of peo ple coming here from Camden and Currituck, the main differ ence being that they are given about an hour less to do their shopping than under the pres ent schedule. This disadvan tage will not be so keenly felt as when Waddy's train was taken entirely off both on ac count of better train service to points south of here and on ac count of the fact that the ma jor part of the trade that used to come from Camden and Cur rituck by train now comes by automobile. There is another advantage not so generally known, that will accrue to Elizabeth City by establishment of the new schedule. The new railroad through Hyde County, which will tap the Norfolk Sou thern at Winona, will be in op eration, it is believed, by Jan uary, 1921, and this will add fertile and prosperous Hyde County to the trade territory of Elizabeth City, Edenton and Plymouth. News that the Corporation Commission had given the Nor folk Southern permission to make the proposed change reached Secretary Case of the Chamber of Commerce and Secretary Sawyer of the Mer chants' Association this morn ing. Inasmuch as getting the matter favorably passed on by he commission has gone thru without a hitch and on sched-1 Bla( kwe" Mt,,orial: ln ,!,e m'ninK ule time, it would seem that it!fr,,m ,he T' :Lo,1pnrh;?d Mn ll ' , . , toward Sodom." and in the evening may oe saieiy assumed mat tne new schedule would go into ef fect August 1st, the tentative date set by an official of the railroad in a conversation with a reporter for The dvance, a few days ago. Say Will Guard Deposed President W.t-hinc n, July 17. The Holiv lan provisional government hag Riv en assurances that deposed Presi dent Uuerra and his adherents will be carefully guarded and their per- onal interests protected, the Amer- lean minister reported today. SUNDAY SERVICES IN CITYCHURCHES All Denominations In Picture City Invite Townsfolk And Visitors To Go To Church Sunday Following are i! of Sunday sen in churches. an nouncemcut.s in the city C'hrist Church Rev. G. F. Hill returned Saturday from Nags Head and will 1111 his pul pit Sunday at the regular services. Catholic Services Services will lie held In the Cathol ic Chapel No. 33S Hinton Building at 10.30 Sunday morning. The public is cordially invited. First Itapt ist Church II. K. Willi. mis, pastor. Sunday School at !i::io a in.. S. G. Scott, Superintendent. I'reirching at 11 a. in liy the pastor. At the night ser vice there will he a coiiregat ioual situ; The morning theme: ''The Value and Dignity of a Soul." The ('in- i -1' ts which includes hoys and gii1- 'iet ween l he age of twelve and sevc ineen, meet al seven o'clock Sun day vening. The mid-week prayer in i 'i ':iig is on Wednesday evening at eiglii o'clock. The teacher training class meets at seven o'clock o'clock Wednesday evening. The public is nio-t cordially invited to attend all these .-.eivices. First Methodist. Von are extended a cordial invita tion to alteiid all the services held at the Kii-t Methodist Church Sun day. The pastor. Rev. J. M Orinond, has pnached two of a seric.-, of sor ptions upon the experiences of some religion- leaders whose records ap pear in the Bible Another one will be presented Sunday. The hours for public worship are eleven and eight o'clock The Sunday School meets at nine-thirty a. m. City Koa Methodist Sunday School will be held at it: 30 Sunday morning. The pastor, Rev. J. W. Bradley, will preach at eleven from the subject "Sampson and His Wife'' and at eight o'clock Sunday night from the subject "Looking to Jesus." The public Is cordially invit ed. Pearl Street Methodist The pastor, Rev. C. M. Warden, will preach at eleven o'clock 8'iuday will preach at eleven o'clock Sunday morning. Sunday night at eight Miss Agnes Smith, evangelist, will preach, and each night next week ex cept Saturday. The public Is cor dially Invited. Black well Memorial llapttHt. Dr. G. W. Clarke, pastor, arrived in the city Saturday night from Io diantown. where he has been preach ing In a revival. He will preach at both morning and evening service at from the text. "The blood or Jesus Christ cleanse: h us from all sin." The public In general and strang ers In the city especially are given a cordial invitation to attend the ser vices of thij church. Four More Quakes Shake Los Angeles Property Damage Light But Scores Injured Whose Hurts Were Slight. Los Angeles, July 17 Four earthquake shocks, varying in In tensity, were felt here yesterday. Relatively slight damage was done but scores ot people suffered slight hurts. AUTOMOBILE FIRE OCCASIONS ALARM Little Damage But Propinquity to Gas and Oil Makes Blaze Dangerous. Neal Stevens, in the employ of Spence & Hollowell, came down to the store early Saturday morning with John Simpson of Edenton to fill the g; ; tank in the latter's car in order to give him in early start home. There was more oil in Mi tan; than Mr. Simpson guessed, and on the last turn of the pump at Speiue & Hollowell's gas station the car tank began to run over. Mr. Simp son grabbed up a bottle and shoved it under the hose to save waste of the precious gas. Instantaneously a flash of tlame leaped up and Steven found the gas hose that he was holding spouting tlame instead of spouting gas. He jerked the hose out of the car and to the sidewalk, ex tinguishing it, then gave the car a shove that sent it out in the middle of the street The seat was blazi'u; by this time and the gas was burl ing in the neck of the tank. A lire extinguisher was brought Into play, subduing the flame, and a bucket or so of water finished it. Meantime the tire company had been called out but the excitement was about over when it arrived How the lire caught is not ex plained. Mr. Simpson, an Inveterate pipe-smoker, had his pipe in his mouth when lie ran to the overflow ing tank with his bottle, but he and Mr. Slovens both say that the pipe was not lit. Mrs Simpson was in the car when the blaze shot up tr.uii t he tank but she was not in i: l . r an install thereafter. Stev. n . after .-hov.n.'. the car a way from 1 ' t ingu ish i ng the fir., ii sidewalk over the I. ground and funiislii: a lire extinguishes wa'i he, I further d"V a -.ll'e 1 1 i -1 .1 i u ' Sp pump and e i he street and lank under , Si in p-on v, it h -aid to ha. iopinents from ill ing of sliov middle of l in That car did 1 i me 1 ha n a I e-llll ed. t he MiK tie1 car out in i!i -'reel Steven- --aid. n't feel any heavier wheel ha n ow .'' ThoiiL'li I. lie dan: i. fi re w is a h .1' Illy dan I lie ga , 1 1 n rued helow ' gas tank in the car oi got hot enough from it, there would have ! sion that might have something; and if tie Hollowell's handsome hi s one. H a :. neck of the h rl Ihe lank iie lire about en a n explo- really started til" had got front would to the gas underground Spence & have been a wreck, not to -peak of possible damage to adjacent build ings. The entire drama was staged im mediately in front of The Advance bulldnig. about six o'clock in the morning Express Regret At Insult To Flag j Washington. July 17 British of ficials at Bermuda have expressed regret at the Insult offered the American flag by British sailors on July Fourth. I The State Department was ad vised today by the American consul (at Bermuda that the sailors who I trampled on the flag have been heav ily fined and sentenced to prison. ALLIES TO ASSIST IN GERMAN LOANS Will Take Appropriate Meas ures to Aid in Floating Loans To Meet German Obliga tions Spa. July 17 The A'.les will t ike appropriate measures to us-i-e Ger many in floating loans intended to meet her Internal requirements and to assist her In a prompt discharge of her debt to the Allies, acording to an agreement signed h re by rcpre sentatlves of th" principal allied countries todiy The distribution of Indemnities was also agreed upon LOST LAST WEEK. KMGHT Templar Watch Charm with fob. Name engrtred on charm Liberal reward for return to J. V. Whtte hurst. lt-np FRIENDS READY TO WELCOME COX Stage Big Demonstration in His Honor Upon Nominee's Arrival for Conference. Washington, July 17. Friends of Governor Cox were ready with a big demonstration here in honor of the Democratic Presidential nominee up on his arrival here this afternoon for a conference tomorrow with President Wilson. RIVALS FIGHT AT KWANHUN Engage in Street Fight in Which Occur Many Casual ties Wounded Arrive at Peking. Peking. July 17. Fighting be tween the troops of rival factions o enrred Friday at K w aiihu n. thirty miles south of Peking. Many of the wounded have ar rived here. Pi king is quiet, but wire and rail cominiiiiicalon with Tientsin his been interrupted. Mediators sent to endeavor to rec oncile Hie contending factions re turned today to Peking, their mis--ion having failed. MISS WARRINGTON ARRIVES TODAY Evangelistic Singer From New Bern Will Assist Miss Smith the Coming Week. li-s Mamie Warring'on of N'ew pern arrived in the ci : v S.i I unl.iv I o is : -l .Mi-- Annie Agie- - Sum ii duiinc; tile coming week in lie unique revival now he inn i-mnlm". 1 a I't ill Sin e' Chiiri h A w iima II a pi eachei n ml a not le i i't . 1 1 1 1; ' I i s 1 ic -iliger is quite out i! lie ordinary in Kli.iilii'th City Large crowd- have lie. fi aMeiidim' I lie aieel hie tills We. k i lid " I ' hi hew I l hat : In- number w ill run' inii' i iiirri a 'I :,, i e will he no -ei' a e I on. eh' . hul Miss Smith will preach and Ml-s Warrington will sing at the Sunday ing'iit si i vice and each nigh' Ibru out the week until Saturday nigh' again. Mr-. Ii K Lewis of 'his niy i-organi-t during the revival The public is very cordially invit ed to a' tend every service. BOY SCOUT TROOPS TO BE ORGANIZED Tuesday night at eight o'clock there will be a special meeting to re-organize Troops One and Two of the Elizabeth City Koy Scouts. It is planned In this reorganiza tion to divide the scouts according to age. putting the older boys In one troop and the younger boys ln the other. Vacnrles In either troops will be filled by new members, and any boy wishing to fill such a vacancy should see one of the scoutmasters at once. Those who wish to register for either troop will find It distinctly to their advantage to attend Tuesday night s meeting. Scoutmaster Pendleton is back from Kaleigh, where he visited for mer Scoutmaster Gorrell Shumaker and from Williamston, Tarboro and Plymouth he visited the local scout organization and found good work being done in each place "We are badly behind in scout work In Eliz abeth City, -ays Scoutmaster Pendle ton, and 1 hope 1 lint Tuesday night -meeting will give us a new start toward growth and progress CHIMtKKN KNMOY VACATION. Heme. Switzerland. July IT One hundred thousand of the poor and un derfed children of Europe have far been given varVcPs cf four to dx w -eks In Swiss 1: iniei Mo-t of i hi chil'ren came from Aintrii and Ocrmany (HARDING FINISHES . ACCEPTANCE SPEECH Marlon, Ohio, July 17 Senator Harding put the final touches nn hl 'acceptance speech today after week of continuous work. Appears No Race Today Yachts Making Little Over Three Miles An Hour Hardly Finish In Time Limit RACE POSTPONED D7 TiUAn r4IMIlm'n Shamrock and Resolute DI JJLUJ LALU! Deferred When Yachts, With Flapping Sails, Came to Starting Line Wallowing in Ground Swell. Samly Honk, July 17. Upton's challenger. Shamrock IV., ami Res olute, American defender, found nothing mine than a cupful of wind and a flat sea in which to engage; ill a second raco for America's cup when they were towed to tin' star; ing line j n s i before noon. Tie- yachts wallowed in Hie irround -well and their sails Happed III' I iy in Hie dead air a tin- i t'ai la com in : I ' i signal led po I pmi" 1 1 1 1 1 ' of I lie l ai e II n 1 1 1 I at i r ill Hi" dav. and cell t i 11 lied !l" - i III" ii lifteen 11 11 ' in e M ' interval 1 nb e V lal if Hi -Ii cm' -i. 1 1 " a nil 1 I.". N.i sign- uf wind and expeil- declare -1'inp- -I.illed M be mad. wit 1 1 :n I im il A light bi'ee.e was Ii II i lb- hi ' ivy ing ui - Hi I Ii" el -limp- ielt lllell' -l.irlitii' lni". Im! nniiirings fur ll" la t ve - lg 1 1 vv a - Hie before 1 1 1 reach' I I le line ahead of Shamrock to-day jin the second cup race, the star FINANCIAL DEPRESSION tinK si(rna sounding at 1 : i: HITS HOSIERY HARD j Tlu. American yacht crossed Tokio. July 17 The linancial ilc pri'-siuii and the depreciation "I col j loll Yarn has placed the hosiery man ! iifaciuieis of Japan in a critical po - sition Production in neatly all f " ters has either ceased or been re duced iiwiiiK to the market price's of fered for the manufactured Roods and the cloning of the money mar ket, which has cut the manufacture off from their supply of funds. Scarcity of exchange funds and the sudden advance of exchange rates consequent upon the depreciation of silver quotation!, have helped to kill the export trade. Where the fall of silver prices has seriously affect ed Asiatic countries, the export of hosiery from Japan lias heen veiy seriously Interferred with, the buy ing power of the mercantile commu nity coming to a standstill. According to official figures 'ssued from Nagoya the financial depression has dealt the severe! blow to the lio;-rv Industry In that district. The latest returns from the municipal 'f-j(iay flee show that llf of the 225 fic-j T)p rt.pUs declare that such ac torles In Nagoya have closed their (,on mx follow Turkey's refusal loors and 1.715 of the 2.ii.Vi knit-L RlRtl h(1 ir,.ilty r her failure to ting machines are idle Thousands J ( )iffl(, of operatives are out of employiacMt . Tii, iMjI fl)r Turkey to ml the manufacturers' union b:.s nrg.'iiiz'd a support association f r I their relief H (JAINS aki: M.IK HV ItOlSMKV.KS Union. July 17 - Kur'bei gains hv tin- !o-!icvikl against the Poles are report" 1 along the line from Viina to Minsk TO si KI'ASS .M IA I KTKS. pari-. July 17. The liftie'h an p I ver-ary uf the establishment of 'l.e Third Republic will ''' celebrated in S"pt iin lr 4 next and will be ob served a- a national holiday Tl program of the celebrations has not yet been drawn up but officials have expressed the wish that they be o ganUed on an elaborate scale ind surpass the fetes ot July 14. Willi Be I Sandy Hook, July 17 At six o'clock this evening it seem ed doubtful that the race be- could be finished in the six hour limit. Resolute led Shamrock around the first turn at 4:33. When the American yacht rounded the mark the Sham rock was nearly a mile away. The yachts were virtually be calmed for the first ten miles had taken almost three hours and it appeared doubtful whether they would be able to finish in the six hours time limit which falls at 7:45. For a time it was difficult to tell which yacht was really leading but at three o'clock wiicn uie lirsi tack was made j it was evident I hat the Resolute j had a big lead. from tlien on both yacjlts 'made short tacks. Resolute .holding the windward position, 'but Shamrock crept slowly up 'as they neared the turn, then jShamrock fell into a calrrt while ;Resolute drew ahead. I Resolute crossed the stalling t he line nine seconds ahead ot the challenger and fifteen min- .,ll,,v tin. ut Mid PoJiillltn U U (II I I I I I ll i i i v vv- e" i n ". i was a quarter of a mile to the I wirul ward and holding the chal lenger well N I At 2:05 the yachts were al t . i i i. mosi necK aim iicck. THREAT TO DRIVE TURK OUT EUROPE Allied Reply to Turkish Objec tions to Peace Treaty Is Curt Demand to Shut Up or Get Out. London, July 17 A threat to drive Turks from Europe "once and for all" Is contained In the Allied reply to Turkish objections to the oeace treaty, made public here to- I, kll,,WM r derision expires at 27tb midnight. July FORCED LANDING gy CAPT. STREET S ranton. I'a . July I 7. Caput" Street, army aviator en mute from Mincola to Alaska left Tor Krio this morning to Join the three other av iators on the trip Street was forced to land here Report England j Renews Alliance j Honolulu. July 17 Japan and England have derided to renew their I alliance, according to a Tokyo for jelgn Office announcement, says I dispatch to Nlppu JIJl here.

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