WEATHER Probably cloudy to- night and Friday. Little r'.iano in temperature. Moderate winds. CIRCULATION Wednesday 1,736 Copies VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 25, 1!22 EIGHT PAGES NO. 124 To Build Next Road Through Mt. Hermon Pasquotank Highway Commission Makes Deci sion Thursday After One Of Stormiest Ses sions On Record, And Will Proceed With The Work Immediately Since Necessary Funds Are Available SPEAR PITCHES CUOS TO VICTORY iFire Destroys The ! Orpheum Theater Portsmouth, Va., May 25 (Ily The District Fair Will Be Most Entertaining Yet i, . . Associated Press) Fire destroyed. Red Men Dciifcnsc (;s To Pieces , ' , m, . .u it . 1 1 fju-i.... ....... i the Orpheum Theater In the Hotel i ; , Monroe Building this morning, rout- . Wednesday c.ame (he guests jn thelr nWU ;loth. wni Be Held Here Tuesday To Friday, October ing, damaging the Masonic lenipie and a Baptist church. In a loosely played game in which the errors made douhled the number of hits, the Cubs defeated the Red Men Wednesday by the score of 7 to Ynilth flf fllPPtpPn 1. The Cubs took the lead In the UUL1I Ul IIIHClCbll third Inning when Spear singled to left with the 'bases full, two runs scoring and after this inning the Confessed Murderer The road from Black Head Sign Post, five miles from 1 cubs were never in danger of 'being this city on the Woodville Road, extending through Mt. Her mon township four miles to Bundy's Corner, will be the next highway paved by the Pasquotank Highway Commission. This road is to be nine feeti wide, constructed of brick laidjState Not TO PaVB upon a rolled-out iounuauun. Connecting with the Hertford- Elizabeth City segment of the Camden, N. J., May 25 (By The 10th to 13th, Inclusive. And Will Likely In clude Spectacular Aerial Attack Upon City On The Opening Day ' Tuesday to Friday, October 10th to 13th, inclusive, are the dates set for the 1922 Albemarle District Fair the big gest, livest, most entertaining, and most complete Fair ever headed. Spear pitched a steady game Associated Press) George Elmer held at Elizabeth City, if present plans are carried into ef- and was furnished good support by Munroe, nineteenyears old, today fect. his teammates. Spear himself con- confessed to Camden County author-' ,. , t n. v I tributed two errors, both of which lties ()f the kiUing of Ida Kramer, j The directors of the Pair As-! were unnecessary. He attempts to aKed seven of Woodbury, and to the sociation, in special meeting at Twn Klllpff AnH Flffht cover too much territory for a hurler., throwing of her body into a creek. Ithp Criamhpr nf flnmmprre 1 "U IIICU H,,U tlb- With this defect remedied he will He was out at work and kidnapped n o iv,lD,ln ;v,f probably be one of the league's lead-' the girl for rans(m, he said. ; Quarters ednesday night, ing pitchers. cnose the dates namen in order: Chory started In the box for the MANY BASEBALL MEN 'that, all Northeastprn North! Jacksonville. May 25 (By The As- lizaoein ony dcKh.c..i, v,.. w.v Red Mp1 aiu, n d sailing until I . r., , rnt,wv- - . sociated Press .Charles H Kersey im.i. nr V..rth ('ni n e iwiv . .. A TTF N f F! I N F R A I FR A N K Turn inn miirnt Vijivp nn nnnnr.i B0( ,tUe1 1 n ss ' "ries n. iersej autnonzeaaiaLe iiignway num - y - --"-7 'i me tnira wnen ne seemea unaDie to' aml Kllford McKeel of Atlanta were linitir fnr ailon unto a trr'inu- . j Edenton to uurruucK, u wui H , ... H iwislon :, . v..w.- ,,, , Tk ' J 1 """M M "f1 Bine were in'Brea ma own uowniau oy missing a ny, ...c...,....n. ...a, . D ,urai representation. I in an automobile collision today on ball which was in Bufflap's territory Cated Press) Charles Frank, dean: rommlttee of ten mpn .....,. ! the highway between Jacksonville and after he jammed the bases in the, of Southern baseball men, who died I A c e of ten men, eomprls third he became unstead and was re- 'early yesterday, was buried at For- ( - ' I' ,or rd"(ly' . T' McCabe', moved in the following inning, Sey- est I II 11 .etery today h s. H. Pa;gon8 s. G. Sn)U; c i niuur succeeding nun. Seymour neui i uaocuan men mi vugnum mc tnum the scoring down, the only run being attending the funeral. Ehringhaus Route Injured In Collision Uphold Hart In Main St. Decision give the people whom it serves, tnwnshin rpadvl The entire jll ill Vi liVllUUIl kv .. ...... w -- State Highway Com- highway access to Elizabeth nesday afternooni 8t00d squarely be- City and other points. The 'hind Commissioner Hart in his decl hairmnn and sprrpfarv of the's'on to rinz the Woodville road Into County Highway Commission ! thlS ?Uy H Way !, Malf ,ald CbUrf,h ' scored during his stay was due to the ouniy mgiiwajr vjuunmoaiuii streets. The meeting had been call-; ... . , , -were authorized to place orders ; ed by Mr. Hart specially for the con-1 owing a Cuh to make the drcut du9 Pitcher In lUred BY for sand, brick and other neces-j station of the two possible routes t0 poor handUng ot a 8lngle t0 left fcV ' ' Batted uau loaay 1... U n f , . J . nA n Urt rlhl rv mafpriah as DromDtlv as ,Ui 1 ul"""oa,u"' a"u " " center. sary materials as promptly as hl8 recommendaUon8 tl Eh ln hausj flrgt pOSSlDie, in oraer mat iae wuin street entrance was aennueiy arop- may not be delayed. The foregoing decision was reach ed by the Highway Commission ped. :gave a poor exhibition while Daily at iiniiu ior me same team snows lm BISHOP KILGO ILL W. Stevens, G. G. Markham and K. j Memphis, May 25 (By The Asso- F. Spencer were appointed to sell dated Press) liishop John C. Kilgo, i $3,000 In stock to provide funds for'of the Methodist Episcopal church, the erection ot the Agricultural South, In a hospital here, rallied to ; Building, in which the products r day after a relapse, physicians stat ' Northeastern Carolina will be exhlb- jng that he Is now resting comfort jlted at this year's Fair. I ably, although his condition Is still j A mock aerial attack upon Eliza- serious. Five members of the Pasquotank T I 1 1 II I. . .. A I J Un,,.. nignway i..uuiuussiu.., . . num., atnrrpj in tVlo ,,. wh,u r 1 A TP Innta T W Vnroman .T J . . . . . Thursday morning after a two-hourj ; ' ' '' . ' '" ileal his team in hitting, session that was one of the stormiest Morris nd O. F. Gilbert were . pre-1 The ,)ox gcore: ever held by that body. Commission-,.1 et,- a"d ed TFW ers J Wesley Foreman and O. L.IMa,n street entrance approved by Ab. R B ndy whose firms will be directly Ht. They were ;compan.-d c Dilvls, 21) 4 , served by the road, led the fight for ! er L CKm ojy for , od lfc immediate construction as the ' " ' ... , , aanny. c ,i i 1 Philadelphia. May 25 (13y The As- bth City, with machine guns mount-1 Wilbur Hubbell, ed upon roofs tiring upon tne invad-, ( HAl'TAi yi A (JI AHANTOHS its next roadbuilding project ot the i; ; ' c" " ' ,c.1 ; ' ' . t9lf. p Norris, If 4 , . chant, both of whom made talks en- n-i-n.,,.. o rnmni Rft nn. Thev were suDDorted , ' i Urickhouse, rf S by Commisaioners Morris and A. E Jones. Opposing them were Com missioners A. B. Houtz, the chair- j , . .1-- H.l. . .,. aorsing me .viam succi iuuic. Spear p Tne iDnringnaus street, auvoraveni were W. H. Jennette, Hon. J. C. B. ' 3 J. Davis, 3b , . 2 Holmes, cf 3 Ehringhaus, Carl Commander, Mrs.!"" 7" g , ' man, O. F. Gilbert and F. F. Cohoon. Hm v.m w s iwhfte- 83 J 1 Annie Ives, Herman Newbern. W. S. Newbern and J. D. Winslow. Mr. Ehringhaus was the spokesman of that delegation. The vote was, as indicated, four to three in favor of the project. Commissioner Bundy opened the fight for the Mt. Hermon road by of- m : A .noAl.irfnn In ihaholf r f ltd lfl lHg U icSUIUliuu ill ucuou immediate construction, after Chair- J)augherty Holds Part man Houtz had announced that thej Contract Commission na npi" ujumaicij 000 available for use now, which is Hr,win- interest, and should be! Washington. May 25 (By The As- !..., 11 . . i v..Air.... tt- ii. tti . MdLiaifU ricnaj ,,iu.iiicui. i v,i inc ii.iiiiiirn Ino- alruhina onrl Iwiliilm drnnlllntr lull 11 ucrTlVi TnvmilT pitcner, was severely injured louay '"t - ,,,.. ..H , ..irinii.iv in the first eame between Philadel- upon the city from the air, Is a lead- nhia and Brooklyn when he was ing free attraction proposed for the1 Chautauqua guarantors will meet trck on he head fby Lll batted bv day ot the Fair. ,at the Chamber of Commerce roons fflh ftata For the Fourth of July, the Fair! In the Community Building Thur Association is considering a program 'lay night at eight o'clock to map out lot horse and motorcycle races in the; Plana for making the proper ar Vnmor ninlni14t RotC afternoon, and the Merchants Asso- rangements for this year's Chautau rUllllCI UIJIUIildl UCld ! cation is busy arranging special at- 'Hi a and for such other business as I - TnfM In DrSenn tractions for the morning, probably may come before them. A full at LOng lerni 111 I llSOn to include a street parade. Further ' tendance of guarantors is desired. ! announcements regarding the Fourth I A list of the guarantors follows: W. Bon Goodwin, Ernest u. Saw- A. Chicago, May 25 (By The Assocl- celebration will be made In later Is- ated Press) A sentence of twenty sues of this newspaper. Total 26 7 4 3 KED MKX Ab. R. H. E. Invalid Daily. 3b 2 0 Harris, lb 3 1 Armstrong. If 3 0 years In prison on a charge of inclt-, Ing recent disturbances in French j . . mandate territory In Syria was meted OVertOll I Nfll dBt out to Charles It. Crane, of Chicago, former American minister to China, l..r llin TPcnnit. tv. ? 1 i f n .r nnnrl of q 11 llic iruwi .uiiiibai vuuii j q Damascus, according to a copyrighted 1 0 ' yer, Herbert Peele, W. L. Small, iH. Houtz, I.arry Ennls Skinner, W. C. Sawyer, Zenas Fearing, A. S. Neal, IN. C. Clark, Darius White, P. G. i Sawyer, M. L. Sheep, T. C. Jones, Fni flOYt TllPCflilV Thos- J- Markham, S. B. Parker, rUI IIGAl I Ubdlldj rtcnar(i c. Job, Cam W. Melick, F. G. Jacocks. W. H. Zoeller, H. A. Warrants charging Officer George ; nrownley. G. F. Derrlckson, L. S. ' ,1 lo, ,.! li n,,KllcViot hll tho Pfilnalrn Cooper, 2b 2 0 0 0 , " " ,Twiddy, Pete Sawyer, Horatio Sey- j,la(le Robert R. Taylor, M. P. Jen- Seymour, c & p 3 Ballard, rf 3 Chorp, p 2 Bufflap, ss 2 Pappendlck, cf 1 Modlln, ss 0 0 Dally News 2 THURSDAY COIKT DOINGS 1: rcrnost Turnm?? colored, rhareed Jr.. a young negro, on Sunday morn-1 n wniinma r. n T.lttln. Geo. W vj . . . mour, Lin wood Cartwrlght and Ralph ;njnf?s w. T. Ixive, Jr., Geo. A. Cuthrell, members of a party alleged j jwiddy, W. P. Skinner, C. H. Brock, to have snot down uavis uvenon, s 0 Rtherldge, A. R. Nicholson, C. 0 with carrying passengers In the city Ing, April 2, while attempting to ar-; Brothers, J. W. Wilcox, J. P. Green- 1 without the required license, paid j rest him on a vagrancy charge, were )eaf w s white, Mrs. Geo. W. 0 the costs of a hearing In recorder's I Issued by Prosecuting Attorney P. G. ward. M. P. Gallop, Geo. J. Spence, court here Thursday morning. He Sawyer Wednesday afternoon, and.j p. Corbett, Stuart Wood, J. C. B. 1 2 7 ,. nio-oH nniier a oiinnpnHpd sun- Were DlaCed In the hands of thehrlniihiini W n Saunders w. A. utilised Immediately. Commissioner sociatea tress; me uyuuou v, F. F. Cohoon Immediately offered a torney General Daugherty submitted counter-resolution to the effect that to Secretary Weeks holds the con- nn flPtinn he taken until It was def- tract executed by the Government) initely known how much the Com- with the Alabama Power Company Rogers, c 2 mission has to spend. Invalid with respect to the provision of the power company, which con- Total 23 lout ur imp uoao tends that It gives them tne ngnt 10 Two base hit Armstrong. llmejteMe ()f 30 (iay8 on the roads also, sheriffs of Pasquotank and Camden Worth H c Foreman, H. K. Wll- Estimates prepared by Engineer exclusive purchase of the Muscle of game 1 hr. 15 min. Umpire' McKinley Sawyer, formerly of ' Counties, to he served upon the five. iams, J. B. Leigh, W. G. Galther, M. Higgs were then read by the secre- shoals Steam Power Plant. 'iBrockett. Ka8t Lake wag fm,nd guilty of an : The men are charged with carry- H Jf)'nPS Geo p. 'mil, A. L. Pendle- tary. Mr. Higgs reported that the j attempt to obtain money under Ing concealed weapons, and with fe- fon j s S(.(,ey. Sr., Gld Pendleton, cost of a nine-foot concrete road, . '.vithtp MOVKMFVT 1 lse pretenses, and was taxed with lonlously attacking with Intent to R s j j. HuKnM j. N. mak ng no allowance for re ntorce- 93. 00 for aU . O f e f r o m f SF V ATF TO LI U T I F.UTK the costs of the case. He Is not the kill, where serious injury was inflict-. whlt(,hllI,t Pal D. Twiddy, S. M. ment. would he approx.m. ely $ J - f,00, soT a?ter ti slaie ! SKNATR,M,T mnATh w. M. Sawyer who operates a poold. The trial of the men is set for I)o(.(t(,her L. u. chllpwlu j. p. 500 a male, as compared with $13,500 "fney spent by the Washington May 25 (By The As- room on Matthews street. Tuesday. May 30. They have been Kram(,r j Q A Woo(1, E(lH()n Carr, a mile for a brick road of the same has rerunuea me money spent uy me. wasnington, siay .1 uy i'ie placed under appearance bonds of f. w (jj,tH,r w. P. Wood. J. J. ti'irfth 'I'H rmnntniT n kin rnniirtn II I I I llic .li. niHiiu ivt mil Uliril 1 rjrin I ill xn v ill'." n - " n uuii. 1 lie net 1 c ta 1 j a ion 1 r jn 1 i u l 1 1... t- 1 . . t , 1 . AMirriM. 1 r t r i. wavin that the Commission had on hand in wlie," tn1 ""l. , .LT .! A! ' Report North Carolina Overton, the negro who is declared wlls()Ilt s. 0. 8cHtt the banks April 31, when the latest cumeu. . v, .oouC, C1 Vl oi-..aL.,.a, v..a..fiD u m n I n to have been shot by mnw member statement was rendered, $178,867.58, cording to -Mr. tiouiz, snouiu assuie cient henaie ruies permiuing uiiuin of which about $6,000 has been spent the completion of the program. Nojited debate, was Initiated at a con- since. Allowing $15,000 additional action, however, was taken upon the.ference of Republican Senators to- Washington, May 25 (By The A?- W()Uml whl(.h he received in the back for the completion of the Newland matter at the inursuay morning 1 aay. sociated Press) Reports or tne ue J. Kenyon Has No Unemployment of the party, Is now apparently recov- D . D:i:.. ered from the effects of the bullet AOdHUKC 1 aillllligo On Exhibition Here road, and $80,000 for the additional meeting. seven-foot width on the Woodville Under Chairman Houtz's plan, a road to be built by the County, Com- mile of paving would be laid on the missioner Gilbert estimated that a Riverside road; a mile from the city minimum of $75,000 Is available for limits out Southern avenue or across Immediate use. from Euclid HelghtB to the State "I have been given credit for work- Normal School; four miles out Pear ing for the Mt. Hermon road," an- tree road to Blount's Corner; three nounced Commissioner Foreman, miles on Body road; two miles out "when, in point of fact. I have made West Main street; one mile out no effort to secure its immediate con- Ehringhaus street; four miles from struction, because I would derive Weeksvllle through Salem township personal benefit from it. Now. I'll at Kehukee church; six miles into'"c" Optimistic Over Banker's Conference Sixteen paintings of various epl- partment of Labor show steady im- g . 0fferin Par CredJt provement In employment conditions , w ,t Ralelgh expedl- tions to Roanoke Island, were placed In the South. There Is practically no unemployment In North Carolina. ,lliril..v. In tho uhnw windows of . fl ... Tl 1,. ,.f nil ,1nr.,- lll'r'" inai iiHM'n, ......... .... ... ......... CUy gtorfi herfl Thurgday. Paris, May 25 (By The Associated Press) Optimism over the progress being made by the International bankers conference considering the Present Tragedy And morning. They will remain there un- inatlons will he accepted at par- . . -1 hundred cents to me uouar m. ub- . mrnln, wnpn thev will Glory of Confederacy posit in the savings department of () K(enUm f()r exhlbltlon at that city. The paintings the First & Citizens National Bank , r ... drawing four per cent interest, Is th uicnmonu, May ta yny 1 ne ference in the cod of construction of struction by the Commission Thurs that road, if we wait until the Wood- (la-v morning. ville road is completed next year?" tlle forpe'"B road plan, Mr. Nobody could give an answer. Mr. 1,m"z 8ays that nearly every family Gilbert went on to state that he fav- in the Coun,r wil' be placed within ored the building of the road, but two and "ne-half 'ilpg ' a paved thoroughly believed that It was best "'Snway. For immediate construe to postpone its construction, for rea- ,ion' he 8,,KKest8 one mile on Body sons of economy. Chairman Houtz roa(1' an(1 two mllea on Pe,artree and Commlgsloner F F Cohoon roa(1- To 1,e 1)ullt ln tne near future' agreed with him. With one more ,,e advocates the mile to the State commissioner on their (ih Normal School, by either of the two Itorical pageant. Confederate vet erans and many patriotic organiza tions participated, presenting THIRTYTV0 IflJURED cllipf ppisn(,pfl r civii war ,,avs IPOI'K (T,LKBR.TF,S MASS moving pictures, which were shown here last Novem- llPHIltlfllllV ..n.i.. ,n,,.i,l murlo hv flint German financial situation with a elated Pressl-The glory and trag-more' flllly Mited by Captain A O Clernent. to an international loan Is eny or me 1 on.eoeraie penou o. v- F ,d . ,HHUB of Th(, Advance. "" l" " 1 " 1' " ' ... . 1 u.. t.--i nnrmon nflB m 1 Rrfirv nnriravt'fi nv v v n - cran v n ih i u ine uiiiiiuk ti . ...... . nrv 17 . nn,,!n. tAt VO (1J 1 JV Iiri tlliailll, v" ' """ " " ' ,n,l it i.n iu 1 h fl t ThO fP- " ieu you piamiy, 1 am worKing ror it, " u u,e floats in a long procession featured " Roanoke Island and shall do everything In my power cPal cnurcn at weeksvllle; three , the fourth day of the Virginia his- 1)0811 "P a""w " r"'"' to have it built right away." mi.e8l, "'unus i..reeK; and tne .... nflnnt rnnfp(,(irat(, least six nwmn. , recently exhibited Commissioner Gilbert then asked l",.r-m le stretch In Mt. Hermon TC TDkll I CV erans and manv natriotic oreanlza- Wht'n ft . U. n" e' t"".t ' . at the State Museum at Charleston, the question, "What will be the dif- townsnip autnonzea for early con- IUHIII IIIIU lllUUl-Ul Mrtlfln' n,ine ...p1 1""1- ("tr""' ,f,t v ic ory .ssue, are attracted now selling at arouna 98 rent, on attention. Recently they dollar, the value of the banks of- J flt Manteo fer Is more readily apparent The, q m Hlrnilngham, Ala., May 25 (By The HKFORK MANY PIIXiRIMS ' , , f(ir (lon,r ndcity' Associated Press) Thirty-two per-, Rome. May 25 ( By The Associated .. ,, , '. ,...,i. ' v. : Women's clubs or other respons- njured. a number serl- prpHg) popp. pug celebrated inas.s ' , , .' . ',. 7r . ible organizations anywhere in North sons were injurei accepted at market m.nt.. ... 1. imllnv rnr U'H Rtrilfk iun l.nntilnn dt l.n. n.lni. l. viunijf, wur-ii n iiwmj nl Ul ill. I i:lki liil.a . ft A ...ill l, Railroad at Wo'Hllawn today. Con- the International Eucharls.ic Con-1 aownprH of Lll)r,y ds who take fusion In following the signal of the grpgs. a(lvantage of the offer-of the First & crossing flagman s believed to have . . , , " .. , , . .....- ............... ....... ! Citizens National Bank, should they Carolina may get the pictures for ex hibition purposes without expense other than the payment of express charges, by making application to A. O. Clement, Goldsboro, N. C. IX TRIAL OK lll.l.ZAKD need money before the minimum perlo dof deposit has expired may, of Charlestown. W. Va.. May 25 (By course, use them as security for The funeral of Dr. F. P. Gates, of The Associated Press) The defense loans. KIN KRAI. DR. K. P. CiATKS opposition could muster, Foreman Pron"9P(l route. a mile out West and Bundy were able to nut thpir Main street, a mile out Riverside plan through In spite of the effort, nf avenue, two miles to Salem church Gilbert, Houtz and Cohoon. 1 on 'ne Kehukee road, and two mlleBi each on the road from the Enlsconal Manteo. who wm fnnml dead Tues- a f,n1 ,""'r IroPl church at Weeksvllle, the road to ! day morning at a Norfolk hotel, was willlajn Blizzard, on trial charged American Is Eliminated " irmau.B ouniy-wioe road- Simonds Creek, and the Mt. Hermon j conducted Wednesday at Klnston. with treason In connection with the' J .'"f p,0Kranl'rulr,ln8 the ue, road. I his former home. His mother, Mrs. j arniPd march of miners In Logan ! I", " " J.""u in aoaitional A petition was presented by Mil- Lucetta Gates, and his son, Frank County. Prestwlck Scotland Mav 25 (Bv seven wounded. v-" uy vuair- ion u. sample, a leaning larmer m m. Uates, passed through this city Tl,e Associated Press) John 0. An- hp I? I , meeting Tor, the Body road section, for the early 1 Tuesday enroute from Manteo to AT CALVARV TOXIGIIT derson. of New York, only surviving afire. ine consideration or the Commission, paving of that road. It was given j Klnston to attend the funeral. His Rev. Joslah Elliott of Hertford American in the British amateur j cans ior the construction of 29 some' discussion, but action on the other child, Mrs. W. N. Fields, of , will sneak tonight at Calvary Bantlst eolf chamnlonshln 'tournament, was! Vote for George J. Spence for lea or roaa, nine feet wide, at an matter was deferred to a later meet- LnGrange. went directly to Klnston church at eleht nVlnrk Th nnhiic tn,av .iiminntn,i i,v vv r. ttf,n ,f ,w im.p ito will nnnreclate From Golf Tournament CARNEGIE LIBRARY IN IRELAND SET ON FIRE Belfast, May 25 (By The Associ ated Press) The total casualties ln the disorders during the night Is to day placed at four dead and twenty- The Carnegie Li brary In Falls Road District was set estimated cost of $17,000 a mile, orlng. from that city to attend it. Is cordially Invited to hear him. Turnberry. I your support and vote. adv