JOIN THE CHAMBER OF CO MMER CETEA MS OUT FRIDA Y WEATHER Generally fair tonight and Friday. Fresh west and northwest winds. CIRCULATION Wednesday 1,565 Copies . 2, 192 1 VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, JANUARY 1 FOUR PAGES NO. 10 Harding Wants To Be dure.DOUi President Will Decline To Give His Consent To Any Soldier Bonus Proposal Which Does Not Provide Means Of Raising The Necessary Funds By DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright 1922 by The Advance) Washington, Jan. 11. President Harding will decline to give his approval to any soldier bonus proposal which does not provide a sure means of raising the money. And at the moment the President gives the impression that it would be a mistake to assume that enough money will be forthcoming on the allied war debt to pay the bonus. The President's attitude to ward the bonus bill as revealed at the White House is one of continued belief in soldier com pensation but of reluctance to associate the foreign debt ques tion with it. The truth of the matter is that Mr. Harding turned the tables on those who asked for his approval to a sol dier bonus bill contingent on the Allied war debt payments. The President inquired how it was possible even to talk about getting money from the Allies when Congress is delaying the passage of the bill which autho rizes a commission of five to ne gotiate with foreign govern ments on the payment of prin cipal and interest. In other words, if Congress will hurry up and pass' the funding bill then some clear idea may be obtained as to whether any revenues may be expected from the Allies. Up to this time, not a single thing has been done toward fixing a time for the pay ment of either interest or principal. No private business would allow an Immense debt to run along with out even a promissory note fixing the dates of payment. Both the Presi dent and the Seceretary of the Treas ury have pleaded with Congress to pass the bill. The House has acted favorably, but the Senate has failed to put the measure through. The ag itation for a soldier bonus may have the effect ot forcing action on the funding bill, though . Mr. Harding himself is careful to refrain from pro mising approval of the bonus bill ev en if he has the power to fund the debt. The funding bill only autho rizes negotiations. It doesn't Insure payment. Then it will become neces sary for the American commission to discuss with the Allies the assets available. Indeed, Mr. Harding is eager to have this authority to nego tiate before the big economic confer ence takes place in Genoa In March. For the time being he is withholding acceptance of the invitation to that conference because he wants to show the business men of (he United States the business men or Che United states and the agriculturist and all others i who lcik forward h'enfdulfyl t0th'h" I effects on American bus mess of the Z rl8 conftrencl that the" VH Genoa conference that the United States is powerless to enter the con ference unless the funding bill has been passed. The President let it be known that he believes eventually a satisfactory I funding of the foreign debt will be possible. He never refers to cancel-illeve8 latlon. He never Buggestj any dis counting by America of this Indebt edness. He does feel, however, that it would be hazardous to place any rallonro nn th Immolofa flnw nf nvl " - - ! substantial revenue from the aliens to the United States, sufficient at any rate to nav a soldier bonus the cost of which has been variously estlmat- ed at upwards of a billion dollars, .The United Stctes has hesitated to rail ior interest payments in goia ne - cause of the certain ill-effects which a draining of Europe's scld would Jsve on international exchange. The r fear Is that a sudden Import of gold expon trade as America has and pro- duce near DanlC SUCn BS WaS eX- perienced shout k year ago when , . Europe neRan cancelling orders for cotton, agricultural products and Wnt inn. . : IlianUlilClUIU uroui. INOl long agO a uriusii omnai proposea to Becre- ii t 1. i i 'British debt but the secretary of the . i. ..a v.. i i v answe ed i 'Z thank. ! 0m ' th5 ther ly answered no tnanss. . las a protest vote. The prospects are , H may be. of course, that when the. that Congress may act and square It-! Bines and me united Elates arrange ror th8 randmg or the debt, no gold 'Harding will take the responsibility taken to the Community Hosp.lal will be shipped but a new Issue of of disapproving It on the ground ; Tuesday and operated on Wednes bonds will be made which will be .that a sound method for raising the 'day for appendicitis. He stood the guarantee! l'T ''" Iw-rj lo; t " I Hi!vj f!a"n Anil whlrh In torn ineiviuney BELIEVED NEGRO WAS MURDERED With the bark of his head beaten to a pulp and with scalp cut up as if with a knife or other sharp instru ment, the body of John Wichard, col ored, about 50 or 55 years of age, was found early Thursday afternoon on the Suffolk & Carolina railroad about 100 yards west of McPherson street. John Wichard was a painter of excellent reputation among white people for whom he worked and it is believed that he met his death by foul play. The body was discovered by Cliarles Raulfs, who was out gun ulng and his dog pointed the cadaver. Amnesty Granted Irish Prisoners London, Jan. 12 (By The Associ ated Press) King George has grant ed general amnesty "In respect to political offenses committed in Ire land prior to the operation ot the truce last July," it was announced here today. The release of prisoners will begin immediately. OWENS-PRICE Hermon Victor Owens, of Weeks ville, and Miss Elsie Price, of the Olivet section, were married by Rev. H. K. Williams at the First Baptist parsonage Wednesday evening at seven o'clock. They were, accom panied by B. C. Fletcher, Miss Miv erine Price and Mrs. Ivan Ives. STUDENT HURT BY POLICEMEN Young Man Probably Fatally Injured Following Affray At A Boxing Bout In Oak land, Cal. Oakland, Cal., Jan. 12 (By The As- sociated Press) One student, George Fortune, was probably fatally Jured when st'. uck on the head by policemen who broke up a near rlot!March t0 juIyi 1919, Colonel "Ham'used by the officiating minister, Rev. : . . m .m;, between a rouP of yun men- many testified before the Senate committee them students of California Unl- today. Te",ty and the 0ak,and pollce' wh(N : " du "! .' Hn . , nf p . The affray started when the police attempted to quiet the disturbance. may be sold by our government at an attractive rate of interest in or- der to get sufficient money to pay a !ioIdier bonus but most evervboJv be - the time for such a move ' Isi"" ., "uu" lievee the time for such a move tsjMetaxakls. recently elected patriarch ir on aa ine government nnances of Constantinople, guilty of attempt are not strong enough yet to tand;,n- 1o bring about a schism In the Sucn A mrnln nnn nrnhnhlr will nnt i be for lwo or .1" ' t ,. . .. . . ... V. iueauwniie memDers or ton-' gress who are up for re-election next faii feei thev mn.t An .nmothin ni am to th .ii. t,.j ing knows the att)tude of a member of arid sympathises with the effort to! Eet something done. But. on ,h.""clalBU rreBs, i...... u, vV.. other hand he know, also that Re!on " rule f ttleshipS to ; mi hi Iran .pntlmnt t..k. i. together pleased wlib W wl rnTni revenue bill and that the demand:""8 T'? of ,he naval 1In,lta,lon from Flo da Mr' a .question, therefore, of pleasing one! . !at thl rltv vrnitn nr nln.. with Ihn .hula. ' " " K ... x ...... o ui ail- tagonlzlng the business and other ele- ments of the country who by their ntrihMn. an a tm n,i. n-. "I ." L " TL J niihlU-nn .ltnrln. nnlhle Tha Democrats opposed the bonus too, wo" d haveal corner Mr, 7urZi . """' u sen with th electorate but that Mr. nce9ary funJs will not have been ; provided. BRIAND RESIGNS CABINET FOLLOWS News Shocks Arms Con ference Likely To Affect Decisions Al ready Made Paris, Jan. 12 (By The As sociated , Press) Premier Bri- T and today presented his resig-'i nation to President Millerand after a speech to the Chamber j of Deputies justifying his atti- tude at the Cannes conference, i The cabinet after recovering , . . from its surprise also resigned. During his speech Briand said. that the United States agreed j to. participate in the Genoa conference. ' His resignation was accepted. Washington, Jan. 12 (By The Associated Press) Bri- . j . . and s resignation was a great shock to the arms conference for it is likely to affect the de cisions already reached. PE.CE DOLLARS ARE HERE The new Peace dollars have been received at the First & Citizens Na tional Bank, and are fast being call ed for by Elizabeth City folks who delight in new issues of money. The new silver dollar bears a liberty head on the obverse, with the word "Lib erty" In a semicircle at the top, and "In God we trust, 1921" at the bot tom. The reverse bears the figure of the American eagle, olutch'ug in his claws en olive branch illuminated by the sun's rays. At the bottom appears the word "Peace," from which Uncle Sam's latest dollar gen its name. PICKET ARMS CONFERENCE Washington, Jan. 12 (By The As sociated Press) American born Ukranian girls today picketed the arms conference to protest against alleged Polish persecutions. MRS. TAYLOR WINS SUIT The case of Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor vs. L. B. Perry administrator of the W. M. Taylor estate, was decided in Superior Court Wednesday afternoon In favor of the plaintiff, and the court recommended to the clerk that he take such action as he deemed proper with regard to the removal of L. B. Perry as administrator. The civil action of C. W. Stevens, & Co. vs. W. I. Young ft Sons et alj was taken up by Thursday morning. alienor Lourt Testifies That Only TWO Soldiers Hanged Washington. Jan. 12 iBv The As - !goclated Press) Only two soldiers ln-lwere hanged at Is-Sur-Tllle, France, j whlie ne waa m command there from Deprived Of Rank Secluded A. Monk:M,.,D. rirrJST Morgan recltal and Mrs- Noah BuI .,. . . . AlUrJIIB, ! till. 6 DJ 1 1IC nooiLI- ated Press) - The Ecclesiastical ".!" T..7 ...i.' I r a u.j V... Hf. . . -' cnu"n: "e wa ' or"e e" aep ,ve every ranK ann seciunea as a monT. In Zante monastery. v RULES OF RATTLKHIIII'S RKMAIN TO BE SETTLED Washington. 'Jan. 12 (By The As- scrapped remaineu to ne semea ' VOY AT Till.. I-IIIK 111)1 NK I A rrnv fnT rai.tnrefl a few iIiti ia ,,v ninhr,i r.rrv. nf the ntv """" . . l"c " ' .volunteer fire department. i now oe- Ing kept at the fire house on Mat thews street. The little follow Is ns rT' PrV'f ' ""'J the bit of food offered suits his en - cur" 'r. . W. A. Best, of Stumpy Point, v .s operation well and la getting along nicely. State i TEAMS BEGIN WORK FRIDAY The second lap of the Cham- ber of Commerce menibersliip drive, launched this week, will begin Friday morning at nine 'c,0k' whon ,our t,,w ed to canvass the city will fro forth to brlnK tato tne member- . ship of the Chamber every avail- ab,e busl"e88 Rnd P''0"1 , , ,' . . ... spirited and proRresHlve citizen. li inn, auu rri j wuu i puuuv- This phase of the drive will j continue through four working days until eight o'clock on the i nlofi. nf ISlMi.liiv JflnilllFV 17. " v. j - , and each day's result will be posted in the front windows of f. .. i the fYmimiinitv RulldinK every the Community Building every night. Under the plan adopted each' team will be credited with 400 points for each membership so- rured on the first day of the drive. Each membership will count 800 points on the second day, 200 on the third, and 100 u. nooinsou ay wire irum in i on the fourth. Committees will 'jtorney, Col. I. M. MeekinB, at noon report at the Community Build- . Thursday, all question aa to the ing at eight o'clock each night route of the State Highway Commls during the drive. Jaion in its roadbuildlng activities . from Elizabeth City into Camden and FIX FRIDAY NIGHT An orange rolling for the child ren Friday afternoon: The skating Rink will be open Friday and Satur day afternoon of each week from 5.30 to 7.15 o'clock. No rough skating will be allowed and children may come and enjoy themselves with safety. Price 10c. with your own skates, 20c. with ours. Elizabeth City Skating Rink. D. R. Munden, Manager. Itpd Toxey-Griggs Beautiful Wedding Ceremony Sol emnlzed at Christ Church Wed nesday Afternoon One of the most beautiful wed dings of the season was solemnized at Christ Episcopal church Wednes day afternoon at half past two o'clock, when Miss Margaret Albert- son Griggs became the bride of Mr Ray Sawyer Toxey. The church was artistically decorated in pine, ferns; and catnearai canuies. ine onoe entered on ine arm "i ner rainer, ur, j. . ungRs. ner maid of honor was her cousin, Mlsswa8 con8tructed of cinders, oyster ! were Misses Maude Palmer and Virginia nora, ana me urmaiuH.uB i " " ' """ Hubert Toxey. accompanied him as best man, and the groomsmen were a average da)1 travel of more tnail Dr. Julian Sellg and Aubrey McCabe.225 aut0mobilw and trucks accord- The impressive ring ceremony was1. t th , t . UnCU w.D ...... Members of ha staff of nrvpvnr . G. F. Hill, rector of Christ Church. J"mbfir8 0.r '. U"f y0" up" campaign a jThe brldaI COuple Wt on the after-n8taJet H,fhway and gambling !"on train for a Vdding trip tOCft0m'B'BJ data " he ed. Brigadier !poInU of interest in Florida. J'h,P -mn, Preceding the wedding, Mrs. I. M. ivwi, . noiift aviivv ' - prelude to the ceremony Itself, m. V.-U A n -r tila vo vnllnir an "ITZIa rZ TJ,: " iVZ.l ' Z' n7. ' , bride's roses and lilies of the-valley. The bridesmaids were attired In chlf- fon afternoon dresses with hats and . , ... i , ''"'"'l enuer n..r pu. jiic w.ui w,...Cua ivi. Pnimer in wirlp. hiii. nml Miss Itoxpv In American beauty ch'ffon. They carried bouquet of roses. ; The lirltle is the attractive tiaugn- ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Griggs of thU cltv. and Is one of the most , - - it .. pop--;'-- 1 Z a'J r" o.---- - . , . r ...T.n . t.monT " 1 3 ir-ivi BUT DOES NO DAMAGE Washington Jan. 12 (By The radiogram irom ? 'TT'' CTk" ""'n brlnBlng alt Norfolk-bound high American troops from Germany said',.om that a gale reached the trans- . rt last night but did not cause It (( ow p Ilg poftton was given' 1C- ., nf v Ynrk Mrs. R. 8. Collins, of Norfolk, la ; visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A Mann, on Cypress street. - Takes Over 'Robinson Purchase Was Made By State High way Commission Thursday Morn ing, And Price Paid Was $16,000. Will Build Better Bridge Later. The Robinson bridge, connecting Pasquotank and Camden Counties at Elizabeth City, was purchased Thurs- .'day morning by the State Highway '.,., , r,...n VUUU11IOOIUU, 111 DUDDIlU jmiwRHi for $16,000. The purchase includes the lot 200 feet deep and of 75 feet water frontage on the Elizabeth City side, valued by C. H. Robinson at $8,000, the house and lot on Ma chelhe's Island occupied by the fer ryman, and worth around - $1,500, and the roadbed laid to the Camden County mainland by the Robinsons at a cost, they state, of between $25, 000 and $30,000. With the purchase of the Robin son bridge, which was reported to V 1 I 1 J M L . . 4 Currituck Counties appears settled. Col. Meeklns stated in his telegram that he already had received a check for $16,000, the purchase price the bridge property. The action taken by the State Highway Commission follows sur veys and investigations of this route and suggested crossings further up Pasquotank River made by a party of engineers sent by the Commis sion in November. The existing i bridge connecting the two counties directly at Elizabeth City, early came In for favorable consideration; but the fact that the connecting road on the Camden County side was through a deep swamp, and appear ed to have little foundation to its roadbed, was Instrumental In delay ing the decision of the Commission until accurate data on the actual condition of the road could be ob tained. It is pointed out that the Camden Ferry Road Is by half a mile the shortest road connecting Elizabeth City and Camden Court House, and has ewer curvefl thaQ any other ex iBinr r.r) inintno- th in M.t. seats. Thlg road wag bullt 19 vear , . -,,.. in.jatinn 8h6g Llllington gravel, and other j i0d 'min g materali Though great- iy Peking perfection, the road has, .,, 4V, ,,., . would probably use piling to con- ..--1, V J jl ' V? " t 1 Tt " ,th J , " I - -v,. v..Uv, " .! P'n would entail considerable ex- "pen... It would result in a road that would hnlH nn nn.lor mnnv .r.'.c,,lral 4"r ranroaa Blien- Vi no W fro unl ot a nominal 11 nlr aa n - - From the standpoint of Elizabeth 1 'iy. "i mercnants are or tne opinion that the selection of the Rohinson hrldrn wilt niPiin miirh In th lr r.t hn.ln... n n .1 rv, , I 1 7' ,7' " .7 " 7."" .'I'n "M:,"'""r"" "'"tll" h W1"i a11 lrafflc ot lhI" ec"on 'n th city's bu,itneBS 'Strict. Th Importance, of th.B pmnhaa,,p,, whon " "" th-l hardsurfaced irn,.wv, r. itri.. d .rtfoM. constructed, under construction or tending to the county seats of Cam - A I r . . ry .. ucu, LUllllum Ullfl kiuies UOUnllOS win De nullum the next few years. ,.,t.. ,J!e";1A7:,a"'Tr?.'1!!hw?" from trilmhotli tn Vn,f,,lt -H1 ..w... ..... it. X IV. .1 i.UI IU R Till, h ,nm,i.H k-m- .- .i. As-4,ear and ,he pla(.ln(t of the Cam,Ien hrUlla hprft .,,, hnwo fho . l way ,y s ' The Prir, Pall for tbe Robinson the bride. 116.000, Is declared by the ! Ri r.nsons to be extremely low. They isay that the present bridge could not be replaced for less than $25, - 000 or $30,000; but It is not the jtype of brldga that the State HJgh - .Brid ge To Hold Institute At Christ Church There will be held in Christ Chureh, Elizabeth City, January 23 and 24, a Normal Institute for the people of the Convocation of Eden ton. The speaker Is one of the most prominent and if ted of the Church's Institute leaders MIbs Laura F. Boyer of New York. M1ss Boyer will at each session give a full demonstration of how a discussion group is successfully car ried out. Institutes such as this one shall be and are being held over the whole United States and are a part of the church's education plan for the people, that each and every member In the remotest district may be fully informed of the work and teaching of the whole Church. Delegates are expected from each parish in the Convocation for It Is seldom such an opportunity comes to ofjus The program will be as follows: January 23rd 10": 00 a. m. Holy Communion. 10.30 to 11.00 Instruction on Me thods. 11.00 to 12.00 Demonstration of Study Class. Subject "The Task of the Church." 2.30 to 3.00 Instruction on Meth ods. 3.00 to 4.00 Demonstration of Study Class. Subject "The Task of the Church in Domestic Fields, espe cially among the southern mountain ers and rural population." 7.30 to 7.45 Devotional service. 7.45 to 8.15 Instruction on me thods. 8.15 to 9.00 Demonstration ot study class. Subject "The Task ot the Church In the Foreign Field China and Japan. January 24th 10.30 to 11.00 Instruction in Me thods. 11.00 to 12.00 Demonstration-of study class. Subject -"The Equip ment of the Church for her task." j Martial Law Is Proclaimed In MeXia A m ,,.,.. Austin, Tex., Jan. 12 (By The As related Press) Martial law has been Proclalmea y Governor Neff at !Mexia,.n oil town where rangers have been on duty since that "clean- gainst alleged saloons resorts was Inaugurat- Oeneral Woltera waa niand with power to summon the National Guard if ne- ,J AOUKR OV COXCKSSIQXS Washington, Jan. 12 (By The As- "c""" T.r" " J"p- f , " s ,eea ." .nntnM . L..111 t . slons in Kiachow. CAUPEXTIEU MEETS COOK London, Jan. 12 (By The Associ ated Press) Georges Carpentler will meet George Cook, of Austral'a, '1Pre tonight FIVE JIKORS LACKING San Francisco, Jan. 12 (By The . . . PressjFlve Ive Jurors re- n,8ln lo " seiwiea in me sona f Arb"Ck,P ,0 day- ; FLUE FIRE WEDXKSDAY TK. A -n nnn.t..t iiw hic ur,a i i nn-it i nuo i.ucu ui Wednesday anernoon at rour o'clock for a flue fire on Woodley street, back of Southern avenue. ... Tne department was on the scene lu'ckly and prevented damage to the wi,. sooner or later a more modern struc- ture of steel with cencrrte piers will be built. If the Coniinbtsion's plans are carried Into effect. Meanwhil the people of the soctlon affected have a free brldgs sad road that 1 will serve until the Highway Com- mission can make the Improvement! 'propoetL I

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