WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Wednesday. Gentle to moderate variable winds. t CIRCULATION :; Monday 1.7G9 Copies rJ t: I, (' VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 1!)22 FOUR DACES NO. 110 Camden And Currituck Spuds Slowing Up Now Growers Must Put Part Of Their Time On Sweet Potatoes And Other Crops, Necessar ily Neglected During Long Wet Spell Pas quotank Crop Moving Faster , After last week's record-: breaking congestion, potato shipments from Currituck and Camden Counties will appar ently be materially lighter this week, according to W. W. New hern, manager of the firm of V. W. Newbern & Co., local' potato brokers who handle the bulk of the crop from that sec-j tion. Mr. Newbern says thati this is not because the crop is' anywhere near cleaned up, but because the farmers must give1 i nart of their time now to Clll- i;v,t;,r fholr owppf notatoes prnn whieh havgiProposition that the Government pur-jthe and other crops unicn haye and operate the I)ismal mp been negiectea lor two weena on account of the continued heavy rains. W. W. Newbern & Co. have handled between 200 and 225 car-; loads of early Irish potatoes this sea- sou thus tar. or iu.uuu iu barrels, the largest totals of any lo- cal commission house. Their quota- , lions eauy lutsuoj im1111116 w"." 1.. T.. A .4 i. nn tt, rr frtnl .New York were 4.ou to a.ou a ai-;tIon of North Carolina and Virginia, rel, with most sales around $5.00.1 j. c. Wallace then followed Mr. One carload shipped by the company w'ard. Senator Jones of Washing to Philadelphia brought $5.75 ton, chairman of the committee, straight Tuesday morning. Brock & wanted to know of Mr. Wallaee why Scott had handled approximately ! 12,000 barrels up to Tuesday mom- ing, u per cent oi wnicii went mm the company's graders. The Norfolk Southern freight office here, working day and night since the potato rush began ten days ago, had handled 365 carloads, or 73,000 barrels up to midnight Monday night. The railroad company is running day and night shifts on the docks and .yard engine In order to handle potato shipments with the greatest possible speed and efficiency. Up to Tuesday morning, the North River Line, according to J. E. Baker, the superintendent, had handled ap proximately 40,000 barrels of pota toes. Shipments Monday morning amounted to only 4,000 barrels for the reason that few diggers were able to get their morning diggings to the docks in time tor shipment. Heavier consignments were expected Tuesday and later through the week. Indications are that potato ship ments from Pasquotank County will be exceptionally heavy this week, states R. C. Abbott, local commis sion broker who handles a large per centage of the Pasquotank crop. Mr. Abbott had shipped approximately 35 x:ars, or 7,000 barrels, up to Tuesday morning. His Tuesday quotations irom .ew l orn, rnnaueipnia and , ,i,,niaI1ds not only utility, but also opinions on wage reductions already Newark ranged from $5.00 to $5.50 "beauty and colnfort in order to have announced effective July 1st, will a barrel. He says that the Pasquo- a )lome atmosphere equal to that of make its appearance again when an tank crop will probably be cleaned kings al,j qllHens a few centuries other $40,000,000 Is lopped off of the up next week, except for a few scat- ag0 - pay cle,ks or 350.000 more railway- tered shipments. f "yhen a merchant pays $500 for. men this week. The majority deci- There was little activity among an ad in a pap(,r Me wants to use the Bion of the Board was completed yes buyers on the Norfolk Southern docks ;f,pace t tlie .s, ,)f ssib!e advantage," terday, but the minority opinion will Tuesday morning, in view of the tend- MrK olesen said. He may make it (delay announcement of the hew or-' ency of the market to weaken. A thirty, forty, sixty eighty or oner for several days, it was learned1 lew were offering $.!.(& a barrel ror 'Xtra good stock, and were apparent- ly not anxious to buy at that figure. Some growers were reported to be offering to sell at $3.50 a barrel, but buyers even at that figure were not conspicuously in evidence. Export Trade Suffers Decline During May Washington. June 13 (By The As sociated Press 1 Amevira's export trade suffered another decline during May. dropping from the total of $318,000,000 reported for April to $308,000,000. Imports, .however, in creased in May to $254,000,000 coin pared with $217.000.000 'for April. FIRST WITNESS CALLED IN LOGAN COUNTY CASE Cliarlestown, W. Va., June 13 (By The Associated Press) The first witness was called today by the State in the effort to prove that Rev. J. E. Wllburn was implicated In the fatal shooting of John C, Gore, Logan County sheriff, who was killed with two deputies during disturbances on the Logan-Boone County border last summer. Miss Ethel Perkins of Shawboro Is' the guest of Miss Maude Brock on North Road street during Chan- ciiKiiia. LiftlG toe For Canal Senate Commerce Com- miHpp Qppmc T ,ittlp , v ' r-v' i m t;i JJISDOSeU lO raVUI PmChaSe Of Dismal r nr i....,.,.. bwamp VVateiWay Washln.tollt r). Cii June 13 rce t om - cial) The Senate Commerce mittee today held a hearing on the canal, me meeting was i-aneu M me suggestion in v waru. cenator 0iinn.....B. u , of the committee, made a statement ; tha haorlntr tn TL'tllon Vl A PT- plained the necessity ot the purchase , and tne obligation of the Government ' ;t0 buy the canal. Mr. nam men f0n0wed with a statement showing U8t wnat the purchase and operation j" - , i, t .U. - 0t lne canal wouiu mean to mat w tne Deople along the canal did not form a corporation and buy the canal. Mr. Wallace toiu mm inai such an undertaking was or too great magnitude tor tne peopie. ine ques- tions of Senator Jones and henator Nelson seem to indicate that the Sen- ate committee will probably oppose the purchase by the Government ot the canal at this time, as the House Rivers and Harbors Committee has done. But when this dispatch was filed the committee had not heard the arguments of former Congress man John H. Small, who was present and who is to close the case in beha'f of the purchase. WOMEN DEMAND Milwaukee, Wis., June 13. Wom en like "vihat may be termed atmos phere in advertising," Mrs. Anna D. Olesen oi Cloquet, Mini... candidate lor the De mocratic inmination for I'nited States Senator from Minneso ta, told the convention of the Associa tiated Advertising Clubs of the World today She said that the modern woman hundred per cent ehV'ent. of the snare is the same. The cost it is I lie, advertisers business to say how it may be made efficient. t "Most of the failures in advertis ing are due to overstating the merits of the product, while others are due to understating its real value. There fore the advertiser must fully under stand what lie is advertising, and then present the facts as they are." Arrested On Charge Of Murdering Husband Mount Holly, N. J., June 13 (By The Associated Press) Mrs. Doris Bune, widow of John Brnne, circus owner who was shot and' killed on March in. Is under arrest here today charged with murder, on Information furnished by persons already under arrest, according to the authorities vantage of the 250,000 vote offer ItoTARV Gl'KST !' KIWAMS this week will help wonderfully to AT HANyi'KT THl'ItSDAY XUilfT ward winning. Four clubs will earn a million votes, while next week, it Elizabeth City Kiwanlans will en tertain the membership of their brother-organization, the Elizabeth City Rotary Club, at a ianquet to be given at the Southern Hotel Thurs day night, beginning at seven o'clock. At the close of th,? banquet, a larro delegation of Rotarlans will leave on the night train for Wilson, to attend tne Inter-clty 'Rotary meet to be held tiere Friday. northern Baptists To Meet At Indianapolis Dclegati'M JtcpiesciitiiiK .Million And A Quarter Members Of Denomina tion Will Attend Convent ion Indianapolis, Ind., June 13 (By The Associated Press)' Approxi mately 4.000 Northern Haptists from ;35 states of the I'nion, representing fi.6.oo churches and 1,250,000 mem bers throughout t he country, and 100 'missionaries from various home liields and China, and Japan, Burma, Assam, India and Africa, will gather here from June 14 to June 20, in the fifteenth annual convention of the Northern Baptist Convention. I Five co-operating organizations j will also send delegates to I he ron jvention, including the American Bap tist Foreign Mission Society, the American Baptist Home Mission So- 'clety, he Woman's American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, the Wo- man'i American Baptist Home M is- ' l he Board of Education ,;t8';; W;" Vg7VTpTo and the Ministers and Missionaries: 1,8UZ- 10,i, b,ii-. in an, i.s.u iBenetit Board The southern Hantist fPOt ,)f 2V2 llost wer 800 Convention will also send represen- (Spe-jtatlve8 t() the convention- i : Among the topics that will occupy ! the attention of the ileleeatHi will ! ' economic crisis and the ' necessity ()f completing the $ioo,-j 000,000 campaign of the denomina- tlon. the re.0,.gailizaton ot the Gen- eraj noanj ()f Promotion of the Nor. uern Iiaptist Conventlorf; fun(la. gcope of tJ)e WQrk of ,he home and foreign misson societies ,,..,,. Hrrpt. . ,., . Iha nrlhor 1 r'-,.,.,D.,n,. .i m ,f ... .,,.. v viiicuuoiii ami liic; nisi nuiiiau nmi naB ever ,ePll elected to the leader- ship of great denomination, will preside. ( The .Northern Baptist Convention was tentatively organized in 1907 at Washington, I). C. and completed in n. ,.,,.. 'rii'. in 1908, Charles secretary of state, Evan) jtughes was the first nresident of the -on- vention The question 0f slavery' dlvlded Northprn alld Southern Bap Civil tists at the beginning of the Wa. FIVE BANDITS KILLED IN ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP Nogales, Ariz., June 13 (By The Associated Press) Five bandits were killed and three wounded in an at tempt to hold up a train of the Southern Pacific De Mexico near Ro sares, Mexico, Saturday, according to ' the conductor who arrived here to day. The five were killed and three 'wounded by General Rodriguez, mili tary governor of Nyaret, who was a passenger on the train. Another Division In Railroad Labor Board Chicago, June 13 (By The Associ ated Press) Division in the ner- 'sonnel of the Railroad Labor Board which resulted in vigorous dissenting today. Campaign Takes On New Life As It Nears The End Contestants Fully Awake To What It Takes To Win Subscriptions And Lots Of Subscrip tions Are Needed By The First Six In Race It certainly won't take a fortune teller to predict with more than passing tli n tli the winner in the great Advance "Everybody Wins" Cam paign. Practically every contestant who would like to win the Ford sedan is perfectly awake to the conse quences of procrastination, and are out with vim this week. It Is easy to see that taking :id- wllL take Infinitely more subsctip- tions to earn the same number of votes. Prevail on your friends this week to give you their subscriptions for one, two and three years. A few three year subscriptions count heav ily toward a winning vote total. Get as many subscriptions of all kinds as j you can, and do It this week, for next j week Is the last, and you will be very busy then seeing those who have Chief Flora's Report For Month Of May A lire loss of $6,772 for the month of May is shown by Fire Chief Flora's report for the month, just made pub lic. The Department answered S4 bell alarms and 12 still alarms, or a total of 96. As usual the cnininey fire is well in the lead as the main cause of tires in Elizabeth City, with a total of "26, alarms. Other causes were: Sparks from Hues, mill stacks, etc., 16; de fective tines and stove pipes, 10; tin known, S; false alarms, 8; careless- uess 6; electrical nres (live wires and overheated transformers), smoke scares. 4; brush tires, 3; ov. heated furnaces, 2; carburetor Inn ) ..-ill,, tt , l , , lues, , einergeuiy na, lame ' 1 ti , . ,. -. i , Plosions, i; children with Fourth ot July arrangements l; machinery friction, i; incen- this year are under the direc (Iil,rv' L tion of a joint committee of the The value of buildings at risk dur- ,,, ' ing the month was $166,360. and -lumber of Commerce and of contents, $32S,2lo, making a totar Merchants Association, with of $4!I4.57). The loss on buildings , M jpa r.Arh A nvp,,,,.:,,, ,.V,.,;,. EHons chemicals were used, lad- part jn the (lay's proceedings, ders were raised 1.964 feet, and "u',an(4 ui:PV(1(i aaf (vn department was in service 37 hours, u lh ul 11 lu lnat lne anti one minute. Jim Baker Is In Bad With The Law Again Sovured From Two Dollars Money Mrs. I'liltle lvey, Ami SjK'iit It Vr Dope Jim Baker, dope addict and ex- ronvlct, was placed under a sus- - penned sentence ol inirty days on tne roads In recorder's court here Tues- day morning, and was fined fifteen dollars and costs after he plead guilty to the larceny of two dollars from Mrs. Puttie lvey, who lives on Guy street, on the outskirts of the city. In response to a note, Mrs. lvey Kave Baker two dollars with wiiicn to pay J. lienrrett. a neighborlioon nour to be announced later, storekeeper, the rent due W. E. A thousand-dollar fireworks dis Dunstan, in one of whose tenant play and Illuminated water carnival houses she lives. Baker later re- on a scale heretofore nsver attempt turned with a receipt signed with ed here, will be the feature of ti e Bennett's name; but it afterward de- night's doings, and the biggest btunt veloped that he had not turned the of the Fourth program, as it now money over to Bennett. 'stands. Baker freely admitted In court! The comfort and convenience of Tuesday that he had taken the! Fourth visitors here will be looked (money, and explained his action by stating that he had been drinking Bateman's drops and done. He said that he did not originally Intend to; keep the two dollars, but that short- ly after leaving Mrs. Ivey's home with It he met Levy Crank, who told him that he knew where he could, buv a dozen bottles of drons for $1.80. The two secured the stuff, and drank It. Baker admitted also that! he forged the J. Bennett receipt that he turned over to Mrs. lvey. , Some two months ago, Baker was brought before I rial Justice Spenct on a charge of escaping from the chain gang, where he had been serv ing a sentence of eighteen months for the'larceny of property belonging to the Dare Lumber Company aboard the boat Grace R. It was learned that Baker bad escaped only about 24 hours before his sentence would have expired anAay, and he was let off with the costs of the hearing. He has never paid these costs, and hi release under suspended sentence Tuesday morning was made condi tional upon the payment of them. He must also return to Mrs. lvey the, two dollars lie received from her. i promised, and those who you have been unable to see. Do not be .afraid to go Into another contestant's territory, as it is per fectly fair. If the contestant does not think enough of a line Ford se dan to cover her territory thoroughly then she should not stand In your way. For this week, up to Saturday night at nine o'clock, a bonus of 250,000 votes will be given on each and every club of five yearly subscrip tions, or the equivalent In ln( and three year subscriptions. Remem ber, a club counts as $20.00, and on every club that you turn In, you will get the 250,000 votes. For Instance, if you turn In four clubs this week, you will receive one ballot for 80,000 votes, and another for 1.000,000 . votes, (io after the subscriptions good and strong this week, Visitors Are Promised Much Fun On Fourth Boys' Sports In The Morning, Fast Baseball In Afternoon, And Magnificently Spectacular Fireworks Display And Water Carnival At Night The most entertaining program of recent years is promised ' to visitors to Elizabeth City on the Kourthof July this year. The "ouith comes on Tuesday, and preparations are under way to 'make the day thoroughly enjoyable in every way for the throngs expected here. man- The local Rotary Club haa already arranged for a iwanians will also have charge of some phase of the Fourth activities.. The program as arranged at pres ent, and subject to later additions, provides for a series of boys'' sports, probably to include bicycle', running ami swimming races, and other ath letic stunts in the morning, under the direction of Frank Kramer, chair- man of the Boys' Work Committee of me r.nzalietn t uy notary Cluu. tins will furnish real sport for the boys, and much entertainment and amuse- ment for Fourth visitors who arrive before noon. A baseball game between the fast Texas Company team of Norfolk and a picked local team, is scheduled rir the afternoon. It will be played on ine west Main street aiumonu at an after In a substantial way. Benches , will be provided in the shady court I house suuare, and elsewhere in the city, and tanks of Ice water along i Main street and the other principal ! thoroughfares will serve to quench , the thirst of the throngs. Prospects are that this years Fourth will be a 'day of clean fun and wholesome re- Ulla taxation for all who come to city. MKKTS WEDNKSD.W T)lp y w j, class or the First: chrlsH-.n Church will meet with Miss Maud Maud Evans on Richardson street Wednesday evening at 7.30 o'clock. r LATE BULLETINS TAKIl E TAKES PRECEDENCE Washington. 'June is (By The As sociated Press) President Harding, it was stated at the White House to day, hopes and expects the tariff bill to be passed prior to the bonus leg islation. Also it is said authorita tively that the President feels that Congress should have a free hand in regard to Muscle Shoals. NOTHING DRASTIC KXPEt TED Washington. June lil (By The As sociated Press) The administration Is not contemplating any important, immediate or drastic action in con nection with thp coal strike, it was stated at the White House today. NEW BOMH I'l.AN Washington, June 13 (liy The As sociated Press I A proposal to pay the soldier bonus in cash, the financ ing to be done by means oT special taxes on banks, through the use of the Interest on foreign Inhebtedness, was made In the Senate by Senator Ladd, or North Dakota today. BOUNTY FOR POTASH Washington, June 13 (By The As sociated Press) An amendment to the tariff bill under which the" potash production f the I'nited States woiUd be stimulated by a bounty from the Federal treasury Instead of through Imposts on imports was agreed upon by the Senate Finance Committee majority today. EXPLOSION KILLS KOI It Detroit, June 13 (By The ssocl ated press) Four men were killed In the explosion of an d timonia tank of the Parker Webb Parking Com- pany's plant at noon here today. The plunt was badly damaged. Temporary Injunction Against Mine Workers Columbus. Ohio. June i:i (By The Associated Press) A temporary in junction restraining the I'nited Mine Workers of Harrison and Jefferson ('"ntles from interfering with coal stripping operations In the counties has been granted by Federal Judg, Sater, it became known today. President Stresses The Ship Subsidy Bill Washington, June 13 (By The As sociated Press) The President has notified Chairman Campbell of the House Rules Committee that unless i'ne ship subsidy bill is passed nrior uj"u mneiu ne will teel obii- KiHed to call a special session solely 1,)r "s eonslderation. Summer School Under Way With Excellent Prospects The joint County Slimmer School for Teachers, which opened here Mc'day morning for a six-weeks ses sion. Is now getting under way i:i dead earnest, according to Pror. A. 11. Combs, director, who announces tin tthe enrollment of teachers reach ed a total of 41 Tuesday morning, from Virginia and the seven North eastern Carolina counties included in thin summer school district. It became apparent early Mondav morning that the enrollment would exceed the thirty teachers required for the employment of a third In- , 8trtor. Miss Hat.le Harney, the i '""""' i""" 'i'' r.i.zaoeiu 1,y ,mJ 8cho)1' wa8 "cured Miss Hattle Parrott. of Klnston. a member of the State Board of Edu- 'cation, who is here helping In the or ganization of the Summer School, 'stated Tuesday morning that she was greatly pleased with the prospects here. "Practically every teacher In these seven counties," she said, "for whom the County Summer School Is a means of professional advancement, is already enrolled for the work. This means that w are taking a long for ward step toward the standardization or teachers' qualifications in th!3 .section." Attempt Settlement Tacna-Arica Dispute Washington. June 1 :i (By The As sociated Press) Informal conversa tions looking to establishment of a new basis for negotiations in tlin Tacna-Arica dispute were continued today by delegates to the Peruvian Chilian conference. MANTEO ODD FELLOWS SEND WREATHS TO PI T ON (iRAYKS Two wreaths of flowers, eacli de signed in three links symbolical of the emblem of Odd Fellowship, were received Tuesday morning from Vir ginia Dare Lodge No. 3, at Manlen. by Rev. E. F. Sawyer, chaplain of Achoiee Lodge, I. (). O. F., or thU city, to be placed upon the graves of Dr. W. II. Fearing or this city. wh' was long a practicing physician on Roanoke Island, and Mr. Sample also for many years a resident of th Island. Dr. Fearing was a brother of J. B. Fearing, of this city. Tin wreaths were sent Tuesday, June 13, because that is Odd Fellows' Memorial Day, when all graves of members of the fraternity are annu ally decorated. The Odd Fellows o!" this city, however, hitve arranged to hold I heir memorial services next Sunday. Says Lenine It Not Paralyzed Moscow, June 13 (By The Asso ciated Press) Lenine has not lost any of his faculties and his progress if, satisfactory, Dlmltri Oullanoff, the premier's eldest brother, told The Associated press correspondent hers today. He said rumors that he is j paralysed are untrue.

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