I,. ; rl - - ""-If a to- iM3.Lt, Saturday !.owers, little change in tempera- ture. Gentle wind. 4. X. CIPXULATION Thursday 1,813 Copies (I U l 0 VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION' ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER C, 1922 FOUR PAGES NO. 238 rm a ir xr if A t thph rrF-T"inn) ini 1 1 11 J.U GAME Yankees 000000 000 Giants 0 020 0 0 1 00 YANKS FAIL . CROSS PLATE Giants Take A Two Run Lead In Third Add Another In Seventh And Hold Yanks Scoreless For Nine Innings Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. 6 (By The Associated Press) The Giants plastered their an cient enemies, the Yankees, "With a string of whitewash this afternoon and won their sec ond victory over the American League champions by the score of 3 to o.; Deacon John Scott resurrect ed and rejuvenated after all major league club's had re garded his pitching arm as .ruined beyond repair stood out there on the hurling hill and made the Yankees look fool ish. He had speed galore mix ed in with a fine curve and al lowed only four hits. Hoyt pitched a loose game for the Yankee. Midget Manager Miller Hugging shuffled hii deck today on the Yan kee pitching staff and then led with hig third ace. Waite Hoyt. in hopes f winning hig first victory of the World Series from the Giants, who were already tn possession of one ame. McGraw selected McQuillan for mound duty, with Smith behind the p!ate. . Schang caught for the Yan kees. The day wag cooler than yesterday and perfect baseball weather. McGraw suddenly called McQuil lan 4othe bench before the game started and sent Scott in to pitch. First Inning Yankees Scott took Witt's bunt and got him at first. Dugan filed to Young. Frlsch tossed out Ruth at first. No runs, no hits, no errors. Giants Hoyt took Bancroft's bunt and beat him to the bag. Groh singled to right. Frisch singled over second. Meusel lined out to Ward, ,who doubled Frisch Xo runs, two hits, no errors. Second Inning Yankees PIpp singled to right. Meusel fouled to Kelly. Schang filed to Cunningham. Plpp stole sec ond. Ward out, Bancroft to Kelly. Xo runs, one hit, no errors. Giants Young singled to left but caught trying to stretch it, Meusel to Ward. Scott got Kelly at first. Cunningham singled to right. Smith forced Cunningham, Ward to Scott. Xo runs, two hits, no errors. Third Inning Yankees Scott filed to Young. Frisch got Hoyt's hopper. Witt walked, caught sleeping, Smith to Kelly. Xo runs, no hits, no errors. Giants Scott singled over second. Ward booted Bancroft's grounder and ball rolled to left field, Sctt go ing to third. Hoyt took Oroh's grounde- and Scott was run down. Hoyt tov Dugan. Bancroft went to third and Groh to second. Bancroft cored on Frlsch's sacrifice fly, Groh going to third and scored on Meu sel's single to right. Young forced Meusel, Ward to Scott. Two runs, two hits, one error. Fourth Inning (Yankees Groh threw out Dugan. Ruth hit by pitcher. Plpp fanned. Frisch made a muss of Meusel's grounder and when tried for third he went' out? Frisch to Groh. No runs, no hits, one error. Giants Kelly singled past Ward, out Mealing, Schaftg" cott. Du ll threw out Cunningham. Smith ! to loft. Scott whiffed. F.lrs. Stilban Wm In Srca Court White Plains, X. Y., Oct. 6 (By The Associated Press) Supreme Court Justice Morschauser today confirmed the referee's report In the Stillman divorce case and allowed Mrs. Anne Stillman, defendant, against her banker husband, the costs in the case. MISS THORNTON DIK8 AT THE COUNTY HOME Miss Emellne Thornton died Fri day afternoon at 1:20 at the County Home. She was 72 years of age. The funeral will be conducted at 11 o'clock Saturday morning and in terment will be made at Corinth. Cuba Changes Name Of Street To Brazil Havana, Cuba, Oct. 6 (By The As sociated Press) To compensate somewhat for Cuba's failure to send a special diplomatic mission to the Brazilian Centennial and erect an exhibit at Rio De Janeiro, the City Council has approved a motion to change the name of Tenlente Rey street to Brazil. The change will be made with appropriate ceremonlea as soon as the Mayor approves the or dinance. Xo runs, two hits, no errors. Fifth Inning Yankees Schang went out, Kelly to Scott. Ward filed to Cunningham. Scott fouled to Groh. Xo runs, no hits, no errors. Giants Bancroft fanned. Groh bunted, but thrown out by Dugan. Frisch walked. Frisch out stealing, Schang to Scott. Xo runs, no hits, no errors. Sixth Inning Yankees Hoyt singled to right.! Forced by Witt, Bancroft to Frisch. Dugan filed to Meusel. Ruth went out to Kelly unassisted. j j Xo runs, one hit, no errors. j Giants Meusel filed to his broth- jer. Young singled past Scott. Kelly i fouled to Plpp. Cunningham out,! jWard to Pipp. Xo runs, one hit, no errors. I Seventh Inning ' Yankees Frisch threw out Plpp. Meusel singled behind pitcher. ; Schang doubled to right. Meusel on ! third. Elmer Smith batted for i Ward. Smith breezed. Bancroft j threw out Scott. Xo runs, two hits, no errors, Giants McXallt replaced Ward !t second. Hoyt took Smith's grounder. Dugan threw out Scott. Bancroft walked. Groh singled on hit and run play, Bancroft going to third. Bancroft scored on Frlsch's I single. Meusel went out, McXally to Pipp. : One run, two hits, no errors. j Eighth Inning j Yankees Baker batted for Hoyt. Baker out, Kelly unassisted. Witt filed to Cunningham. Groh took Dugan's grounder. Xo runs, no hits, no errors. Giants Jones went Into box for Yanks. Young singled to center. Kelly sacrificed, Jones to Pipp. Cun ningham walked. Smith filed to Mc Xally. Scott fouled to Dugan. Xo runs, one hit, no errors. Ninth Inning Yankees Frisch threw out Ruth. Bancroft got Plpp and Meusel. Xo runs, no hits, no errors. Aviators Smash , Endurance Records San Diego, Cal., Oct. 6 (By The Associated Press) All aviation en-, durance records were smashed by Lieutenants MacCready and Kelly,' who at 8:30 o'clock today had been I in the air twenty-six hours and thirty-four minutes and were still flying over the city, having yesterday; abandoned their non-stop flight to Xew York. XS!IKKI; APPEALS MAINTENANCE OF WAV Chicago, Oct. 6 (By The Assoc!-1 ated Press) The Railroad Labor! Board is considering the appeal of I maintenance of way workers for an I increase In wages. Indications were . W-iln-mlay Evening Crowds In today that the decision might come , creasing And Much GhkI 1st tomorrow. I Accomplished IMPERIAL WIZARD IS RELEASED ON BOND the illustrated lectures held In St. Atlanta, Oct. 6 (By The Assocl-1 Joseph's Church by the Rev. George ated Press) Denial that Edward ; F. Hill each Wednesday night. The Young Clarke, Imperial Wizard pro I first time he held the service it was tern of the Ku Klui Klan', had used raining and cold but 22 came with the mails to effect a scheme to de-j lanterns, umbrellas and overcoats, fraud, for which Clarke was Indict- Tha next Wednesday night there ed in Federal Court late yesterday, were sixty present but last Wednes was contained in a statement today i day night there were 114. Secre when he was release! under a $500:tary R. C. Job, who runs the ster bond. eoptican and Mr. Hill who does the The Indictment charges that j lecturing, were late last time on ac Clarke collected money from certain count of a freight train stopping members and officers of the Klan on the pretense that funds would be, used to pay premiums ot. surety com panics for furnishing bonds for these Klansmen, that the sums were in excess ot the amount required, and that such excesses were con verted to his personal use and benefit. co-ops fnr".CT v;i:e r.7TE;Tio;i Raleigh, Oct. 3. Reports from the cotton belt indicate that the re cent dry weather has resulted tn the early maturity ot the crop and that it is now moving in large volume. Though the price dropped off at the,vout and this alone always appeals beginning of the rush season, it has to genuine people, been holding up remarkably well in . - view of the recent threats of war in Europe. The strength of the market is at tributed to the admitted shortness of the crop and the fine showing I k ..; made by the movement In the South. There Is a UIDLIIMV ICCII11K t L U II 1 1 111 1 0 III RI1U 11 is believed that the prices will be i1tDtlnAl fdallnv if I . ! ... .1 ,1 1 much better when the pressure from j the dumping of distress cotton Is! removed. The co-operatives are a new fac-i tor In the market this year and that they are to be a considerable factor Is Indicated by the fact that the Xorth Carolina Cotton Growers Co operative Association received around two thousand bales daily during the past week with every in dication for greatly Increased rer celpts this week. The Tar Heel co-operatives al ready have enough cotton on hand to go Into the markets of the world with a fairly respectable showing and It has already begun operations. And it is just one of nine Southern State organizations engaged in the co-operative selling of cotton. The co-operatives have arranged to fully protect mortgages of cotton and already much mortgaged cotton is being delivered to the Association. The Association management be lieves that one of the greatest ser vices the co-operatives can render Is to prevent the dumping of distress cotton during the rush season. The strength of the Xorth Caroli na co-operatives has attracted Na tional attention and recently The'der way early In Xovember. Judge Xew York Times and the Xew York Wllkerson indicated today when at Journal of Commerce have carried ! torniys for the shopmen filed their, articles giving an account of what Is! answer to Daugherty's Injunction being done in this State. Other bill. Xew York papers carrying articles on , the co-operatives have been The RESIGNS AH MANAGER Annalist and Commerce and Finance,! OF STANDARD PHARMACY, both financial weeklies. I George F. Wright, popular man-i General Manager V. B. Blalock Is ager of the Standard Pharmacy, has receiving daily Inquiries from north-1 resigned to enter the executive de-! ern papers asking about the As.o- partment of the Ideal Hosiery Cong elation. pnny. 1 j 0 4 1 3 12 1 THURSDAY RECEIPTS TO SOLDIERS AND CHARITY New York, Oct. 6 (By The Asso ciated Press) Tile Giants and Yankees, having attempted to ap pease the thousands of funs who were not satisfied when the second A'orld Series game was oilled at the end of -the tenth inning with the score t ed 3-3 by giving the entire day's receipts to disabled soldiers and charity, returned today to the business of settling the champion ship. CAMDEN FOLK ENJOY THE BIBLE PICTURES The people of Camden are show ing their appreciation of things worth while by the attendance at across the county road and refusing to budge for half an hour thereby holding up the service. When they did arrive, however, the large yard in front of the Chapel looked like an old time camp meeting ground, "it was so filled with automobiles, horses and buggies and carts, every sort of vehicle to bring folk there. Many of those present traveled many miles to get there. The concensus of opinion seems to be that the lec ture and pictures are doing real I 6uu. n- via lesumeDi 10 many is , aeaa ana ary but brought to life -by the story told and illustrated in 'detail with colored pictures almost life size, the Old Testament again takes Its place beside the Xew and is read again with profit. The ser vices are genuinely religious and de At Ccnity l!::pitd Sanford Dail was taken to the hnsnital TiipbHuv u.,ffuri ..hi. B,.nplr , L, , attack of acute appendicitis and after " ,i " 1 mmmicui. a u up- cionuii -as iioi necessary. Me was .Li. , . . bl ' "'T01"6 ThAW Mrs. Addle Morgan, Route Three, was operated on for appendicitis Wednesday. Miss Mahul Hiimntiloit r.r urinrdi linf1(,rw4int . v v 1 vyi. 1 U I 1WU IUI HfCH I dicHis Thursday. Mrs. D. M. Hughes Is at the hos pital for medical treatment. Mrs. A. M. Morris, Route Five, went home Saturday after undergo ing an operation. Miss Eleanor Phipps of Winfall was operated on for appendicitis Fri day. Heywood Morris, Route Five, Is at the hospital for medical treatment. William Bray on Church street returned home Wednesday after be-1 ing at . the hospital for two weeks; j and undergoing an operation. I Miss Mary Morris of Woodvlllo, 1 who was operated on for appendlcl-i tls, was able to return home Wed nesday. WILL BEGIN HEARING EARLY IN NOVEMBER Chicago, Oct. 6 (By The Assocl-; ated Press) The hearing of the Government's application for a per manent Injunction against the strik ing railroad shop crafts will get un-' Pratt Follows Wishes Of The Wilful Four As Forecast By Independent Over Month Affo State Geologist Ignores Recommendations Of County Commissioners And Names Men On County Highway Commission Acceptable Foreman, Morris, Jones And Bundy . Dr. R. B. Davis of Weeksvllle and Eta Grioso lac Mson London, Oct. 8 (By The Associ ated Press) A new crisis has arisen in the Xear Eastern situation which had seemed on a fair way to settle ment. The armlstlc conference of allied, Greek and Turkish military leaders at Mudanla adjourned sud denly yesterday after a dramatic; of the Commission whose disregard passage In which Ismet PaBha, rep-j of popular sentiment In the matter resenting the Angora government, i of building the Mt. Herman road led demanded that the Turks be allowed to the resignation of Messrs. Houtz to occupy East Thrace as the prece- and Gilbert. dent to any peace conference. I The suggestion that In naming The result of the deliberations is j successors to Houtz and Gilbert not yet announced. It was eon-; Colojiel Pratt he guided by recom ceded that the situation was very mend.itlons of the Board of County serious hut was still hoped that a I Commissioners came from a monster basis of common agreement among i mass meeting at the court house last the French, British and Italian dele-1 summer. jg.itions could be reached. j Colonel Pratt's authority to fill Henume Conference i vacancies on the Pasquotank Hlgh- Constantinople, Oct. 6 (By The way Commission comes by the act of Associated Press) After conferring the General Assembly of 1915 cre Ifor most of the night with high com-iating the Commission. His appolnt- mlssioners and military experts here, the Allied generals this morning re- ! turned to Mudania for a resumption 0f the armistice conference. Frenrh Protect Paris, Oct. 6 (By The Associated Press) The French government has Instructed its minister at Athens to protest against the Greek govern ment's having sent reinforcements to the Greek army in Thrace. RAIN QUENCHES FOREST FIRES Cobalt, Ont., Oct. 6 (By The As sociated Press) Heavy rain this morning virtually quenched the for est fires about the city which have taken a toll of possibly sixty lives, wiped out the town ot Halleyburg and several smaller settlements. Thirty-three bodies have been recov ered of the many missing. TRINKLE PARDONS TWO Richmond, Oct. 6 (By The Asso ciated Press) Governor Trlnkle to day pardoned Sldna Edwards and Friel Allen, convicted of murder in the second degree in connection with the shooting up of the court house: at HUlsville, Va in 1912. I I Xew Brunswick, X. J. Oct 6 iRv HTAXDARD OIL COMPANY The A880C,ated Pres.) - Possession DECLARES DIVIDENDS ' 0f new facU v v n . .".r, . of Rev. Edward Hall and Mrs. Elea Xew York Oct (By The Asso- nor M,lla led the ,nvei)ti(sator8 t0. I -Directors th,day to order a re-examinatlon of Standard Oil Company of Xew York ; many persona previously Inter today declared a stock dividend of: viewed. two hundred per cent, increasing1 . .. . ,, , , i. , ; ... Tnpy expressed the be ef that heir capital from seventy-five mll-jtheP, was everv lmM of thfj . lion to two hundred and twenty-five , be BO,ved million dollars, and reducing the par value of the stock from one hundred: " to twenty-five dollars. STORY OF JOSEPH TO BE TOLD SUNDAY NIGHT On this Sunday night, October 8, at 7.30 o'clock In Christ Church the Story of Joseph will be told by the rector and shown In pictures by the use of an electrical stereoptican. It has been said that truth is stranger than fiction, and the biblical story of Joseph bears out the statement. What other character of history la so Interesting and resembles so much an Arabian Xlght story? The mere mention of the coat of many colors arouses the Imagination ot all peo ple Interested In the Bible and It has had the same effect upon the great artists who have painted the scenes related. Joseph enters Egypt a slave nd becomes a ruler ot the Egyptians next to Pharoah himself, yet not a native Egyptian. Tire story has appealed to many of the world's artists whose pictures on the subject will be shown Sunday night. The same pictures and lecture will be shown in Camden Wednesday night. Shelton G. Scott of this city have been appointed by Colonel Joseph j Hyde Pratt. State Geologist of Chapel Hill, to succeed A. B. Jloutz, and O. F. Gilbert, resigned mem bers of the Pasquotank -Highway Commission. In making these appointments Colonel Pratt ignored the recom mendations of the Pasquotank Board of County Commissioners, which recommended the appoint ment of J. A. Byrum and X. S. Leary, and was guided by the wishes of J. W. Foreman, O. L. Bundy, J. J. Mor ris and A. E. Jones, the majority ments give Salem township two memberg'of the Commission. Colonel Pratt has been In no hurry to fill the vacancies on the Commls- sion, the matter having been In his hands now for more than two months. Perhaps if Mr. Scott and Dr. Davis had been appointed in time to sit with the Commission at its meeting on last Tuesday the ses sion might have been less stormy. Colonel Pratt's appointments would teem to have been guided by' a desire to restore harmony on Pas quotank's road building body, though he makes no statement as to what course of reasoning has guided his action. His letter to the Com mission adviBing that body ot his action is brief and reads as follows: "According to authority vested In me by act of the General Assembly In 1915, I am appointing S. G. Scott of Elizabeth City and Dr. R. B. Davis ot Weeksvllle as members of the Pasquotank Highway Commis sion to fill the vacancies caused by the resignation of Messrs. O. F. Gil bert and A. B. Houtz." ISAY MURDER MYSTERY i WILL SOON BE SOLVED PARSONSJONES Miss Mary Jones of this city and Mr. J. B. Parsons of Xewport Xews were married Sunday, October 1, at 6 p. m. at South Mills by Rev. L. M. Cliaffln at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Jones. The bride Is the very attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Jones of this city. The groom was formerly of Weeksvlllo. After the ceremony tfrey motored to Xewport Xews, where they will make their home. HELP IS NEEDED IN DISTRIBUTING MILK The Parent-Teachere Asso ' elation, has taken over the task of milk distribution, at school and needs immediately the vol unteer services of twenty girls or women In this work, ten in the mornings and ten In the af ternoons. Those who will help are asked to telephone 677-W, Mrs. C. II. Lane, Dyer street.

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