THE WEATHER Generally fair and colder tonight and Fri- day. Fresh Northwest winds. Net Circulation Wednesday 1,216 'Copies VOL. XI. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 17, 11)21 NO. 41. 'Cooke's Bridge Bill Killed in Committee fv Track Clear For Morrisette Bill Measure Would Put Total Cost Of Bridge Across Pasquotank River Oi Camden County And Provide Tolls From All Except Camden Residents Representative Cooke's bill across'the Pasquotank River at a with sixty-five per cent of the County and thirty-five per cent by Camden County, introduced on Tuesday and referred to the House Committee on Roads and Turnpikes, was killed in committee Wednesday afternoon. This gives a clear track to' Representative Morrisette's bill, introduced a day earlier and put on the House calendar Monday morning, providing a free bridge for residents of Camden County only and pro viding for the charging of tolls to any persons using the bridge besides bona fide residents of Camden County; and also au thorizing the issuing of $100, 000 in bonds to pay the cost of constructing the "bridge and for acquiring such property as may be necessary to the bridge's construction. This situation is the outcome of a . long-drawn-out fight between Rep resentative Cooke and Representa tive Morrisette on the personnel of the proposed bridge commission. For, a long time the deadlock waB unbroken and no bill whatever wasjliiB and who were on the train this introduced looking toward a free j morning blamed Mr. Cooke's uncom-l bridge across the Pasquotank con-' promising attitude and his bitter nesting the two counties. 'personal attacks upon Mr. Morri sette, rather than any weakness In On last Friday, however, the two hig bin or any lnfluenee of theirs representatives at last got together upon the commUtee for Mr Cooke.g ana agreea on tne Dill introduced by Representative Cooke on the follow tag Tuesday and killed In commit tee yesterday afternoon. Skirts Clear, Says Cooke "My skirts are clear," said Mr. cooke yesterday afternoon, appar ently bitterly disappointed at the defeat of his measure. and borrowed a large sum of money "I introduced the bill that had when legitimate borrowers with Lib been agreed upon and made the erty Bond collateral were being told hardest fight I knew how to for ft. ' that the bank had rro money to speaking before the committee for j lend. Morrisette denied the allega over an hour. But -lorrisette and tion. Mr. Cooke charged Mr. Meek .hls Camden friends, assisted by j Ins with having said that he did not Colonel Meeklns, of Elliabeth City, know whether he had any Influence beat me.. Now the way is open for with Morrisette now or not; but the passage of the bill that Morri-'that he used to have some when" he sette sneaked back up here and in- had Morrisette under financial obll troduced in my absence. Un-. gation to him. less my constituents let me know "What you are saying Is as false that they are anxious for meto do as what Annanlas and Sapphira told so I am disposed to think that I the Apostle Peter," said Mr. Meekins. shall not even fight it." "I beg your pardon, I must have misunderstood vou." Mr. Cooke is But Representative - Morrisette tells another story. He admits that' Mr. Cooke's bill, as introduced was agreed upon by both representatives .last Friday. But he says that it was also un derstood that Mr. Cooke was to make' arrangements to have the bill Intro duced last Saturday while the mem ber from Pasquotank and the mem ber from Camden were both absent and that Mr. Cooke failed to carry out this agreement, leaving Raleigh Friflay without making any arrange menta to have the measure Intro duced. Finding that Mr. Cooke had failed to have the bill Introduced as agreed upon, Mr. Morrisette, considering the agreement as all off and despairing of ever being able to reach another agreement with Mr. Cooke, Introduced his own mea- providing for a free bridge cost not to exceed $150,000, cost to be borne by Pasquotank' sure, putting the entire cost of the bridge building upon Camden County. Morrisette Was Conciliatory Yesterday morning Morrisette's forces were still hopeful of compro mise. They" would be willing, they intimated, to drop the fight if Mr. Cooke would withdraw the name of j his brother, J. E. Cooke, from the bridge commission. In the committee hearing, they say, they ottered to j drop the fight If Mr. Cooke would! agree to put the matter of the build-. Lug of the bridge in the hinds of the Pasquotank Highway Commission and of the Camden Highway Com- mission. Hut Mr. Cooke stood out , against any compromise whatever, holding that having once agreed to the. measure as it had been intro duced, Mr. Morrisette should stand by it. Friends of Mr. Morrisette who were prcent at the committee hear- dejeat Cooke Was Personal Mr. Cooke charges Mr. Morrisette I with being the tool of the private Camden Ferry interests. He charg- 'ed In the committee hearing, it is Isaid, that Mr. Morrisette,' with C. O. .'Robinson's endorsement, had gone to the First & Citizens National Bank quoted a9 replying. However, after the hearing Mr. Cooke did not seem chastened; or repentant, or convinced. "I showed up Meeklns and Morrisette both," he said. In answer to the Cooke charge that Morrisette is subservient to the Interests of the Camden Bridge and Ferry Company, Morrisette points out that In so far as the point of crossing the river Is concerned, his 'bill and the Cooke measure are prac- tlcally Identical, the point of cross ing in each case being left to the discretion of the State Highway Commission. Morrisette does not undertake to charge Cooke with ulterior motive on the bridge project, but says he would like to have explained Cooke's de termination and insistence not only Cooke Denies Broke Agreement Raleigh, Fob. 17 (Sprclul) Representative Cooke emphat- it-ally denied today the report that his agreement with Repre- sentative Morrisette, of Cam- den, on the bridge bill Intro- duced by Representative Cooko was made on the understanding that the bill would be Intro- duced when he and Morrisette were absent. "Positively no," said 4r. Cooke in reply to a query from The Advance correspondent. The member from Pasquo- tank tod.iy introduced the bill to strengthen the State prohilii- tion laws 'and put the enforce- ment of these laws under the office of the AUorncy-General. ' The measure was drawn by I. L. Davis, superintendent of the Anti-Saloon League. t Visits Schools Washington Co. Mrs. Fearing Finds Splendid Work In Progress Schools Remembered Last Lesions Mrs. James G. Fearing has been visiting the schools in Washington Cottty this week, organizing Safety Leagues. Mrs. Fearing felt very much gra tified to find a great ntuuy Leagues already organized and doing splen did work. The county superintendent said, too, that the very schools .Mrs. Fear ing visited lat April are still doing the things that sh". suggested that they do. They ii ive put in metal mats under their heaters, they have held clean up campaigns, and have kept up -their inten d and pride in these things. At Mackeys Scho.. Mrs. Fearing found the hone- Demonstration Agent, Miss Julia Warner, and the Community Service Agent, Miss-' Alice McQueen, teaching (Jood Citizenship from the Safety League program. It was quite a coincidence that these three fine workers should meet in this way. Mrs. Fearing then told who she was aifci dlstrlbutedMiew Safety League programs and litera ture. on naming the Pasquotank members of the bridge commission, hut also on putting on It J. E. Cooke, of Camden County, his brother. State Highway Commission Decides It Is true that as to the point of crossing the river the two bills are practically in effect Identical. Here on this point is the wording of Morrisette's bill: "The State Highway Commission of North Carolina Is hereby author ized, empowered arid directed, as soon as practicable after the ratifi cation of this act, to choose and se lect a point in Camden and Pasquo tank Counties respectively from which the said bridge shall connect. The said terminal point so selected shall be at the most practicable, eco nomical and convenient place, r l such selection shall be entirely within the discretion of the said State Highway Commission. The said State Highway Commission shall decide what territory Is necessary and advisable to he purchased and acquired as approaches to said bridge and as terminal points far the same. The said State Highway-Commission shall also decide whether it phall be necessary or advisable to ac quire along with the said approaches and terminal points, any existing bridge and approaches thereto across the said Pasquotank River. The said State Highway Commission shall, after full surveys and ap pra'sals by its engineers, decide what Continued on Page 4 ONE OF SIXTEEN BIGGEST FIRES New Quarters of Savings Bank & Trust Company Ranked Among January's Heaviest Losses Raleigh, February 17 The Insur ance Department of the State, will have puid into the State treasury from all sources by the end of the i fiscal year a , round round million dollars is the estimate of Commis jsioner Wade. The entire force is ibusy now mailing out blank applica tions for licenses from more than J IS, 000 agents -of the .various coiu- Inanies, doing bus'ness ia the State i Most of these are renewal?, hut an unusually large number uf the new companies and agents are on the i applicant lile. The next, tiscal year .begins April 1st and by tha; datoi 'all of ;hse IS, 000 wio have quali jfied. will have their lice: in hand I signed, countersigned, and license fees receipted for, from tlte Insur ance Commissioner. The aggregate loss by fire In North Carolina for January according to reports filed with the Insurance Commissioner., was $617,000.00. Of this loss 616,00i).ti0 was the. total of 1G (ires where the danriign was $10,- 000.00 and over The heaviest of these were Itaieigh, damage to Tuck !er Building and stock of merchan dise $00, ono. oo; Whitakers, Oil Fac tory lo0.o00.00; LaGrange Tobacco j Warehouse and 250,000 pounds of ; g . tnl, :. !. 10(1 (100 no- K!;za 1 l Pit V. ' 100,000.00; Kllzabvih CHy,l;I1, wh.xh all can wl.L .Bunk Building and fixtures i 00 : Greelisbo.'O lo'.! is ' .(10(1.- I r number of losses, there huh?. in th" major class aiweE'.it ug lour Km. ot . The total December lire loss was $1,025,000.00. ; The month's fires, show an un ; usual number of negro settlement I fires. These occured twice at New hem and Goldsboro, once each at High Point, Durham and Chapel Hill. At Moontown, High Point the thickly populated section was saved by the fire company. At Durham, "Walltown" beyond lire apparatus, va3 saved by a bucket brigade of I Trinity College students. At Chapel illill, the I'niversity student bucket ; brigade saved another negro set tlement, fire starting from a lamp explosion in a negro church, entirely destroying it and an adjacent dwell-1 ing before ganized. the students got or- ! Another interesting feature In his own during the night. While ! these fire loss reports for January, not minimizing the danger, physi savs Commissioner Wade, is the dam- ; ciana indicated that if he passed the age or loss of dwellings occupied by crisis today he had a fair chance of professional men of prominence. ; recovery. He slept some last night Among these are Harry Howell, Superintendent of Rilelgh City, Schools, Dr. Foust, President of the State Normal College, Rev. Dr. i Mvers, 1st Presbyterian church, Greensboro.' Dr. Cheesburv. Ashe vllle. Mrs. Vestal. Sanford. In every case, exceot the las, which was caused by explosion of an instantan eous heater, foul or faulty flues pro duced the loss. Fire prevention lit erature or nietheods evidently never interested them. , " q R L- savings oanK SayS Thank YOU Following Is the letter received by the Fire Department this week by the Savings Bank and Trust Com pany: Mr. J. B. Flora, Chief of Fire Department, Elizabeth.. Qt, N. C. Dear Sir: We certainly appreciate the splen did and efficient work of your De pnrtment at the Fire In the Savings Bank & Trust Company building on the 23 of January, dnd In token of pamo, we herewith enclose you our check for $100. Respectfully yours, H. O. KRAMER, Vice-President and Cashier. Teaches Kiddies To Play the Game A Jolly Fine Came Which All All May Play And In Which All Can Win Mrs. Martha 1). Dinwiddle, Health Specialist, from the Bureau of Edu cation, Washington', D. C, who has' spent the last three days in the j Washington, Feb. 17. Twenty County with Superintendent M. P. 8tates will Jo'n Wisconsin in chal Jcnnings, left Wednesday night for longing before the Supreme Court Greenville, where she will speak to ,i)e rgi,t ot tilt Interstate Commerce tho students uf tin East Carolina i rninmisMliin t. roiiliit railroad Teachers Train.'n. it School. During her stay' in the county she spoke to the teachers and students in pract'eaily. every white school, in par' of the colored Rchools; also to st intents or me unz- abe ii t'i'y il .;h Si-ho-il, to lite stu dents of Roanoke Institute and the Stat" Normal. Miss Dinwiddie also spoke to a ra rent -U,,ehors meeting at Salem i night. 1,1 .m l, f 1,-.- o1,rt nn, .,1.,..n,l ii, ...... ,.w u. . t,,,,.,.... u the of tile Health Game which are the following: A full bath morel than once a week; Brushing the I tenth at least once every day; sleep- ing long nours wnn winaows open; Drinking as much milk as possible, but no coffee or tea; Eating some . vegetables or fruit every day; Drink-j st. Augustine, Feb. 17. Problems Ing at least four glasses of water, 0f various kinds to be solved before for very small children, up to eight! the Inauguration were talked over glasses for grown ups, a day; Play-! today by President-elect Harding ing part of every day out of doors! and Hairy Daugherty, of Ohio, who and a bowel movement every day. 'managed his campaign for the Presi She encouraged the children to!(!encv last snrlnt: and who Is exnect- at once to play the game in which ail can play, and a Hi laiks wore very much appre eve; y 'the went. "i-I Oanqtret-v Raymond Evans Friends of Raymond Evans, Best city's first Big Leaguer, are prepar in; for a delightful banquet in hlsj honor Friday night at the Southern Hotel Dave Robertson will he among the distinguished guests. The com- mlttee to prepare for the banquet is niflde up 'of John Wells and Oliver , ftrIties of war' was !ven more im Gilbert, and they expect tp make Portance than was warranted by the the affair In every way worthy of "Snooks," the honor guest. Cai"U80 May HftVe Chance To Recover New York, Feb. 17. Caruso held ana nis lemptyaiure is lower man at any time since the serious heart atta Tuesday night. Investigate Last Night's Lynching Athens, Ga., Feb. 17 State and county authorities today began In-1 vestigatlng the lynching last night! of John Eberhardt, negro, suspected jof the murder of Mrs. Walter Lee, a i white woman. I The negro was taken from the ' f liire County Jail here and burned j nl the gtake nPar lhe gcmi9 ot tne j alleged crime in Oconee County Seven miles away. . SMALL FIRE TODAY The fire company was called to the house on I'errso. Btreet occupied by Elijah Franklin and owned by V. T. Love, Thursday morning at sevon-lhlrty. They found a chim ney fire and there was no damage. Tuesday night at 10:15 the fire company was called to Pennsylvania i Avenue where they found a chimney 'fire In the dwelling occupied by John Taylor and owned by Mrs Mary Commander. There was no damage J. Raleigh Morrisette. of Phila delphia, is visiting relatives here. CHALLENGE RIGHT REGULATE RATES Twenty States Join In Chal lenging Power of Interstate Commerce Commission Un der Transportation Act ' rates under the transportation act, it was announced here today after a two days conference otj the attorney generals of twelve states. I Took Six Sacks j Registered Mail I Toledo, Feb. 17 Sheriff Taylor i and a nossee have surrounded sev- ! flf ,,oint piace 8x mlIei north of here In search of Ave armed ,band,t8 whQ ear,y tQday fceld up three clerks in the main postofflce and escaped wilit six sacks of regis tered mall. , The postmaster is un- 'ab,0to ay wMt the log ,nvolveg TALKS PROBLEMS OVER a'ed to be Attorney-General In the new cabinet. The final make-up of the cabinet 1',-elf occupied the first" place in their consultations. The only cabinet posts not yet virtually assigned are the Navy, Commerce and Labor departments. SAYS BATTLESHIPS WON WORLD WAR Saint lilaslen Baden, Feb. 17 (By Associated Press)r Battleships won he World War and will win the ,uture wars- ls the opinion of Ad- mlral von iluz. tie aeciares jnai the submarine, owing to the pecull- 1 facts. i SUSPEND IMMIGRATION FROM CENTRAL EUROPE Triest, Feb. 17 (By The Associated Press) Emigration from Central Europe to the United States has been suspended and the eastern frontiers nf Italy are closed pending the cleaning up of the sanitary situa tion here. IN SUPERIOR COURT The case of Love Bros. vs. Cul pepper, the first taken up at this term of court, went tcAhe Jury Wed nesday and verdict was for the de fendant In the sum of $283. 81. Thursday morning the plaintiff was non-suited in the case of the Standard Manufacturing Company vs. the Raeford Power and Manufac turing Company. The case of G. C. Jennings vs! W. H. Jennings and A. C. Bell was be ing tried when this newspaper went to press. TO RKOROU.MZE P.ARTY Washington, Feb. 17. Reorgan ization of the Democratic party ma chinery preparatory to the Congres' slonal campaign for 1922 and the Presidential campaign of 1924 Is the topic set for 'scnsslon at a meeting here today of Chairman White and the executive members of the National Democratic Committee recently appointed. ( OLLUCTIOX FOR RED CROSS The collection for the local Rod Cross amounted to $44.60. "There were 12 dollar bills, thirteen fifty cents pieces, G9.iiu'arters, 57 dimes, 103 nlckles and 25 pennies.