WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Sunday. Gentle to moderate variable winds. CIRCULATION Friday 1,710 Copies VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, JULY 2:5,' 1921 FOUR PAGES NO. 170. Excursion Proved A i Trehlendous Success Delightful Trip Down r.t. uiven rnaay evening ry aaies roues 10 Their Emnlovers. With Plenty of Good Things to Eat, And Wholesome fun, good eats, an lots of singing were fea tures of the get-together excursion down Pasquotank River given by the'clerks and other employes of this cit Friday evening in honor of their employers as a token of apprecia tion for the Friday half-holidays during the months of July and August. The steamer Annie L. Van sciver left the Norfolk South en clocks shortly after five o'clock with close to 150 merry-J makers aboard. The fun start- k, ed at .once, and there was something doing every minute! until the big boat returned to its docking place at nine o'clock. On the way down the liver various games and diver- Sions Captivated the attention ,, ... i of the excursionists, employers and employes alike, with the . PYfPntinn of hfl favored few ... , , , WO in cuupieweie nuie i Uick Comfortable Spots about the upper deck for confidential chats upon subjects beyond the ken of the prosaic reporter. On down the river the big steamer went, with cool breezes blowing, everybody having a good time, and alf acquiring mammoth appetites. An the boat nearod the lighthouse close by the mouth of the river, npnnlp pRnnrinllv men and taovs could be seen here and there earn estly conversing. It was by the ex . ercise of but limited detective ability that on was able to learn that the important subject inuier dioCu.ilon was eats. When would the proven- der be served T Was there enough to of Nags Head, Manteo and other go round? Would each one er points served by local boat lines, and have a certain amount served on' a by the Norfolk Southern railroad as paper plate, With no seconds when far as Fentress,N: Va., totals around that was gone? These and similar forty tons. This leaves a possible questions we aglated. Some of the surplus of thirty tons for sale out more radica.spirits were in favor side the local trade territory, of raiding JbVfood supply, packed In The Conger family of Edenton mysterious boxes in the front -salon, controls the ice industry of North lut the' conservatives held them eastern Carolina. The plant at that back. V ( Circling, around the lighthouse, ; the Vansciver headed 'back toward Elizabeth Crty a little after seven . o'clock. Shortly thereafter, the Jadies crage began untying those ' long-walfchea Wwes, and sandwiches . . ; . . .i m conortsna pnaianxes, in regi- ments ana battalions, began to mane their welcome entrance upon the , scene, accompanied by pickles and ice-cold soda. Oh, the Sandwiches! , Talk about ( those sandwiches! Therr were thin, delicate sand wiches for thsrMstlc temperament, esthetitlljf' perfect, and big, thick, well-filteiKotia for the fellows who were look big for bulk and solid gas- "6 " t"r lu"" , V " , . , , . ,. premises in this respect, and asks the tronomic mfnirt. Sandwiches suit- , .. , ,, u " na l"c ed to the, taste ft fat men. thin .men, c--peratlon ot a11' tallmen.stu.rimfn men with whiBVwHALE op A gALK kers, men wtfhwut, single men, mar ried men, meof wealth, and men who carried ttfelr aggregate re sources in 'their trousers pockets as well as sandwiches for the myriads of pretty, winsome and 100 per cent harming Vmaids on the ship. Vari ous wer Vne kinds, and unlimited wfjr the. quantity. One man aboard ..J.oTaTvd that It was the first square feed he had had since he com menced living In a boarding house fifteen years ago. Finally the gigantic task of filling everybody up was completed, and then somebody suggested singing. ' Thfl girls In one group, and the mer chants In another, sang improvised songs oacic and for, a game at Northcllffe, British publisher, arriv whlch the more Imaginative ladles ed here today on the steamer Aqui were easily the winners. More sing- tania, on the first leg of an extensive Ing. and at length the Vansciver tour t0 Btudy Paclflc problem8 punea up t me pier, wun everyDoay In the best of spirits, and all de lighted with the splendid entertain ment given hy the employes of the city to their employers. By means of this trip an aston ishing discovery was made by the many who had long believed that the to the newspapers here assuming the Boss is a chronic Grouch who never full -responsibility of the recent beat loosons up and becomes a Human Be- Ing and tarring of J. 8, Paul, local Ing. The Bosses themselves entered physician, and R. F. Scott, marine Into the fun with pep and real en- corps veteran. Joyment, and, all In all, th big ex- The belief Is expressed here that turglon was ,an entire success In the affair will be Investigated by the -every respect. . ... .'head of the order. . i Pasquotank River Was All Grades of Fun Peach Cars Packed In Ice From Here O Conner, Manager lyooiil Mailt, Ships Carload Day to Central North Carolina For lief rijjprat ion For the refrigeration of peach ''ars ,n entral Non-n Carolina, shipp(l(1 t0 Raleigh thUB far thls month hy the local ice company. The industry is dependent upon re- frigeration, and shipments have been lllavy pn0UBh t0 0V(,rtax the pro. duetion of the ice plants in that part f Ue State. The ice is shipped in the largest and heaviest freight cars ,1VilllalllCi and is packed 56.000 pounds to the car. Consignments from now on. according to e. c. Con rr. manager oi I no t. rysiai ice : Coal Company here, will probably average a carload a day through the summer months. Last year, during the extremely hot weather, 1,000 tons of ice were shipped to Norfolk from this city. This year some Lhipments have goin id Wilson and Henderson, but Nor folk ice plants have been aide to take cure. of Hie. local demand in that city up to the present. The Crystal Ice & Coal Company lias a capacity of seventy tons, or 1-'.0.C00 piuntl3 dally. The demand o;' Elizabeth City, coupled with that iclty supplies Hertford as well,. and 'other adjacent points. Locally, the Conger plant has live wagons and two trucks in operation for the de livery of Ice. . PROPERTY OWNERS ARE ASKED TO CUT WEEDSi All property owners of this city are notified by City Manager Fere bee to clear their yards and vacant lots of weeds and undergrowth on or before August 30, under penalty of a $5 fine. Mr. Ferebee calls at tention to the impossibility of having a beautiful and attractive city as Inno on, minl. . 1. I ' OPENED II BRISKLY Weeks & Sawyer's Whale of a Sale opened up briskly Saturday morning and business kept steadily going with a rush, shoppers having been at tracted by the low prices advertised for the sale at this high class cloth ing store. -The sale continues fifteen days, but some of the splendid bar gains may be sold out soon at the present rate, and it will be wisest to get there early. NORTHCLIFFE ARRIVES I IN NEW YORK TODAY ! New York. Julv 23 via.m,n Beaumont Ku Klux Acknowledge Guilt Beaumont, Texas, July 23. The local Ku Klux Klan has sent letters , VANSCIVER WILL GO TO NAGS HEAD SUNDAY The Annie L, Vansciver will leave the foot of Burgess street, North River Line olllcos, at eight o'clock Sunduy morning for Nags Head, re turning Sunday night. There will be miisfc on board, and meals will bo served on the steamer. JULY 31st IS THE VERY LAST DAY For' Filing Returns of Capital Stock Tax, Announces Collector J. W. Bailey Raleigh, July 23 The following statement has been issued by Collec tor of Internal Revenue J. W. llailey: "July 31 is the lust day for filing returns of the capital stock tax. To avoid penalty, the returns must be in the hands of collectors of internal revenue on or before midnight of that date. "Blank forms are available at the office of Collector of Internal Reve nue J. W. Bailey, Raleigh, N. C. Form 707 is retired for domestic, and 708 for foreign corporations. "The capital stock tax is a special excise tax imposed on corporations with respect to "carrying on or do ing business." The tax on domestic corporations is $1 for each $1,000 or so much of the fair average value of its capital stock for the preceding year ending June 30 as is In excess of $!".000n Foreign Vorporations are required to pay a tax at the rate of $1 for each U.000 of their capital employed in the transaction of busi-1.. ness in the United States without the benefit of thp $5,000 deduction. The tax Is payable In advance, returns filed in July of this year covering the taxable year beginning , July 1, 1921 and ending June 30, 1922. "The Bureau of Internal Revenue estimates that approximately 325,000, such returns will be filed, and that the amount of revenue collected from this source will be approximately ?90. 000,000. "Returns a"o required of everv domestic corporation re-rardless of the par value of its capital stock, and of every forelfii corporation Irrespec tive of the amount of cnnital em oloved in this ennntrv In the trans action of its business., Certain cor porations not organized for profit are expinnt from capital' stock tax. The ciass or organizations entitled to meters are fine, but there are two sub exemption Is descr'bfd In rWula-j jectB that can not lm charted : they (ions 50, revised, copies of Which are Almighty God and human nature, may be obtafned at the office of Col- an(1 nol)l cut quite a fiRure, Also it lector J. W. Bailey. Raleigh, N. C. 'should be remarked that It is a per "Corporatlons claiming exemption son of rare qualifications that can an- are required to file returns setting forth their reasons for such claims, accompanied hy evidence In support thereof. "If, because of lack of comnlete data or other reasons than Illness or partment reports, etc. who rould absence It is impossible to file n Bpend our time to better advantage complete return on or before July 31. learning the people in our organiza a tentative return mav be fled, re-ltlono and gett ing a more in'ir.iate portin-T the approximate fair value , knowledge of the viewpoint of thqse In order that nn Initial assessment . with whom wp An luminous may be made, thus avoiding penalty. "The. renal'v for failure tn file afrits 4vn iniMtir:n( to return within the time prescribed Is i an added assessment of 25 per centj of the amount due, unless It is shown that the failure was due to reason- able cause and not to neglect, , "In addition to the added assess- ment a fine of not more than SI .000 , Is provided for failure to make a re-' turn on time. For wilful refusal to make a return, .wilful evasion of the i tax. wilful refusal to supplr infor- MISS ALBEHTSOX NOW AWAY' mation requested hy the Commis-1 Miss Marcie Albertson is now tak sloner, or attempting In any way : ing the course given home demon evade the tax and, payment when stration agents of the State at North due. the penalty is a fine of not more Carolina College for Women at than $10,000 or Imprisonment, for Greensboro. She expects to be back not more than one year, or both'. , by Monday, August 1st. v "With a view to the prompt col- -lection of the capital stock tax, and mit checks with the returns for the for the convenience of the taxpaver amount of taxIne, This method is as well as the government, the Bu- appealing to corporations as it les reau suggests that corporations sub- sens liability to penalty." Subscription TO PASQUOTANK MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL ( ASSOCIATION I herewith make application for and subscribe to shares of Preferred Stock of the Pas quotank Municipal Hospital Association, at the par value of $10 per share upon the following terms: 10 August 1st, 1921, and 10 monthly thereafter until the full amount of subscription's been paid. Name of Subscriber Address '. . Date 1921. , 1 GENTLY SCORES SUPER-SYSTEM Chairman Federal Reserve r i. f i i i c and Human Nature Must Be formerly of this city, who died in Taken Into Account Franco In the service of the. United m .States army In the world war, will Minneapolis. Minnesota. July 23 be :o"',,,,;' llt "''" on Hroad -Super-system, titles that cause ilr,Mit ""lhy "fernoon at one-thirty heurt-bum and overdone statistics; ,,BU;a'1 of ,lim 0 cl,,ck' were gently castigated here to-day 11 '"'"-.gemenls. The dead hv ll r. wiiii- Mm irimi ii f h Ixt'ih remains reached this city Hat- board of the Federal Reserve Hank! of Cleveland, Ohio, In a practical business talk to future bank execu tives. The occasion was the annual convention of the American Institute of Hanking. "doing through the motions of do ing business without really getting down to business" was the theme the Cleveland banker expounded. He summed it up in the title of his ad dress, "Knowledge vs. Wisdom," and here are some bits of business wis dom he gave young bankers: "Full credit must be given to or ganization and machinery, since or der is Heaven's First Law. What I w.l n In fritt iinriiua la a lrlplr ucr.ilnaf I ,i ,,, ,' . .u . .1 i I the pyramiding of system that final-1 ly leads to bureaucracy. I do not think It is the duty of the public to conduct a continuous audit of a con cern with which it trades. "Frequently in a bank organiza tion the question of titles receives , more consideration than it deserves, nvinptti:ill v h.iputiaa unncir.uvc.tom luis fr(,.Up(1 go manv wh; , 8Q , e0RH , wh(,(,9 that ,.,,,,. ,w..,i11o. , i..,,, (l jtles doesn't sullice. v Frequently tl- ties cause a lot of heart-burning in an organization simply because of vani- ated Tress) The outstanding- fea ty and false pride. i ture of the government's Irish peace .tiy ooservauon and judgment convince mo that one can function under any title and that we will do well if we pay less attention to ti tle, lest in our zeal to create and ex alt titles we put the emphasis where it does not, belong. It Is not a ques tion of what a posit'on is. The ques tion is: What are you yourself do ing with it? As to statistics, accurate data in telligently arranged is so far ahead of hunches, guess work, general re mits and rule of thumb that it is as electricity to candle light. Neverthe less, it's use can be overdone and is being overdone. Charts and barom- alyze and make proper deductions from statistics. It is my judgment that a lot of us are getting our trousers shiny sitting at oitr desks poring over statistics, de PLAY THIS AFTERNOON The Elizabeth City Cubs and the Harbinger baseball team will play a lively game on the West Main street diamond this afternoon at 3:30. It is hoped that a large number ot, local fans will be out to see this game. Hour Funeral Service Changed to One-thirty IteiiiaiiiM of William Kills While, War Hero, Arrived Sal unlay Morning unlay morning on the southbound train from Norfolk. The local order of Red Men will officiate at the funeral,, and all members of the fraternity are request ed to meet at the hall of the Order in the Kramer Hullding at 12:4.r. Former service men of this city and section will act as pall bearers, and will perform the military flag cere mony. Interment will be made at Hollywood Cemetery. HARDING (JOES CAMI'INO Washington, July 23. President Harding left by automobile today to Join a camping party with Harvey S. Firestone, Henry Ford and Thomas Edison on Licking Creek near Peck- , , , .. . vine, Maryland. He expected to spend the night under canvas and return late tomorrow. Mrs. Hard ing did not accompany him. Bishop William F. 'Anderson, of the Metho dist Episcopal Church, South, and Mrs. Anderson wcp also of the party. Ulster's Position Is Amply Assured London, July 23 (Hy The AsBoci- proposals to Devalre is concession of fiscal autonomy. It was stated on high authority today, and the posi tion of Ulster Is amply assured. SPREAD NET 1 OR BANDITS Memphis, July 23. The Memphis police today joined the sheriff's posses in spreading a dragnet today for the six men who held up the Missouri Pacific' passenger train last night. (JERMAN CAPITALIST IICKT Berlin, July 23. Hugo Stinnes, i uiTinuii capuaiisi, ,iuuuy nuuereu concussion of the auto overturned. brain when his CAKPENTIER IS GIVEN OVATION I Paris, July 23. Georges Carpen 1 tier was today given a hero's recep tion upon his arrival here from the United States. He was captured by 'the surging throng and borne against his will along the thoroughfares. .Police lines were pushed aside by the 'shouting throngs. Police ' reserves finally persuaded the boxer to take a taxicab so i crowds. they could disperse the Des Moines Owns Public Observatory Des Moines, la., July 23 The only I municipal observatory In the world, j according to Bean Daniel W. More Ihojise of Drake University, Its chief I promoter, will be opened to the pub 1 11c here on August 1. The city I council voted the funds for its erec tion. Dean Morehouse was lefl to work (for the public telescope by his exper lience as head of the department of t astronomy at the local university for 20 years. In which-he came to the conviction that the great majority of newspaper readers are interested In astronomical phenomena. "They de sire Information In this field upon which they can depend and which and will he of real benefit in shaping their ideas and concepts in the realm of the oldest and grandest of the sciences," the dean says. The observatory building Is to be equipped by Drake university with a fine nlrfe Inch equatorial telescope. It ! Is to be made the control of the unl I verslty and open to the public at j least three times a week, and at any other time when occasion may war rant. Thn f'ltv of Tins Moines has erected one of the most beautiful observa-1 Augustus Markham. of Lower Pas tolres In the loveliest public park to,""18"' wa the city Saturday, he found In the entire Missouri as Meads, of the Sound Vnnb .1 1 valley, said Dean Morehouse. WILL MEET MONDAY The Ladles' Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet In the church parlors Monday after noon at four o'clock. All members are urged to be present. MUTE MAN IS Casey Jones Was Sentenced to Hang on July 18 "ut Ap pealed to Supreme Court Saved Once Before llattlesliurg, Miss., July 23, Casey Jones, white man convicted of the murder of Mrs. J. S. Mosely, was taken from the county jail early to day and hanged by a mob. He was sentenced to hang on July IS, but tht' hanging was delayed by an appeal to supreme court. Jones was saved from a mob two months ago by a preacher who stood off the masked men who tried to take Jones from a hospital. Jones is reported to have made a desperate llgii for life, lie badly cut one member of the inoliwiLh a razor and broke a chair over the head of another. No shots were 11 red. r CROWDS Til IIONO DOORS OF MI H HKI.LS HAT! RD.IV Saturday morning before Mit chells department Store opened crowds were packed about the doors ager to push their way In and take advantage of. the gifts which this store is awarding the energetic on Saturday mornings. The crowds re mained, too, to buy the bargains now to be had at Mitchells Sale. WOODVILI.K SI NDAV SCHOOL ENJOYED AFTERNOON SOCIAL Woodvillo Baptist Sunday school enjoyed an afternoon social on tho church lawn Thursday. There was a fine crowd present. Ice cream and cake were served in abundance. MAYOR OOODWIN IS NOW IN NEW OFFICES Mayor V. Ben Goodwin is'now in his handsome new ollices over fho Savings Bank & Trust . Company. Besides being mayor of liestcity, Mr. C.oodwin is also secretary of the Building and -Loan Association, sec retary of tho Albemarle Fair Asso- el;!''on ""d C-e.: of the Red .Men Records General Smuts Aids De Valera And Craig London, July 23. General Smuts. South African premier, is expected to leave for Ireland early next week to place his services at the disposal of DoValera and Sir James Craig, Uls ter premier, during the critical con sideration of the Irish peace pro posals, p A BAN DON A TONM ENTS Washington, July 23. Secretary Weeks announced today that six army cantonments will he abandon ed. Camp Devens, Massachusetts, and Camp Mead. Maryland, were named, but the others were not an nounced. It was said that Camp Jackson would probably be abandon ed. One big cantonment will bo maintained permanently in the South. ANOTHER VICTIM TAKKEI) Lufkin, Texas, July 23. George Lee, service car driver, became the third victim of masked men here in a week when he was unloaded today from an automobile In the city clothed only in tar and feathers. ' NEAKLY HAD FIGHT Washington July 23. The Berg doll investigating, committee's ses-. slon broke up suddenly today when Charles Braun, brother of Grover Bergdoll, called Representative John son a liar and Johnson attempted to reach him. PEUSONALH Miss Mary P. Bell, who has been visiting her sister In Norfolk, re turned home yesterday. Mrs. S. N. Dulin has returned from Raleigh, where she has been visiting Mrs. S. B. Underwood and other relatives. R. L. Jackson, of the Salem sec tion, was In the city on business Sat urday. Carl Bright, of Sound Neck, was ! here Saturday morning. T """ '"reu nere oaiur- uay. 0 W. H. Markham, of Salerii, came to Elizabeth City by automobile Saturday morning. George Meads, of Simonds Creek, was In the city Saturday. John A. White, ot Simonds Creek, was a Saturday visitor to this city.