PAGE TWO THE DAILY ADVANCE, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBE R 15, 1921 The Daily Advance Peele & Peele, Publisher r.uRi'EIlT TEELE. EDITOR QUILLEN QUIPS Entered at the poMtofllce at Kllalx'(h Clty N. C, m second cliuw mutter. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Tress Is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of news dispatches credited to It or oot otherwise credited In this paper aiKi also to the local news uuliliHtied therein. History: A record of the thrilling event that boost tuxes. No doubt it is called the spoils system because it spoils the service. There is no reason to believe that the pipe of peace is an oil conduit. The thing a mere man can't un derstand Is why coming-out gowns are not made of outing. Kasy Street is a place of residence; the adjective doesn't refer to He 'method of getting there. Once in a while you find a man who can view his reflection after a nliave and not think himself hand some. If a girl must choose between marrying a genius and taking a Job as chamber maid, she really any choice. Seyffert And Parsons Break All Records I All records for fishing are he-j lieved to have been broken this wi-'k j when G. F. Seyffor and S. II. I'.ir-j sons, in six hours' fishing at Oregon .Inlet caught '.'''( pounds of fish, I mostly large speckled trout. j "For the length of time we were at it," says Mr. Parsons, "we believe we have established a record. If any one has beaten us we'd like to be shown." BV'HSCRIPTION HATES BY CARRIER I week 10c! 1 month (in advance) 4-c 8 months (In advance) $1.20 . . . . . k n, - monuia (in advance) T1. (:llj(lf (.itacle 12 months (in advance) 1-00 enforcing prohibition Ii MAIL ag W(, understand It, is liquor. Zone One, 12 months ." 8U.00 ,,,,. A grouncl ,)ea that draws Zone Two, 12 months .00 nitrop,.n fro)n tlle air Also a poll Zone Three, 12 months q-j tician who gets a living from hot air. . Karly to bed and early to rise, and you won't have to pull a sheet over your head to keep off the flies. If a nation Is. suffering from den sity of population, it can always start a little war and effect a cure. True love is the quality that keeps a girl from visiting a jeweler to learn whether the diamond is genu lne. Marry in haste and hunt a house at leisure. At times the motorist suspects that the only difference between gasoline and kerosene is five cents a , And, folks, week after next there's the Edenton Fair. All right, folks, here's pro mise of an eight page paper Monday. Now will you help us keep it up ? The Advance can't be sorry the Giants won, shortening the series by a day, but we do hope gauon that Hoyt will have better luck next time. The only dollar-a-year-men now in captivity are the tight boys who give their wives that much spending money. It is admitted that the Chinese are more honest than other people, but Elizabeth City now has a daily boat service to Norfolk. they are rapidiy learning western Eastern Carolina cities are culture. malin crnnA ,,ao nf 11 n'S lOVe IS growing C010, H6 """"'6 ft""" AI.KRAMA TODAY Gladys Brockwell, who plavs the title role in the Edgar Lewis-l'.ithe j production, "The Sage Hen," tod dled her way into public favor when' at the age of three and a half y ars, I hasn't ! slle Played the little ragged newsboy ; I in "'Die Chanty Rail." In the last! n the way of 'act slie added to her honors by doing, in New York, !a cule w:,lk in what she describes as 'a very red silk dress." At the age of fourteen. Miss, Urockwell became a member of a theatrical company in which her! mother, Lillian Brockwell, an actress' and authoress, also took nart. Af-i Jter four years of touring the I'nlted States and Canada, she was engag ed by Lubrin, and her first screen role was that of a curly-haired moun tain girl, opposite Romaine Fielding. Her career since then is well known, and her versatility is remark able. Though she has played many such roles, she haa no desire to be identified with the so-called "vam pire" parts, preferring characteriza tions such as the title role of'The Sage Hen." Among her favorite authors Miss Brockwell lists John Galsworthy, Kipling, Dickens, Sir Henry John ston and David Graham Phillips. Outdoor sports of all kinds are her particular delight, with quite a pre ference shown for hunting. Her pets are a Boston terrier and two Airdales. umbo in doesn't notice that she is getting their road facilities- It IS a fat; if he loves her still, he notices good way to get lower freight it but doesn't care. A man never realizes how insig nificant he is until he makes the rates. News and Observer. The Raleigh Times seems al- (acquaintance of the stars. And he , never realizes how important he is most as glad as The Advance until he makes the acquaintance of that the World Series is over "Our only regret," says the Times, "is that having won the first game the Yanks didn't make it five straight." moonshine. Congressman Kitchin, fol lowing a nose operation by a specialist, has greatly improved and the specialist who per formed the operation believes that this great North Caro linian will be completely re stored to health. Now that's good news. "Bailey sees salvation for farmer in political realm ; Joy ner in economic field," head lines the News and Observer. The Advance would advise the farmers to put their trust in co-operative marketing rather than in going to the Legisla ture. We can't all be as suc cessful in politics as Josiah William. WANT ADS A NEW LUNCH ROOM, C ORNER OP Main and Road streets. Opens October 17th. Dinners served from 12 to 1:30. Sunday dinners a specialty. Suppers served from 6 to 7. Will serve quick lunch: oysters, soup, steak, eggs, sandwiches, salads, pies, cakes, coffee and tea. One half proceeds of the sales of the first week for the benefit of the Episcopal Cemetery. Is Your Work Wearing You Out? 1 . if hi.. I WISH TO INFORM M CT'BTO- mers that I am now with the South ern Hotel Barber Shop where I will be glad to serve them. Ernest Davis. It. np. WANTED NEW CORN, COW Peas, any kind and round potatoes. Aydlett & Owens. oct 15-21 FOR HALE FIVE PASSENGER Paige automobile. Bargain for someone. Good condition. Reason for selling going away. Apply to Rev. J. M. Ormond, 201 Church St., phone 139-W. 14-1 wk-np There may be many Ad vance readers who don't care about baseball news during" the world series. But if there are, they have not been making themselves heard from as have the folks who do. Since The Advance began getting this news only two protests have ever reached us, one from a colored subscriber who want ed her paper before it got too dark to read it and one from a earner's father, who didn't like the idea of having his boy out on a bicycle after the auto mobiles turned on their head lights. SI'IRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measure and fitted by a corsetiere of 12 years experience. Prices $4 lo $10. Mrs. U. E. Lewis, Millinery and Dressmaking, successor to Mrs. M. Hill. . Oct. 10-15-np 'EtmPicnm TtUtt Story" Are you working day in and day out with a dull, dragging backache? Is your work slowly weakening your kidneys? Many kinds of work wear out the kidneys, and kidney trouble makes any work hard. It brings morning lameness, backache, head aches, dizziness, nervousness and dis tressing urinary disorders. If your work strains your kidneys, help your kidneys with Doan's Kidney Pills. Workers everywhere rely on Doan's. Ask your neighbor! Another Elizabeth City Case W. D. Williams, 314 Maple St., says: "I was so bad oft with my back and kidneys I had to lay oft from work. I over-worked and was in such misery I couldn't do a thing. If I would bend over, I couldn't straighten. My kidneys didn't act properly, either. I used Doan's Kid-1 ney Pills and I never saw anything act so quickly. Doan's entirely cured re." w mm ' y'j , nwa vss-. fMt& f A J Mb in 8ea,ed Packages OxVV - vO I makes selling a pleasure YW-aU 5 A and guarantees the HK Quality of fJTO Tl the cake with all of its Sag&t-' v U rgS f "Expressions speak !&W U mM' louder than word," wo u uli M " good grocer8- insist ymWr on vL A uJr ! S!r na?&i --z "ri-jtf , Mrs. Harry W. Dewey is spending a brief vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Bahram, of Norfolk. DOAN'S1 KIDNEY PILLS -0 at all Drugstores Tester Nilliurn Co. Ml CUnv.BuHdo.NY Timely Topics For easy, satisfactory and eco- nomlcal operation, the Sunshine Hot Ulast Stoves are In a class alone They burn any kind of fuel and yoi get all the heat. P. W. Melick Co. MAX OR WOMAN WANTED SAL- ary $36 full time, 75c an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Guaranteed Mills, Norristown, Pa. Oct 12-tf FOR BEST CAR SERVICE CALL Raynor Elliott. Phone 53-J. Al ways reliable and at your service. Day or night. Call me once, call me always. Oct 10-tf FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Two nt them suitable for light house keeping. Good residence section. Also a lot on Panama St. for sale. Apply to 106 E. Church at. oct. Btf FOR SALE BALED SCRAP NEWS- paper. Also heavy wrapping paper for sale at 10 cents a bale. Scrap suitable for packing, wrapping can be used under carpets, etc. Priced low as we need the room. The Advance. Alkrama Today THE SKATIXO RINK OPENED Monday night, October 10, in the Armory Hall, on Water street. Skat ing every night at 7:30. New skates. Floor repaired and in cood condition. Come up and spend a pleasant evening. Elizabeth City Skating Rink Co., D. R. Munden, Mgr. NOTICE WE HAVE A LOAD OF Oysters Just come in at 50c a quart. So when you want the best Fish and Oysters, Just call the man who knows the fish. Phones 204 and 410. Thos. Crank, Jr. Oct 13-19-nd TT TT V . mien Beauty at Your Finger-Tips! Try This Refreshing Beauty Treatment: First: Wring a cloth out of hot water and hold to face a few moments, until rores are well relaxed. Second: Apply Combination Cream Jontecl, patting it gently into the skin. Don't pull or rub violently that brings on wrinkles. Dip finger tips into water oc casionally, finishing with a drop or two into cold. Third: When the cream has entirely disappeared, apply Face Powder Jonteel lightly and evenly and add a touch of Rouge Jonteel just enough to look natural. What a fresh, youthful face then looks out at you from the mirror! And how delightfully cool and refreshing i feels. For a limited time you can buy three of these famous beautlfiers for the price of two At Your Rexall Drug Store AGONY COLUMN Am rrdrtta 7 wfysm . ( . Mm You can't come in here "Your women may spurn me and call me 'Sage Hen,' but I'm a good woman." Big moments abound in thif unusual drama of a woman fighting for her good name. Orders Executed in 10 Dales and upward COTTON Our fast wire system assures you quick execution of your ordera whether sent to ua direct or through brokers on our private wires. Write us for the name of the one nearest you. STOCKS GRAIN PROVISIONS offer profllabl. pecuUHve nd Inve.t ment;l. You curt keep pott ed If yuu write for and reed Sufermen'i "Daily and W.v Indicator Stnlt liEEen rmuul J.D.Sugarman&Co. SXttmbtn CenfoW Stock gxthanst.N.Y. V Vei PrrJlitt Etcharm AnmrkanCoftnA Grain tfifAanft Cur Sleek Bond Aartrf N.w York C tr Sugarman Bldg. YOU KNOW GEORGE LITTLE WHO USED TO BE CLERK OF THE COURT AND YOU MAY HAVE NOTICED , , HOW HE'S BEEN GOING AROUND QUITE A LOT OF LATE REMINDING FOLKS OF HIS NEW JOB AND OF THE , OPENING DAY OF THE NEW BANK WELL I CAME IN ONE OF RUINING MYSELF THE OTHER DAY WHEN I GOT A LOCAL ABOUT LITTLE'S GOING TO THE MEETING OF THE BROTHERHOOD OF ST. ANDREW AT NORFOLK AND BEFORE I CAUGHT MYSELF I HAD ALMOST WRITTEN IT "ON BUSINESS FOR THE CAROLINA BANKING & TRUST COMPANY" I THANK YOU PERSONALS Norfolk Southern R. R. announces Reduced 'Fares account CHOWAN COUNTY FAIR Oct. 25th to 28th inclusive Tickets sold daily October 24th 27th inclusive and for trains sched uled to arrive Edenton before noon of October 28th, final limit Octobr I 29th. , J. F. DALTON, General Passenger Agent. I LOCAL MARKETS COTTON (Reported by E. City Cotton Mill) Cotton (10 a. m.) 17VsC EGGS AND CORN (Reported by N. O. Grandy & Co.) Buying; Eggs Market unsettled. Corn 65c Belling i FLOUR Flour J7.75 George R. Little and W. P. Skin ner are back from Norfolk where they went to attend the meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew. Frank Sellg leaves for New York Sunday morning on a buying trip for Selig's. He expects to be away for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Gilbert leave Sunday morning for New York, where Mr. Gilbert will make sub stantial fall and winter purchases for Mitchell's Department Store. They will be away a week. Norfolk Southern R. R announces Reduced Round Trip Fares RALEIGH, N. C. account North Carolina State Fair, Octo ber 17-22, 1921. Tickets on sale October 15th-21st inclusive, and for trains scheduled to arrive at Raleigh before noon October 22nd. Final limit, October 21. J. F. DALTON, General Passenger Agt., Norfolk, Va ft 1 ilCltlS 'W.- ; LIT. rill- riuTr-Tii L.Jlt. ... The Circlet it Self-Adjutting. It aim ply alipe over the bead, claapa at waiit and emoothe out ugly linea. your dealer can't get it send actual bust measure, name, ad dress U SI, SO. Ve'ttsendthe Circlet prepaid. Sizes 34 to 43. Nemo Hrgienic-Faahion Inatituta 120 E. 16 St Naw York, Dap't M. PENCE - H OLLO WELL GO HAY BALKRS nALE WIRE LITTLE GIANT TEA TICKERS WOOD SAWS PORTA POWERS TIIORMIILL WAGONS GRAIN FANS CORN SIIELLERS.