WEATHER Fair tonight and Tues- ' day. Not quite bo warm tonight. Moderate west- erly winds. CIRCULATION "; Saturday 1,780 Copies a J , ( (J f. 0 VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVEN I NO, JUNE 12, VXl'l FOUR PACES NO. 139 . ' m u; m .m i- j. FRISCO IS GREAT I p"2 Ranking pjrqulaans Spending A 110k All 1 IIC .c..v- OASIS OF TENTS ,n olnts Ahead Of Next HiKl"K Nearly 8400,000 low City Is Looking Much Like A Magnificent Oriental Cap ital As The Shrine Jubilee Approaches 'County In Livestock Product ion In North Carolina I Engineer Tom Hiugs, Formerly Em i ployed In Pasquotank, Mill Super- vise KoiulbuiMiiiK There ' Hertford, June 10 At the month -j ly meeting of the Perquimans County Pasquotank County, with a ratio of 62 per cent, was far in the lead in North Carolina in livestock in 1920, rAino- In ol II t lut Ira mtllDiled Oil uv, ......f, lu IV,.,-. I C I.. I -., l... M....J.. !the basis of figures for 1920. and v.u..w..,-.- .,...-, San Francisco, June 12 (By The pubii8hed in the latest Issue of the "rrangemen s were made for the ex Associated Press) San Francisco is I University News Letter. It was uT- 'nditure f $350000 of road bonds auu an auuiliouai $39,000 remaining ; turning Itself into a tented oasis for the delegates and visitors to the Golden Jubilee of the Ancient Arabic Order,-Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, June 13 to 16. For the convention period the San Francisco bay district I vergent sections of the State, were might Justly be termed the Caliphate : weu ahead of the average for the of California, for It will be made to 'entire United States, which was 44 resemble a bit of the Old World Is-'per cent. Forty-nine counties were lam as closely as man's ingenuity above the State average of 31 per will permit. , cent. These are the counties that The ordained procedure of the .have fairly well worked out the prob real Islam to spread rugs far the i jem 0f balance In cash-crop, food cajiphs and the lesser nobles on crop and food-stock farming, and are state occasions will be reversed . fortified lowed by Hyde, Camden. Perquimans, u.h A,h onrt R.ineombe. In the,Bum of around order named, with percentages rang-lfrom the 8alti of bonds for the roa(,s ii.K from 52 to -47 per cent. built un1er contract last year. These seven counties, in widely dl- EnKineer who ha8 p uie employ oi rasquoiaiiK i ouniy in somewhat in the transplanted Islam. 1 against the The rugs, or their replicas, will hang boll weevil, -overhead on the streets, taking the; Twenty-seven counties are con place of the usual bunting or fes- j spicuously below the livestock level toons. Market street, the main thorough fare, is being turned into a lane and has superintended the building of the brick roads from Elizabeth City to Weeksville and from Newland' to Elizabeth City applied for the; work to be undertaken by this county. I The Hoard employed him by the month at $351) per month. Mr.! Higgs says he does not a,sk rfny ...lnn t J In... In,,,. 1 If I... A . . the same proportion "m"c ul ""a"" " ravages of the cotton give satisfaction; but will be ready to .go within ten minutes notice. It has not been decided whether this county will build brick roads or of the State, in ratios that range ! "'D "l "V" ""-- around 75 to 85 per cent below the! 11 18 eipeciea. nowever mat level of a lightly stocked farm area.jtne work wil1 boln ,ln 3 and the closely akin to the picturesque ar-Thl8 means that their meat-an-milk : ly',e ot 01K nnniteiy necmen upon. teries that lead to the old woria animals could be Increased five or ten mosques. The great Ferry Building, times in number and hey would still San Francisco's "front door," will be be lightly stocked farm areas. Lack recognizable only by a Bedouin tent 0f proper local market facilities of and the blazing electroliers along the ' fering fair profits In ready cash, says main thoroughfares will be softened; the News Letter, Is responsible for with transparencies in which arej.this limited livestock production. Chautauqua For Tuesday Morning 9 : HO Junior Chautauqua. Afternoon 3:un Junior Pageant, 'Con quests of Peace," by your own boys and girls. 3:15 "Just Fun." Will H. Lea, the double-Jointed clown. For children from six to sixty six. Night 8:00 "Joy Night," Ralph Itingham America's foremost platform humorist. Bathers View Drowning Unable to Render Help Charles Aycock, Who lost Life At llcllmveii Sunday, Is Ilrotlier or "hs. W. II. Weather!) Jr. 3incay Was Hottest Day Of Season Here Also, It Whs Tlie Most Popular Yet At Dawson's And The Oilier Ac cessible Italhinn Itcuclics Willi the thermometer flirting with the 100 mark in the sun, and a ; breeze that feebly vacillated and; (lied. Sunday was the hottest dayj that Klizabeth City has thus, far ex perienced this summer. The heat; was of the sticky, humid, sweltering sort that one cannot escape, no mat-j ter bow he tries. The glaring brick j streets and concrete sidewalks re-i fleeted the blazing rays of a coppery,! dazzling-hot sun that shone uniu-! terruptedly down all day upon saint; and sinner alike, with never a cloud to shut orr temporarily uie inmost, overwhelming heat. ! Sunday also deserves a second superlative. Itesides being the hot test day, It was the most popular one; STORM VICTIMS More Than Fifty Lost Lives And Many In jured In New York Tempest New York, June 12 (By The Asso ciated Press) Daybreak this morn ing found hundreds of parents, chil dren and relatives still keeping vigil at the docks, awaiting the arrival ot police boats which during the early hours had searched the waters of Long Island Sound for additional vic tims from yesterday's storm. More j than fifty persons are thought to have lost their lives and upwards of a hun dred were Injured in the tempe.-t. which roared out on the hills of New t. ......... Iw.nt tha Uiwluin Into foam at Dawson's bathing beach near the Rwppt ncroM Community Hospital Hundreds (,Uy ,,n,pprty damaKft WtMll 11) IM Illllf IPSIMI, clllfl iuuiiu Favorable Report On Capper-Tmcher Bill WaEhititrtrm 'Inno 19 fllir Tlio A u Wended the red, green and gold of The farmers are not bookkeepers, but g()date(, ,,reM)Favorab,e report the new Near East they know well enough whether a on ,he Capper.Tlncher biU to amend Traversing the ' hot sands that j venture is profitable or not. : lhe future trading act to meet the He between the bay and the civic In the final analysis, we run in-; recpnt ()f (na nilffpim will nrrta nnnn lha n, In .1.. Int., M,n l.nn! f....,l I ' v-mci uie )iiif,wiu ivnre ujmi u.muuij iinu me iuvoi uicinci i court was ordered today jnaie 01 ine KiieKiuig tuiucia, anu prooiem a cuy prooiein, aim every pleasing solace from the heat in the Charles Aycock. brother of Mrs. cool, if somewhat dirty and colon W. H. Weatherly Jr., . of this city j bacilli-Infested waters of Pasquotank1 and son, C. P. Aycock, of Pantego, lltiver. Other throngs went in cars to' was drowned Sunday afternoon at Davis Bay, Monte Carlo, Meads's,; Belhaven when he ventured too far j Lister's and James's pl'rs more re-, land was caught in the underto.. Mr. !n.ote bathing beaches and enjoyed u 'and Mrs. Weatherly were there at the , refreshing swim. Those who stayed ! time. 'home all day, unless they were more. Robert Piiddick and the drowned favored than the majority of folks, man's brother, George Aycock, went simply sizzled, stewed and suffered, to the rescue when they heard the ! cries for help, but they themselves j A X)ltK('TI()X ! would have drowned, in all proba-; Raleigh, June 10, 192. ! ability, had not a boat gone to their I The Dally Advance, estimated at from a million dollars to three times that much. right beyond, the minarets, pavilions city's most important business neces and obelisks of an Arabian village, sity in the days at hand and ahead. In the background will be seen the If the bankers and merchants will new City Hall, transformed into an: not help the farmer to solve this great dome glowing at night with red and amber lights and by day with a riot of pennons, gorgeously hued, snapping In the breeze. Wednesday, the second day of the convention, the United States Army will put on an aviation program with' confetti and American Beauty roses as the bombing ammunition. On the name day the 130 mile Golden Jubilee national championship automobile race for purses aggregating $25,000 will be run on the House Agriculture rescue and pick"d them up In a state of unconsciousness and complete ex haustion. It took some time to revive the two. I'nable to offer assistance on ac- surf conditions, hv thp Committee. Tnei i -"-.".. measure is expected to be taken in the House Thursday. up penalty In the next year or so. ii i s SUMMER SCHOOL BEGINS WITH MANY ATTENDING FKDKItATION OK I.AIMHt IHHCl'KKKS ritOKLKMS hundreds of bathers saw the drown ing of young Aycock, yho was Just 22 years of age, and had but recently returned from the I'niversity of North .Carolina, where he was a stu- Clncinatl, Ohio, June 12 "Open Shop", unemployment, wage 'reduc tions, recognition of Soviet Russia, one big union, court decisions, and Injunctions affecting labor, formed Thirtv-one teachers "frorif Tiair a the main Issues that confronted the dozen Northeastern North Carolina - American Federation, of Labor which and Virginia counties were present . opened Its two weeks convention for enrollment at the opening of the j here today. No debate as on the Joint County Summer School for program of the, opening session. San Francisco'; Teachers which opened at this city: . : Elizabeth City, N. C. Gentlemen : It has Just been brought to the at tention ot this Bureau that the Di rector was quoted in your issue of May 31st as stating that seventy-five of the babies examined during the Clinic held in your city were defec tive out of 165. Inasmuch as no such statement was made and the statement is an Injustice both to your dent this year. The body had not . people and this Bureau, we will thank been recovered earl yMonday morn- you to make the necessary correction peedway at San Carlos, south of here. The following days the air maneuvers will be continued and other events will be land and sea sham battles. Regattas, excursions and visits to yfthe great battleships and the lesser craft of the Pacific fleet will be other events. The outstanding events from a Monday morning at ten o clock. Trains and steamers bringing other teachers from Currituck, Camden and Dare Counties had not arrived, and Indications were that the open ing day's enrollment would reach 40 to 50 teachers. The last day for ent rance Into the Summer School is Wednesday of this week. It is held at the Elizabeth City High School Washington Treaties In Chcr.bcr Deputies Paris, J.une 12 (By the Associated Press) Bills ratifying the agree ments reached at the Washington arms conference are now in commit- Miss Hattie Parrott, of the State! ' Chamber of Deputies, and here reporieu soon. Durelv spectacular nolnt of view will ... . ..... rnnn4wv.anf nl VAttnnUnn wa De the nararleii. thre nf which have i i"11 l"lcu' "l t'uul-""uu' " leen arranged for. t0 a8sist 'n the, work of organizing! Hotel accommodations are said to the Summer School. Prof. A. B. ML,5 1e plentiful, but there Is one temple : l;om 08 aivea Saturday irom a snort that will take no chances. That is Vacation, and was on hand Monday Medina oLChlcago, which has arrang- morning to assume his duties as di orl tn use its flvo .r.opini trin0 inr rector; and Miss Eleanor Huske, of Tiotel pumoses. Telenhone connec-. Fayettevllle, whose work at two pre-! The tion will be "hooked up pullman. OF TROLLEYS IN SWITZERLAND NOW Jng. Harding Deprecates Criticise Goldstein ;In your next issue. We did find many j babies In need of medical supervision 'and care whose parents did not feel needed such attention, until brought to the Clinic for examination. In I this manner it is possible for the ser- Explosion Startles Saturday Shoppers Various Theories Advanced As T Cause, Which Wns l'iiiiue, To Say The Least A loud explosion late Saturday af ternoon, while the streets were thronged with shoppers, and business on a busy Saturday was at lt,s busies', startled many people on South Water street, shook to their foundations numerous barrels of oil on the Texas Company dock, on the East Fearing street water front, and played havoc generally with the peace of mind of t hose who heard it. Somebody made the startling an nouncement that a war bomb, plantel by some devilish alien during the world conflict, had Just exploded. Another believed that murder had i been committed, and waited several .minutes to heur the victim's dying i shriek. A third, a visitor from Co lumbia who hadn't been in town long I enough to become acquainted with the calendar In use here, decided that ; it was the Fourth of July In Elizabeth City, and that somebody had Just pet St. Louis, June 12 (By The Asso ciated Press) President Harding has written Nat Goldstein, that the criticism produced by the nomination of Goldstein for Internal revenue collector here, caused by Goldstein's acceptance of 12500 of Lowden cam paign funds, was an "undeserving character." CONDITION OF HHOWS I .K NINE IMPROVEMENT vice or mis nureau 10 De ot value to 1 on a gant firecracker, the public. This work to be of great-! Thoge who tracPd the explosion to est service and good to the people ; ltg 80urce learned that Miles Clark must have the follow-up work in or-;had p!acpd an empty woo,!en barrel der to determine If those In need of! ln hIg gag boat at the Texas company medical attention are acting upon the dockg and nad attached It to the ex advlce and placing themselves under j nau8t p)pe to gerve ag a muffier. Ti1H medical care that the conditions be i second hole In the barrel to permit remedied. i the escape of the gases wasn't large We wish to express to you and your enough, and the bung blew out. That staff our appreciation of the hearty wag tne wnoe cauge ot lne PXCite. support and co-operation given the m(in( campaign and Clinic In the columns 1 of your paper. We trust that the re- Moscow June 12 (By The Assoc,- , w.H ta! WILL MAKE STATEMENT .... ' ... .even In greater .proportion-than if1 dition continues to show Improve-1 . ..,,, , .,, . , ... i . .. , . . . j . . . , , measured by the good wishes of your ment, it is stated In official circles and i Very truly, K. P. B. BONNER, Director TUESDAY OR THURSDAY he is now able to walk in the gar den and dictate letters. Berne Switzerland, June 12 (By Associated Press) Two hun- wlth each eRd'niS summer schools here has oc- dred and fifty miles of electric moun casioned much favorable comment. Is ta!n railways in the Canton of Grison Subsidy Gets Nowhere DEIJtfJATES TO It. Y. P. V. CONVENTION AT NEW BERN here to assist in conducting Summer School. Unlike some other years, there has and Pontresina with Daves and other been no trouble this summer ln ob- points, including Goire, on the Misses Kate Wood, Bernlce Twid- j taining boarding places for the teach- Rhine, dy, Josle Gordon,- Annie Belle Ab-jers, according to County Superin- Switzerland has now a total of bott. Marie Cooper, Golrile Stokes, tendent M. P. Jennings, under whose 1,500 miles of electric railways many Mrs. Sam Williams, and Marion Love general supervision the Summer of which have been nave been named as delegates to the School will "he conducted; and Mr. from steam railways. B. Y. P. U. Convention at New Bern ; Jennings states that he will be glad rrom the First Baptist cnurcn oi tnis to assist any attending teachers to city; with Misses Ada Palmer, Mary secure hoard at reasonable rates. Trueblootl, Nellie Hastings, -Mrs.: fary McCoy, Allen Bell, Herseyj - . Lamb, Brlghtie White and Joseph ONE MAN IN JAIL AND Peele from Blackwell Memorial POLICE AFTER OTHERS church. The delegates will leave at' 11:35 Tuesday morning and will re Washington, June 12 (By The As sociated Press) After a conference Dear Sir: Dr. K. P. B. Bonner, Director, 'Bureau of Maternity and Infancy, State Board of Health, Raleigh, N. C, thA ' hiivA rpppnMv hppn nnmiorl Tlioaa lines connect the resorts of St. Moriul tHlajr w,,h thB 1,re8i,ie,lt- Represent In reply to your letter of the tenth lauve .wonuen, uepunncan teauer, uskiiik ior a iuiusoeu iim;uuii m hasiily called the Republican steer- a statement appearing recently in the ing committee of the House to dis- com tuns of The Advance, to the ef cuss probable action on the ship' feet that 75 babies were saved from subsidy bill and Muscle Shoals, but death or permanent invalidism by the transformed the 1,H,etln8. 11 wa 8ai(l "Kot no- work of the Baby Clinic here, we are wnere. i more than glad to make me uesireii London. June 12 (By The Associ i ated Press) Colonial Secretary Churchill announced In the House of Commons this afternoon that It would 1 be more convenient and In general of I greater public Interest If he deferred ; Ills statement on Ireland, expected today, until Tuesday or possibly Thursday. DEFENDANT TOLD WHERE HE OBTAINED WHISKEY correction In this letter, which Is pub- Otr Ciiinpllitr Tfln ! llshed In today's Issue of The Ad- Charles, Francis and Marlon Seyf-Vance. fert, Carlton Woodley, William Jen-i The Information referred to, which nlngs and William' Overman are you describe as Incorrect, was given of The Advance Misses Hazel and Bessie Stafford of South Mills passed through the c!ty Monday en route to Raleigh where they will attend the summer camping a few days at Arneuse Creek to representatives school at State College. this week. turn Friday. HEAVY (JIAKES RECORDED., Richmond, June 12--Herbert Buck ;ley, lumber worker, Is in Jail, and warrants are out for a number of (others who took part ln recent dis turbances in Louisa County, Virginia, tarred and SLIGHT DECREASE IN VOTES ANNOUNCED FOR THIS WEEK and the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot on Wednesday morning. May SI. by Herbert King, who lives in tlio Fork section, near Carter's Shop, was tried In recorder's court Monday on a charge of assault upon his wife. He admitted that he had been drinking, and told the court that he obtained his liquor upon information furnished by one Albert Stalllngs, of the New Hope section, Perquimans County. He explained that Stalling told him where he had seen a two- members of the special Baby Clinic gallon Jug hid in the bushes near the WaRhinEton. June 12 (By The As sociated Press) A heavy earthquake in whirh ck,ely was shock was recorded at Georgetown feathered by a band of masked men University Observatory last night ' Thursday night, and subsequently the and a less severe tremor, probably : nme r lne Pacner named oienn more distant, was recorded at about' w8 sh,,t UP- Glenn ls 8ald to rePrp-' six o'clock this morning. j sent t,,p faction opposing Buckley and Chicago. June 12 (By The Assocl-;his frlcndg- ated Press) Two earthquake shocks' J ! were recorded by the University of Chicago seismograph last night; Publicity Committee of the Central Council of Public Welfare, of this city, appointed to keep the news papers In touch with the Clinic. It appeared In both newspapers, and was published In good faith as com J. R. Brite place, and that he himself went and secured it shortly after ward. King was placed under a I hlrl y-day sentence on the assault charge, hut Judgement was suspended for two years upon payment of the Virginia crois ;oon MANAGER OF BAKERY SHOT DEAD IN BELFAST Belfast, June 12 (By The Associ ated Press) Edward Devlne, man aging director of a bakery concern In Belfast, was shot dead today In his office by three men who forced their entrance into the place, shouted "hands up," then fired. ZOU,UUU VoteS Will JBe tllVen Un JLach And Jhvery.lng from an entirely reliable soirTce.i osts, and conditional upon the de Pluk T,,-A I R., Minn n'.lrvl, MA4 C.. view of the circumstances. The fendant's future good behavior. Club 1 urned ln By Mine U clock Next iatur-;A(lvan(.e B gltt(1 to CHrrect thn (irror i ardy Perry, cnai.Kd in rw.orAet-9 dav NiffHt. June The 17th - Onlv One Mnre though It came about through no rt here Monday morning with op- 11 1 nr n A TL' fault of this newspaper. Week Of Race After 1 his Very tiy. ; THE ADVANCE. I The contest will close one week ' j from Saturday night. Only a few' nma . ..... i NEW IRISH ARTICLES come across is going to be the un-, ' more days In which to work for the doln(? of 8ome contes,ants in this! ARE HAPPILY REVISED, ora sedan. All the time, votes are race. If people who have promised London, June 12 (By The Assocl-! S(,0 on, entered a plea of submission decreasing, and every minute you de- you do not give you subscriptions, ated Press) The artlcleg of the new i 0n a charge of operating a motor ve- erating an automobile without th proper license, was found not guilty. Mr. Perry, who Is connected with a local garage, testified that the car was one that he had for sale, and that he was out Umbering it up. Wilson Ferrell, of the Weeksville Richmond, June 12 (By The Asso ciated Press) Prospects for all Vir ginia field crops are excellent, ao anrtiiM tn tho limn rpnort of the Vlr. glnla crop reporting service, inade!,ajr ,n Mnr,nf additional support is don't become discouraged, for there j Irish constitution are being revised , hide without the proper license, and public today. The fruit crop, the re- l" muuie. une. woo are mousanas oi people in Kiiwiuein so satisiactoriiy, tne evening Htar as- was required to pay the costs of the seeing me ugnt" are rorging city's trade territory that are not serts today, that Arthur. Griffith Is to ! raxe the freeze last April. are "seeing the ahead ot you. subscribers, and who would become return to Dublin with them tonight. ; 11 is easier now to get votes than, so If they were Importuned. " The whole six points raised by the; Your competitors are Make It a nolnt thin week tn rn In British Hlrnatorles to the Ans-ln-Irlsh i i next week. Dr. C. W. Sawyer left Monday for busy this week. What about you? every place ou can. and get as many treaty have been adjusted, the news Nags Head to open up the Albemarle Are you willing to see a fine car go aubscrlbers as possible. A Donus of paper says. . I cottage for a house party of young, from you fo rlack of a little effort on 250.000 votes will be given on each Jesse Wilson of Woodvllle passed people who expect to leave her Tues- , your part? Someone Is going to win. I and every club of five vearlv sub-' Rev. and Mrs. J. H Hall and John PRESIDENT RETURNS FROM CRUSE WITH RAlTiHKRTY through the city Saturday enroute to his home at Woodvllle after a week at Nags Head. day with Mrs. W. W. Casey who will; That is certain. be In charge of the Albemarle this winning? season. , Waiting for Washington, June 12 (By The As sociated Press)-The President re turned to Washington today after on Are you certain of scrlptions this week. If tamed In by Gilbert and William, son's, left Mon-iover Sunday cruise In the Mayflower nine o clock on the night ot Satur-iday to spend the aeason at Nags i with Daugherty, Mellon and Senator the other fellow to day next. Head. land Mrs. Newberry as his guests.