I WEATHER Fair and cooler tonight, probably light Croat. Sun- day fair. Fresh north- west and west wind. CIRCULATION Friday 1,644 Copies ' VOL. XI. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 8, 1921 FOUR PAGES NO. 23G T5) rr, 0 ID) eve n sGsmieTooMy Downpour Makes Ground A Mire Continue Search For Larry Aycock North Carolina Farmer Kills Broth-er-In-taw With Wow On Head From Ax DETAILED REPORT SUNDAY And When Torrents Had Fallen For An Hour Game Was Officially Called Off Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. 8 The downpour Has Accepted Important Pastorate At Lake Charles, And leaves October 17 (By The Associated Press) jr Clarke Will Go The fourth world's series game ' Jo LouUiana Cily was declared off today on ac- count of rain. which hpcrATi at one o'clock still was pouring at two p. m., transforming the playing field into a mire. Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. 8 (By The Associated Press) It began raining hard at one o'clock today, making pros pects of a game dubious. Babe Ruth sat in the grandstand with his arm in a sling. 3mithfleld, N. C, Oct. 8 (By The( Associated Press) Officers are con-. tlnulng to search for Larry Aycock, j farmer, who killed his brother-in-j law, Bobs Pierce, at Pine Level by, striking him In the head with an ax while shingling a house. MINERS DELEGATION CALLS ON PRESIDENT Washington. Oct. 8 (By The Asso ciated Press) John L. Lewis, presi dent, and a delegation of United Mine Workers, called to see Presi dent Harding today. Mr. Lewis said the delegation had come "at the Invi tation of the President." New York, Oct. 8 (By The -Yerk Giants-we- determined to bombard the Yanks and even up the world series games to day. It was this morning be lieved that the batteries would be Douglas and Snyder for the Giants and Harper or Mays and Schang for the Yankees. Suffering from an abscess on his arm, Babe Ruth was un able to play the fourth game. Cloudy weather early today with official forecast of ram caused officials apprehension. "We are off now. Watch us from this time on," is Manager McGraw's1 message to the Giants' supporters. "We will be right back for another victory," was word Manaeer Huztrins had for Yankee fan3. Searching For Alleged Murderer Conyers. Ga.. Oct. 8 (By The As soclated Press) Search continued today for Joshua Pressley, negro, charged fn a 'vrttrram with "flie mur der of the banker, Charles E. Reagln, whose hodv was found In the river. I Higgs Acquitted Of Charge Of Trespass County Engineer T. L. Higgs, In court here Saturday morning on a charge of trespass preferred by J. M. Jennings, was found not guilty by Recorder Spence. According to the evidence, Higgs had gone on the land In question to get material for fills In the Newland paved road. He was acting as representative of the State The many friends of Dr. G. W. Clarke In this city and section will learn with real regret that the popu lar minister and evangelist has .ac cepted a call to the First Baptist church of Lake Charles, Louisiana, a city of 15,000 people with one of the finest school systems In that state. Dr. Clarke was unanimously called to the church, and, while he has not yet sent notification of his acceptance, he indicates that he has made up his mind to go. - Lake Charles is one of the Ave leading cities of Louisiana. Situated in the southwestern part of the state, It Is he metropolis of a large section enjoying great prosperity through the development of oil wells, and by reason of the sugar Industry. The city Is wide-awake and progressive to I an unusual degree, and its leading bank holds deposits of more than $9,500,000. Dr. Carke expects to leave this city on Monday, October 17th, for Rocky Mount, where he will assist Rev. J. W. KIncheloe, pastor of the First Baptist church, In revival ser-j vices. Thence he will go to Raleigh to join his family for the Journey to Louisiana. He was called to Black well Memorial church of this city In 1917, shortly after the death of Rev. I. N. Loftln, and Is now the senior local minister. There have been over three hun dred accessions to Blackwell Mem orial church during the pastorate of Dr. Clarke, and more than eight hun dred accessions at revival meetings held by him in this and other states during that period, a record that Is probably unequalled In North Caro lina. Dr. Clarke has officiated in thirty revival services In this State during his stay at Elizabeth City, one in Kentucky, one In West Vir ginia and four in Virginia. Born and reared In Virginia, Dr. Clarke had held pastorate In Hen derson, Paris and Louisville, Ken tucky, 'before coming to Elizabeth , City. His fearless championship of Christianity, and his unhesitat'ng stand against every evil Influence coupled with a pleasing personality and unquestioned ability as a minls- 'ter, have won him a multitude of 'close friends here and the surrounding counties of North ! Carolina, not only In his own denom ination, but among the congregations ! of other churches as well. QUICK RESPONSE TO AID UNEMPLOYMENT Sunday's game of the world's series will be Rotten, every ball pitched will be wired at the Western Union Telegraph office Sunday. The game starts Sun day promptly at 2 p. in. A collodion will be taken up to defray the expenses of the de tailed report. This is Western Union Service and The Advance has no connection with It. The Advance will not receive Sun day's report and subscribers are axked not to call The Advance phone on Sunday. Yog Boy Kin. ISTEILLER TELLS Hit Srhnnlmate . iiuwraniiMY Cut Throat With Knife In Quarrel For Having Told Teacher About Tobacco In Pocket Man Wanted In Connection With 1919 Mail Robbery Gives Himself Up To Chi cago Police Today MacClenny, Fla., Oct. 8 (By The Associated Press) Loney Galney, thirteen, was Jailed here today on the charge of killing his schoolmate, T.onnnrri niifrpar twolva Thn hnvR I are said to have quarreled at school t'nicago, uct. 8 (By ine Awoc.ai when one accused the other of hav- ed Press)-Carl Stelller, Jr.. wanted ing told the teacher of having had to- ln connection with a $200,000 mail h.M in hi. .w.w a n-, .robbery in 1919, surrendered to the . ' . ' ruuina Kara inriav QfAlllar ft! ana uainey cut the younger Doys throat with his knife. DISSENSION IN SOCIALIST PARTY Left Wing Holds That Non Participation In Italian Gov ernment Gives Strategic Po sition To Avoid Blame Milan, Oct. 7 (By The Associated MRS. VENNING DEAD Mrs. Ferebee Venning died Friday evening at 6:10 o'clock at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. Hedrlck on Cedar street. Mrs. Venning was quite old and had been In 111 health for many years. Last Satur day she became very 111 and did not rally until death came on Friday evening. Stelller said he had spent his share of the money, $45,000, for airplanes and racing cars, travelled under his own name, lived ln Chicago, and was never questioned by the police. John A. Spencer Gets Life Imprisonment Lakeport, Cal., Oct. 8 (By The As sociated Press) John- A. Spencer, Besides her daughter, Mrs.former clergyman found guilty with recommendation to mercy In Washington. Oct. 8 (By The Asso- Press Thn Italian Socialist tiartv , ueryl ciaiea irress) yuicK response to the which will meet here October 10 to national unemployment conferences debate a change of tactics Is repre request to communities for co-opera-1 sented in the Italian Chamber of tlon in making effective the emerg-Deputies by 122 members, the strong ency program for relief of the Job- est party numerically but Is com less is reported by the central agency posed of dissenting groups. If the here. ' j differences of these are not compos ed, the party's compact representa tion may be divided Into email fac tions and cliques. T.lnlWtr i,n f n t tha nnnvontlnn nrA Legislature As Visitor the " " in-o-Sovletsr anti-government groups, anti-Russia faction, pro-unl- inection with the death of his con- wife, Hedrlck, she leaves a stepson, J. B. i Vflnnlnir In PArtamnnMi. rr.ti. mnr, hews, Ben Riddlck, Thorn's. Rlddick. whse 'body was found In the lake. Rlddlck, Jack R'ddlck; two Wl" ue Be"lieu lo "lo iiuyrwuu- nleces, Mrs. Luther Jonps, Mrs. Ed- ' ward Cartwrlght, all of this section.1 ; The body win be taken to Edenton Dan Harris Winner Sunday morning on the 11:30 train, Jn pair AlltO Race wuere me lunerai win ne conducted by Rev. E. L. Wells. Doughton Will Attend Rev. Marinus James To Speak Sunday Raleigh, Oct. 8. "I expect to be ty, anti-international centrist tenden back here for the special session, but cies. They are mainly to decide I will probably come as a visitor with whether the Socialist deputies shall the privileges of the floor," declared participate on every proposal that It Governor Rufus A. Doughton while Makes. here this week. "I am inclined to The right wing under Deputies think that there are constitutional Turatl Treves and Modlglini Is for Well Known Baptist Minister Of Nor folk Will Fill Pulpit At Mark well Memorial Sunday prohibitions of my sitting as a mem ber of the special session while I am still a member of the State Highway Commission," continued the veteran legislator from Alleghany who for the first time In two decades may no sit ln a session of the legislature when It meets ln December." Rev. Marinus James, executive secretary of the Baptist Council of Norfolk and Portsmouth churches, will fill the pulpit of Blackwell Mem orial Baptist church at the morning and evening services on Sunday. Mr. James is an able leader in the Bap tist denomination, an earnest preacher and worker, and the public Interest ln the Fair Friday cen tered In the automobile races, ama teur and professional, which ended the racing program of the week. In the amateur race Dan Harris was winner, driving a Bulck Six three miles In four minutes and 49 seconds. Joe Swindell was second, driving a big Chevrolet. Swindell was winner In one out of the three heats. In the professional race Gallagher won, driving Shamrock, and doing the three miles in four minutes and 21 seconds. joining in with the Bonlmi govern ment and getting what they can In the way of legislation. The left wing Is for holding out jg cordially invited to hear him. until the Socialists in full force can take posesslon of the government and the "spoils of victory." These are headed by Signor Serratl, direc Governor Doughton is still hop- tor of the Socialist press and Deputy lng that It will be possible to avoid Baratono. the special session, or rather he re-1 grets very much that the necessity has arisen which demands a mid winter session of the legislature this j year. ' There are differences of opinion on the question, however, and while the attorney general has not been asked to make a ruling on the' question there is still the possibility that it will be held that membership of the highway commlslor. does not constitute holding public office as contemplated in the constitution when It declared that no one man should hold more than one public office at the same time. ' It has been customary for mem bers of the legislature The right wing Is called the "col laborateurs" and the left the 'antl collaborateurs." The right wing looks upon the present parliamentary situation as one which would yield considerable socialistic legislation. The leaders have been somewhat kindly disposed to President Bonomt, who at one time was a fiery leader in the So cialist ranks but was dropped from the official rolls of the party because of a too patriotic attitude. AFTER MAIL BANDITS Detroit, Oct. 8 (By The Associated Press) Federal agents, state troop ers and police Joined forces today in hunting for four men who held up a Canadian mall wagon and stole twenty-six mail bags, two containing registered packages, valued at $100,000. Crosses Channel On Bicycle Boat Paris, Sept. 19 Harold Bigby, an English motor engineer, has Just crossed the English channel, from Folkstone to Callas on a bicycle flt- mu-. i i- i ! . . ... t I lua,, ,B v.. -tea 0 two jarge loatg wUh , patlon in the government and maylpeller on th(J fow part of th(j mg of the deputies of that factlno are hIne drlven by a rod whkh ,n turn reported to favor diserting the So- wa9 operated b th(J The clalist party In a body If the Prevail- - MaH h. , to appoint lng sense of the convention goes for .,,. In . ,m,a ninro . , many from their own number on the "antl-collaboratlon " Mr. Bigby was accompanied by a board of trustees of the University, The left wing holds that non-par-! motorigt on tne tr Describing State College and other educational ticipatlon in the government puts hg r,de he gad. A g ge and charitable institutions There the Socialists in a strategic position, runnng and R gouthwe8t wlnd , has been some protest about this, because if they are not in the gov- , hllt , waa m . . t. throughout sometimes from Republicans who did eminent they will not be responsible thoge , the boat for Prominent Layman At Christ Church Public Invited To Hear Hecretarf Franklin Hpencer Special Invl- . tut ion To Men And Hoys Franklin H. Spencer, executive secretary of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew in the United States, will make an address ln Christ church Sunday at the eleven o'clock service. Mr. Spencer is one of the most pro minent laymen of the Episcopal church and a most Important Officer In the Brotherhood. The public Is cordially invited to hear Mr. Spen cer, but especially the men and boys. DON'T KILL SQUIRRELS UNTIL NOVEMBER FIRST Elizabeth City and Pasquotank Highway Commission, and the court county folks who are fond of hunt ruled that his action was not an in-! (ng are reminded that It Is unlawful frlngement of the law. to hunt squirrels In this County be- for expenses not feel that they had sufficient rep resentation and sometimes from dis gruntled Democrats, but the legisla ture has steadfastly held to its cus tom of allowing a man to be a mem ber both of the University trustees and hold his place in the legislature. The highway commissioner gets no more than expenses for the time he Is In session. The State allows railroad fare and a limited amount during the time the William B. Leeds, Jr. Weds Greek Princess Paris, Oct. (By ?ie Associated Press) William B. Leeds, Jr., son of Princess Anastasia of Greece and the late "Tin Plate King," was mar ried today to Princess Xenla, niece of King Constantino. The civil cere mony Is to be followed by American and Russian religious ceremonies. fore November first, or after March first; that the season for quail hunt ing opens Np"ember 15th, and closes March first; and that the law pro hibits the barter sale or exchange of quail or partridge within the bounds of Pasquotank County at any time. Violators, If caught and con victed, will Buffer penalty of the law, according to the game warden of the County. commissioner devotes to the road work. Those who believe member- others, would conform to the dictates for any mlwleeds blamable to the government. On the other hand, If any credit Is due, they are prepared to claim It, they contend, without having born any responsibility. The Third Internationale afiked for the expulsion or the berrati ana was covered In water Turatl from-' the party. This would saddle of my machine. mean that more than two thirds of His companions, said Mr. Bigby the organization would be outside alighted from his machine quite fit. the pale of the Third Internationale. . The remainder, headed by Deputy Baratono. Denuty Lazzarl, and the waves better. "For three hours I was seasick and I couldn't be fed as the waves prevented the boat from getting close enough to me. Once I was almost washed off my seat and frequently I up to the of the Moscow split on these ship on the highway commission does not disqualify a man for mem bershlp In the legislature contend' rather unllkelv tnat Dotn are positions mat bring no financial reward, and consequently do not come within the constitution al limit. congress. Ines seems, A party however, I TOPK CASE TO JURY Jacksonville, Oct. 8 (By The As sociated Press) The case of John H. Pope, charged with murder In WILL OPPOSE STRIKE I More Trouble With ! Tax Revision Bill Omaha, Neb., Oct. 8 (By The As- soclated Press) Seventy employes, Washington, Oct. 8 (By The Asso representatlves at the conference elated iPress) Republican Senate Deputy iLazzarl, who was a dele gate to Moscow, went there oppos ing the Lenlne and Trotzky dictator ship but returned all for them. De scribing the conversation, he said: "On my way to Moscow, Lazzarl was struck by tlumderlngs and light nings like St. Paul on his way to Damascus and thereafter became a convert of Lenlne." Extract Salts From Mono Lake Waters Call torn lanfl Junt IlememherlnK What Mark Twain Ha id About TIicnc Waters Years Ago MEETS SUNDAY EVENING City Road Ep worth League meets Sunday evening at 6:45, Miss Carrie Bright, leader. The subject is "The Ideal Meeting of Our League and How to Make It Real." The public Is cordially Invited. FUNKKAL Mas. WILLIAMS The funeral of Mrs. Willis Wil liams was conducted Friday by Rev. E. F. Sawyer from the home near Hall's Creek church. Interment was made ln the family burying ground. SOCIAL-IEMOCHATIO INCREASES IN PARTY GERMANY Berlin, Oct. 8 (By The Associated Press) The Social Democratic (ma jority Socialist) party ln Germany now claims a total membership of 1,221,000, an increase of 40,851, over last year. In urban districts, the number of social-democratic mayors and coun cillors shows a slight decline, but In country districts popular representa tion has become Increasingly social istic In tendency, according to the party statistics. connection with the killing of George board with three big packers decided leaders today are reported to be fac Hlckman, theater manager, by Frank today to oppose the strike referen- ing another sizable defection over the Rawllngs during an attempted rob- dum, saying that the present time Is proposal to Increase the surtax rate bery, went to the Jury st noon today, unpropltious for a strike. on Incomes. Mrs. William Knight of Maryland, is visiting her sun. Lester Knight, snd family, corner of Second and Walnut streets. Bridgeport, Cal., Oct. 8 Years ago Mark Twain wrote about the as tringent qualities of the water In Mono Lake, Mono county, but It re mained for later day Callfomlans to remember what he said about the minerals ln this body of water. A company Incorporated by Sacra mento and San Francisco capitalists has been farmed to establish a plant to extract -the salts from the water. The salts are said to be of use as washing powder, as s basis for sham poos and for other purposes. EXHIBIT ATTRACTS FAVORABLE ATTENTION The Quinn Furniture Company ex hibit at the Fair yesterday, featuring a kitchen scene with oil cook stova ln sctlon and ready for use, attracted much favorable comment. "Buslnerg has been the best of the year for the last two weeks with us," says S. W. Twlford. "Conditions are Improving with a complete stock md the right prices. And, of course, we have been telling the world about our stock snd our prices through The Advance."

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