THE WEATHER Cloudy with rising tern- 41 perature tonight and Wed- nesday, fresh and strong north and northeast winds. Net Circulation Monday 1,099 Copies VOL. XI. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JANUARY 18, 1921 NO. 15. v tt Fix Bond Issue At New Figure School Board by Close Vote Decides $400,000 Will be Ample tq Provide All Needful Buildings and Equip-ment Four hundred thousand dollars will be the amount of the bond issue for better school buildings and equipment if the action of the board of trustees at a meeting held Monday night is final. At a previous meeting the- - board, with, some . members n dissenting, voted for a halt'i. million dollar bond issue. At I Monday night's meeting, in an effort ' to get unanimity, an amendment was proposed fix ing the amount of the bond is sue ' at $400,000 . and the amendment was adopted by a vote of 6 to 5, the chairman of j the board casting the deciding, vote. . The attitude of those voting for the amendment is thus feet forth by C. O. Robinson, who voting origin-; ally for the half,milllon dollar bond J mainder of liis stay READYT0 MOVE And Will Receive Few Visi tors Except Close Personal Friends During Remainder of Stay at Marion Marlon. ' Jan. 18. The press of personal business before his depart ure South is engaging President elect Harding, and few visitors ex cept personal friends are understood to be expected here during the re issue, last night' voted that the There was evidence of, early de-, amount be fixed at $400,000: parture on the Southern trip today' "It would hardly have been pos- when a moving van began carrying' Bible to pass a bill providing for a 'away furniture from the Harding, half million dollar bond issuo at this' residence. i session of the Legislature. j : i "If a bill providing so large an! IS POLICE COURT ! amount had been passed by the Leg-! - ;j Mature -there is further, serious! Ab Whitehurst, colored, was taxed ( doubt whether it would have been;w,th the C08t in (0urt Tues,-j ratified' J.y the people. ' . n c ? r ot iluU' " "A great deal can be accomplish-, holding him tecan.rally guilty. ed. and more than we have ever; hltehurst, it was testified, laitt .dreamed of heretofore with $400,- haJ!da ,on and h?,d Fr,Ml Stege0r' oOO. .Thii amount, by the time we wh,tf bo-v near tata own nge. Both are ready to begin the actual work ',0" iu, l,heir earl' .tep of construction, will do more than', ond Hosenian and George $500,000 at the present time." oc were ,)e,fre, the recorder Mon- There Is- a division of opinion ! f8 a f7u f 8 ahcuiiy at the among those who voted last night for, BkatinS r nk Beman s fnnduc the half million dollar Issue. C. P. w"not P'f33'"? ? U;e Brown, for Instance, who Is one of of the k nd ,Kch undertook to. these. Bays that though he voted for ave Boseman s skates. Boseman; , i. amnt h rnnwP n,! was -fined o and half the costs and . . t-ym ., n Koch was taxed with the other half cogency of some of the arguments or those who think $400,000 ample and ohtbe cost8' that he has no reason to doubt the' sincerity of their motives. "I am not sure,'" he says, "that my own -lews are always wisest in matter3 of this sort. It may be that the ac tion taken last night was the best course that could have been pursued under the circumstances." ' The City's Opportunity If there is one thing that Elizabeth City needs more than any other, it is a Community Club where, without regard to creed or party, without initiatory ceremonies or pledges, except to pay the 'dues, citizens may assemble for recreation, fraternal intercourse, and the discussion of individual and community interests. That is, Elizabeth City needs a Club which any citizen may join by signing an application, and agreeing to pay the membership fee; and a club whose money will all be spent at home. The Community Needs Such A Club Of inestimable benefit to our business and profess ional men would be a Club where, amid artistic and comfortable surroundings, they might congregate for pleasure, or for conferences with business or profess ional associates. When the men of a city come into frequent con tact, fraternal and social e sentiments are developed. Such contacts make for a united citizenship, and it is the united town that grows most rapidly. Again, there i3 nothing guests -of a city and its citizens more appreciate than attractive, fully equip ped Club Rooms, to which they may have free access. And no other courtesy extended such guests ever causes them to carry away a more. favorable impression of a city and its people. And certainly the best and most effective publicity is that given a town by its friends. Hew Eestcity May Have Such a Club Few, if any, cities have ever had an opportunity to so easily acquire the rooms and equipment for such a club. Both are ready and scores of discriminating vis itors have said that nothing better, except in size, can be found in the largest cities. Thursday, nigjit, January 20, the. Chamber of Commerce, the 'Merchants Association and the Moose Lodge, will meet in the Moose Club Rooms. Hinton' Building, at eight o'clock 'sh&rp, for the purppsc of -cons'dering the Community Ci"b project. If you believe Elizabeth City should have the kind of Club outline: i above, come to thmr't'thu' Thursday nidi!. This is a citizen's r.vji.L:, a:;d, if you live in Elizabeth City, and are interested in her' future, your presence is desired. , Committee: ' .'. (I. Sawyer, Moose Club, ' Et'gar Stevens, Merchants Association. A. R. Nicholson, Chamber of Commerce. Youthful Bandits Make Big Haul Hold Up Mail Truck and Es cape In Automobile With Ten Bags of Registered Mail Chicago, Jan. 18. Five youthful bandits held up the mail truck at the Union Station here early today, escaping in an automobile with twelve sacks of mail, ten of which contained registered mail. The police say that from the best information obtainable It Is indicate ed that the pouches contained part FIRE ONCOSSACRS Turn Machine Guns on Mutin ous Ranks of Former Wran gel Army Who Return Fire With. Fatal Effect Constantinople, Jan. 18 (By The Associated Press) French black troops turned their machine guns on mutinous Cossacks of Wrangel's former army encamped twenty-five of the Federal Reserve Dank money mllea from hore Saturday night af- shipment destined for the train leaving Chicago for St. Paul at two thirty o'clock In the morning. Postal authorities while unable to estimate the amount stolen, slid I that shipments to the northwest which usually go out at two-thirty 'average about $100,000. ter the Cossacks had disarmed their ofllcers. ! The Russians returned the fire killing ten Sengaleie hiv.l wounding liO others and two French ofllcers. ; Swain Resolution Passes Both Houses INDIANS STAGE BIG CELEBRATION Stranger Steals From The Good Samaritans South Carolina j Borrows Mon-y and Accepts Has Woman Judge I Hospitality and Then I.akcaj : I Off With Jewelry Would Make Wife . v Husband's Employe Such Intent of Bill Introduced In I Cansas House cf Rcpre- ntatives by Passage of Swain resolution In , both houses to invest:gate the ex- JJUUUIlilIl'H Ul IUW OlillB 13U11U1UK Pottawatomie Tribe Holds Two' Commission and the State Architect, i it ' tl 1111 Introduction by Representa- Day Feast la honor cf the tive Wola and Senator Carpenter, New Year ' tanking for an appropriation. of $100,- ; k j 000 to complete the North Carolina Mayetta, Kan., Jan. 18. The Orthopaedic Hospital for crippled Pottawatomie Indians recently i'ul. , children and $37, COO annually for , Us ished a two days' .dance and feast in maintenance featured today's ses honor of the New Year. It was a sion of tlle legislature: celebration which every Indian on 1,o!h houses passed resolutions the reservation, a mile from here, at-1 providing for the celebration Wed tended, and many white gaostu were j noHiny of General Robert E. Lee's present, for the Pottawatomie feasts birthday, are famous for their riualiiy and ex-j " collence. Rurbccued beef i3 one of the favorite dishes. The reservation- is twenty-five miles from Topeka, the capital of Kansas, and contains about eleven rquare miles of land. Approximate ly five hundred Indians are living there and the land Is farmed. Thei while man's civilization has 'flowed around the little reservation and left it, a relic of pioneer days In Kansas.; Much of the white man's civilization i lias, of. course, been absorbed by the f'ottawatomies; they all speak Eng lish, and motor cars are coinuion p'nce among the red men. "I can remember," Mat Septa, a young Potfftwatomie, said, "when the dancers and medicine men used to prophesy at our dances of how the white men would one day ride in carriages without horses, and fly through the air like birds. We used to think that was very wonderful, but wo have seen it happen. Our dancers also told of how there would be a great war among the white men, in which they would cross t lie sea , to kill one another. That was the l"'esent Spanish Cabinet Decides To Resign Paris, Jan. 18. The Spanish cab inet has reached a decision to resign according , to a Madrid dispatch re ceived here. Mexican Congress In Special Session Mexico City, Jan. 18. A call for a spec ia I session of the Mexican Con gress was issued today by President Obregon. Brazil Wants Bigger Navy Rio De Janeiro, Dec. 25. The Committee on Naval and Military Affi.irs of the Rnizilian Chamber of Deputies wants 'a bigger navy. It has called urou the President to to the next session of con- Kuropean war. 1 was iu France six- Kre8S a Program or naval construc tor nw.ntha mvKftif wUh iho F.icliiv-1 Ho" drawn up by the general stiff ninth division. A great experience. Topeka, Jan. 18. Husbands G. F. Seyffert, on the other hand, Greenville. S. C, Jan. 18. The, Robert, Stark, recently discharg first woman In South Carolina elect- 1 ed irom tne xavy, 'is in Jail here in ed to public office is Mrs. Fannie C. default of the $300 bond required of seems to be oi tne opinion inai me1 ' - ' v" hum uj juuc jfic iu v-uuh. action taken last night was a bIun-jfiFe of. e ot the l,robate in Monday morning. der and, perhaps, a serious one. jureenwiie Lounry. one naa no op-, starl ha, worke(1 for j. s. Pad- dutufe under the terms of a bill IPos.uon, succeeding a junge recem- ,t gteam heat contraPtori for a "Our plans are not definite ly killed In an automobile accident. ,.0 allnr J fnrmnP ...,. , enough, as yet," he says, "for us to krrow what sum we shall nr We have estimates on plans f t 'tted; by architects, to be sure, 1 v plans have not been -tfdor ' my mind they are not ; -T Some of the class rooms . small.' The auditorium has; lng capacity -ot only 500. No vision Is made for a new prim, building which Is a veritable flretrav and where sanitary conditions are deplorable. Ifwhen our plans are j pubi. anally adopted pnd w come to carry i jt jt tnem out, i tt mat we areh9ii ha police court from which he was let Off by the judge. But he got out of luck again and was borrowing from those who would lend to him and accepting the hospitality of those who wore klndhearted, Mrs. Irving Pool and Ralph Pool being among the number. Sunday night he ate supper at the Pool home en Harney street. After he had gene Mrs. e time will be of- Harry Dewey who boards with the Pool family, missed her diamond necklace and ruby rlu.i;. Ralph Pool thousand dollar home for the teach ers. ' "The board decided to let the-bill tde for a bond issue of $400,000 r to make ample provisions slble emergencies, We do 'o have to use as much You know, what I liked about the! army, you always had friends ami j were not lonesome. But I was gi:'kli to come home. j "Our people live Bofter than tiny; u. ed to. When I was a little boy. would be placed on the status of cm-()ften they used to take us down to! ployers with their wires as cm-; the bank . of the creek winter niorn- loyes in their homes and permitted ;gB, tmd break tho ice and ma';e us to recover damages for Injuries re- jump in. That was to make u;r reived while performing household ii nrl nml strnntr Ttipv ilnli'l. (till In-' that anv more with our bovs. ' "Our prophets tell of another great war that will come among the white men, and after that, they say, there will be no more war. They tell us that the whit man's heart will be changed then, and that much of the land that once belonged to the Indlun will be given back to him. I do not know. It is not good for of the Admiralty and to lie carried out for a lerm of years. The reason given for this pro posed increase is it is necessary boeatifo of Brazil's new position In the world as a signatory of the Ver nailles Treaty and as an .effective member of the League of Nations. Another reason ascribed U the ne-' cossity of defending a lens coast line. .. troduced into ilie Kansas house of representatives by one or two wo men members of that body. V. W. A. MKKTIXG MONDAY EVEMXO The Young-"Woman's Auxiliary of First Baptist church had Its regu lar meeting on Monday evening at seven-thirty In the church parlois. After the opening prayer ami reading of the minules of last meet Ing, the treasurer, Miss Bernlc S. C. Governor .Begins 2nd Term Columbia, Jan, 18. Governor Cooper began his second term today when be was Inaugurated before a joint FORslon of the Legislature. The Governor's' Inaugural address was given over largely to education .oroughly informed $50,000 short 'of i'-Jr requirements! the contents of the bill we shall have put ourselves in ani ..xne noar(j ag0 piu,sed on a sec unenviable position. ' joni to be put through the Leg- ' Islature at this session providing for a tax of 30 cents to maintain the schools. This with the 4 cents pro- i vlded by the State levy will give us "I was anxious to see thh bond issue put through in a liberal, a handsome way, so as to provide for all oniftrrpnnlag . onA t.hon tf VP . a ... ' .. , .,. ample revenue to run the schools on. found we had more than we needed , , . . . f .i.i t,o,, f 11 wil1 mean n Increase of 20 or 25 It would not have been necessary to .... , , ,,,. . ,,.n,-t, Per cen' in the school taxes. expend the entire amount authcrlz-- ... ... e(j I The board hai got the money to s .. , 1 pay the coupons on bonds already ls- The situation Is tiros summarized sued and to take up the bonds which by E. F. Aydlett, , chairman jf the fell due In November so that the b inrd, who cast the deciding vote: I credit of the board is protected and "We had a committee appointed the creditors satisfied, to look Into the cost of th.s''io':emiV "The board has heretofore been buildings, paying off th.3 indcbit l- handicapped in having Insufficient ness, adequately furnishing tlw new money to run the schools. The and repairing the old builitlnss, ard banks "have nattyally not been in buying the extra lots that will be cllned to, lend because the school ipers of the city for chey care to publish wish that the people-and Harry Dewey thought at once ot Twhldy, gave her report for the past. . .,, ',. ,, ,, as to the stranger. They secured a year. Various matters of Import- .... ; . ' search warrant and a warrant for his ne were discussed. The president, arrest, found him at his room at the Miss Mary Owens, was instructed lo Y and proceeded to seaili the room appoint a committee to elect new ( f without success. While the stranger ncers for the year. Plan were was being taken to Jail, however, he made to raise money In order to confessed that the articles were In send a delegate to the convention, his room and when taken back pro- which will convene at Rocky duced them from the Interior of his, Mount In March, lu was erldcd, pillow, together with a watch and lnce the auxiliary has chosen a; roreign missionary, to have a Mis sion Study Class once a month, two j my people to have too much money j-and to a review of school work in In their pockets, f-7 they spend It the state. sw'tfy." ! , The Pottawatomies are proud 0. 1 the fact that Charles Curtis, senior United States Senator from Kansas, pearl necklace belonging to Mrs. Pool. lie was taken back to Jail for the -night to await his trial Mon day morning.' Ralph Pool Is an ex-service man himself and a newspaper guy, too, so he has a soft spot In his heart for the fellow who Is dnwn and out. But In this case the stranger who was taken In, also "took In" the good Samaritans. weeks apart from the regular meet ing, to meet at the homes of the members of the auxiliary. The meeting was then turned over to the' leader, Mips Annie Weatherly. A program of Interesting readings and songs followed. still count him a member of their tribe, although they do not often see htm on the reservations "His time is taken up In tho city Of the Great White Father," tho Pot tawatomies expialn, "but his heart Is friendly toward his people." Goose Race Features Annual Poultry Show Lyr:c!?.in2r Witnesses Before Grand Jury Jasper, Ala., Jan. 18. Under heavy military guard six witnesses were examined today by tho special grand Jury Inquiring Into tho lynch ing of William Baird, miner. required. revenues were not sufficient to meet 1 the running expenses.' The Savings "Basing their estimate on figures bank hag made'gome loans, but tho submitted by the architects,, the National hank for the last four committee decided that the amount years has declined to do so. required would be $350,000 o , -The board now feels tlidt In a kills mo no Bruce Davis of Providence town ship killed six fine Poland China pigs Tuesday morning, the largest $300,000. In 'the opinion of the hort while It will be able to escare one welKhlne six hundred coninilttPB th w rover everything, mrre- - rnrs nanfficnn and conduct the Mr. Davis is one of the Including a ten school In first class condition."" farmers of this county, progressive Balloonists Appear Befdre Court Today Rockaway, Jan. 18. Kloor. Far rell and Hinton were asked to ap pear today before the second day' session nf tha nnv n I - honrrt nf ln qulry's session here to give first hand reports of the balloon flight. Eighteen Actresses From Lead ing Musical Comedies of Broadway Holding Reins 18. The Rpec-i MADK MASON AT STOUT Columbia, S. C, Jan. 18. Bishop Wlllinm A. Guerry. of the Fpiscopal Diocese of South Carolina, was made Mason at sight here today. s This Is the n rrft time la thi his tory of the state that such a cere- ! mony Is known to have taken place. HACK OX THE JOB A. J. Armstrong is his place ot business back at his at tho Farm New York, Jan. . .n . . t 1 . .1 n n incie or i actrps.s,.s ,ruiu LKht nml Motor Company, Water musical comedies on Broadway noiu-jB aftr nn UncH ,aBt wpek Ing the ribbon r"ins in a gooso raeej will be a feuture of the annual Madl-. ixsTALLIVO SHOW CASKS son Squarp Garden Poultry Show I opening today. The Standard rharmury ft In- Tho web-footed racers will be. stalling a number of new snd mod- groomed after the derby for a night feasts for their drivers. mid-1 em show cases this week. W. H. GalTop, of Jarvlsburg, in the city Saturday. j norn To Mrjind Mrs. C. B. Mor wai r!sette7 & son, at their ""SomftTon" Burgess street Monday night.