VEATHZn Local thunder showers this afternoon or tonight. Somewhat cooler tonight. Sunday fair and cooler. . CIRCULATION Friday 1,829 Copies VOL. XII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 7, 1922 FOUR PAGES NO. 239 TT1T7T1 hpt irinn) tt I ) H ANTS Giants Yankees 000040000 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 OneR Margin But Was Enough L J j Have Flout., laraa&iGiiGO QesgoEboli Way Split EntGniG Many Floats To Withdrew Fron Defense AnJ?rew B(ar Law's Letter Upholding British H t d j (If IntnvifntrH Pliant government Is Taken As Threat To Bring feature Parade Intoxicated Client Troops From Rhine Unless France Falls Into MnP With Kritich Prv inu -vat iiibioil JL VHVJf Two Run Lead By Yanks In First And Home Run In Seventh Could Not Atone For Fatal Fifth Polo Grounds, N. Y., Oct. 7' (By The Associated Press) j Taking the fourth game of the! series and their third victory,! the New York Giants today! , saw themselves today within i Slim 1 . ! vac same oi Deing acclaimed Torld champions while their opponents, the Yanks, were j still without a single game to their credit. The margin of victory was very narrow, but it was j enough. The Yanks got away . to a two run lead in the first ; and a home run by Ward in -the seventh brought their to- ? tal to three, but all this was not enough to make up what hap- Pened in the fifth, when the Giants piled up in one inning the four runs that won the- i game. Murk. and mist lay cupped in dark hollows of the Polo Grounds when the Yanks and Ciants met in the fourth game of the World Series while Old Man Gloom sat "in the club house of the Yankees, whn were reeling under two blows on the button by the aggres sive National Learners. Th Yankees were homefolks and irave a funeral welcome to the "IcGrawites, who sought to rnake it four straight. Mc .Quillan took the mound for the (Giants with Snyder behind the bat. Mays and Schang did the battery work for the Yanks. First Innlnir Giants Bancroft singled off Mays' glove. Mays threw out Groh at first. Frisch lined to Meusel. Meusel out, Scott to first. No run, one hit, no errors. Yankees Witt singled to center. Dugan singled to left. Ruth flied to out Lunnmgham, Witt going to third. Iugan held first. Witt scored on Tipp's single. Plpp out trying to stretch it. Cunningham to Frisch. Dugan went to third and scored on Meuseri single to rleht. Me II HOI Scao Ira loiog KH r Ji my Business Finns Will Ami Business l)is- i trirt To He Decorated j The outlook for a highly success-1 j ful Marshals' Parade is . exceedingly j bright, according to Dr. Howard I Combs, chief marshal, who is de-1 I lighted with the hearty co-operation J j being given plans for the parade by I Elizabeth City business interests. "All the down town linns, practic--j ally (.peaking," said Chief Marshal j j Combs today, "have agreed to deco-; i rate their places of business and the ! business section w.ll present a gala appearance for the parade. A large number of El.zabeth City firms have agreed to prepare floats for the - "Your Honor," I don't believe this man is in any condition for trial." So spoke W. L. Cohoon, attorney for Edgar (Toddy) Perry, before Trial Justice Spence Saturday morn ing on a charge of transporting and having liquor in his possession. "He is under the influence of li quor right now," continued .Mr. Co hoon, "and wants to take ih If 1 permit him to take the stand as my client in such condition I lay my self open to criticism, and if the court is going to let him go on the stand I want to withdraw from the case." Perry's trial was accordingly postponed to Monday morning. He is the negro who when last in Jail attempted to hang himself. Part of the States evidence was over a gal- Chairman Lasker Or- ders Shipping Board Vessels To v - tv i uit-i uu .u.t iiuei Prohibition Amend-1 E J- Cohn. The monf I Perry, J. H. McMu A Training School for Sunday school workers will be held at Black well Memorial church October 15-20, all the Baptist churches of the citv 1 a Don bottle, nari nf t,ii, i i I nartielniitm The 111 u ill tin r a nf llin faculty will be Dr. B. W. Snillman of Kinston, Field Secretary of the Han- London, Oct. 7 (By The Associated Press) A sensation has been caused here by a letter from Andrew Bonar Law, up holding the British Government's attitude on the Near Eastern crisis. The pronouncement is wide ly held as equivalent to a di rect threat to bring the Brit ish troops home from the Rhine completely and terminate the ChiNNCs And Addresses For Sun- , uiuch r ranee comes 1 into line with the British policy i in the Near East. Training School At Blackwell Memorial lay School Workers October 15 To 20 The Texas Co., L. B. llan. Jr.. Pensl- Cola Bottling Co., Owens Shoe Co., W..K:n. rv. t o ti 1 Ro,ar-v Club. Kiwanls Club, Elizabeth . lDy. ine city Shipyard, H. C. Bright Co., Associated Press) Masters of , First & Citizens National Bank, Shipping Board vessels were a"klln Print Sll0p- M- - Morri- todav ftPJ.J k rk !8ette & Co- D- w- Harris, Jr., today ordered by Chairman; Rucker & SheeVi Gallop & TMpy; Lasker, by direction of the: Weeks & Sawyer. Mitchell's rw,rt. parade, and the list in still i growing. Those who are alreadv! lon of "quor in three fruit Jars and i down for floats are: "Buxton White Seed Co.. D. Pen der's Stores 102 and 77, Winekream Company, W. S. White & Co.. Auto & Gas Engine Works, Elizabeth City' Coca-Cola Co.. Tidewater Buick Co.. I President, in accordance with Attorney General Daugherty's liquor Opinion, to rcmnva mtA surrender to the Treasury De ment Store. T. T. Turner a r Sharber & White. "j "This is the first year In some sea-! sons that th Albemarle District j Fair has featured a Marshals' Pa- partment official. ll :.:,-. fa7 and the '""ovation is expected .. , , . , to ne a most pleasing one both to i ing liquors aboard such ships, j home folks and to visitors in the1 The order became effective c t immediately with respect to the vessels in American ports. and will be effective for those at sea upon their arrival to American ports. Washington, Oct. 7 (By The Asso ciated Press) The executive branch of the Government is Droceedln tn immediate enforcement of the in terpretation of the prohibition amendments to the enforcement act by the legal branch as prohibiting transportation and sale of liquor on American vessels wherever operated, ana the presence of liquor on foreign ships anywhere within American ter ritorial waters. The suggestion is made that Con gress may be asked to take up the bill Introduced over a year ago which would permit American pas senger ships engaged in foreign com merce to sell liquor beyond the three mile limit. The Anti-Saloon League vigorously opposed the measure. First in line will h thin mounted marshals, then conies the fire department, then the floats and then the decorated automobiles. It is hoped to have at least two bands in the parade and each of these will be placed Just where It will do the most good." ! alleged to have been carrying on the . htreei in a pail covered with a tow ! sack alll Part of which was found concealed In the bedclothes of his baby's crib. The stuff was so strong j mat the varnish on the table at the spot where the liquor Jars- stood turned white during the trial. Cleveland Smith of East Lake was found guilty of selling liquor and sentenced to four months on the roads. Smith it Is who was the al leged partner of Fowler Twiford when the latter Is alleged to have sold East Lake Lightning to Hoyt Griffin at the Black Buoy on " the Pasquotank River. Smith, like Twi ford, noted an appeal and is under bond for appearance at the next term of Superior Court. jessie Kiddick, colored, for disor derly conduct, drew a fine of $10 and costs, but the court suspended thei m. .or a period of two years on good behavior on payment of costs Dr. W. H. Williams, for crossing intersecting highways at a greater rate of speed than ten miles an hour was required to pay the costs. NI'HtlAL HATES FOR KIIMHK The North River Line has an nounced a reduction In their rates during the Fair, and in the reduc tion has made special rates for chil dren. "It is a good thine." stato. r u Brock, of the North' River Line, "to instil Into the youthful mind, a love ior country, State and section. There I I.kgic Dollar IVfll Start Out ficsshy Beginning Monday morning at 9 o'clock the magic dollar win . trail through the various mercantile ' h0U8es of Elisabeth City. The name I i well taken for everyone agrees that the dollar is one of the most , magical things on the universe. magician by the name of Keller is no better way to do this thn n l,rove(l to the world at one time that gain the respect of children for thel'"08' things were "aglcal. That is, wonderful things their section he coul1 wve a wand over them, sav do, and since all love is based on re- ' few words of maS'c like "Hilophi spect, children will eventually love 8' Hoku-Pukus, Presto, Change! tint Sunday School Board of the Southern Baptist Convention; E. I,. Middleton, of Raleigh, General Sec retary of the Sunday School Depart-j wireless mem oi me state lioard of Missions; Mrs. Lydia Yates Hilliard, Elemen tary Secretary df the Sundav School Department of the State Board of Misssions; Prof . George V,'. Sherrell, of the Elizabeth City High School Faculty. The school will open wltn a thr?e o'cloclr session Sunday afternoon. October 15, Dr. Spillnian making an address. The classes will be enrolled at this session. Each evening from Monday until Friday Inclusive, the following pro gram will be followed: 6:30 Worship bv annotated leader. I 6:45 Classes: 7:30 Lunch served In church. 8:00 Classes same as before lunch. 8:45 Announcements and re ports. , 9.00 General addresses. 9:30 Adjournment. In this Training School the church is doing what scores of Southern churches are doing, viz: trying to give vision and training to an ade quate corps of workers in the Sunday Schools. Present and prospective workers are urged to be present The lunch t 7.30 p. m. will be served free to all wh -urn. business men and women are urged to go direct from the'r work to the church. I this way all the work may be taken. Books will Ul un 8ale at the regular prices. Sultan Resigns London, Oct. 7 (By The As sociated Press ) The report that Sultan Mohammed of Tur key abdicated this morning was received by the Russian delegation here todav in . dispatch from Mos cow. Reports Conflict London, Oct. 7 (By The As sociated Press) Advices reaching here in regard to the Mudania Conference are meagre and conflicting. It is known that the Turks have demanded from the Allies a categorical statement of the consent to Turkish occupation of Thrace. mm Pasha Softens Mudania, Oct. 7 (By The Associated Press )The con ference opened today amid a feeling' of optimism and a statement by I.met Pasha, Turkish Nationalist represen tative, sounded a conciliatory note. His attitude had .of. ened markedly. ATe in Principle Paris. Oct. 7 nv -n, a Press) Great Britain and France as represented by Foreign Secretary Curson and Premier Poincare, have agreed In principle that the troops of Turkish Nationalists shall be al lowed to occupy Eastern Thrace only No runs, no hits, no errors. Fifth Inning Giants Snyder singled past Scott. McQuillan doubled to left. Snyder on third. Snyder and McQuillan .tni anr, r ......I. !"""cu v" "crons s:ngie. Uroh ith's wild thrnw , on singled off May's glove. Frisch sac .,niths wild throw. Schang struck , riflced, Mays to Pipp. Bancroft on mini, won on seconr. Bancroft Two runs, four hits, one error. Second Inning Giants Young filed to Meusel. Mays threw out Kelly. Cunningham walked. Dugan got Snyder at first. No runs, no hits, no errors. Yankees- Raining hard. Ward Hed to Young. Bancroft threw out cott. Frisch threw out Mays. No runs, no hits, no errors. Thlnl Inning Giants Schang threw out Mc lillan at first. Bancroft walked. roh filed to Meusel. Frisch filed to nth. No runs, no hits, no errors. Yankees Witt filed to Cunnlng m. Groh got Dugan. Ruth walk ' Tipp flied to Young. No runs, no hits, no errors. Fourth Inning Ciants Dugan threw out Meusel. ng singled past Pipp. Kelly nl Young, Plpp to Scott. Cun- 'iam forced Kelly. i runs, one hit, no errors. Meunel struck out their home." Many agree with Mr. Rrni-ir tw the younger mind should be taught that for them the Fair holds a spe cial appeal. HUFFKRH STROKE PARALYSIS Miss Hennle Creecy suffered a stroke of paralysis Friday nf hpr nome on bouth Road street, and is still unconscious. I scored when Ward threw out Meu sel. Groh on third. Groh scored on Young's single to left. Young caught off first. Four runs, five hits, no errors. Yankees Scott walked. Mays fouled to Kelly. Wilt hit Into a double play. No runs, no hits, no e.-rors. Bancroft.- One run, one hit, no errors. Eighth Inning Giants Meusel singled past sec ond. Young died to Meusel, who al most doubled his brother at first. Kelly grounded to Plpp, who doubled Meusel at second. NTs Pima nnrt kU n rit. Jin !" Yankees-Elmer Smith batting for Giants Kelly hit to W tt. Pun. m... t.r... j-... . . . . . . luiiuru. ui uuuoiea to lert nlngham out. Dugan to Plpp. Sny-, Dugan filed to Cunningham. Ru h der singled to left. McQuillan fan- filed to Frisch ned. k. ' . . t- . . " rung- one hit, no errors No runs, one hit, no errors. I "rrors. Yankees Dngan popped to Frisch. j Xlnth Inning Ruth fouled to Snyder ninn Giants Jones went tntn h k... threw out Plpp. ( for the Yanks. Cunningham filed tn No runs,1 no hits, no errors. Seventh Inning Giants Bancroft filed to Meusel. Pipp got Groh unassisted. Frisch flied to Witt. No runs, no hits, no errors. Mc- Wltt. Snyder popped to Scott wuinan died to Witt. No runs, no hits, no errors Yankees Plpp doubled to right. Groh took Meusel's grounder and was run down, Groh to Ban-! I c"oft. Meusel on first. Scli:im' -..u -uaiever ne waved the wand over disappeared; but it is found that the dollar needs no coercion or wands or magic words to make it dis appear so everyone agrees with Mr. Job that it is a magic dollar. Mr. Job states that the idea of making the dollar chase Itself in a marathon, from stor t( in I Elizabeth City, accomnni,.,i v card autographed by those on whom ii canea is to prove to the public that a dollar will buy a great many more things than the public Is aware of. The public Is open to conviction on this subject notwithnta fact that a good many of them have intimated that if Mr. Job pa n t ii rn i that trick, he Is a genius of the firstl waier. The experiment will last from 9; o'clock Monday morning until 5 or 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, when, It is expected, the magic dollar will have! made Its bow and purchase at nearly every mercantile house In th Mtv The things that re purchased with Praise Motor That Made Great Record San Diego, Cal., Oct. 7 (By The Associated Press) While Lieuten ants John MacReady and Oakley Kelly were catching up some sleeni lost while fivine ovAr thin lt , owe uniy after conclusion of the peace trea'. Explccicn CIccca Kcath Of Cc!cc Kbo i Unlontown, Pa., Oct. 7, (By The Associated Press)-The rtiost seri ous dynamiting in the Conneilsvllle coke strike region in several months occurred today when o,. k v i v c lira v Y th.rtv.e ..-.;" ""r r,w lolu,y w"en three heav ' i suiasn an racords masts c osed the nit month r. c-inou me praise the fliers gave the powerful Liberty motor wn'cti carried them on the record-breaking flight. LOYAL MEXICANS ROUT IL'SUnGEflTS El Paso, Texas, Oct. 7 (By The Associated Press) Loyal American troops overtook the rebel column In the mountains of Durango and In battle that followed completely routed the Insurgents, killing Col- ntiul C!.. !.. ... .. ti f, . , , . , a 1 1 ... . ",ra .LiuiiuB mm oiner re ne s, cap- the dollar will be placed on exhii.iJ tnrin ..i .. . ' . ti,m t v e , . i " ' f"'icioi miu mo cuioneis, HI V , fr the Public 'oo'd-ng 'o an annoucement by the view the miraculous things that a i Federal Commander dollar can do. Said one man down town trwiu rr r-nr r-m "If Dick Jni, -w.s.. ::V rm purchase as much In an store In Elizabeth City as mv wlfo rn ki .. . should be elected n,.r,h..- ' " T I Norln 0n'- Oct. 7 (By The for all the f.n.111.. m .u. nl.-.:. , ' Associated Press) The ....M,Be Ule r,in h0lge piaiH had been made to open the mine lionuay with non-union labor. i ITo Die For f.Jurder Of Fcrn:cr Fknccs i - . , cum- Oct. 7 (By The Associated Press (-William Creasy, " i'ort Thomas. Ky., convicted last fuesday of the murder of his former ..cee. dua Lavoy, Froeport school teacher, was today sentenced to 'leath in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison during the week of No vember 6. Yanks Meet Ghost r M f"d: '.threw i1 ""h. rriach:in - n tnIrd ,r u "v Dcnans. wara nit nomer fl rd i HoVonng. Ward struck! to left field stands. Scott stretch-Ward filed to No runs, two hit', no errors. WILL SPKAK TO MKV I. M. Meekins will address the Men's Bible Class of the First Methodist church at 9:30 o'clock Sunday morning. October 8th. j New York, Oct. 7 (By The Asso- ' pturiwl Ttn Til I . NEAR EIGHT MILLIONS roole( by the frigid breath of a Knosi irom baseball's graveyard. Miller Muggins" Yanks tnnH thi.' nronerl v mnrnlnv In ih .t..,i .., o tne orest flre which swept tomb. They must recover from t h many towns In Northern Ontario will! flight of the phantom. Long John probably aggregate seven or eight, Scott, whose rattling Tar Hef bone, million dollars, and the loss of life, gave them a scare yes e d7v from "cTtrod m ZZir' MnMvrinK a 3 0