WEATHER Unsettled weather. Showers Tuesday. Slight- ly cooler tonight Moder- ate N. E. and E. winds. CIRCULATION Saturday 1,711 Copies VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION Historical Films Ready For Exhibition Dec. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TEmm YANKS AND GIANTS 1st. NOW THE LEADERS FOUR PAGES Probably Will First Be Shown On Roanoke Island, And Then At Elizabeth City Work ' Of Taking Pictures Now Practically Com- pleted ; But Winning In Today's Game Would Be Only One Point Behind Yankees Giants Lead Safer NO. 225 With nearly four thousand feet of film already taken, the momentous undertaking Involved In the filming DDiTlf'E' UPADIATfl of Raleigh's attempts to colonize Am- JjlUlSUEi HUfAlUlMl ..u wcu p. uuucBiiy completed last Saturday on Roanoke" Island. Little remains to be done' this week except the photographing of the In dian war dance at the Indian viflaee constructed beside a small bay on! the east shore of the historic Island, J and the directors plan to do this on Monday night. I The pictures taken will be nresent- ed to the public early in December New York, Sept. 26 (By The As sociated Press) With the advant age of a nine point lead, the New York Yankees today met the Cleve land Indians in the fourth and eluding contest In the present series. Should the Indians score a victory today they still would be one point ueuina me Yankees. The Giants of the National League had an eighteen point lead over Pittsburgh this morning. The New York Americans' one sided victory over the Cleveland a j i". .. , . . i wonas cnamplons Sunday by the And Curntuck Inv.ted By score of 21 to 7 makes it impera Commissioner Hart To At. tlve for the Indians to turn th tames or give the Yankees a lead that will be difficult to overcome. In me National Cripples On CrutrUl. Stage Auto Hold.Up Washington, Sept. 20 (y The Associated Press) Da tives ro hunting for three cripples, two on crutches and the other hobbling on a ran.-, who h ll up an automobile near Walter lWd Army Hospital today and robbed Thomas Payne f twenty dollar, compelling him to drive away at the point of a pintol. HERE WEDNESDAY . People Of Pasquotank, Camden Boy Scouts Mr Tonight At 7:30 Kvery Scout Asked To Be At Y. M. A. To Plan For Helping Welfare Council tend A DUbli, Win ,. "C. be given at Manteo. rinB hv iho scene of the work. Elizabeth city Pasquotank River is to be held New CSaiArr?nVbe Tn' f the people -will next be given an onoor- at tv, i. i , V . Americans and Cleveland tunity to view thi J remarkable Jims, ,the Urt hUSe here on TZT Week and then they will be shown in all Wednesday morning of this me8each team "ored 30 runs parts of North Carolina. ,Week at 10 o'clock. IJ'XLL I In nntlfvln., ri..i " . c c 'ur " l"e uibii uuuiit, oMiuuiaua. ine iew York nitcher the Pasquotank Highway Commis- were hit a trifle hr,w n,L,"I thousand feet each, two reels dealing ?!nt' 01 the nearinS' Commissioner may have an opportunity to make up with each historical eninH onH thQ "art Quests that the people of Cur- ground after the New v,i, ntuck and Camden be advised of the when four contests are played with -. ...,ilcu tu uia. vuicago, wnich has won onlv four nnf expected' , ,T u,,e 01 considerable or i games from the Indians this vol, UUIU IU The Boy Scouts ar hsUpvi t v men tonight at the Y. M. C. A. at 7.30 to make plans for assisting ih wQi. council in the distribution of bags jthls week for the collection of cloth ing ana other articles to be used by the local welfare officer in her work this fall and winter. It is hoped that every Scout will be on hand ready to "do a good turn" for the home town. Many Fast HorsesFor The Districtjair Next Week All Who Expect To Enter Exhibits Must Bring in not Later Than Monday After noon To Prevent Last-Minute Rush Court Move Fft.t In Camden County One-third Of All' r. . v , a j sin- posed Of In First Hour After JudRo'n Charge it the Alms turn out well, they will be made up into six reels of a with each historical episode, and the pictures will be given, in conjunction with others probably, in a three- Bight performance. It is thflt With favi.nKIn ...A.l . i- . " avinuic wettiiier. liip ' - last photographing will be done by Jr. , to those of Camden and Wednesday of the present week urr'tuck as well, and a large crowd is expected to attend the hearing. With a State appropriation of but ! : 53,000, scarcely enough under ordin ary circumstances to construct the necessary "props," or stage settlnes. the undertaking has been carried to ' virtual completion. This has been possible In the first place because ; tne people of Roanoke Island have whole-heartedly worked for a month filmed scenes. Upon one occasion ' , M" Jo"e' the automobile me the Bank of -Manteo was closed Tor Chan'' Wh le" th 8'c,ty ear,y ,aat half a day in order that ts employe , wt t0,Ur'nS C" be,nB'ng mlght participate In a partlc ,a ly important piece of work. One ladv ti , i 1 m..... on the island sent her child! ' Hotel, was ae8ted t Fa mvile aat "J oiiciiu u. ei. nailing, oi people of this W. M. Jones Brought ! Back To This City Will Re Given a Hearing Wednesday Morning On CharKe Of liar ceny Of Lane's Car season and is now nuttlne n oppisition. New York anticipates little trouble in its games with Philadelphia, but may find harder Koing In Its single games with St. huuib, wasnington and iwnn oh of which teams are displaying strength. MADAME CUPID ARRIVES TODAY Bags Distributed Tuesday Afternoon luesaay afternoon the rtnv ! Scouts will leave at every home a 'paper bag with the name of the ti t, ... .vcuure uuncii ano the date on wnicn the bags will be collected printed thereon. The bags will be collected on Sat urday of this week and it is hoped that not only the bags will be full on Saturday but that there will be gath ered up a large quantity of warm garments and other needed articles which will mean a substantial help to the sick and to the needy of the winter. The fall term of Su Camden County onened Mn,! morning at ten o'clock with i U Morton presidine. nnH iikL , ".Linn ail nour after the Judcp's ph lllrv II IhlrI .u . . . . , - w...u ui ine aocKet nad been , "e wiped out, so rapidly were the first StableS are strewn with straw With 25 or more fast horses already on the grounds, and entries still coming in, the 1921 District Fair will have the biV- gest string of entries for. the racing events ever brought to a similar event at this city, says Secretary Goodwin of the Fair Association. The Fair Grounds are now being cleared, th track is dratro-prl fiQ;i v, stay with their grandmother so that ahe could devote her full time to the undertaking. Greene County, and was brought to this city by Officer Ben Roughton of the local force Sunday morning. Jones was brought before Record- Aha.Ua. . I , , , auuiuci lauiur important in re-1 "wu6in uciuio ivkcuiu- ducing the cost of the films was that er sPence ner Monday morning, but W..C. Crosby, Mrs. Claire Thomas hls hearlnK was postponed to Wed- . .-and J. B. Williamson, members of :the State Department of Education, "who are upon regular salaries paid from another fund, went to Manteo to direct certain phases of the under laking, and thus it was possible for their services- to be utilized without the reduction in the picture fund which the employment of other direc tors and assistants would have neces sitated. C. A. Rehm, of Chicago,: secretary of the Atlas Educational Tilm Company, gave his work in ar-l nesday morning in order that add! tional evidence might be gathered. Meanwhile he is being held at the 'County jail. The charge upon which i he was brought here was that of the larceny of a Ford automobile valued at $250 belonging to A. W. Lane. Jones says that he was arrested at iFarmville in connection with a debt, and that, as soon as the debt was settled, he was re-arrested and taken to Snow Hill, the county seat of Greene County, to await the arrival To show thejr disinterestedness In ine organization nf iha d.i I . niK "u u J..OI.IIC1UI a rerenee nuiuu organization was per fected Saturday, the Spinster's Club are working on a secret theory. A venea lady arrived In the city this morning ana was seen talking to the president of that club. It is under stood that her Cupid and that she has a theory deeper than the new theory of rela tivity. It deals with the art of mak ing one fall in love. While every thing is supposed to be very secre tive, it leaked out that Madame inpia is here to disorganize the nacneior s club by making the mem bers fall In love. At the mo fi jit Is almost certain that the young women or the Spinster's Club will follow the line of least resistance and become Inoculated with these tiny microbes of love. Members of both clubs are waiting developments Unemployment Conference Is Now Holding Sessions Washington, Sept. 26 (I5v The As- soclated Press) Eminent business men and Industrial leaders assembled today for the opening of the con- of unemployment and fol lowing the address of welcome by President Harding, delegates were to receive suggestions from Secretary Hoover as to methods of proceedure and the necessity for a concrete program for relief of unemployment throughout the country. President Harding opened the na tional unemployment conference and told the business leaders present that in this nation "fundamentally sound, financially strong, industrially unimpaired, commercially consist ent, and politically unafraid, there ought to be work for everybody In the United States who chooses to work" and that the open, sure and onward way to reform the nation of war's depression Involved "linniria ' nroaant I . I X r 1 1 ntrmnMn4.; looks as If this term of court wn be "7v f X I T "" finished by Thursday night at the fr the bi Fair' to be held latest. In the opinion nf aHon,u On Tuesday. Wnflnni,jn., nwvora : mi , J Two divorces wpr vrant uty morning and one was denied. nrsi granted wn that ... Thursday and Friday of next week, October 4, 5, 6 and 7. All persons who wish to enter ex- Rebecca Sawyer, of Belcross, from hiblts for competition for premiums ner nusband, Charles Sawyer, of Currituck County. Thev had Lan separated fo; five years, and It was on this ground that the divorce was anowed. John Hollv. colnmrt Biaiuea a divorce aln h.. iu,. .c to nave them In not later man iwonciay afternoon. Exhibits will be received both Saturday and Monday, but after the latter date none will be accented tm . avoid the last-minute rush of'prevl- - - -..w.vo BiBu, UU ivipg - .""1-uiiiuu.B rusn or prevl- uernice Small was rtpnioH iha ouh fairs, and tn tri i, 4...,.T . .. w w.o umuh.c " " nic JUIIEPH T It 1 1 that sh naUor? t..j onnnrtnnltv i. . .. . ,, " juuge Horton l' l" mane tneir awards rill nr that .u .. ... on WuHi,.. .. . . 3 - " l" """ito suit naa been " "uoJr1 u mat visitors to the started before the five-year period of Fa,r after the Arst day may view the Ba.auon nau elapsed. Mrs. Small. It is understood, beeun nor lnirn 1 proceedings iust ten Hua hQf - " iutc i u r five years had passed. Isaac Lamb, colomd phrj ...i.i. -"6U Willi the larceny of a quantity of peas from Tom Sawyer, of iipinm.. sentenced to six month' i,..nIi0 ....u lllll IflUll ment. Lonnle Lamb tried on a like charge, was acquitted! n. in. joraan and Maggie White, charged with fornication and adult- eiy, ioneitea a bond of 2nn hv cAnioiis ana note the ni.i,o...,i.... Many people have stated their Inten tion to exhibit at this year's fair, states Secretary W. Uen Goodwin, and Mr Goodwin Is specially anxious to get In touch with all exhibitors at the earliest possible date. Season tickets for the 1921- Dis trict Fair are now on sale at Secre tary Goodwin's office on the second floor of the Savings Bank & Trust Company Bulidlne. at rfM.. eacn. These ar vnn, f .. . - j .w..c.iCU a uona or jzou by cnC n gooa ior tour ad- thelr non-appearance for trial Mon-; m,8slona for four Persons on one day j ... fining, , """i uii lour (lavs, or In anir The first case schednind fnr trioi Monday afternoon was that of R. c. Webb, a colored Jitney driver of '-. who is aneged to lu-uimrmg m ever' have run into a horse and buggy P)S8ible way with all visitors and ex" driven by Adeline Bass, colored ori n,bit,)r8 at this year's Fair, states 1 l"9 Purchaser may see tit to divide them. The Albemarle Ag ricultural Fair Association manage ment wishes to rn-niwriito .'. Dl T nfntoa Mr. Goodwin. In nivl - ---r ... wiui niai cTrry possible provision may be made for the comfort, convenience and -pleasure of all. tlon, readjustment, sober driven by Adeline Bass, colored, ori the road from Camden to South Mills, near Burnt Mills. The wo man is said to have been throw and seriously injured. One Interesting civil 1 Space In the eenernl PThihiti..n h-'ii ed to come un Tuesday mnrnino- i. has been entirely Hnlrt nut wlrk Un that of J. A. Pritehard nt u vi n exception of that rpsprvofl ttw VfH E. Williams, over a tract of land regular exhibits, and Indications iare which formerly belonged to f'antain that the manufacturing tnH nut rlfi 1 Joe Hughes. After Caotaln Hnirhps' and commercial diHnlH uedin nis widow soul the property to wlli be mre than usuully Rood. "Ad-, ranging settings and attendine tn im.'of oncers from this city. He also oortant details In the pttln.,,n t declares that Lane s car Is at Farm tn pictures free of charge I ville In good condition. Roughton, the officer who brought Jones here, ITU - . . i lie i iml impR wnrn nv inniana anH colonists other than the leading .malp says tnat Jones asked hlm t0 him characters were made mainly by the drlve the car tbr to this city, people of Manteo and Roanoke Island but Roushton was doubtful of such who paid for the materials them-.a Proceei,ns. and brought in his eelves; and thus a considerable sav- Pn8oner train. Should Jones get ing was effected. Elizabeth City and Edenton folks who took part in platlon of things done done. Any other way, " wvi uic yiiiiiv.viy MJ ...v.v .nan uauuny RUOU. AU- contem- D. E. Williams, and now Pritehard Is ditlonal oils and food products hava 1(1 tn ho nluliHln v. .. . t . . . t . 'off on the charge of the automobile theft, it Is understood that other j charges will immediately be pre : ferred against him. the pictures paid their own expenses, with the single exception of the trip ,to Nags Head from Elizabeth City ' aboard the "Gretchen," the power boat of the North Carolina Fisheries Commission, which incidentally was 1 on t t Vi a AntA.n.aA W u. n i sion. Thereby two important items' IndlanaPli8' 26-Rattling were .frirkon fmm ,h drumsticks and the raucous blare of count depending on the small fund set aside for the undertaking. Miss Elizabeth B. Grimball, of Union Army Holds 50th Encampment League Discusses Weapon Of Blockade Geneva, Sept. 26 (By The Assocl- aieo fbpss) Methods of applying the economic weapon of the League or nations against a country violates the provisions of the cove nant of the League came before the Assembly of the League today when the blockade committee submitted Its report. 'was only hugging delusion.' MRS. BELMONT CHIEF WITNESS aiu 10 e claiming that he holds a parole Huuru.iirusc. or verba aereenipnt ..u.,, by Captain Hughes to him. The property, which is located in South Mills township, consists of 250 acres of land, partly cleared, and is con servatively estimated at $15,000 in value. TWO ('Alt LOADS FI KMTlltK WKIIK rXM)AIEI HATUKDAV New York, who has directed the en terprlse, has worked night and day from the beginning of preparations for the great movie production early in September. ancient fifes announced the entry of the Grand Army of the Republic into Indianapolis for the fifty-fifth annual encampment today. Many veterans were bowed with years but many others preserved the military car riage as they marched along behind the Drum Corns. Ten thmtann.i ir. . t. l" UIUU -orps. len mousanc nEa t7 ZTJ, " -mbe of the Grand Army and af. MARRIED IN NORFOLK AT NOON MONDAY San Franc'sco. Sent. 2fi rnv Tim Associated Press) Mrs. Bambina Maude Delmont, who swore Roscoe Arbuckle was responsible for the in juries that caused the death of Vlr- The unloading of two car loads of ginla Rappe, was the principal wit- furniture and getting it on tho floor ness when preliminary hearing in of the M. G. Morrisette Company to- ponce court began today. geiner with waiting on the etore'n been received for the snv han r. hibit, and others are on the way, This exhibit, according to Mr. Good will, will be one of the most interest ing features of the Fair. West's Bright Light Shows, the amusement feuture of the Fair, rolled into town Sunday morning and al ready Frank West, the owner and manager, with a troop of assistants is at work at the Fair Ground set ting up the shows and concessions as fast as they can be unloaded from the string of box cars at the Nor folk Southern freight depot. With a little over a week In which to make Negotiating For Post Season Series strength, personality and will has gone Into the work; and she has kept her temper and her head through or deals and annoyances, big and small, that would have started Job on the road to Inveterate profanity. nnated organizations were on hand with still more expected through the day. New Cotton Exchange Is Formally Opened Lloyd George Will Send Note Wednesday London, Sept 26 Prime Minister Lloyd George will send the British Government's answer tn the latent New Orleans, Sept. 26. Before the note , from De Valera and Irish Re gong opened business today members publican leaders on Wednesday, j of the Cotton Exchange marched - ; to ine new nunmng on Gravler street : !S WITH IMPROVED H.nV.!. fl n exchane' "d 1 Roy Goodwin, who was taken sud trsdlng was formally opened. The denly 111 during the special service new structure represents sn Invest- for the Men's Bible Class Union at nent of a million and a half dollars. the First Bapfet church Sunday Lloyd Sawyer and Miss Submit Fearing, of this city, left early Mon day morning for Norfolk, to be mar ried. .ir. sawyer, who Is one of and o,inn in th me most promising younger business men of this city, Is connected . with th firm of McCabe & Grlce, and Mis3 fearing has served for several veari, as cashier at Mitchell's Denartmert Store. Both have .mnnv frlonrl- i j .,,vllun , this city and ' section who will be pleased to learn of their marriage, which comes as somewhat of a sur prise to all except their Intimate friends. Word reached here Monday o.iciuuuii wiai ine wedding was solemnized at noon. r me ouuieij " i nuit.ii iu inane numerous CUHtnmpra mafia c..,n,t.... nil HrrflnoTimnnra Tr U .,.,. i " uaiuillliy n-'""", i , licoi la BUIt) a busy day at the Main Street Furni- that every show and concession will (lIKn r . . . . l . . . oe in complete readiness for Imme diate opening on the first day of the Fair. The, three Hanna Triplets, comely and graceful girls fifteen years of " -ni. mc newest designs and aB' u" "escnuea as exactly alike, winners of the Pacific Coast League finishes and at the right price," says comprise a feature of the West' and winners In the interleague con- M. G. Morrisette. nrnnriofnr ' Shows. Thorn, thro ttr..i n..i tests between Fort Worth and the L ' maids will be seen on the streets of Memphis club, Texas League and RA WHTTC r A II the city freouentlv hiaa.i, .i itlon rhmnlnn r 1 k3 rlL. wl u' ,.. ' mDrI r m A XT 'Uttu," t;naruciers in ine DKJL.U rLAN Springtime Musical Comedy, said to be one of the best ot the many shows ture Company. Included in .the shin ment were dining-room and bed- room suites, besides book cases Memphis. Sept. 26 (By The Asso- china closets nnH n,,mh.,. ' elated Press) Negotiations for a odd pieces for furnlshine the hm., iium bchbuii sfrit? uiuween pennant an in ine npanot Hin. j souinern Association champions, are under way. A reply from the Pacific Coast League olflclals Is awaited. New York, Sept. 26 f Bv The As.1 the comnanv ha. hrmtvh .m- ..... soclated Press) Three bandits un- Other attractions brought by the successfully attempted to hold up the West Bright Light Shows Include Washington. Sept. 26 (By The As- ZZA'. WeW ' a!en a' ' erp 8 tralne1 " '. soclated Press)-All Demorratlc sen nh, no carried a a minstrel snow, an athletic show, a ator. were called ,J W. Z on'Z betWee" "ftee" B?"- Fe"' whip DEMOCRATIC SENATORS CALLED TO WASHINGTON day to meet in conference to consider owln7a ba t e ln , C88n' 8na , f"- " , nul"f r'" concessions. The minority action with resnect to neac n 1 "f i"'? ? ?a " dor.of the fh"dren the Fair will be Sl'FFKIW HTKOKK PARALYSIS Wm. W. Simpson of the Corinth section, was seized with a stroke of paralysis between twelve and nn. o'clock iSaturday and has not regained , oni.c uiai iiiuv, I Physicians hold out little hon fnr his recovery. tia haj i health for some time and had spent the summer at Seven Springs in the hope of. getting tetter. trfia, : : ; : :r" . l ran1 .Cen,ral stat" one or Hunearv ' ,nB rot)ber8 was captured and a spe. Attempt Assassinate President Of Poland Paris, Sept. 26 (By The Associated Press) An attempt was made to as sassinate Joseph Pilsiidskl, president clal policeman was wounded. Old Alabama Sunk In Test Maneuvers interested in the baby pony, born last week, as well as In the lions, tigers, monkeys and grown-up horses and ponies. The West Shows have no "Forty Nine" dance hall, or other objection able shows of a similar nature. These show people take special pride .u:.. Th" ABS0 ' cleanup of Thw of the Polish rennbllc. k ' ' " . . oauiesnip Ala- state that they will fully co-oner.! today. The dispatch says that the thousand nound bnTJtJ VS"0 th8 Falr Ac'tlon In keeping would-be assassin fired three shots . Martin bomber et 'rm UnT' ot their aggregation He was srrested. ! Angle? Wwd. neUVeri J ?? rCPraCh tt0m oral