WEATHER Partly cloudy tonight and Tuesday. Moderate CIRCULATION Saturday 1,794 Copies r u v u n , 1 1 westerly winds. VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, JULY 31, 11)22 FOUR PAGES NO. 180 - in i 11 , .vnt) b 5 Pan & (imhi InnGnnnTn So ToTJorli- Believed. That Neither Roads Nor Shopmen Can Reject Adminis tration Plan Washington, July 31 (By The Associated Press) President Harding was said today by close personal friends and ad visors to have received assur ances from Chairman Cuyler of the rail executives, Vice Presi dent Atterbury of the Penn sylvania, and B. M. Jewell, head of the strikers, that they -would support his proposal for an immediate ending of the strike. Cuyler Denies It Philadelphia, July -31 (By The Associated Press) Chair man Cuyler said, "It's not true that the railroad employers 5 have given assurances that they 6 , will support the President S proposal for ending the Strike. Chicago July 31 (By The Associ-! ated Press) Strike leaders are ar - Tiving from all parts of the country I today for Tuesday's meeting-called to I consider President Harding's plan! for settlement of the railway strike j and hopes are expressed that the men -will be back at work beiore me ena of the week. The position of the striking shop men was expressed by A. O. Wharton, labor member of the Labor Board, -who declared, "If either the railroad executives In New York or the shop crafts policy committee In CHicago should reject Harding's peace propo sal, the group that rejects it would lace the full responsibility for con tinuance of the railroad strike and all that might result therefrom." Hooper At Washington Washington, July 31 (By The As sociated Press) Chairman Ben Hooper of the Labor Board, arrived here today from Newport, Tenn., for a conference with the President on the strike situation. Japanese City Has Money And To Spare Kobe, Japan. July 31. The city of Kobe finds itself In the enviable po sition of having a surplus of three million yen from its 1921 municipal budget. The city has always bud- i geted liberally and collected taxes to t cover the estimated expenditure to j the last sen.. Therefore the happy state of the city's finance. TOWNSHIP CONSTABLE EMMETT DIDN'T TAKE NEXT STEP Thirty days on the roads for as sault and thirty days for carrying a concealed weapon was the double sentence Imposed on Fred Harris, colored, in police court Monday morn-i)n )he gurf :gjX months this store has won every ing in connection with a difficulty; M(m7Q 8al(8man for a. Pr'ze ven by the Pender Stores, which the defendant had with Town- p Toxey & c Elizabeth City 1 Edgar Towe of Chapanoke has been ship Constable Emmett a little over, TwtA on'buslness. ' manager of the local store, since its a month ago. Mr. Emmett testified ,clookey SaunderSi Ca taln nenjastablishn,ent here. Mr. Towe will that the negro was raising a disturb-' . n . . , . ,f T ,.. 1 leave Wednesday for a week's tour . , , , , , i n net. nn Wr n 1 nil f tlttat r r fi T n Q f UhOn ance on Walnut street and that when he threatened to put Harris under, .arrest the darky drew a gun and with! more emphasis than elegance threat- ened to 'let daylight through the con - stable If the latter advanced another step. Unarmed, Mr. Emmett took counsel of discretion and went home for his own gun. When he got back his darky was gone. Harris had not been seen In these parts since until Sunday, when he came home to visit his folks and was arrested. Rear lights, . or rather lack of them, on motor trucks continued to take toll of the earnings of truck drivers or their employes. William Morgan and Frog Miller, both col ored, were taxed with the coBts, amounting to HAS, for this offense. J. B. Hickman was taxed with the co-sts for turning his car around on East Main street. STAR SHOWS HIDING SKILL IV PHOTOPLAY Admirers of Pauline Frederick their number is legion throughout the world who have never seen her ride hefore are going to be greatly aston ished when they see her In her lat est starring vehicle, "The Sting of the Lash," produced by R- Pictures Corporation and scheduled for screen ing at the Alkrama Theater tonight. In this production she does some rid ing that would have taxed the ability of an old range hand. Svanson And Davis Doth Sure Of Victory Richmond, July 31 (Hy The Asso ciated Press) 'Last minute claims of managers for Senator Swanson and former Governor Westmoreland Davis, candidates for the Senate in the Democratic primary tomorrow, featured the closing hours of the campaign today. Swanson's head quarters claim that he will sweep the state by 40,000 to 60,000 majority; jUavis lieutenants claim the state by Awning Fire Might Have Been Real Blaze Walking down toward the river shore between seven and eight o'clock Sunday evening a number of people were amazed to see smoke and flames apparently bursting from the build ing occupied by the D. R. Morgan Company and the Prln-Cae-Cola Com pany on Water street. Little Susie Crank was one of the first to see the smoke and It was she who hurried to a telephone and called the tire com - nanv in tlio acene llv that time ft crowd had gathered and it was dis covered that only the bottling com- I pany's awning was on fire. The awn- ling was tightly rolled upagalnst the building and was damp besides. It is PP;ed lfhat a curette carelessly tossed up from the street fell upon it and iodge(i, starting the smoke and finally the blaze. Given a little more time the building would probably have caught. The damage as it was amounted to about $10. " WANCHESE NEWS Wanchesei July 27. Miss Sarah R Towfi ,eft TUeSday to return to her home at Garysburg, after spend ing several days here the guest of Miss Mary Scarborough. Miss Towe is the daughter of Rev. William Towe, a member of the North Caro - Una Methodist Conference and at one: spirit of the times, Mr. Crow con- time pastor of Dare Circuit, JusUtinued, Just as the horse and buggy across the Sound from here. Mr. hs K'ven way to the automobile as Towe, during his pastorate in this county, was a great singer and was! praised very highly as a music j teacher. After being away a short time vis-; itlng relatives and friends at Rod- anthe and Salvo, Bradford Payne re-! turned to his home here Tuesday af ternoon feeling highly honored, hav ing received such courteous treat ment from the people of the lower banks during his short stay there. MJss Trade Cahoon has been very sick at her home here for the past week but Is now Improving. W. C. Twlddy, sales agent for the jDayton Moneyweight Scale Company of Dayton, Ohio, with offices at Eliza : beth City, was here Tuesday In I Interest of the company. I Ira Thomas, little son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Harold Howard, of Norfolk, Is 'here visiting his grandparents, Mr. 'and Mrs. Daniel E. Davis. A very enjoyable afternoon was spent Friday when a crowd of girls jand boys, numbering more than : twenty-five, In honor of Miss Eugenia 'Sykes, of Berkley, Va., who Is here, ! visiting friends, went over to Bodies ; Island beach on an excursion at which j bathing was the most Important sport j ; featured. They report that the en tire Coast, flnarrl crew at that station went in bathing with them, which!5 Prhe last month for se!ling the marto thom fool woii nmin.inH i,iiJmoBt Cleaiieasy Soap. For the last mill fonnin, inilj J lliril, UULIICI MIdeett and Reeeie Tlllett were at. Tonto t0.h; Tom rreef nno of th ia,ii buslness men of Mant WM hgre ;Tueg(iay on business. ! Miss Laura Davis and her music pupils with a few special friends .spent part of the afternoon Wednes day at Fort Raleigh bathing. Miss jDavis has been promising her class a I trip of that kind for some time but not until this week had she found it possible to make good her promise. The crowd consisted of ladles only with the exception of Eilis Davis, and me oniy reason lor nis presence reason there was to drive the motor truck in which they were making the trip. -Mrs. Sarah Frances Daniels re turned to her home Wednesday from Manteo where she has been spending several days with her two sons, Mon sle and Alonza Daniels. Mrs. Daniels reports a very pleasant trip and seems to like the town verv well for a short time hut for a home 8heitrooPs- chooses the country every time. Mr. and ,Mrs. J. H. Hooker left Monday mornlnc on the steamer Trenton with their daughter, Ellz-- abeth. for Norfolk where the latter! will undergo an operation at Sarah Leigh hospital. Mrs. Hooker take treatment there also. will Mrs. J. W. Poole and family are spending several days at Nags Head. RALEIGH BANKER QUOTES ST. PAUL . E. B. Crow Tells Farm ers All Will Suffer Unless They Learn Value Of Co-operative Marketing Halifax, July 31 The Bible and co-operative marketing of cotton go hand in hand, declared K. H. Crow, prominent Ilaleigh hanker, in an ad dress in the interest of the cotton sign-up drive. Like St. Paul on the road to Tarsus, the Kaleigh finan cier got a vision when he went to California last year, and that vision is to build a civilization in North Car olina that will take women and little children out of the cotton fields. After making a thorough investiga- tion of co-operative marketing In : California, Mr. Crow said that he re- turned home determined to do his part to establish a similar marketing. system in mis Mate. i ne naieign - bank wh has ,ned a 8tate.wide ... ..,. i reputation as a Sunday School teacher, went to the Bible to seek light on the subject. He wanted to ground his faith so firmly that there could be no doubt about I he said. Scriptural evidence for co-operation he found in plenty but it was the twelfth chapter of First Corinthians that furnished his text for his address here this afternoon. I "And .whether one shall suffer, ' all the members shall suffer with it," I said St. Paul. No banker, or mer chant or manufacturer has a right to say that because I am not a far mer, I have no interest in the far mer," declared Mr. Crow in making a modern application ;o the Apostle's message. An outworn system of selling and of i financing sales of cotton should give ay to one mat is in accord witn tne a modern means of traveling. S ..As to tm, reproduction of the It is a sound financial proposition gound( tn ia possible because of the or else the government would not j photo-electric cell, invented by Pro have backed the Cotton Association fessor Kunz," the statement contin in this State to the extent of approv-!ued. cen is inliar n shape to ing a loan or ten million dollars, he said and he could see no reason why; any cotton grower should hesitate to sign a contract to Join the Cotton As - sociation. ! BRITISH TROOPS GO TO AID OF FRENCH Constantinople, July 31 (By The tne Associated Press) British troops to jday are being transported across the Bosphorus from the Asiatic to the European side, crossing Constant inople on the way to the Tchatalja line to reinforce French troops. Local Pender Store Wins All The Prizes ..... i -wral Cl.anKos Made In Personnel This Week Edgar Towe ( To Henderson The local D. Pender Store won the J I tlnn I 1. TlnnJAM C r 01 "'"l"'1 ul U,K of North Carolina and after that ' time will be manager or the render Store at Henderson, Winton Rogers of the local store antl PP,llar turner ror tne uea .Men and Ellth City All-Star baseball teams will go to Goldsboro as man ager of the Pender Store at that place, and Victor Griffin, who was at one time with the store here, will come back as manager. He will he assisted hy Claude Ferrell. .Harry Boland Injured Trying Evade Capture frequent trips to New York City, ob- serving all the style tendencies of the Belfast, July 31 (By The Assocl- fall season, and buying new goods ated Press) Harry Boland, formerly for his three stores here. Mr. Gil representative of Dall EIreann In the bert will, tell the readers of The Ad Unlted States, Is In a critical condl- vance from time to time some inter tlon in a Dublin hospital as the re- estlng things about the autumn fah sult of wounds received In attempt- ions, and believes that his observa- ing to evade capture by national army 'AC KWELL : HAS II. V. P. MEETING TONIGHT The Senior B. Y P. V. of Blackwell church will hold evening at eight i-'temorlal Baptist its meeting this O'clock In the church annex. A fine E, F. Sawyer at his home on Pearl Program has bepn arranged and a street. Walter Bryan Frlzzell and 8 "d time is promised all who attend.! Mrs. Mabel E. Frlzzell of Norfolk and A watermelon rutting will follow thejB. L. Richardson of this city wlt nieetlng. jnessed the ceremony. Can Photograph Both Sounds And Pictures niv'rsity Of Illinois Patents Second i Of lis Inventions I or IVotluTilifJ Talking Movies ' I'rbana. 111., July :!1 ( Hy The Asso ciated Press) Prof. Joseph T. Tyko ciner of the I'niversi of Illinois, after ten years' work, has construct ed a machine which not only photo graphs the usual moving picture. as seen on the screen but at the same time and on the same film photo graphs sound. It was announced by the University today. So far have the experiments gone that the ring of a bell, the slam of a door, and the human voice are reproduced in the laboratory tests, it was stated. With the patenting of this machine, the University has obtained the se cond of its patents on apparatus fundamental In the art of talking motion niot nre.s. Six months ago! ,ha( ll)1(tltlltl()n announced another of ,tg saff ProfeBHOr Jakob Kunz. had pel.f(,r(,(, Brtenlum celi which unike lts 1)miecessors. It was stated, d,d not sll()w any fatlRuft through Th. ,. 11SP(1 .... nnolo. " ; Braptl sounds. The apparatus which is working daily at the 1'nlversity takes moving pictures simultaneously with the photographing of the speech of the acting persons. The machine is equipped with a mercury arc of spec ial construction. The intensity of light varies in accordance with the speech of the actlnff person; and the light from the arc is forussed upon the moving tilm by a sound recording instrument. The sound record is a narrow hand of varying transparency, running along the edge of thp film. As the film passes through the camera about two-thirds or three fourths of it is exposed to the scene being photo graphed. The remainder of the film Is given over to photographing the various sounds. In this manner eve ry section ami every sound is repro- ;dnmi ja corresponding places on the record guaranteeing synchorism of , visual and sound Impression, the university statement said. an electric light bulb. When light passes through it sets up an electric 'charge. Although the amount of the electricity thus generated is small In jamount, It Is amplified to the point Inecassary where sound waves are pro- Si"" ""' poplar Branch Team Plays Here Tuesday The Poplar Branch nine which played in Elizabeth City last Thurs day will meet the local team here again Tuesday. The line-up on both teams will be the same as last (Thursday. The game last Thursday iwas one of the best seen on the local (diamond during this season and fans iare promised a close and interesting I game Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock. ADRIANOPLE IS HOW THRIVING CITY Adrlanople, July 31. Adrianople, which has been one of the harriers to peace between the Greeks and Turks, has become a thriving city under Greek military occupation. The Turkish shopkeepers and traders never were so prosperous. The Greeks have decorated every store witn a Greek sign, whether the owner be Greek, Turk or Armenian. WILL LEAVE WEDN'KSDA V TO SPEND MONTH AT ALLEN III HST O. F. Gilbert, with Mrs. Gilbert, Mary Mitchell Gilbert and (). F. Gil bert, Jr., will leave Wednesday morning to spend a month at their summer home at Allenhurst, New Jersey. Whtlo aa-av Mr fMlhort wilt niflkn tions will be of real value to Eliza beth City shoppers. EKIZELL-PAItKER Albert C. Frlzzell and Miss Mil dred Parker, both of Norfolk, were married here at noon Monday by Rev. Horth Carolinian Killed Near Coblenz Coblenz, July 31 (By The Associated Press) Privates Harry Long, of Logansport, Indiana, and Fitzhugh Langston, of Au burn, North Carolina, were killed at Ehrenbreitstein today when a machine gun truck skidded and over turned. Oklahoma Ku Klux Puts Out Model Ticket Oklahonia City, July 111 (Hy The Associated Press) The Ku Klux Klan issue today still held the center of attention In tomorrow's primary election. This was esneclally true In the three cornered race for the Demo-: producing fields and it was ex cratic gubernatorial nomination, , nected that orders could be w'th J. C. Walton, mayor of Okla homa City. It. H. Wilson, State Sup erintendent of Public Instruction, and Thomas H. Owen, former Justice of the Supreme Court, as candidates. Wilson's name headed the "Model Tii'Uwt " nnrnnrterl to have been drawn by the invisible empire" "' distributed generally yesterday. j TUBERCULOSIS ASS'll MEETS AT GOLDSBORO ... .. , , 'Building on the opening day. Important 1'lmso Of Public Health ; Thfi ,.,,.,.,, f()r th po. Work Is BeiK Slu.lie.l By !,. wiU ,)e K. H. Kot, vice presi- ,,',M'r,s !dent of the A. I. Root Company, Me- ' 'lina, Ohio. Mr. Root is one of the Sanatorium, July 31.-1 h- execu- fort,lm)st lul,,1()ri(,s on ,. Clllture , five committee of the North Carolina. the ,.led st(,tPH an(, th(J ,,ek(!epm Tuberculosis Association met Satur-!()f N(.,h Calllnu r,irtlinnte , gp. day at Sanatorium to make prelim- (,uring hm for the convention, inary arrangements for the annual ... lnt(,r(li.tin nmrilm u, ,, North Carolina Conference on Tuber culosis, which will he held early In i .October. An Invitation from th - Interesting to the school children and Chamber of Commerce of Ooldsboro nattire lovprs of Uale,Kn The UUpi to hold the sessions in that city wasjot the plcture8 arei ..Through tUe i unanimously accepted. Home of the Honey Bee" and "Bees ur. Li. i. ...m.ajrr., maMsu.n ' - rector oi tne association, was appomi- ed chairman of the sociological sec tion and he has promised some im-l iportant and Interesting papers deal - ing with the relation of tuberculosis ;and public health work. Dr. Charles jL. Minor of Asheville was appointed i chairman of the medical section, which assures a fine program for that section. Dr. Minor Is especially well qualified as chairman for this section,! having spent a number of years both in this country and abroad in the sti)dy of tuberculosis and his message will be valuable and authoritative.! Dr. J. W. Dickie of Southern Pines, was named as ylce chairman of the: medical section. Dr. Dickie Is sup-1 erintendent of a well equipped sana-: Washington, July 31 (By The As torlum in Southern Pines and thor- sociated Press) Efforts are under oughly conversant with tuberculosis 'stood to be contemplated by Senator work. Mrs. Gordon Finger of Chan-Dial or South Carolina to have the lotte, president of the association, j President withdraw his recently sub will preside over the seal sale session ; niltted nomination of Joseph W. Tol andMrs. Charles K. Whi taker of Hen-j bert, Republican national committee dersonvllle, vice president of theji"nof South Carolina, to he -mar-association, will conduct the modern j shal of the western -district of the health crusade session. 'state. The last general meeting of the as- j sociation neiu in Greensboro was1. productive or much good. The Inter-; est developed In tuberculosis work as! a result of the meeting gave the ne cessary impetus to carry a victorious election to provide funds for a much needed county sanatorium and It Is' New York- JuIr 31 ,,v The As hoped that this year not only Wayne 8clatp(l I'ress) The price of Ger but many other counties will profit as "lan lnarls dipped to fourteen and a a result or the meeting. The association has adopted a pro - 'gram for nutrition work to be Inaug- united at once among uiider-nourlsh-; ed children. Fully thirty ner cent of' jthe children in this state are nial-! Flying Sqiiad Raids i nourished, as has been shown by sur-j .1 . r' l " r veys, and in such condition are espe- Atlantic Vlty CafeS cially subceptible to tuberculosis. Hy establishing nutrition classes un- Atlantic City, July 31 (By The As jder the direction of competent phy-! soclat"d Press) Fifteen cafes along 'slclans and nurses, the association i ,hfi bwdwalk and other sections of i hopes' to bring a large number of the citv WPre raided yesterday by a ! these boys and girls up to par. This flvlnK gn,lu1 of Prohibition agents and ;work will he launched with the co-!ll(luor va,l,f1 at 110.000 was seized, .operation of the State Board of; Health and If results Justify, will be extended to every county in the! State. Many tuberculosis experts contend that practically all tubercu- losls In adult life Is the result of childhood Infection and If we can keep the children In good physical' condition during the growing period,' they will not develop tuberculosis In ; later life. The nutrition work Is a step In this direction and who knows i how far-reaching the results might; h"? I I Miss Nlta Benton left Monday for , i Nags Head, where guest of Mrs. W. II. she will be the Jennette. -SgehI Geo States Already Request Fuel Effecting Or ganization To Make Immediate Delivery Washington, July 31 (By (The Associated Press) Re quests from the governors of the states for coal have already begun to come in to the Federal Fuel Distribution Committee, Secretary Hoover stated today. He said the states ask particu larly for fuel for public utilities. Fuel Distributor Spencer to day was effecting1 the organiz ation of regional committees in forwarded to all district within 48 hours. BEEKEEPERS MEET AT RALEIGH WEDNESDAY Raleigh, July 31. The summer convention of the North Carolina State Beekeepers' Association will be held at State College on August 2nd and 3rd. The meeting will begin at nine o'clock In the Animal Husbandry arranged including two motion pic ture films which sb jH0w They Work and Live These flmg will be shown Wednesday evening, August 2nd. A number of valuable nrlie win 1 be glven away durlng the conventlon j each beekeeper having an equal op- portunlty to win I j. E. Eckprti Becretarv of the Bee. keepers' Association, reports that , considerable Interest has been shown i the mm in , expecting a large attendance. ASKS PRESIDENT TO CHANGE J0MINATI0N GERMAN MARK DROPS' TO HEW LOU RECORD nalr ren,s P,,r hundred, a new low jre('"nl' 1,1 early lpll"K8 on the "reiKn PX('hanBe today but rallied ldu r ,met " ni a quarter, On Trip To At!lriuln-k Dr. Claude B. Williams with Mrs. Williams and children, Robert and , Rennle, left Monday for a short stay I In the Adirondack mountains. En- I route they will stop over In Balti more and New York. HERE FOR OPERATION Mrs. E. L. Smlthson of Norfolk Is here visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Weeks on West Main street while her Jtte daughter, Blanche Weeks Smlthson. Is at the Community Hos- j pltal for an operation for the removal of her tonsils. I I I