PAGE EIGHT THE ADVANCE, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DEC EM HER 21, 1921 Eleven for T3he i 13 V USEFUL GIFTS for Boys Gifts To Please Every Neckwear Neckwear, priced at 50c, 65c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Knitted Neckwear, priced at 1,'. m 1 U I BATH ROBES, PAJAMAS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS BELTS, CAPS NECKWEAR RAIN COATS, WOOL GLOVES SCOUT GLOVES KIDDIE SLEEPERS CUFF BUTTONS COLLAR PINS, Button and Pin Sets ft' Silk Silk sib Hosiery Pure Silk and Silk and Fibre Hosiery, priced at 50c, 60c, 75c and $1.00 U Shirts Silk Pongee, priced at $3.55 White Silk Jersey, priced at . . .$5.20 White Silk Broad Cloth, priced at $6.30 White Soisette, priced at $1.75 Striped Madras, priced at . $1.50 to $3.00 Russian Corded, priced at $3.55 Handkerchiefs Cotton and Mercerized Handkerchiefs priced at 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c and 25c Linen llandkerchiefs priced at ' 25c, 35c and 50c Silk Handkerchiefs priced at 25c, 35c and 50c Knitted Silk Scarfs Two beautiful numbers, priced at $3.85 and $5.00 Gloves Kid Gloves, lined; priced at ...$1.50 Perrin's Kid, tan; priced at $3.00 Perrin's Grey Mocha, priced at $5.00 Other Items lloltH, IMt nurkleH, Leather Wallets, Bill Folds, Military Urush Bfts, 8tlck Tins, Cuff Links, Collar Pins, Cigarette Chhps, lUth robea. Pajamas, Nightshirts, Collars, Caps, Huspondors, (Supporters, Ann Bands and many others. For The Boys Tie. Glove, Stockings, Belts, Overcoats, Solt, Hhlrts, Caps, Handkerchiefs, Pa and other useful gifts. ' Rucker & Sheely Co. ELIZABETH CITY'S BEST STORE ""PC :: .W, yV '4 .Thf. st Louis Urowns gave up 11 ,,,;,VL i !t in trado for Davo Danforth, inu-iu'i t the Columbus team In the Ainnvati Association Columbus ivcclves foui pitchers and a second Dam man immediately, three players tie;;i spring, two more in 1923 and ont in 1024. Danforth pitched for the White Box In 1917. He Will Appreciate It More If It Comes From The Store Where Dad Got His WEEKS. & SAWYER "Where The Best Clothes Come From" Jtl " UiAMsklKii WANT ADS HALEKMEN 57 MILES PER GAL- lon made with new patented gasoT line Vaporizer. Write for particu lars. Stransky Vaporizer Co., Puk- I - wana, S. D. lt-pd FAIR LAND IS KifM rnnvKn hams, iv corv a MADE DESOLATE week. Twenty-five cents a pound. M. P. Winslow, West1 Main St., near Despite British Declaration Of Mar- depst tial Law Outrages Continue In India Phone 700-J. Dec. 21,22,23-np FOUND BICYCLE ABOUT TWO Calcutta, India, Dec. 21 (By TheWeeks ago at poetofflce. Finder can Associated Press) Despite the dec- get same by calling at postofflce and laratlon of British martial law, the paying for this advertisement. Dec 21-np outrages of the Moplah uprising, which began the last week In Aug ust, still continue. The fair land of SAVE 25 AND 30 OX HIGH Malablj has been rendered desolate; grade Tires nd Tubes. J. P. Thomp railroads have been torn up; bridges :Bon, Elizabeth City, N:-C, 804 W. Beautiful Gems Are on display at our store and we invite you to Inspect them without further delay. The modes of the moment in settings and de signs for gems of matchless beauty. Diamonds and Pearls make particularly pleasing gifts and you should not delay longer making your Christmas selections. H. C. BRIGHT COMPANY i jilitzeir Returns' I ' : . I V 1 General Wood Will Economize Consolidating In Government Ac tivities To Provide Funds For Care Of Lepers Manila, P. I., Dec. 21 (By The As sociated Press) Governor General Wood has announced that he already has begun work on plans to con solidate certain government activi ties on an economical basis, In or der to obtain sufficient funds for the euro of lepers and the insane, and for education, public works and pub lic welfare work in general. I'Thls does not mean, however," said the Governor-general, "that the services of certain officials or em ployees will have to be dispensed jwith in the government. We want jail the officials we need, but we do :not want the unnecessary ones." One of the flrBt steps taken to ward pruning clown the expenses of I the government Is the announcement of the merging of the mint bureau with the Insular treasury, the mint becoming simply a division of the treasury instead OT a separate bu JUST THE THING FOR BOYS Two Pants Suits, $6.95, $7.45, $8.45, $9.45, $11.95 to $15.00. T. T. Turner & Co. Johnny Tupants Suits Best Made. destroyed; public and private build ings burned; government treasuries and urivate - houses looted. Men, women and children have been slain and wholesale conversions have been made at the point of the bayonet. The district magistrate has issffed the following communique: Infor mation has been received that many forced conversions to Islam are be ing made in the eastern Amsoms of Calicut, and that Mathumana Illom In Puthur Amsom is one of, the places where such conversions are being made on a large scale. "A refugee states that he saw 26 Hindus shaven in Moplah fashion like himself and made to chant some verses. There are also about 20 wo men and children shut up In Illom. Women are also made to repeat verses, and are made to wear Mop lah costumes. "The following statement, re corded from Pilathottathil Kelap pan, who escaped with many wounds, shows the late of those who refuse to embrace Islam: 'Two wounds on the back of my neck were Inflicted with a sword last noon by a Mop lah. These wounds were given to me In the Jungle near Illom. Several Moplahs were present with the man who cut my neck. About 50 per sons have keen beheaded and thrown into a well. I was also thrown above them. I caught hold of a creeper there, and got up, and slowly came here. Hindus are beheaded thus be cause they refuse to become Mussul mans'." Mahatma K. Gandhi, Indian Na tionalist leader and non-participa tion advocate, refers In Young India to the Moplah outrages, saying: "The Mussalmans must naturally feel the shame and humiliation of the Mop lah conduct about forcible conver sions and looting, and they must work away so silently and effectively that such things might become Im possible, even on the part of the most fanatical among them. My be lief is that the Hindus as a body have received the Moplah madness with equanimity, and that the cul tured Mussalmans are sincerely sorry for the Moplah's perversion of the teachings of the Prophet." Church St. Phones 269 and 712-W. Dec. 21-tf-np NOTICE OYSTERS FOR XMAS. We will have a nice line of the finest Oysters that can be had. as we will unload three boats this wek, one Tuesday, one Thursday and one Fri day, and they will be the best that can be had, so when you want the best, call the man who knows the fish and oyster. Thos. Crank, Jr., phones 204 and 410. 19to24-pd Hinton Building Main Street OUTBURSTS OF E V E REJLT. E FOR SALE WILL SACRIFICE FOR low cash price, one motor boat, 3 H. P. Bridgeport engine, 22 ft. long, recently painted and overhauled. Ap ply to C. C. Reid, at Banks ft Hughes. Dec 14,15,16,19,20,21 '- I-!; ,. . ... t U. .'. it-; J) COLD WEATHER IS HERE BUT DO not worry. I have for sale plenty of hard wood, no cutting or splitting. Also dry split cook wood at $8 per cord. Phone 127-J. L. W. Ander son. Dec 15-1 wk-pd LOST BLACK TRAVELING BAG Saturday between Elizabeth City and Shawboro. Finder please return to The Advance office. 16-1 wk-pd FOR SALE CHEAP ABOUT 20 second hand scales, three of them be ing of 100 pound capacity, automatic and computing. Perry & Twlddy, Sav ings Bank Building, Phone 730 or 264-J Dec. 19 to 24 lwknp MAN WITH EXPERIENCE AS salesman wants to learn a trade Willing to work and work hard for small pay while learning. Apply to "Worker," care The Advance. 19tf Meets Every Monday Night Worta Bagley Council, No. 60, Jr. O; U. A. M., meets every Monday night at 7:30 o'clock in their hall, third floov of the Kramer Bldg. Visitors welcome. IV ILL VCX' HAVE. MCM AIM' A COP n ill . II 1 I )i P . ' f 1 I I . - AKV IVHAT . ,-l.,, ... -X . V ill i Try The Advance For Job Printing IJlltxtn, tho champ rat catcher ot pwt I-Iobolcen piers, la back homi 'asaln. Ulltzcn looked over South! America but didn't think much of It' jyck workers trrlcved when Blitzenl diwippenred and were happy three months later when R. SchulU, of Iveer ot the S. S. Huron, walked! khoro with tho cat In his arms. JUitnen hoartlcd his ship at Itlo, SchulU said. Our Croceriei Are ALWAYS GOOD Our Prices Are ALWAYS LOW P.. W. TWIDDY, Grocer The only gift that you can make that only you can make your photogaph. It's the eleventh hour, but it is never too late. Phone for au appointment. Zoeller's Studio. dec 19 21 Follow the "Croud A Child Can Work The Buick Clutch Why drive a Car that takes all your strength to work the! Clutch? Cuick cars drive right be cause they are built right a more than half million owners will testify. , Step into our salesroom and try the Clutch yourself. Also ask about our New Buick ser vice TidcwatcrBuickColnc. W. P. SKINNER, Mgr. SCHEDULE Norfolk Carolina Line Inc. Operating between Elizabeth City and Norfolk, stopping at Cowell's Wharf, Old Trap, Newbern's Land ing, Jarvisburg, Barnett's Creek, Co'.njock, andXong Point. Leaves Elizabeth City Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 2:30 p. m., arriving at Norfolk at 6 a. m. the following day: Leaves Norfolk Mondays, Wednes days, and Fridays at 4 p. m., arriv ing at Elizabeth City at 8:30 a. m. the following day. Big steel hull, electrically lighted steamer, the Annie L. Vansciver, bet ter equipped for passenRr traffic than ever by the addition of new staterooms. For further Information address J. II. Pinner, ngt., J. J. Harrison, agt E3EUC PS for Yoair 'Wk Bovol i f 3 Aydlett Bldg Oppo. Iron Wks. N. Water St. Phono 740 Eliz. City, N. C. Clyde Lina Dock No. 3. E. Water St. Norfolk No. 25418 Norfolk, Va. It is the Real Christmas Store. New bargains every day. Plenty, of people to serve you intelli gently. Everybody is in a goodhumor, for MELICK'S IS THE HAPPY STORE Big assortment Erector Toys at close out prices . P. W. Melick,Co.