WEATHER Generally fair and cold- er tonight. Wednesday fair. Strong West and Northwest winds. CIRCULATION Monday 1,636 Copies VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH 7, 11)2: FOUR FACES NO. 5G Economic Pressure May Reduce Land Armaments FLU WAS JINX AT She Wouldn't Have CURRITUCK COURT Been 91iaid Now Herbert Hoover Tells The World That American Money Loaned To European Nations Must Not Be Used To Bolster Credits And Support Armies And Shows That There's A Reason Mill Judge Bond Disposed Of Docket To Best A1 vantage Possible In Single Hay Alice Robertson Thinks Men More Anient As Politicians Than Iyovcrs Are With ono decree of absolute di vorce granted and with one alleged bootlegger convicted of aiding and abetting in the illicit manufacture 0f jwompn ,,pr( Kansas City, Mar. 7 (By The As sociated Press) Miss Alice Robert son, representative in Oklahoma, speaking at a rally of Republican' today, declared that liquor, and with not another case when she was first approached to having gone to the Jury, the Spring ! n fo'- Congress she didn't think) DAVIS TRACT IS TO COST 825,000 Ry DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright 1922 by The Advance) Washington, Mar. C. The United States Government is taking steps to prevent American money from being used waste fully in Europe and to compel foreign peoples who seek loans here to promise to use capital for reproductive purposes only. The full significance of what the American Government in sists is not a political but an economic defensive measure is just becoming apparent. With the failure of European coun tries to balance their budgets because they are spending too much money for the mainten ance of armies, there has de veloped a tendency on the part of municipalities as well as central governments abroad to finance themselves loosely onj the expectation that they can! always make up their deficits by borrowings through Ameri can banking concerns. This process will lie abruptly halt- ed by the United States Government through the use of its moral influence, and its power of publicity. The views 1 of the administration are summed up by Herbert Hoover as follows: "America is today the remaining1 great reservoir of surplus capital, and we must remain strong and conserve the rightful use of this capital if the1 world is to recover. We will need; much of it for the upbuilding of our homes and public utilities, stagnated today through inequalities in read justment between industries. But our surplus even then is greater than our needs, and it would be disaster indeed if it were dissipated in wasteful ex- npnHttnrea nhrnflrl "All loans to foreign nations which !tank car of the Kansas Cit Railwfly Comnanv toon v. are not employee in reproductive . -- --- -- - wojk are a destruction of the capital. It is vital that our bankers and invest ors should scrutinize the loans to which they are asked to eubsclbe that they may be sure that they are em ployed for reproductive purposes or the refunding of outstanding obliga tions. The furnishing of raw mate rials the construction of transporta tion facilities, public 'utilities and work throughout the world is a use for American capital that blesses both the borrower and the lender. The up building of the rest of the world and its consuming power adds primarily to world well-being, but it also adds to the demand for our own labor, the products of our own farmers, and the services of our own merchants The board of appraisers appointed last week in con junction with condemnation proceedings brought last Thurs day by the Hoard of Graded School Trustees to acquire the Davis property on North Road street, assessed the property at $25,000 at a meeting held Mon day afternoon. Ry this action they upheld the contention of the heirs that the property is worth more than the $20,000 offered by the Trustees, along with the Davis homestead which the Trustees, offered to let the heirs dispose of as they wished. A part of the newly-added school property on Parsonagt street, which is owned by G Falls, his wife and W. M Jones, was a.sessed at $3,000. term of Currituck Court adjourned Monday after a one day session be-1 ginning at ten o'clock in the morning and continuing until darkness came in the evening. 1 The jinx was the flu. With fiuO cases reported in the county, with members of the bar looking askance at every man who coughed or sneez ed, with at least one defendant and nobody knows bow many jurors and witnesses up out of bed, and with many other witnesses and par ties to suits absent on account of ; illness, the machinery of court ap i pea red so badly crippled that Judge i Bond and the bar were agreed that j the better course wa.s to dispose of las many matters as possible Monday and not to carry the term over into another day. i No less an authority than Dr. W. t. Griggs said in the presence of a i representative of this newspaper that i t he scare that the flu-jinx threw herself capable of running for dog! catcher and that the man was so in sistent that if the same tactics had I been used in the matter of changing COLON BACILLI III CITY WATER her name she maid now. would not be an old Demand The Surrender Of Limerick Police Barracks Dublin. Mar. 7 (Ry The Associated Press) Reports that the Republican Mutineers have given t lie. free state forces forty-eight hours notice to surrender Limerick police barracks are current here. This has intensi fied the situation at Limerick and caused genuine anxiety to free staters. The )ast official analysis of the city water shows the pres ence of colon bacilli, according to the report of Dr. Zenas Fearing, City Health Officer, to the Council Monday night. Dr. Fearing stated that these bacilli could only get into the water from human tilth, and that their presence Indicates that the water supply is polluted. Superintendent Parker, of the water company, represented to the Council that the bacilli did not show in an analysis of one cubic centimeter of water, but that they did appear in a sample of ten cubic centi meters. He admitted that the test showed pollution, but was inclined to minimizo the danger. Beseeches Bandits To Pass Him By Awhile LLOYD GEORGE HAS DEFERRED ACTION i Gives Colleagues No Pledge For Future Will Retain Leader- ship Till Irish Legislation Is Completed I London. Mar. 7 (liy The Assorl jated Tress) Premier Lloyd George has deferred his resignation without giving his colleagues any pledge an to his future action regarding the Premiership, according to reliable inforination reaching The Associated Press. It is believed that he will re- tain the leadership till Irish legis lation is completed and possibly till ! the Genoa conference. SIX ARE ARRESTED AT HOME OF NEGRO BORAH RESOLUTION TO GET QUICK ANSWER Tampa, Mar. 7 (Ry The Associ ated Press) John Sutton, business man whose home has been ransacked four times recently, inserted an ad vertisement in a newspaper here to- Four White Men And Two Girls Hail Keen Missing Since Sun day Night Discovered In a colored woman's home on Rum Road, near the Carl Commander placer four young white men and two girls were arrested and day, asking the marauders to please brought to this city at 2 : 0 Tuesday (By The As-1 pass him by for a while as he is j afternoon by Sheriff Reid and Chief Washington, Mar. 7 into the midst of the members of the sociated Press) Prompt response i nearly broke as a result of their ac bar and into the face of the presid- i,y President Harding to the Rorah j tivities. ing judge was a false alarm. Dr. resolution inquiring as to the status Griggs did not deny that there had 0f the Lansing-Ishii agreement be-1 fffMrf, - nmn' been something like 500 cases in tlie;tween the United States and Japan in SEUEll ARE DEAD the event of ratification of the four, , power Pacific treaty ,was indicated; III TVlU GAKULIllAS today after a conference between thej President and Senator Lodge, chair-.! man of the Foreign Relations Coin- Whole Towns Wiped Out 171 t- 1 l T l in i 1 1 o . 1 wnen uayDreaK mrnauu Air Tank Explodes Five Workmen Killed county, but the epidemic, he said, jwas of very mild form and had been restricted mainly to the Grandy cotn i inanity and that in his opinion It Iliad passed its zenith and had already 1 begun to .subside. Rut the doctor's statement was not made in open court but in the presence of a very small group out on the courthouse 'ground, and the Jinx continued to work and with such good effect that i Solicitor Ehringhaus before the pass ling of the morning session was be I ginning to feel decided symptoms of an attack and during the whole after noon session, except when speaking, though the day was sunny and warm Swooped On States SUBMIT FIRST IRISH DRAFT Wilson, Mar. 7 (Itv The Associ- CONSTITUTION ated Press) One person was killed ; and lillecn were injured and iroerl y damage estimated at $IO,00( was done in a wind storm sweeping; the Hvunsdale seel inn today. The storm was half a mile wide, and ex tended for three miles, demolishiiiK buildings. The injured have been brought here. Dublin, Mar. 7 (By The Associ ated Press) The first draft of the Irish constitution was submitted to the provisional government today for any changes deemed necessary. of Police Holmes. The six are un der arrest on a warrant charging them witli entering a building for purposes of prostitution. The men are Otis Bland. Lee Overman, Charlie Crank and Lloyd Crank. The girls are Mamie and Essie Harris. The six have been missing since Sunday night, when W. C. Riggs's automobile disappeared from the vi cinity of the McAdams tent whili) Mr. Riggs was attending services there. Riggs and the local police have been searching for two days for the car, and it is believed that the machine has been located stuck in the mud two miles below Weeks ville. Supposition here Is that the four men and two girls left the city in Riggs's automobile Sunday night, though they have not been definitely ! connected with the theft of It. The six will he tried In recorder's court Augusta, Ga.. Mar. 7 (By The As : sociated Press) Six are known to be hp,.p Wednesday morning. The Har jdead and scores are injured as a re- rls K)ra wll0 nre twIiiH. have been Tension Increases In Irish Situation Kansas City, Mar. 7 (By The As-;8at with his overcoat drawn over his sociated Press) Five workmen are shoulders and spoke with a voice de- i Meets Tonight reported killed and several injured ! cidedly husky and weak. I An important meeting of the Cen- in the explosion of a compressed air j Definite Accomplishment ; tral Council of Public Welfare will However, the day did not pass , be held in the Chamber of Commerce suit of high winds and Hooded . jiving at the home of their grand without some definite accomplish- j rooms this evening at 7 : 30. streams in this section of Georgia j moti1Pr, Mrs . nonnie Harris, on Cedar ment. j- ' and South Carolina. Langley, Stifle-1 street They bore an excellent repu- The sensational case in which Tom j obtain (L-vorre for his client on the: ton, Granltevllle and Warrenville, tation untn IPW months 9go, since Evans, charged with running off ; ground of separation under the sta-j s. C, were struck by a tornado at which time they have often been seen with another man's wife, is defen- j tute passed at the last regular session I daybreak, and houses were swept jn (llp colp!lriy of the two Cranks dant, for Instance, was again contin- or the uenerat Assemniy, inougn me : away, trees were uprooted ana teie-wll() were arre8ted with them. Belfast, Mar. 7 (By The Associ-lued but with the provision that ; plaintiff, M. D. Etheridge, had lived ; graph poles felled leaving the section ated Press) Gunmen were active in should the S'ate not be able to get apart from his wife, Susan Etheridge, , in darkness and without communl-j itONDSMKN Tl'KN Fit HUMAN the early hours today, Increasing certain witnesses from Norfolk to , for forty-five years. After having cation. j OVKU TO POUCH OFFICKKS the tension of the Irish situation. the trial at the next term, the de- picked flaws In the attorney's papers j The brunt of the storm hit War-1 .jfenbe would admit their depositions ; for ten or fifteen minutes, when Mr. 1 renville and Stifleton where six are. The bondsmen of William Free- I into the evidence in lieu of their per-1 Halstead attempted to get the di-' dead. They are Fred Hoover, twelve; ! man, colored, surrendered hlm to tho funding operations have gone or I roiiji! testimony. The State's in-! virce done with just before the noon 1 Mrs. L. Munday, forty; Mrs. Belle city Pole Tuesday morning, and wnat is Known as non-reprouueuve , ..... . th witnesses in Sep-1 recess, Judge Bond ordered a recess Wood and children are expected to the negro, wno is cnargeu wun mini 1 " ...... ... . i i.i.. ...:r.,'.. u, ...... .... l .. :i . purposes. There have been loans on the other tember was responsible for the con- insisting that he could not hurry over a divorce proceeding even to ac- tinuance of the case at that term. hand like the recent Belgian loan or, Thp rase agalnHt Annie Rasnight. ; commodate his good friend, Attorney $25,000,000 which was of the type Trannie Crankj anu Susie Crank was Halstead. When the case was taken called and the defendants failed to up at the beginning of the afternoon that the United States likes to en courage. The money was lent to a appear; but instead of being merely session. Judge Bond flatly refused to die. The storm scattered parts of, MB ins wnes nonie on uauroau buildings and furniture over the street, and with burglarizing the fields and eleven house were razed home of Mrs. Lula Cherry, on West at Warrenville and four at Stifleton. Main street, in January, will remain Dirt roads and bridges are reported in jail until his cases are disposed of washed out and train service at Mil- in Superior Court week after next, ledgeville, Ga.. has beeu suspended. Freeman is alleged to havejnade n... ,ho Hinnio,! tn Kro,1I) of manufacturers who ; continlIP(1 t0 tlie nPXt term it was let the case go to the jury on such tit.rvevnen.liiorenrin unbalanced ,,0UK,,t raw matPria,s. .from the motion of the solicitor moved to evidence a tinted States and paid for it witn , ,,.,.,,.,,,,, r,,..,,... where tlie lo- nresent. throuirh a brother of the wav Is renorted damaeed and Gen- were fendants reside, when Mr. Ehring-, plaintiff, to show that the military expenditure or in unbalanced budgets in the bolstering up of in flated currencies, are a double loss to the world. They are not only a loss in that they add nothing to the increased productivity to the con suming power of the world, but they are a loss in that they entail the post ponement of those measures which are vital for th economic rehabilita tion of the world." This viewpoint, on which President Harding and his cabinet are in unan imous agreement, is in reality a se quel to the failure of the Washington is Mr Halstead was able to A nortion of tlie Aiiirnsta-Aiken rail- threats which alarmed those who the Injured to Aiken and Augusta sons at a meeting hospitals, but this report Is uncon firmed. Bank Messenger Held Bandit For Officers on his bond. Fearing that he the money that had 'been borrowed j ,,,,, rc;,ia i,Pn Mr Fhrlnir-: nbiintiff. to show' that the husband ernl Mnnaeer Hanirhar! is informed would leave, they turned hlm over here. The raw materials were manu- h;uS pxnajI1P,i t0 the court how time was the aggrieved party in the sepa- that many houses have been blown ; to the police. factured in Belgium into railway aftpr ,imp tnp raf,p ha(J 1)(P11 f0ntin-; ration, State papers have been fullblown in the vicinity of Warrenville equipment which went 'o Roumania. J ue(, through tho fact that some of of the trouble lawyers in other dis-jand Langley and several killed. A MW MASON'M' OFFICIALS Thus American factories were helped, tlp defendants claimed to be unable tricts have 'been having with their lineman sends in a report that nine The following officers for the en Anierlcan investors applied their t() Rpl tQ t))e rourti,ol,se at Currituck I divorce cases before Judge Bond, but were killed and many houses destroy- suing year were elected by the Che money usefully, and the Roumanian; h r()ci, ionK roads on ac- perhaps Mr. Halstead lives too near'ed and plans have been made to rush . rokee Chapter of Royal Arch Ma- railways so vital to the upbuilding of p()unt ()f nlnpss or for SOme other , the Virginia line to keep up closely Central Europe were directly bene-, gQoA rfcaf.on i with what Is printed In the North ",el- At the request of the Currituck j Carolina papers. The brother's tes- But when a foreign group, es- Game Commission, the case of Ed.timony was to the effect that the wo specially a municipality or govern-: Hrumley, charged with violation of ' man left without provocation, sup- nient, seeks money simply to pay the game laws, was nol prossed. posedly on a visit to relatives, and. ..ranna n ,i,. onvihino nn ibills to munition contractors that type : it wns found in the trial of E. F. never came back any more. T1ie; aims wuicmivc iw u uiijuiiiio u'i " land armament. It is protested that!of 1an doesn't in the opinion of ourjEast for violation of the State pro-.court held that the brother, especial-j i i . ! .infoa ni a, -1 officials heln to build un Europe, i i.n;iinn t-m-a that the defendant was lv as he did not live In the pair's i ! ,!.,.,!, Tim! to The United States Government ad-'n ho nt tlie t hue house at the time of the separation, " 1 n hH ' true but the whole economic prob-,mits that It "cannot require bankers 0f his discharge had developed tuber- was not in a position to say whether '"an and armed with a water pistol ..... ... i .... ,..,.!. .i, 1 to consult If nor will tho flennrt-..i..i.. .i i om nt ihl. firt nml tho woman w;im aL'trrleved or not . Mf'ded W It ll a mon la , a ba 11(1 It. li red ll is , Jem .11 r. UI Olie IS SO unci I -lUlll iu l lie l - - v . . , , , uJn, aim m , " mi.j i ... . - , question of expenditures for large ment ot state pass upon the merits, 0f the further fact Viat ,nP J"r'' did Judge Bond explained carefully, and standing armies that the United o( foreign loans as a business pro- n()t rind him guilty of tlie actual i reiterated his explanation, that he States is taking Its onw protective ! Positi(m or assume any responsibil- j manufacture of liquor but only of w-as not squeamish about granting 'measures and precautions so that whatever in connection with tlie e aicling and abetting in its maniifac- decrees of divorce when the party to American nionev will not assist in-! Man proposition but the government ture, the court permitted him to go a suit was entitled to divorce under flation hut will tend to reduce its here does believe that "in view of the j back to his family in Virginia under the law, but ho did insist, he said, gC0pe . possible national Interests involved, i a suspended judgement. Hast when that a divorce was not a matter to The nor.nri menf of Rtnto is the It should have the opportunity of ; arrested was living in a little alian- be hurried over and granted without doned hut near Snowden, the home of a run investigation ot an uie kicis a negro who had lately died, and a in the rase. And before he was done, path led from a hut to a still in the casting aside for the woment Jndl woods back of it and pretty conclu- rial air and tone and speaking with sive evidence showed that Last's characteristic W. M. Bond intona- Pittshurgh, Mar. 7 (By The -Dressed as a As-wo- weapon at Charles Lazaro, a hank messenger carrying $15,000. The messenger was bliirtled, but grappled with his assailant, who was arrested. agency through which the administra-; " MR io uie unoe, u,-. concerned, tion hopes from time to time to tunc- 'Mufd it appear advisable to do so tlon on this question. Just the other tli t there is or is not objection to day a significant statement was is- any particular issue." sued calling upon American bankers America's power in the recon- to be more careful about committing struct ion of tlie world is to be themselves to foreign loans. Most of exercised for the economic benefit the larger banking syndicates, the of this country as well as Europe and White House says, have been playing while it is denied there is any connec- ball with the American Government tion between the policy just enuncl-ing the still and in and submitting the loan proposals in ated and Europe's reluctance to pay! East about two wee advance so that the Department of interest on her ten billion war debt! that time East has been lodged in State could express object 'oils if It de- to the United States, the two are in- the Currituck County jail, sired. But certain banking groups, evitably related. The constant warn-j Decree of absolute divorce was the names of which for the present ing to Europe that sound finance , granted on statutory grounds in t lie are withheld, have not been ro- alone will deserve American coopera-; case of Nina Collins against Gary operating. Certain foreign bonds ' tion Is expected to bring results, slow i Collins, thp plaintiff 'being represen- have been offered at attractive in- moving as some of the foreign na- ted by W. L. Small, terest rates which apart from their tions may be to grasp the fart that) (io Xo Divorce effect on America's own - interest America Is really trying to help her- WILL PRESENT BONUS TODAY held at the Ma sonic Hall Monday night: Thomas A. Commander, high priest; W. T. Culpepper, king; H. I'. Smith, scribe; C. C. Illades, principal sojourner; R. M. Wynn, royal arch captain; C. F. Raulfs, captain of hosts; A. G. James, secretary, and H G. Kramer, treas u rer. Fiircka LiHlje Meets Tonight Eureka Lodge 317. A. F. A. M., will hold the regular monthly meet ing tonight at 7:30 o'clock. A full attendance is desired, as this Is the fiftieth anniversary ot the lodge. The Worthy Master will deliver a speech befitting the occasion. Robert Cotter lit Robert Cotter underwent an op- 'oration for appendicitis at the Coin Washington, Mar. 7 (By The As-.inanity Hospital Monday and is get sociated Press) Final agreement on 'ting along nicely. cart and horse had been used in transporting the liquor made at the still up to the house. Sheriff Flora made the raid which resulted in lind- the arrest of s ago and mucc tion, the judge was saying, "To tell the truth. I don't believe that a man who has lived apart from his wife for forty-five years has gut any busi ness trying to get a divorce at this late day." His client was not able to attend court at this time. Mr. Halstead said, a'nd was clearly en titled to divorce as ever a man rnnld be under the terms of tlie statute. Though few cases were tried the calendar was gone over three times and all matters on the docket given fullest consideration and disposed of the compromise bonus bill was reach-1 ed by House ways ami means Repub-! Means today to authorize Chairman; Fordney to present the bill before the House today. COST TWO THOUSAND VISIT MUSCLE SHOALS rates particularly In government re-, self. W, I. Halstead of South Milts came; to the best advantage possible under to grief, however, when sought to; the circumstances. Washington, Mar. 7 (By Tlie As sociated press) A resolution au thorizing a $2. ("Hi appropriation to defray the expenses of the Military Committee's visit t'l Muscle Shoals was Introduced by House Chairman ! Kahn today. MM Thelma Sjkes Here Miss Tlielma Sykes. daughter ot Mr. and Mis. John Sykes, made a fly ing trip from Norfolk to visit her parenis here Monday night. Miss Syks lias been kept busy on a seri ous case for several weeks, and took her llrst recent opportunity to come home for a few days of rest. She Is connected with Sarah Leigh Hos pital, at Norfolk. Register of Deeds George W. Brothers is 111 with "flu" at his home on North Road etreet.