WEATHER Showers tonight and Friday. Fresh east and boutiicust winds. v CIRCULATION Wedn sday 1,762 Copies .d VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, Til I'liSDA Y KVKNINC. JUNE 1, VXl'l EKill I' PACES NO. i:;o Seven Auto Loads Babies In Parade 4'urs In ( losing Event Of Ruby Clinic Itorc Slogan "Pasquotank'-, liable Arc ra.H(uotaiik's Wealth" There were seven cars full of babies In the baby parade with which the Haby Clinic held here this week closed Wednesday afternoon. The automobiles carried banners pro claiming to the people of the city the slogan, "Pasquotank's Babies Are Pasquotank's Wealth." Altogether, 184 babies were exam ined during the Clinic. Of these, 1 nearly all were from this city andj County, but besides there were two! bouncing youngsters from Stumpy Point, Dare County, two from C.'.m ien, one from Plymouth and one from Virginia. The mothers, the Welfare Council and the public generally are con vinced that the Haby Clinic has been productive of most excellent result i An effort will be made to hold an other Clinic of the same kind later, it is stated by members of the Welfare Council. Beautiful Cantata Marred By Disorder The presentation of- a delightful i cantata, for which the seventh grade pupils had been trained with infinite pains and patience by their teachers, , was marred Wednesday night by dls- order in the overcrowded auditorium, The aeatine canacltv of the audi- torium was taxed to its capacity a ; half hour before the curtain went up. j Total 25 1 5 7 Many of those arriving after that: Score by innings: hour gave one look at the crowd and Cubs 320 210 0 8 went back home. Others not willing Red Men 100 000 01 to forego the pleasure of seeing the i Two base hits Caddy and little folks perform, stood through-, Time of game 1 hr. 30 min. I'm out the hour and a half, required for pire Hrockett. the production of the cantata, the' crowd standing growing until stand-; ing room itself was at a premium. The big crowd despite the drizzling rain was a marked attestation to ths' popular favor Into which the cantatas annually presented by seventh grade: puplls under the direction of Miss, Harney have grown. V 1th an or-; tlerly audience an evening, of unal-, r ?v7'l ! loyed pleasure would have Deen en-, joyed by those present. However, considering the size of the crowd, mere was running paruvuiuuy uu usual about the disorder, ft, having come to be the regular thing when a performance Is presented at the High School auditorium which is largely attended by pupils of the Elizabeth City schools. , Columbia's trip to the North Pole "was the title of the cantata, in which Prince Polar with his sprites, Aurora Borealls, Queen of the Northern Light, Nadjy. Queen of the Night. Freezing, Point, .Father Time and Santa Claus were visited at the northern home by Uncle Sam and Co lumbia with a host of attendants In the course of the eantata bothl'Miss Mary BelIe Saltmarsh. of Los hosts and visitors learn many Inter- j Angeles. Cal. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes esting things about each other, the ' wi" be at home at Ca! lessons taking the form of sprlghtlv , ar,er JuIy lBt- songs, dances and drills. The most! Charlie Hughes, as he was known palpable hit of the evening was thatt0 his many "tends here, served two of the little American Renntv "Rose- nud, eleven year old Rennie Wil liams, who repeated the dance suc cess which won such unbounded ap plause In the operetta staged by Mrs. Cooke's pupils a few weeks ago. S BALLOONS PASS OVER SOUTHERN MICHIGAN Detroit, June 1 (By The Associated Press) Five balloons, presumed to be entrants In the national balloon race, passed over Southern Michigan this morning. SUSPENDED SIX MONTHS FROM COTTON EXCHANGE New York, June 1 ( Hy The Asso ciated Press) A. H. Lamborn, J. Marks, John F. Clark, members of the Cotton Exchange, were today sus pended six months for conduct det rimental to the Exchange's best In terest. 1TMPINCJ STATION (WI GHT KIRK Fire at 9:55 o'clock Wednesday night at an old" pumping station be tween the Norfolk Southern freight station and the much-discussed ware houses on Pennsylvania avenue, frightened residents of that sec tion of the city. The blaze Is thought to have been caused by spontaneous combustion, and the Fire Department confined the damage to the contents of the building. Announce Approaching Marriage Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Baxter of Moyock, announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Miss Marie Baxter, to Mr. Thomas S. Hughes of Elizabeth City on Jure 21st. RED MEN STILL ! SLIDING DOWN Costly Errors And Inability To Hit j Opportunely Reason For An other Defeat , The Cubs defeated the Red Men Wednesday afternoon by the score of j 8 to 1. Costly errors by the Hed Men players were responsible for their de feat. The winners put up one of the prettiest exhibitions of fielding that has been seen on the Main stjjeet dia mond this season. Features of the game were next-to-lmpossible fielding stunts pulled off by Norrls of the Cubs and Hallard of the Hed Men. i The box score follows: ' IT Its 1 Ab C. Davis, 2b 4 Trueblood, lb 4 Caddy, c 4 Norrls. If 3 U. 1 2 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 E. j KIrby, cf 4 Boyce, p 4 J. Davis. 3b 3 Holmes, s 3 iDrlckhouse, rf 4 Total 33 KKI) MEN Ab. Dailey, 3b 1 Harris, lb 3 8 10 1 R. H. E.i Seymour, cf 3 Cooper, 2b Rogers, c .... Bufflap, p & .".b Ballard, If ... Modlin, ss 3 j Bertron, rf 3 Hughes, p 1 Ay a ha nniW gJ U II W UUUT Of"tlT limir SENT IIUlilE jeT(By The Asso- PreM The body of Lieuten- . ' , an airplane acc dent at Langley Field, J.-. . , . J "kf"t6' honie at ilsboro, N, today. , , Box Party Monday Evening A box party will be given by the Y. W. B. class of the First Christian church jn the church lawn Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Refresh ment will be served by members of the clasa. The public Is cordially lnvltedt , . FORMER BESTCITY BOY WEDS Charles Etherldge Hughes, a for mer Elizabeth City boy and the youngest son of Mrs. O. M. Hughes, Sr., who lives on Southern avenue, was married on Sunday, May 21, to years anoara. a United States sub chaser during the World War. Sub sequently he re-enllsted in the Navy and is now First Class Quartermaster aboard the V. S. S. Melvin. CKRT1KICATKS AWAKDKD Sixty-nine seventh grade pupils of the Elizabeth City Grammar Grammar School received certificates of promotion to the eighth grade In brief presentation exercises held at the High School auditorium Thurs day morning. Superintendent S. L. Sheep made the address of the occa sion, and presented the certificates. Honor carsd were also awarded. The program closed with the singing of a vacation song by the pupils present. TO ATTKNI) IXTKR-CITY MKKT Delegates from the Elizabeth City Rotary Club will attend the Inter City Rotary meeting to be. held at Wilson on Tuesday, June 16. Hun dreds of Rotarlans from all Eastern North Carolina are expected to be present at the meeting. V. W. It. CLASS MEETS The Y. W. B. Class of the First Christian church met Wednesday evening with Misses Irma and Ima Wlnslow at their home on William street. A delightful business pro gram was carried out, after which delicious refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Mary and Eva Belanga, Thelma and Mamie Anderson. Mary and Annie Lee Rod gerson, Ima and lrma Winslo-w, Beuna Brlnson, Alvlna Griffin, Madle Rnssell. Mattie White, Lillian Thorn ton, Eliza Davis, Nettle Palmer, Ruth Sexton. Joseph Core, teacher. Visi tors, Luclle Warden. Vote for George J. 8pence for Trial Justice. lie will appreciate, your support and vote. adv Daylight Saving Dead Issue Here Daylight saving has fallen flat in Elizabeth City. In ac cordance with instructions giv en him at a meeting held here some two weeks ago, when the merchants present expressed themselves as opposed to the scheme, and the manufacturers appeared to favor It, Secretary Job, of the Chamber of Com merce, has approached numer ous representative manufac turers with a view to having them sign a document express ing their approval of daylight saving, and their willingness to accept an agreement whereby all would begin work an hour earlier each day, and thus com plete the day's work also an hou;- ahead of the present schedule. One manufacturer, according to Secretary Job, signed the paper uncondition ally, and one put his firm's name on it with the proviso that the other manufacturers of the city also become signa tory to it. None of the others who were approached would agree to sign on any terms, evi dently having had a change of mind since the scheme was or iginally suggested. Many Chinese Slain In Fierce Macao Clash' Manila, June 1 (Ry The Associ ated Press) Seventy-four Chinese were killed and many wounded in the : Macao clash between Chinese strik ers and Portuguese troops, according to Hong Kong advices. The de stroyer Tracy is ready to protect American Interests. SUCCESS BOUND UP TO TARE HOME THE GREAT Failure To Take Advantage Of Thi Great Offer May Mean Failure Take No Chances Of Fall- ing Behind In The " . Week Put Renewed To Win Ford Sedan MAKE AGGRESSIVE CAMPAIGN, FOR SUBSCRIPTIONS Those who put in a good week! - soliciting subscriptions need not J Miss Goldle Sanderlin 40,100, worry about who is going to wln.iMlss Estelle Silverthorne ... 42.800 They know. There's no use talking. ; MM Aur.a g h those who are alert and on the Job this week can plan ahead for theiMiss Edna Sanders 180,950 larger awards. Rome contestants ' Miss Pauline Skinner 180,200 have lost sight of the all-important i fact that votes are needed to win. Subscriptions earn votes. Subscrip tions earn more votes now than at any later time of the race, j This week, three clubs will earn 11,200,000 votes. Hy the last night jof the contest, it will take infinitely imore work to earn this number of votes than If you work now. Always bear this in mind: There will be give no otlwr boaus offer during the; remainder of the contest that will'Mrg. M c. Stanley, R 1 188,750 compare with the present 400. 0O0 rs. uoy Halstead, Weeks vote offer In numbers of votes. It .iiip 123 600 Jthis Is clearly understood, It will help Mrs. Calvin Halstead, Weeks- lyou to win, because you will see the' vllle 121,900 necessity of doing most of your work Mr8 M' stptS0n, Colir.gton. .115.600 i now, Instead of waiting later in the jjrs. J, J. Morris, Weeks contest, vllle. Route 1 180.450 Next week, you will appreciate more, the work you have done this week, for you will find satisfaction in a great number of votes you have tucked away, while your less aggress- ive competitors were slowing up, with the consequent loss of votes and subscriptions. Another thing: If you do not fry Mrs. Hettle Lamb, Belvider. . 58.900 to collect for the subscriptions your Mrs. W. E. Bogue, Chapan- frlends have promised you, some one 0k, Route 1 17 3,900 else will certainly come along and Miss Mary E. Stevens, Indian get the mihscrlntions. for vour tnu-n 59 600 friends will think you have lostlMlss Mollle ' Jordan. Shiloh .. 121.400 heart, or some .hing like that. Make Miss Edith Cowell. Shiloh. .120.950 your moments count ror an iney are worth. Set your heart on getting the rora se -n, and put all your spare time and enefgy to work to get It. Now Is a good time to renew your ef- forts. Get your friends to renew their promised subscriptions, and go after others who are not now taking: the pair;' New subscriptions and renewals count equally In vote earn- ing power. A contestant may cast only enough votes Issued on snbscrtptlons to bring the total vote to 100,000. District Number One Miss Gladys Adams .. 29,600 DR. WALKER TO SPEAK AT IIK.II SCHOOL TONIGHT Twenty-live Seniors will lie award ed diplomas at the commencement exercises at the High School at eight o'clock tonight. The speaker of the occasion will be Dr. N. W. Walker, of the chair of education, University of North Carolina, who arrived in the cily this morning. Take Grave View Of Situation In Ulster London, June 1 (Hy The Associ ated Press) The British cabinet lias' met to discuss the military situation in Ulster, and its possibilities. Ac cording to the London Evening News, 1 Premier Lloyd George regards the' situation as grave enough to require the postponement of his planned holiday trip for an indefinite period. INJUNCTION PETITION LIKELY HEAD ROMANCE Chicago, June 1 (Hy The Associ ated Press) The unusual situation of an injunction petition to prevent international marriages of the Oser McCormick sort will likely head Mathilde McCormick's romance to a higher court, it was stated here to day. MOVIE STAR'S DIVORCE VALIDATED BY COURT: Carson City, Nevada, June 1 (Hy The Associated Press) Mary Pick- fords divorce from Owen Moore has been validated by the State Supreme Court. ' " Mrs. Irving H. Sawyer, and little daughter, Helen Wood, are visiting Mrs. Sawyer's mother, Mrs. S. A. Ka nth, on South Hoad street. AND READY IN THE FORM OF 4DO,000 VOTE OFFER! Race By Inactivity This, T i Vigor In Your Efforts Miss Anna H. Hobbltt 75.000 Miss Sallie H. Bright 181,700 erhood of Railway Clerks. Freight Mrs. Edwin Ferebee 171,800 Handlers, Express and Station Em Mis Mattie Spruill 173,600 ployees, announced that sixteen Miss Dora Blanchard 110,800 chiefs of railroad brotherhoods and Miss Hessie Mae Twiford ...179,600 other executive officers of railroad Mrs. C. H. Sanderlin 171,450 unions will meet here Tuesday to discuss a matter declared to be vital District Number TWO lr tlm mmmnn uipllnrc nt- nil rultl-nilH Mrs. Lloyd Brothers. R 4 60,700 Mrg. juan Halstead. Weeks- Vill, Rwt 1 ll.2tM Mr8 t i(.IlnneS. Weeksvllle 20.100 Ms(, i,ucue Jennings, R 2. . . 65,700 Mss M naum, Poplar Branch 81.600 District Number Three Mrs (. (, HrlKh t. Chapan- (tp 181.950 saie Miller, Hertford Route 3 180,400 Miss Luclle Pugh, Helcro-s. . 64,100 Miss A. Ferebee, Camden ... 1 70,400 Mlss M. Cutrell. Camden. . . . 66.700 i )nformfid tnat tne American Govern - DlMtrict Number Four ment wlll rec,.V(, a special mission Miss Emma Forbes. Bertha. . 34.900 of prpnoh financial experts to dls - Miss Bettle Stanton, Nlxonton 33.600 CUSJ, pran.e-B war debt. Miss N Mldgett, K. Ha wk ... 155.900 ' Miss India Bartlett. S Mills. . 31.400: DEDICATION" 18 DEFERRED Mrs J P Barnard, Shawboro. 182,900 j IiOulsville, June 1 (By The Assocl- Miss Lucetta Griggs, Har- 'ated Preas) Tentatively fixed for blnger 30.600 ! June three, the dedication of the Jef- Mrs. M. Hathaway, Moyock . . 75,000 i ferson Davis obelisk at Falrvlew. Mrs. Dolly Gray. Colnjock.'. . 81,400 i Kentucky, has been deferred, accord- Miss H Sykes, Columbia 32.800 ing to General Haldeman. president Mlas Maude Perry, Tyner. , . 19.600 of the Jefferson Davis Home Assocta - Miss Almo Poyne, Mamie .. . 4 1,800 , Hon. They Fear Her I X ( ( H i Mrs. Laura Bennett, New fork. baa Issued a challenge to meet tny , woman of 130 pounds In the squared, arena, but no one ha accepted 1L SUSPECTED SUB CHASER NOW HELD AT LOOKOUT Suspected of violation of the navi gation laws, the former sub chaser "Navy 217" which was towed into lookout Bight, on the Carolina coast Tuesday morning at five o'clock by the oonst Guard crew there, will be held until the deputy collector of cus- toms at Beaufort has investigated the matter. j The "Navy 217" was driven to seek the assistance of the Coast Guard at Cape Lookout by engine trouble. A careful search of the vessel failed to disclose liquor, but, ! It Is understood, evidence was uncov ered which was taken to Indicate that I the ship was violating the naviga tion laws. '-n Of Prominence iieia rur Larceny : 1 1 Berwick, Pa., June 1 (By The As - ; soclated Press) Carter Leldy, so - ciaJ,y pnt young n.deiphi.n whnu elnnempnf with V ft V illener. daughter of Joseph Wldener, created j eleven. A blind man and hi land a sensation in society circles and who j lady were shot while at the door of subsequently came here to don over-; their home. Water from the -fire alls and work In steel mills, is charg-ihose Mowing down the street washed ed with larceny and driving an auto- j over the bodies, which weTe not re mobile while Intoxicated and reckless I moved for an hour and a half. driving. The case comes up June 6. Union Leaders Meet In Vital Confere Cincinnati. June 1 (By The Asso ciated Press) Ed ward H. Fitzger- i a,,, thp Kram, )r,.sl,lHnl of tn Broth. W()rkerH r, LATE BULLETINS SEVENTEEN KILLED AT ESSEN' Eahen. Germany, June 1 ( Hy Thi Assocuueo rress, neveiuee,, .....,e, were killed and t wenty-five Injured and eight missing by an explosion In the Krupp mine today. WILL RE NO INVESTIGATION Washington, June 1 ( Hy The As- soclated Press IThe House Rules Committee today rescinded Its action i" ""- " . " , run-jonnson resolution lor investi gation of alleged laxity of the Gov ernment prosecution of war fraud cases, ending so far as the House Is concerned, the possibility of a Con- sessional Inquiry Into the matter, WILL RECEIVE FRENCH EXPERTS i Washington June 1 ( Hy The As- ! goo)ate(1 press) France was today. Henry Ford Rejects Elimination Proviso Says If His Offer Not Accepted He Will Reg I n More Determined Ef fort Save Shoals For Public 1 Washington, June 1 ( Hy The As sociated Press) Henry Ford's reply to the counter-proposal of the House Military Committee for the" develop ment of Muscle Shoals was presented to the committee today He definitely rejects the provision which eliminate.- the steam plant at Gorgas, Ala., from the properties to be disposed of by the Government; If Congress votes the acceptance of his offer. Ford stated that he 'would get on the Job immediately, : lint if it is rejected, he declared that. ! it would mean the beginning of a more determined effort on his part to save the Shoals for the public's : benefit. SAYS SHE CAN TELL ABOUT WARD MYSTERY Los Angeles, June 1 ( Hy The As sociated Press) Martha Kendall, who filed suit charging criminal con spiracy against Walter H. Ward, un der bond at White Plains, N. Y., for killing Clarence Peters for alleged blackmail, has been located at Hol- 'y00'1 ,h" '')s AnKe,eil T me; "I can throw light upon the mystery, the Times quoted her. "I know a few things that those interested In prosecuting Ward would like to know. I'll tell all If they ask me not till then." INDIANA DEMOCRATS MKCT Indianapolis, June 1 (Hy The As sociated Press) Indiana Democrats i meeting today In their State Conven tion laid the foundation for the fall campaign with a series of speeches blaming the Republicans for manage ment of national affairs and for the business depression causing so much i unemployment. Eleven Lives Toll Of Irish Disorders Belfast, June 1 ( By The Associat- 1 edi Press) Grosvenor Road today 1 was the scene of intense firing. Four , wounded were taken to hospitals , from the Fans Road area. Deaths 1 f mm last n oiht'n Hinnrrtora tatal TIME TO OUT TICKETS Chautauqua tickets are on sale by all guarantors and at the Mayor's of fice this v.-eek and those who wish season tickets are urged to buy them without further delay. Next week the sale of season tickets will close and the price of a season ticket at $2.50 for adults and $1 for juniors Is so small In comparison with the .price of tickets for a single perform ance that no one can afford to fall to get the season ticket. .It MORS ELECT OFFICERS The following officers were elected this week for the Worth Bagley Council, Junior Order: Councilor, C. M. Harris; vice coun cilor, W. L. Hill; Junior past council or, B. S. Sawyer; chaplain, Rev. E. F. Sawyer; recording secretary, J. W. Alexander; assistant recording secre tary. J. E. Corbett; financial secre tary, Kenyon Bailey; treasurer, W. S. (-ar, wrKht conductor. J. W. Wilcox; war(lpn. (;. VV. Swain : Inside sentinel. L (. 0.Npa,. olltH,,, R(.ntlll,., James ' llumphlett; Janitor, G. W. Swain; trustees. W. S. Swain. J. K. Corbett and A. W. Hales; representatives 4o Sa Council, H. S. Sawyer, J. E Corbett and C. M. West. Miss Cora Sanderlin Is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. A, Sawyer, in Edenton. LIBERTY BOND ytOTATIOXS at The First & Citizen National 1 otnK Per 100 an(l lnclll(,lnK '"ued m- i terestMay29) Ut 3 $101.55 1st 4 "11.62 1 1st 4 V 101.90 2nd 4 '4 100.11 i 3rd 4 101. 8S 4th 4 V4 100.50 , Victory 4 102.78 We do not advise the sale of bonds If you are able to hold them. ! Hut If you want to sell, consult your jbank. Adv.