1 i ii-ik Thunderttorms ihis af- " ternoon or tonight. Cooler tonight. Wednesday fair and cooler. . i A, circulation Monday 1,550 Copies in..' ,v i"J I. ( 0 VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, APRIL 11, 1922 FOUR PACES NO. 86 . v-7.. . 0 fm a-raivior ja Superior Court Jury here last No-j ;vember found him guilty of carnal When French And Bel-Knowledge of a girl over 12 and un-i f a i der 14 years of age. will be heard PianS UPPOSe AamiS-ibefore the supreme Court of North sion Of Russians And!Carolina at Ralelgh We(lnsilay- I In accordance with the usual cus-, (jrermanS Un LOITHtom of the State Supreme Court in mittee At Genoa Genoa, April 11 (Hy The Associ- , . ., ,i,inot until a later Wednesday. Should and German representatives on the . . , . ... , . ..'Winder be successful in his appeal. ji llini'ai iuiii ill nice ui itic ci-u"iii conference was today strongly op posed by the French and Belgians. Pki.iii!(ii I ldvt P.flirfffl with Ppp- . " . ""er viini top .-..a, -":""-" sc nanzer, 01 uaiy, nue. veueu, . . .1 !!.., I School, Miss Francis Dowe teacher, smoothing over the differences.! which resulted in the admittance 0fjre')0tr's honr r 11 ,f"r the.p . . , j r month; Margaret Meekins, Arvin both Russians and Germans. - u.tr i n i o . Basnight, Howard Twine, Brenton Dempsey Sails For Europe New York, April 11 (By The As-'.pupils, .sociated Press) Jack Dempsey sail-j Several Improvements have been ed today for Europe, carrying aboard 'made around the school, and the in a eheaf of pamphlets on how to pre-8i(le of tne building has 'been treated vent seasickness. He said he wasjWlth two coats of white paint and not averse to accepting a reasonable; the lower portion of the walls paint offer for a 'bout during his three1 dark. The paint was bought with months there. j money raised at a social given by s i the teacher, and the painting was Leinon AllXlliarV To done by the members of the Forty- Observe Mother's Day , , .. ,, , ., T Indianapolis, April 11 (By Thej Associated Press) Endorsement ot the observance of Mother's Day on May 14 by the American- Legion Auxiliary was given by President: Harding today In a letter to . Mrs. f Lowell Hobart, national president. Will Open White House Grounds Easter Monday Washington, April 11 (By The As sociated Press) President and Mrs. Harding have given their consent to open the White House grounds on Easter Monday for an egg rolling. RAILWAY RETORTS DIVIDENDS j senate of lead and four pounds of : Demonstration Clubs spent a busy Chicago, April 11 (By The Associ- lump lime per 50 gallons of water, afternoon Tuesday at the home of aten i-ress ine unicago, kock tslanH & Parffi. Rflllwav'a annual - " " ..... " . ... . I k, , , .t?u.t luua; oiil"wttu a uaiauv.c ui come available for dividends $5,780,259. of' BANK SAFE IS RIFLED THREE MEN ARRESTED Catania. Sicily, April 11 (By The Associated Press) Bank robbers rifled the safe of the local branch of the Banco Di Sicilla, obtaining $486,000 today. The door keener and two watchmen were arrested. FEDERAL COURT NOW IS IN SESSION HERE Federal Court convened here j ... , ,.,. ..1 itn Tuesday morning with Judge H. G. i.onnor pressing. Judge L.onnor lives at Wilson, and is the father of George Connor, a Judge of Superior Court In North Carolina. Federal Court this week will deal with the usual assortment of liquor cases and;in the amount of $G.50 and was given1 other violations of the Federal laws.! two montlls on that charge. He I plead guilty of the embezzlement of WIFE MURDERER DIES 1$41 from the Hospital Association. ...,..,. 1 m 11 ,r.. t'i... a 'and of passing a worthless check in ciated Press) Granville Bunch, wife!1!6 fmou.nt of ? on Norman E11lott' murderer, was electrocuted In state prison here today. l5 GREEK BANK CLOSES Washington, April 11 (By The As- sociated Press) The closing of the j en to jail. night Bourse and National Bank of Greece; Brought from Washington Monday Councllmen wmiams, Twiddy. An was reported In cable dispatches to where while enroute to Raleigh, he-d stevens and Weatherly-flve the Commerce Department here to-; was errested Sunday night upon war- . c niembprganrt Williams was represented Nude Body Of Vonan Found In Tenement New York, April 11 (By The As sociated Prees) The Ripper murder added to Its list of crimes today when the nude body of Nellie Tracy, forty, was found In a tenement house on the East Side stabbed apparently with a razor. pRrt of her clothing lay near by. AT THE TEXT Mrs. McAdamg will preach tonight on "Eore-Ordlnatlon and Pre-Destin-atlon." On Wednesday morning at ten o'clock prayer meeting will be held at Mr. Corey's place of business on Matthews street. The public is 1 Federal agents of Income tax returns ! this technicality might lie complied invited. of Governor Len Small; Vernon Cur-j with. -" tin. 'banker; Frerf Steeling, former f Apparently the Monday night de Clyde Stevens returned Monday State Treasurer, who are facing trial clslon of the Council settles the case from a three-day business trip toion charges of embezzlement of statejand gives Williams the right to op Richmond, 'funds, was begun today. 'erate a Jitney business here. WINDER CASE BEFORE HIGH COURT WEDNESDAY The appeal of L. L. Winder fori commutation of the sentence of three years at hard labor In State's prison j Imposed by Judge J. L. Horton after. rendering decisions, it is not e.x-j pected that a verdict will be made public in the Winder case before the following Wednesday, and perhaps there is still a charge of attempted rape hanging over him. NORTH KM) HONOR UOI.Ii Manteo, April 7 North End Twine. North End School has had a very lively year and will close in about three weeks. It has sixteen IZl. siderable help in the community dur- l"S the winter and spring. j " p . nitiirnc OllAin FARMERS SHOULD CIPR A Y TRFFS NOW lounty kciit runs Lives rorinuia Ami Directions For Prevention ur insect iiamaKe livery iarmer in rasquoian County should spray his fruit trees, this week," says County Agent Falls, ! "to prevent the curculio from de- stroying his peaches and the codling ! moth from destroying his apples. j "The spray material should con-, sist of two pounds of powdered ar-; u b..uu.u ue lct,c,leu ... "The above Solution Wil nrevent lvnr M,h annie anH ni,,. from i - , i - i i - t - - i ui-i". t'i , being destroyed by the above insects and therefore will increase your food supply by increasing your production of good fruit." GIVEN TEN MONTHS ON THREE CHARGES j S Ileaulac Placed In Jail With Trouble, Hut Police Hiul Difficulty In (Jolting Him Out An aggregate sentence of I months in jail, to be served upon the i roads, was imposed upon O. A. Beau- la(. formerly janitor of the Chamber o commerce and collector for the pa8quotank Hospital Association, at a hearing in recorder's court here Tuesday morning. Reaulac was found guilty of beat-1 1 )ng a board Din at the Southern Hotel ,,Jof this city, and was sentenced to . .. , ... . . iour montns on eacn 01 tnese inoici ments. He entered notice of appear.. . ,,.,. . ,n. ntv c.oun. to the September term of Superior Court and was placed under $500 bond In default of which he was tak- , :Z . , .ry L . .... .... . .. I I v w . v u icaaua di lllr; reason of the1 Jamming of the lock on his cell door, i At one time it appeared that there; ., . . , , . r, 1 1 . rants against Reaulac here were not 1 1 r.'OrU. I' m 11 w Vr iuvui vuui vo through with him. Beaulac will rled at Edenton on charges of pass- ing worthless checks at that city, it! ' stated. BEGIN TO INVESTIGATE INCOME TAX RETURNS Chlcaeo. Anrll 11 (By The Asso - ciated Press) An investigation by was 110 way n cuiaci 1.1111 except ny ,,, , ... ,, n-j 1 1 ; ... a . .-i .u u t. jWeathery voted to permit Williams sawing out several of the bare, but . ; , , , D , ,,.,!,, 1; vi-ih-j n.hp. ,o, . to operate under his September 11- Chicago "Ponzi - : '. , i :::.:;v.WMifm ..:,::.-.;-. " f?V ; ' y v. A receiver (or Raymond J. Blj choff, 25, has been appointed br Judge Landts. The court declared! that 5500 Investor In Blschoff en-j terprises would receive ten cents on) the dollar for their Investments, which totalled more than J 8, 000,000. EXPLAINS CHANGES IN UUUK UF rKATtli NW Vnrlr ,..,, ,MvThP As sociated Press) Explaining the ! changes which the commission on the revision of the Book of Prayer will recommend to the general con- - - - ... - ;''(r"a - ttn: ' , ,u.6C ! women in nearly all respects are the i"j0wn3 fipien(ii(1 and extensive repair and marriage vows should be recip- tuilwavs w, rocal. , NKWHKlTN ClXll MKMItKllH SPKM) IUHY AFTERNOON Members of the Newbegun Home "V mg oi roils was ueiiionsiraieii, men nrhiia lha la vnro rlainir tnmo ni while the rolls were rising, tome of the members cut out patterns for making children's clothes, eome made potato salad, while others made salad dressing of the cooked and uncooked kind. The young girls made organdie, taffeta and ribbon flowers for their hats. Even the tiny tots were busy, .ruse!6 big l5ackyard they The home demonstration agent waa present, directing the various phases of the work. Everybody was jso busy learning to do new and in Iterestlng things that the hours flew, ten nd soon it was time to go home. Hut the delicious salad had to be entpn first and there was much dis cussion over the merits of the two kinds of salad dressing. At the next meeting every member will make an organdie hat for summer wear. EDGAR WILLIAMS GIVEN RIGHT TO RUN JITNEYS That Edgar Williams is free to operate upon the license issued him l:it Rontptu her. in suite nf the action toward the annullment of it which was taken last December by the spe Mul Wnlfaro f'nmnilttep. was the fie- cl, mem,,er8 prespnt at. a gpeclal meeU e)(, a (he chamher of ., ory,o qoqo11i1v ,.nmilK M,inf,av hy Attorney E. F. Aydlett, and i brought numerous character wit ...... . , .ii,i ' motioii. ' A. ',, ,, (I1C0013. .111'' 1 O M 1 1 , ' ' ' 1 cense and Messrs. Williams ... . , , . ,. antl ;"-;; m J tQ . ,iDn Mm, perlor Court, and the case came up at the last special term. It was ruled out of court by Judge Bond on the ground that Williams had not been called before the Council to show cause why his license should not be revoked; and the hearing 1 Monday night was set by the Coun- ell at Its last meeting in order that Shippers Arc Urged To Attend f.lecting i A movement of vital significance to shippers and receivers of freight in every part of North Carolina, ac cording to Secretary Job of the Chamber of Commerce here, is the effort of the railroads and certain shipping interests to have the Inter state Commerce Commission author ize increases in intra-Stale freight rates on a scale of from 25 to 40 per cent. j. Every shipper in Elizabeth City and the surrounding section, and everyone interested in freight trans portation costs, is urged to be prea- ient at a meeting to be held Wednes day afternoon at four o'clock at the Chamber of Commerce quarters. i Methods to fight the proposed in creases will be discussed, and a dele gation will be appointed to meet with ! the North Carolina Tradie Associa tion at Raleigh on Thursday, April 20. i With reference to the increases for which the shipping interests are working, M. It. Beaman, secretary I of the North Carolina Traffic Associ ation, says: "The agricultural, in Jdustrial and commercial interests of ""in v iiiumia nave never 111 ineir history faced so serious a matter. I f " I the plans of the railroads, co-operat-j ling with certain shipping interests in I I the Southeast, are adopted, it means, j bluntly speaking, that North Caro lina shippers and receivers of freight j must discontinue buying or selling in ; the territory west of 1'ittsburgh." Germany Bids For Business Of Austria Vienna, April 11 (By The Associ ated Press) Germany's bid for business is illustrated by the fact tnat the Alistrian railwav adminis tratio announces it is sending loco-! ,m)tives and other rolline stock there i . renalr Although the state t he work can be done cheaper in Germany. MILLIONS OF HERRING AND MORE COMING' Millions upon millions of herring, the largest numbers in ten years or! - ' '.;" IIltllK. Hit I t ) antl rlVeTS of Northeastern North Carolina this spring. In Newbegun creek, eight miles below this city, fishermen with boats and nets are catching thousands eve'y day. Her ring just out of the water can be bought for a cent apiece at Weeks ville now. The season Is not yet more than half over. The herring, of which there are more than sixty different species .1 known in various parts of the world,) spends most of its life In salt water.) At spawning time, however, the fiHh! comes into fresh water to deposit its) eggs in shallow water, preferably on rough, gravelly ground. The her-1 ring grows very rapidly, ordinarily : robing full maturity in four or five! neers today reported that the White l. ,1... in, t .11 ; nionths HERTFORD BRIEFS Hertford, April 8. Mrs. J. E. El-j liott spent last Thursday in Norfolk; shopping. I Mrs. T. J. Wilcox of Norfolk Is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.- T. K. Winslow on Market street. ; A civil ,erm )( guperor Court will B. G. Koonce and family havej))fi nej,i at Currituck Court House moved into the house on Market street lormeriy occupied ny .Mrs. a. A. Butler. Miss Marie Westcott of Norfolk isi visiting Mrs. W. E. Elliott. Rev. R. H. Willis, presiding elder for Elizabeth City District, will oc - cupy the pulpit at the Methodist church Sunday night. Mrs. George Newby left last Tues - day for New York City to accompany Mrs. Clinton Toms to California, where she will spend some time via-1 iting her son, G. B. Newby. j News came here today of the death n,nin ,.t m. t-..i vhit' U-oter. Mrs. White was called to j ,.,,- ,. nn t .v...w.v . " t ....... count of her mother's Illness. F. H. Hunter of the high school facility accompanied the Hertford high school 'baseball team to Eliza beth City Friday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. J. R. Mldgett were visitors in Hertford Frlduy. rVrxonals C. E. Pierce, of Greensboro, was In the city on business Tuesday. .1. P. Jessup, postmaster ut Hert ford, spent Tuesday at this city. W. G. Pool left Tuesday to attend the State Republican convention at Winston-Salem as a delegate from Pasquotank County. Wesley Sawyer and daughter Mlssj Blanche Sawyer of Hertford are the j guests of Miss Elizabeth Matthews j of Mt. Hermon. I Tight Jam f 5 'jv (.:...; v - i - '' , 1 . ,T . ) A i! r . St. James street, Montreal, la scj narrow that fire trucks had to be' run on the sidewalk to fight the fire in the Standard Building. Loss amounted to $1,000,000. Tariff Bill Today Presented Senate Washington, April 11 (Hy The As sociated Press) The administration , tariff bill as rewritten by the Senate Finance Committee, Republicans, on the basis of foreign valuation with provisions for flexible rates and pro claimed American valuation, as President Harding recommended, was J presented to the Senate today. It Was announce(1 tnal il wiu ,,e takt'n i up nprn iii. n .our urui . p.e- dieted. Taken as a whole, experts say, the bill averages slightly higher :?;:.. .. ... . man u.e ray iie-tt.uritii law DAl'GHTEU NOTED FAMILY DIES AT HKiH BRIDGE, . J. New York, April 11 (By The As- ' sociated Press) Mra. Florence! Marlon Howe Hall, eldest urviving daughter of the late Samuel Grldley Howe and Julia Ward Howe, died to day at High Bridge, N. J. LEVEE BREAKS AND WATER COVERS FARM Memphis, April 11 (By The Asso oiated Press ) United States engl iiiver levee, ioiiy nines rduiii 01 Helena, Arkansas, had broken and that they feared the water would cover approximately liny square' lnlles 01 rarm , Civil Term Of Court At Currituck In May during the week beginning Monday, jay si ;j0W9: j O'Neal The calendar Is as fl- Monday vs. Banks. Defendants protests, i Newbern Produce Co. vs. Gllden. j Wood vs. Snowden. Flora vs. Flora. ! Culpepper & Pappendick vs. J Baxter (not to be called 1efore Tues- , day. 1 Va. Carolina Chemical Co. vs. C. Newbern. Boyce vs. Baiim. T. B. Austin vs. C. Barco. Tuesdny Thos. Jones vs. W. S. Newbern. Perkins. Adtn'r. vs. Harrison, oawyer Ac Turner vs. Hughes. J. A. Case vs. Louis Sawyer. VedneMliiy Gallop vs. Milling Co. (first case this day after the conclusion of any pending case.) Grandy vs. Grandy. Powers vs. Jones. O'Neal vs. Lee, Grant Baxter vs. E. H. Banks. Thursday C. D. Newbern vs. H. D. Newbern. M. C. S!mons vs. McHarney. N. C. Newbern vs. J. M. Newbern et als. Friday In Re Will of Wilklns. J. C. Gallop vs. D. W. Llndsey. Edmond Snowden vs. Express Co. Sears vs. Barnard. Brlggs et als vs. Baxter. ASKS EX-SERVICE i MEN TO GO HOME McNider Tells Jobless Veterans To Stay Away From The Larger Cities Indianapolis. April 11 (Hy The As sociated Tress) Ex-service men are asked to return to their home towns to get Jobs in an appeal which Han ford MacNider, national commander of the American Legion, asked the Associated 1'res.s to broadcast to Jobless veterans who lie said are congregating In the larger cities where unemployment is becoming worse. WOODRUFF IS AFTER ATTORNEY GENERAL Washington, April 11 (By The As- sociated Press) Representative I Woodruff, Republican, Michigan, said in the House today that if the At ! torney General did not look to the in , terests of the Government in the , pending claim suit against the Lin coln Motor Company, he would con sider him guilty of misfeasance and move his impeachment. Soviet Delegation Issues Statement I Genoa, April 11 (Hy The Associ ated Pre.su) George Chitcherin, head of the Russian Soviet delega tion of the economic conference, Is I mind a statement today declaring j that it Is useless to discuss the re construction of Europe without also , discussing disarmament. Radicalism Is On Increase In Mexico Emissaries From Many Countries, IncliidiiiK .America, Are Active There Washington, April 11 (By The As- sociated Pres) Ofllcial advices re- ceiveu nere indicate revolutionary and bandit activity In the states of ; Vera Cruz, Jalisco and Nayarit, Mexico, has spread and radicalism 'continues unabated, according to re- porta, with impetus being given the ', movement by emissaries from vari ;ous countries Including the United States, STRADIVARIUS SELLS FOR $9,000 In 17:15 Violin's Maker lt It Go For Small Sum Of HO I'liincH "T -i, Paris, April 11 (Bv The Associ ated Press) A Stradlvarius violin (for which the maker, Antonius Stra dlvarius, leceived SO francs when he made it at Cremona In 1735, has just .,,, sokl nere for 103.400 francs In- .i:n i. . ,QV T),u m emiiva- ,,llt at rurr,.nt rates of exchange to il;)0lj $9,000. The violin was for a long time the , I property of the late Charles La nioureux, founder and conductor of the famous Lamoureux orchestra. The recent tests which seemed to establish that modern-made violin!- cann"t be distinguished from ancient 0,los ''-v their tone do not seem to . I llavp affected the price of ancient In siruments, 11 tins sale can he taken ; as a criterion. Navy Department Develops New Device Washington, April 11 (By The As sociated Press I A new device just developed by the Navy Department 1 and which makes possible the accu N. rate measurement of any depth of the ocean, possibly will result, hydro 'grapliers said today, In the charter ing of spots In the sea which have ! never been measured because their 'depth was too great for the old : methods of sea sounding work. The new device was said to em ploy sound apparatus similar to that used during the war for detection of j gbmarlnes. The principles of It use Is that of creating a sound on the sh'ip and listening for the echo of th I sound from the bottom of the ocean, measuring the time between the cre ation of the sound and the return of the echo. ;Ford Builds Tractor ! Factory In Ireland ' Cork, Ireland. April 11 (By The ! Associated Press) The city corpor ation today granted Henry Ford a I site for a tractor factory here In tee I simple.