THE WEATHER Fair tonight, Saturday unsettled, probably rain. Not much change in tem- perature, fresh N.E. winds. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1921 VOL. XI. NO. 42. Brick. Road Open To Weeksville Sunday Net Circulation Thursday 1,223 Copies 1lbi Sl MOTORISTS WILL THRONG HIGHWAY Few Will Be Motor Driven Vehicles In County That Will Not Celebrate Opening Weeksville, Pasquotank County, will probably see more visitors Sunday than ever be fore in its history. The new brick highway from Elizabeth City to Weeksville, nine miles in length and recently com pleted will be opened to traffic on that day and during the day probably, very nearly every motor driven vehicle in the. County will at one time or an other pass over it. This is Pasquotank County's first hard surfaced country road, but al ready work Is' going on ou the sec ond hard surfaced road in the County the road from Elizabeth City to Newland Township, which will be the first lap in the proposed Elizabeth City-Gatesville highway. This also will be a brick road, the Pasquotank Highway Commission, after investigating road building In other counties, having reached the conclusion that, all things consid ered, the brick-cement road is best adapted to requirements and condi tions in this section. Nearly eighteen months has been required to build the Weeksville highway but with the experience gained in its construction and with improved equipment for transporta tion, members of the highway com mission believe that much more rapid progress can be made on the road to Newland. ' One of the chief causes' for delay in building the Weeksville road has been the inability of the county en ' gineer to get materials at all times where they were needed. Most of the hauling was done by trucks and the dirt roads over which they were used were soon cut to pieces in wet weather. On the road to Newland brick are taken up the Pasquotank River on barges and conveyed from the land ing to the place needed by an indus trial railroad. REGULAR WINTER EARIY NEXT WEEK Weather Bureau Announces In Special Bulletin Today That Cold Weather May Be Expected Very Soon Washington, Feb. 18. The cold est weather of winter probably over much of the country east of the Rocky Mountains may be expected next week, fiTe Weather Bureau an nounced today in a special bulletin. The cold wave will- extend south ward over the Gulf and the South At lantic States, carrying freezing tem peratures the first of the week. M. L. SHEEP HACK FROM BUYING TRIP M. Leigh Sheep, proprietor of the Woman's Wear Store, returned Thursday from a ten days stay In New York City, where he purchased goods for his store. "I went early," says Mr. Sheep, "and bought with especial care. I believe I've ,got what the folks want and at the right prices." WOMEN ON JURY IN MURDEft CASE Cleveland, Feb. 18. Judge Wil liam McGannon was acquitted of a second degree murder charge In con nection with the death of Harold Kagy by a Jury of three women and nine men today. Dr. J. H. White To Give Clinic National Association Recog nizes Professional Ability of Elizabeth City Dertist Dr. J. H. White has recently been invited to give a clinic at the Na tional Dental Association at Mil waukee iu August. Dr. White's ability has long been recognized in the community and State, and this national honor will be of much interest here. The clinic will be given before thousands of dentists from all over America. APPROPRIATIONS NEXT IN ORDER Having Passed Good Roads Bill, House Will Now Turn Attention to Taxes and Ap propriations State-wide Stock Law Is Now a Reality Ilalfigli, lib. 18 (Special) Tlu state-wide stock law is now a reality effective January 1, 1!)22. The vote in the House u iiu (i:t i 4 1 . ' Raleigh, Feb. 18 (Speeial) Leg- islators of the lower house of the ' General Assembly having passed the good roads bill are now turning their attention to, the matters of taxation ' and appropriations. j This work" will be handled largely 1 by the committees which are already. holding night sessions in order to complete their work in time to sub- mit a report to the legislating body within the sixty-day limit. The mat-j ter of appropriations for the State's educational and charitable institu-j tion3 Is second in importance only to the road legislation and it is like-1 ly that much of the time left of the ' session will be given over to provid-. ing adequate funds for North Caro-! Una's charges. Recommendations of the State Tax Commission and the Governor j are being considered by- the finance ! committees in mapping out the tax I legislation. There will be some re- duction in the valuations of property j but it does not appear what this j figure will be. Governor Rufe' Doughton is authority for the state-! ment, however, that the committee! will recommend that the 1919 valu ations be lowered. " Having spent virtually all week on the Doughton-Connor-Bowle good roads bill, the House today finds it self far behind with its local calen dar and faster work or night ses- sion8 will be required to get back' cured their receipt books and started out in the race that means to normalcy There are two bills the(a paige Automobile aTord gedan or gome of thJ other rich I Tfnuso must pnnalrlor within tha nprt ! week. The first ls stock law f0r!rewar.ds totaling in value over Eastern North Carolina and state-: wide tick eradication., ... I liom oi inese measures win oe tnresnea out on me noor in general debate, the Senate having deferred action on stock law and passed the;a districts for energetic work tick eradication bill. The House! , , , ..,,... ... era, people who do not want first defeated. the latter measure ' ' ' but moved to reconsider. , to stand back on the side lines Senator Gallerfs bill to authorize and allow others to secure all pensions for every North Carolina of the good things of life but Confederate soldier comes b-uk to ; the Senate for further consideration H3 UUCS IUC BllUrl UrtllUL Ulil Willi il favorable renort from the comniittoo tutionai convention to reviso 'he state constitution is also expected to consume some time during the next ten days The welfare bill retiming j uiw nvnaic wuiii in iurui aruuiiai will also- be one of the things the Senate has to settle. This bill has already passed the House. Dixoo v. o-nsors The campaign manager ine argument at the end. The Tom Dixon, introduced as the man , hopes to enlist at least fifty race wil1 8tart Saturday, Feb who had done big things in placing more energetic, ambitious peo- ruar' 19th. Why not enter? North Carolina on the map, stam- pie men an(j women, in this You cannot lose. Any way you peded the committee on education ffreat free fof aj, no.handicap fiure 'lt the 5,000 Club is to Continued on Page 2 mk , 'm- mm j ..- .. -..'.,' . v y S ': D.WE RORERTSON IX ACTION' NAMES OF "5,000 IN TOMORROW'S Members Are Now at Work More Should Join Opportunity to Make Spare Time Earn You Handsome Profit No Cost to Enter "Club" The More at Work the Easier to Win Rich Rewards For Spare Time Effort Should Induce Score More Energetic, Ambi tious People to Join Large Rewards With only one more day Daily Advance is officially opened, more interest is being shown in the Campaign than at any time heretofore. Quite a few am bitious people who want to share id buted free to the members of of the race, eiirht weeks hence. of the race, eight weeks hence. Plenty of Room rieniy or noom Thrrp is nlpntv nf rnrm in plenty who are red blooded and am-! biu j t takeof evelT one livinf? within the a;.. . ... - . . ineir now iaieume ana devote i lit to the pleasant pastime securing votes and subscribers : to The Daily Advance with astonish you. Do not delay certain knowledge that they lonSer entering your name be .ell paiJ for their e'and beginning the race. While , - lorts. j More Member Wanted t race. The work is pleasant, CLUB" MEMBERS PAPER - RACE BEGINS "Club" and Share In v before the "5,000 Cltib" of The in the rich rewards have se- $3,500.00 which will be distri- the "5,000 Club" after the close I i all it takes is your spare time and the opportunity for most unusual and very large com-' pensation is available. Not very often does such an op portunity present itself and it '3 worth the "deep consideration f n ri'lf r ft r nf Vita t..n.. "VW"-"1J' "l 1,1 ia icv,Bpa;ci. 0jvYou can turn your spare time 'in dollars at a rate that will ore can enter at any time, nev ertheless, those who start now naturally have the better of your profit. Giants Brag On Bestcity Pitcher Say New Addition To Their Squad Who Breaks Into Big League This f Season Has Peculiar And Mystify ing Delivery New York, Feb. 13 Press) The New York Nationals announced today the addition io their squad of C. Raymond Evans, right-handed amateur pitcher of Eliza beth City, North Carolina. Evans! who was recommended by one of the Giants' scouts, is said to culiar, yet mystifying delivery. r ( I RAYMOND KVANH w!iu loaves Elizabeth City Monday for spring training at San Antonio. lie Is 23 years old and the brother.! of Mrs. A. L. i'cnd; 'ton and Mrs. K. Pratt Fearliu. of KKabeth City. In his home town he is affection ately known as "Snooks." He has a record of 15 months' valiant service in the World War. Last summer in the Twilight League games in Elizabeth City he won 14 out of 15 games that he pitched. Among these were two no-hit gamVs and two two-hit games. It was in the fall that Dave Robert son, acting as scout for the Giants, came down and looked him over. Robertson declared that Evans had the most natural move of any young j pitcher he evrer saw In action. Evans was educated at the Eliza beth City high school and at Randolph-Macon Academy. Recently he lu's fce-n foreman of the Southern Cts linpravtu.eai Coi.ii.a.:y ot Elis.i- beth City Tonight at the Southern Hotel in'c,ub M ot P"ootank County will u... : a f-tnmu ! will give a biimiuet in his honor. Dave RoberUuu will also be one of the guests, TIhto will bo a splendid menu and a number of after d'nnerJ speeches. The cccaIon will bo one of great pride to the home town folk and an event that will go dowiwin history. Road Bill Passes The Third Reading Raleigh. Feb. 18. llhe Doughton-1 Connor-Howie roud bill paed the! third reading In the House yester-j day afternoon by the vote of 102 to 11. TRAINS COME OFF SUNDAY The Norfolk-Southern ugpnt here has Just received a menage from headquarters stating that Trains 5 and 8 will be taken off, beginning Sunday, February 20. (By The Associated be possessed of a pe CONEY STARTS ACROSS MONDAY To Fly Across Continent In Less Than 24 Hours Pear son Cannot Attempt Flight On Same Day S;in Diego, Feb. 18. It is offici ally announced that Lieutenant Wil liam Coney, of Brunswick, Georgia, attached to the Ninety-first Aero j Squadron, will not delay his flight : across the continent on account of 'the mlBhap to Lieutenant Pearson, j Coney plans to eat dinner here at 5 p. m. next Monday and to eat dinner at Jacksonville next evening at 6:30. To do so he must fly twenty-seven ! hundred miles In less than 24 hours. Pearson's contemplated flight from Jacksonville to San Diego on tho game day ls cancelled. Pearson ls at El Paso after being lost six days on the barren border lands when his plane was disabled. News From Caruso Is Reassuring New York, Fob. 18. Reassuring reports from Caruso were received early today. He had a fairly restful night, his fever was somewhat re duced and his respiration decidedly better, rfe was able to take liquid refreshments the night. several times during IMS! TIT CONTEST HA TTRDAY The worked biscuit contest by the "e nem Katuruay ai me i. m. u. a., at 2 p. m. - i . The State Home t)enioiistratlon Agent, Mrs. Jane S. McKiminon, ot Kalelgh, will be here, and also the new district agent, Miss Mamie Sue Jones, of Washington. It Is hoped that there will be a, good attendance from town and country. IN WITKIUOU ( Ol T.T Confusion of defendant with plaintiff !y tno reporter led to error In Thursday's paper In Superior Court Items In the case of Love liroihers V3. Culpepper. Verdict wiii for Love Dros.and the Love Uiothcrs were plulntlffs in the ac tion Instead of defendants. In the case of O. J. Jennings vs. W. II. Jenningi, et al verdict was returned yesterday for the plain tiffs. Joseph James was given verdict In his suit against II. M. Trltchard, administrator.

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