- - WEATHER Unsettled weather with probably showers tonight and Wednesday. No change in temperature. CIRCULATION Monday 1,706 Copies 'SllSlP VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION SUBMARINE R-6 SINKS IN HARBOR ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 27, l727 lwo Of Crew Believed To Have Been Drowned Naval Investigation Will Be Made Immediately San Pedro, Cal., Sept. 7 (By lne Associated Press) Three men are now believed to have lost their lives vhen the sub marine K-b sank in the harbor here last night, an official of the submarine base stated to day. . Los Angeles, Sept. 27 (By The Associated Press) The submarine R.6, attached to the Pacific fleet, sank last night in the harbor at San Pedro, due. it is believed, to water rushing through an open torpedo tube. Two members of the crew are believed to have been drowned when the craft sank within sixty seconds. Two sub marines early today were searching for bodies of the crew and a naval investigation to determine the cause of the disaster is to be launched im mediately. Lieutenant Chambers, who was in command, Is reported to have been the last to make his escape from the submarine R-6 when It sank, and to .nave aided other members of the crew unable to swim to get to lite boats and places of safety. Oscar Lister Bitten By Strange Snake FOUR PAGES Was at Work In Woods on His Farm When Reptile Fell From I Tree Upon Him j While at work in a niece of wnni.L iana on nis rarm three mile frnm i town on Peartree Road Monday af ternoon about one o'clock. Oscar Lis ter, whose home la on m Drive, was bitten by a stiange yel low snake of unknown species. ine anake fell udoh Mr t.io from the branch of a tree, and coiled about his arm. The man snatched the reptile away and flunc it iinnn the ground and went nn iim,i ' - v mauvuv lilO work. A little while later Mr. Lister be came aware or a sharp pain In his rorearm. He noticed that It was much inflamed and swollen, and unon pi. amination discovered the marks of the snake s fangs upon his flesh. He hur ried rrom the woods and was brouVht to this city by Lonnie Sherlock. Dr. T. S. McMullan dressed the wound, ana at 6:30 o'clock Mr. Lister ap peared to be out of danger. COTTON TAKES A BIG JUMP Rattlesnake Slain V On Foreman Farms MR. HENPECK IS SEVERELY WOUNDED Contrary to expectations, Madame Cupid, who arrived here yesterdav. is working hard to establish peaceful New York, Sept 27 (By The Associated Press) October cotton advanced today $6.25 a bale over yesterday's closing. Cotton futures at 2:45 were quoted as follows: October 21.13, December 21.15, March 20.52, May 20.20. Huge Reptile Was In a Field Of Corn ear The House When It Wad Discovered A monster raftlpsnnlio with tar, rattles and a button, was killed on the Foreman stork fm near th, ,city Monday afternoon by a young .son or Milton Godfrey, of that sec Ition. The boy discovered the dan erous serpent while he was cutting .corn in a field near the house and promptly killed it. Only a few weeks ago a horse on the Foreman .,,. . iaim was Kuiea Dy tne . bite of a snaKe, supposed to have been a rat tlesnake, and people who live in the vicinity of the Foreman farm are much alarmed by the continued presence of the reptileo. Sub Committees Study Phases Unemployment Washington, Sept. 27 (By Th As sociated Press) Ten sub-commit tees ftDnnintprt hv tha nrninUitl.n - 1 1 1; u nam ot tha k'lWa 1 1 1 1 Tl t session of the unemployment confer-lter0o"n from T I to si ence got down to work studvlne vari ous phases of unemployment today, with the view of recommending prac tical relief measures to the confer ence, which has adjourned until Oc toner-fifth. Goes In a Plaintiff Comes Out Defendant Zaek O'Neal, Victim Of AnHuult, I'laced t nder Arrest On Liquor Belling Charge A warrant sworn out on the basis of statements made by "Aunt" Cyn thia Smith, elderly colored woman who for a number of years has clean ed up stores and offices in the down- town business district, brought Will Freeman and Linwood Bryant, both colored, Into court, here Tuesday morning upon a charge of assault up on Zack O'Neal, an old colored man "who lives in the Sound Neck section cf Lower Pasquotank County. Free man and Bryant were given thirty days each on the roads, and as the result of Freeman's evidence, O'Neal was arrested on a warrant charging lilm with selling liquor. His bond was fixed at $200, and the date of the hearing was. set at -next Tuesday. According to O'Neal's testimony, he came to the city last Wednesday week to bring a load of wood for :sale. After he had sold and unload ed It, he started back home with a lew small purchases In a sack. Among other articles, he had a pint of kerosene, he said. On the way out. he picked up Freeman unon thp latter's request for a ride, and when the pair reached the edge of the city,. he declared that Freeman grab bed his sack and started out of the back of the wagon with Jt. O'Neal told the court that he, too, then took hold of the sack, and that Freeman dragged him out Into the middle of the street, flat upon his face. He still kept his grip on the sack, and Freeman, he declared, let him alone when a crowd gathered about the scene, of the trouble. "Aunt" Cyn thia Smith saw the fracas, and told the police about It. Freeman told a different story so different that the warrant againBt O'Neal was the result. He stated that on the morning In question he bought a quart of whiskey from O'Neal which O'Neal obtained from an unknown third party. Freeman said that after O'Neal had departed with the two dollars that he received for the liquor, he Freeman sampl ed the stair, and found, that It sav ored teo strongly 0f kerosene to be drinkable. Toward noon, while standing at the corner of Pearl and Martin streets. O'Neal passed blm on his way out of town, and be climbed upon the wagon with him to demand that O'Neal either give him a quart of whiskey that he could drink, or return his two dollars. Freeman declared positively that o isem had a quart of corn whiskey In the sack In his wagon, but that the latter refused to give It to him. tell ing him that he would bring him a quart the next time be came to town. This did not suit Freeman, and so he started to Uke forcible possesion of the alleged quart, with the reiult Indicated In a preceding paragraph. "DAD" GILBERT ONCF. LIVED IN THIS CITY T xr 1 1 u l i . , roioH. k. .v. ,.,... " . ""en, Known as -uaa- 71 " " luo iH"iers 'Uiud Gilbert, who was murdered at 7-30 a'l a ToTi HUb- ,Yrrday M0day nl6ht ln "onfTf h?. store llt"v"?ng f the tw. n the outskirts of Suffolk, at one TV """v waB severely time lived in Elizabeth City He was wounded by a member of the weaker a barber when here and everybLJ with tl , 8tnf, T the head knew nd " He weTfrom hiJl w -V 1 f WUldn,t here t0 Suffolk 8 yrs ago and have been hurt as badly f he hadn't ui- v... u. B. . 6 . Inmnort o. ki. ..." . 7 : "au uee" "ettra Irm mm since iw hue uiu w was 11 UL tumefl CARD PARTY WEDNESDAY A contribution card nartv will ha held at the Elks Hall Wednesday af- lock hv the U. D. C. The flftv cents rtn,i.. slon includes prizes and refreshments. CHORAL SOCIETY WILL MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Nn 99a I ' r - rrr- One of the most Important meet ings of the Choral Society will be held at 7:30 o'clock Tuesdav ni-hf at the Y. M. C. A., and all mmhr. U U W 0 of the society are sneelallv nrH i be present, as tha Ant nc..i hearsal of the first concert will then be held, and matters vltaliv ing the organization will be brought up in the meeting. The first Choral Socletv tion this season will be the sacred operetta "Esther" and a fantnv from Faust. There will be onlv five general rehearsals before tha mn. cert. and H. A. Brownlev. nroslni of the society, declares that it la . sential that all members be present at every one. Ku KIux Barred From Jury Duty Chicago, Sept. 27 (By The Assoc! ated Press) Judge David has barred members of the Ku Klux Klan from serving on juries In his court. Criminal Docket Is Disposed Of Already Tuesday Sessions Of Camden Hu. perior Court Deal With Suit Of D. E. Williams VICTORY NOTES IN BIGJJEMAND Purchase. Of Liberty Bond. And Victory Note. In Fir.t Hour'. Trading Today Ex ceed Six Million Dollar. New York, SeDt. 27 (nv Tt, Associated Press) Further enormous purchases Bonds and Victory Nnte . shadowed all other dealing nn the stock exchange today. The first hour's sale of these commodoties approximated aiv million dollars, the feature be ing Victory 4s. The criminal docket of Camden County Superior Court closed Mon day afternoon with the trial of Rich ard Webb, colored Jitney driver of tills city, who-ran down AflHn Peace Treaties Not A Partisan Issue Washington, Sept. 27 (By The As sociated Press) The State Depart ment Is seeking to have the Mexican government release the Maripm in. stitute at Saltillo, an educational mission ot the Southern nar.tia OPEN SHOP IN ALASKA MINES at his head at all. After this little diversion it was decided to stage a show Friday night at the High School auditorium and it is expected that an armistice will be signed by the members of these belligerent organizations. San Diego, Cal., Sept. 27 (Bv The A Sflnri Q tort Praoal , ., i .wv, I oq 1JALC11UCU cull- uy iMizaDem uuy people until they troversies between operators and read the news of his death in tha Virginian Pilot today. Robbery was thought to have been the motive of the crime, for "Dad" Gilbert seemed to be a man without an enemy. Search For Murderer miners in the Alaska coal flelds'have resulted in the United States govern ment's settling the dispute by creat ing open shop conditions, according to a radio dispatch. WOUNDED IV BELFAST Belfast, Sept. 27 (By The Associ- ated Press) Two men were wound- SUFFERS BROKEN LEO Miles Scott, a prominent young farmer of the Salem section, living near Weeksville. suffered a hrnk n ed A - - . . , W KM DUUUL1I1K lUUa J . I. j t i ,e ln 1 fa '"ra a horse near his , Crown troops occupied strategic Dosi- v iuuoji ouuuajr uiiernoon, according to , uons in the disturbed area reports reaching this city Tuesday Newport News, Va.. SeDt. 27 fnv mornln The Associated Press Spnrfh fn Bass, on the South Mills road near Convention w h , h was "ed E Burnt Mills, nnrf ..rin,..!. ini.cj . : " wa8 8elzel during . . ...,u.cu uio levoiuiion or 1917. her. Webb was sentenced to twelve! . . months In Jail, but was given the al-' SEEKS RELEASE OF ternative of paying the woman $300 BAPTIST INSTITUTIOV damages and thereby escaping the" UIIUS Jail sentence. He was allowed until Washington, Sept. 27 (By The As 9:30 o'clock Wednesday morning to soclated Press) Democratic sen IVIZTI , t, A Iatr8,n Cnference elected today At the opening of court Tuasdnv that na 7 morning the case of J. A. Pritchard Austria and Hungary are not ma iers tor party action. Individual Democrats are left to follow their own Judgment In voting on ratification. Hawaii Claims Has Eldest Bridegroom FINANCIER IS RECUPERATING New York, Sept. 27 (By The Asso ciated Press) Henry P. Davison, will spend the winter on uaroi iweeklns, the negro who killed I HEWITT-RIGGS Policeman Dekorte. was continued' TDHwor Ho.Kt r..j . today after the K tn ZIa V 7 "'uo" v,oun nnancier, will spend the winter 01 otSeT volnt ehres JZZ Lt l?'" L" R,8' hI Thomasville, Ga., estate recuper the chase c.r " ' . '"",BU uere aung irom a recent operation, his Bllriuuuu uy justice 01 me business associates , said today. et als vs. D. E. Williams was taken up, and by noon the Jury had been : selected. It comprises W. C. Davis, ' Martin Cartwright, H. N. Leary, wney cartwright, B. H. Chambers, A. D. Seymour, Jonathan Forbes. D. H. Sawyer, W. M. Harrison, H. C. Ferebee, T. B. Godfrey and C. L. I Tarkington. Mr. Williams is bring ing suit for compensation for the' Honolulu, Snpt. 27 The sleepy improvements that he made on the little village ot KalanstiA nn 250-acre farm of CaDtaln Joe southwest coast of (h ui.,n Huehes. whlrh ha hniivht iff nn Hawaii rial ma tha I f I li i ..w " " o " - H.wi v. " - - ... v 1 1 v ii ii. n ii i; 1 1 u ii oi nav- tain Hughes' death, and afterwards lnK the eldest bridegroom. A native lost by reason of a defect in the title , there, D. Kaapana, who clahns to be of the property. Examination of , more than 100 years old, has Just witnesses In the case was scheduled j married a blushing widow of 60. to begin after noon recess Tuesdav. This is his second mi,ri... n- rf . MiHinufiu ii i a This Map Accurately Shows The Two Routes CAMDEN CH- Nor folk, Va, Junt f, SS. ' v. ) To attomptxy Mpcrt A iht Chi'tf of Fna'mten 'SAFETY ALWAYS' IS BETTER SLOGAN first wife havln half a century ago. died mor than PAGE RESIGNS CHAIRMANSHIP Washington, Sept. 27 (By The As sociated Press) Thomas W. Page, of Virginia, has resigned as chair- Say. Pre.ident of Toledo Rail J rlZu . , u ;oniml88lon' . .. "i President Harding has accented the way and Light Company . resignation. Mr. Page remains a Speaking Before National meinber of the commission. CONTEMPLATES WEEK-END TRIP TO VIRGINIA Safety Council At Boston Boston, Sept. 27, (By The Asso ciated Press) Advocating the slo gan "Safety Always" Instead of Safe ty First," F. R. Coates of Toledo, president of the Toledo Railway and Light Company today toid the Washington, Sept. 27 (By The Associated Press) A waek end trip Into Virginia to witness the Fail maneuvers of the Marine Corps on Civil War battlefields about Fred- delegates to the National Safety ericksburg is contemplated by Council that the time was ripe for i resment Harding interesting the entire country in safety work. " '"I should worry, Is typically American and expresses a distinctly American trait," he said, "As long as an accident does not enter soclated ;our home or our lives personnally we! give little thought to prevention me i thods. I "Sometimes I have thought that aeeomp Prtlim mar Examination, CLOSE RACE FOR VICTORY New York. Sent. 27 friv Th. Press) Father KnlcVer. bocker's two major league baseball clubs, the Yankees and the Giants, could look back today at their near est rivals, the ClpvAlunri Inrflon. .-j one of the contributing faults was j the Pittsburgh Pirates, without see ing them at their heels. Two more victories out of four games for the niunt. m,i k .. ed funny man Just so hard Is it lojnant will be theirs. If the Yankees get serious consideration for si win three of five games left on the movement when the Jokesmlths and! schedule they will be the American funny papers are constantly using It ' League champions, as a butt for their Jests I have a I New York. fln 7 n ti. a. ,deep seated conviction that If some ; soclated Press) A total of 141.000 j movement could be launched to ! persons, a new attendance record for change the slogan to 'Safety always' .four consecutive baseball games, had It would go a long way In removing I passed through turnstile when the i ins uojecuon, ana to my way or, nine world series" ended at the ininsjng it more clearly expresses roio Grounds yesterday. wnai every safety campaign should ithnt thorA mam lin mimh r - 4 n n I- " " - w 111 U1U v& JUkV .made or Safety First. Just as it Is jhard to ever take seriously a so-call- plan and seek as have as definite an assured result. "There are many companies which still look upon safety as some- litut There are maps and wary (hiUL, ICl. CCrpSbfi EnaiHttF it I MM i ' , m 5. A. any other de- rho has to he Is a common safety de- therp inn'! nlara In I ' partment for a man (kept on the payroll it thing to hear. "O. put him in the partment." "There la no use dodging this le- mans. Ham U mn nr.,.t . . . sue. We ran never all thia the two road, at present from ElUabeth City tVc.mdn Court P-- t our men and the g.aVpub Camden Ferry Company's brldre. A. ),.! th, . 7 1'"mDi rerl7( lne 0,ner ln die we serve until fir. .n - "re uri to auena. a the city on hn.m... innA.. SAWYER-FEARING The marriage of Miss Submit Fearing and Mr. I.Invrt ga.r ... lining 10 let ueorge do It' and when 'solemnised Wednesday at the home of Rev. D. P. Harrla In Vnrf.wk m. Harris officiating. The bride was gowned In a trav elling suit of'blue polret twill with accessories to hirmonlie and wore a corsage bouquet of orchids. The only attendants were Miss Willie Fearing and Mr. George Randolph. Immediately after the ceremony the bride and groom left on a trip to Washington. Baltimore and Phila delphia. Upon their return thy win make their home In Eliiaheth City. The bride Is the very attractive daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Constant Fearing. fr., and the groom It the son of Mrs. Bettle Sawyer.

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