PAGE SIX THE ADVANCE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 21, 1921 Ckristmas oys. ijmx FOR THAT LAD WITH THE SURPLUS PEP KEEP HIS HEAD AND HANDS BUSY I i with one of our Automobiles, Coaster Wagons, Kiddie Cars, Velocipedes, Skudder Cars, Tri- i cycles, Wagons or Rocking Horses. For that little girl with feminine traits. She's bound to play grown-up lady, anyhow, so why not with instructive things. We have a full line of the things she wants most. Also a complete line of single and double barrel Shot Guns and Daisy Air. Rifles. An extra big stock of ammunition for the holidays. Santa Glaus Headquarters This Year IS AT THE ' CULPEPPER HARDWA RE CO Corner Poindexter and Matthews Sts. Phone 418 Metropolitan 'Opera Has Had Its Most Successful Season Pasting of Caruso Has Not Dampened Ardor of New York's First Nnghters And Though No Equal of Great Tenor Is Looked For New Artists Have Moved Blasa Metropolitan Audiences to Torren tial Applause New York, Dec 21. (By The As ' so iated Press) Its light undlmmed by the passing of Its greatest lumi nary of recent years Enrico Caru so the Metropolitan Opera has reached the height of what ita so cial and professional "sponsors ac claim as the most successful season since the world's eyes were focused on New York as the hub of the oper atic universe. Not, officials of the opera say to day, that a great gap has not been left In the ranks of the artists who have made it so famous. Caruso's place, they declared ifcan not be filled in a few months or even in a few years. But his death has served to direct the interest of opera go ers from the brillincy of the Indivld- X THE UNIVERSAL CAR $595 ' ual singer and to widen it to embrace the opera itself and the great, though less well known stars, who nightly are drawing multitudes to the histo ric Broadway auditorium. Great changes have taken place in the opera as a social institution, they declare. The social eide of the gath erings there season by .season has again taken on the aspect that it wore a generation ago. Once more it is the brilliant show place it was in the 8d's and 90's. Nightly, regard less of the name of the tenor or the soprano who is to sing, boxes, stalls and chairs, from orchestra pit to "peanut gallery" are at a premium, and every foot of standing room in thg shadowy horseshoe fabout the walls Is solid with the mass of music lovers who wauld rather stand three and a half hours than miss a perfor mance. In a widespread reaction from the fashions of the years before and dur ing the war, the gentleman opera goer appears In evening dress, wheth er he sits in a box or any other part of the house below the gallery. And many who stand through the succes sion of acts parade the lobbies and doff the shiniest of silk hats to ac quaintances or when they go to ex change visits among the boxes filled with richly gowned and jeweled wo men. Apace with the changing custom In dress and the etiquette qf the en tra'cte, the public has mastered its post bellura aversion for German op era, manifested in 1919 by threats of violence that would ensue on their presentation. Twice this season the stately meas ures of Wagnerian opera have re sounded in the ears of audiences that have taxed the capacity of the house, and "Die Tote Stadt," new to Amer ican devotees of the art, was the ve hicle upon which Mme. Marie Jerlt a Vlenese, took a cosmopolitan oa... Giftc Of Good Ui II o afi Ham 2 And EidaiSdGyLilEiGOS Are to be found at this store, and we are so glad to be of service to you and help to make these last few shopping . days before Christmas a joy instead of a burden. So let us suggest a few of the really useful and attractive gifts to be found here. Then, come in and let us make other suggestions, according to your heeds. ' , . f .. Handkerchiefs Hosiery Dainty Waists Pocket Books Purses Sweaters FOWLER & COMPANY i ... audience Dy storm at ner debut. i A few nights later the same impos ing daughter of the former enemy country tore and shook Into dishev- eimtmi ner coronet 01 snining goiaen Five Hundred and Ninety-five Dollars Can you conceive of such a low price for such a high class enclosed car? The Ford Coupe, has always been a popular car for the man or woman keeping appointments, whether social, business or professional, because it is always ready for use and gets there on time with comfort and convenience to its occupants. It is even more pop ular now with the new price of $595.00 hair through the passionate scenes of "La Tosca" a role long regarded as the exclusive property of the Am erican idol, Geraldine Farrar while an American audience dissolved in to tears and interrupted the scene with an outburst of applause and "bravoa" such as seldom mars the se renity of New York's blase first night ers. As to the much heralded succes sor of Caruso the operatic maestros declare they are seeking none and X ? f X X X x ,hope to find none. After touring Eu Xrope most of last summer, General Manager uiuno-casazza returned with many new singers added to his company and several new operas for j his repertoire. But he announced; A i that while Caruso's place in the j hearts of his admirers must remain Xj unfilled, the roles he made famous I X X Order today for immediate delivery, desired. Term3 if THK HEST YKT Auto & Gas Engine Wks. I C. W. GAITHER, President i would be sung by the great tenor's former colleagues, Audleo, Bada, Crimi, Martlnelll and a halt dozen others, with Pertille, a new comer from overfseas. 4 "Time only," he declared, "and ; the Judgment of a fickle public i can determine who the eventual idol X of the American opera will be." Tltta Ruffo and Amellta Galli X Curd, who, as visitors with the X Chicago Opera Company, have had X New York triumphs in past years, y , are among the new members of the Xi Metropolitan Company. ?! X! Men's fine Suits, all sizes, all j models. $16.50, $20.00, $22.50, Y $25.00, $30.00. Sport Suits Just A ronnlvorl cnnint too en m m Alkrama Jesse L. Lasky Presents 1 ociay !: Bryant Washbam In "BURGLAR - PROOF' He used to squeeze a dollar until Liberty was black in the face. Now he's spending hundreds like a missing Cashier. Come see why and laugh for a whole hour. ' v t: ; & Co, cY0ning Store

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