vils Net Circulation Wednesday 1,112 Copies THE WEATHER Partly Cloudy and Colder Tonight and Friday. VOL. V. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 23, 1920 NO. 294 GROCERY STORES CL0SEO1RISTMAS Bv tfc? Whole Town Is Wide Open Until Close of Business . Christmas Eve f- Shoppers Asked to Shop Now Since Christmas cornea on Satur day, many housewives may suppose that they can supply their needs for Sunday on Saturday as, usual, but the grocery stores in the business section wish to announce now that they will be closed all day Christmas Day and order must be filled before 'the close of business Christmas Eve. It is only fair, of course, that the grocers and their employes should have a holiday, too. All the stores arc open this even ing and Friday evening and wants should be supplied now. The other stores will be closed, too, on Christmas Day, with the ex ception of the drug stores, some of which are announcing the hours dur iug which they will remain open. The Advance will issue no paper on Christinas Day, but will be on the job Monday, unless something serious prevents. A little th'oughtfulness on the part of everybody in regard t'o these mat ters will help to make the day pleas ant for everybody else. Clara Smith To Go To Ardmore El Paso, Dec! 23. Clara Smith has returned to her father's home, where she spent last night and plans to go to Ardmore, Oklahoma, to answer the charge of the murder of Jake L. Hamon on November 26. She fled to Mexico after the shoot ing, but is returning voluntarily. STATE COLLEGE BOYS APPEAL West Raleigh, N. C, Dec. 8. To the citizens of Pasquotank County: The various state institutions of higher learning have inaugurated a movement to place before the people of North Carolina the prevailing conditions and needs of these insti tutions. With this idea in view, a commit tee from each state institution met at a Joint committee to formulate plans for presenting the needs of these lnstittlon3 to the citizens of the state. The findings of this Joint com mittee, given in an article published elsewhere in this issue, deserve the worthy consideration of every seri ous minded citizen of this county. A committee was appointed from each county represented at N. C. State College to present the needs of this and other state institutions to the people of our county. It is for these reasons set forth in the findings of the joint commit tee that we as a committee appeal to each citizen to give his hearty support to this important move . nient. Very truly yours. J. GRAHAM EVANS, Chairman Pasquotank Co. Com. THOUSAND DOLLAR FIXE IMPOSED UPON HOLDING T. E. Holding, Jr., young drug gist of Wake Forest, was fined $1,000 In Federal Court Tuesday in Raleigh for his part in the freight car robberies by a gang or organ ized thieves who stole interstate shipments from a number of places in this section. He was placed under a heavy bond to show no further connections with illegal operations and show good behavior. The judg ment was imjiosed for conviction of receiving stolen merchandise know ing it to have been stolen while in Interstate traffic. ' TARIFF HILL DELAYED Washington, Dec. 23. On objec tion of Senator Harrison, of Missis sippi, consideration of the emergency tariff bill by the Senate was delayed until next week. The Senate will adjourn until Monday. IN POLICE COURT John Green, colored, in police court Thursday on the charge of non-support, was given three months on the roads. Judgment -was sus pended on condition that he pay his wife $6 a week. CONTINUES TO IMPROVE 0. W. Twlddy continues to im prove and is now able to sit tip. FRIDAY IS TAG DAY Tomorrow has been set aside a3 Tag Day for the Y. M. C. A., and everyone in the city is asked to contribute liberally to this good cause. Without the "un- stinted support of the people tomorrow, the "Y" is likely to be closed, for it is practically without any money. Our Y. M. C. A. building compares favorably with any similar building in the State, re- gardless of the size of the city, and the good done by an instl- tution of this kind is Inestim- able. Last year the "Y" sponsored the "i v. ilight League, originated swimming classes in this city, supplied us with basketball games, revived bicycle race3 here. These with many other favorable additions to the wel- fare of the town, are to the credit of the "Y." You have helped starving Ar- menla. , You have contributed liber- ally to bleeding Poland. ' You answered the call of other devastated countries of Europe. WILL YOU NOW HELP A CHRISTIAN CAUSE IN YOUR OWN CITY? STUDENTS ASK . AID COLLEGES General Committee Issues a Statement Urging Improved Facilities In State Educa tional Institutions Raleigh. N. C. Dec. 20. A joint committee of ' students rep- A joint committee of students rep resenting the student bodies of the University of North Carolina, the North Carolina College tor Women, the East Carolina Teachers Training School and the State College of Ag riculture and Engineering, follow ing a meeting here yesterday issued a statement appealing to the public in the interest of increased facilities for higher education in the State. The representatives of the various student bodies in turn are members of student committees in their re spective institutions and have' taken the appointment of the general com mittee as a means of co-ordinating the efforts of each toward an im provement hi college conditions. The meeting adjourned here yester day after a thorough discussion of aims and plans to meet again on Jan uary 3 to survey the work accom plished. The appeal to the people of the State was signed by John Kerr, Jr., and W: H. Bobbitt, of the University of North Carolina ; Miss Gladys Wells, representing the North Caro lina College for Women; G. R. Sipe, J. A. Glazener, and M. P. Moss, rep resenting the State College, and Miss Josie Dorsett, representing the East Carolina Teachers Training School. The statement follows: "To the People of North Carolina: "We, representing the students of the University of North Carolina, the N. C. College for Women, the N. C. State College of Agriculture and Engineering, and the East Caro lina Teachers Training School, pre sent to you this simple statement of the critical condition now existing in .our higher educational institu tions. "The facilities of our higher edu cational institutions are pitifully in adequate. Every phase of colleg? life Is congested because of dormi tory conditions, necessitating threp and four students to crowd together In a single room, because of inade quate class room accommodations, because of the Inadequate dining ar rangements, and because of the gen eral Inability of the cottoges to pmpirly accommodate and instruct their students. "Our present students now live untbr conditions described above. 2 30S of those who graduated from our hish schools last spring, this fall had to be turned away from our colleges. i "Itut. although ou r present fit uailon Is serious, the thought of the future of our educational Institu tions is cause for alarm. Five years ago the graduates from four year high Bchools In the State from which group. North Carolina colleges draw their students, numbered 800. The past spring they numbered 3.000. "In presenting these facts In thp name of the boys and girls of North fnrnllna who desire the training which our educational Institutions, if properly supported can give, we are Are You Satisfied? Being satisfied is a grand feeling, SOMETIMES! Smug satisfaction is not a good tonic for growing cities. . You, no doubt, realize the pitfalls, many and varied, which befall such com munities. While they aim to grow and be some thing in comparison with sister cities, SMUG SATISFACTION acts as a retard ing influence. Such cities do not develop because their good citizens are SATISFIED. Dissatisfaction of the right kind is a wonderful tonic. Like constructive criticism, it works for the good of the Community. It accom plishes those things which are required to make REAL CITIES. It is willing to PUT UP or SHUT UP! It plays the game according to the rules and is willing to pay the price. Maybe YOU are willing to let "well enough alone"? Maybe YOU would pre fer to be Satisfied if the opposite condition costs YOU something? 240 of YOUR FELLOW CITIZENS are working for Elizabeth City through the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce. YOU will help, too, won't YOU? NO NEW BURDENS MUST KE ADDED Federal Finances In Such Shape That New Sources of Revenue Must Be Found Says Secretary Houston Washington. Dec. 23. A gross deficiency in national transactions of $2, 100, 000, 000 this year and $1, 500,000,000 for next year Is forecast by Secretary Houston, testifying be fore the Senate finance committee considering the soldier bonus bill. He said the federal finances were in such shape that new sources of revenue must be found and no nw burdens added to the treasury. Rome Issues Decree . Against Y. M. C. A. Rome, Dec. 23. The Holy Office today issued decrees asking Catholic bishops to watch "an organization professing absolute freedom of thought in religious matters, Instills iiidift'erentism and apostasy to the Catholic religion in the minds of its inherents." The decree mentions the Young Men's Christian Association, saying that It corrupts the faith of youths. TRIED STEAL WHISKEY AND WAS FATALLY SHOT Cincinnati, Dec. 23. Joseph Kline, guard on a truck loaded with whiskey, bound from Kentucky to New York, was fatally shot today In an unsuccessful attempt to steal whiskey. Koreans Charge Japs Barbarous Washington, Dec. 23. A state ment charging Japanese military au thorities with "'rightful and barbar ous" deeds In Manchuria was issued by the Korean Commission today. The report said that In one dis trict the Japanese burned 32 vil lages, killed ail the male inhabitants, massacred 145 peaceful Inhabitant?, and burned houses with women and children Inside. confident that the citizens of the State will respond in a noble fashion to this urgent need." RAIDED BOAT MIDDLE NIGHT Captain J. R. Williams, who has been on the . lookout for liquor brought here on boats, Wednesday night raided the Sunol, of which B. F. Roughtou is captain. He asked If there was any liquor on board and got the reply "None tha t we know anything about." He searched cabin and freight room without finding any, but down in the hold found a ten-gallon keg of liquor concealed In a flour barrel and a five-gallon keg hidden in a box. He arrested Cap tain Houghton and Jesse Cooper and they were given a hearing before Commissioner Wilson Thursday morning and put under bond for their appearance at federal court. Girls Appeal For Higher Education In behalf of the campaign for higher education in our State, we, the girls of Pasquotank County, at Greensboro, North, Carolina College for Women, ask The Advance to help arouse the people of our County to the serious condition of our State colleges. North Carolina Is the 47th state In money spent for higher educa tion. North Carolina Is the richest state in the South. North Carolina paid $165,000,000 in taxes Into the Federal Treasury last year. . North Carolina spent $36,000,000 on automobiles last year. North Carolina ranks secoad In the textile Industry. North Carolina turned away 2,500 students from her colleges this fall and will turn away 3,500 next fall If the crisis is not met. Shall we let this happen or shall we show our love for our boys and girls by helping North Carolina in the campaign for higher education? The Pasquotank Club of the N. C. College for Women, Ruth Wlnslow, Eula Jennings, Mattlo Brlte, Kath erlne Pinner. Ina Mae Leroy, Morgia Hell Carr. Forbids People Leave Fiume London. Dec' 23. D'AnnunzIo has proclaimed a state of war be tween the Flume government and Italy and has forbidden the popula tion to leave Flume, says a Rome dispatch. State Department Has Intervened Washington. Dec. 23. The State Department today intervened in a threatened controversy between the British Embassy and the Senate committee investigating cable com munications over the question of al leged British censorship of cable messages to the United States from Great Britain. This action is regarded as a re buke to the embassy for sending di rect to the committee chairman a let ter denying the testimony. Communists Sail For Russia Today New York,. Dec. 2:!. Twenty four confessed Russian Communists, sailed on the Impcrator for Russia today. They were rounded up In the raid last winter. FAIR CHRISTMAS Washington, Dec. 23. Generally fair weather for Christinas Day on the Atlantic seaboard is predicted by the weather bureau today. SIX STATES FREE OF TICK And North Carolina Has Been Released From Quarantine Seventy-three Per Cent Since Campaign Began Washington, Dec. 22. The cattle-tick is fast being eliminated thru the work of the Department of Agri culture and the co-operation of the states. Of the fifteen states which were tick infested when the work of eradication began systematically on July 1, 1906, six have been complete ly freed of the pest. These states are California, Kentucky, Mississippi, Mis sourl, South Carolina and Tennes see. During the year ending December 1. 1920, more than 50.000 square miles were freed of ticks and since the work began in 1906, the are re leased has been 510,091 square miles. That is 70 per cent of the 728,565 square miles infested with the tick when eradication started. The area remaining to be cleared comprises 218,474 square miles, all of which is in the Souther States. Progress of the work as announc ed by the Department of Agriculture shows the total infested area July 1, 1906, and the area remaining De cember, 1920, with the percentage of area released by states as follows: Alabama:' 51279 square miles In fested; 3252 square miles remain ing; 94 per cent of the infested area released. Arkansas: 52,525 square miles In fested; 19,362 remaining; 63 per cent released. California: 79,924 square miles infested; completely released. Florida:' 54,861 square miles In fested; 47,930 remaining; 13 per cent released. Georgia: 57,438 square miles Infes ted; 15,694 remaining; 73 per cent released.. Kentucky: 841 square miles In fested; Completely released. Mississippi: 46,362 square miles infested; completely released, Missouri: 1,386 square miles In fested; completely released. North Carolina: 37,365 square miles Infested; 10,087 remaining; 73 per cent released. Oklahoma: 47,890 square miles in fested; 4,047 remaining; 92 per cent released. South Carolina: 30,495 square miles Infested; completely released. Tennessee: 16,987 square miles infpstf'd; completely released. Texas: 191,885 square miles In fested; 100.606 remaining; 48 per cent released. Virginia: 13,918 square miles In fested; 1.686 remaining; 88 per cent releused. TO WEI) IX JANUARY Mr. and Mrs. Edson Carr an nounce the engagement and ap proaching marriage of their daugh ter, Almeda Hurt, to Mr. Robert Ayers Garrett. The wedding Is to take place In Christ church on the fifth day of January, 1921. ( OXTERS WITH IIERRICK Marlon. Dec. 23. Myron t. Her rlck. former ambassador to France, conferred with Harding today on the Association of Nations. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Twlddy leave Friday to spend the holidays In Virginia. GIVE REASONS FOR MEMBERSHIP Prominent Business and Pro fessional Men of Bestcity Enthusiastic About Local Chamber of Commerce Secretary Case, of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Commerce, has re ceived the following letters from prominent citizens of Elizabeth City, regarding Chamber of Commerce membership: Mr. F. G. Jacocks, of the, Albe marle Pharmarv:xr.ys: 'Ilia following are reasons 'why I nil a member:,, "1 To strengthen and build up Elizabeth City's solidarity. "2 Co-operation Is my creed. "3 Co-operation cures business and municipal constipation. "4 God helps the' town that helps itself. "5 As an investment I give to one bu receive from many. "C 1 desire :o fulfill all the ob ligation of a good citizen. "7 I want Elizabeth City to be the kind of a towu that it has every right to be, if its citizens will co operate." Mr. Taylor Grandy, of the N. G. Grandy Company, makes the follow ing statement: "1 I believe in a larger, cleaner and more beautiful city. "2 I believe In better shipping and transportation facilities. "3 I believe in public Improve ments that benefit all. , "4 I believe in co-operation among the merchants and manufac turers. "5 I believe in my city and her people and the results obtained only through the united support of all citizens interested in the growth and welfare of the city. "6 I believe the only way that any understanding can be accom plished satisfactorily is through a central organization like the Chamber of Commerce." Dr. Zonas Fearing states his rea sons as follows: "1 Elizabeth City needs a live wire commercial organization. "2 Past performances of the Elizabeth City Chamber of Com merce prove that the Chamber la such. "3 As a citizen of Elizabeth City, I am willing to back any movement that Is good for Elizabeth City and our citizens. "4 I am not willing to let oth ers do nil the work, and then Bay, 'I told you so.' "5 Last I am glad to contributo to t ho cause to make Ell-'.ibeth City a better city to bring my children up in." WHITE MAN LYNCHED Fort Worth, Dec. 23. Tom M. Vickery, a while mun charged with killing a policeman, was lynched at midnight last night by a mob here. TOR X A DO SWEEPS TOWN Barnwell, S. C, Dec. 23. The town Is rcovering today from the tornado which swept over it Wed nesday.' BAND CONCERT ON CHRISTMAS NIGHT There will be a band concert Christmas night at eight o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. under tlje direction of D. F. Godfrey . Following is the program: Overture with trombone boIo from Opera II Trovatore, ny Edwin F. Aydlett. Jr. Vocal solo Selected Mrs. Ceorge Bell Intermezzo "Retsy" Ry Ziegler's Hand Vocal solo . Selected Ily Miss Jessie Williams Hawaiian music Selected Wllborne Harrell and O. Rollinson Cornet solo ....Carnival de Venice Ry D. F. Godfrey Dand .' . .Selected By Zelgler's Rand Violin solo Selected Uy U. G. Davis Alto solo Swanee River Uy Master Davis Hawaiian music Selected Wllborne Harrell and O. Rollinson Melophone solo Selected Ily Master T Williams Concert waltz Tarheel Ily Zelgler's Hand National Aalr. Miss Gwendolyn Hyatt, of Wins-ton-Salem, lst here to upend the Christmas holidays with her grand mother, Mrs. W. H. Hyatt, on South Road street.