WEATHER Rain tonight and Thurs- day. Cooler fresh shift- ing winds becoming east- erly. . U .17. f. (. f 0' CIRCULATION Tuesday 1,601 Copies VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MARCH 29, 1922 EIGHT PAGES NO. 73 Prizes Offered Visitors Here Dress Up Week Cash Awards Saturday Afternoon For Vehicles Bringing Largest Crowd, Coming Greatest Distance, And In Most Dilapidated Condi tion Specials Also For Ford Owners Numerous local merchants are this! week receiving special shipments of I choice spring goods for Dress Up. AVeek, assuring the widest and most' elaborate showings of seasonable merchandise ever displayed here,, dining Elizabeth City's big festival! and general spring opening which will be held next week beginning Tuesday evening at seven o'clock, and continuing through Saturday. Dress: T'p Week will ibe held by the city's merchants, assisted by the Merchants ' Association and city Chamber of; Commerce. Prizes to 'be awarded Saturday, April 8, the last day of Dress Up "Week, to visitors to this city will be one of the features of the celebration. A cash award of ten dollars will be made to the person whose vehicle automobile, auto truck, wagon, cart, buggy or what not brings the larg est crowd to the city on that day. Another ten-dollar caeh prize will be given for the vehicle that comes the j greatest distance, and a third prize of the same amount for the most dil-; apidated vehicle that comes to Eliza- j beth City on that date. Then there will be the Ford con test, put on by the. Auto & Gas En- gine Works, of this city, local Ford : dealers. A $15 Superior lock steer-; dng wheel will be presented to the owner of the newest Ford bought j from the company here. A$10auto- mobile tire will be awarded to the j possessor of the oldest Ford. A $5' spotlight or electric horn, either at j the option of the winner, will be giv en for the Ford that comes the great est distance on that date. ! The conditions of the vehicle and Ford contests reauire that all con-i veyances entered, whether motor-j driven or not, be parked in the lot 1 back of the First & Citizens' National j Bank. Entries must ibe made there; between the hours of two and three 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon, and the prize awards will be made at the lat-1 ter hour by a committee made up of J. T. Stalling., Noah Burfoot, Jr., M. L. Clark, R. C. Job and T. N. Nel son. The winning machines will pa-; "rade the leading streets of the city' Immediately after the contest. I Another feature of the week, aside from the artistically decorated stores and store windows, will be the auto mobile show, held In a roped off area on Main street between Martin and ' "Water. All makes of cars sold by Elizabeth City dealers will be on dis play, and besides there will ibe a very 1 complete showing of the laiest types of farm machinery and Implements, , which should be of special interest to visitors here during Dress Up Week. Dress Up Week will officially begin at seven o'clock Tuesday night, with! a parade by the local band, Elizabeth City Fire Company No. 1, with all the j company's modern flreflghtlng appa ratus, and numerous automobiles. The parade will close In the down- town business' district at 7:30, and then, promptly on the minute, the curtains that will have covered the show windows of the stores will be raised simultaneously, revealing the beautiful and original displays of merchandise shown. The stores will open at the same hour, and will re main open until nine o'clock. Local merchants are planning to make Dress Up Week a social event, during which the public of Northeastern North Carolina will be Invited to visit their places of business, make them selves generally at home, and feel under no obligation to buy unless they want to. Predict Unanimous Ratification Today Washington, Mar. 29 (By The As sociated Press) Administration ! leaders predict the ratification of the naval limitation treaty by unanimous vote in view of the complete ab sence of opposition yesterday. Agree ment lias been reached for final vote iit three o'clock today. ! Iri?h Convention Has Deferred Action Dublin. Mnr. 29 (By The Assocl-, ated Tress) The convention of re voltiiiK members of the Ir'nh Repub-; lic:in nnny today debated the ques-' tiiin of declaring a 'military dictator-! ship but deferred action, says the correspondent to the Iondon Star here. They proposed the overthrow of all governments opposed to the republic. hopes will clear n UXFORTIXATE SITUATION' Raleigh, Mar. 28, 1922. vlr. Herbert Peele, Editor, The Advance, Elizabeth City, N. C. Dear Sir: Please accept my thanks for the copy of your paper of March 24th containing your very able article on the tick eradication situation in Pas quotank County. I am sure that this will greatly assist in clearing up an unfortunate sit uation. With kindest regards, I am, Yours very truly, WM. MOORE, State Veterinarian. Vczien Report Year Of Great Achievement Charlotte, Mar. 29 (Special) The Baptist Women's Missionary Union Convention, which met in its thirty second annual session in the First Baptist church here Tuesday night, at its session this morning reported a year of great achievements, $298, 698.00 having been reported collect ed for the year, or only Ave per cent less than the sum reported last year. Substantial progress has ibeen made along all lines. There are more than six hundred delegates and visitors present. The South Fork Association received the banner pre sented by Mrs. W. N. Jones for the best all round work done during the past year, Mrs. J. Y. Killian, of New ton, the superintendent, receiving It for the association. The outstanding feature of the morning session today was the ad dress of the president, Mrs. W. N. Jones, of Raleigh, who spoke on "Lightened to Lighten," that being the motto that has been the founda tion principle on which all woman's work for woman is based. Mrs. Wade Bostick, a returned missionary, told a thrilling story of the- Chinese women as she knows them. " Everything Sr.ccth For Lloyd George London, Mar. 29 (By The Assocl-, ated Press) The threatened breach of the cabinet over Premier Lloyd ' George's program at the Genoa con ference has been averted in the opln- j Ion oC (political correspondents to to- ; day's newspapers. Everything has, been smoothed for the premier's a.p-; peal to the House of Commons Frl-', day. Folding Bike W .: J C. II. CtniU Villi TY-lr ... - ., a ui r, Avivin up , his Wbleyclo when he carries It, That's a new Invention of his, S ' t c . : ' Jm. . V'.,. ,''c- ; Fitzalan Says Goodbye "ii A First picture of Lord Fitzalan' last appearance at Dublin Castla He had turned over the reins of government to Michael Collins just a fev mlnutei before the above policeman rendered hie last ealiU to him, LandruYLast Step r -V, ;tV-; Ae!.iini in. trrnh Klushoarri merous murders on th scaffold. This photo, the first evertaken of a (ulUotlnlnf , shows the prisoner being led to his death In the Prison Bojiarjd.fYexsaUlea " Will Meet To Struggle Over Miners' Demands New York, Mar. 29 (By The Asso ciated Press) The members of the anthracite sub-committee on wage contract negotiations assembles here today for a long struggle over the miners' nineteen demands, casting aside the remote possibility of set tling the differences in time to avert the general strike three days hence. Services Continue At The Big Tent Minister Of The Community Filling Pulpit And Large Crowds Attending I Rev. H. K. Williams preached a splendid sermon to a packed tent on ! Tuesday night and tonight at th" ! usual hour Rev. K. L. Stack will , preach. i On Thursday night Rev. . V. Hill ! will speak, on Friday night Rev. R. ;F. Hall, and 011 Saturday night Rev. j H. E. Myer.s. Further annonnce inients In regard to the services will j be made on Saturday. I It Is felt that wi!h the co-oioi i tlon of the pastors of the community thiB week, the meeting is reaching u -fitting and fruitful climax, and Chrto jtian people of ail denominasioM are earnestly invited to co-operate in all j the ways they can. I The public is invited to :it:"iwl all ' services. ! Mountain Etna Is I In Violent Eruption ! London, Mar. 29 (By Tin- .U-oci- uted Press) The mountain F.tna Is I !u violent eruption says a Central News dispatch from Rome, quoting ; Palermo advices. Streams of lava I are flowing down all sides of the ! crater. The Inhabitant of the vil lages on the mountainside have fled. rir inijwanjwniTQOTiiini. 11 1 11 1 1 t ! tiA tn uv tha Tien alt V for hll nu SIAMESE TVIIIIS EXTREMELY ILL ri))lrinH Consider! nj Whether To Operate And Separate Tliem In Order To Save One Chicago, Mar. 29 (By The Associ ated Press) Death still lurked In the shadows of the hospital today where lie Joseph and Rosa Blazek, Sjlamese twins, stricken with yellow jaundice. Both are unconscious. Doctors have long considered an op eration to separate them, contingent on the death of one, which physicians have said would mean the other's death. Each has an Individual heart, lungs and stomach. Joseph was stricken first and is most desperately ill. TEX RICKARD IS ACQUITTED New York, Mar. 29 (By The As sociated Press) Tex Rickard was irunlttert of charge of assault and abduction in Supreme Court here early today and will probably not he tried on the three similar Indictments according to Assistant District At torney Pecora. Have Posted Notices Of Week's Lockout London, Mar. 29 (By The Associ ated Pre.-'H) The Engineers Em ployers Federation today posted no tices locking out 00(1.000 members of fiirty-seven unions, effective one eel;. ; HM D WEDNESDAY MOKMVK Howard White, colored, submitted 'In recorder's, court Wednesday morn ling on a charge of riding a bicycle in the city arter nightfall without a : light, as prescribed by a local ordl Iniuice. and was fined a dollar and j costs. Kitchin's Daughter Dies In Washington Washington, Mar. 29 (Iy The Associated Press) Miss lone Kltchin, twenty-one-year-old daughter of Representative Claude Kltchin. died at the family home today after an ill ness t nine months. Prior to her illness she was a student at George Washington University, where lie was to have gradu ated in June. Funeral ar rangements are not completed. The body will be sent to Scot land Neck, N. C, for interment. jWake Forest Alumni Get Together Tonight ! Alumni Secretary T. B. Collins Wants To See Every Fellow Present The Wake Forest Alumni of thls( community will hold a get together: meeting at the Southern Hotel to night at 7:30. j j Alumni Secretary T. B. Collins isj ihere to meet the Wake Forest men. j I Notices have been sent to more (than 25 alumni, and Mr. Collins says ; ! "In case any fellow has been over-! I looked it la hoped that this announce-1 Iment through The Advance will get; him. , , "Let's get around the festive' board and renew our youth with song and story." Wins Women's National 'Championship In Golf Plnehurst, Mar. 29 (I!y The As . social ed PTess) Miss Glenna CoMett of Providence, R. I., won the North and South women's golf champion ship today by defeating Mrs. M. J. Scamniell, of Uniontown, Pa., four and two. TO INVESTIGATE PRICE OF COTTON Washington, Mar. 29 (By The As sociated Press) An investigation 'by I the Federal Trade Commission into the cause of the present depressed 1 price of cotton and Into operation of j the cotton exchanges was ordered to ! day under a resolution by Senator I Dial of South Carolina adopted In the Senate. ! HOl'SK PA8HKH ARMY BILL 1 Washington. Mar. 29 (By The As jSoolated' Press) The House passed I the army appropriation bill today carrying approximately $288,00,000. STKIKK CLOSKS MILL Providence, Mar. 29 (By The As sociated Press) The Andrews mill :it North Smithlleld has been closed as a result of a walkout due to a ten per cent wage cut. LOCAL SHIPBUILDER WILL OPERATE FERRY Captain T. It. Ilaynmn Will Kstab Ibth Needed Transportation Service. Amis Sound At Kdeiilon i Captain T. B. Dayman of this city, shipbuilder and owner of a marine irailway here, will establish a ferry across ALbemarle Sound between ! Edenton and Mackey's Ferry about I the middle of April. The people of Chowan and of the half dozen coun ties Immediately across the Sound, have long been particularly anxiom i for some type of regular ferriage ; between the two sections, and Mr. ilayman, in starting his ferry. Is ex pecting a large vehicle tratlic over It, .especially in automobiles. No ve hicular ferry lias ever been main ! tained there. I A motorist now planning to go j from Chowan into Washington j County, in which Mackey's Ferry is located, must follow a long overland circuit through liertie and Martin Counties, though the distance by wa ter is only approximately nine miles. The Chaihvick, which Captain 1 I layman proposes to use as a ferry boat, has 11 capacity to iiccoiiiiiiodate four cars, with additional room or pedestrians who may take the ferry roiiie. ( is now overhauling (he boat, and Is installing a new s'xty I horse jiiiw er nil Jh urn ing en gine wh iili will guarantee, lie says, suflicient power to give the public an excep tionally fast ferry service. N. W. Stevens of Camden was In the city on business Tuesday, TWO ASSASSINS ARE ARRESTED Charged With Killing j Vladimir Naboukoff In Attempt Oh Life Of Statesman I Berlin, Mar. 29 (By The As jsociated Press) Two Czarist i officers were arrested today charged with killing Vladimir Naboukoff, former Secretary of State of the first Russian par liamentary cabinet,' and at tempting to assassinate Pro fessor Paul Milukoff, former ; Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Provisional govern 1 ment. Naboukoff was killed during an attack on Milukoff while the latter was addressing a Rus sian meeting last night. Vladimir Nasimoff Lewen ton, Russian journalist, and brother of the actress Nazi mova, assisted in the capture of the assassins. WARRING IRISH WATCH AND WAIT While London Centers Its Ef forts On Making Peace In Conference Called By The Government j London, Mar. 29 (By The Associ ated Press) London today centered 1 its interest on efforts to pacify Ire 'land with the opening of a confer ence called by the Imperial Ooverri Imient to consider the situation re sulting from recent disorders. The I warring elements of Belfast called a ! truce pending the result of the con ference, according to the Evening News correspondent. STATE BANKS WIN IN FIRST CLASH Charlotte, N. C, Mar. 29 (By The Associated Press) The State Su preme Court will be the scene of the next stage of the battle, It Is Inti mated, of 275 State banks In the so called par clearance controversy with the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank. Eventually the fight is ex pected to reach the United States Su preme Court. The decision yester day of Judge Webb permanently en Joined the Richmond batik from re fusing to accept exchange drafts of the plaintiff banks on which a fee to charged. On Last Day's Tour Of Muscle Shoals Florence, Ala., Mar. 29 (By The Associated Pres) The Congres sional party spends the last day of Its tour of Muscle Shoals Inspecting the proposed development of the Tennes see River in connection with private offere for disposal of the govern ment's war plant here. I'TNKItAL IIKXKV 11ATKMAX The funeral of Henry Bateman, who died at his home, 613 First street, Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock after an illness of several months, was held at the home Wed nesday afternoon at 4:::o. o'clock by H-v. Jan e If. Thayer, n.c uted by Mrs. Lizzie McAdams, ami interment was made at Hollywood. Mr. Ilatetnan is s-irvived by a wi dow and two ;.ot.n, leff and Wheeler liateinan, both of this city; and by two brothers, John Bateman, ot Elizabeth City, and Milton Bateman, of Norfolk. The deceased was fifty yearn old last November. Juniors Overwhelm I'reslniien In the latest game of the high schoid baseball series, the Juniors defeated the Freshmen. 2 1 to 4. Julian Ward, the Junior pitcher, with plenty of speed and fast break ing curves held the opposit ln'n bat ters helple-:'-. and contributed ma terially to his team's victory by hit ting out a liii'iie run and a three bagger. Hii'ier connected with the horse hide for a homer, two two base hits, and a single. Jones who opened the game In the box for the Freshmen, blew up In the third and was relieved by Miller, who was effective throughout the remainder ot the gnme.