Net Circulation MONDAY 1,063 Copies THE WEATHER Rain Tonight; Fair Wednesday. VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 16, 1920 NO. 263 fes GREEK CABINET HASRESIGNED Greeks Expected to Ask Form er Premier Hallis to Form New Ministry Venizelos Awaits Army Vote (c ifc )(( Athens, Nov. 16. Premier Veni zelos' cabinet has resigned and the Greeks are expected to ask former Premier George Hallis, aged 80, to form a new ministry. The victory of the opposition seems certain. Venizelos has decid-j ed not to resign pending announce-. ment of the army vote. Paris, Nov. 16. Newspapers here! .. T7. 1 1 Jt I agree mac cngiauu anu yiuuuuij France will forbid the return of for mer King Constantine to Greece. Venizelos defeat, it i3 said, would further complicate the difficulties of the Near East situation. Greek Army May Get Out of Hand Athens, Nov. 16. (By The Associated Press) Troops here have fired on several groups of after election trouble makers. There is fear of further trouble and the army may get out of hand. KING OF SIAM . IS REAL CHAP So Says American Minister To Siam Who Tells About His Presentation at Royal Palace In September HOUSEKEEPERS IN LIVELY WEEK Interesting Demonstrations On Every Day Merchants Are Co-operating With Agent Housekeepers Week began to-day with interesting talks and demon strations in the Rest Roams in the Hinton Building. Following is the program for the remainder of the week: Wednesday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock HUERTA WILL HEAD CABINET Provisional President of Mex ico Will Hold High Place Under Gen. Obregon When He Assumes Presidency Mexico City, Nov. 16. Provisional President De la Huerta will head the cabinet of General Obregon when he assumes the presidency on De cember first, says the newspaner Excelsior. JAP.STUDENTS DISCUSS WAR General Wrangel To Unknown Port Army Virtually Annihilated. He Leaves Sebastopol on Russian Cruiser Fireless cooker demonstration by dispatch says. Miss McQueen, of Plymouth. I Steam pressure cooker demonstra tion, Miss Albertson. Mr. O. W. Falls will give a talk on the cultivation of berries at 3:30. Thursday afternoon, 2:30 o'clock Miss Helen Galther, Home Dem onstration Agent of Perquimans London, Nov. 16. General Wrangel, whose army wa3 virtually annihilated by the Bolsheviki in Crimea, left Sebastopol on a Rus sian cruiser with soldiers bound for an unknown port, a Constantinople Tokio, Nov. 16. (By The Associated Press) Student societies of three private universities or ganized at a meeting to night to discuss the ques tion "Shall Japan Fight America?" , Controversy Is Now Open Break Juvenile Concert On November 24th at High School Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 16. (By The A.m-otoH Prima) A colorful Dae- -....---ji-..--n.i.i,tHnii-of-a-eonty. 8lve a demonstration - .... Uo IHtirr nf ffinm. 1 ant according to a letter received here ; l'00k'"g' from G. W. P. Hunt, United States lecture on r'TheMethods-of minister to Slam, who described nis ( own presentation September 6, last. The American minister said he was one of 47 Americans in Bang- j kok, a city of 800,000. Of his pre sentation at the royal palace he rt-t Qr.rncQ an immpnsfi from Hertford V C Dial Iva " - paved court to the royal entrance. There was a fanfare of trumpets and two bodies of household troops stood at attention. The royal colors were displayed and with uncovered heads we passed on to the stone staircase which for the occasion was laid with a heavy red plush carpeting. Along ?ach side were stationed guards with ancient looking halberds. "We were ushered into a large ro tunda. Our hats were left on a ta ble. Then we turned to the right, mounted a few more stairs and came into another long room with lofty windows along one side. Between the windows were niches in which stood knights in armor (without the ; knights themselves, of course.) Along the other side of this long room or passage there was a row of beauti-j ful marble pillars and beyond them j a large room At the end of the cor ridor stood nine chamberlains, rath-j er great nobles, resplendent in rich dress and ablaze with orders on their, breasts. "Suddenly folding doors opened as if by unseen hands and I walked in- j to the presence of the only despotic j monarch left in this world. And as if befitting the the reception of an envoy from the greatest republic on earth, he was dressed very simply in a long frock coat. j "The Prince D, who Is at the head of the foreign office, presented me and retired to the rear of the room while I read to the king, as etiquette requires, my brief speech, and he replied In Siamese in like manner: 3:30 o'clock Miss Lula White will talk on "Fitting Corsets.''' Friday afternoon "Household Management and Interior Decora tion" by Mrs. McCrary, district agent, from Washington, N. C. Millinery demonstration by Miss Swindell, home demonstration agent Serious Disorders Are Result of Food Prices Lisbon, Oct. 28 (Correspondence of the Associatel Press) Serious disorders have occurred in Angra de Heroismo, capital of St. Michael's Island Mr. Howard Hettrlck will talk on floor finishing. The Delco Light Company will give demonstrations at their office on Matthews street all day Wednes- day. The Lally Light Company will demonstrate their plants and elec trical appliances Thursday at their office on Water street. The Western Electric Company will give demon strations at in the Azores, "because of the high prices of food stuffs, especially milk, according to advices received here. The people raided the pro- j bnndmngter ot the visional stores ana uestroyed one dairy establishment. Troops were called and many shots- were ex changed. The governor of the island has sent in his resignation and at the (same time asked that additional troops be sent as those at hand were Insufficient to maintain order. Western Union Refuses to Handle State Department Cable Messages Said to be in Retaliation Washington, Nov. 16. (By The Associated Press) The long controversy between the State Department and the TIT i rr m Boys Band With Zeigler's v siei niu leiegrapn, uo mpany today reached the stage Band Will Render Program! 01 an pen( break when the company refused to handle any more cable messages for the State Department unless the tolls were prepaid. It was understood that the order was intended to apply to all government departments, but the others were excepted informally from the ruling. The Western Union said it based its action on delayed payments for previous cables, but department officials hold the opinion that the step was in retaliation for the failure of the department to allow the Western Union to land its cable at Miami, Fla., connecting the Barbadoes with the "British cable from South America. Bestcity's Boys' Band will render their first public program at the high school auditorium on Novem ber 24 th. Zeigler's Concert Band will play three compositions by Mr. Godfrey, the director of both bands. The boys will render popular mu sic such as "Silver Threads Among the Gold." Another interesting feature of the program will be vocal solos and duets I by popular local singers. There will be cornet solos by Mr. Godfrey. These alone are worth the HID-1IIS LOOT IN EXTRA TIRE Postal Clerk Charged With Robbing Mails of $1800 Caught With Stolen Money Postal Authorities Claim Henderson, N. C, Nov. 16. L. V. Graves, postoflice clerk, was arrest- admission price, for Mr. Godfrey has e(i here today charged with robbing IX POLICE COURT Jack Wells was fined $10 and costs for disorderly conduct, in police court Monday. Mr. Wells is publisher of the Herald, Elizabeth City's Repub-tor or director. their office on Water Mean newspaper. A recent editorial and other city ..t.mot oil flow Trlltiv Tlio nil hlln lu in lliR Inripneiulpnt ma fin a nprsnnnl are after Mr. cordially invited. For any informa- attack on him and Wells went to the " Mr. Godfrey declares that he will tion as to these demonstrations, call door of the Independent, published j lick 10 Elizabeth City either Miss Albertson or Miss John- next door, and, it is alleged, told ("People chow me at jhis son, secretary of the Merchants' As-! Editor Saunders in language more that they want a band." quite a. reputation as a cornet solo ist. Speaking of Mr. Godfrey's work as band Instructor, Lew II. Johnson, Mirza Temple Masonic Band, of Pittsburg, Kansas, says: "I have been in the band busi ness for twenty-four years profes sionally and during that time I have never- met an instructor or musical director who could obtain the re sults in a short time like I). F. God frey. I consider him a specialist In creating first class bands. His com positions will make a reputation for a band, and as a cornet soloist it is hard to find his equal. I take great pleasure in recommending him to any band, professional or amateur, that needs a really capable instruc- Norfolk theaters amusement houses Godfrey's services, the mails of over eighteen thousand dollars. Part of the money, authorities said, was found in an extra autmo blle tire on his car. Notice 5 Contests Have Been Filed GETTING READY MEETING FOR OF DOCTORS Washington, Nov. 16. Notice of live contests for seats in the House of Representatives have been filed with the clerk of the house, who said that he expects 15 contests. The physicians of the city are making prepaiitions for the enter tainment ot the Seaboard Medical Society, which holds its annual meet ing here on December 7, 8 and 9. Leaves Tonight For Trip Around World Washington, Nov. 16. Commis sioner General Caminetti leaves to night for a trip around the world to investigate immigration questions. Goes Tomorrow To New Orleans If the concert sociation. TRY ELIMINATE THE MIDDLEMAN Farmers Convention In Kansas City Plans Establishment and Extension of Co-operative Sales Agencies Kansas City. Nov. 16. Establish ment and extension of co-operative sales agencies to eliminate the mid dleman in marketing farm products was the principal subject before the National Farmers here today. Delegates are present from states. forcible than refined what he, thought of him. His attorneys noted, an appeal from the court's judg-j .ment. Lewis Thornton was fined $50 and costs for operating an automo bile while under the influence of in-: toxicants. I Webb Giiffin, colored, of New-, land, was lined $5 and costs for as-: sault; James Hollonian, colored, was fiued $5 and costs for assault. ' James Hollonian and John Little,! colored, were taxed with the costs; for participating in an affray. DOES BUSINESS WITHOUT MONEY Rochester Firm Tries Check Plan Entirely to End Payroll Robberies and Demonstrate Efficiency Student Strike May Be Settled Tonight Annapolis, Nov. 16. The student strike at St. Johns College is ex pected to be settled tonight. I Brownsville, Tex., Nov. 16. Harding is today working on his correspondence and his New Orleana speech after abandoning storm- ; swept Point Isobel. The governor of Texas today ex- , tended the state's formal approcia- ! tion of Harding's visit and Senator Fall discussed border conditions. Harding leaves tomorrow for New Orleans to board a steamer for Panama. IV SUPERIOR COURT The jury returned a verdict late Monday afternoon in the case of W. j J). Taylor vs. Noah McMurran. The case involved a dispute between land lord and tenant and the issues were so answered by the jury as to make possible a set tleiiient., Union Convention ALKRAMA TONIGHT, 28 "When this ceremony was done he smiled and we sat down and had our little talk, for the king, you should know, speaks perfect Eng lish. He U short of. stature, like all Siamese, is quite plump, and Impres ses one as being a real chap." Nazimova, the distinguished Rus sian actress, is the attraction to-day at the Alkrama theater in the power ful drama, "The Red Lantern." She Is seen in a dual role, playing both Mahlee, the Eurasian, and Blanche, the Engl'sh girl. Washington, Nov. 16. Questions TnR roog are of such vastly dlff- of industrial peace and related prob- crent character that it is amazing to Rochester, Nov. 16 A large bus iness house having headquarters in this city has undertaken to conduct its affairs entirely without the use of j money. Instead of currency It in-1 , i tends to use checks, trade accep- But Expert Believes It Would lances ana travel cuecKs 10 Co,t As Much As to Mine pavments of every Warns Must Not Molest Sebastopol Constantinople, Nov. 16. The Bolshevik! were warned today by the French Admiral of the Black Sea forces that If the population at Se bastopol was molested or the town looted he would make reprisals. i CLAIM CAN MAKE REAL DIAMONDS Highest Flyer To Enter Business j HOOVER IS ATTENDING INDUSTRIAL CONFERENCE Choral Practice Wednesday Night The Elizabeth City Choral Society will meet Wednesday night at 7.30 instead of Tuesday night. Mr. Huf ty has been sick and his physician didn't think he should got out before Wednesday. Mr. Hufty Rays he is "still kicking" and that he Is anxious for a full crowd at the rehersal Wed nesday night. lems were discussed today at a con ference of labor leaders and Her bert Hoover, former food adminis trator, who Is attending the confer ence, at the request of President Samuel Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor. MRS. WILLIAMS IMPROVING I Mrs. H. K. Williams was quite sick on Sunday and Mr. Williams was unable to leave for Ashevllle to attend the Baptist State Convention' as he had planned. Mrs. Williams is Improving now, however. SAXDERS-BALDWIN' A quiet marriage was solemnized on Sunday at noon in the Baptist church at Evergreen, when Mrs. Corrhne Williamson Baldwin be came the bride of Mr. Alvin L. Sand ers, formerly of this city, but now of Fairmont. The groom Is the son of Mrs. Mary Sanders, of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders their home in Fairmont. think that one woman could portray them both. As Mahlee, Nazimova is supreme depicting the passionate and In scrutable daughter of two races the child of an English father and a Chi nese mother whose Instincts, tra ditions and emotions surge in con-, stant conflict making of her a men tal outcast, belonging to neither rare. The story reaches dramatic heights when the unhappy girl finds that her of every kind, includ-j lug its payroll. As the soncern deals with more than 800,000 indi- viilual customers the result of the experiment will be watched with in terest. t The company's reason for adopt ing this method Is given as an effort to demonstrate a means of ending the epidemic of payroll robberies and to "show that modern business may be conducted most efficiently without the use of 'small change,' thus leaving the nation's money where It belongs, In the banks, to serve as the basis of credit." j The announcement says even car fares, hotel bills and railroad faros for the company's force of several hundred salesmen, and other sui drlcs are to be paid by checks. All petty items even to one ceni piim.m'- Them Amsterdam, Oct. 2!t Henry Po lack, president of the Dutch Dia mond Workers' Union, says It Is not Impossible that a German explosives linn has discovered how to manufac ture diamonds artificially, as it claims to have done. The chief difficulty Is to obtain an unbelievably powerful pressure under the right circumstances, M. Pola explained. Since It is a manufacturer of ex plosives who Is reported to have discovered the method of making diamonds, lie said It was possible that experimenters had' succeeded in obtaining the desired pressure. He did not believe diamonds can be manufactured artiilclally at less than the cost of mining them. Dayton, Nov. 16. Captain ; Schrooder, holder of tho world's air I piano altitude record, was today hon ' orably discharged from the army and will enter business In Chicago, i Ho flew to a height of six miles and when the oxygen was exhausted fell five miles before ho regained consciousness and then successfully landed his plane. MADE BIG KILLING Dr. Zenas Fearing and Dr. Wil liam Peters went gunning for part ridges Monday and killed twelve hours. HAWAIIN POPULATION NERLY HALF JAPANESE yellow blood Is an Insurmountable stamps will be paid henceforth by u wbb rocoimy announeeo. m iser- barrler between a young missionary rh,,,.U and no currency of any Un that a dynamite company of Ham- whom she loves and herself, and that (imt or denomination Is to be burg had obtained tho patent for the although he Is powerfully attracted carrled In any form as company manufacture or diamonds and was In to her, this difference of race can property." To meet the payroll of a position to produce several hundred nover be overcome. Wild Jealousy f!lf.torv. the company has offered , carats dally at a cost less tha tho will make Krlps her when she finds that he retl- t0 ,u employees either a regular pay present world for the natural stones, ly loves her half-sister, Blanche, and check or the option of receiving on, - pay day a deposit slip showing that ( NTORM WARNING his earnings for the week have been, Th(J weatMt.r i,rt,au ttls morning deposited to his credit In a ll,ral Issued warning that the storm would bank. This plan Is expected by the r(lllnuo on the Gulf coast and nortli house to prove popular with the wur(, thl(j af,prnoon an(i tonight thrifty class ot employes and to with strong northerly winds and crease the volume of burnt imu' i gales TWO KIRKS MONDAY The flre'coinpany responded to the alarm from Box 62 Monday after noon and found a chimney (Ire In tho two story frame house on Culpepper street owned and occupied by Susan Harney. There was no damage At C:"5 Monday evening the fire company was called by an alarm from Box 16 to the two-story frame house on Juniper street owned by C. P. Harris and occupied by Laura Perry. .This was also a chimney lire and there was no damage. Washington, Nov. 16. The Jap anese population of Hawaii was an- jd Lantern, nounced by the census bureau tod:iy pie t a fanatic religious frenzy in a frenzy she agrees to the propos al of Sam Wang, who loves her, but whom she hates, to go with him and load the yellow races in an uprising against the whites. She assumes tho fantastic title of the Goddess of the which thrills the pco- nnd v u .. v.- " J -- . jMC lw a laiiani. iciiftiwun r.Ari.u' i,c .- - fillip as 42.7 per cent of the total popula- fnoy determine to exterminate tho banking account have been advhed g,orin J tion, which Is 255.512. foreign derllB. Executive employes who have no, sllp)ng W1IH warnP(i Hgalnt on ho entire Atlantic and to start one at once. East Quit coasts. Thousands of Tons German Coal Stolen Rotterdam, Oct. 2S Thousands of tons of German coal Intended for Borne of the Entente nations have boon stolen while en route down tho Rhine and smuggled Into Holland on barges, says the Rotterdam Cou rant. Only a part of the coal was unloaded at the allied depots, and the rest, covered with stones, was brought down the river to Holland, says the newspaper. Ripc V -; 7VJV