ft . WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday. Little ' change in temperature. Moderate winds. ,Xi I CIRCULATION Thursday 1,776 Copies rJ i, n f 0 m. . yj- sw VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 1922 EIGHT PAGES NO. 113 w ti'oa ) 5C State Clinic Completes Two Weeks Fine Work Total Of 169 Cases From Pasquotank-Camden And Currituck Successfully Treated And Is General Belief That Great Good Has Been Ac complishedClinic To Manteo Next Week Hack to its normal appearance is ( the Red Men's Hall over the Savings, Batik & Trust Company and gone is every vestige and sign of the emerg ency hospital into which the hall: was converted two weeks ago for the ; opening of the State tonsil-adenoid: ipeillllg Ol uie .-nave u unic for the three counties of Pas- nnt;ink. Camden and Currituck. The last operation at this clinic, look place Thursday afternoon at .1:15 o'clock, marking the completion, of the 169th operation without one1 serious mtehup. Apparently every1 patient operated on is now doing nicely, according to Dr. W. W, Saw-: yer, who performed the operations, and all are seemingly on the way to rf'mnnlete recovery. Eighty of the operations, or almost j half of them, were free, the parents; of the children in these cases not be-; ing able to pay the operation fee of .$12.50. However, a much (larger per : ent of the cases, at least 75 per cent; the opinion of Miss Ramie Wil- in niv- v!. ...... - , i:uin linssiuu Bit-iuift luucinwiniji nunc ti .nnroaunt ihiMrpn wllO WOllld'ii. B t.. 11 ., A.. tidmo, v....."-.- -- - have remained untreated indefinitely had it not been for the State clinic. The State tonsil-adenoid clinic goes from county to county and cov ers the entire State about every three , years. The clinic here, owing to the; geographic situation of Elizabeth City and to lack of necessary faeill-' lies in the counties of Camden and; Currituck, was for these two counties ;is well as Pasquotank. Interesting light is cast on the situation in these three counties when it is remembered that Miss Williams inspected in these three counties approximately 3500 school children and found 951 them in need of operations for of adenoids or diseased tonsils. Not all failures to have the chil dren undergo treatment at this time, however, can by any means be charg- i a ' I'D.1 n l.mlr if CQCllHlUO en TO inuiiieren.re ui m '"i' on the part of the parents. Some; -. " y - , v a i,M(mont spot at the extreme end of Roanoke few ch dren applied for treatment ' ..... . , I . , . j ..nntnf .nmciMi""1' about three quarters of a: but were rejected on account of some ( , , a , . ,,otl nthBrH anjmllfi above Fort Raleigh, seemed to nhvsical defect. Many otners ap- ... , , . : 1 , : . . . ,f , 1uto be the most Important place of inter-, nl ed for treatment, but too late, ' -, pneu iui 1 est to many of those who were out ana were rejecieu uecauoo hu miiv. auu ..... patients could ibe taken during me jmiiciiio limited time that the clinic would re main here. In the normal course of events the clinic will return here some time in HU1UC IMUW 111 19 5, but if there is a special .uestforit before tMl time It is possible that "re"i" i m6! made to that end. Miss Williams In-, timated Friday morning. i Miss Williams ana uv. ca,r. , . 1 T" C5,i..-i-nn Ki(h 1 exoressed gratification Friday morn ing at the success of the clinic and at the co-operation which physicians and nurse, had been given by the community and by the local press. The parent-teachers association thru ., , ..., the school children, provioeu and had Ice cream sent up daily the convalescents. The Red Men gave their hall free and withou re-; striction, exemplifying Particularly the Red Man's creed of help for the int- ivcu . weaker brother in the fact that the 1 weaKe! i"""'c' ' last day of the clinic was given over, jasi. udj in .... to the treatment of colore d ch Ulren, , Of the total number operated tWFrIlLn.Srh0 City the clinic ! J, , ?aSo and after a week goes 10 .Mdiueo, there will go to Hert or 1 or a w, -ek and from Hertrora t moves on u Columbia in Tyrrell County. Di. . W. Sawyer, who per formed the op- erations here, will continue with the clinic through its week in Tyrrell County. At Manteo the headquarters of the clinic will he the Hotel Koanoke Building. Relief Measures Must Continue Six Weeks ., . T; , . . ' New Orleans, Mav 12 (By The As- soclated Press) Rationing of flood victims m, ... J!h , 11 victims must continue six weeks longer In Louisiana and Mississippi, rpliof nfflptai. ,... .,...vi. r.LavTTu wua. i'Nfuri 50.000 are now Heing cared tor bv n v. v. v,vi IVM UJ me uen cross and by the State Re lief Commissions. - 11 Leamon Melson is expecting to WIM wrvr crririuf. leave just as soon as the fishing sea WILLAKU NUT SEEKING son Is up here. After spending a MATCH WITH DEMPSEY fpw la.v with relatives and friends , at Duck and Powell's Point he ex Los Angeles, May 12 (By The As- pPCtH t0 to Norfolk re he sociated Press) Jess Wlllard MPW!U t0 bS fmA durln the 1 1 irnn VYlliaiu, 8ummer heavyweight, I not seeking a return jiiaitn witn uempsey. according to a ,, , B . . . iT, ",,"uieu 10 vvmara Ry lo! newspaper. TAKE UP RUSSIAN REPLY SATURDAY . Great Britain Has rro- Dosal Of Truce To Make On Basis Da Facto Frontiers Genoa, May 12 (By The Assoc!-, iated Press) The economic confer-, ence sub-commission on Russian af-i fairs has postponed consideration of, the Russian reply to the Allied niem jorandum until tomorrow. Great Britain has proposed a truce In Eastern Europe on the basis of dej facto frontiers, pending conclusion of j the commission of inquiry to be ap- pointed, It was announced today. j France will never agree to a mixed J ,.i.,: I J-A 1 1 ... lil In ine comereuce is pruutfuiiiK m iuuj Rllssian affairs, according to a French : delegation statement today. 1 Three Leaders Are Arrested At Bombay Bombay. Mcy 12 (By The Asso-. dated Press) Dewadas Gandhi, son of the non-co-operative leader serv-; ing a prison sentence; Pundit Ra madhani, president of the All-Indian Congress; and Hardoi Lashiram, ; secretary of the Indore Congress : Committee, were arrested here today. ROANOKE ISLAND HAS j MANY PLEASURE RESORTS ,on ,. .. i,ur,i : nlpHsnro rid ne Sundav afternoon as 7 - ihore u-nrp sovpral Mantan pars and there were several Manteo cars and a much larger number from Wan chese all parked there at the same time while many of those who had ... . . , 1 1 nt it in (h a in lira v nti t In 1; in or mii re-;""1 ... . . . Jeglon the shore. Among those who w ere all parked there at i.POa wnw ru uv. nu" " l" v. m . ... ,.. Q ,,,, a . ranra Messrs Davis and James Gaskill, Tobe Tillett with Miss Tracie Cahoon, Messrs Hubby Davis and Chauncey Meekins, Fitzhugh Daniels with Misses Susan and Ida Midgett and a milliner oi smiuii uoys, 1. u. uuhkui. 1 a 11 1... m -. , i.tu wRh Mm Ma t ,)ani(ls Vi()let GaHkilI, 0 t M, My Da M(. and n .' y' . h t t pearpad and Fort Raleigh , ' , , , , n a(.es f nterest on the island Is ' a spot on the west shore two or three o iiurn8idps which js vistp(1 more fre. gently each season and being that it u,(' "e such an ideal place for a summer resort, on v a few minutes fn ,he ch ances are that bath n,8()rt um fu(ure school teachers here this year who nver a fpw . Monday. News received here daily by rel atives of J. S. Midgett who was taken to the hospital at Elizabeth City more than a week ago, almost at the point of death, is, that he is gain ing as rapidly as can possibly be ex pected. Messrs. Amos and Luther Daniels , Wtx Si,t,lrflay f,,r ilim Kutwe' P the James River, where they will be , , ... .. . a. . l,f' emp,,ojr "f ,h l,n.,ted . Shipping Board on ships laid up . rp' . Mrs. M. V. Daniels left Tuesday morning to visit friends and relatives at East Lake, N. C. vote ror George J. Spence for Trial Justice. He will your 8Uppon and appreciate adv 'First Woman in , ''v y i -, - H'"",' - V vv- $ Viscountosa Ilhondua in the firm woman to be seated in tM Brltinl.1 House of Lords. That, after a recent contest. She won byrlght of having ucceeded to her father's title. Militia at Pawtucket Strike , S , . i - fist V.V.. 1 1 i ' Troopers with fixed bayonets are guarding streets near the Jenckes cotton mill, Pawtucket. R. I., where members of a crowd were killed and 1 tvounded when they refused to disperse after the riot act was read. TRADE EMPORIUM DRAWS BIG CROWD Public interest in what is made and sold in Elizabeth City was given forcible illustration Thursday night In the crowds that Hocked to and thronged in the Carolina Banking & Trust Company, the corridors of which have been converted into a big bazaar by the trade emporium In progress there last week. Many new exhibits had been added during the day and others hail been made more complete. Attrac tive of especially favorable com ment was the community hospital exhibit with one of the hospital nurses In charge and the County Home Demonstration exhibit which had just been made complete. The bank will lie open again af ter banking hours Saturday night for the convenience of the down town crowds who usually throng the busi ness streets at that time. YOUR LAST CHANCE TO SECURE HUNDRED THOUSAND BONUS VOTES Votes Are Easy To Get Now, So You Had Better Send In Two Subscriptions And Earn The Two Large Bonus Billets Before Monday, When This Offer Is Withdrawn Only a- few more days until the large offer of two KO, 000 ballots on your first two subscriptions will be withdrawn. Prompt action will se cure these ballots for you. Just a few minutes work In your neighbor hood will he sufficient to get two subscriptions. Or, If you have one large ballot already, secure the next one without delay. Only the alert ones will take advantage or this ad vice. Others will wait until II Is too late. Watch The Advance of Saturday. It will contain an Important an nouncement concerning the contest. Ask questions or the Contest Man ager If you don't understand, ai It la highly important that you thor House of Lords V 1 ' i j I' ' 1 " NEW YORK TROOPS GUARDING TOWN Against Striking Ne groes At Brickyards Of Haverstraw Who Threaten Trouble Haverstraw, N. Y.. May 12 (By The Associated Press) Twenty state troopers were ordered here to day to guard the town against threat ened outbreaks. Thousands of ne groes are striking at the brick plants. The first troopers, mounted, ar-; rived this morning and patrolled the streets, keeping the striking negroes moving. A deadline for all except those on business was drawn. Special guards were placed at the brickyards. oughly understand evpry phase of the contents of the story. Note the names In today's paper. Xearly everybody In the race has been credited with votes. If yon hevn not sent them In yourself, then some of your friends have. Those very friends are taking un in terest In your candidacy. They want to see you win. They will help you. Start right out now and ask your friends for their subscriptions. It will be easy to win the Ford sedan. Just a few minutes each day are all that Is required to return you a win ner. Make up your mind now to ride in a nifty Ford sedan. Call phone No. 357. Z'V: Meteor Falls At Blackstone, Va. Norfolk. May 12 (By The As sociated Press) The meteor which created great excitement through the south wide of Vir ginia last night struck twelve miles northwest of Blackstone, Nottoway County, and fell in a grove of oak trees, making a hole live hundred square feet. Capt. Heath Dead Cfl)t. Horatio . Heath passed away at i:; o ciock rnuay morn ihk j at jais home on Pennsylvania avenue' atthe ege of X4 years, 11 months, 11 days. Capt. Heath moved to Rlizaboth ' City in 1SS4 and built a grocery store on the corner ot rennsyivaniu avenue and Burgess street, where he has lived ever since. He was hoiii in Elizabeth City in 18.18 and lost both father and moth er in early youth, after which he put -out to sea. His boyhood days were' spent on the water between Eliza beth City and the West ' Indian Islands. In 1864 he married Miss Mary Mizell of Windsor. They lived together .13 years, and she died two and a half years ago. He was with the Government in the light house service for ten years prior to coining to Elizabeth City, being at Body Island and Whales Head. j He was a member of the First Bap-, tlst church of this city and a mem-1 her of Eureka Lodge, A. F. & M.: The quiet Christian life he led and. the influence that radiated from him was a blessing to all with whom he associated. Captain Heath Is survived by two children Mrs. Sallie M. Boettcher and .Mrs. It. E.Lewis, and by live grand, children, Otto Heath Boettcher, hernia Lewis, Robert E. Lewis Jr., and May Heath Lewis. The funeral will he held at the home Sunday afternoon at four o'clock APRIL SHOWS GAIN III EMPLOYMENT Washington, May 12 (By The As sociated Press) Anrll has shown I the greatest gain in employment all over the country Bince the first of tire year, according to Secretary Hunt of Ithe Conference of Unemployment. Are Arranging Bout For Carpentier And Dempsey London, May 12 (By The Associ ated Press) An agreement for Georges Carpentier and Jack Demp sey to meet in London or Paris be fore next May was reached by Jack Kearns and Francis Descainps to day, Kearns told The Associated Press. Killed In Collision Hear Asheville Today Asheville, May 12 (By The As sociated Press) -One was killed and eight were injured today when trol ley cars collided on the Weuversville line, two miles away. MORAL SOCIETY WILL HAVE REHEARSAL TOXKJHT The Choral Society will rehearse tonight at 7:4.r in the Chamber of Commerce Building. It is important that every member be present. LATE BULLETINS Ol I Kits BOM S SI BHTITl TK Washington, May 12 (By The As-i snciated Press)- A substitute bonus . bill 'under which veterans would re-j ceive fifty per cent cash payments was Introduced today by Senator j Bursum. Republican, of New Mexico.! I IVK XKV BISHOPS Hot Springs, May 12 (By The As sociated Press) After heated de bale today the nineteenth quadren nial general conference of the Meth odist Episcopal church South, adopt ed the report of the committee on Kplscopalcy providing for the elec tion of five new bishops. TRY TO I'RKVKNT MKKGKR Washington, May 12 (By The As sociated Press) A Federal Inquiry Into reported plans for a merger of the largest Independent steel con cerns, including the Bethlehem and Lackawanna Companies, was ordered by the Senate today In the adoption of the resolution of Senator LaFol lette calling upon the Justice Depart i ment and Trade Commission to pre t vent the combination. i am (I 7 EIGHT INDICTED i Chicago Officials De- clare This But Begin i ning Of Campaign Against Terrorism I Chicago. May 12 (By Tho Associ ated Press 1 The police and civic or ganizations today saw the indictment of c'ght labor leaders and the state's j attorneys threaten to use against I them the law invoked .'!6 years ago to obtain the executions of Haymaker , rioters. 1 The Indictments were a smashing blow at what officials term "gang terrorism," they said, and are 'fore runners of scores of others. A few of the over four hundred labor leaders arrested were re leased. MINE BLOWN UP WITH DYNAMITE Pittsburgh, May 12 (By The As sociated Press) The Petennan Mine in Penn Township was blown up to day with dynamite. The explosion damaged a farmhouse a quarter of a mile away and forced deputies to leave for a mine where coal strike sympathizers had collected. County Summer School To Begin Here June 12 Will Be Held I'or Teachers Of Five Northeastern North Carol inn Counties Beginning .Monday, June 12, a six weeks' County summer school for teachers will be held at Elizabeth City, according to an announcement made Thursday morning by County Superintendent M. P. Jennings. The summer school will lie for the teach ers of Currituck, Camden. Pasquo tank, Perquimans and Hyde, with the possibility that other counties may he included later. The educational authorities of Pas quotank County had originally in tended not to hold a mi in me r school here this year, but Superintendent Jennliiigs has received numerous in- Qt'lHes from Pasquotank and other counties of this section regarding summer school prospects that ar rangements have been made for it. A very good attendance is indicated. The director of the summer school will be Prof. A, B. Combs, principal of the Blizabeth City High School, ,and the primary Instructor will ,be Miss Blew nor Huske, of the Fayette vllle Graded Schools, whose work at two preceding summer schools here attracted much favorable comment. If the enrollment Justifies, Superin tendent Jennings states that a third I Instructor will be employed. Teach ers who plan to attend, and who wish assistance in securing suitable board ing places are urged to get In touch 'with him as soon us they can. The County summer school Is for three groups of teachers namely, those who have had no teaching ex perience, t hose who hold second ; grade certificates, and those who hold provisional "A", "B" or tem 1 porary certificates, i Applicants desiring to teach who h ave completed at least two years of high school work will ibe admitted l without examination. Those who j have not may enter upon passing an I entrance examination on Bnglish composition, arithmetic and United (states history, and those who are un able to pass thi.s examination will be permitted to take the preparatory 'course. ! Holders 1 fates who , statement ! 'completed of second-grade certili 11 re unable to present a showing that they have two years of high school be admitted 11 no if passing work will 'the entrance examination, and those I who fail to make a passing grade 011 I this examination may take the pre- paratory course offered, j Teachers who wish further lufor 1 mat inn regarding the County summer I school ure advised to write or cull I upon Superintendent Jennings, whose office Is on the second floor of the Kramer Building, at this city. American Soldiers Sent To Tongshaw Peking, May 12 (By The Associ ated Press) A hundred American soldiers were dispatched to Tong- shan, near Tientsin, today . to main tain communication and protect foreigners. The troops of General W11, who defeated the Manchurian forces last week, are now entrenched at Tong-shan.