Attend The Chowan Fair Next Week October 25, 26, 27, 28 WEATHER and continued cool Saturday fair. te to fresh N. W. vinds. t CIRCULATION Wednesday 1,548 Copies Xi. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21,' EIGHT PAGES XO. 247 r 7 Fdl To Avert Railway Strike Conference In Chicago Ends With out Results Next Move Expected From Washington Railroads And Packers Ready For Emergency Washington, Oct 21 (By t The Associated Press) Whether to re sort to war powers to maintain railway trans portation in the event of a strike is understood to have been considered by the administration to day. It became known after the cabinet meet ing that some members advised the President to use his authority. ! Chicago, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press) The Labor Board this afternoon adopted a resolution citing the big four brotherhoods, the switchmen's union, and all railroads named in the July first wage re duction to appear Wed nesday. The purpose is to determine whether they are violating the wage order. It was an nounced that the "board hereby assumes juris diction of said dispute on the statutory ground that it is likely substan tially to interrupt com merce." The Board warned both parties to maintain their status quo. ' Cleveland, Oct. 21 n nri A 1 Voy i nc mmmicu ( Press) President Lee of the Trainmen -saicPhis return here from the Chi this afternoon that he -was willing to recognize an order from the Board or from any authority tending to prevent the strike. Chicago, Oct. 21 (By The - ! - i J TVia T dKn ABauciaieu xiCM, ---- xio&ra naving uninu.jr in its attempt to prevent a rail road strike, the labor chiefs were today pushing plans for a general walkout beginning Oc tober 30 and ' officials of car riers were moving at double time preparing to combat the proposed strike. A report of the conference between the Labor Board and union heads which failed to produce results was telegraph ed to President Harding and Board members seemed in-distributing centers to maxi clined to feel that the next step mum capacity, towards alleviating the crisis ing the receipt of an official re would be taken at Washington, port from the Labor Board no While the "five big union, one in authority would corn leaders pushed their strike ment here on the failure of the r'-".3 eleven other unions held ting in the attempt to POLICE GUARD ALL AMERICANS Communists Seek Ven geance For Death Sentence Imposed On Italian In Mass. Paris, Oct. 21 (By The As sociated Press) Police author ities throughout France are guarding American consulates and other buildings occupied by Americans as the result of the flood of threatening letters received by Ambassador Her rick protesting against the death sentence imposed on two Italians in Massachusetts for murder. French police officials as serted today that more than a hundred European Communists slipped into the United States for the purpose of causing trouble if thg Italians convicted of murder in Massachusetts were executed. Three Big Fires In New Orleans New Orleans, Oct. 21. Property damage exceeding a Quarter of a mil lion dollars was caused by three fires here today. reach a common agreement on the stand to be taken. Man agers of the western roads met to discuss plans to keep the roads open in the event of a strike. Cleveland, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press)f President ;Lee of the Railroad Trainmen said today that the gtrike 8itu. ation remained unchanged on cago conference. Washington, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press) Pend- San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press) Approximately six hundred members of the railroad train men on the International and Great Northern Railroad have completed arrangements to 8trike tomorrow St. Louis, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press) The man agers of the southwestern roads met here today to arrange a program to keep the roads in operation in the event of a strike. Chicago, Oct. 21 (By The Associated Press) Packers to day began'storing fresh meats for emergency in case of a strike, preparations being made .it was said to stock strategetic Chicago conference to prevent the strike. LIBERTY BELLS VERYPOPULAR And Stream Of Advance Thrift Coupons Constantly Flows Into Carolina Banking Trust Company & Five hundred and twenty accounts and deposits to the amount of $76, 333.28 tell the story of the first day's business of the Carolina Banking & Trust Company. The Carolina Banking & Trust Company was a center of busy ac tivity all day on its opening day. Visitors were dropping in, of course, just to lofek things over. But busi ness throughout the day kept up in a steady stream, and as for the win dow where The Advance Thrift Cou pon was credited, that all day had more the appearance of a moving picture ticket window at the rush hour than of anything pertaining to a bank. A little more than four hun dred of the accounts opened on the first day were savings accounts. Cashier Gurney P. Hood had pro vided BOO Liberty Bell Savings Banks to be distributed to those presenting Advance Thrift Coupons. By the middle of the day he saw that his supply would soon he exhausted at the rate they were going and he wired forthwith for an additional BOO. There will be a few days getting here, but" Advance readers who have clipped the Thrift Coupons and wish to open savings accounts need not hesitate on that account. They can get credit for their coupon now and get the Liberty Bell savings bank later on. For those who have not yet clip ped The Advance Thrift Coupon op portunity still knocks, and readers should remember that every member of the family from Dad to Baby has the privilege of presenting One of these coupons and getting credit for It "at the Carolina Banking & Trust Company. Clip the coupon in today'f paper now. Take it to The Carolina Banking & Trust Company tomor row. Present it with fifty cenU that you had intended to spend and you will be credited with a $1.00 savings account. And If the opening of this account teaches you the saving habit you will have learned a lesson that will be worth more than money to you in all the year to come. Three rules govern the offer: One dollar of each account must remain on deposit for one year. If the second deposit is not made within six months, the 50-cent cou pon will be deducted when the ac count is closed, at which time the Liberty Bell bank must be returned. Only one account may be opened by an individual, but accounts may be opened by every member of a fam ily If desired. The Carolina Banking & Trust Company is a member of the Federal Reserve System and is under the strict supervision of the United States government and also the State of North Carolina. It pays 4 per cent interest. Men and women, boys and girls all are eligible and urged to make use of this opportunity to save. The Liberty Bell savings bank, which is given to each depositor, can be unlocked only at the bank, so that each penny dropped Into it Is a penny toward the savings account of the depositor. Anniversary Sale' Draws Big Crowd hi,. u. n,..,nj in rrnni 1 L 11 0 DVCllQ IllCOCUbCU 111 IIUlll I of the big tent of a circus when the'could be cut off. The Germans got doors of the main show are about towy ne darkness with Beatty open was that in front of the Quiiui Furniture Company on Poindexter street Friday morning. The store was giving a free alum inum set to the first forty housewives entering the store, but hundreds who could have had no hope of getting one of the presents pressed eagerly toward the entrance to get first chance at the bargains advertised by this firm In celebration of its six teenth anniversary. When the doors had opened and the crowd had entered an animated scene was presented as me gins were distributed and as the shoppers hied them away to look for the par ticular bargains In which they were interested. Quinn's had provided Itself with extra salesmen for this event but the sales force was overwhelmed with the crowd of eager purchasers Fri day morning. However, after the first rush there was prompt and cour teous attention to all and again Sat urday buyers who did not get down Friday will have opportunity to take advantage of Quinn's bargains. Mrs. Irving; B. Sawyer returned to her home In Norfolk Thursday after visiting relatives here. Chowan Fair Next Week Four Days, October 25 - 28 Advance Thrift Coupon WORTH 50 CENTS The Advance has arranged with the Carolina Hanking & Trust Company to help every Advance account. reader start a bank This coupon Is worth BO cents to you. Cut out the cou pon. Take it with BO cents to the Carolina Banking & Trust Company tomorrow and you can open a $1.00 savings ac cunt. Besides being credited with a $1.00 account, each depositor will be given a Liberty Bell bank. A picture of the bank is inset in this coupon. Sign your name an1 address here: ft Admiral Beatty Guest Of Legion New York, Oct. 21 (By The Asso ciated Press) Admiral Beatty, com mander of the British grand fleet in the World War, arrived here today to be the guest of the American Legion. Admiral David Beatty, Baron of the North Sea and of Brooksby, is re garded by the British as a typical British sailor of the traditional bull dog breed and a first-class fighting man. The worst criticism made of his conduct during the war was that he was overbold and did not wait for reinforcements before attacking the enemy. On the two occasions when the Germans ventured out Into the North Sea In force, it was Beatty who at tacked them and started the fighting. The forces under his command bore the brunt of the fighting and Inflicted much of the damage the Germans suffered at the battles of Heligoland and Jutland. At Jutland, Beatty with his com mand of battle cruisers opened the nht on Admiral von Scheer and tried to maneuver mm so mat nis retreat still pursuing them. The Jellicoe-Beatty discussion that followed will furnish conversation for British naval circles for genera tions but Great Britain' made Beatty a full fledged admiral and elevated him to the peerage In 1919. Born In County Wexford, Ireland, 50 years ago, he showed his fighting qualities In the battle of Ondurman. In Egypt. In 1898 and later In China during the Boxer troubles when he took two Chinese batteries at the head of his bluejackets and was wounded twice. Beatty gave the Germans a sur prise before the war when he took his command Into their naval strong hold, Kiel, one night during a heavy fog without the aid of local pilots. The Russians remember him as the doughty BrltlsTier who drank an enormous gift cup full of champagne at one gulp. HI wife was Miss Ethel Field, only daughter of the late Marshall Field of Chicago. They have twn sons. The American proletarian can en dure the reign of the capitalists It It i Isn't (be kind that falls when the Iteam is scheduled to play at borne. Thousands Expected To Attend What Promises To Be Far The Best Fair Ever Held In Edenton Free Fireworks Nightly Feature Admission Reduced To Fifty Cents This Year, And Lowered Rates On Railroads And All Ferries Crossing The Chowan River Fair Association Has Hustling Manager And Big Crowds Are Expected To Attend Edenton's Biggest Fair Harry Kramer Says Outlook Is Better - - Last Two Mondays Host Pays Sav ings Bank & Trust Company Has Had Kcccntly Monday of this week, and Mon day of last week were the two best days from the standpoint of bank deposits that the Savings Bank & Trust Company of this city has had since the popular banking Institution moved from its former quarters on South Poindexter street, some three months ago. Harry G. Kramer, cashier of the Savings Bank & Trust Company, says that the business done by the bank during the last month Is a most encouraging indication of returning prosperity throughout this section. He is highly optimistic over the busi ness and agricultural outlook for the coming year, and indicates that he believes that Northeastern North Carolina Is on the threshold of one of the most prosperous eras in tn"e his tory of the section. ISSUE INVITATIONS TO LEADING POULTRY MEN At a meeting of the local Poultry Association and others interested in the approaching North Carolina Live stock and Poultry Meeting to be held at this city November 30, December 1 and 2, It was decided last night that invitations to the meeting be sent to Charles Nixon, of Washing ton, N. J., known throughout the South as an expert poultry Judge; to II. M. Kerr, of this city, also a qual ified expert on fine poultry,' and to Dr. B. F. Kaupp, of the State De partment of Agriculture. The local Poultry Association Is arranging to offer special prizes in addition to those awarded by the State'; and Dr. H. H. Newman, of Salisbury, president of the North Carolina Poultry Association, and an Important breeder of fine poultry, will offer a cash prize at the meet ing, i The North Carolina Livestock and Poultry meeting will taring hundreds of the leading pure-bred livestock and poultry raisers of North and South Carolina, Tennessee and Vir ginia to Elizabeth City during Its three day sessions; and great Impetus will be given to the raising of higher grade horses, hogs, cattle, sheep and fowls In this section. Reported Missinj? Was Safe At Homel Richmond. Va., Oct. 21. (By The Associated Press) Miss Thelma Po land, reported In Galllpolis, Ohio, dispatches as missing, returned to her home here with her mother three weeks ago from a visit. It may be that the movies cause as much meanness as the saloons, but nobody shows up at the theater next morning to beg for another reel. Preparations for the Sixth Annu al Chowan Fair, to be held at Eden ton Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of next week, are now fast nearlng completion, and F. W. Hobos, secretary-treasurer of the Fair Association, states that undoubt edly this year's Fair will far eclipse 'any previously held there in number and variety of the exhibits, in the ex cellence of the races, and in the re- 'niarkably large and entertaining am jUsenient features. ) Ziedman and Pollie's Exposition ( Shows, the third largest aggregation of the kind In America, will hold i forth on the Fair Midway both day jand night. The shows will bring 20 swo fl nu A a r9 an n f nmnn f f n TT1 Pll t nn . and their repertoire includes 12 j shows, five riding devices, and fifty concessions. Everything Is described as moral and refined, and the shows, while above impeachment from a mo ral standpoint, are declared to have enough pep and ginger to please those out tor a lark. One of the leading attractions Is Colonel Littleton's Society Horse Show, with Lady Fanchlon, the orig inal "good night" horse. Then there is the big Wild Animal Circus, the unusual anil entertaining Honeymoon Trail, the freakish and bizarre Cra zy House, and the Lilliputians, fea turing the Jolly Bonita. The Palace of Illusions Is another new attraction, seldom seen in shows In this section, and the Monkey Speedway will en tertain many who are new to the an tics of the simian speed fiends. Won derland will provide new thrills for the Fair visitors, and the Wild West and Circus are among the best of their kind on the fair circuits of the country today. The Dixieland Min strels, with plenty of spicy negro com edy, will attract many from among the huge crowds expected for the four big days -and nights. The riding devices brought by Zeldman and Pollle Include the helter-skelter athletic hippodrome, something nesKln Northeastern North Carolina, the seaplanes, whip, Fer ris wheel and merry go round. Mu sic will be furnished by the Zeldman and Pollle ExpcsltLa Band and the Davis Dixieland Jazz Band. Nightly fireworks' displays at the Fair Ground will prove a new and di verting feature of this year's Chow an Fair. The Fair Association has secured the largest and best assort ment of fireworks ever brought to Edenton, and these will entertain the night crowds at the grounds. Admis sion at night will be only ten cents, and In the daytime, 50 cents, a mate rial reduction from last year's Fair admission price of 75 cents. There will be no charge for parking. Between thirty-five and forty fast horses, many from Vlrglrija and Maryland, besides a large number of entries from Northeastern North Car olina, will contest for the $2,400 In prize money offered. There will be eight races, two on each day, begin ning at one o'clock In the afternoon. The stables of Tom White of Hert ford and of Dougherty of Elizabeth City will furnish a number of entries. All In all, there'ls every Indication that this year's races will be espec- Contlnued on Tags S

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