WEATHER Fair tonight and Tues- day, possibly showers. Gentle variable winds. VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION CIRCULATION Saturday 1,7(6 Copies ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 2G, 1922 FOUR PAGES NO. 151 ft Seventeen W orkers Win Fifteen Prizes Bruce Bielaski js Held For Ransom Miss Pauline Skinner Winner Of Sedan By Spec tacular Margin But Small Margin Decided Winners Of Number Of Lesser Prizes Promptly at 10:20 Saturday night the judges announced the winners in The Advance automobile contest, which has been running for seven weeks. Leading a field of seventeen i eligible contestants and out-! distancing her x nearest com-j vpetitor by a spectacular mar-i in, Miss Pauline , Skinner,! daughter of Mr: and Mrs. L. E.j Skinner, 221 North Road street was declared winner of the Ford sedan, first grand prize. The runner-up. Miss Sallte Miller, of Hertford, won the second grand prize, the Ford roadster. Miss Mil-J ler's vote, in excess of ten million, ; tells its own story of the great amount of work expended on her can- j didacy and also demonstrates cieany that work can win in rural, districts Just as surely as in Elizabeth City. Mrs. C. C. Bright of Chapanoke ran Miss Miller a close race for the Tord roadster, and was awarded the , third prize, one hundred dollars In f cash. True, Miss Miller's vote was a! little over a million In excess of Mrs. j Wright's; but two clubs were goodj "for over a million votes in the' week of the biggest bonus vote offer. In the race for district prizes the vote was exceedingly close In some cases. The winners as announced by the judges are shown in the box at the top of the third and fourth columns on this page. Contestants who failed to win a orize and who remained active Mexico City, June 26 (By Associated Press) A. Bruce Bielaski, chief of the Bureau of Investiga tion of the United States Department of Justice dur ing the war, is being held for ransom by seven ban dits who held up his auto mobile seven miles west of Cuernavaca, State of Mo relos, yesterday. Bielaski with his wife and a number of friends was on his way to view the Aztec ruins near the town. Mexican Federal troops have been sent after the bandits. Here Are The Winners The winners in 'The Advance "Everybody Wins" contest, as publicly announced by the judges at The Advance office Saturday night are as follows: CAPITAL PRIZES Ford Sedan Miss Pauline Skinner, 27,774,900 votes. Ford Roadster Miss Sallie Miller, 10,696,800 votes. .$100.00 in Cash Mrs. C. C. Bright, 9,630,800 votes. DISTRICT PRIZES District Number One Diamond Ring Miss Aurilla Strahl, 4,010,100 votes. Wrist Watch-Miss Edna Sanders, 3,587,800 votes. Wrist Watch Mrs. E. N. Ferebee, 3,349,800 votes. District Number Two Diamond Ring Mrs. M. C. Stanley, 4,360,400 votes. Wrist Watch Mrs. J. J. Morris, 3,829,600 votes. Silverware Miss Gussie Lee Harrell, 1,658,600 votes. District Number Three Diamond Ring Mrs. W. E. Bogue, 3,056,500 votes. Silverware Miss Sallie Bright, 2,726,000 votes. Silverware Miss Mattie Spruill, 2,511,600 votes. District Number Four Diamond Ring Mrs. J. P. Barnard, 2,083,450 votes. Wrist Watch Mrs. Mark Hathaway, 545,600 votes. Silverware Miss Emma Forbes, 527,600 votes. Says Labor Is Hot For Beer And Yinc PEACE EFFORTS Kansas City iMo., June 26 (liyi The Associated Press) The asser- That's What Will Be Written tlon that labor demands beer and light wines was declared to be un- I founded, by Waynes U. Wheeler, gen-, eral counsel and legislative superin-1 tendent of the Anti-Saloon League of j ! America, in an address before the) New 0rleang( june 26 A new convention of the International Sun-chapter , the ngtory of efforts to- When World War Fighters From Eight Nations Meet In Autumn ward bringing about world peace will be written when representative 'of World War Fighters from eight dqy School Association here today "On May 16," said Mr. Wheeler, "a test was made in the 33rd Dis trict of Pennsylvania, now the great-, DrlnclDa) Allied powers meet in New ,e8t industrial district in the United Orleans October 11, 12 and 13 at iStates, witn its steel mills, lactones, fho nnmini mnvpntinn nf tha Inter- and mines, seventy-five thousand dol lars was expended by the beer and wine champions to defeat Congress man Kelley, who Is an outstanding advocate of Prohibition. He was renominated for Congress on the Re publican ticket by a majority of 11, 900, by a vote of three to one on the Democratic ticket, and unanimously on the prohibition party ticket. Allied Veterans' Federation. The convention, which will be held a few days before the fourth annual national convention of the American Legion here, will be attended by thirty-five accredited delegates from, the following ex-service organiza tions: American Legion, United States; Federation National? des Combattants, Belgium! British Le- "Seventy-eight United States Sen-, ' , Nfltlonfl, Ap. romhflU ators and a majority of Congressmen,. et Muti,eg Ua Ua, Unlu. ,come from states where the state it- Natlonala a Fostllor Luptatori, iself has prohibition even one per-;Ronman udruzenJa Rexervnitch (cent beer. A senator or Congress-0flcara , obvennlkai Serbla; Brullnai Special Tern Court Convenes At Hertford Large Registration In Textile School Raleigh, June 26 (Special) The Textile Department of the North Car olina State College, which is the North Carolina Textile School, has had a very successful year's work. More students have been registered Hertford, June 26 (Special) The jth,g year tnan , any prevloug year, special term of court called here this week for the trial of H. C. Sul livan former bank cashier charged throughout the contest, making alnn me responsiomiy ior a snonagejcured pogUiong and wil, work , the cash report to the. contest manager I ol in" IU"U l "lB runners uan !dlfferent mua and aiiied industries. 1 At tha rninmonpumpnt ftxerrlgaa and also a larger class has been gra duated. The graduating class which numbered twenty-four, have all se- . , - 4 - ! TVnat Pnmnanv pnnvanarf MnnHav1 earn ween, are enmiea 10 a ieii ger "" . cent commission on the amount of money they turned in. Checks for their commission will be paid them if they will call at The Advance office any time this week. The contest was carried out from start to finish under the rules as an nounced In The Advance on the open ing day. The only irregularity was L. W. Clark, General Manager of the Carolina Cotton and Woolen Mills, morning at 11:05. Judge Bond ar rived here on the bu line from Eden- tAn nf lA'lR Cnllnltnf. IT Vi rl n arh o 11 a 1 j,j , .1. ... . , 'Spray, North Carolina, presented to did not arrive until the noon train , . . , , m.-.w- from Elizabeth City and the morning Wesley Irw n Pickens of Charlotte, session of court was taken up wlth;th ' ud"t ' m!rd f T t . . r . .. , . anua ly by the National Association Judge Bonds charge to the grand1 . ' . , . .. . " t ; of Cotton Manufacturers to the stu- Gov. Snail's Wife Dies Of Apoplexy Kankakee, 111., June 26 (By The Associated Press) Mrs. Len Small, wife of Gpvertrbr Small oif Illinois, died here this morning. The Governor sat at her bedside throughout the night and was present when the end came. Death resulted from apoplexy with which she was stricken at the celebration over the acqultal of her hus band Saturday. Czecho Slovakia. In addition, France will send repre sentatives from the Union Nationale ides Combattants, Union Nationale Ides Mutlle8 et Reformes, Le Poilu de Combat, and from a society of former French Interpreters-who were assign- . ed to the American and British armies man who voted against the standard j maintained by his own state for law! (enforcement does not deserve the' support of law-abiding citizens. Sen ators like the. senior Senator from i Missouri, who have fought law en forcement measures and spent their j I time in abusing and misrepresenting1 thnaa mpnRiirpQ anactprl fnr tha nuhli ! good, have forfeited all claim on good d"rln t,he war kn0,wn as the Sphinx,; cltlzen9 Five delegates will represent each i "Thus far we have established icountry- two facts: Prohibition enforced Is; One of the chief alms of the inter la success, and even when only part-!natlonal fighter1 organization Is to jlally enforced It is better than the!Promote world Peace- and the New decreased more than one-half. Those Orleans gathering will be known as ; opposed to prohibition admitted, after j"tne convention of peace." To fur a survey made recently, that con-thpr this ,(leal the convention will suptlon of beverage liquor has fallen , decide upon means of obtaining re off 70 per cent and that the number j presentation for-veterans at Inter !of drinkers is reduced over 17,000,-' aJ1,ed and International congress. !000. Crimes related to liquor have ' International exchange rates will also 'fallen off materially, and all exist-be a toPic (or discussion. ,lng crime induced by drink proves: Headquarters of the Federation Is jour condition that alcohol provokes now at work on the preparation of 1 crime and should be eliminated, jdata on comparative legislation afTect iNIneteen hundred and twenty-one l"g ex-service men. jwas the healthiest year In the United i The delegates who will consider (states. Liquor as a contributing fac-! themselves guests of the American - j tor In poverty is now negligible. Over! Legion, will meet In Paris and sail Providence, R. I., June 26 In-2 ,500. 000, 000 wasted for drink has from Le Havre on the same ship. HIGHER STANDARD III RELIEF WORK nonr nnvinr inn niicrtHHL nrmii' itMii: , nroaaan d-i win tr inp ram v raimr nur. 1 . . r ... Alone with the Sullivan trial there 7 . '.T V .u, 0 0 " ' 1 Deen lurnea ,. into useru channels. , canning ai iew 10. me aisun- Aiong wnu me ouuivan iriai ineie . , h k in nrdor fn ahtaln this in r tha na in h tan Hun , ... . . .. . .. . .t , ..j . nmh.P nf minnr tn h . . " " .. . . I ' ' .uanK oeposits anl savings have n- guisnea visitors win proceea to "f." . . ""'3 noeT; d t ha nsTo thuimedal tne schoo, must nHthe o1ow- chiefly to a higher standard of llv -g;erMied. and the net lncrea8ed wealtu 'Washington, where appropriate eer- pii iu iiuw .- -r - . - ,ng requirements: mere mui oh a on me part 01 recipients 01 rener, of tnP countrv iagt vpflI. WB. . nnn a irii,.hath rttv .nniaaianta afternoon the court was going over . .... , , , . me country iasi year was 8, 000, itl M Ullfcuui.lll v.vj V" v.. .- - - Kllftfl eUUIUIllClll IUI IIISII UVUUU 111: The Third District developed only the docket with little prospect of be-1 ( lemonies will be held at the tomb of iMiSS Florence Nesbltt, district SUp-nftnnnn . tha unknown nolrtlpr In Arllntnn pnttnn mnniifnclurine . The lnstruc-i orlntanHont f'hipaiin I'nltoH Phar., ...... -.. . r, , , . , 4i.n innlnir aptnal trial nf tha ?nlllvan i . . . . ' "'v" " 1 ne attempt OI the liquor intef- inieiery. 'neapecis will De paia 1(1 three active contestants, two of these ginning actual trial of the Sulliva tlon mu8t be of recognlzed Btandard. Jties, said today In an address before . t nulllfy Pthlg law I cnallene ' the United States government and von capital prizes and so eliminated J case today. , There must be at least fifty students j the National Conference of Social t0 red.blooded Americans. The ! to various diplomatic representative. h.c.bcoo Luuiciiuco .v. oui.M.i. -.t"s iaKing me texiiie courae, anu ai ieai ; worK nere. lnis nigner standard, j i,gner the individual in jMiirn. i iiucr a, diiiwi luum 4 no . annift mo ouccia in uciuuiu l-"lD 1 lour compeiiiors ior me menai. i ne Advance was not required to award morning and there is nothing In his j Textile Department fills all these re these two prizes but was glad to dl-jward the ordeal that he Is about to quirements, as there were register rect the Judges to award them to face. led one hundred and seventy-five gtu- Ellzabeth City contenders. This, Judge Bond, In his charge to thejdents, and a graduating class of made five district prizes In District grand Jury this morning, declared : twenty-four. This is the only textile One Instead of three. Inactive con- that never before was there o wide gchool In the South that has been testants In District Three could have an appeal for law enforcement as awarded the medal, won theae prizes with only one club now. "Despite the schools and the1 of subscribers each. churches," said he, "the country Is! ; It was five minutes to nine Satur- being swept by a wave of lawlessness day night when the last contestants and crime, threatening not only pro came In, but It required a full half pPrty rights but the very integrity hour for all the contestants in wait- 0f all that we hold most dear. We Ing at that time to vote their ballots, must have proper enforcement of the This was because some of these con-aw and punishment of criminals." testants had availed themselves of! of the countries participating in the conference, although there Is a defi nite understanding that the conven tion of veterans in its deliberations W. 0. XL MEET ! AT lIEUDERSOriVILLE social or hii- according to Miss Nesbltt, was made .,. fe the Kreater the respongl. jiitBHsary 'iiy me grown. 111 u. inuve- , bmtv that ghould be attached when ment for pulbllc health, and also the!den8 the law of the land. movement Tor the recognition of tne j ..T1, Elzhtpenih AmanHnW will not be Influenced by any consld- i right ot every normal child to awag adopted by twenty-three twenty-erallon ot Present day politics. jhome-" fourths of the states, a greater pro-1 Among the questions to be consld 1 "The spread of 'mothers' pensions' j portion than ever voted for the rati- ered at 'he conference are: , has marked the emphasis In the ! flcatlon of any other amendment. It i I-aws allowing disabled vet- ; public mind on the right of a child Is therefore entitled to proportionate- frans living In an Allied country to to live In his own home If It can ly greater respect." obtain In that country, In the same !be made fit through relief and ser- yvay as the native ex-service men of vice." said Miss Nesbltt. . . "There has come to be a fairly- 0UlU Auullt U6rP2nV Ufll fstflh1iHhH nnnrpntinn that thA child In a home wholly or partly sup- To Nations League the privilege granted them to hold their ballots until the last night of the contest and who therefore polled practically their entire vote Satur- j day night. The Judges were Just' forty-five minutes In counting the' "ballots. It was quick work. j But those forty-five minutes seem- d like an hour and a half to the contestants w l.i billllZgU IU IliilL Hendersonville. June 26 (Suecial) ported by either public or private re- Henderson during the greater part of ! 11,if should be furnished with good! - London, June 26 (By The Associ July will virtually be the national shelter, adequate food, proper cloth-1 ated Press) Replying to a question headauarters of the Woodmen of the wholesome recreation, as much (In the House of Commons today, World. For three weeks beginning ot tne time of his own mother asi'ya ueorge declared great Britain that country, reduction In railroad fares. , 2. The eventual hospitalization of disabled or other Impecunious veterans living In Allied countries on the same basis as his comrades who served In the armed forces of the country In which the foreigner lives. 3. Unemployment In Allied coun- fliirCh Of Minfir 'Julv 3, the sovereign executive coun- necessary for his care and training j would be willing to support the pro- tries: Arrangements to be made by fill Vll Wl llllllwlW ' ,, . ... . . , , onil enh aA. na V. la ..I.,.. 1 An tMl9l fAr n A m I aa lrn nf H.o.n.nn,. whlotl on Alllull an iarn m an t Kr. cll'of that great fraternal and insur-and uch education as his natural ap- iance order will be in session here, and tltude fits him to receive. Fairmont, W. Va., June 26 (By The j durn thig time the 8ite for a na-! "Instances of mothers being forced Associated Press) The entire Fair- tinnfli hnmt, fnr anA rtlaahlprf WnnH. by inadequate relief to give away hn rt,irine tha intarval mont poUce force and a" of Marlon men will be selected. Henderson-lone or more children In order to occupied anxious seats In the next! County's deputy sheriffs mobilized vil)e g makng a strenuous bid for!"PPort others, to put all or some office. As they waited each con- lestant tried to out-vie the other In here at noon to posal for admission of Germany to I which an Allied government having the League of Nations. jneed of foreign labor, will give pre- - v iferenre to unemployed veterans ot l'ltl.NCK OK MON'ACO DIKS other Allied countries. This policy , 1 has already resulted In the formation Paris, June 26 (Dy The Asocl-;f nna fn. .mi.( , En nnn l tr ii. n v viiijiuj uiih VI I UI(,UV7 . vil J IB Ilia Kill K a hm eiiuuun uiu iuri fi - a, i ! atoA pfn 1 1 u ' " " " " stop the reported thig institution on which will be spent of them Institutions or to do work :" Ba f""c ),,rtf "enore i Jobless Rrltish veterans In the French ikin . . .. K. - it ,1.1 4.t.. - . . it harles of the prlnclnatv of Monaco . i. .j i . LUIS U1SLILU L1WII U1I W 11 lUIl Will n LIC II L .w " ,, I, Qri.L i ... ' march of the striking miners andai mmon8 of doiiars. Otherifor their support that she.cannot do!1.,,! pr'nclpallty of Mona0 jdevastated regions insisting that she did not expect to tne'r sympathizers from Monongha, citlf!, ln the land of the gky are llke.;wlthout neglect of her own health or. died here this afternoon. really win a prize. But despite their a mining town ten miles to the south jwise bidding for the home. of them, have decreased with the rise' protestations they continued to sltiThe authorities said they are in-j D,)n Craggan Inn, a fashionable the standard of relief. Mothers rA .i.i,nnof,,i Onn,,o-h f n v formed t h a t an attem p t will be made m , . n rp9nrt hntal n rata tint tn fnrorn hnna iittariv until to 1'berate 91 prisoners from the nla,i .nipiv hv the Woodmen officials, lot the, wage-earner without means of the Judges had announced their de-i""ty Jal1 who were arreted last , Telephone, telegraph and radio ser-(support have been more often sup clslon. (Friday. .vices have been Installed for their ; ported In their own homes Insad of 8 (lunrtrt noiiiifofttiifAi be occu- neserted or left by the Imprisonment -W"0,M ""imwihi wi Tarred And Feathered At last the count was completed i and Raymond B. Sheely, Bill C. ! , . convenience, and Indications point to being I the transaction of a large volume of,care Sawyer and W. M. Martin filed Into 'the first prize was extraordinary, j business. Bond sellers on the east the offlce where were the waiting con- j Henry N. Dorrls, widely experienced and north will be attracted to Hen testants and where the murmur of In contest work and for a number of j dersonvllle by these Woodmen offl conversatlon gave place to an ln-,years-wlth the Reliance Circulation clals who expect to buy. In the course tense hush a the Judges appeared in Company, who put on this contest!of their regular business, many mll the doorway. Mr. Sheely. unanl- for The Advance, declares he has; lions of dollars' worth of bonds, se riously selected as spokesman hv ieldom seen her record surpassed In reason of hit good looks, resonant any contest and. In the case of the few curltles, etc. Sovereign provided with Institutional Dcntpsey In lew York Commander W. New York, June 26 (By The As sociated Press) Articles for a eon- A. teBt between Jack Dempsey and !' voice and Impressive manner, then exceptions the first prize was a muchiFraser, the tupreme official of the Harry .Willis, negro challenger, may stepped forward and announced the more expensive one than that offered (order, will preside over the council's ' be signed today or tomorrow. Demp-'"''nne1'8- , , by The Advance. The Advance feels sessions. Ha and his thirty or more ! sey arrived yesterday from hlshome It was .ense moment. As a name f nat Mlfl8 Skinner richly earned her .associates have never before held a at Los Angeles. ' would be called one could aee the Chr Bnd fee'8 that It owes her a debt 'council meeting outside the city of j light leap Into a young face here or besides for demonstrating so clearly j Omaha. Their coming to North! ' catch the sound of a quick intake of ,,nat wor can win when The Advance : Carolina therefore, means much to n -u"n r-iurpu breath there. But there were nojPut8 on Pr'ze contest. i 1 Woodcraft In the southeast, signs of disappointment or pique.) The thanks of The Advance and j ' Winners or losers and only two of the Reliance Circulation Company Thomasvllle, Oa., June 26 (By The Associated Pre) County author ities are investigating the kidnap ping last night of O. HaselgroVe, cigar manufacturer, who was taken Into the countrv, bound to a tree, whipped, tarred and feathered. He was then brouglt back to the court house and warned to leave town. The men are said to have accused hi mof personal misconduct. rontfwtanta who had turned in a club are due and are hereby tendered the; OLK TOUHXAMEXT OPKXH or more failed to win a prize of some Judges and their ort they were good sports all. Sheely , Company, firms. Rucker & Kansas City, June 26 (By The As Weeks & 8awyer soelated Press) Nearly two hundred Thus The Advance Justified Itself In and McCabe A Grlce. These players from all parts of the vauing mis an contest. Mms Paulina "Everybody Wlns"jenced businessmen made short work I of a Job In less expert hands would Fklnnor'i work for j have required long hours of time. country are here today for the open Ing of the western amateur golf tournament. Chautauqua, N. Y.. June 26 (By The Associated PreBs) Conferences on public welfare, music and Ameri can citizenship occupied the attention of the delegates to the biennial con vention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs here today. A wo men's foundation for health was fea tured In addresses on public welfare. l'RKAC'HKH KTUONO HKILMON The revival at Calvary Baptist church began Sunday night with a large crowd In attendance and a splendid meeting. Rev. W. M. Hug gins, ot Shawboro, Is assisting Rev. R. F. Hall. Services begin each night at 8 o'clock. The public Is cor dially Invited to attend these meetings. Despite the fact that English was the language employed in the Wash ington disarmament conference, del egates to the New Orleans meeting will hold deliberations In French. The general public will be Invited to at tend the -sessions. Blades Divisions Of Irish Rcpgiilic Amy London, June 26 (Hy The Associ ated Press) In his promised state ment on Irish affairs ln the House of Commons this afternoon, Secretary of Colonies Churchill said that he didn't hesitate to say that all the horrors that have occurred at Bel fast were due to the organization In Northern territory of two divisions of the Irish Republican army, which are maKiqg continuous eirortt to break down the Ulster government. WKIiFAKK XU'1Ii MRKTH There will be a meeting of the Central Council Welfare Committee at 8 o'clock Tuesday night at the Community Building. Will Attend Wedding MIhr Marlon Holland,, of Franklin, Va., has arrived to be an attendant in the Keolln-Whlte wedding, which will take place Wednesday, June 28, at 2 o'clock In the First Baptist church. Instead of the First Metho dist church, ii previously announced.