weather Fair tonight and Tuet- day, cooler in south por- tion tonight Moderate N. and N. E. wind. -1 CIRCULATION Saturday 1,604 Copies VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA,:mONDAY EVENING SEPTEMBER 10,' mi FOUR PAGES Prospects For 1921 Fair Looking Better Each Day Special Railroad Rates For Visitors, Agricul- . tural and Livestock Exhibits Fast Being En tered, Better Facilities for Poultry, And Mid way Attractions Said to be Best Ever NO. 219 With the big new stock building nearly completed, many exhibits al ready entered, unusual amusement features already booked and others negotiated for, and a more compre hensive advertising program carried out than ever before in the history of the local affairs, It appears that NEW SENSATIONS ARE EXPECTED Demonstration At Y. M. C. A. Wednesday Kpeclallut In Making Grape Products Will Also Visit Salem and Newland COMEDY OF ERRORS : cotton goes up" AT COURT'S CLOSE : 55 00 a bale Many Cases Called And Few Chosen At Morning Session Which Largely Taken Up With Judge's Charge Pistol-toting, gambling, perjury Mrs. Cornelia Morris of Hender son will give a demonstration at the Y. M. C. A. Wednesday morning from 9:30 to 11 In the making of grape Jelly and grape Juice. Mrs. Morris Is a specialist In grape pro ducts and one of the State's most and violation of the State prohibition valued district home demonstration Iaw were some of the evils charac- agents. She is co-operating with terlzed as too prevalent by Judge J. Miss Marcie Albertson, Pasquotank's Lloyd Horton in his charge to the home demonstration agent, In this Krnd Jury at the opening of the Sep- work. tember term of Superior Court here On Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 Mrs. Monday morning. Morris will give a demonstration at "Tne man who habitually carries a Newland High School and on Wed- Pistol," said Judge Hoi ton, regard nesday afternoon atvSalem. less of his motives when he begins New York, St-pt. 19 (iy Tim Fmm) Cotton ad-van-d ,ut flve iMUrn a m,(N r a cent a pound, on tin ro(on exchange today. Future rlom-d M follows: OclolM-r 10.45, Dfwmbcr 10.77, January 10.84), March 10.78. May 19.00. Npots lowed Hteady at 10.05. Norfolk, Hept. 19 (HpwUI) Middling Hpot cotton closed here today at 1854 cenU a pomtf. POLICE CAPTURE i 5 DYNAMITERS I Who Were In Act Of Bombing j Shoe Repair Shop In Chi cagoOne Prisoner Shot One Bomb Thrown Housekeepers of town and country carrying it, will sooner or later use the 1921 Albemarle District Fair, In Arbuckle Case. According are ,nvlted to attend these demon- 11 10 nis sorrow." to be held here from Tuesday to Frl day, October fourth to seventh, will be the biggest and most enjoyable, s well as the best attended fair that has ever been held In' Northeastern North Carolina. An interesting gear's district fair To Prohibition Officer Mc Cormick Fatta Wife To Visit Him Today Popular Marriage On Friday Night There will be a womanless mar- tures has brought many a family to riage under the ausDlces of the Par- want." San Francisco. SeDt. 19 fRv a ii.i. ' " i. th erhihit nf The Associated Press) Mrs. v thai- r.,nMn whioh Rnsme Arhiirlflo Minfo ri. Jsonage Society of City Road church o ....... . . v ... . . I at the high school Friday nixht in marking on , , ... ,icc; aiiiveu nere luuay to as-i sociatlon has gathered from govern-' . i , , . , , jnent departments and private man- sist in th defense of her hus ufactures all over the country. The band, accused of responsibility United states Department of Agri-0f the death of Virginia Rappe, culture has sent seed samples of ten . . , . . . . ... Tarieties-of soy beans grown ,n ; and issued a statement in which America; the Gireh Food Company, , she asked the people to be f New York city win display a dei-j "fair" and give her husband a lcate flour made from the bean,1,, , . , , , squie ucai, ueciaring wiai Gambling in cotton futures." he declared, "is a far more serious in fringement of the laws of our State than playing African golf out in the woods on Sunday afternoon or play ing poker. Gambling in cotton fu- BIG CONGREGATION FOR DR. WILLIAMS Auditorium Of First Baptist Church Packed Sunday When Camden Man Who Chicago, Sept. 19 (By The Associated Press) Fourteen . hundred sticks of dynamite and ,a hundred sticks of TNT were seizea oy the police here today following the capture of five dynamiters in the act of bomb ing a shoe repair shop. One prisoner was shot by the police who surrounded the shop for ten hours. One bomb was thrown before a shot felled the dynamiter and the explosion A crowd that packed the audl- and which Is used In the- DreDaration of "biscuits, muffins and the like a flour when the facts are known Ar that is rich in protein, . ..imcHon opeaK. tore the front of the shop out shattered windows for The Wniinrlprl man ia ,L . - ' I. ,1 I. I II . L1IUI Ll I -w-ww ...MIA 1 O me yrevitieuce 01 Der- heard r)r r r - -rv. . i, II Ulll HV ' A 1 - " ' - -" HVBb W 1 IIUO- II V fir MAMVal. IIhIh... I churches will take part. The bride Is 8lon ml&ht hit another over the head Sunday morning a scream. Announcement of the wlth a stick or some other weapon Dr. Williams' subject was "Th bridal party will be made tomorrow, that might come in handy; but I can- Dignity of Man " and his text "Whl not understand how, having commit- . that Thou art mindful If Carpentier Will Z'Zl 1 h,m?" WM taken ,rora th lm D ne n stand, after kissing the Evangel psalm. unng VYlie VIOng Ul uou "na Bwear to a e aoout It." Science, "I can understand." he said In . , .u. l"0.uu "I K1n.l-a , ; ' '"ii i mo nrsi Baptist church ijii i ii m uruvs anna nr nan. v i . . . . a. winiams of the fac-, alleged to have manufactured bombs for certain labor unions. philosophy, Mrs. Ada Burfoot Lester Granted Absolute Divorce lacking in starch, and therefore es peclally valuable for those who must forego the usual breads on account of their large starch content. Specimens of soy bean oils used in the manufacture of paints and Tarnishes have been sent by the O'Brien Varnish Company, of South Bend, Ind.. and the Institute ot In dustrial Research, at Washington, D. C A grade of heavy Manclru rian soy bean oil used in soap mak ing has been sent by the Fels Naptha Soap Company of Philadelphia, and but entirely buckle will be exonerated and his "good name cleared." San Francisco, Sept. 19 (By Associated ress) Federal ments under The Indict- New York, Sept. 19 (By The As sociated Press) When Georges Car pentier returns to the United States a drink in North Carolina now, "UWlVl ,fu ,8thfhre f attent,on- P'a it the pinnacle of cr . Its almost against the law to want ation Said "We HOB CinA'a nu 1 1 t. . L' . , . . , . lq . .kj . . . .. .. " " """iiaiD ui ine u uMmUer iu uegin training ior me "'s ie jurors inai vio- value of man in that He created him light heavyweight championship bout lat,n ' the prohibition laws that at the end of the creative nerio.l on with Tom Gibbons he probably will come to their knowledge should the last of the six days of the ere be accompanied by Madame Car- receive the same attention as viola- atlve week " M h 1M,u. thp nrnhthifinn law peiiuer ana meir aaugdter. Jacauel- me iaw against murder, ar- "w mav n.. - r . wU..vv Ilriii Ca HHAti I on f 0 - ..av uuu 0 VBlllliaitJ apropos the Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle ' "' "vi mimKer unnouncea - of man In the fact that He breathed nartv will nnt Via ..VoJ o. li-Juaj. v in literature oltin Decree Under Nw Divorce Imw Sponsored IJy Woman Kepre. sentat Ive At IiHt Iglslalure party will not be asked as was in tended, Robert McCormick, prohibi tion spokesman, announced today, adding that be had decided to delay the matter because of expected start ling new developments. Arbuckle's wife, Mrs. Minta Dur- fee, is expected to see the comedian 'rime Among Voting into this creature's noHtrlls his own LEGITIMATE t j. i,., . . , , , 1110 own -ui opeumi interest Illn.MpnH . Tt, t' T 8P""lt: thUS Ma beCaU8e 11 Wa8 th t broufeht A decree of absolute divorce was the first case before Judge J. L'.oyd Horton at his first term of court In Pasquotank County. The decree was awarded Ada Burfoot Lester, who was suing for divorce from her husband, William E. Lester. me case was of special interest j i, """"6 icatucu oatmiiiemu by the Stevens Grease and Oil Com-, g ' pany, of Cleveland. Ohio, will also be : upon exhibit. Still other manufac turers remain to be heard from. The new wire coops that will house the poultry exhibits this year have already arrived, and were in stalled In the new stock building A , . . , . last Saturday. These allow a bet- Admiral Write National Mer SIMS STRONG FOR MERCHANT MARINE ter display of fowls, and are more conveniently cleaned than the old type wooden outdoor coops. J. F. Daltcm, general passenger of -the Norfolk Southern Tallroad, has notified Secretary Goodwin that the railroad will allow special reduced rates, probably fare and a half for the round trip, for those, who come "by rail to the 1921 District Fair. These tickets will be good for the duration of the fair. Work on the track is progressing rapidly; the grounds are being cleared of weeds, undergrowth and rubbish, and all preparations are now under full swing according to the Secretary. Entries for this year's Fair racing program are coming in dally, end Tom Cannon, who Is now following the Fair circuit, is arranging for a number of foreign horses to compete wRh local entries in the races. Sup erintendents D. W. Morgan of the farm crops department, P. W. Stev- ens, of the livestock exhibit, C. M.' Cooper of the poultry display, and- F. F. Cohoon of the farm machinery and implements division all report encouraging progress, states Secretary Goodwin, .and everything at present points to unusually large and fine exhibits in all these departments. The following ladles committee,; appointed after the publication of the Fair premium list, will look after those phases of the fair in which the women are most directly interested: Arts and Crafts Department: Mrs. Constant Fearing. suDerlntendent: chant Marine Association That Carter Glass Wat Mis taken When He Quoted Sims Governor Hears Washington, Sept. 19 (By The As sociated Press) Rear Admiral Sims feels that the safety of the navy in time of warfare depends upon a mer chant marine and declares that Sen ator Carter mnniAai ""'"t nueiuion 10 tne- growing pre- nart of find hlm.-if nA .. ' In thl. r.,n .u. ..." INTERESTS GUARDED valence of crime among young peo- ma as his masterpiece. ' j enacted by the l. gW.tB mak- ur k 1 1. I vu 1 8Cb01 'nd the "Again on Calvary we see further 'nK flye years separation ground lor Washington, Sept. 19 (By The As- church." he said, "are both great in- convincing nroof f fiH-. Mh 1 divorce. Mrs. Lester testined that at tne time she was married there was an understanding that after a year at Lakevlew, S. C, where she and her husband, who is a physician, went to live, they would move to a larger city; that after thirteen months there they gave up their house and packed their furniture, she coming home to her parents here and tear ing her husband on the understand ing that he, after winding up his af fairs at Lakeview, should go North for a specialists' course preparatory to moving to a larger town. A short time later, she said, Dr. Lester came to Elizabeth City and spent Christ mas; going back to Lakeview osten sibly to finish winding up his bust- habit to grow unchecked until they planets, and after a day's stay on ness. After one further visit here, threaten to destroy character, but Venus or Mars return In time to Mrs. Lester went on to say, at which ouciuieu rress; Assurances that llluu we must not rely upon mate of man, when He gave his Son legitimate Russian interests will be tnem entirely to train up our chil- to save man. carefully guarded at the armament dren- In the cultivation of a crop "in what lies man's dignity Not conference have been conveyed to the there must be the right soil and the in his ability to accumulate wealth Russian people by the State Depart- rlnt sort of preparation of the soil, Neither Rockefeller's billions nor ment. ,and I like to think of the home as Hanrv uwh'. -of .. - "j - B.vnt yiutuo i a u in t3 a - mo un iu wuicn our mancrop is cui- gUre the worth of a man. Not In his tlvated and matured for the market, physical strength of bodily frame, The better A man's training thn mora kn..nk nn i. - a muufiii ii umei L i rttl LI I c is u lettr- KequeSt For Pardon he 088 t0 8eH and the man who hai toll nd wonderfully made or in his most advantages will be best able to physical perfection so fair to behold. Madison, Wis., Sept. 19 (By The 8el1 h,nself to the world." i "Man's overlordship over creation Associated Press) Grace A. Lusk, "In the cultivation of our crops," j8 In his intellect, In his mind, which former school teacher of Waukesha, the speaker continued, "we do not can think God's thoughts after him. Wis., killed the wife of the man she Dermit the grass and " the noxious At the pace of the last 50 years was Infatuated with. She was con- weeds l K to such extent as to where will the progress of clvillsa- vioted of second degree murder and 8ap ine 1116 01 tne growing crop. So tion carry us In the next hundred sentenced to prison on June 18, ,n tne case of our children we should years? It Is not impossible to be 1918. The man In the case was Dr. not Permit the weeds of immoral lieve that man will flv tn rtlnfanf David Roberts, a veterinary surgeon. par- Miss LuBk's application for don which Gov. John J. Blaine of snoum continually turn the soil to spend the night at home. Dr- Lester remained for only a few Wisconsin heard on Sent. 14. was her eliminate these evils before they "Man Is the onlv creature with the hours and left on the understanding Glass of Virginia was second. The first wa made to Gov take root." nnwer of nch. anoh that win I that he would zo to his father and mistaken when he declared in the E. L. Philipp In December, 1920, but Tne apparently increasing preval- convey his thoughts, bring comfort make financial arrangements to take Senate that Admiral Sims had told was later withdrawn by her attor- ence of crime among the young peo- to the broken-hearted and carry to alh'8 specialist's course, he returned to him in London that "the United neys. pie since the great war and his in- sin-sick world God's very message 0fLakevlew and has lived there since, States ought not to undertake de- Friends made a vigorous effort to terest in young people as the hope salvation. and has never asked her to return to velopment of a merchant marine of, obtain Miss Lusk's freedom, nrenar- of. the State tomorrow, Judge Hor- "Man ia a moral animal Th him or made provision for her aim ing petitions and having Influential ton Bald- Ied hra t0 speak of these voice of conscience speaks in every ! Prt or that of her child, individuals write the governor ask- tnnK In his charge to the grand normal man condemning him when Tne defendant did not appear lng executive clemency. Thousands Juy he does wrong, commending him ln court but was represented by Us own." The admiral made known his views today In a letter to the Na tional Merchant Marine Association which asked If he had been correctly quoted. Ambassador Warren Arrives At Yokohoma Yokohama, Sept. 19 (By The As- does right. The brute counsel who claimed In hi answer or letters and petitions were con- A comedy of errors, though not a when he sidered by Gov. Blaine hi coming to classic, brought the morning session knows no pang of remorse or re-!t0 the complaint that the reason he a decision. ot the court to an abrupt close. The pentance. The mule kicks his mas-had not contributed to the support In May of this year Gov. Blaine solicitor went through the docket ter, and though the master die the of the child was that he was not al granted Miss Lusk permission to at- witn an eagle eye for cases that conscienceless animal continues to.lnwed to do so. However, the de tend her dying father at Moslnee, mKht. be tried before the noon re- crunch his corn. fendant made no fight against the Wis. cess, the court manifesting the pa- "Man is a religious animal. Dar-1 decree, which awarded tbe custody of In her last application It was tience ot Job as case after case was win said that only a few tribes are! the six year old boy to his mother. .Claimed that linlfi rplmrl aha Called With no reSDOnse from attor- an Inw In civilization tn ha whnllvi The lurora rptnrnoH tha vorrilot SOCiated Press) Charles B. War-I would . anon rtl frnm dkmn nevs or riefenrianta. Minv wan Kill, wlihmit rollirlnn a..kaonAt,t i without lonvlnir thalr .ooi. " " . u 1 UIOOHBO LUtl J ..w.v " . TI IIIIVIUI IVUKIUUi U U U U C 11 l 1 - -. . w . - v, . n III VI I DCOIB. E. F. Aydlett represented the ren, new umtea mates ambassador to tracted in prison. "Longer confine- ed and none were chosen. The search shows that there is not a tribe! jaDaDi arrived nera tonav witn nia - .m . . .. .. on.i u... .. . ... -i.i.i . n, ... - in cm, win mieiiBiiy ine aDDiicant'a iun mum was imeu, uui Buimrenuy on ine iace 01 ine earin witnout aome . yiaiuim ana uixon MacLiean or i.nm. wife and three sons and was met by afflictions and impose a burden upon th defendants and their witnesses conception of God. But there embassy officials. Arrangements for his presentation credentials are ln progress. is Wholesale Prices Increased In August her physical and mental strength too nad yielded place to those more ln- never a sign that any baboon or mon great for her to bear,"' her pardon terested ln the proceedings of court key ever lifted his heart ln worship request declared. than themselves. When, it ever, a or prayer or thanksgiving to the Trevlous to June, 1917, Miss Lusk defendant answered his attorney was Giver of every good and perfect gift, had been a teacher In Wisconsin absent, and vice versa. Finally So- "Man is Immortal. This Is taught schools for 17 years. During this Hcitor Ehringhaus with a gesture of not only In God's Word as we have it. time she became attached to Dr. despair suggested an early adjourn- Most of the great philosophers of all or vi c! ' I Roberts, and received his attentions ment In the hope that a fresh start time and of all races have believed Washington, Sept. 19 (By The As- for several months. after dinner would meet with better ln it. SOCiated PreSS) Wholesale prices Dr. Roberta ltr Innt lntr.t on result. A a flttlna- (-Umax hn "Man la mnr than lmmn-tol It Mrs. R. B. Cotter, Mrs. Jesse Skin- increased 2.75 per cent in August in her Jealousy of her rival, his wife,: the court ordered a recess the sheriff is capable of eternal life, which i itsTcin, wnoiesaie iooq Bhe entered his home on June 21, could not be found, and the ceremony means fellowship with God forever prices leading In the advance wlth(i9i7, and shot Mrs. Mary Newman of adjourning court was performed and forever. an increase or li.b per cent. Roberts three times. Mrs. Roberts by the new Clerk of Superior Court. rho.U. W flaltho. . a i . oiu.b August ui last year larm died a moat tnatantlv Rrnaat T. Sawv-r oMuH anA .Kh.i. W .! U 1 HH ... "-IIUII1 , BUyOnUlVUUBUl, . . . i , 1 v.j . . - l J ' . I , "II" V. Mill. .iuui- Mrs. T. B. Bennett, Mrs. C. C. Par- DroductB naT declined nearly forty- Attempted suicide proved unsuc- ted by Judge Horton, who prompted ker, and Mrs. W. J. Woodley Sr, as- ? F 1 iy p rice88rul' and aer recovery Miss him from the bench. The afternoon viiiiia . I I illHK WOII hmilirht fn trlnl Kaamm OBfliAfl hAo-nn a tun n' nl nnir ui vum l iu ii iai un nit- wudo.uii a, l inu u liulk. The following constitute the grand itually with J. A. Hooper as foreman: Dr. Williams also preached to a L. B. Prltchard, J. T. Perry, M. B. Jirge crowd at Blackwell Memorial Sawyer, M. L. Perry, J. A. Hooper, church Sunday night, Dr. Calvin S. M. R. Prltchard, Andrew Sanders, W. Blaokwell preaching at the First Gilbert James, as- Mrs., ner, and Mrs. A slstants. Fancywork Department slstants Ornamental Plants and Flower-' T7 !7 i T I Judge Martin L. Lueck In the Wau-I Th "Surely, then, man Is worth sav ing, and ours Is a great task to work with God for his salvation and de velopment Into a greater and nobler being, physically, mentally and spir- Mrs. J. T. Stalllnw. Mr t . . 1 i was Insanity. Efforts to obtain JameaO Fearinsr wIllh.v. Vhar.a nr1 lne m,awBy attractions which new trial were unsuccessful. James G. rearing win have charge of are tne Barae B8 were exhb,.. the registration of exhibits in all the ted at the NorfoUt faIr two weekg - ladles departments. . ago, and which were at New Bern BANDITS GET LIQUOR Miss Marcie Albertson, Home De- last week, have been inspected by i monstrator of Pasquotank County.'the management of the Fair Asso- Bloomfleld. Ky.Sent 19 (Bv The will be superintendent of the girls', elation, and are regarded a entiraiv i.11Wi.M ..V " '."l i " --a coo f 1 woilljr IliaBKOU ciean ana iree irom unasiranifl at- and armed men overpowered the tributes. Should any part of thee -; OL. uuiib U 111- canning club exhibits, and their dis plays of culinary and dairy products. These have been ambng the most ex tensive and Interesting exhlbts of re cent fairs here, and promise to be attractions be found objoctlonable, it tillery today and escaped in seven will be Immediately closed the Fair touring cars with 88 cases and three Secretary declares. barrels of whiskey. L. Sawyer. J. L. Sharber. S. B. Saw- Baptist church, of which he I a for. yer, W. C. Rlggs, H. M. Seeley, John mer pastor. Sexton, J. Rufus Sanders, S. C. New- bold, J. R. Newbern, J. T. McCabe, SPECIAL HHOWIXG OF 0. F. Seyffert. MILLINERY ON THURSDAY Superior Court convened Monday The Prlchard Millinery Company morning at 9:45. A number of will give a special showing of new cases of unusual Interest are on the fell millinery on Thursday and all criminal docket. Large crowds ara ladle are Invited tn h... i...t. . - - - - w vv uvov MJ V V 1 J berton represented the defendant. Two other decrees of divorce were granted during the morning session: Betty HIneg obtained absolute divorce from Silas Hlnes upon the statutory ground of five years separation and Venle Evington obtained a like de cree from J. W. Evington on statu tory grounds. W. L. Cohoon repre sented the plaintiff In each case, neither defendant answering. De Valera May Say He Is Content Dublin, Sept". 19 (By The Associ ated Press) De Valera may be con tent to leave the Irish situation as it stands and discontinue further cor respondence with Lloyd George ln the effort to clear up differences of opinion between the two parties. It seemed certain today that the para graph ln the September twelfth note to which George objected could not be withdrawn without consent of the Dall Elrann which approved it. In attendance. new creations. The Albemarle Pharmacy fountain Is now equipped with holders for paper cups and serves all drinks la this modern and sanitary way.

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