WEATHER Fair and cooler tonight and Wednesday. Moder- ate to fresh West and Northwest winds. i CIRCULATION Monday 1,626 Copies VOL. Xi. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 11, 1021 FOUR PAGES NO. 238 1 51 fTl (Q MlililLo) Giants Yankees 0 3 3 2 0 0 Babe Ruth Out Rest Of Series - " Injuries To Arm And Leg Will Keep Home Run Hitter On Bench Thru Remainder of Season Three Home Runs Today 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 I le Series 0 0 8 5 13 7 0 2 Attacked Girl; Burned By Mob FARM K US' GIN N I X(J & PRODUCE COMPANY IN CREDITORS' HANDS Hospi tedyMaTLife!DAILY BOATS TO IUKHM,VA.M)W Woody Matthews, Critically 111 Willi I Appendicitis, Operated Upon Monday Moody Matthews of this city may Mt Pleasant Texn rvt iwn e J'apmers "inning & Produce Bav'"B OI 's lire to the re- The Associated pVess Wvi lfy ComPa'. a semi-co-ope,mive con- cent establishment of the local Com- Neeley, negro was Surn bv nfnh C8rn 0,,eratIn a Cotton ' and mlU?,tjr H8pital' Taken "denly ill near ?S5 S "LZ He had been arrested chareed with . 6 ionizer, potatoes "n oy ur. attacking a girl and was Sed whei Ule,r farm "rduCt8 and fr- ' f hta attendlng PWa". he attempted1 to lean from iaH to CrS 8U,,"Ues' Wel,t lnto tlle hand ' n iT Prmptly 0perated upon automobH waiting to s t him 3 TT8' com,,,,ttee a assignees by Doct0rs away B 10 8plrlt nlm on Monday, morning. The committee L FearlS. C. B. Williams and T. S. ' appointed by mutual agreement of McMulIan. fy e j n TT (Stockholders and creditors comprises j The Patent's appendix was found IrOnreSSed Bandit J- 11 LeRoy, P. h. Williams and L to be in a gangrenous condition, and IS Shot Tr nafri L Kirby' credlt manager of the Ar- ln the l''nlon of the doctors would Elizabeth City Boat Line Has Put On Water Transporta tion Service That Is As Fast As Express Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. 11 (By The Associated Press) 1 Victory perched high on the bats of the Giants this after noon when the Yankees' pitch ing caved in and engulfed the American Leaguers in an eight to five defeat. More than thirty-five thousand people saw the Giants even the world's meusei lined out to Fewster. Raw lings fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Yankees Frisch threw out Meu- ei. ripp got a Texas Leaguer to center. Ward fanned. Pipp stoie 83cond. McNally fanned. No runs, one hit, no errors. Fourth Inning Giants Snyder sineled nast pof.t Barnes singled to left, Snyder going , wu.,. iiinuagci ui Ulfcj .'r- 1 -uc uociurs WUU1U mour Fertilizer Company of Chi- alm0Bt certainly have burst, serious- cago. 1 ly Jeopardizing his chances for recov- Under the new arrangement, ''ry' llad 11 bfiel necessary to hold which will continue in effect for a !lim over tnl Tuesday to send him to Fort Worth, Texas. Oct. 11 fnv The Associated Press) David Ttnnn. confessed negro bandit, who robbed " Wi" conti"e in effect for a ",m over 1,11 mJ a ramnino- no.t,, ti. -tentative period of three mnnfh., a Norfolk hospital. ...j,...,, Funj ci i.anc worm iasi u , , --- week, was shot to death today while y ' and MIlton " Sample,! Mr Matthews was reported pro ttempting to escanp n rton,,ti0 Drthers, and both unusually ener- K,,88in8 favorably a few hours after were bringing him from Dallas for Bet'C antl 8uccesful farmers pos-j operation. (has been instituted by the Elizabeth trial. He was saved from three mobs 8esslng business training mid experi-1 There are n four patients at the C,ty Boat Llne- The steamers used la at woaV GllCe ftS Well. haVA hppn annninra.l Community Honltal. nnrt are the Virirlnla nam uov nttn, ( "ryuui tu - HIO 11 G TV " " --v. mi, ui tl O Joint ma HtlCfrS fit trio mnnanv chia and valuable institution i j. ' boroujth. both There is now ln operation a dullv boat service as fast as express be tween this city and Norfolk, main tained through the Albemarle & Chesapeake Canal, and serving also the intermediate shipping points of Shlloh, Old Trap, Jarvisburg, Coin Jock, Long Point and Indian Island. Boats leave Elizabeth City at three o'clock each afternoon, arriving at Norfolk at eight o'clock the next morning. Leaving Norfolk at flv ln the afternoon, thev reach thu city at 8 a. m. the following day. The schedules are daily except Sunday. This new and valuable bhat has been instituted by the Elizabeth series, which'; now stands' yw Burna' , ' . , scnnce Hit wild and the bases were Oiants three.; Yanks three, filled, snvdnr and r a - i - " CD DV.VJI t.ll 1 1 1 1 uancroft s single to left. Burns went to third on the th.row in. Burns scored when Frisch forced Bancroft, Peck making the play unassisted. Frisch Rtnlo v-v,.. luuut i fin lift i ' Frisch scored on Kelly's single to I out stealing ngnt. Kelly went Schang to Ward. Four runs, four hits, one error. Yankees Schang walked. Shaw key fanned. Fewster walked. Peek fanned. Miller fanned. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning Giants Meusel walked. Ward took Rawl Barnes' pitching cast a mysti cal spell over the Yanks. Ten of them were strike-out vie- 1 rv o New York, Oct. 11 (By The Asso ciated Press) Favorable weather , was forecast for the sixth world series game toda. The only gloom , on the Yankees' Horizon after recap turing the lead was that Ruth's phy sician again ordered him out of the series because of an injured leg and arm, warning mm of permanent in-Jury. Ruth himself announced that hi. . K Ka.!ln slow ho injuries would keep him out of the W, , firSt' MenBel goi"K to game for the remainder of the series Tm PPped Ut t0 Mc' Hugglns expressed confidence that v! y- l !Ule1 l,t to lc" they could win without Ruth, laud-; 1. , , k n,lrns' grounder Ing his game spirit. and tollthed second. MCG raw said: "We lost and we' runs-n h't. one error, should have won," contending that', ''Koes-Meimel walked. Pipp the umpiring behind the plate was , fai,nel- McXay bad and expressing the belief that t0 Meuse1' . Ruth was out at first on that bunt I A' run8' no hlt8' 1,0 errors- Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct 11 (Bv rM S'Xth ,n,,i"K The Associated Press) Tonv went a, v ,Bancroft in over into the box for the Giants today In "' 8 hrad- Krist1' talked, an effort to even the world's series a"d "ullcrrt W:ls ' for the National Leaders. Snyder Tl fS l McXaUy- Krlsrh caught. Manner HuRgiris sent y. 8eC"d-( Kris'h s,'(,r('d " Harry Harper, his left-hander, to the , ' to Ct'n,er' " ni"d mound, with Schang catching. U ewter- The score by innings follows: t!, hits' n First Innins , allkee8 Schang singled to cen- Giants-Bunu walked. Bancroft ft f '3, ,frCed ch"- nan" flied to Fewster, who played left field ' , '"f M FeslCr fan" in place of Ruth. Frisch fanned t filed to Meusel. Fewster made a wonderful tch of Young's foul. ' Heventh IiminK No runs, no hits, no errors'. Po Gat-?HS Popped out to Yankees-Fewster walked Peck h .''i thr6W Ut Snyder' Ward fouled out to Frisch. Miller got a! """"i inflPid .i.i . n., 'No runs- 110 h8. no errors. "K'l .-oik-iuh.. rtWBier V.,nVo V,... . ..... . . Loan Of Million Is Authorized For R. R. Washington, Oct. 11 (By The As sociated Press) A loan of one mil lion dollars from the treasury to the .ix iiiai, ann ma nan, . "t&iia xaiaii(i infli;roana. Joint managers of the company, sue- and valuable institution is already borougD' both completely equipped ceeding K. It. Winslow, who had rend,!"'lng real service here under and PHe8siiig ample cargo capacity, handed in his resienbtlun enP-tio tne capable direction of Misa v,.,n 11 is the first time in the hintm-v t last Statnrl'iv ilcrt.f mi - . C AlllKnn tha o. j . flneal hnnt Una. t. . -v .i.f,,. i.. juese iwo men, ' ""I'ciuutjuueiu-nurse, "" ieamers nave U'ill nnaruln AtiA , .. ! hfln nnafi,fv.1 .. . vllo uuinpany inrougn tne cotton season, and until some other Three Schooln fWn arrangement Is made. The Farmers' Ginning' & Produce o Hum me urasury 10 tna uuiuiuj r iuuuci Caiiolina. Clinchfield & Ohio Railroad ComPany lost heavily ofi share plant n. n..ii. . .. tliD fn Tft.K nn4..t i Monday, October 17 -v....u, , ,1, cm wiiiu ivaiiruao ' ", WIA oiiaie fiHiu- was authorized today by the Inter- ing ln lriKh Potatoes last spring, and e thrpe County schools of Sound state Commerce Commission. je8S "eaviiy on cotton last year. The K" udvt,1do and Okiako, or Perrv's ofnln Z"1 . . .. fi . . oiaic umuiKrce uommiBsion. uunun iasi year, i lie aim uhihko, or t'erry s . Btockliolders and creditors are hope- Bcn00'' W'H open next Monday, Oc- FIRE DAMAGES BUILDINC. ful ,hat under the new plan they may ober 17- Lister's school, in "e aole to pull out of the hole 'that iney now find themselves in. Macon, Oct.' 11 (By The Associat ed Press) Fire damaged a buildine on Poplar street owned by I. Kessler tp the extent night. of $4ii,ooo late last Owner Of Red Onion Hotel Had Bad Hog SPECIAL HcTl RK-4 TI KSDAY AM) WEDNESDAY ALKRAMA Salem Townshin Will nnan rn tn '"' me rest of the schools win probably open on October 31 Becoming to Superintendent M. I Jennings. H. Priichard of this County, ni ne principal, and M m Edith Me , Plierson. of Smith tlllo o.iii t. i -uun tvarren, colored proprietor maiy instructor . at Sound Xeek or the Red Onion lintel, his son in- school. Miss Alma Midgutt, of this law, Jim King, Jim l.eggett, colored, city, is principal, and Miss Lillian and a 150-pound hog were the prin- Lewis, of Hickory, Va., Is in charge ..B".--n ui cu.-tj in recorder s me primary grades at Sound Neck court here Tuesday morning, m! school. At Okisko school MIhs Lu which Warren was charged with ob- cille Spivey, of Tro'ville N C will me hog In an unlawful man- serve as principal, and Miss Annie I!. L , i-riiciiara, Koute 5, city, will be the .which lom me court that he primary teacher, bought the hog for six dollars from j Miss Leah Jacobs, of South Mills three men on a boat from down the, will he the teacher at Lister's school, sound. He did not know who tho one of the . tu.., no(.,,.i,- ...... DEMAND INVESTIGATION OF "' lie said. He init the schools now operated in P,,, ,,,' ORDER OF Kl KM' KLAN I)orkpr 'n a pen. and. according to1 County. At the beginning or the jthe evidence, the hog broke out and , present iieriiiiend"nt'N term of of- Washington. Oct. 11 (By Th As-1 wet into Leggeit's field, dolus: dam-, lire there r snelnied Press) Demand for inves- estimated by tho latter at ten schools. If today's election In Salem uKuuun oi uie imi mux Man was " L,eggnn shut the uiTendiiu; Township is curled for the high made before the Hoiko rules rom- ;ini'l P in his own pen, and, hold-j school, it will mean the discontinn mittee today by Representative lng ,lim ils security, deniniided a ' unce , ( two schools re Tague, Democrat, of Massachusetts, "'''"''"icnt from Warren in the dueing the nu nber to three. Twenty damage. yeurs ,g0 t)H rural spu)()R ,n Now RarU From Vl ,., 'l!iys .1,lte:' ,,u? ,,0 ''"o'1 ,he r,l,ln,v w,''e one teacher schools. . iiv ni.t iy into uie adjoining nt a of Burgess and Joyner have secured some extraordinarily good pictures for Tuesday and Wednesday of each week, and Alkr.una fans will doubt less be pleased with these soecial at tractions, the first of which "Some thing to Think About." is shown to day. been operated between this city and Norfolk on a daily schedule. The Elizabeth City Boat Line alto owns the steamers gratitude, Severn and Harby, running from Nnrfniir . City Point and other Virginia towns. It also connects with small boats irom down-the-sound polts. In the cotton season the new boat line works decidedly to the advantage of shippers In that thev am onni.iQ,i to take almost immediate advantage of a rising market. Cotton shipped here at three In th llvered in Norfolk to th at eight the next morning. That cot ton growers and oth this Is evidenced by the fact that the line Is now handling 100 to 150 bales of cotton daily. Cargoes shipped over the Ellz.ihi.tii City Boat Line are Insured bv th company against loss or damage, and thus the shipper is assured nf vi able protection for his goods. The line was established earlv in 1920, and among its stockholders are several Elizabeth City business nien. A. R. Xlelmlmin l,,no1 o- , .".in mrui ror the company, became connected with it in October 1920. after having served as freight agent for the Nor folk Southern Railroad hoNi ti states that the company isIways ...... i nve uie puiuie look ft er the iHKHH, and oilers a cordial llnvlt.. tion to visitors at all times. II ": aujoiiuiig pea or a . N. C. Trains For S. C. hlt! man ,,i,n"d Wi,kins- ii:,d "n Belh Toll In . Monday morning Warren so d the IJC,,3 1 011 m Honojr Great Man animal to his son-in-law, Kinc. who went to the Wilkins pen and carried day, the University football team Is , P, Pr aw:,y ,0 llis "ome. busily preparlne for its came witii tlu're,'-v taking from l.eggett his se- Chapel Hill, Oct. 11. Back from New Haven, where It met Yale Satur- uusily preparing for its game with the I'niverslty of South Carolina at Columbia next Saturday. Although defeated 3 4-0 by Yale, the University team, considering the special circumstances that kept it MINISTERS EI.EOI OFFICERS The Ministerial Assfl itlon elected the following officers ok .tronday, Oc tober tenth: R'v. G. F. Hill, president: It r. S. Del.niio, vice' president; Rev. R. F. Hall, secretary. NEW SHIPMENT SAI'OMN "Sapolln," an aluminum stove polish very popular in Elizabeth City .....j .;., .. . . lanKees Young took Miller's flv i'iul iircumsrances mat kept it , ' '""'f oeai mnu mm ami missionary. The Mil er Z"TL V;ngVir:lT: ned. Raw.ings threw out lT 11 strength i, the " ' P" a Norfolk Souther,, tolling of the hells was a signal for "- p nn led. eave a erpd tali p nirfnrman.n , nm, j s'ntencen to f:- ai win in uht .euro t,. ,in Its backfield ......c. 6, niB iu uuru. .vieusei went pjpp went out. Kelly to Rawlings. Miller N rUn8' " ,h, ,S'I no, error8' and Meusel scored on Ward's drive rinn(. u ovef second base, and Tony was 7.1 T"8 flled to FeWH,er' locked out of the lot L! Sj"0" flied ,( Ward' Frl8eh fan" ?ouknghl8 PlaC6' McN'aUy fli6d t0 No runs, no hits, no errors. Three runs, three hits, no errors. vITL Schang walked Baker batted for Meusel Sna'key and Rawlings threw him SetHMHl Inning Giants JClly walked. hit a home-run into the right field stand, scoring Kelly head of him. Rawlings flied to Miller. Snyder got a home run Into left field stands. Barnes singled to center, and Harper was knocked out of the boxt Shaw key took his place. Burns singled to right. Barnes going 40 second. Ban croft fanned. Frisch flled to Meusel. Three runs, four hits, no errors. Yankees Schang fanned. Shaw key singled to left. Fewster hit a homer Into the left field stands, scor ing Shswkey ahead of him. Frisch threw out Peck. Miller went out to Kelly unassisted. Two runs, two hits, no errors. Third Inning Giants Young filed to Meusel. Kelly got sq Inflsld hit to third. was shot to nieces. Johnson and Lowe are the star hacks at Carolina. Johnson was unable to make the trip at all because of his bad leg, ard Lowe was put out of the game after four minutes of play. Ho was "clipped'' by a Yale man while following the ball, and his knee got a sprain. Just how serious the Injury Is not yet known. The game at New Haven wa played in a driving rain. The Caro lina players ar making no excuse-;, but a careful report of what occurred shows that the wet ground tended to give an advantage to weight which liaie nan in ahundiince and to roh speed of Its chances. This fact ' not advanced to exvuse defeat, for. of course. Yale outclassed the Caro linians. But. together with the ah- llngs. Peck popped to Rawiin. ""nc of Lowe and Johnson from the out. No runs, no hits, no errors. Ninth Inning Giants Piercy Went into the box for the Yankees. Young singled to left. Kelly fanned and Youn uk out stealing, Schang to Ward. Meu sel singled to right. Rawlings fan ned. No runs, two hits, no errors. jankees Fewster filed to Raw- Bishop Walter R. Lambeth was , i,..., . lllll.l, KfU.1V dl cuilty. Warren was found nni iwo nVl,,(lr P,.- mi..i., .1.. .,. . - " ' mill III ill 11 1 1'N I I1H Pill tv n,i1 I . . . . . . . . 1 n--....'. ui .ci 1. w;ii nn lit i. rnnri'n i. 'ia nr n.A .ri ....... - " ' """" " """.eomnietelv out hi KiMlur.n on.l - uini 1 r cently hundreds of this Htore's rus- tomers have been calling for it in teen days on the roads. pause in the midst of labor or recre atlon and offer a prayer of thanksgiv ing for the life of so noble a man and for Cod's blessing unon the work ENGINEERS SURVEYING THREE BRIDGE ROUTES Wh''1' tins prayerfully and sacrifl cially begun lu the varous inlsslon fields of the world T. L. Bailey, of Taihom. englni ror tne Urst There were rininv Hilhwuv Dis.rl.t ,.f "W" 1,1 fcll:""tl City Who knew North Carolina, and a m.rtv of .. and l"Vl''' tnl" of ;,,(1 nnd a hofit veyors were here Juesday to sury of M,'llll,,Ils,s ''"wed humbly before ..on in ii.ji:r as iiiw lie. is o uie r irsl three possible routes for the pro- Miller popped to Rawlings. No runs, no hits, no errors. HUGHES CALLS MEETING Washington, Oct. 11 (By The As sociated Press) Secretary Hughes today called the first meeting of the American armament delegates for tomorrow. came. It does partly explain the fail ure of oerta'n plays in which Caro lina U most proficient, and tends-to neutralize any discouragement which the student bod might feel over the size of the score. 1'uncii .11. .ill' 1 M ,11 voir ...i.i,.. i,..u - ...... uj 111 iii..' m-inren ., , , , .... Pasquotank and Cam,!,,, f.,-(-. .thv honr of ,""'lnl '"''".v at or near Elizabeth City. Mr!' Bailey lndlruteil that ihe Cnmm'o' slo'n will largely be governed by the findings of the survey as to the economy of the three routes sur veyed, in It decision as to the loca tion of the bridge. vain. An advertisement iiythis Issue announces receipt of a new shipment. VALUE OF IMPORTS ANn EXPORTS FELL SEPTEMBER Washington, Oct. 11 (By The As sociated press) -The value of Im- ports and exports in merchandise fell during September, the Department of Commerce announces. Imports fell " ' t ' 1 ' 1 ui j 11, 1 t a 1 i"t Methodist and City Road announced , t0 $K.000.000. the lowest of any month this yerfr; exports to $325. 000, (Kin. 15,0(10.000 above the low est month. .GOVERNOR SMALL TO BE TRIED IN LAKE COUNTY STARTS FALL ADVERTISING .Mitchell's Department Store hn P'"' now completed It seasonal lranf,.i-. mation and Is rendy for fall and win- Mri- ""war'1 Kramer Is fast Im McARDI.E tSK EXPECTED TO TOME TO END TODAY Cleve'md. Oct. 11 (By The Asso ciated Press I -The trial of Marian McArdle charted with tniirrlMi In connect! ell with the death of Daniel' sPrlngfleld. 111.. Oct. 11 (By The Kaber. .r step rather, is expected to Associated Press) Lake County end bef. re night. The defense hns'1' ,0lI"y "elected for the trial of tlrtually concluded with the girl s 'Governor Len Small, charged with testimony denying anv Dart In tho '"'loezzlement and consolracv m ri.. Iff-attrt IV.. .1.1. L.t . -u" bihib wiiue treasurer. , H .. .n .,.. nr ill I nnn Win. .-.. n"-.i'i ..inilll IB m. ..... ier ousiness. .Men s suits und over- PrnTing ai me rnyslactrlc Institute ' " 0 wi cioeerl Wednesday Oc- coan, ivnox nais, Hradley sweaters ,l worrietown. new Jersey, and Is luuer on account of holiday and ana exclusive coat suits and dresse xpcted to arrive home sometime Wl" D OP0 usual Thursday Mr nnd Mrs rri T.rktncton ftf,n ,clullr,! co "ults and dresse xpcted to arrive home sometime wl" b OP" nsi Camden were In the city Thursday Vr WOmen W'U -red lu daily ,rdBB to letter, re- orB,n;- rn I celved by relatives here. .Store, I Polndexter St I 'Prop. Army and Navy M. Psmias,

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