TIL NINE O'CLOCK , WEATHER Rain tonight and Tues- CIRCULATION Saturday 7 rJ a r. I U day, Somewhat colder tonight. Fresh, possibly strong, N. E. winds. 1,807 Copies - - "-1 VOL. XII. FJNAL EDITION STORES OPEN ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 18, 1922 EIGHT PAGES NO. 299 Tim Healy Arrives In Dublin BRAVE SHIPS BATTLE GALLANTLY THROUGH THE TOWERING SEAS EVENINGS NOW r ,'' T r fit uv n n 'i t p it n t i t i n VV-i l I I V W V X v. "1 .Christmas Shoppers M a y Surreptitiously Seek Santa Claus While Kiddies Sleep Beginning tunight Elizabeth City stores for the most part will be open evenings until nine o'clock, and Christmas shoppers who are busy through the day or who are anxious to seek for Santa while the little tots are asleep, or those grownups who've grown so stiff and staid that they wouldn't know the Christmas spirit if they met it in the day time, are invited to come down town and cheer up. For Christmas is coming and there re only five more shopping days. Soon it may be too lata" to keep that Christmas, resolution and make the folks happy that are or ought to be on that Christmas gift) list. But it isn't too late, yet. ! It's Jolly down town'on the week before Christmas. The stores are zally decorated and there's life and .gaiety and a good fame. When shopping gets too strenuous, there's always the Alkrama where one can top and see the show, and there are always the drug stores' where a re freshing drink or dish to! Ice cream renews one's energy .for the final Christmas rush. Before starting down' town, by the way, it's well to take a glance at the advertisements in The Daily Ad vance. They're a guide which may well be followed, and each day this week these pages will be full of valu able Christmas shopping suggestions, as well as of the news- of the day. WELFARE COl'XCIIi TUESDAY TO I'LAX FOIt CHRISTMAS The Central Council of Public Welfare will hold a special meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 in the Chamber of Commerce rooms to! make nlan. for eivine the sick and i needy of the city a happy Christ mas. It is hoped that a large num ber of members and visitors will at tend this meeting. : MARTIAL LAW IS PROCLAIMED Following AflMSHlnat lon Of Pol lull r resident By Crazed Artist Saturday Warsaw, Dec. 18 (By The Associ ated Press) Martial law became ef fective by proclamation of the Po lish cabinet following the assassina tion Saturday of President Naru towlcz by Captain Niewadomski, crazed artist, who is held for court martial. Starts Movement Conserve Eyesight New York, December 18 (By The Associated Press) With the aid of Secretary of Labor Davis, a move ment hag been started for observ ance throughout the country of Eye sight Conservation Day in the schools. Federal and state officials, university professors, engineers, In dustrialists and civic leaders are co operating with the Eyesight Conser vation Council of America to reme dy conditions of vision in class room and factory. Defective vision among school children and workers in the nldus- trles has, surveys In numerous towns and cities reveal, caused en ormous economic and physical los ses, which, authorities declare, can be eliminated. Secretary Davis is In deep sympathy with the movement, particularly with regard to children "I am convinced," he said recent ly, "that mankind owes no higher duty to soctety and to God than ser vice to childhood, and that what ever we may be able to do to aid the cltissens of the future will earn a great reward." Every teacher In the country, ac cording to the Council, la a poten tial crusader for better vision. Teach ers everywhere are being given in structions for testing visual acuity. Success of the movement, according to Its sponsors, will mean a definite physical advance In future genera tions of Americans. Can Take Choice Of The Weather Chicago, Dec. 18 (By The Asso ciated Press) Thirty-four degrees below zero at Medlclnehat, 'Mani toba, ami 7 4 above at Miami, Fla., ti runday's ran?'! of temperature. , ' ' . " - -J? ,1 "'It fr , : ! $ va7 1 n : ' ; : f I " I i ' 7.' . I ' - $ ' K I ' i ..r .. --i ihTrrrrr-r-- : - - - - v. L$-,mi i New Governor General of Ireland, who during his first days in Dublin in his new official capacity, visited many points of interest. He was snapped while examining a lock that wan being built at a river crossing, mak ing friends with the workman. EXTENSIVE WAR AGAINST WEEVIL Agricultural Extension Service Will Be Up In - Arms Against Pest In 1923 Raleigh, Dec. 18 (By The Assoc!- ated Press) The division of entom- ology of the Agricultural Extension Service in 1923 will conduct an ex tensive campaign against the boll weevil, the plans for which now are being completed. "The work of 19?2- thoroughly demonstrated that the standard dust-poison method of control Is j piuuiauie, reuus lue siaieiueui. a ... v. i .i il. . . , . "an average expenditure of $5.50 per acre on control methods In six tests having given an average net profit above expenses of over $24.00 per acre. While tnis gives a sou Dasis - - . , .1. 1 ... .. . . . ior extension worn uy cuuuiy ngeuia.i it also is planned to lay emphasis on j the best cultural methods for grow- ing cotton. "Franklin Sherman, chief in, nntomoloiv. and W. B. Mabee. ex-: tension .specialist, have arranged, with county agents for a series of the stores. ChrlstmUs county-wide meetings through the ' &ppers are urged to remember this south-central area of the State in j cause and use these; helpful little January and February to explain , BeaIs oa thelr gifts this year, the methods to farmers. This Is to) 11 18 Interesting to note In the be followed with timely advice and i Bame Health Bulletin that the death visitation through the season to as. ' rate from tuberculosis in North Caro sure treatments being applied at the llna has been cut ln halt ,n the la9t proper time. eignt years- Such an encouraging ' . . . . . , 'report, It seems, should stir the lag ' The present standard dust pol--.,, , ., ., ... , . J . , . , . " ging counties to activity without de- son method is advised more particu-1 lay larly for the more fertile lands j whose productivity will more cer-l tainly justify the expense. But j pj prom Explosion there recently has appeared the r 'Florida Method,' which gives excel-1 Caused TWO Deaths lent promise on low yielding lands, j Both methods are to be explained i Pittsburgh, Dec. 18 (By The As fully. It is planned also to have j soclated Press) Fire believed to both methods under test during the; have started from an explosion of a season. ! still caused the death of two men at "J. O. Taylor, formerly with the Mllltown today, the boll weevil laboratory of the United States Bureau of Entomology and now with a commercial 'firm on educational work ln boll weevil con trol, will cooperate In this work. There is a prospect that other Arms later may assign spec.allsts to coop-!ble erate in this same broad project, "Cotton has been produced at a profit; It is being done now and we will continue to do so. The blow ! struck by the boll weevil In our! southern counties In 1922 was not as heavy as has been fearea, partly Que to the preparation of the farmers. While this should not lull us into a community Hospital after an opera flase feeling of security, It does leave ; tIon for appendfcitis last Friday, us strong recuperative and agresslve , Tne funerai wm be conducted at the powers for the wider campaign that nome at 3 o'clock Tuesday afternoon will be necessary during 1923, when j by Rev Mr phipps and Interment heavy weevil Invasion may be expect- j made at New Hope. ed in all the region south of a line; . . from Hickory to Salisbury, to Ral-j j, furiously 111 elgh, to Washington, to Belhaven,"! m. M. Sawyer Is seriously ill at his the statement concludes ; home on Ehrlnghaus street.' CHRISTMAS DAXCK WIIJj I BE (ilVKV FRIDAY NKiHTj The Christmas holiday dance will related Press) Bids at 11:45 a. m. be given Friday evening of this week. on cotton futures today were: De In the Robinson Building with music! Cember 25.69, January 25.71, March by Sam Simmons and his Syncopal- Ing Sextette. With many college boys and girls home for the holidays, and a number of visitors In town an unusually pleasant affair Is expected. Tickets are being sold at the store' of D. Walter Harris. Christmas Seals Help Check Disease And Ths Little S-a!s Are On Sale At All The Store .Tlii k On the last page of tho December Health Bulletin, published by the North Carolina State Board' of Health, the reader will' note that Pasuotank County's figures are printed In red ink. This means that the County's death rate from t'uber- culosls is above the average in the State. In some counties the death rate is high because there are insti tutions in those eoumHw for tuber cular patients,' but Pasquotank has no excuse, and Us rate Js .tlrte Jilgb- est In the State, except Durhm Forsyth and Hertford. . - Three-fourths of the money from i the salo of Tuberculosis Christmas L Seals is kept la the county where the sals are sold. Health workers r believe that Pasquotank County r urui io bsh i.uuu worm, dui me i ttflmnt In ii ii ii 1 1 u Y.K ! n ,J t I a umuc iu 1259 worth, Parent-Teachers Association of Elizabeth City ha jiaiuf d Mrs. U- R- Foreman chairman oftha Christ-' ma4 Beals Sale Committee, and airs. Foreman has placed these seals pn. ItKV. V.. V. HILL I N'ABI.K TO KKKP APPOINTMENTS Rpy Q p Hm ,g , t hU home McMorrlne gtreet and will nut be to fln hs appolntmentt at j Weekgvllle and Camden thIs week. Hfi hopps tQ be we, by snday It. M. MOUSE, JR., DKAI) Rav Marshall Morse. Jr.. 10-vear- 0,d g()n of Mr flnd Mr3 Ray Morge of perquman8 County, near New impeachment charges against Daugh Hope dled suday night at the,erty. TODAY'S COTTON' MARKET New York, Dec. 18 (By The As- 2S.ill, May 26.10, July 25.85. Tone, steady. jew York, Dec. 18 (By The As- g0clated Press) Cotton futures) oppnPd 'flrm. December 25.75. Jan- uary 25.70. March 26.00, May 26.08. j July 25.95. ? FKEXCH FEATHERWEIGHT "TaHS i ii II h v ,a il i h v (' 1 It v k H I. ' . a . 5 f 7 ; . . ..rill l ' i I ' hi i . t I riL,? d Eugene Crlque, the European featherweight champion, who .has been deluged with ofTers from pro moters since his victory over Billy Alathews of England. Crlque's man ager has made up his mind that the former will have the next bout in the II. S., may challenge Johnny Dun dee or Johnny Kllbane. JIARDING TELLS PROHIBITION PLAN Talks To State Gover nors At Luncheon To day About Division Of Responsibility Washington, Dec. 18 (By The As sociated Press) The House Judici ary Committee has appointed a sub committee to Investigate what ac tion If any should be taken In con nection with the refusal of Repre sentative Keller to testify as to the Information on which he based his MITCHELLS OPEV EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK Mitchells Is all dressed up for Christmas shoppers and will be open until nine o'clock tonight and every night this week. "Come In and see the pretty Christmas things, whether you buy or not," say Mr. Gilbert and 'Mr. Jarvls. "There's a welcome for you at Mitchells." Continue CritUally III v- C. W. Grlce continues critically III at his home on Fearing street. Since Friday the end has been expected at any time. Miss Ruth White Is home from at. Mary's, at Raleigh, to spend Christmas with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. White, on West Main street. Fighting Epochal Battle Across Lake Superior To Keep Navigation Open Far Beyond Usual Time And Bring Down The Last Cargo Of The Year Already Toll Of Lives Has Been Claimed Chicago, Dec. 18 (By The Associated Press) Battling foot by foot through towering seas and freezing spray, ships are fighting an epochal battle across Lake Superior to keep navigation open far beyond the usual time and bring down the last cargo of the year. The fight has already claim-' , ed a toll of lives and before SfWIFT ORDERS the Inst shin i'a nr-prnmrorl f r,- f Iti 1 UlllLllkJ or given up for lost the toll may be greater. Nearly a dozen died when a Ca "fr:d "Bthe rk!i the tug Gray is searching for twenty seven missing since the tug Reliance which crashed on the rocks off Liz ard Island reported two overturned life boats and no sign of the miss- lng- Vladivostok, Dec. 18 (By Nine grain laden steamers with a The Associated Prpqst TKp twenty-eight million dollar cargo ' t ; Associated t ress) 1 ne are fighting-their way down Lakelt0Vlet government, which re-. Superior toward the graveyard oficently took over the territory gallant veaaeU. known fl8 primorla( ha3 order. BANDITS WOUND nr"? S FEDERAL GUARD'"- " ,eave within Entire Denver Force Is DaniA1 Stcamthip Called Into Action Aground In Baltic Guard Probably Fatal-' Copenhagen, Dec. 18 (Hy The As- ly Wounded soclated Press) The Danish steam- (ship Lltuania which left New York Denver, Colo., Dec. 18 (By The 1 December 6 with cargo and passeng Associated Press) Three bandits' ers, is reported aground on Born today shot and probably fatally1 holm Island In the Baltic, wounded William Havenor, Federal ltcserve Bank gnard, and escaped with about $200,000 in gold which was being loaded onto a truck In front of the mint. As the robbers sped away in an automobile, Gov ernment guards Inside the mint fired from the windows and the entire Denver police force was called into action to apprehend the men. Fund Totals Over Sixteen Hundred No Further Contribution For New- Bern Rrtlef WW Be Solicited Contributions from Pasquotank schools, reported Monday, run the total of New Bern Relief contribu tions ln Elizabeth City up to be yond the $1600 mark. No further contributions are so licited as funds already collected when they have been remitted are sufficient to complete rhe relief work, according to word from New Bern. Previously reported $1544.18' Lodge 168, K. of P. 5.00 Berea School 7.25 Fork School 11 20 ' Bayslde School 4.15 Mt. Hermon School 5.50 Corinth School , 2.00; Siitw1 Mod Krlmo! ' 3.55 i Jennings School , 5.00(tO(lay Colored State Normal School 40.93 Pitts Chapel School .25; Whltevllle Grove School .. 2.00 j Dr. E. L. Hoffler ' 3.00 j Silver Leaf Lodge 3.00 , soclated Press) The enigma of pro Total $1636.99 hibltlon enforcement was discussed Among the contributions made j by President Harding with a group last week by the merchants of the j of state governors as a beginning citv and not previously mentioned toward his announced policy of Is a box of clothing expressed di-1 rectly to the New Bern Relief Com mittee by C. A. Cooke. HOSPITAL AMIUI.ANCK IS NOW READY FOR DELIVERY The Elixabeth City Community Hospital ambulance Is now ready for delivery at the Auto ft Gas Engine Works on North Water street. Sec - retary Job has been Indisposed for several days and as soon as he Is out the ambulance Is to be formally turned over to the hospital, It It said. BRYANT-KAY Miss Susie Evelyn Bryant and Ar thur E. Kay of Portsmouth were married here Monday by Justice of the Peace T. B. Wilson. . Horton Ehrlnghaus Is 111 at his home on East Main street. CONSULS LEAVE France And Ten Other Countries Told To Close Consulates In Primoria American Exports Highest In November Washington, Dec. 18 (By The As sociated Press) American exports for 'November reached the highest point this year, showing business to talling i jbj.uuu.uuu, me commerce Department announced today. REFUSED MOTION DISMISS CHARGES Mount Holly, N. J., Dec. 18 (By The Associated Press) Justice Ka llsch today refused the motion of Mrs. Doris Brunen's attorney to dis miss the charges against her In con nection with killing John Brunen, circus owner, declaring that the question must be settled by a Jury. Wallace Reid Is On Verge Of Death Los Angeles, Dec. 18 (By The As- 8c'ated Press) Wallace Reld, mo- tion picture star, Is on the verge of death and for several days has not been expected to live, according to his wife In an Interview published To Investigate Keller Trouble Washington, Dec. 18 (By The As- working out a definite division of enforcement responsibility between the Federal and state governments. ; The conference took place over a ; luncheon at the White House. (ONE EIRE ON' Sl'N'DAY AND .ANOTHER MONDAY Two alarms have called out the , fire company since Saturday, one Monday morning when the roof ot the house of Joe Pendleton, colored, j on Middle street near the cotton .mill caught from a spark from the chimney causing about $10 damage. The other alarm came In at 12:45 Sunday afternoon when fire develop ed In the ceiling of the kitchen of the residence occupied by Richard Sprulll on First street, which result ed In about $25 damage. Prompt response on the part ot the fire department In both cases prevented more serious loss.

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