WEATHER Fair tonight and Tue- day; continued cool; mod- crale to fresh northeast and east winds. CIRCULATION Saturday 1,674 Copies VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. MONDAY KVKNING, MAY 21), FOUR PAGES NO. 127 Mt Herrrion iut. nennon Constructed Next Anyhow Majority on Pasquotank County Highway Com mission, In Most Turbulent Meeting Yet, Holds Steadfastly To Purpose To Build Road In Face of Opposition Consideration of contracts for the brick and other materials' for the Mt. Hermon Road, was1 the answer Saturday afternoon f . 1. Af i TT Mnll-.r All oi me mi. nermuii nwjuiuj ""need In Armenia the Pasquotank Highway Com- mission to a request from the , , . Cni.iber oi Commerce atrec- tnratd thnr the neople be al- lowed to vote on the next road , . A Tu fl.v,f ,;,( to be paved. The fight against the Mt. Hermon Road now ap- Dears to have been definitely , . ,. . . . , jost Dy ine opponents in ine project. 'anity, why a large appropriation for was ct across the nose and cheek, A motion offered by 0. F. Gilbert" the Russian people was asked when am Miss Blanche Stack received sev to the effect that a vote be taken at for the Armenians, who stood by the erai bruises. The Davis car is an old the primaries Saturday, June 3, on Allies as staunchly as they have stood : model Ford, lighted from the mag the next live miles of highway to be by Christianity for centuries, not a'neto, and it was impossible for the paved by the State Highway Com- cent was granted by Governmental mission, was voted down at a special action. He said he could understand session of the Commission here late why a log-rolling Congress should Saturday afternoon. The motion forgekthey are a Christian body but was seconded by F. F. Cohoon, and coulrnot understand why a man of Commissioners Bundy, Foreman and , Mr. Hoover's ability should be a Morris voted against it. Chairman . party to such a commentary on Jus A. B. Houtz favored the motion, buttice and Christianity, by reason of his chairmanship of the i The letter from Mr. Hoover's office Commission, had no right to vote. In follows: the absence of Commissioner A. E. My Dear Dr. Scanion: Jones, of Newland, the motion was On behalf of Mr. Hoover I bee to lost by a 3-2 vote, and the status of acknowledge the receipt of your let the Mt. Hermon Road remains un- ter of February 9, 1922, inquiring in changed. i regard to an appropriation for the How the Directors Stood Near East Relief. The vote on carrying the much-! I understand that the Near East AtxtaanA r, 11 .1 1 t I .1 ti n Vin ...i.itil,-. nl Dnliof P l til til 1 1 1 la la al nrDQtint finPT- ... , the primary elections was the result of an anneal from the directorate of the Chamber of Commerce. Seven of the nine directors of that organ-jly directed a member of Colonel Has ization met shortly before four,keH's staff in Russia to investigate o'clock, the hour at which the Com - mission was called to hieet. Of these seven directors, only one, Harry G. Kramer, voted against the submiss - ion of the question to the people. lion. j. j. u. anringnaus, nimseu a director, was the spokesman of the delegation. ine meeting oi ine i-asquotanK Highway Commission was called for the purpose of confirming the verbal contract Detween ine i om mission ana Hon. William A. Hart, of the State Highway Commission, whereby the County Commission agreed to pay continued, on Pages CHAIRMAN HOl'TZ'S HCGGESTEI) ROAD PROGRAM o I- o o - c O .w 'tl . a, K K s l 0) I c o i-i j --i 01 Z o K O .2 m -5 m a, e. E o u o n u T. 5. " c o c H C3 u OS o r-. (V 1 1 4 3 1 1 2 4 c 3 4 Riverside Normal School Teartree Road Body Road . . . Ehrlnghaus Rd W. Main Street Salem Road Lister's Or Hobbs Pier Rd Simonds Creek Mt Hermon Rd 2 or 2 1 or 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 4 2 1 2 2 11 14 Totals 29 Twenty-nine miles at $17,000 per mile total $493,000.00 Road Funds , Imme diately available after reserving funds for the Woodville road about $ 50,000$ 75,000 Available when reim bursed for Newland road $200.000 $225,000 Total available to build mileage n second and 3rd columns. . $250.000 $300,000 (Sufficient to build 15 lo 17 miles of hard surfaced road at, per m,I $ 17,000.00 soclated Press) General Gregorle MATHILDE SAILS TUESDAY Semenoff, Russian Cossack leader, whose deportation has been demand New York, May 29 (By The Asso- e1 by s,'lat"r n()ran of Idaho, for al clated Press) Miss Mathllde Mc- leBed brtalitl('8 "I'on American sol Cormlck of Chleaeo. wlmae on. dle in Russia cannot be deported. nient to Max Oser Swiaa riHino- mn0 ter, has been announced, will sail for Europe tomorrow, she said, but re- fused to answer questions. Mrs. L. G. Roper and Mrs. Elmer unaroy or Norfolk, Va., are the Rond Will Be Koaa vvm dc ARMENIAN NEED IS VERY GREAT Tin rhn in AT:iv 27. Because the ' ' is iar greater man in the famine districts of Russia and 111,5 American people ought to r- f pond readily and liberally, is the exnlanalion given 1)y Secretary ot Commerce Herbert Hoover for ask- inS Congress for an appropriation of -u.uuu,uuu ior itussia aim iiuiuuik for the Near East K(,Uef , a letfer received here from his office by Kev. iDr- David Scanion. Mr. Hoover Dr. Scanion wrote to : and asked, in the name of Christi- . o .1 ... sinking slowly according to ating In certain areas in Southern;, : Russia where there are numbers of I Armenians. Mr. Hoover has recent-; (this area with a view to ascertaining j 'just what the relative needs of thei area are as compared with the needs j jin the rest of KusBia. as soon as , tne report is receivearom mis in - vesi gauuii mi. nwiw wm uuw to the Near East Relief Committea such a propone oi me tuuiiuunni" , purcnaseu uy ine uuiiKieosiunai muu as will represent the relative needs of the two sections. insoiar as iutrish nnneiiia, oyrm, j Palestine, .etc.. are concerned, I re- gret that I cannot furnish you the! information you desire nut it is my unuersianning inai mis portion oi-i , the Near East Relief was not included in the Congressional appropriation for the reason that the .area is small in comparison with Russia and that it was felt that private charity could hope to cope with the situation, where the same would be impossible for Russia proper. Most sincerely yours. CHRISTIAN A. HERTER, Assistant to Mr. Hoover. WAS SHOT AND BURNED Savannah, May 29 (By The Asso elated Press) William Byrd, negro, of Brentwood, was shot and burned to death today. He was accused of killing B. W. Moody, a farmer. LATE BULLETINS DKATH SENTENCE COMMUTED Raleigh-, May 29 (By The Associ ated Press) The death sentence of Wright Rouse, aged negro convicted of the murder of William Whitley, wealthy Walstonburg farmer, was today commuted to life imprisonment after the ulienists report declared him mentally deficient. ASKS FOR TRIAL JUNE 12 Charleston, W. Va., May 29 (By The Associated Press) The prosecu tion upset the tentative agreement to postpone the Logan County armed march cases and asked that Rev. J. E. Wilhurn, charged with murder, be placed on trial June 12. CAX'T HE DEPORTED Washington. May 29 (By The As- according to Commissioner of Iniml- gra,lon Husband. norrnvuvvT mv wit ; w ' h,nVtnn m I Vn, n . . ' '"I,1?"' ?IayJ9 ("y The A" ovtaicu IieH 1 IIP UOVemn Pni won In the oupreme touri buh to have the Rm.thc, rnn,n... TIIREE "MURED IN AUTcnoBiLE smash JlHghl Auto Lights Responsible I 'or Accident On Euclid Heights Road Sunday Night Glaring, blinding neadlights were responsible for an automobile colli sion on the Kuclid Heights road near Epworth Methodist church Sunday night, a few minutes after church services had closed. Rev., E. L. Stack, pastor of the church, accom panied by Mrs. Stack and their two it. :j ...... uiUv ....u i.... v.. daughters, Misses Sarah and Blanche Stack, had started to this city In their ; Hudson super-six. When just pu-st Everett Pritchard's store the party met a car on which the lights were extremely bright. Rev. Mr. Stack switched his car's lights on and off, in the hope that the other would dim his. Minded by the lights, the minister, in avoid ing the ditch! ran into theother car, , which, t turned out, was driven Dy Charlps of (hfs city Mrs. gtack suffered a cut across the chin, so serious that it. had to be sewed up, and other minor lacera- tions and bruises. Miss Sarah Stack driver to dim his lights, were badly damaged. Both cars Seven Firemen Killed And Steamer Sinks i . ! Portland, Ore., May 29 (By The Assciaud Press) Seven firemen asleep in the forecastle of the Fur ness Prince Line cargo steamer, Welsh Prince, were killed and three were injured when'the boat was rani- ! nied by the freighter, Iowa, In Co lumbia River, off Altoona. Wash. The Welsh Prince sank. ine Iowa is latest ' reports. Pleasure Bdat Back In Pensacola Harbor Pensacola, May 29 (By The Asso ' " jciated presB) The pleasure boat . gwan( carrying nrty passengers, j wnCn -was missing throughout the -night, reached dock today with an nands safe. The vessel ran into a ellif gtorni but tied un on the other j" ----- -. ; side of the bay until safe to proceed, here. FINAL VOTE DEFERRED Washington, May 29 (By The As sociated Press) The McCumber sol diers bonus plan apparently com manded a majority of votes in the Senate Finance Committee, but the final vote was deferred until Wed nesday to give the Senators time to consider the amendments. MASONIC MEETINGS Cherokee Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, will meet tonight at eight o'clock. A full attendance is desired. Eureka Lodge, A. F. & A. M., will out promptly, but upon their arrival meet Tuesday evening to confer the they found the house in a light blaze, fellowcraft degree. j A shepherd dog was run over and The Shrine Club will meet in their j killed on Bell street hy truck 3. The club room tonight at 8:30 Just after driver declares that he made every the chapter meeting adjourns. Busi-j effort to avoid the dog, but could ness of importance will come up. not. LATEST BONUS OFFER PRESENTS It Is a Decrease From Still A Fine Chance Vote Total Before A Place The contest starts' out with re- newed energy today. Up to the pres ent time, no one has forged into a lead that cannot be overcome by a few hours work. Although showing a large decrease from last week In the total number of votes earned by a club of five yearly subscriptions, the offer this week still presents an opportunity for a live and energetic contestant to build up a vote total that will suffice to win a Ford sedan. Ovor-Coirfldencr Rati Just because you had a good week before the 600.000 bonus vote offer closed, do not think that you have outdistanced the field of candidates. Over-confidence now will spell defeat 'or you. No contestant has a decided '"ad, which means that only a club r tW "ei,arate the ,,,adpr from the nf,t ,!x orlMVW1 Don't Slow Cp Knma rnnUDDna A ..!.- 4 th s week. Others who are ambition, win a Ford sedan will Jump In with Those who will put Sr irrt ,-..!. .i..i .- , ,,. lu,.,r WOIKlUahc your enoris count this week. Rev. H. K. Williams Tenders Resignation Alter Two Year Conscient ions Labor Here Will Return T His Native Stale Kev. H. K. Williams First Baptist church, resignation Sunday to pastor of the tendered bis take effect on July first. Mr. Williams came here about two years ago from Portsmouth and the activities of the church have grown and prospered under his conscienfous leadership. In his work here he has j 1... .!.. Willi. , ' "el " K'e',uy " ' " """""' " ' yuiiiiK peui'iK in uic niun u u..n 1 " i .an important lunor m veiopnieill. It is with great regret that friends1 of Mr. and Mrs. Williams will see : them leave in July. However, they; . . - l!.l ..l.l ! 0....41. f. ....i go u) a .,.:. ... o....... w . lma, their native state, wnere tney already have many old friends Believe Order Will Be Rejected At Once Chicago, May 29 (By The Associ ated Press! Immediate considera tion of last night's order by the Ra ad Labor Board reducing wages 0f facturer who has supplied the brick, aintenance of way employes from,'' all the roads thus far paved in f.iitil iii.i a nroanlit a Hw moot. ro in . one to live cents an nour ami unaiiiiiB $48,000,000, effective July 1, is in . " M,ich ,0 the surprise of some prospect bv the executive council of '"embers of the Commission, in I'nited Brotherhood of Maintenance !n8 lo Hitlon from Conimis Way Emplovees. The decision it is "loner Gilbert he stated that until l.eiieveil will he reacted when aub-.Muy, 1920, he had an agent here who m it ted to a vote. Detroit, May 29 (By The Associ-' ated Press) Belief that the strike1 vote would be ordered by the execu tive council of the I'nited Brother hood of Maintenance Way Employees and Railway Shop Laborers was ex pressed by E. F. Grable, grand presi dent of the organization. Dr. W. S. Rankin To Lecture At Hertford Hertford, May 27. Dr. W. S. Ran kin of Raleigh, secretary of Ihe North Carolina State Hoard of Health, will lecture before the Perquimans County -.i i n,, ui-1,1., V uaiuuei ill cuminriLC wn riiuaj, June 2nd at 8 p. m. on the subject of i-niiiit: nrn L I hi lilt- .trim t in- 1 1 . . U 1 I lTnUk .. ,1 Ik. f ,.,!;,.., 1 Tn ; fp(iSinn On nnhllc health work Dr , Rankin Is one of the verv foremost im.n in th UnitoH Rtat0 a n ,t npnnio from other states and nations have "CT",n"" l" "u'1" '"" l" MUliy IIIKIIIUUB. 1 lie lJrwMC Ul thIs and adjoining counties are cor - stiiilv his methods. The neon e of,""cn ,l ",Q,1C lu ' 11 "e awayi, Lino aim ntijuiiniig iwuimrn aic v,i- dially invited to avail themselves of!,hem t0 yu at a fa,r Prlce? 1 P the opportunity to hear him and are requested to give wide publicity to his coming. HOME IHRNKI) MONDAY The home of Henry Hawkins, col ored, between Broad and Bell streets, was totally destroyed by fire Monday morning. Three nearby dwellings '"'"'Inred hi"1 "iU he did have to caught from sparks, but the fire was Pa' Th,! 'lract was not renew extinguished before serious damage pd aftPr 11 '""P red In May, 1920, and was done. The loss of the Hawkins home was due, Chief Flora believes, to some delay in turning In the alarm. The Fire Department turned Last Week But There Is To Build Up A Winning Further Decrease Takes will be rewarded with the larger! ..r w t . ' ',laK" P y,,,lr "lllll n' oi ""tdlstanoe your competitors while tne Dig votes last. j RoniiN (!ffer TIiIh Week I'Hfast, May 2!) (By The Assocl- Each and every club of five yearly j u,,'d '',!s! Sharp lighting between subscriptions you turn in to this of-j ,n,'m brs of the Irish Republican flee by nine o'clock next Saturday ! arl"-v Mnd FIster special constabulary night, June the 4th, will earn 400.000 '"'curred Ihsi night along the bound votes in addition to those regularly ar' '"'w',n Ihe Counties Dougel and earned, according to the vote table. Fermanagh. Five Republicans are Secure Just as many clubs as you ran, 'r the bonus will be paid on each and every one. Turn subscriptions I" ne at a time, or as you procure! them. We keep accurate records a' I '"Is office to determine this office to determine when von ! ve completed a club. So""' "'' '' Str! Some contestants have a started. In other words, the i,t ...... in last fhnf did not complete a club cn he'emi Wn Pol rn nf,.,...i n and wlll be counted on the offer thlslln recent battles around Pekln. AI - week. If you have a club started tho ontfrD nrn, i. i ..... - . . Highway Commission Meets And Wrangles' Manufacturer ItemiiKls Those Pres ent That Local Man Got Com mission On llricks The Pasquotank Highway Com mission, in special meeting here Monday morning at eleven o'clock, passed a motion to postpone the pur chase of bricks and other material for the Mt. Hermon road until more bills can be received and considered. I l ius was me oniy (leuiine action taken by the Commission In the nwinl 1 nir U'lilt'll u-na 1 11 rod liv tint ' w r 11 11 K 1 i 11 g and tempestuous out- , hllrsts that have characterized every mmvlun inpe the Ml Hermon road came up for consideration. Fee Hits that they should wait un-' til tlie Camden County liart of the ' ' n)a(, fn)m Nt,wlall(, t() R()llth Mis should first he built, the Commission refused to authorize the immediate , paving of the 1800 feet from the . Newland road to Pasquotank River. County Engineer Higgs stated that there are at present sufficient bricks ; available for this short link of pav !iiiK, and that the additional cost i would be In the neighborhood ot $2,000. i J. W. Hall, of Baltimore, the manu ttip Ciinnlv w:is present at the meet received a commission of fifty cents per thousand on all bricks he sold the. County. That agent, he said, was C, V. Grice. Sr Mr. Hall stated that, twelve years ago, when he first came to Elizabet h City, he .entered into a ten-year con tract with Mr. Grice, agreeing to give the latter a commission on all bricks that he Hall should sell in Eliza beth City, Hertford and Edenton. Four or live years ago, he said, lie found that the agency was not only not doing him any good, but was do ing absolute harm. He said that be had received notification that he would not sell another brick here un- ; 'J1 ,ne a"fy was given , Grice. back to Mr. "At this point." Mr. Houtz told Mr. Hall, "I Just want to say to you that the Commission feels that a u' ""KCU u,'al "aB ueen Pullen on through you allowing a rake-off of i .. i. .i .1 i i. t it... w""-" we Knew nol'""K- 'What in the b- dlfference ... ,, , ,. ...the waiting automobiles for a rand i11 the Proflt on Drick- ,f 1 sell pose to do wtiat I li nlease with my cash," Mr. Hall replied, hl8 choler rising. He went on to exnlaln that he was originally under an Im- presslon that he did not have to pay j the agent's commission on brick to. be used in the County, but that Mr. nrl'( ()t in tollch wi,h a lawyer, and would not be, he declared. Is Fined $500 For Violation Dry Laws Buffalo, May 29 (By The Assocl - ated Press) Major Frank X. Schwab today pleaded guilty to indictments , charging violation of the prohibition laws and was fined five hundred dol - lars. LITTLE MILLIONAIRE IS CRITICALLY ILL New York, May 29 (By The Asso ciated Press) The condition ot Fred Gwynne V'anderbilt, nine year old hefr to millions, who has been 111 for two weeks, Is reported critical by the corps of specialists and nurses In tendance. , SliaTP Fighting III a Ifpl'inri SUHmMV Nlrht UfSiCUU OUIIUdJf lllglll reported killed, and a number wound-. d. One constable was killed. CHINESE SOI.DIFHS MI ITINY I llartiln, Manchuria, May 29 (By(,lV round guilty of the charge of Th Associated Press) Soldiers of I misappropriation of funds belonging club General Chang Tso Lin along the ;to , victory Bond Club and sen-sub-, Chinese Eastern railroad have mut-: tenced to seven years penal servl weekjlnled and declared In favor of Gen- i,id ' ' ic hunds of the revolting troops. TUESDAY TAG DAY F0 -HE BABIES And Wednesday After noon At Four-thirty O'clock ' Comes The Grand Parade (Hy Publicity Committee) All mothers with babies of two years old and under please note care fully the following program for Baby Wee':, which the Public Welfare Council has put on, beginning Mon- 1.1..., n.i.ll.lir M'ntltlllClla V i "" Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 10 to 12 o'clock babies will he registered, weighed, measured and 'thoroughly examined by Dr. Bonner, -Miss Khrenfeld and local physicians. After the examinations mothers will i be accurately informed of the babies' condition, and If any defect is found. I referred to the family physician for treatment of defect or disease. Educational posters are hung upon the walls, bulletins are freely dis tributed and advice and information ! is given to the mothers as needed. ! Tuesday and Wednesday after noons from 3 to 5 o'clock will be . given to the same work. In order to avoid congestion, the mothers ' I II II Utl IIH O I'll are asked to bring Tuesday morning. And those In town will come Tues day afternoon and Wednesday morn ing. Lecture Tonight Monday night Miss Ehrenfeld will deliver a lecture in the Community gymnasium on "The Care of the Baby" and this will be followed by a t talk hy Dr. Bonner, expanatory ot slides from the Children's Bureau at I Washington, D. C. 1 uesitay nignt i it 8 o'clock In the same place Dr. Zenas Fearing will talk on some timely topic and Dr. Bonner will lecture on "Infant and Child Welfare." Tuesday tags bearing the plea "Save the Babies" will be sold on the streets, pink ones for boys, blue for girls, and the funds will 'be used for welfare work among the babies of town and County. Wednesday afternoon at 4:30 every mother who thinks her baby adorable, beautiful, cunning, delight ful, elegant, grand, huggable, intel ligent, Just-right, klssable or a com bination of all desirable qualities, Is asked to have her baby and Its broth ers and sisters at the Community Building (Y. M. C. A.) to help fill ihahv nany Parane. , And the voting population of Pas- ! luo,ank of 1922 are asked to turn 0ut am' vhcPT ,he voters of 1943 wnom ,nHr dlm''8' Quarters and dol- Iars on Ta Dav nlfly help to reach i that date. FIRST IJARY REGISTKREI) Helen Elizabeth Upton,- one year old, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank 1'pton, of this city, was the first baby registered and examined at the Baby Clinic Monday morning. Mothers who have not taken ad vantage of the Baby Clinic are urged to do so Tuesday and Wednesday. The Welfare Council Is anxious that i Mist as many habjeg as cm shall be ! f'xaniln('(1- ' ' Two Colored Women Get . Sentences 0Vr Theft ' v Following a plea of guilty on a charge of stealing two dresses from Mrs. W. T. Culpepper, of this city, Agenora McCoy, colored, was sen- fenced to sixty days on the roads In recorder's court here Monday morn ing. Because tbe defendant has small bajjy, the sentence was sus pended upon payment of the costs. Sophronla Brooks, colored, who lives in Sawyertown. whs convicted of re- ut-iCeiving the stolen dresses, and reject-mI a sent 'nee of thirty days. She , en'ved notice of in "ipeal. and wa j placed under $25 bond for her ap pearance at the next term of Superior ; Court. I The cuse of Officer George Twlddy , and four other white men charged j with shooting Davis Overton, Jr.. 'young colored man, while undertak ing to arrest him early In April, was j continued to Tuesday week, upon the plea of attorneys representing the , defendants. HORATIO BOTTOMLEY GIVEN SEVEN YEARS London, May 29 (By The Associ ated Press) Horatio Bottomley, for mer nulilisher of John Bull, was to- ! v,. m, n, J. Spence for will appreciate I , ., " i i rial justice, lie your support and" rote. adr " - tways declared unlawful 1 ' ,