WEATHER Fair tonight and Thurs- ' day. Moderate northeast and east winds. t CIRCULATION Tuesday 1,7GG Copies r J r, (, f. k fcUZAUETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY EVE SI NO, .MAY 21, rll 'OUR I'AOES NO. 12:; VOL. XU. FINAL EDITION 11 j Visitor Here , conditions in um w ona """" Charles Blades, Who Returned Early This Month From Cruise To Europe And The Mediterranean. Found Thins Different From Fifteen Year. Ago An interesting commentary on Old World conditions at the close of the n . World War is given by Charles G. BUail ReprCSCntatlVC Blades, of Laurel, Del., who is now visiting his brother Dr I S Blades, CrC In POtatO SCaSOIl add other relatives in this city. Mr. , , , , AI rtu rnm n B tides returned May 5th from a , , ,,,,, .!fll Government .Man Will Receive Dai.y three-months cruise with his w 1IP .,.,... , . . , ,,. T , nnrtnov -Market He ports By Telegraph, And ;:',.l n-ece, Mtss Laura E. Itoaney, ... , , . . ., . . ,,Qa Atlantic Avuilablo To All Inlcieslcil aboard the great trans-Atianut . . Q.f,tiand" . e.mer fcmp "j Daily Government reports for t'-r iugb the Mediterranean bea, anu .m,,,,, f ,r) to mint in Spain, France and Eng- growei-s and shippers of early Irish ? He made almost identically Potatoes in this section are assured. he san e trip fifteen years ago. and is the visit of Secretary .lob, l ie therefore to draw comparison, " the Chamber of Commerce, to the a v instances between conditions Bureau of Markets at Washington, nU existing, as compared with then. D. C on Monday. Mr. Job returned Mr. and Mrs. Blades and Miss Rod- ' tins city Wednesday morning, ney were among the 900 passengers bringing the news that George E. who sailed from New York aboard Price, representative of the Bureau. tin "Empress of Scotland" February wiU 1,e SP"t to Elizabeth City about -h At their breakfast tables the 5th of June, and that after his aboard ship each morning were laid arrival, he will furnish daily reports copies of the ship's newspaper, giv- received by telegraph on potato ing wireless reports of the current 'movements, prices and the condition news, and keeping the passengers al- ot the principal markets. most as. closely in touch with the The Government representative world's more important happenings w l" xvlrp t" olllPr Clties similar sta- xnl folki nr. F. P. Gates, one of the w, , hs' "' e"ige v . id.wns nn, as if they had been in their own tbtics on the Elizabeth City market best-known and most popular phys.- hpr llo,,le 0,1 V,,nteT Kt,'ei't We'1 homes in America. each (,a'' will be made dans of MantP0 and Darp Countv. nesday morning at seven o'clock. The quaint city of Funchal. on the availal)le t0 the publi? ,on,the rn was found dead Tuesday morning. " wa8f f68yr.B ,' 'An'! A island of Madeira, off the African ln s Pr:C(,,at two o'clock each af- Deatn is .believed to have been due of Sali.sbu.y, Md but had coast, was the 1rst port at which the . The' wi" bfi nlailP(l t0 to heart failure. ''"' "-r home here for the last 32 party stopped. When the passengers "'eryone who appl'.es for them. Tins Dr. Gates is thought to have been y''11- went ashore, they were carried sight- ,s ,0 bc b' far the spr- -lead ever since Saturday night. He "er husband, Mrs. Par seeing in curious sleds, drawn by bul- vlrf ,hat ,Uu sec,ion has ever h was last seen in the hotel ,obby Sat- ' -vved by one son. S B. locks over the smoothlv paved street, a"d U w' haV(' a "doncy. accord- urday afternoon, and had been In i';1'- a"(l Uvo d"',tprs-,M"' of the ancient city The sleds held illg t0 Mr' Job' to boost prices for Norfolk more than a week. He bad ''('n a'' M's. M. G. four passengers each, and were driv- loaI Krowers an1 "hlppers. been in bad health for several years, M'irr.sotte. All live at this city, en by two natives one of whom urged Mr' Jo,) found 0I,,imiK1 at the Bu- ,, ha(1 ma(le fr(J(,lient trins t0 Nor. There are also several grandchildren, the bullock alonp while the other r,'nu ot Markets over the outlook fo!k for mPr,.ral treatment. He was Tlle funcral wiU be conducted at b,sied h'mself with a large piece of t,,r Northeastern North Carolina po- ab0ut sixty years of age. " City Road Methodist church at meat kin tied to a string which was tatweB- He was tol(1 thnt tlle S()uth thrw' cl,,CK l h,lrKday afternoon by looped about his wrist and which he Carolina season Is now at it, height. HANKKRS .USTHS W'AYH OK ,flyers' . threw alternately under one and the a"d tl,at 1 f e' alon with the ,old , MKKTIXO Kl'UOrEAX I'KOBLKM U,la0.n nd Jame8 " other of the runners to make them Pta,0PS stl'' ," ha." 8houldbP n , ' giin . , , Thayer. giide more smoothly over the paving (cleaned by June fifth- the p Par ifl' TMaj',24 By The Associated g(oneg 7 which bulk shipments from this sec- Press) Leading bankers from many START A KOI M) WORLD ., , ... , tion are expected to begin moving, nations with J. P. Morgan as Ameri- SU,1,..K I)o,vn the Mountain gtresgpd cgn rPpre8entat,ve are today ,. C royden England May 24 (By One feature of Funchal that in- ne f(jr carefu, d , cussing the financial means for settle- The Associated Press)-MaJor W T. variably attracts tourists, according mrn(s from Xonh CaroIlna, and e. ment of the European situation with Bl-ke and two companions started on to Mr. Blades is the trip by cog rail- dared that (he QW wn ,ike, a ioan to Germany considered as one a lhlrty thousand mile airplane flight mad to the top of Funchal Moun- be we rewarded for cl()ge attentlo of the first measures necessary. ,around theworld today. tain. Once at the tor ..the oumt tQ that u ,8 urged that fam. gets into a small sled operated by ers ,n th,s hoId sn1pment8 Is friticaMy III ' Mrs. Arthur Sawyer of Norfolk' two Madelrans, who gu de it with unU, June 5(h Lutie Edith Hall, daughter of Rev. 'came out on the night express Tues- great speed down a long inclined wll,e he wag ,n Washingtoni Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Hall, 629 West Main day to attend the funeral of her (.r.yeway to the base of the mountain Job ,earned (hat a Coagt Guard c t 8treet. has been critically ill since father, W. J. Morse, who died Tues- an on Into the city The sled is pr w go(jn re Carolina. Sunday night. day afternoon. pn'led .by gravity, and reaches rail- n condernned, and will be I road tra'n velocity that would mean . , . . ' x. ., A, I . . .. placed in service under the direction , A . sr-rsr. t Contestants Are Busy At U ' F hi t! ti thought, will be large enough to SSr Gathering Subscriptions thr. i,io.i,.. ii . f Seventh District for which the capa- tno highest accessible points of a ,. , 1 . Sir r,n;rT: Nearly Everyone In Race In Earnest Effort To TuL Tit wUh th7V ,M;, K "TIZ Z r Obtain Enough Subscriptions To Place Her In thahVlHai'i tocaPTure Uni before ca8,,,ns' wlirn regu,ar boat s"rvitp e Leacl for tne Handsome Ford Sedan it reaches bottom a half dollar as ,af'kinf. t0 f;,rry tllG mai,s t0 ' thrown by a passenger into the ,Ma",,;- and m of "owning the water. While here all who wished bat 'req'iently went to the spot !,! , ' J' ' ' 1, J ' Mons of all b,,,,,,-, both old ones could see former Emperor King fevered ho nrtun's body. In one " f ,'t ' and new ones, and make your vote Charles of Austria then exiled by the T', 3 t is near'mg l e ii f , e o I ,"t!,, ,'":h ilS Allies. He seemed to spend most of Nor,f(,11 holtal a " wod'd " t, ( , j t A '0,1,pf!ta"t lll:l' "' '"""" his time in the open air, playing a "- These activities were f; ' ; , ' , v;es issued on subscriptions to bring much with his children on the spa- "R,'il1 ,;np ' ""y "f the nVnt larh Z thai th" winn!" will l"e lH,'l V,;t(; J"'0"0- n cious grounds contiguous to his VeSel be the contestant who uses svstem D'stv.-t N,nnter Om home Manv were a,hlened by the etary Job also brought back l";MU'1, C" st,U ' (WlH' "hes 8JhUm Miss Gladys Adam. 17,250 nnv. fl-1ed to the ship by wireless the news that the survey of Elizabeth w t ' ' ne oeierminat on to w in. M las Gold'e Sanderlin 29.400 of Irs sudden death soon after their ''ity liru',,or was Included in the Rlv- -5' system is meant more than MjH9 KhMU, siiVprthorn ... 31,200 d ep'rtur from the i. an ers and "arbors bill, which passed on py""n t,,e Pac ice of know- Ms Aur)lla S(nihl 147.600 The next st", of the Empress of Mo,,day- The survey item was in- ing how WAPl1 a (''""-,a" p'd is Thos. P. King, Jr 34.850 Scotland"' a C d Spa n From trodu(ed by Congressman Ward, and en f , SURK"fn t0 ery Mis- Kdna Sanders 148.950 fiat ritv the Lm v n t b y' rai 1? P"""""nary to the proposed dredg- :,an(,lda " ls lA ?.,mr Wn T"1 MIks Pauline Skinner 159.800 Seville, "and whl e rid ng about ti e inK a,,d llppPp"'ng of the local har- horougli ly And another suggestion Mis8 GM, gtok(s ' Greets oJ lhat city in a carriage. Mr "" The S"rVPy of a .m.H creek in 'V "? tht V" Q-nie Mae White . . . 31.200 Blades and his companions were TZLZn, VnTlT !M5n stopped bv n trafl c p an opposite an 1 '' , , . ,, , . . Mlss Sa"iR Bright 31.400 , ., . ,. , . . , aoout duriiiK tliese next four days v , tri automob; .' n w i ci four Suan ards ... , , '-dWiii hen-bee 10,, Ron .... , w. be able to give the merry ha-ha ,,,a ,,.,,., 0n, r'sS; im;;;;1:;:; mmr wood srfs rrr ' : : the Spaniards, recognizing Mr. Blades 1 I ' J H'r m " ' Vi I'; A,,r;r,,,a"- ,a" a r'"'-'at 24 The Associ- world to keep you from' being the m.Un " " ' hi, own throat, and stuck out his ilt(,(I Press.-I.eonard Wood. Gover- proud owner of the Ford sedan but M. fj, " P'V " n 'n.P,,e, :ndl,at,ng that he would like r f the Philippines, Is safe after lack of votes The fino.000 bonus ' ' i ! x ' 1 " 4S'SfMI to throttle all Amer cans and pos- bein mis'ing for thirty-six hours on vote offer is vour chance to get votes. . , ""'"'t "' er wo ' otirrtr . , . A"" M""",e "p""on' c,t ,h""' "" ' u-zx'-tzz . u nraitar, the British I or tress ,, , ., . . , , , that commands the entrance to the '"' 'ive out -f Elizabeth City Mrs' -'''Han Hal tend. Weeks Mediterranean Sea.' the party nnde l COl'RT WKDMiSDAV yo may send vmr subscriptions In vl,,p. Haute 1 100.150 tjc next trip ashore. , the, harbor charged with passing intersection by n". Or, if th's is incon- M . S.anb.y fL 1 ! 3 l.fiOO the passengers saw the AtnorlfHi , , i . venient, ca the contest manager M,!' ''10(l 11 lste,l(, Weeks- steamer "George Wash ngton ' " M ! TTZ 5 , e i w allows ' How "VPr tbe and teil him how v.lle. Route 1 104.700 helpless at anchor by reason of i n r th, Ht n't L" '"8f'y '""Hcrlptlons you have, and ''iss G. L. Harrell, R. R ....144,900 ground glass put into the engine , , "i " thp "p"d them in by the first mall rey. Manteo . . . 20.600 bearings by members of a dlsaffect d h v 1 , " Z 8 Cnmin fro'" y01"" P "f rPS'" ra,V'" ,rH,S'"a,, WM'kR' here Wednes, ay morning dpnrp f ( J vill(1, RnutP , 4S100 A,er,c-s ,)l.u,v,aKe ,d HieH of 1. m 5 S t"f'ne- r mail postmarked h. Mary M. Evans Manteo 21600 At this point in his narrative of the f M.Tr. Jd . I -r wa"s lun H J;'0" " Saturday night, - M- -J", "..ngton . rip Mr. Blades digressed to declare in tnP absence of the flefendant to a"',f,bPf SZ ,t M ' I 1 t ' WeeLs that America cannot hope to engage June 24. pr"f f nia11 ,nK time- if yur lp,,pr vllle Route 167 onn successfully n competition w'th cnmP9 Promptly. ,., 1 ' Rou,P 1 167,900 other ntinn. '""'P"'" ' Miss Mabel Evans, Manteo . . 12,100 Hue nil. n n le SKUAI.L MAN DKAB Use'your energy and determination Mrs. O. Halstead. WeeksvHie 19.200 dl, .hi . G.overnme"t 8,lbB- Memphis? May 24 (By The Associ- during these next four days to win- Miss Callle Jones, Manteo.. 15.800 r'ne Pro.. J merc,hant n,a- ated I Charles Frank, South- nlng a car. It will be won by rotes. Miss Rstelle Mann, Manteo .. 27.100 ne. irewg or foretgn sh,ps wl Prn baRpball flgur6t ded here today and Mn iubHcr,pt0M to ear Mr j JennlnM Weeksville 12.650 continued on Page 2 after a long ITIness. votes. Therefore, roll in subscrlp- Continued on Page 3 Describes T r1 1 TIT 11 DANGER TO BABIES rrvn nvi r Ik I tit I II III Ik r. Ill 1 1 II I V w 1 I 1 1 i. H 1 V 1 Mothers Will Be Given i,arili,K l'"r "m' llis "T1 il",'nsiv' Instruction AlongJ lign. He planned to spend Wed- Lines Proper Feeding i. afternoon, Thursday and During Baby Week l'Zl '" "u ,lly , , , One of the most important tea- ' , ture8 of ,he -Baby Week" clinic to hlB opponents in the race for the be hpld lu,re I1PXt week is the in- 801 , , P' , ... .,-,, 1 .tructlon in the care and proper " ay a "iTk J Jm, handling of milk intended for young Mr, "' 11 1 s"dk ; , children Unfortunately this city a J - J'f J' f .fC' doe8 not have tiie proper inspection ' 1 , . ,. . . , At eight ncock Monday night, he of cows and milk at present, and one . ,, , ,,,, 1 wi speak at Manns Harbor, Dare is in danger of gett ng impure milk ,, , r . . , ., , ( ouiilv. i net Tuesday arternoon at for young children. , , . ... . . ... h ... one o c oek he wil deliver an address Jt )s n,.cessary f()r everv mother to t L , . . . ., ,. . . , . . at the court bouse at Manteo. lues- Know the proper diet for her baby, s(.hpd. and how to prepare the milk so as to , , , ... , ' ' uled to make a speech at Wanchese. ". " J, n Wednesday of next week, a J ' J Mr. Smail will go to l-en.nimans F" '" ru n 0 ePgiven fr e of Co""ty i,ml wil1 B"Pak at t,,e ('urt "a house at Hertford at 8.15 o'clock. Jurl "J h s c 1 nic, and t Thp folowlnK nigli, yt piRht o,,1()(;k 10 h 1 ;,h"B " he will deliver an address at the out the si, nin e diseases '""o.iHe t K.lenton. and he will .8ta P "( 1 he s mm r diseases (h(i v(jtpr ()f city amon young cnnqren mis season. an( j,as,luotank county at the court . , house here Friday night, June 2, at Manteo Physician Dies the same hour. Of Sudden Heart Attack ' MltS. (i. V. I'AKSONS DK.Vl) Pressed and sitting in a chair in his room at the Lorraine Hotel, In AftPr an lllness of a,)0ut four Making Last Addresses . . Walter L. Small, PasquouiiiK ('(Unity's candidate for solicitor, was in lie riiv Wednesday morning pre-' ELKS BLANK CUBS ill A MEDLEY OF ERRORS Evans Holds Opponent To Three Mils While Balling or Minion And Henderson Bring Victory Fielding errors sandwiched be tween battery errors gave the Elks Tuesday's game over the Cubs by the score of 6 to 0. While the Elks played the belter game and would have won, these errors were the main factors in the scoring. Evans for the Elks was in form and showed a diversified mix ture of curves and fast ones, occa sionally resorting to llis slow ball. He was given good support except in one inning, the second, when the Cubs tilled tbe bases after Hoyce reached first on Bell's error. Holmes singled and Evans walked, White filling the bases. C. Davis was vn able to meet the emergency and went out on strikes retiring the side. The Elks scored their first run In the first inning when Hinton singled to left but due to poor fielding lie reached third before the ball was re turned to the infield. On a short passed ball Hinton scored. Tbe Elks scored the remaining five runs witli a mixture of hits, several of which should have been easy chances, with a few errors which do not show In the box score as tabulated belou. Henderson and Hinton secured two hits each for the Elks and their timely hits were responsible for most of the scoring. The box score: ELKS Ah. R. II. E. Reid, 3b 4 1 1 1 Iteveridge. 2b 4 2 1 0 Hinton, cf 4 1 2 0 Henderson, ss 3 0 2 0 Falls, rf 3 0 II 0 Bell, c 3 0 0 1 W. Weatherly, If 3 0 1 0 E. Weatherly, lb 3 0 0 1 Evans, p 2 2 1 0 Total 29 C 8 3 (HIS Ah. R. H. E. C. Davis, 2b 3 0 0 1 .Trueblood, lb ... 3 0 0 0 Caddy, c 3 0 1 1 Xorris, p 3 0 0 1 Boyce, If 2 0 0 0 Brick house, rf 3 0 1 0 J. Davis, 3b 3 0 0 0 Holmes, cf 2 0 1 0 White, ss 2 0 0 0 t Kirby 1 0 0 0 t Spear 1 0 0 0 Total 26 0 3 3 t Batted for Boyce in 6th. t Batted for Holmes in 7th. Three base hit Hinton. Two base hit Reid, Hinton, Brick I house. Umpire Brocket!. Time of game 1 hr. 20 mln. DR. HA LI HA ASKS C;l ESTION IX BEHALF I'KA GROWERS "May peas that sell here for six cents a quart are retailing in New York City at thirty cents, according to authoritative information I re ceived Tuesday," stated Dr. John Sa liba, president of the Pasquotank-Cauideti-Dare Medical Society, Tues day afternoon, "and it seems to me that the f-rmers ought to ask 'Where does the oilier 24 cents go?' Allow ing live cents a quart for freight and other expenses of handling, there still remains the sum of 19 cents a quart. Does all this go Into die pocket of the middle man?" PACKANT DEPICTS SOME HCKXES FROM TWO WARS Richmond, May 21 (By The Asso c'uted Press)- Scene's depicting the Incidents of the American Revolu tionary War and the Warof 1812 were featured in the parade opening the third day's activities of the Vir ginia historical pageant. LATE BULLETINS ! Charleslown, W. Vu., May 24 (By The AsFOfi.'lto.l Press i The electric transmission i'ne tower of the Vir ginia Power Company was dynamit ed near E'berton, Fayette County, today. Eight mines were closed as n result, according to James C, Smith, commercial manager of the company. Washington, May 24 (By The As sociated Press) Attorney General Daugherty was charged .by Senator Caraway, Democrat, of Arkansas, in the Senate today with having as signed secret service operatives to shadow members of Congress. Jackson, Miss., May 24 (By The Associated Press) Miss Frances Blrkhead's $100,000 damage suit against Governor Lee M. Russell, al leging breach of promise and serine ton. was filed In the Hinds County circuit court today. FREIGHT RATES ! Interstate Commerce ' Commission An- nounces Decision Effective July 1 j Washington. May 24 (By The As sociated Press) Reduction In freight rates averaging about ten per cent were ordered today by the Interstate i Commerce Commission In the deci sion resulting from an inquiry into (lie general rate structure ot the na tion. The cut .was fixed nt fourteen per cent In eastern territory, at thirteen and one-half in western, at twelve and one-half In southern and moun tain Pacific territory. All reductions are effective July 1 and constitute a greater cut than was generally expected. The coin mission in ordering the decreases, which are on a horizontal basis, held that the railroads are entitled to earn five and three-quarters per cent on the value of their property rather than approximately six per cent, fixed as a reasonable return In the transportation act of 1 9 20. Passenger and pullman rates are unaffected. Agricultural products are not affected by the reduction, the voluntary cut made by the railroads on January 1st substituting for the decision on these commodities. The commission defined the per centages of reduction in the southern district us twelve and one-half per cent instead of t lie twenty-five per cent authorized in 1920. The coin mission expressed the conclusion that "assumption that railroad rates can or should be stabilized on the pres ent high basis is futile." Wall Street Relieved New York, May 24 (By The Asso ciated Press) Wall Street received with evident relief the news of the railroad freight reductions by the In terstate Commerce Commission. Most better known railroad stocks were conspicuously strong at tbe opening of the market with gains running from fractions to over one point. Wage Cut XereMNMi'y Richmond, May 24 (By The Asso ciated Press) A wage cut and other reductions in operating ex penses will be necessary by the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway to meet the reduction of freight rates order ed by the Interstate Commerce Com mission, William J. Harasan, the president, declared this morning. SENIORS WILL PRESENT COMEDY FRIDAY NIGHT The Senior play, "Men, Maids and Matchmakers," a comedy in three acts, will be given at the High School auditorium Friday night. The cur tain rises at elpbt o'clock, and from its rise to the close of the last act. one amusing situation after another is developed. The comedy is built around the comical antics of an old German doc tor, who persistently offers himself ih a candidate for the hand of one of the more charm ing lady characters. "Men. Maids and Matchmakers" is declared to lie one of the most excru ciatingly funny comedies ever pre sented in this city. Sukes Escape After Rep? Plsced On fleck IrwingtMi. Ga., May 24 (By The Associated Press) Jim Deiison, ne gro, is believed to have broken all lynching records by escaping from a mob after the rope was placed about bis neck, and is reported to he at tempting to elude tbe sheriff's posse and reach the Macon mob proof Jail. J I XKRAL GliORGE W ATERS The funeral of George Waters was conducted lit three o'clock Wed nesday afternoon at the home of bis sister, Mr-. (1. K. Horner, by II v. (i. F, Hill. Music was rendered by tin) Blackwell Memorial male quartet. Interment was made in Hollywood. George Waters, Jr., Mrs. S. W. C'harltos and Mrs. Edna Oaks, rela tives from Norfolk, were here to at tend the funeral. A large nuinher or friends from this community were prer-ent. 1(1' RIAL W. .1. MORSE THURSDAY AFTERNOON The burial of William J. Morse, who died Tuesday afternoon, will take place at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon In Hollywood cemetery. The services will be conducted at the grave by Uev. N. H. D. Wilson., Vote for Ce'i'ge .1. Sp'-ncs for Trial Jitst'pe. He will arprecia" your support and vote. adv

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