WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday. Little change ' in temperature. Variable v CIRCULATION ': Saturday 1,768 Copies wi inds. VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, MAY 122. 11)22 FOUR PAGES NO. 121 P EHS 0 Eltl EL CI1 All G I El G FAST III COAST GUARD Numerous New Fncen In I'ncle Sam's Kevcnth I Met rid Life Save pi In Ijist Few Year In the last seven years 120 men, or more than half of the personnel of the seventh district United States Coast Guard, of which Elizabeth City is the official center, since it Is here dollars of Treasury Savings Certifi- nurt- that the Superintendent's office is lo- categt maturity value, in the Fifth t'Ptaln James Pollard, command rated, have been retired from active Federal Reserve District during the er of ,ne Richmond howitzers, fell duty. Of this total, 28 were warrant m0nth of April. The exact figures (lead from his ll0r8e from hvart officers, or keepers, and 92 were compiled from two hundred and failure. enlisted men. The entire district, gixty-three postofflces and the Fed- with its 31 stations, is at present manned by 234 men. The retirement pay of the 120 Coast Guard men no longer In active service aggregates somewhat over $100,000 a year. The average pay of a retired enlisted man is $60 a month and of a warrant officer, $140. There are now only 24 warrant officers in the district, although there are 31 Coast Guard stations. Inis is ex- dened bv the fact that seven stations are commanded by keepers on proba- tion or waiting for permanent ap- polntment. ' Fifty-six men, or nearly two-thirds of the' total retired in the seven years since Marcn, lsis, were arappea ; ,. oi OQrina ofior tha ontpanr-o w,'. M... v. of the United States into the World War. At the beginning o hostilities. : hv n utern nrrwess of ellmtnat on of " J f " - all older men and all who were suff- ering from partial disabilities, were rigorously removed from the service tQ maturitV( there is an attractive and supplanted by younger fellows in and absolutely safe Investment pay good physical condition. lng a goM, ratP of Interest," says the The Coast Guard stations in the ; postmaster. seventh district are kept with a spick and. span neatness that would put the BEGINS DRIVE AGAINST average housewife to shame. A speck MEXICAN HE BEL I.EADEIl of dust is as rare as a snowstorm in Florida, for the officers and men Mexico City, May 22 (By The As wage a continuous campaign against sociated Press) Secretary of War dirt and untidiness. Guns are pol- Serrano has begupn an active cam ished dally, the motor surfboat is palgn against rebel leader General alwavs a brilliant and sneckless mar- Greene of Tobasco state. vel of marine perfection, cots are kept neatly made up in the daytime, and the kitchen never-failingly pre- sents an appearance of impeccable cleanliness. Strict sanitation is a part of the Coast Guard creed. In this connection it is related that a certain stern-looking but Innately kindhearted seventh district super intendent of former years, while in specting a station on the coast not far below Manteo, had occasion to go up In the watch-tower. He had found everything strictly up to the standard all the way through the station, after a most minute inspection. The keep er, as conscientious as any on the Atlantic seaboard, had been show ing his superior about with great in ward concern, lest the latter find ev idence of untidiness somewhere. Up in the watch-tower the keeper raised a hatch cover In order to let in more light. Instantly he noted a fine sprinkling of dust or sand about the edge of the hatch. In his trepi dation he made sure that the super intendent had observed it also. The Jacksonville. May 22 (By The As offlcer looked about, but made no sociated Press)- Enforcement of the comment, and returned to the ground aw Is the main task of prohibition floor with the keeper. Then, wishing jsts. declared the report of the Social to congratulate him upon the perfect Service Commission 'or the Southern order of the station, he turned to Baptist Convention made public to the keeper with the usual stern ex- (,v. The report denounced the mo pression on his face and began," I dern dance, race track gambling and But he got no further, Unable to hold back any longer, the keeper burst out, "Yes. ye saw It. but ye never would ha' seen it H I hadn't raised that hatch!" POLICEMAN HURLED FROM THIRD STORY Chicago, May 22 (By The Associ ated Press) The collapse of the threatened building trade strike and tne attack of a policeman who was hurled from the third story window of a building under guard were the principal parly developments of the so called labor war today. Addi tional Indictments are expected to be returned by the county grand Jury. 0 MEMDER PARLIAMENT KILLED IN DELFAST Belfast. May 22 (By The Associ ated Press) Sir James Craig, pre mier, declared today that Just retri bution was called for In announcing a Bpecial meeting of the cabinet fol lowing the murder of W. J. Twad- dell, member of parliament, while on his way to business. Twaddell was the first member of parliament at- acked In the history of Belfast dls- rders. The total number or deaths ver the week-end Is rourteen. ence lays no Claim to In- Geo. J adib'llty but will try to give exact uHf;ce to all. ad? pr?"?Thpe,S?nTS Postmaster J. A. Hooper of tin' Elizabeth City post office Hays the Government's nationwide program to ,)rotect the American people from foolish investments and to encourage Ithem to put their money where it Will he safelv nrotected. is meeting irreat success as evidenced bv the sale, largely through post offices, r nerlv elrht hundred thousand ! era Reserve Hank of Richmond are $782,345 which Is $216,126 in excess 0f saie8 n (le previous month when tnP a,olmt reached was $566,219. According to a statement received uy tne ,(ogtmaster from Howard T. free, director of Government sav- inKS for tnis district, the sales of these certificates in April are: North Carolina $283,775; West Vir- einia $189,345; Virginia $101,750; nuint vf ri',whi tsst & s.,th ' Carolina $28,275; Maryland $25,825. jn addition, there was sold through the Federal Reserve Bank $94,750, making a grand total of $782,345. It w, be mcreagnglv difflcult for fat, ,..,., to meet with success .... . d swindlers to ttlcli money out or Vn n, v.. ,.. . r. fhp ,. nokftg whpn the whole'!. Edwards of lAIVl Norfolk were married by Rev. H. K. , j ury savings certificates. Buaiaiuoe-u as to principal and Interest and In- creasine twentv-five oer cent if held Nicaslo Vasquez and Donacian Es ca'ante. former majors in the Fed- eral army, were executed following their capture -by Government forces near Tampico. 98 HISSING FROM STEAMSHIP EGYPT Brest, May 22 (By The Associated Press) Ninety-eight are missing and 242 were saved from the British steamship Egypt, sunk off the island of Ushant Saturday night in a colli sion. Mrs. M. L. Sibley and Miss V. M. Boyer. missionaries en route to India, home addresses unknown, are possibly among the missing picked up by the steamship Cap Iracon which replied to the distress signals. Baptist Social Service Committee Makes Report urged strict pictures. censorship of motion MANY ATTENDED EXPOSITION Arter having had an estimated at- tendance of 5.000 to 6.000 persons during the two weeks that it was ..em wie iraoe exposition or tne laiuima naiiKing & rrusi i-ompany closed Saturday night at ten o'clock It was the first exposition of products mad" and sold at Elizabeth City that has ever been held here, and at tracted much Interest thronehoiit this section or the Stnle. Revolution In Nicarauga Managua, Nicaragua, May 22 (By The Associated Press) A revolution movement broke out here today against President Chamorra. a band of rebels seizing the fortress Lorn a, commanding the city. Cpon repre- sections of American Minister !.... f llio f ui'iil it t Inn la ti uffrafiil t i """'n' ' " ' ......... turn over the fort to the commander of the American marines tonight for return to the government. Appeals For Prevention Christian Persecution 22 (By The rnt"itlnnpe. May AsHorlated Press) Survivors of toe Greek lost legion wh'ch fled into Samsun, Asiatic Turkey, last year, are beginning to arrive In the neu- tr8' 70" "Par Ismld after six months "'""der'nsr across Anatolia. Arch bishop Metaxakls, Greek patriarch, of Constantinople, has appealed t all cnnstian cnurcrms In the world to persuade the great newer tn nre- vent further persecution of the Christians In Asia Minor. SALUTE TERRIFIED GOVERNOR'S HORSE Richmond, May 22 (Hy The Asso- Clate(1 lr'88) Governor Trinities hors'' was frightened as a result of a cn"n salute in connection with the virK'nia celebration and rn away, knocking down six members of the , Naval Training Band and seriously Injuring one. The Governor was un- Start Hot Exchange Over Appointments Washington, May 22 (Hy The As sociated Press) Georgia postmaster appo'ntments have started a hot ex change between Senators Watson of Georgia and Phipps of Colorado. Bu8,ne8 wa di8ru",ed several "- utes after which both took the con- troversy Into the corridor. Phipps declined Watson's challenge to per sonal combat W V X X K K I V A K I H I 1 11 t mr ..a . wr.ii nuiuei n. nynne oi iee nan. - Williams at the Williams at the Baptist Pastorium on WH, Maln atrpp, Baptist Convention Denounces Mob Rule Jacksonville, May 22 (By The As sociated Press) The Baptist con vention adjourned today after adopt ing a report denouncing mob rule. .11 KV FAILS TO REACH VERDICT I.os Angeles, May 22 ( Hy The As sociated Press) The Hurch Jury was discharged this morning wthout reaching a verdict. KKSTCITV LEADS AGAIN Manager To we of Pender's store at Elizabeth City has been advised that his store led all stores In the Pender chain in gross sales last week. Solicitor On Visit Walter Small, Elizabeth City can- dldate tor solicitor In the first Judi- cial district, spent the week-end with Mrs. Small and Walter, Jr., who are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Buxton at Newport News. SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND BONUS CLOSES NEXT SATURDAY NIGHT Jut Five More Days In Which To Secure The Big Votes Gather Subscriptions Of One, Two And Three Years, And Make As Big A Report As Possible You will have to hurry, ror thei are only five more days lert ror you to secure big votes ror only a few subscriptions. It Is so much easier to win If you build up a winning vote total now. Several clubs on this offer nrartlrjtllv nmmint tn nn much nBurance Kji. B'llWr,nlin , u,,ir(h flvt ,hollsand voteB. Therefore, four sub- a(.riptlon, arp wo,.th twnty scriptions are worth twenty thous- twenty thousand votes, and the fifth subscription Including the bonus will earn six hundred and five tliousand votes. By the vote table on he cover of your receipt book, It takes over a hundred subsciiptions to earn as many votes as you will re ceive hy completing the one club be fore the 27th of May, which Is next Saturday. We tell you right now, that a lit tle results In subscription' getting this week will make vou a w nner. Work now while you get the most votes for your subscriptions. Don't wait tin- til the end of the r;ice to lieL'in work. for ,hen ( w, ()n, n.(.(,ivp f(lw .... votes, whereas now, you get millions for a few clubs. A car worth close to a thousand dollars hangs in the balmice. Bend your efforts toward getting It. The prerequisite to w'nnlng In voles, and votes are obtained by getting sub- sctiptlons. Subscriptions rani more votes now and up to next Saturday night than they will ever after that time. Therefore, win the car this week. Get all your friends to give you a b'g subscription. Go in to ',n' i A contestant may vote only enougl votes IsMied on subscriptions to bring the total vote to 50,000. D'strd t Number One Miss Gladys Adams 14.900 IMsm Goldie Sanderlin 9H inn Miss Etelle Silverthorn . , . . 29,300 Mlxs Anrllla Straht 141.000 GOVERNOR COOPEIl SWORN AS FARM LOAN BOARD M KM I IK Wiishington, May 22 ( My The As sociated Press) Former Governor Cooper of South Carolina was sworn in as a member of the Farm Loan Hoard today. 1)11. BELL'S FAT H Kit 1KA1 News was received here Monday Whltakers ,,f H. T. Hell, father 0flm'nths " ,hR roads Dr. John Hell of this ity. was called to his father's Mr Hell last week. .Mr. Hell was a Confederate vet eran and has been a resident of Whltakers all his life, always tak ing an active part im community af fairs. Hesides Dr. Hell he leaves two other sons and s-eveu daughters. VIRGINIA PAGEANT BEGINS AT RICHMOND . Rlchtnond, May 22 (By The Asso- .i;,i,i pfpssi-The Virginia hlstor- leal naueant depicting the principal ; Miuwtm f Vlrirlnia history was for- nally ,.,,,, ,0(lav. witn tne corona- tion or Mrs. llattie Semones. of Ro-;8tand in the course of the trial, and recently completed a half million anoke as queen Virginia the First, on testified to the effect that Hrown dollar project for the Colona Rail thc steps of the state capitol by;bears a neighborhood reputation for-way Corporation of Norfolk. "Our Governor E. Lee Trinkle. making and dealing In liquor. They drydock here," says Mr. Brad San- . Were not able, ho.ever, to offer any ders. president of the Iron Works, Rutherford Hospital Gets Splendid Gift Philadelphia, May 22 (By The. As- sociated Press) A girt or iuu,mpi to Rutherford Hospital, Rutherford, N. ("., for purchase of radium and laboratory equipment, was an nounced today. The gift was made r J. C. Plonk, of Hickory. N. ('., re tired mill owner, in memory,-of his w ife. General Conference Reaches Adjournment Hot Springs. May 22 (By The As sociated Press) The general con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church South after racing through the remaining business, held devo- nonai services ana aajourneu iouay. CASE ENDED I.N MISTRIAL The case of Twlford & Twirord vs. J. D. Winslow, which wa opened in Superior Court here Friday, ended Sunday afternoon in a mistrial, af- ter the Jury had 'been out 24 hours The special civil term r Superior; Court adjourned Saturday afternoon. I Thus. P. King. Jr 34.600 Miss Catherine Pinner 14,100 Miss Edna Sanders 146,600 Miss Paul'ne Skinner . Miss Goldie Stokes Miss Quelle Mae White... 28.200 Miss Mary Owens 10. 800, Mlss Anna H. Bobbin 61,600 Miss Rosa I..' Stevens.' m.... 19.400 Miss Blanche Sutton 22.600 Miss Rebecca Miller 31,400 Miss Sallie Bright 29,600 Mrs. Edwin Ferebee 97.600 Miss Annie M. Seeley Miss Mattle Spruill Miss Evelyn Jones . , 29,400 .156,600 15.100 . 35,200 , 37,100 31.600 Mrs. M. P. Winslow . . . Miss Dora Rlanchard . , . Miss Anna Belle Abbott . Miss Pauline Stokely 20,100 Miss Pauline Stokely . . . Mrs. Raynor Elliott Miss Bessie Mae Twlford 24.100 26,600 134.100 Mrs. C. H. Sanderlin 119,500 Mrs. Lloyd Brothers, R. 4.. 46.800 Mrs. Frank Flelchur If 1 fit 1lin 1MH(., XniM.r Tw Mrs. M. Hollowed, Nags Head 8,100 M'ss Laura Davis, Wanchese 1 1,400 i ice cream and cake took up the tlm Mrs. H. Beasley, Nags Head 10,800 !at the end of the social hour, Miss Helen Tlllett, Wanchese 9,60o! Miss Ruth Harrell, Route 5, . 10.200 Miss Agnes Wise, Nags Head 16,900 Mrs. Julian Hnlstead. Weeks- vllle. Route 1 94.250 Mrs Mrs M. C.Stanley, III 126,900 Lloyd Halstead, Weeks- vllle. Route 1 101,400 in Saturday's Issue of The Advance. Mrs. L. Johnson, Nags Head 24,600 I Instead, shortly after'hts arrest Frl Mlf G. L. Harrell, R 5 ... 1 40.200 ! day afternoon he arranged bond for Miss Annie Grey, Manteo .. 18.600jhls appearance In court the following Mrs. Calvtn Halstead, Weeks- day. vllle. Route 1 45,4001 . Miss Mary M. Evans, Manteo 18,200 Miss M. Stetson, Colington .. 8 1.600 Mrs. R. Drlnkwater, Manteo 11.600 Mr. 4 n Sumnia n r. 4 inn Mrs. Fannie Pallett Mnnfeo 21400 Continued on Tage 3 , NEGRO SEI1TEI1CED Oil LIQUOR CHARGE Sam Hrown, a negro who lives in j Dry Ridge section below Weeksvllle, j was louuu Kiinij in iriiiruei b iwiiii here Monday morning of having li-, quor in his possession for purposes of sale, and was sentenced to six. He entered! lluLlv-e 1,1 "I'l" ao ai.t:ti uu- ..... .t .... ....... ..i....i . bedsldel' lr a Ior 1 aPPralue al the next term of Superior Court. He j was held on a $50 additional boml on a bribery charge. Hrown was arrested at the home 1 of Peter Cowell, on Harrington street, Saturday afternoon by Chief of Po lice Holmes after the officer had found a gallon of corn whiskey in a closet at the home. Hrown admit ted the ownership of the liquor, and told the court that he had bought it from four white men in a Ford car near Weeksville that morning. Chief Holmes testified that Hrown tried to, bribe him at the time of the arrest, In an effort to avoid prose-: cution. Four white men who live in Lower Pasquotank County appeared An the direct testimony against the negro. Peter Cowell, at whose home Brown was arrested, was tried on a similar charge, but was acquitted. The evidence tended to show that he ; permitted the package containing U)e whj8ke y t() . placed in his home for Hrown, but d d not know what our plant witn tne worn or wmcn me the bundle contained. public may not be familiar," . says Toinmie Sanders, colored driver of Mr. Sanders, "Is a 50 ton shearing the SouthMn Hotel bus, was lined derrick, the like of which Is not to ten dollars and costs tor violation or f"l elsewhere south or Biilti the city traflic ordinances. more except in the Government navy Dewey Bowe, a young colored man, yards. The Richmond Cedar Works vas given a hearing on a charge of last week had a big loading derrick rape, and was held over to Superior '"''K' to sink in the sound and were Court for alleged assault upon a fe- unable to lift her. They towed th male by a male over IS years of agt Attempt To Take Life Of Georgia Mayor Columbus, Ga.. May 22 (By Associated Press) The city and county commissioners met today to consider measures to be taken, as the and H. W. Sanders, secretary-treas-result or an attempt on the lire of urer. Mayor J. Homer Dimon by bombing at Front City, toward apprehension of the perpetrators who are believed to hav opposed the commission form of government here. CLINK AT HERTFORD TO BE OPENED Tl'KSDAV Hertford. May 20. Miss h. Lowe, State nurse, of Raleigh, N. C, has been In Hertford during the past I week making arrangements for the clinic which will be opened Tuesday, May 23. Several rooms up stairs at the court house have been converted into a tairly comfortable looking hos pital. Other nurses will be here as Opportunities to secure or raise follows: Misses Staten. chief clinic """ir tuning certllicat.-s are off-red nurse. Sockwell and Hobbs of ,llP Hev,"n '""'' summer schools Greensboro; Ray and Buchan of San- ,M 1,H'1 1,1 Northeastern North ford; Dunn of Raleigh and Guffey of ,'r,,'n " ' '"K May. June and July, Loulsburg. Dr. W. W. Sawyer of Elizabeth City will make examina tions and operate and Dr. Frank . 154.100 Smllh will administer the anaesthe . 17.900 tic. Both men are experts In their respective fields. There are about four hundred children In Perquim- ans County who ought to report to the clinic; but applications so far have only been made by forty or fifty. It is expected that many will report on the tlrst day of the clinic. I It has been announced that Hie clinic will be open to visitors next Monday afternoon from five to six o'clock. The Woman's Missionary Society entertained last Thursday evening at the Methodist church in honor of Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Diiling. who will move to Pamplln, Virginia, the jiirst week In June, where Mr. Dullng has accepted the pastorate In the Baptist church. Mrs. G. T. Hawkins made the presentation speech. She was followed by speeches from Rev. Dullng, T. M. Grant, pastor of the M. E. church, and Rev. Joslah El liott. Refreshments consisting of DID NOT GO TO JAIL Bruce Puckett, young while man who was tried In recorder's court Ivere Saturday morning on a charge of transporting liquor, did not spend 'Friday night In Jail, as was stated HALL LEADS OL"OTT Portland. Ore., May 22 ( Hy The Associated Press)- Charles Hal led Governor Olcott by 208 votes In the Republican nomination for Governor early today. RAILWAY DRYDOCK SOON COMPLETED CitV Iron Works Ha$ New Equipment On Par With That Of Big City Corporations A railway drydock with a lifting capacity which will take care or any boat COmlng in this river, under con- Btrintioii at the Riverside Drive plant of the Elizabeth City Iron 'nrka Supply Company, since about the middle of January, is now approaching completion and will be ready to lie put into service, it is believed, by the middle of June. Huilt at a cost of about $40,000 by the Crandall Engineering Com pany, drydock engineers of Boston, Mass.. this drydock, officials of the Elizabeth City Iron Works & Supply Company say, will give them facili- ties second to none for handling any work that can come into this har bor. The Crandall Engineering Company Is one of the largest con rems of its kind In America, having "is precisely tne same tning as m.u of the big Norfolk corporation but built, (ft course, on a smaller scale, It embodies the latest engineering ideas In drydock railway construc- tion. "Another piece of equipment at vessel Into the harbor here and with our shearleg derrick she was prompts ly raised high enough to pump her out and Is now back in commission." Mr. Sanders has photographs show ing this derrick lifting a small boat bodily from the water and swinging a railway locomotive high in the air. The Other officials of the Elizabeth City Iron Works & Supply Company ore Andrew Sanders, vice president. PLAY OFF TIE GAMK Tl'ESDAY The Elks and Cubs will play off a tie game Tuesday afternoon at five thirty o'clock on the Main street dia jnond. The proceeds of the game will be applied upon the college ex penses of Robert Ixiwry. who Is ex pected to return from Wake Forest Tuesday morning. The usual ul- mission price of charged. - 15 cents will be COUNTY SUMMER SCHOOL OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES "" """'" """ling eiememary cer- tlllcates, those of lower grade, and for 'those w ho do not hold certificates. Teachers from any county may at tend any one of the following sum mer schools, each or which will con tinue six weeks from the opening dates: Washington, May 29; Tren ton. June 12; Elizabeth City. June 12; Manteo. June 14; Chowan Col lege. June 19; Jacksonville, June 16, and Oriental, June 27. The Hummer school to be held at Elizabeth City is specially for teach ers or Currituck. Camden. Pasquo tank, Perquimans. Washington, and Tyrrell Counties, but others may at tend from counties In which no sum mer school will be held this year. Prof. A. B. Combs, principal of th Elizabeth City High School, will lie director-Instructor, and the other In structor will be Miss Eleanor HusUe. of th" Kayettevllle Graded Schools, who hiis served at two previous sum mer schools here. A third instructor will be secured if tlie attendance justifies It. Teachers planning to attend the County slimmer school here should write County Superintendent M. P. Jennings for Information concerning arrangement concerning board, or regarding any nhnse of the summer school work. With bathing, boating, bsseball and other summer diver sions, the attending teachers are as sured a pleasant vncation along with six weeks of valuable Instruction. A STATEMENT I am Informed that one of my op ponents ror Trial Justice says that H I a m elee'ed 1 cannot hold the office. I not being a licensed lawyer. He being a lawyer should know better than that. U I am elected I will ; hold the office, so he need not worry, ndv T. B. WILSON.

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