CIRCULATION Friday 1,747 Copies WEATHER Fair tonight and Sun- ' day. Gentle winds. VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION J I f! fl 'A h I J I) ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 24, 1922 FOUR PAGES NO. 150 i in V OE'ciianPGrolrairJliDiGter Jnnv Instantly Killed As Was Entering Autcaobile To Drive From Residence In Suburb To His Office In The City. Berlin, June 24 (By The Associated Press) Dr. Walter Rathenau, German Minister of Foreign Affairs, was assassinated today. fv.M lie tv as oiiui aiiu 111 stantly killed as he was leaving his residence in Grunewald, a suburb, for the Foreign Office in an automobile. The as sassin escaped. The official announce ment of his death has been made in the Reich stag. The murderer, who was driving in a motor car, slowed up as he was nearing Rathenau and shot twice. . Putting on high speed the assassin then escaped. Rathenau was guest at a dinner last night of American Ambassador Houghton and this morning the Embassy promptly lowered its flag to half mast on ac count of the assassina tion. V Uproar In Reichstag News of the assassin ation Caused pandemO- t,ce the courts concerning the le-1 I1RITIKH MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS . gality of strikes for certain unusual! lllUm tO break OUt objects," Dr. Ryan said. "For ex-! London, June 24 (By The Assocl among the VarioUS party amPle- m08t ot the lodges that have ated Press) The Federation of Brit- . . D lT : passed upon the question have pro-sh Music Industries has been dis gTOUpS Ol the KeiCnStag. ,nounced illegal a strike for the en- cussing the best means of starting a In thp Prtmmi&ftion On ' forcement of tne closed shop. The in ine UOmmusiUIl W"jSuprelIle Court o Massachusetts sua- Taxation which had JUSt! talned an Injunction against a strike t . Qrkil wnlcn 80UBnl 10 compel an employer to light a huge bonfire or old pianos. Convened, tWO OOCiai- t0 deal collectively with the union. That, he says, would only be follow IStS jumped UP Shouting About tne only comprehensive prin- Ing the excellent example set by the PI l l n If L clple which the courts recognize for music trade in America. "It would tO Lr. fvarl rlelieriCn their guidance is that a combination make the finest sort of a display ad "YoU are the assassin." t0 CP3Se WOrk an illegal 'conspir-;vertisement," he adds, "for it would U If 1 l i 1 r acy when the injury done to the em- show the country that the old pianos Helferich hastily left ployer is direct, primary and Inten- with which we are overstocked are Vio rnmmittoA e committee room. Struck In Chin The fatal shot struck Rathenau in the chin. Half a dozen other bul lets perforated his back. His assailants also threw hand grenades injuring his body. Following the assassination it was an- nounced this afternoon 1,nlfiue in thls assumption. Men . . ;who wish to organize co-operative that the government, enterprises have found the general lArmilrl immfdintflv de-! rporation laws unsuited to their. would immediately ae jpnrposp and havp 0l)talnpd a Bpecal cree the establishment; form of incorporation. m. I! , 'To ,mnnsp Pn ,ahor nions the; Ul CAirauiuiiioi y for the trial of the na tional plotters. Puritnn Is Wrecked Pert Crew Missing Halifax, June 24 (By The Associ - ated Press) The schooner Puritan out of Gloucester, prospective con- tender in the International fisher men' races next fall, has been wrecked on Sable Island. Advices received here state that seven men reached shore but that fifteen are missing. AT TICK OOMMl'XITY HOSPITAL Miss Madeline Jackson ot Cam den had her tonsils removed by op eration Friday and returned home Saturday. Miss Matilda O'Neal ot Aydlett was operated on , for appendicitis Friday. ; in WM. ROCKEFELLER PNEUMONIA VICTIM ; Iving Brother Of Dies At Oil -p . 1 arrytOWn Home After Very : Brief Illness y A scribed as "a co-operative effort to Tarrytown, N. Y.. June 24 (By The ghow what an American community ; Associated Press) William Rocke- can do tQ increase the heaUh and feller, oil magnate and brother of Btrength o( lt8 next generation." John D. Rockefeller, died here this The demonstration, Mr. Urown morning shortly before seven o'clock , gakI would be earrled on by a small from pneumonia. He had been ill:staff ot trained workers, who are since Sunday but word of his condl- i makinir . Rtll(iv 0f the health needs tion had not been made public. Practically the entire Rockefeller family were assembled at his bed side. Sees Heed Of New Strike Legislation Providence, R. I. June 24 Exist- ing state and Federal laws governing strikes of labor unions leave too much liberty to the opinions and es timates of the individual judge and should be clarified by specific sta tutes, Rev. John A. Ryan, of Wash ington, D. C, director of the Na tional Catholic Welfare Council, said today in an address before the Na- tlnnal rnnfprpnpp nn Snctnl Work h , "Whlle It is now a settled prln - ciple ot our laws that a strike Is not in itself unlawful, there is consider-! able diversity of opinion and prac- tlonal, and when the benefit to the; .in, wiv, I.,,, in, imiu- inite." ' Since the United States Supreme Court in its decision on the Coro- Such rubbishly tinkling bundles of Council today unanimously approved nado case declared labor unions tn discords do incalculable harm to the the quadruple treaty recommended be suable, even though not incor- music taste of the public. A child at the Washington anus conference, porated there would seem to be no taught on one of them has all his The treaty was sent to the Prince Re good reason remaining for continued musical instincts outraged and g(,nt for ratification and he has prom- opposition by the labor unions to In corporation, Dr. Ryan said. It was probable, however, that the ordinary laws of incorporation were not suit able to labor organizations. - "A special form of incorporation law seems to "be necessarv," said Dr. Ryan. "Nor is there anything standard form of incorporation, un modified to suit their peculiar na-j Iture and purpose, would be to insist upon an arbitrary and unjust kind of j ; equality." XAOS HEAD KXCl'RSIOX The steamer Annie L. Vansclver will run nn lh first Vin Upart p. , cur8lon nt the gea80n Sunday, leav - ,ng thg N()rth RWer Llne dock at the ,, . ,,, .,., , a,rht nvinrir IUUI Ul UUIfil ED OH' V, HI 1 .n..bUV. ..... .U- l n rt.t In.vln. Vm.ll Head late in the afternoon. Indlca - itlons are that the popular resort will have the biggest season of recent i yearn thin nmmer. I Special Program Sunday Sunday Is Christian Educatlon Day, and a splendid program has been prepared tor Sunday morning at niackwell Memorial Sunday School under the. direction of Mrs. L. E. Skinner, who has worked for two weeks training those under her charge. JllKiKS SKI.KC'.'KI) l-'OK closing iti; campaign Following are the names of the gentlemen selected as Judges tor the great "Every body Wins" Campaign of The Daily Advance. These men will count the votes of the various contestants, and name the win ners, according to the votes and rules of the contest and district divisions: Bill C. Sawyer, of Weeks & Sawyer. U. B. Sheely, of Rucker & Sheely. W. M. Martin, of McCabe & Grice. Mansfield To Show What City Can Do Providence, II. I., June 24 (Hy The, Associated Press) A child health; demonstration in Mansfield, Ohio, se- lected as a typical American coni- hnunity, was described by Walter H. Brown or the National Child Health Council, in an address today before the National Conference of Social :Work here. The experiment was de- and resources of the community and planning methods for health educa tion in the schools and medical and nursing care for children. The policy includes insistence upon ap proval and participation of the local community in all plans and pro grams. A sum of $200,000, supplemented Dy fumls "rom ,ne community, was !set aside t0 carry on the donstra l"' tt ul ",c - ll,c speaKer sain. Aiansneid, a town ot 30,000 Inhabitants, was chosen as the site from among 80 applicants. The National Child Health Coun cil is made up of representatives from the American Child Hygiene Associa 1 on- American ea Lross, Child Child Health Organization, National Labor Committee, National Organlza- 'on for Publlc Health Nosing and NatlonaI Tuberculosis Association, . WOULD START A IUXM FOR boom for British musical ments. Joseph Riley, of Birmlng- 'ham, thinks the best way would be not worth having. v c I Hum fanny i:uili"i:i ifll lliuu- snnd of them," he said in an inter- vi w, "and nobody would miss them. grows up, musically speaking, a sor- row to his prematurely aged parents Great "Everybody Wins" Contest Closes Promptly At Nine O'Clock Tonight . T- v Your Last Minute Reports May Win For You A Handsome Prize. Do Not Stop Working Until The Very Last Minute, For One Subscription May C o m p 1 e t e a Club Which Will Win For You Promptly at nine o'clock tonight the great "Everybody Wins" contest of The Daily Advance comes to a , close. Strive for a margin of votes lover your competitors. lie sure to 1 complete everv cluh von have started. " . I IO nOI let BTlVthlnir Vl 1 11 l U V Villi ITOH! 1 winning, after you have worked for weeks. Put all the work you can Into these last few hours, and emerge winner. Get your friends together, and come In for a rousing finish. Show your friends where It takes suhscrip- tlons to win. Convince them vou can win with their subscriptions. Get the pep In your closing effort, and stage a ninth Innlf.g rally that will make you a winner. All the work of the last six weeks o'clock. If you come In later than Ashevllle returned home Thursday at Hertford, but the trial wag post will go. to some extent, to waste, if that, your efforts will be wasted, go after visiting Mr, and Mrs. I. M. poned on account ot the delicate you fall to make the most of these far as the contest Is concerned. ' Meeklns on West Main street. health of the defendant's wife. SET OUT OF SIBEROfl1 I Tokio, June 24 (liy The Associ ated Tress) Japan will evacuate j Siberia by October 30 next, it was ; learned today. Labor Against Soviet ! Cincinnati, June 24 (By The As- Carolina will have the facilities of a Government bonded ware isociated Press) For the third suc- housg for the storage and handling of their crop. This, it is Icesslve year the American Federation jstatetl b mjn nt cotton brokers 0f this fity shoull meiln ;of Labor went on record against ; ' . I recognition of the Soviet Russian thousands of dollars in additional profits on the cotton crop for i government. FILIBUSTER 111 HOUSE Wahhington, June 24 (By The As sociated Press) Republican mem bers of the House from the territory east of Kansas now absent were or dered back to the Capitol today by Representative Mondell, Republican leader, owing to a one man filibuster conducted by Representative Voight, Republican, of Wisconsin. Speeder Convicted And Two Cases Nol Prossed Herbert Sharp, a colored youth of Hertford, was fined ten dollars and j costs in recorder's court here Satur day morning on a charge of speeding. According to Traffic Officer Smith. who tralleu snarp on nis moiorcycie before making the arrest Friday af ternoon, the negro was making 48 miles an hour on the Weeksville paved boulevard. This closely ap proaches the record of fH miles an hour set by a youthful speeder who was arrested by Officer Smith last summer. The case of Tommie Mann, a young boy charged with stealing a sum of money from his grandfather, was nol prossed with leave of the court. The youngster disappeared shortly after the theft charge was brought against him, and the local police have not been able to learn his whereabouts. A similar nol pros with leave to prosecute was issued by Trial Jus tice Spence in the case of Edward Sulsslonskl, a barber charged with carrying concealed weapons, and with having liquor in his possession for purposes of sale. The court or dered that the liquor evidence against Sulsslonskl be destroyed, and that the gun found on him he retained instru-'temporarily by Prosecuting Attorney Sawyer. 4-PJy Pact lo EMifiGi Toklo, June 24 ated Press) The (l)y The Associ .lapanese Privy Ised that this formality will be carried out. last few hours. Do not stop for one minute, but secure every subscrip tion possible. Get every "promise" you have. Then go after those who have not J' ,r "'"""Ibed They will help you If you show them you are in earnest. Avail I)o not let a chance slip. yourself ot everything that comes y'ir wy- ror y cannot he sure or winning until you have done every- ,lllnK your power. If you fall to (' everything you can, and lose, you wm a'way regret it. Remember, have every vote and subscription In the office by nine Government Warehouse For Cotto"CroP Here Immense Resources of Uncle Sam Will Be Be hind Bonded Warehouse Completed At This City Within Ten DaysBy S. B. Parsons Full Government Inspection and Protection Thus Assured Within ten days, the cotton j the growers themselves, since they will thus be enabled to mar ket the crop at the best advantage. I" : ' Since March 1st, S. B. Par- InvGStigaie Atrocities . State Military Author- itieS Begin Probe Of Herrin Atrocities Resent Interference Herrin, 111., June 24 (By The Associated Press) The State military investigation of t,he Lester mine massacre, which took a toll of between 25 and 40 lives, was begun here today by a Board headed by Major General Milton Foreman of the State Militia, acting under Governor Small's orders, issued when the chief executive be came aroused over the failure of local authorities to call on officials to take steps. Comment on the streets ex- pressed resent over the send- ing of a military Board here. i" J BlS lilinCr tXOuUS " Carbondale, June 24 (By The Associated Press) More u ten e l u than 150 miners from the Her- rin District passed through here earlv todav. froinsr out of the coal fields. They are be lieved to be union men. Those that could be ap proached would give no reason for the exodus. The names of iy to the new warehouse, will facll the men likewise were not lta,e prompt shipment of cotton ' available. Wont Forloffll Tmnne Il3ni rCUbial IIUUPS Chicago, June 24 (By The . . Associated Press) Counsel of the Southern Illinois Coal Com- pany, whose mine was burned Thursday and whose non-union miners were slain at Herrin, to day sent a telegram to Adjut ant General Black, requesting that troops be sent to William son County. The attorneys charged that the sheriff is still refusing to do his duty. '.IRISH apbusiiers I GET WORST OF IT Helfast, June 24 ( Hy The Associ ated l'reHs) Four members of the Irish Republican army were killed and HPveni wrnnwleit nt ('hhIipti hull County Antrim, when they ambushed a party of military and special Uls ter constables. The Crown forces suffered no casualties. Hegro Dies Of Burns Silas Wheaton, the uged negro who suffered serious burns when his home on Persse street was practlc- ally destroyed by fire Tuesday night, died Friday night at the Community Hospital. On the night of the fire, This is a question that has aroused Wheaton wag found inside the much speculation, and that may be house, lying on the floor with partly satisfactorily answered during the burned quilts wrapped about him, trial. Attorneys for the defendant after the Fire Company had practlc- are Meeklns & McMullan, and Ayd ally put out the flames. lett & Simpson, both firms of thin city. Sullivan was to have been tried Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeklns of at the March term of Superior Court growers of Northeastern North sons, a leading broker of this city, and general manager of the firm of G. W. Parsons & ;Son, has been engaged in the erection of a community bond ed warehouse at this citv. Re- icently he undertook to make the warehouse a Government bonded depository for cotton. and has just been notified that final arrangements to this end have been completed. AJl cotton stored in a Government warehouse is fully protected by the Government against fire, loss, theft, or damage up to the full market value of the quantity on storage. Warehouse receipts, countersigned by a Federal agent, are Issued to grow ers who store cotton In it, and these may be rediscounted at any Federal Reserve bank. The Government Is responsible for the safe-keeping ot the cotton, and every bale stored Is graded and weighed by Government experts. ; The warehouse, which is situated at the corner ot Burgess and Water fltroota In tha ivhftlnau la rllutrlrtfr i t the ciiyt wllI have cost $50,000 when it Is completed early In July. It has . 18,000 feet of floor space for storage, !wl" have 8Peclal hydrants with hose 'attached, heavy fire doors, and pro- bably later a complete automatic sprinkler system, assuring complete Are protection. The warehouse is of br)ck congfructloni and , beinR built by J. V. Kramer, an architect of th'8 clty- Mr- Parsons says that he will add to It later, as need may arise for Increased storage facilities, and will likely build an auxiliary ware house on the water front, accessible to water transportation. A railroad sidlne. rllnnin ilirct- stored there . O'.her commodities, too will be accepted for storage. tlH'ugh the main function of the warehouse is as a depository for the ",,r,l"n' rn"" rrH- ThR (,,,t""1 Growers Co operative Association. wi,(.h naH manv ni(Mi,ers throughout Northeastern North Carolina, will use the (iovernnient warehouse for cotton storage, to the exclusion of alt other warehouses. A cotton market will he operated, .Mr. Parsons says, in connection with the new Government warehouse; and cotton will be bought and sold on the floor. Tliis will mean that grower and dealers in cotton in this section will be assured of a valuable addi tion to local marketing facilities. DAILY REPORTS ON THE SULLIVAN TRIAL The Advance will carry dally re ports of the progress of the If. C. Sullivan trial at Hertford, for which a special term of Superior Court is called to convene Monday morning. A representative of this newspaper will be In attendance at the trial, and IU A(lvi"' on us disclosures ana developments from day to day. H. C. Sullivan, former cashier ot the Farmers Hanking & Trust Com pany, of Hertford, was indicted last winter when an Investigation of the affairs of that Institution disclosed a shortage of more than 60,000 ill the bank's funds. Judge V. M. Ilond, of Kdentoit, will preside over the special term at which Sullivan will be tried. What became of the bank's money?

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