STORES CLOSE FRIDAY AT ONE O'CLOCK DURING JULY and AUGUST 0 Net Circulation Monday 1,132 Copies THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Wed- nesdajr. VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, AUGUST 24, 1920 NO. 192 TROTSKY BARTERS JEWELSFOR ARMS Correspondent of London Newspaper Says Deal Was Negotiated In East Prussia And Was Big One London, Aug. 24. The cor respondent of the London Times insists that Trotsky vis ited East Prussia recently and arranged with representatives of the German government for ammunition in exchange for cash from the Russian jewel fund, which includes the Rus sian crown jewels. The correspondent claims that a large traffic in arms took place in the neighborhood of! Soldau. HEAVY FIGHTING ON London. Aug. 24. The Bol shevik i are engaged in heavy fighting against the advancing Polish legions 75 miles north east of Warsaw and G5 miles northwest of Brest-Litovsk, says a Moscow statement. REDS ENTER GERMANY Berlin. Aug. 24. German bonier troops are calling for ( reinforcements because they are unablp to contrql the in-' creasing tide of Russian sol-j diers crossing the frontier to be j interned, an Allenstein dis patch says. Many Chinese are among the Red soldiers. RED ARMY CAPTURED Warsaw, Aug. 24. The Poles annoince that the bulk of the fourth Soviet army has been captured. The capture of Prsasnysz, 60 miles north of Warsaw, and Mlawa on the frontier is announced. Minstrels Pledge Support to Harding Marion, O.. Aug. 24. A group of dramatic stars came today to pre sent picturesquely their pledges o' support to Harding Al Jonson was cast in the leading role to express the sentiments of the troupe in "ong d.;d s-peccli. A paiud.; hroug.i the town u; hind a nuudred n band beljre breakfast was a feature jt their or formance. Charles E. Hughes was also on hand today to confer with the nominee. BELFAST RIOTING WAS RENEWED LAST NIGHT Belfast, Aug. 24. Rioting here was renewed last night. The police and soldiers were called to disperse the crowds who were shooting and throwing stones. URGES SOLUTION BY COMMON SENSE Federal Electric Railways Commission Makes Report Today After Exhaustive Investigation RATIFICATION IS CERTIFIED Governor Roberts, of Tennes see, Granted Petition. Antis Charge Proceedings Out of! Order From Long Island To Nome, Alaska Nome. Alaska, Aug. L'4. A I'nit ed States ' airplane today com pleted the trip from Mneola, N. V., to Nome. The flying time was 55 hours. CHOWAN COLLEGE OPENS SEPT. 7 Old Students Returning And New Students Entering Will Rejoice In Wonderful Improvements Washington. Aug. t Satisfac tory solution ol' ;h' problem present ed by the electric street railway in dustry ran lie reached through :ip plication "1 principle of "ordnary economic atol business common sense" i- He- unanimous opinion of .-even no'i who composed the Feder al Klectric Railways Commission ap pointed by President Wilson in 1!U9. The report of the commission, prepared after exhaustive bearings and examination of nearly 100 wit nesses was made public today and says : "The commission can go no further than to point out the principles upon which the readjustment sliotilld be based. The task really is that of the state and local authorities on one hand and of the companies on the ot her. "Failure to rehabilitate the in dustry and the service is possible only if those upon whom the respon sibility rests fail to undertake the work or pursue it in a spirit that makes set t lenient impossible." Nashville, Term., Aug. 24. Attorney General Thompson announces that Governor Rob erts, of Tennessee, certified the Tennessee ratification of the suffrage amendment this morn ing, sending the certification to Secretary of State Colby by mail. The petition for certierari and supersedeas was argued before Chief Justice Landsden of the Supreme Court at his residence last night and grant ed. Thompson told the governor that the writ vacated the exist ing injunctions, and the cer tification followed. Opponents of ratification charge that the proceedings violate the Supreme Court rules because the other side was not notified of the hearing. Meanwhile the original in junction case is now in Su preme Court. (STAGE FIST FIGHT IN STATE SENATE Representatives of Cumberland Factions Join Mix-up When Breece Calls McNeill A Liar Monday JIMMIE WILL PROVECHARGES Wiil Present His Information Next Thursday Night In Ad dress at Pittsburgh He De clares Today Raleigh, Aug. 24. Cumberland county citizens, for and against a board of audit and finance for their county, staged a free-for-all list light in the senate chamber of the capitol yesterday afternoon when former Representative A. 11. Breece ( ailed present Representative (leorge Mi Ni ill a liar at a hearing before (be committee on counties, cities and towns The Cumberland county folk had been granted the opportunity of pro . -i !' I i ng a rgu tin in for a nd again -t a bill which would piovele i board of audit compli ed of three mem In-I s yi sterday afternoon b the -enate com nut tee After the preliminaries had been arranged providing for thirty minutes argument from each s"l t lie d's ; i, . opined by Kepi c.-eniat i e McNeill, who staled that while a candidate for re-lloin-in.ito:i he pledged Hie Cumberland mill- ihat in the eieiil he was re turned lo the lower house a biil -ill 1 1 ,i ho hail introduced would be enacted it hi, eflorls could he count id Upon Followig tills pledge, be -1 I ' (I . I he coil it bou e rug" i in mediately arraed themselves against him and succeeded in i . - -1 eat in g hi in by a na n o w ma i gi u . a second primary being neccs.-ary to do so. I'elitions asking for a board of audit for the county were circu lated and presented through the press, Representative McNeill stated. Leading the light against the pas- France Gives All Credit to Wilson Says President's Recent Note to Italy Responsible For "Change of At titude of British and Italian Pre titude" of British and Italian Premiers Paris, Aug. 24. The French Foreign Office announced to day that it regarded the new attitude taken by Premiers Lloyd George and Gioletti, concerning Russia and Poland, as due entirely to the American note to Italy. The communication to . . Fram e from the Hritish and . CIIIP T A PDl Italian premiers is regarded asl in accord with the position of the United States and France that Poland would endanger her independence if she ac cepted the Soviet terms. ARE ON STRIKE Walkout Friday Follows Al leged Employment of Non Union Labor By Elizabeth City Shipyard sa; of lie bill was former Kepre- I F sentative Breece. who told the com- of peace with another that the forci niittee that there was no popular de mand for a board of audit, that the vo'er- of the county bad expressed theinelves a- opposed lo the bill in M .!-!! new " Chow com op. ! bll- "ol.! job ;u men' -floor, floor let HO ng :s i ' i - i n i ... Aug. 1! I - The i College is Hearing The dale for the fall o drawing near the seventh will be a da for Chowan College The cm i - will be ret urning and re i; eei the wonderful Improve Ml the basement, the second 1 1 ... t bird floor, and the four! h The hulls are beautiful. The flour- ar best that could be laid The s;airw,i is no more. The arch- wav to Hi grace a Dayton. Aug 24 Cox issued a statement today declaring that he would prove his charges regarding the magnitude of the Republican campaign fund lie -ad thai he would present this infer on in his address at I'itts lo.n.i 'I'll ii r-d.i v night In a summary of it- com lu .mis doni'-- my cliarg.s i " 111:11 the lull heie and leroiutiieiidatioiis :!ie com m ,-s-, .- , ,, ...... ton -aid it. part: , ',,...., v i- r.ii-ing. 1 ami1"'''" " '' ' '"'-oi in g .. IL w ., I "I'm- ,;..Mi. nilw , iv , ,, ,.,., v ,!,.,, be kimv, ' (' J ' '..op. r in 1 1 , it .W . XlSts i- Without I.I... .: , ,i , ; . ,1 i,,,r. roiliL 1 ' ' ' ''" ! ""' l"-oi rl i" i to. i-.ii. t n ;, , - , . veal . t!i. ' public I'nilc'ion. I ,. . ,1 ., ...;,. v :.,i.'.,ni I have ' Tlii- conditio,, U lb' " ":i.. .,. -Mg- s.i.l Cm ! "' l"n!,: '" ,r"""'""'1 ' ,, , early tinaniial m i - ma n a g. ee ,e.j . 'J'.' p'rmi-siun ua- gi..nt. .1 , i o lie e.lllM . a ( eh' U 1 b i X ' ,,(. v,. ( ..II ! . . 'I ..Hill' tile lll-M lll ' ,.. , l-ting high price lewds o! la '.or ,.!.!' " 1111111! LOOK Ol I I m . 1 h ' w oi a-, ve a , .1 I . n ' I ,i I la materials and the failure of the un pi min'" ilorm unit fare of live cents pn- I . .... . u,,() leuoiJ 1 ' A' '"'' " ;'"-v,!",K " l! " s.ribed either by stalut.. or bv local J r;its OI1 ,.;Khb .r-' porches for' w;"' l"''tu'1 1 r"lu'- '' "r,li:i '"' ,),,'. few dux p.ik"d the wrong '"'; V'' r lo provide i,e ne. e-sarv ,-, v. u,,. - to n' .,. llll V ,,,, ,. ,y , "''' "' ''''K'sler :. . pay opi'i'iiing co-is and lo ma m t :i l. h ,. a .., , ,,, h ri,v ,,; ' "''" ""' l'"i""'' the property on a rea-onable basis. ' ,li..olv I haveevi l;' i"" u 1 M' N''i'1 iuened. 'Tin. i nd list rv can lie reslioed lo a ... , . No. I dldn I "The government of I'dlnnd.'' the slaleineii! says, "is based on I he choice o I he whole adult male popn la I iii ol I he count ry w it limit distinc tion ol i la-s. a lid I his Mi-ca 1 led civ 'I a I 'M x i . i be dra w n from one "I i - ol, l . W h li b is t i I ' I nil 1 o 111 I be fun i" h coiel H ion of I be Sorb ' onus, i.- i,n v 'in 1 1 ' ' I ' i c I loi't hod of ii e,.m a force I o overthrow b violence I Ins ib ' 1 1 1 ii rat ;c m-t it U i and a b st h ii le for il I he I.' .p 't i in of a ,o "' ileged tew who may hive ab-orbed I he dm : , : 1 1 1 - of I i 1 1 vi-m "We caimol help apprehending Ih.itj p r e s 1 1 1 ( 1 1 1 of the Klizubetb City Ship when t;:i- del a i .i I conditions of ( , ,,.,ny recognize the rules coinpo n ion of i jh fori k' ol back , au, regulations of Union 2050. the as they are now -are revealed oiler on, they will be 'on ml to be molded on the plan of the Russian K d iriny. For one nation to insist as a condition A strike of the carpenters em ploed .it the plant of the Kl iza bet Ii City Shipyard is on this week with no end in sight The carpenters walked out l.i-t Friday. Kmpio ineiil by the shipyard of noli union labor i- the cause of com plaint alleged by the strikers, who hae pre.-enied Mr. Colter, president of the shipyard, the following de mands in writing: "1 We demand t hat vou a-t carpenters' organization of Kllzabetk City. "2 We demand he union scale of wages with Norfolk brotherhoods as the sta mUrd basis. "a We demand that I he union shall have the right to grade and rale carpenters according to their -lull and ability "4 If the above demands ap- oi ganiz.'d for I lie protection of life, properly and good urdo- to lb" la'.er country shall be drawn from oniy one cla-s of il- citizens, to the exclu-io'i e recent primaries when Kepi.- of all oilier-, is an u n wa r ra 'it w I in nl.itiw .McNeill was (leleuteil a lot , I ri n g. tie-n I ol 'lie iinetij, ,ninp.Mi.i prove your con-iib ration. Ilien we de- elire and -elf le-pecl of Mia' (out, n:i( Vliur ,,,.,,. ,,, same, and hi. since oiil 'he miliony Irv ! we ( a 1 pe il I eis of t ' n lo n ,o L'n.'iU will i ret urn i o u m k " 1 1 . oi r t . i in aio not no ' ." -aid hi oi' , oi ' , ii .,n 'I n. -da y ' ' ' '" " "I '' Hi'1'. I' . . ., c "MO ii in. i,t I !i.r let !i M' i ' ii ' 1 n ,r. tint I ty it lo 11. ei.i. it. i. il, . . I ., .. , . . Hie.xli of l aitli !i ive adib d le h ,i ( oiol'i I. .on in It pb di-e 1.. , . n 1 1 a i y n i ' u ' v. a on 1 1 ' ' -is - u in Ii; it) o! tie I '-ni. In each ol la i' h. and lego' ,1 an v k ml Willi a go en ,.l ' ' o J . - .1,1- ol ' Il - 11 II "Ml ar, i .i .!a l.'. I i l.-i-- ba i M 'i, . op,-1 a ,o, ,,, l.i I'- 11 Cf. In 1 1 1 . i , ' ( i ' ! i r ,i ,i,i- laat 1 1 . normal basis only by the introduction ' of ei -on ii in les in operation, improving ' its l r it l -. equipment and -i rv ice a nd 1 ,1, , ,e con' i ti 1 1 d. "to convict two 1 iber- of ll nig who are a: tlii in i-chief. and I am going to I "i mi i ool no- you did " Veu're a liar! " The light w a- t In n mi Kepn o n e ' w 1 1 ( ) -o, g b ' U I I - l 1 it W o! d I, , l: Ii; I.e. I Hid i I h il le- w 1,1 II. llllliillll. if lot lllij.'. 'I 1 :-. the i,,el pl.-.l-n'ell lo !;,!ll I lie Soviet I'-ili'l Ii lliel, I his le b l!e- I ilpelllils. wi;e!l be ibllo j, , -, 1 1 i he sii gg. : ii oi l, llo I'.rtti- . I .' I ill. !i!-.:i II" '-x il i in - i-... 'iiiiieiit lor a 1 1 iii c ii ode r cmiil ' ' h , ' Hi- l!n on W : 1 to C. mptiny i..,i. w In h would 1 1 .i v r ii i ri n -' 1 ! i ' i ' I-1 1 y awarded Iii-. cmpauy tlin .,., territor ar. in ' any a. ' j.ornraii for conipletiig Hie steel acrie-sion and hi- ...'ii nued 1 1 , si ai . r w h n b h.i . been partially re ,,,,, ,., ,, inva-ion ol el li n ogra pb ii a I built at tin- liuxton Wilson dock l'i,;i h t.irilor wiih a v ew to a lu llii- on u ' ion Mr Cotiei -ay. of tba' (Miiii-n l.y fon e ol , thai be was rei!iested lo use some 'I1 ,, , dimn nn'iinu-il to tilld Oil t curing a reasonable return uponi , p.. f ..,,. .....i ,eoort them U l' ra.-lieil an..-- M w wmdiiig stairs gives ,i I be uity to that part of the building Kvery feature of the par- Tbe president's e parlor. Is a credit ni The over-head ibsence of the expo--he new fixtures for add charms to the bathrooms are no Hi nt, but are up In ' he convenience of tir.iry could hardly it if ul. . !. ills- well there , a' all to tbeih 'o I :ke t!,' -oriety work r ' bad- in her a n d I ie u h ' .owaa expects . r .; . - i . ties to take i n, ; il, - i'c ready, and i !!. i . re going to i very rxpecfa- lor i- ai r. oflice, f;n in.' to the in-' i' plastering, i' ed wiring, .r electrlr lit'-,' structure, longer in t lo t he building the girls l be in ide in. "l'. "WO s Clll be ;. . ,. The g.l ; .-. l",ol in Ho .In-' a- W . debates oe; ill state,, j her two 1, the lead Hie l.lll iii lie oi os niiii-e ii .i in , ,i public service when honestly and et- j(. ,,xpiljn(,(, ,!,. ,1,,-re is a dead licii-ntly managed. i " Rest oral ion of credit iuvo'v, s a readjustment of relations whiib will, remove public antagmu-ni. provnl public en-operation and insure the in- ivniL' who have be.-n al this priii 'ice for some I, in. lo the exus peralion of hoiiseboid' rs in the sec-, lion in which the gang op'Tiles people who have been victims of the ,i i iii . 'or Sovim ,n ' it i.t hois If i!o Soviel. i oiwitlHiundiiig the pnni- hiiii-nt w hu h its aggres-ioii 1 ei,, i, 1 1 it ' . -nil i -I use i o with draw tiii- sinister propo-al, lm con- . i ! I ! i ' 1 1' ! i oil' Weighed, tie ('.in,!, land r-pre-e n l a 1 1 ve upheld hi- -of : he ba : t le I . ma rkalil v w ell . vestor i he integrity of his investment . ... ,,,,,,, .,, i, .siipi'orl.'r. ol the two i ii.i m p me and a fair rale f retturn thereon pra healthy for the youg-ter- if 1 1 1 ' ' Hill (ooperirion m laooris , sln( )(, iri)t,El, ,, ,.,.r(. tial to tin- prosperity and u - f u . i , of i he electric lines. t'i" report sav.-. ( ,, , titim in. wkl-.Nsllll adding that employe- -limild reiei, w a l.ving wage and have liiiin.iti.- A pt ! Ii w dding was w- hours and working condition- qui '! -olemn '-d ,M nd iy after i , "T'i' y should have I be r:g!i' to ,;, ,' ene a' ''o res dein e v. , ile.,1 . llecllvetv wrli heir .eni.b.y- of Mr and Mr- W K l'wery , ,-. loctlu.-. ', .ion.', I 'I.''. w i -i M ' l.'.'.verC- V ,,-,,. or repi ... iiM'ive- ol ".ei - .'.. Mr ivird H- ' A II., in ; .'.-. 'ion All l.bor il. mi . .- .f N.of.'l lie! M' - .Man.', sboii d I" -e"led ol u 11 ' .1 T'I I y or by I , hip a'-, ol N ito'.K. Were irlii'r i'xiii and III" award of smli a i,;,.-. i n, mini I ,.,,. I -'imi'., I be fi ii.i I and bind, UK To .mipie i, 'imn N'or- uiion bo'h pi' iie-" i folk. a. compaii:' d i Iii" gn-mu' n. ( 1 1 a 111 her to the ce :, 1 e r o! t be a I - b ' ai:-! -I : in i, ,M r llri'i-i-i- Willi li ;s li -' smiii-wlii -e ii. 'he general ilil'ei ' oil ..I , i, ., , ,, . ii, ., i ,.,i . , i 1 ' ' "' "" " h .: .( - 1.. l',.li.O, l,.,-r.. I I M lit '- I II e m l l III e, lory in order lo I r - ii- aci' ie line on l lo- I'ol ;-h peopo . no free govern mi nt i an llier in h no w leu g" or u.mi w ,l h i !n Soviet ol ig.i ri by . i n l t 1 the purpose of . pai i .er IMmlit lo I em II X Isilottl lh, i oiitestan' s. Inn tin- 'a I. .v. 1 "What ha- befall'-i. in tin- hor more Mi. in lin y had anti, ,p, ! ,:,d war m Hie incili-r- of n i'imia! w:.i, :,, ., ,o7,. see, mils Hie run .ill ngh's. win Mer in l!i--ia or lu I'o wa - tided by Chain land, migh' to U W..I..11: !'' ar I'rni' - in tb. in x it gn- s ir The v. r'il . in ! w, -t Ciplain .lame- Ii l N- ii, i i r ng for pe.e -. hu pee- i join d i ii the melee, at li rst a pea r- make Rood and no i ya The finishing imu Im- in the way , paint ate being put upon the en-i re building. Surely tin g.rls' col-1 Is more beautfitl. and none with' modem equipment Chowan i leee "The College Beautiful'' ' re for business. The enrollment' more than doubled what was ex- I . . il, and every day hrlngs new , : ; .mrnts. of ' he "PI i -en 'a t , , , a 1 1 l ' ' I alil . I i : i.-. n of Hi-- pi-.p. - e ' Mr llio e ! In all r 111- - - . 'i four an M M - i" n,. I 111 I le , a I . 1. li 1 . t . . ' i, ! '.. for ord. r d i - in' . - -1 i i i ii ig"'d 1 o ho'il t ),. oiii-i- ,1 i'id order wa- hn.i'! r he a ssitatn e of He- i ..a ; v .,'. uti.iiip. -n 'in- of t . i , i IVI'I gll ' loll Of ' i bl ' ' !e - - ' ! i ' II- ( ' i v l ' i , i ' i o I It'll ' !''H a i I u. ik. M ! !.v li-.. - in' w i r !,i re. i ' 1 1 1 1 1 i - i ' " ' l" ' T' i !tif-h and " i i 1 :i i"1 ' ' ' nun'- i In i efore ;u. u n ' 1 in u r g r r l! ii' every efTort Oimild be oiad '" l.iinir 'o a n-ssn' on tie xi-''"' I i!ldi'1l'tl- of strife between tl I Hons " WANTED-TO 11EXT DWELLING house in good residential section ot lb city. Nothing lent than alz or It i- intolerable tha' the Irair-por- f ,;',i, r. Mr C T Cooke, and the : i ..i -. n i, , et a i it v -bou hi b" sii Ii ,-- ,e brut her. Mr '. ' il llrow n ;i p i 'id order w a - h n.i' H r-- I len in oci asiotia! paralysis, whether 'I be 1 1 m tuot'v wa- p, rfornn tl in t','- w by strike' or m kouts '' I vreseiirc of ineml,. r- of the iiiuue at ,irn,- Senator S'aiy nioi'd t:, i A satisfactory .,iition of the pro- dm'o and lb' welding pnr'y t In :irctimnt be Htopici and 'ait Idem of tiie indu-try cannot be Pft on the afternoon train for Nor- the ( nmmlttep no iniu ex . nt ,e reached wllhoui ronsiderlnc the fair folk mom The nio'ion curried ami Hi1' valuation of the properties, the re-- chamber was cleared of nil pi r-o:, porta says When this is done. It ( SII.K llosE SI'KCIAI, except members of the coinniit'e I'olt AI ,E FOI'H IIOfSEM adds, companies should voluntarily We were x-ery fortunate In serur- With the smoke of battle cleared , i: 'i 'Meet. Practlrally new Will II reduce rapilaiization to the bui of jng an extra good lot of silk hose, somewhat, a substitute bill wa . for about half what they ran lie that valuation. , rolors black, white and navy, plain drawn providing for an audit for boil' for Ketfpr Investment could not land lace striped, to sell nt the very Cumberland rounty. the board ul ; li" found. Hee M. G. Morrlseite. at WAiNT ADS FOR HALE FOl U HOI SES ON Dell street. Practically new. Will sell tor about half what tb'! be built for. Better Investment could . m J - tr n avIm I special price of 11.50 a pair. commissioners to have authority to Main Stret Furniture Store. inn These hose are (tood $2.50 to employ the auditor or auditors at ul 13.00 values, and you will do well cost not to eiceed 15.000. Thej FOItl) TOt'ItlNG CAU FOIt HALE to lay la a supply now at this un- audit must begin within 30 days and Practically new In good condition. naxattv tnw rtr- M f.plrh Rhnen -llt rnrnr Ihm narlnil hnrlnnlnv with. Innl In GUI ItPfch Street. Cll for of I In- men u ho hail been in I he i"ii ploy of the I!u M on W l! -on' cifm p.l'l.v, thai be subuiiti(i.d the iiie-tion to !''i) proper i i-pre-i ii la ' i 1 1- of the union; represented a' his plant and was given assurance of lli' ir a ct u 'escen '0 In the mutter on I'll ti r -day , l hat oil Krulay a t " '' '''' "f t he ai pen ters ii ii ion i ii f ii it d h iin thai I ho men would n ' go wink unies-i a cert a ii. ma n w (,i-pl.ic - . I bin ho ., smi ri .1 I lo i n I i ' i t hai 'ft ho men i- i oi l-l ei ii i I : wok the I!,:," r w 1 -a ol ..1,11-'' i! by n :. i ii,,i il,. ... i i : I to co 'o work .'1.1 ! . V ' ' ', ' o U ol I, - iill e wn i. io r i i:ins 'I ( i -. S. ': open September i -"-. ' I ' r p iri'li'-i ' .. I . ! , ',' 1: i - " red be- i , . , ! , ' !. a r i u i r . - tf "I ' ' b , . i I ' bat all . i ! 11 l la I', I 1 e 1 l till Wllill' !i.- v.ici III .t oi 111 i In deterred ii ii ' Nov . Ol b.o Hu, ol leu HUM IH r i 1 1: i re i- ii. iii h t mi., lo-' during a. p.-riod of -ore arni- S . SMKK!'. Sup. riuteinli.nt Aug H 1. L'.'i. nfil KAKM I Oil SALE 1-4 miies from town 60 acre farm, fill acres cleared and In culti vation The adjoining land to this farm cannot be bought for $300 an acre. Near schools and very desirable neighborhood Price $10,500. I will be glad to show you the farm If you want a No. 1 farm. Harry M. Seeley. 318 Hlnton Building Tbone