. THE WEATHER Fair tonight and Thuri- day. Cooler tonight, tyod erate west winds VQL y " ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 1, 1920 NO. 199 Championship To Victorious Elks v. 10 rwnlnrin MEET THIS WEEK aptuic x AT WILmNGT0N of Twilight League by t our NEW DIRECTOR PANAMERICA Accepting Office Dr. Rowc Pledges Himself to Mutual Service of Nations Concern ed In Thl-j Organization New York Folks Having More Babies And This In Spite of H. C. L., Scarcity of Houses and Everything, They Say TWO AVIATORS DIE IN FLAMES Now York, Kept. I DeiMe the high cih! of living, shortage of lions- Straight Wins. tTo Mailbags Scattered In All Di rections When Machine Ex plodes Upon Reaching The Ground Adjutant Cale K. Burgess, cf Raleigh, Announces Pro gram of American Legioners of North Carolina Rods for the fourth time in succession, the l"1. POUND SAYS IT ALL DEPENDS Tells United States Strategic Considerations Must Gove m Poland's Keeping Within Bounds Washington. Sept. 1 (By The As sociated Pre - -t Poland today an swered the admonition of the I'n'ted Stales that the Polish armies halt at the Polish ethnographic frontier v.i'h the statement 'hat strategy r-mid-orations must govern Poland's course. Pi o f an t i r. c t ll e . n i : v,; tVio Twilio-ht LcacUC Elks took the r.tzu cnamiJiwnaiiii a featurek., ,.au. yesterday afternoon. The score was 8 to 3 when the seventh inning finally drag ged to an undramatic close, and the good-sized crowd de parted for home and supper with little apparent inclination to cheer the winners, who mod estly refrained from crowing over their rivals. The Red:-, put up a game fight for the series, but luck and the breaks of the game seemed against them from the start. Davis, pitching for the Reds again alter his splendid performance Mon day, was decidedly out of form, wicie Hinton. Elk pitcher, seemed master of the situation throughout Ins four innings in the box. being supplant nl bv Evans at the beginning ol the l,fth, while Davis turned the box work over to Woodley in the sixth The Cubs anil Beds will play an exhibition game on the Main street diamond at five o'clock Friday attei noon. Admission, 'lb cents for adulis and 15 cents for children. The managers and other officials of the Twilight Baseball Association are making tentative plans foi a banquet to be given the three teams comprising the league, and it probable that the silver loving cup. the 1920 championship trophy new hoing engraved with the name of the victorious Klks. will he presented to ;hem then. A total of W ' war lax was rcalizeil m ga triiiu the tour ctia m pion-a e f which Sol -all went to the Sixty per cent ol tie ,.j . or !I2.1, was award-1 1 10.1,-. ami 40 per ITli: ": . , !',,. Reds. The man.i-' r; i. W. HKOTHKHS TAKKS IP Dl'TIKS The new register of deeds, 0. V. brothers, took up his duties We-' nesday morning. He was -worn in to office by the clerk of the court. 0. R. Little, at nine o'clock Mr. Brothers finishes the term of J. W Niunden, who resigned to go into business and also fills the next term f office. Mr. Brothers is so well known for absolute faithfulness in U,,. discharge of his duties and to.' unfailing courtesy that the poop'j fool and this they expressed by their votes in the primary--that h. ,.. decidedly the man for the posi tion Mrs. Mary .McCoy, who has alio :p Kane a --0,0.1' remain' to the :;lil. 'J 1 Oi Ml'- public and 1 1 I.eag'i ju.st every Vide ' Plans ready v tr.-'U- teams ox pre.-s i their I hanks for the sii i op'-r.it am given the Tw , during the baseball . and give assurance l:c:it n-oii that eflur: will be made to pro ,,,,, better baseball next year ! (, the season of ml are al heing discussed. : ame by innings: First Inning ' Twiddy to lirst, error 11. veridge out, foul bum t ,.!nUo; Twiddy stole second; wa ken; w . vtcauiiiij. 1() left, scoring Twiddy; avis to Woodley, scor- -, Raper out, Dennis to Two runs, one hit. "lie. out to Pinner; Hen Dennis, one base hit is singled to center; second on l.owry's d. No runs, two hit-.. Eil Da. third Hughes base hit Hinton on ing Hugh Woodley error. Reds- Pevr derson fanned to center; l'.' Davis out :i irfnnn fit f 1 O K 5 no errors. n,.,.e nil Inning Elks Pinner out, fly to Luwry m,iiB n,,t. t;.' iuiiJ-t to Woodley .o.i . fiv :o Terry. No runs 1VCIU Ulli-i ' . hits, no errors Ke,li Sevmuur out. stellar run ning catch by Kaper; McBee, one base hit to center, Woodley. base On balls; McBee out bet ween second and third on Wynne s grounder, . with Wynne safe at firs.; Woodley out at plate on Perry's grounder to Hinton. No runs, on hit, no errors. Third lnninR Elks Twiddy struck out; Bevor idge out, Dennis to Woodley; IltltltDD rttm Initio bit to left; W I,,,,,,, ,,f such valuable help n tin (,tlice for some time, will keep loo ;oi i1 "II there, SMITH SIT IX LEADS (.,;, 1 1 1 ; 1 i i, S. ('.. Kept. 1. S' lialor Smith is still leading for the Sen ai'cord'i'.' to ;he state, but la. ks ( neiioriiv neeessarv. and a -ero:iii primary is predicted. runs, no hits, two errors. Fourth Inning Elks Falls out, excellent catch by Peny; Reid out, lly to Dav. , Twiddy out, Davis to Woodley. No 1 runs, no hits, no errors. I Reds Woodley, two has- hit to center; Wynne out, pop tly to Hiny tier; Henderson fanned. No run-, ton; Terry out, Ueveridge to Pin in, liit, no errors. Fifth Inning Elks Ueveridge, one base 1,,'. :. left; forced out at second on Hughes' grounder; W. Weatherly struck out; Hinton to first, error Woodley; Raper singled to left, scoring Hughes; Pin ner, one base hit to left; Hinton out on steal to plate. One run, three hits, one error. n,.,i iTOvans in box for Elk.- Dennis struck out; Davis out, 11 id to Pinner; Dowry struck out. No runs, no hits, no errors. Sixth Inning Klks (Woodley pitching lor neo - T' .mi Tinnnis in l'errv: Keel struck out; Twiddy struck out. No nins. no hits, no errors. Reds Seymour out, Evans to Pinner; Tatem, one base hit to lef,, Woodley out, Evans ,o P un ; Wynne struck out. No runs, ohe h': no errors. Seventh InniiiK E1.. -Ueveridge to first, error Lowry; Hughes out, fly to avis; W. Weatherly to first, Ueveridge to third, on grounder; Hinton, base on l.alla- lteer i ge inline on puswe'.i Raleigli, Sept. 1 Arrangement-, for the Second Annual Convention of the North Carolina Depnrtmi in of the American Legion have been completed mid the Depaitinen Ad jutant. Cale K Hurgess of Raleigh, has announced the program that will carry to Wilmington on Sep tember Hrd and 4th, representatives from 112 cities and towns in the State. Department Commander John Heaslov of Monroe will call his com rades together at one o'clock on Fri day and ask Rev J. M. Roberson. Department Chaplain, to pronounce the Invocation. Thereupon Cyrus Hogue of the Wilmington Post will speak words of welcome to the Con vention and Allen Adams of Greens boro will make the response. Next in line will be the address of Com mader Iiea-ley. followed by brief ad dresses by R. O. Cholmeley Jon. ,, Director of War Risk Insurance, and C. (i Schultz. Director of Voca tional Training, Atlanta, Ga. Also at the Friday afternoon Session, tie' appointment and announcement of all convention committees will he made so that the interested parties can have the entire evening and ran have the entire evening and night to scrap and wrangle before , (v.,..,., it t e.iu make the r tlie umeifui Convention eary Saturday morning, report to the Second Session of the concerning the Fonlney Ad.' 'tie'V 1 Compensation bill which will in all probability make its appearance in the next session of Congre-s, rever sal Military Training. Education. Good Roads and many other vital well a- riM'nm menila I ions nent Officers. Depart ,.H to the Na'ional Con i, u ill b held in ,,, Sep' 27. dale ana Tli 1 1 .1 Annual Dopn' proh1 for . nient von: a j Clove 1. o. an f . nienl I ' i--ues ci gion in address made a' rn n g i Slate he C Sal up lire ' I ie ion by E l i a uilin; of I'u v II mien k on American la v,' u tv and Du'v in N Adjutant Hurg" lv urge that everv no in. ' on " i'c l.fe of the l.e- The principi. , nlion will be v morning se---i' S'Uiere V.irl.ell. WK ' subject. "'I'll ' 1 i. Oiipnrl iin: !, Carilma ;-,ys: "I earne-'-oeal Post send Washington, Sept. 1 - Dr. L ,S. Rowe tixlay assumed the directorship of the Pan American 1'nion, succeed ing John Parrel t, who retired after fifteen years of service as directing head of the I'nion. The transfer of directorshop took place In the presence of members of the Latin American diplomat 1c corps. Secre tary of State Colby and other high ollicinls of tlie I Hited States govern ment. The new director informally ac cepting the office declared thai his policy would be to foster a "smoothly operating international organization that makes for mutual confidence, good will and above all for the main tenance of peace." "In entering upon the duties of director general of the Pan Ameri can I'nion," said Dr. Rowe. " desire lo avail myself of the earliest op portunity to say that my major pur-lo-e will be to subserve the -ame great international purposes that have guided my distinguished pre decessors. During the last lifteeen years Mr. Rarrett has per formed such conspicious seriee to the cause of continental oiidar ty l hat the Pan American I'nion has come to oi cupy a high place in the est iniat ion of all the nation of America. Throng1: his efforts the unity of purpose n the peoples of America has been .: rt ngt hened and I hey all owe lo him a very real dob' of gratitude. "Mutlla! service is !hi very cor nerstone of the Pan American move ment and llus - :;ne i lea of service permeates and v.talizes the work ol the 1'nion. Everyone connected wi; h t he organi.a' ion is con .ml iy seeking new opportunities for ser vice and u.sefu'iiie.s- This great in ternational institution is the center to which the governments and peoples of the American republics turn for in ti.rsn;:' ion . '1 h rough i; s agency, the fog of distrust, due to lack of ac i a n i n I a n e wilh one auielier. is ra unity of purpose and unity of ideals p dly being dispelled The essential of i he Republics of Amer.ca are, with each year, becoming more evi dent In this unity of imrpo.se and of ideals I here is involved a gp i in ,-sion an :jm pie ol a v operating international or 1 on i hiu make, tor in at no ! . good will and alioe ill. n a i n tena lice of n ace i ry ill g f or wa id : he w oik ol m . i I will be n (.--!' t o . Id i CO O le 1 i'I"!!. in 1 o actual birth rate in New York City Is going up at a rapid rate, according to health authorities ;ssued here I The figures show that Ihe birth 1 rate per thousand for the firs! seven months of 11121) was 22.;14, against' the rate of 21.00 in thf same period laot year. While the birth rate is on the in crease, the health department sta tistics show, that the death rate of children in the city is on the decline The rate of Infant mortalit y for the past year on each one thousand births was SII. while the proceeding years a much higher figure is on the rec ords. The decline in death rale is at iribu'ed by the ant liortt it's to he laws of saiiit-ition and healthful living, which are now better understood by the mass of t he people. Morristown, N. J. Sept. 1 Two aviators, carrying mail were burned to death when their plane fell here today. The machine was In flames as it, neared the ground and an explosion occurred when It landed, throwing the mall bags in all directions. Pilot Max Miller, known as an ex pert, and his assistant, were the men killed. WHITE FAVORS TWOMILLIONS Democratic Chairman Names This Sum For Campaign Says No Budget Yet Estima ted By His Party Chicago, Sept. 1 . - Democrat ic f Chairman White today told the Sen ate Invest igal ing Committee that be thought a two million dollar fund for the national campaign would pro vide adequate funds. He said t hat no Democrat ic fund j committee had yet been appoin edj and no budget estimated He also said that he knew nothing of the cvi-j deuce showing a Republican attempt to corrupt the electorate" and the only place he knew where such evi-.j deuce could be obtained was from Governor Cox. While said be talked with Gover nor Cox and that the Governor told 1 1 j iii he was sure of his ground in Two Big Nights Of 1920 Jollies Two big nights of unmitigated laughter and thorogoing enjoyment --that's what Elizabeth City is looking forward to on September 9 and 10. It's the Elks, of course, with their big show. "Jollies of l!)2(l." There's a big cast, a full program, elaborate cosl umes and everything, and most of all, there's quality in this big min strel, vod-ville, home town stunt and the advice given by those who know is "Iluy your ticket from some Elk quick. You won't want to miss it." j AUCTION THURSDAY ' There's another big auction sale ! of land Thursday morning at 10:30 by llurion Brothers. I Twiford and Twlford are the local 1 agents, and the land to be sold is the Joshua Davis farm on Ehrlnghaus street. The band will play so that everybody may be on the lookout for the big sale. Poles Recover East Galici Warsaw, Sept 1. The greater part of Eastern Galicia has been re covered by the Poles and I'k ra n Ian ,, according lo reports from l 'a i eastern front win s III I gall .i 1 ' Ollh'l' hi: making hi- charge told Cox "You an run it lie -aid he li beralise he bad 1 1 e sa id lie d i who had offered Kionih! on ns iiin and t hereu pon he the boss, a,nd yon lieved the rhino confidence in l'o barged Prof II ; li is serv ices t o li"' a 1 leiiioorat s Suspends Order Coal Priority Washington. Sept. 1 - The Inter state Commerce Commission todiy suspended for live days, hi ginning to morrow, i he order giving coal prior it y to New England ,. v I HAWAIIANS EXTINCT IN ' ,,.n i n- SEVENTY-FIVE YEARS Killed Prisoners. . high minded pat.i otie. lighting li nrosenta'iv! s M, tic Convention, ami , .00 that thes- delegates arrive ,n YVilmington before -he "zero hour. one o'clock, Eriday. September . . ; rale from "the jump n"'" minute on i ,,i., ,.ii the lini -h on Saturday afternoon, the firing will be rapid. , p.,11 will be for many vig- a no ui'- " orous men with got"1 i,:,n and the courag' vict ions.'' ,lH, Legion has more than double the In less Uuie than twelve months ,,,e Legion has more tnan doubled in the number of posts in , hi. State and ,odv it has a pa.d up membership . . . r soldiers (1 ,11 O O t ll ui tiw .v.. heads, good of their ron- of Iocs, marines and Ai.ny auria' no i ' and -nppiil t of the leadiim nu n ,.!; 1 w . oio u of all I he republic .l , e ' i:e at and 1 earne.,1 i hope I ha ' I ia.iv be assured of I hi .ml pen ible requisite for the solution of the ma ny i in port a nt problems i on -IM at ::"- the I'a" An'.' 'call I'nion." ir Itiitr eifer,; u pon I lie dil'ie. of di:ec lor g neral of the I'nion with an inliina'e knowledge of Latin American affairs, having served as head of the State I lepar' ment ' ' di vision of Dal in-American Affairs for Mime tiie and previous to Met' hav ing been a member. of various con eic- ions for the study of Datin Amoriean subjects. During Ihe world war Dr. Rowe was as : t int secretary of the Treasury. He wa secretary of the second Pan m' r lean Financial Conference, which una in 1 !l 1 5 and the Intern;.' muni High Commission an organizati Latin-American republics Rowe has received degrees fi nii.ii' or of South American " nit ies o City, Sept 1 Lack r in 1',.. motion of Hie wIm'PmIiuh: - ' Sandy Gardiner. American, mil W It John on. Ilr'i li w ho w ere kid ,,: by the h-' n. lit mi"' , , to fears that both have be. n .". ec ll 1 ed of Dr ",l " ' I aU9 l,eeii..h- --- . Weatherly walked; Hinton singled baI1; w weatherly cauglt off third; ' right; Raper, one base hit to cen- napeTi onP base hit to copter, nring scoring Hughes and Weatherly; ; ln ln ll;i,ton; Pinner to first, erroi I' niier out, Davis to Wooiflcy. Two lyytine, scoring Raper; Kvaiia or. uns, three hits, no errors. Terry. ' Three runs, two 1" t . Keds Henderson to second, error errors. Keal; Dennis out, Ueveridge to Woodley; Davis hit by pitcher; l Jv.ry safe on grounder, scoring p,.ttv one hase hA to AttTua 1 1 ' .' right; Henderson out, tly to Held; Detinis out, Evans to Pinner; Dav!3 i- nnl rtuvta orrnr Huihasl .u arnrlns Vo-rv. Lowrv and Weatherly; Seymour out, fly t0 out. Weatherly to Pinner. One tun, Ueveridge; McBee struck out. Twj two lilts, no errors. .... Rout Sinn Feiners With Armored Car Belfast. Sept. 1 -Fighting was re sumed today beteweon the National ist and Unloniss. shipyard worki ra and troops. Heavy firing continued far an hour and a half and it was feared that i'.i: casuality list would be heavy. Sinn Feiners were dislodged from their position by an armored car. H is 'definitely kuown that one was killed In a North street encounter m another bitter light at the docks between union dock worker.-, and shipyard employees in which pis tols, sticks and stone were used, troops ended the conlllct with ma chine guns. Two hundred and fourteen cerl ous fires have occurred since last Wednesday. L. C. Baum, ot Poplar BrancS, was ln the city Wednesday, w, , me MAYOR SINKS RAPIDLY London. Sept I Mover Ma"- Sweenev is sinking rapidly say the mm nil'" papers, having snffi red ; change for the wor e during ilv n'glr l.li, yd George'-' erneary. replvlng n ihe clemency plea, i-aul if King C, o 'i reieased t'o niasor It would I io a i-a: list the rahim ' s advice wil h I in,. oin cable re ill' that it would ' ' . e rc-ign. 4 kis( i ss krk i:s of COTTON SUFI) AMI l l'AM IS Montgomery. Ala . Sept 1 . Com missionr rs of agriculure from fen cotton grow;ng slates met lie;-., lo day to confer about the pi ' ailine i ,,w j 1 1 i f . , of re'ton vend and ea-llllts INFORMAL STAG! P- 'Jnderstood That Japanese Here Will Be Naturalize 1 And Further Immigratio i To United States Prevente ! COTTON FORECAST Washington, Kept. 1 4''1"' n production this year is fore'.ast I .7,s:i.lMiO by the Kepvt t""nt '' Agrlcult are, which plio e th cc thin of the crop on August LT, it "." per cent. Honolulu. T 11.. Sep' I 11 i waii'- irii i" race will be extinct la , 7 ea r- if ihe ra tin of births and deal Iih -e! bv the ollicia I fign re f if I he fiscal vear I ll 1 h '-U is maintained. Thi U indicated by the n te.rt of Dr. . K K Trotter, preiien! of 1'ie 'er ! rilorial board of health which shows j that during I he year t he de 'Mri .f ' pu re - blooded 1 1 a wa 1 i i " 1 ' 1 ' 1 I I l.onrt. while there were f 7 f births I There are a tiproxinia t ely .'i,iH pure-blooded Hawaiians living on 'h" Hawaiian Islands. aeconlMig la es't mate s. Reports for pn-t years show decreases in their numbers. In marked contrast with 111 ev' dence that the llawai'ans are mem bers of a "dying race" are the vi' il statistics dealing wilh those who rep resent mixtures of Hawa'lan with Cuiica-dali and Asiatic blood. Of the Cauea i a n 1 1 a w a i ians, 249 died during t he 1 asi fiscal year, while there weie ChH births in 'hat section i f the territory's population. The Asiatic Maw irian strain principally Chinese Hawaiian recorded 103 deal lis. and 4!l 1 birt lis The natural increase in the Jap anese population of the territory during the year was ".llfiC. During the year there were Ofia" birth and 1 , a !( 7 deaths among Ihe Japanese. V,: ihlivgton. Sept. 1 Reports of an agreement between Japan and th Fnited State3 on Immigration aie apparently premature, Slate Depart ment olhclals said today. Disrusslons have not passed the informal converatlon stage, a Tok o dNpalch to a Honolulu newspaper said, hut It in agreed that Japanese here be naturallzed"and further lin niigration to the United States pre vented. MAY imiCK IU'llilIN(i FOR OU THAI' StUOOli V. J. Burgess, of Siitloh, was In the c.tyj Wednesday. ' . A new $25,000 brick school build ing Is now going up at Old Trap In Camden County and is expected to lie ready before the close of next session. WANTS NO ItF-AITOINTMKNT Washington. Sept. 1 - Federal Trade Commissioner W. R Colver in formed the White House today thnt he would seek no re-appointment as he wished to engage in private business. ctl.l'FI'FKIl COMPANY MOVING IN Ni;V STORK The Culpepper Hardwire Com pary is moving Into their handsome new alore on the corner of Matthews and Polndexter streets. ANTIH ARK OFIKT Nashville, Tenn.. Sept. 1. Rati fication opponents made no further move today following the action of expunging the Hiifl'rage resolution, from the House records and said the whole thing mu-t go to court for settlement. FIU'IT JAUS I have them. R. L. Garrett. Phone 698. Corner Locust and Cherry Sts.