WEATHER Fair tonight and Thurs. day, no change in tern- perature. Freh north- erly winds. VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION CIRCULATION Tuesday 1,644 Copi ei ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, vKl)NKs How Roanoke Island Was Stirred To Enthusiasm A Woman Catching The Vision Of The Great Undertaking, Dreamed, Talked And Worked Over It Until All The People United For Its Success SDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER" M, 1921 IRISH GATHER IN SECRET SESSION . i Indication That Formal Reply 10 British Government Will ... Nm n. ...rt: .Tr .u ." or iiiuueuiaieiy, . m uie my Market, members of However ilh" t'ity Council state that iinniedi- . s all'ly "I""1 I'"8 discharge of John Al- Dublln, Sept. 14 Member, of .i,n )ertH""' operator of the market re- r .., miTCrilMllv i.l . i .1 i. . .. ii inn uupuoncan pHrllament cat her- a(, rne ,,011) i'OUR PAGES Council Did Not Hire Incapable Man ! ( Kent n.v Factory Took ('lmrKi Of HfrlKriK pHI ,U Market House NO. 215 To one person a woman rightly -goes the credit for organizing the men, women and children of Manteo ' and Roanoke Island into an Inspired .group whose individuals are putting their best efforts Into the work of successfully reproducing the scenic settings, characters and historic ep- isodes that will be filmed during the last days of September on Roanoke Island. . 4 This young woman caught a vis-' Ion-of the great undertaking early in the summer. She Is a born leader, and has the gift of a remarkably attractive personality. She has' dreamed, planned, and worked night Date Of Hearing Is September 28 STAFF TO FIKK IIOSS IF UK ITLLS ANOTHER HONK. HEAR HAD AS THIS The date of hearing on the site of the proposed State bridge across the Pasquotank river is Wed. and day for the success of this, the nesday, September 28th- and not Wednesday of this week as was indica- first moving picture drama under taken by a State as a record of his tory of that State. Her appeals to the people of her county have stirred them to a realization of the tremen- dous significance of the work, and Iiave awakened In them a boundless enthusiasm for it.. They are deter- mined that the picture shall be a success. This young woman she is scarce-' 1y ;inore than a girl is Miss Mabel Evans, Superintendent of Schools in Dare County. She is far and away the best loved superintendent that Dare County hag- ever had, tfnd has notably raised the educational muiiuaras or the County. The col- ored people call her an "angel from heaven," and on every side the vis- itor to Manteo sees evidence of the universally high regard in which she Is held. In the motion picture pro duction Miss Evans will take'u,e part of Eleanor Dare, daughter of uovernor John White, and toother rtf Virginia Dare, the first chWL born -under the English flag on themer- ltaii continent t'd here todav puny that manufactured tho hi 11 11 1 sessions but indications are that the , '"'rt ,,,w,, 10 look a'r it lormai reply to the British govern- . ' KU,i,r 00,11,1 ' secured, merit proposals will not be sent to- hn""y uUtir M arrival, this expert day, awaiting the arrival of Harrv WUS "'iWl by tlle udden 111- Itoland and Joseph MoGrath, envoys Wlfe' ul"1 eUIoyed Al io Lloyd George, who are expected to n,n the 'Berating ,B- to bring an Interpretation of British "H U"U1 llH couUl re,urn- "e is conditions for presentation at the ",M"',e1 10 rt,acl1 this city Wednes parliament conference t y 01 Tll,lrHl"y or this week. The Dail Klreann today imanl-1, Ch"r,L'8 mgory, a former niem- mously approved the reply to the re- ,, y I"""'t' 0,'(;,' ls '"w cent proposaTof Llovd George re- v"'"" lne -;uy Market, aceord garding Irish peace negotiations and , ' ('0,,n('illl' C Cohoon, appointed plenipotentiaries to the 811,3 al!, lhat tlie " nt-il did proposed conference at Inverness . an "'experienced man in . charge of the plant while awaiting1 TWELVE MILLIONS hl com",,R "f the fa('tory -i"..-! . tlHtlVC. It I) ft lwwnw.,1 !... I COLLECTED IN D1&VE -on of coalman L7 JtJZl , stayed in the Nov. 29, 30, DecTT Dates State Livestock Meet Education., Program Being prepared Tq Value Of Better Live.tock And All Lee ture. And Demonstration. To Be In And Around County Courthoue A. C Kinirey, of the extension ser vice of the Slate Department 0f Ag- ARE TRAINED AS MPnn ft 1 nnifniTlrl,'ullll'1' "I Raleigh, was in tlw. .in- lUniVL dALtiMlM )V;"lll,-li,y '"IR with Secretary """l. Job of the Chamber of Commerce rw -' Hl,,(:ii1' committee of tlio cnicago1 Minister Speaking At l'h:l "l,,ar appointed to make arrange- London Conference Deplores Over Emphasis Of Institu tional Religion menis for the annual meeting 0f the State Poultry and Livestock meeMmr to be held here during the fall. The dates for the meeting are Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, November 29, HO, and December i and all lectures and demonstrations London, Sept. 14 Mode I'll in in U. son ro trained as mere "salesn.o.." market u fnu- .,,. ilisteail nf f'liriuti -., . . in cnniiepi Imi t,;n. ,i Washington, Sept. 14 (Bv The As- Hlmply to observe the niw. Is one ZZTri' ,Mal shown h 1"1 1 " . 10 sociated Press)-Twelve million dol- "'achine. He had no Job there -aily have a k e-w r . . nZJT County curt house ' ,n ted in Tuesday's issue of 1 ''J'! f"! ,'axes wa col Z.T Ty;. . ward religion, declared the Rev. Dr.' T" r f Commerce has discovered " . n l; h. Z 1," "r J' Thomas of Chicago, in to raise $1,000 to linance -.. . "auu lew DUt , , , '"' i" recoruer s court " auuress Here today before the ' '""'LMing and Mr. Klmr th,iD inaii. : otaniiwij' cnarge. i tnis newspaper. The time of the hear ing is ten o'clock in the morning and not one o'clock in the afternoon as the same news item stated. There is only one man on The Advance staff who could have made this in excusable and inexDlic- of rey was Wi ii in 1. 1 i . . . Ii j it i ..... t. . - ...urim hi .weinouiBt t'iinf,.r,.i,,. ni.ihe nna Hi raiL'(iiii..Miu f,. NO ViCTAnc The speaker said He saw a real lv I,"-''',t 'f this fund. Half of INU VISITORS AFTER THE '1K'nl 1,1 the effort of denominational ",fi all,,),"'t Is to be turned over to PICTURE MAKING BEGINS k'U(i"rS to forre tho ministry Into a ',h,! 1,I,i,.'l'"'0t within the next 110 v"11,5i"i'rrow and mechanical scheme (1"ys a"(1 tll,! remainder Is to be in "Ti, . . whose direct aim is tn m-,wi,. n... ll!od by ten davs hi.f.w,. n,. I Kliabeth City people who wil. the Z "VVTV" lm i""ne"ia,e l" f T1- - take part In the moving picture re- Roanoke Island and at I k v H .u'l! n ",,,,"'ly atten,le" chur'-"s " over n'a,r"- who have sun- .production of the Stat-'s earlv his- nHV .i, .. ... ,d . at.K "X wk the land bear witness to n, ,,..i.... f"'l"',l - Hie'M , ,. .... . , " ' Si n (if tho enmln. ' "I"" a ..... , -""" ivoanohe islatu next went . junineience townnl inutiin i nuior lie Characters Are To Rehearse Tomorrow for this import ant u . vuaiiohe isiantl next week of the Kpii,i, , ,u. . ' " ""inierence toward Institutional re- 1 """ current year should now are asked to meet at the Chamber, Amerie, " ..,".. tt 01 U Dr. Thomas. "Knll "ay ,ll,'ir l,','s. It is undersloo,! commerce assembly hall Thurs- ties have all been provide,. cUTch arp the exception rather "lat lH'inal pledges for a small afternnoii .i 9.- - ' "rn proviUed. cos- i)i..n n, . . :i n i, i 1 neeiieu io provide the necessary funds tanirent hi. U.J . ... , . ... ' "L who and small, is In full wi n, "7 : V .'y nan w,"',lii "Dak8 of the ' " ; r . r jz, z : 1 !.c ara,ers in.the by .he splendid 1 mue .r ,hat ot u., on ourmg the 'i-'" - me city Monday, thuslastic re.snonse nf .h. "i . 1 w" nnve ""ejucfed institutl mental lapse in which the !rZ, ,,y. n,KPt PX,,i inn ii ui.i)uius me scenes in .jn,i ..n t . .ui ine r lives "'louie tosay. Also veil- j' 0,1 i"e late train Tues- Director Cr.mbv tn,iaJ ' H mania ror materialistic in 11 . 111(1 O- lICS f VO '111 l.nn,. aoie error, and that is the ,f y afternoon at 3:30 o'clock for a'tumes are bei g bv ih C8" 'i"" Ul n"e- U is eill",y -'rc'l. .Ju. . , .... .'very mnortant roi.,..i 1 . ' niaue by the score twit tarM ... ... ..... , . tu,lur nimseir. What ...... - , nna the rehearsal nf B-m.,,,0 1 0 "n 1,1 '"'ore n3 auzanetn H. (1 run hn II u,-i,o - e. - e up by the splendid spirited and ionai unnecessary ed A llolic of the Fort In digging the moat for the re constructed Fort Raleigh, on the site of the original fortification, J. B. Williamson, supervising construc tion, found three feet under the ground a stratum of petrified coals and wood ashes. From these it is believed that the original fort was burned sometime after its abandon ment, either by Indians or tn a for est Are, and the ashes fell pajly n to he moat, where they gSually fi'ecame covered by drifting sands, and eventually by the undi&rowth and small trees which grow there today. A few yards from the site of the Fort, the workmen last week Picked up a peculiar hand forged Iron Implement, thought to-be an old fastiloned auger or scraping tool. It was encrusted with rust, and those who have seen it are inclined to think that it was lost In the woods where Federal troops and 25.000 refugee negroes were encamped on Roanoke Island during the Civil' War. Six sea pikes, made during the ! Civil war for use against the Union : forces, have been sent to Roanoke , Island by the North Carolina His torical commission for use in the picture. in mystery is the an- swer to the question: "Where did he get one o'clock in the afternoon?" Chairman A. B. Houtz of the County Highway Commission, one of the most careful of men, gave the editor the correct time and date and gave it to him in writing; nay more, in typewriting. Under the circumstan- ces there is nothing left for The Advance to do but to abjectly apologize for the error, both to Mr. Houtz and the public in general, and to correct it. The rest of the staff have put the boss on notice that if he ever pulls another bonehead as bad as this one he is fired on the spot. 'IV ntlrlil ...... mm will return hern om-lv T-U . IJ 1 uuiMuay morning .'rosby today. diligence, While their belief in the Ti. a ne i.uun raised by the Chain-Ix-r of Commerce to finance th0 meeting will, when turned over to the Stale Department of Agriculture. He divided among lH various live stock associations in the State. These are: The State !:,!. S Asso- GENERAL PERSHING TO - "Tit.,.. ! . .i.ns one lurmng danger, how- mml,. i .. . .. " "' atlon. tl. s. 1, . (ever ,nat is giving the directors a of (lod and . : 7 V" elation, fh", Sta. rih ' Kreat. nenl nf , w " 11: L 11 CIS I . I "'WVIH AS- r 1 "t'" or (oneern. Just one Hm ,, v... ...... . soc at on. tho c.... o ....... ... 7 1- - " iyi jih(-i. i le r(ai mate ownie nreeders speaker indicated, "is ?SI,U,'"" and the State iubi uiie now to v Wd even far out ; person dressed in ordinary clothes mi,iB, icou d p .i,i 0,,t-K FRANCE WITH Mm Al modern boat . ,u "w 10 v,,fM1S!e the.chnrcl, so that she I could ruin on tho may antlipritativt jwork and waste live hundred feet of herita Association. Poultry ...I '. . ThO tlj'Sf rfjlv iU.......u A ' l.w, ,Hound might spoil a whole davs W ...V "1 Z ""'.. nC,"Kwlne I)ay77TO T'' D,i '1IIIT-Il UIV1I1H 111- .. we iai n.i.i i o.niry jiay, and the third" will be Iieef-cattle and Sheep Day. Speakers of national prominence in their line will address the meeting on each of the three days on various livestock subjects. ' '"inured ieet of heritance and the mise'ion of sirri New York. Sent. 14 nw Ti.n a !""." automobile coining Within ficial RMrvIno " ' A. i.-.. airu rress; ueneral Pershing . " 1 ""um "e "" average artisan lacks .. ii-isuiug , . - - ..... unman hicks conl ( ence n the steamship lJ". th'" " '"" Eve" a" the rhu'h 8 the champion of the 'ranee tortav 1lre,tors Photographers will be 'snuare deaf - i, ,...,'... was a passenger on J'aris, sailing for Franco tnHo,, pnotographers will be 'son are ,lm.f i, - in iii tiiiHr intitnnm ii . ii u " 1 v"ni"ic no liar inpv tnnv u pru ii t nf 1 1 1 i ,.-.-. i . i"viT..i . ini u in t- Mri i n a t i hm ....... ni ..c ..i ucoMiw on an unknown .., ,. . v..t lMC, IIJily t-ropneis and priests," Dr. .rota soldier the Congressional ,1 , " "lauvertent- as said, "must challenge the Medal of Honor, ly stepping into it. T ho m- peoplu A most interesting feature of 1,,. meeting to be held in connect Inn Death Of Dante I Commemorated Today s Rome, Sept. 14 (Ry The Associat- will 1(11 .I I H 'till a hninn i . i . ed Press)Catho.ics throughout the filmed, and who is n.H in n er Z. inn v oanaA n ir ( 1 1. t . a .... 1 " v,...j, vtiani in men nine u-i 10 Willi a 0-ntrtl uie (iirertors o;irnpnv ror.,,, .1 . . " '" 1 """" with U l ti,o ... Ittiot 4 t . in luc. n (n, l rust in 1 hrif . . uihjf niiuw. .V'" be no visitors after Sep--and service to the world T, e c., ' h i,'h "sll;,,,y "rlnB, together fro,, wui. un mat day a full must not forget her social 1"u" 10 2000 of the dress rehearsal will be given an.i vi. h..f -h- .. nu'BM North t'urolin.-, ,.., iters will be welcome. Later than r ri 'T that Mates. September 19th visitors will be p.. ,i.,i.,uT.. ,r"6'Un OI Ule m' . This meeting ,w . tremely unwelcome, they say, and no i of "e State Department of Agricul- person who has not a part in the ! tu,e- Mnga together livestock breed. Dfo fp,..., .. -r,w nl I Kltl TKXDKNT ".".over tne State. A few best birds In surrounding world schools, colleges and univers'ties, are grounds commemorating the 600th annivers ary of the death of Dante Alighieri, I the great Florentine poet and "fath- er of the Italian language," in ac cordance with the encyclical of Pope I Ttanwllit I.......1 1... v T,.. . . i..?j am exac: rem cas or liTiivinx. .. the pikes used in the time of Queen1 " l'T RHlahnlh on,l . j , . long sharn blades .nT W Jhn Crank' Jr - was "d $5 and lspect for.the tchings of the church curved Jr Ls rZt tS,Tl C0Slf ,n court her. w"dVnd a,1.,hrity- In c"nc,din he tn,u . ..... . nesaay morning for oneratin - prociaimea uante as "the used In civilized warfare. v... John Bassett Moore Is Elected Judge Geneva. Rent u n tu. a Tho Pontiff I- Ul ... . . . ' ' ' " "V rtSSOCI- 1 s quoieu ated t'ress) John Rassett Moore TZPTIDlne 88 fon-" today eI-tfi" J of the Inter- 11,13 v oiuun.; uouuuie ana as national Court of Justice. .Humus now proiouna was his re Charlie Seymour haft hpftn plpntml good specimens of livestock allowed on the -to fill the vacancy in the Fire Depart- "S '""P0''8 wi" 'e on exhibit and a ment recently created by the resig- li"ll,e,, number will be offered for nuuou or James Wilcox. A brand- ' "le I)rllllilry object of die new fire truck has been ordered, and ""'H,I"K is educational, and the pro is expected to be delivered in the ,K,al" wi" ,)R I,lalmfi with a view to next few days. bringing the people of this ami sur rounding counties to a fuller appre- costs for an A number of Sixteenth" Century' KKXDH LIST OF TOPICS Washington, Sept. 14 (Bv Th A. greatest sociated Pre.i ti.o a.... t .' m stager of the Christian truth" and efnment today sent to the govern i lnervene .ieu " to tudy his ments of all powers Invited to the works in the same Christian spirit armament o tu. ...... . " " si ui inn assault upon Z. . Z . , . llle dlvlne t0"irs 8UKKested for discussion. Geneva, Sept. 14 (lty The Assocl. IIIe of the section will h i ..... ... I r Kiani n 11 ha ...... .... - , . i.uj KVKMN(J ! ""l,u" 1,1 i value of better live The Kpworth, League of City Road 'S,' k Uni1 a lllHrp complete reall Methodist church will have a social zatl"n of the fi,(:t that better live in the annex at 7:30 p. m. Thurs- St0('k ,,f'"er rilre "r 11 are essen flay. All members are requested f t0 a s,lc,;eBSful system of agri he present. culture. T,le "ringing of this m..eti.. ... :KlIzabeth City is regarded as one of the !!. II i.i i. ... I 1VA l . -v . ..u ' fi i:mevenienis of tho in Mandates Question humb,!r of commerce during the current year. It Is believed ti..,t swords and arquebuses, as well as Ai.k!,l M i. T r the deftly woven and beautifully Arb"CkIe Not To Be decorated Indian apron of Osceola taken when tjm famous Seminole chief was captured, have also been Admitted To Bail Decision not to inter- '"terested in the ineetln? Hn,l th..t it vene In the mandates question pen,l- wl" l'rve of real value to the see- in divine accent those Christian NO CH.r;K l ItKGI'L.ATION's meais wnicn ne admired in all the am th imrvn . in n, ........ ... ' i . " "" "'i.m r." ii iuiio ...-Lween "fiiuiiuMii 101 IX'T- th(J Principal mandatory powers and ,Hr llv"tock and niodern methods of the United States was reached today ,u"l,m"K it. A regular meeting ,.t i, o.. '' the snecial nmimi ut r .... , vigor of their beauty." In anticipation of the sex centen ary of Dante's death the government . ! i. i.. ... ... " oan, 'fancsco, Sept. 14 (By The ul ,,a,y recently authorized the ex- Fisheries Commission Hoard was he d I'Pi,8 "f Nations. son nto.l r... T, . nend turn nf 9 finn linn nn r .u. ... ... . .... ""u was ne 0 Internal!.,,. T j. HOSC06 (rattV) ,u, I ii tr III I le. rrnm h ,an atUl Colmia re" ArUe, indicted for manslaughter PubI,t'on of a new edition of his tion UC8 IrOm the CO llnctl,,n nf Ul r. In nnnr,4l b""' tt'nrbn n .1 .U. , ...... .. garet .Hollowell, County, will also 1 lag of the pictures. eni oy me Commission; and many Associated Prnt.. rtn0. ,n.....' penditure of 2.000.000 lire fnr th i., . " Wl ... ' vunv.uc (mi y .... ... .. ,,, , v iiitiinier or Uommercn linn nl ArhiiiVln 1..11.1.J . .v ' nil hi Ina t Inn nf n ... J 1 . 1 . . , .. vuiiiiiipi LB """'"I C- "'"uvnic, lUUUriUU JOT Miss Mar- in connection with the nnnnntanlr Kin la Tt r. . ... " ,v nun iui VOUniy, Will a 80 ho lio,l In l, tlnnal .),.,. . .. u hnr nf tnnnll... rilu. . . i ,i, """" l"c ",a- " '"' oi muruer tiled bv Mrs. . "l """ v... .....: c, nave mington: S. P. Ilanmnir reenn. ii...... . ... mr ... ii, .... .. ... . "moiniiKriier " muni vveiiiesiiiv w th i t.- ..... cm.i-.u .i a-. u o couection of Miss Mar- m connection with the tlenth nf v.. i works and for the restoration of the m. nf t, ,.... ,V. ' 4"uiajKd VV Oman UlVeS Pasquotank Binla Rappe and facing tho aru ' "aptlstry of Florence. For a num. man ,iv ir 1' y' . ' a,r" in or a niim- man, and K. II. Dr. Hamhlna Delmont, friend nf tho ,io.,.i ,,e(M1 renewing their acquaintance- fort Hon- The c i 6 ' w not be admitted to bail un- ' " ,nP l,lvlI,fi Two hundred vnr,u nf n ' 1 the latter chW is disposed of. . VUa Nuova. "ne Mor.archla, flannel have been c.,t 77" '.llR i)Mt Attorney announced to- ..lonvit0' VulRurl Rloquentla, , . " nun uc- flnv signed as costumes for the seventv- a' . , , . five Indians to ann.P , ? ! Ty Arbuckle's wife Is on her wnv ... .auuin frnm Vnir V... .. .. " Dante n lil ln ,.l ,. ... . . "'Mi.i u ii.i- were hefom thn ..,! rreeman, of Wil- of Ilea u- V4IT.0 Birth to 22nd Child Convict Killed When He Attempted Escape J. C. Hnnm nf !,..,.. """ana. Sepl. 14 Mrs Comedy." Primcl. n c 1 " Kowr dlan. Scenes Tho Tni.. ... ...umii woman s cos tume is almost an exact roniin t those illustrated In the John White ' J' Z, i." r'lLT.?: SpmW War Veterans right - shoulder, and gracefully draped under the left, falling to the nee oi me wearer. Tha ininn O. Saunders nresent ConinilKsioner J. A. Nelson of Morehei.d nii .,. . "Rcloenes " "d in,,.. , tw. ... ... "' "and. Dante, In Italy, Is almost a na- u-ero tJi' " " .. V laret Lo,,,lly- representing Jollet, 111., Sent. 14 I Hv The Ann- ciated Press) Thomas Schllle,-. convict at .Toilet penitentiary, was Karl M. liot and killed t fl(l;i V w lum tin i r iy. In her forty-first yeir, gave tempted to break Jail. Two other tional deity. So far Is this adora- the smaller fislr.ennf r-'1' Tiap tion carried that, some years a.o. conn, " ,1 ?.0. ar,areta"'1 i when Sir .Henry Irving gave his ,n .ZZ.'Z . m 10 Ptl. h hn n . " " U,H rfir"nt regulati i.i 111,111 10 ,lpr twenty-second child yes- convicts escaped. leruay. Hhn became a bride at the - . age of fourteen and has been mar- TO VO.Xh I 1KLDS SATI'ltl) Y ried twice, her last two children hav- Washington, Sept. 14 ( Hy The h- ing been bom since her second mar- sociated Press) Members of the Senate com mitt no In ixml it.... t - .....vl, in rnt in cull ditionH In the West Vlreini:i rnnl (irama wnlcn nart Danfp as lt h arn rf f V i i .... Condemn Ku Klux StfSSZ XXZLXZ "'. i .u , . . . "I--I1IB oi law reia ve to advertlHln In the h stor e house anA In. ...... .L. .. ""fusing Kailroads Prnfft 'IM,U "ve Saturday for West Vlr Canarliiin QlT:nnA.. f ,0 r,'HUI1,e the inquiry In an In Canadian OhipperS formal manner. Idol vinhn .!.. o. . . . lu nistoric nouse and ow- tl.m tho nn.i.i.. L " 1 1 American ItAll.uvv iih.,v. man's dress Is s.m.lar , ,ZgT Z -c.aTed pr 8, U I ted s nVsh S V? bu,,t '' ct' T"" thl" P"'rt ' BK A.MH less extenslrs. g"' bBtW.r veterans In convention here to e en Ji'V n' "7 W" w ,he ,natter SefrTrid un i I, c ".n " r.? t th': Ca"a,,lan Pa" Washington. Sep 1 4 (By The As- Tor the wigs which the Indian lopted a resolution condemning Zl ll oMhe T n whlch" d oS Z't JcUve me IZtl J" 8,C'a,ed riLId tl ' s-KpSHaWfe5 i