Ut THE WEATHER liain or sleet tonight and probably IVvdnes- day morning. IS' at quite so cold tonight. CIRCULATION Monday 1J126 Copies .VOL. XIII. FINAL EDITION ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 6, 102:?. FOUR PACES. NO. 32 Farmer's Fight For Credit Now Goes To The House Burfoot Was Riled bout Bootless Trip r. Three Hundred Cows Listed To Be Tested Senate Has Passed Three Bills to Make Credit for Farmer Easier, Terms Longer and Rates Lower and Now Up to House Whether Measures Become Law Jly DAVID LAWRENCE (Copyright 1923 by The Advance) Washington, Feb. 5. The first milestone in the farmer's fight for the same facilities of finance as the manufacturer and promoter of industry enjoy has been reached. Three bills passed by the Senate now Will be put through the House in the next fortnight and President Hard ing who pledged himself to those measures at the agricul tural conference at the White House last Thanksgiving will sign them. Broadly speaking, the effect of the farm credit legislation will be to re duce Interest rates to the farmer. He has been paying seven and eight per cent and in some cases as nign as ten per cent to get money while his more fortunate fellow citizens in the marts of urban fluance have been getting money for generations at 6 per cent and less. This discrimina tion has not been one of intent but accident. For the farmer has had no machinery of credit built up for him whereby capital could be se cured in an orderly fashion and un der conditions that would appeal to Investors at large. "I regard the Lenroot Anderson hill," said Secretary of Agriculture Wallace today, "as the response of the administration to the farmer's demand for an effective form of in termediate credit. It will go a long way toward reducing interest rates ultimately and gill give the farmer the long time credit he needs in the turnover of his products. Both the Capper bill and the Strong bills .should also have tremendous bene- County ( luiirnuui Wants Ik' Com milted Before Sheriff S'nls Deputy To Another State For Prisoner Having Deputy Sheriff Pritchard make a $20 trip to Richmond for nothing riled the County Commis sioners somewhat when the matter was brought to their attention by Chairman Burfoot Monday after noon during the February meeting of the Commissioners. Three hundred cows have been re ported iby their ownersr to County Farm Agent O. W. Fans as being ready for the tuberculin test when the representative of the State De partment of Agriculture comes to the County to give the test free to cows owned by Pasquotank farmers. Mr. Falls Is gratified at the inter est Pasquotank farmers are showing In this matter; hut he feels that there are still others who wish to avail themselves of the opportunity TO TAKE ACTION ON AMENDMENT Senate Finance Committee Busy With Measure to Lim it the Indehtedness of Towns and Counties. Raleigh, February 6 (By The Associated Press) Committee action of Senator A. F. Sams' bill amending to State constitution so as to limit the amount of indebtedness of North Carolina towns and coun ties, school districts and other poli tical subdivisions is expected to be taken this week, It Is stated In leg islative circles. The measure has been referred to the Senate finance committee. The amendment, the provisions of which are said to be of far reaching effect, follows in full: "The General Assembly of North Carolina do enact: . C. ROot, former general m.an-1 , ,,.,, ,,. ,,, ,,,, , ' ager and part owner of Oak Grove ... . An ,i,.,. imvuiwoia iiit ,i lit. . nil 1111 .-" , Dairy, is no longer connected with the dairy and is now on a dairy farm in Norfolk County, Virginia, Dr. C. 1). Bell and Mills E. Bell hav ing ibought back his interest. When Root left here, it is claim ed, he had never given an account ing for $1500 that had been en trusted to him when he made a trip to the Middle West and bought a number of cows. Not until after he had been settled with and gone to Norfolk was it discovered what he had paid for the cows and that the sum was several hundred dollars short of the amount that had been put into his hands, it is claimed. Dr. Bell then went to see Root in Norfolk County and Root, it is said he urges, should let him have their names at once together with the number of cows they have to be test ed, so that the itinerary of the rep resentative of the Department of Agriculture can be arranged accord ingly. Mr. Falls' report on the interest of Pasquotank farmers in having their cows tuberculin tested was made to the County Commissioners in regular session Monday after noon. Mr. Falls also reported that the poultry expert who was to be here this week had arrived but, owing to the weather, had not been able to get about over the County to any great extent. I DR. ISAAC YON' AX Armenian general during late war, who will speak In Elizabeth City on Sunday, February 18th. Dr. Yonan is lecturing for the Near Kant Relief. He was in the stricken Bible lands during the Smyrna massacre. HAS DIG PROGRAM FOR YEAR'S WORK Plans For 1923 Include Ileal Estate Development, and Kesidmtial Growth Ex pansion Campaign Begins Thursday. admitted the debt but claimed that he could not pay it at the time. Dr. -rL RI'll'l D'll Bell then had a warrant issued for! 1 He IVlllllKen Dill Root charging embezzlement, but Pail. Cit Ptiano Root refused to come back and answer the charge without extradi tion papers. Governor Morrison Issued requi sition papers for Root, charging em bezzlement, and Deputy Sheriff Prit chard, armed with the Governor's requisition, Journeyed to Richmond at the County's expense to bring Mr. Raleigh, Feb. 6 (By The Assoc! ated Press) Authorization for the trustees of the University of North Carolina to transact such business at special meetings as they may legally do at their annual sessions would be granted In a resolution adopted by "0..Hn 1 That (lia Pnnatttil- ' Rnnt I.MLr In Ml i-, u I,- 1, flt u.l"e .Hill III IHliHllia nuuw ""'.' Hon of the State of North Carolina ' Governor Trinkle refused to honor I. Representative Everett of Dur be, and the same is, hereby amended.! the requisition, claiming that the ? UV "('r , of , measure' ex" in manner and form as follows: Bells would have to rely on civil ac-! ,li;!"e(1 that U was desired to rtiake "tnsprt after Rprtion 7 of Article Hon for anv rprirps thpv mirt. ni.J valid any acts the Board might take fits." .Mr. Wallace estimated that even if interest rates to the farmer are reduced only one and one-half per cent it would mean the equivalent of a 20 per cent reduction in freight rates so far as comparative benefits to the farmer are concerned. He be lieves that commercial and manufac turing and finnaclal communities ev erywhere should be enthusiastic for the new farm legislation because it -will tend to relieve the farmer of many of his troubles and enhance his productive and purchasing pow r. The three measures which have passed the Senate are concerned al most entirely with new methods of financing domestic markets. All the bills which have for their object the financing of exports will probably be held in abeyance as the administra tion is no more certain of a way to ensure an export trade for farm products in the present disturbed conditions of foreign exchange than it is of a method to safeguard any other kind of foreign trade. There 1b- a feeling in some quar ters here that the Capper bill ought to be sufficient legislation for the farmer but the farm bloc doesn't think so and neither does Secretary Wallace. It authorizes the forma tion under Federal charter of agri cultural credit corporations operat-j jcE COURT SHORT IU'T ith private eapuai uuaei mr 7 thereof, and as part of Section 7, the following subdivisions: Section 7 (a) No city or town shall he allowed to create or assume a net indebtedness, In excess of the following percentage computed upon the valuation of taxable property therein as last fixed for purposes of county taxation: "(a) For water, light and powen purposes, 10 per cent if such valua tion exceeds $5,000,000, and twelve per cent if such valuation is $5,000 000 or less. "(b) For other than water, light and power purposes, 6 per cent if such valuation exceeds $5,000,000 and 8 per cent if such valuation Is $5,000,000 or less. "(c) In computing net Indebted ness, debts created for passenger stations under laws which conditions the creation thereof upon a contract by which a railroad company shall agree to provide a fand sufficient to pay the principal and interest there of, and dabts created for current ex penses to an amount not greater than the amount of the last preced ing tax levy shall not be considered an indebtedness, and there shall be deducted from gross Indebtedness (1) the amount of special assess ments actually made and the amount Continued on Page 4 tain from Root. The Board accordingly put the regarding the proposed State med ical college at its coming meeting sheriff on notice that in the f uture ! ary . ueiore auopuon u.e he should advise with Chairman nieaRure was amended on the mo Burfoot or Commissioner Cartwright 1 tion of Representative Bowie of Ashe of Elizabeth City Township .before I l'ounty t0 Pvlde that it should In in z w supervision of the comptroller of the currency and makes possible the crant of advances on paper secured by warehouse receipts representing non-perishable commodities and hav ing a maturity not exceeding nine months, on paper secured by chattel mortgages on livestock fattened for market, such paper maturing in not more than nine months and on paper secured by chattel mortgages on breeder, stocker, or dairy herds and Maturing In not more than 3 years. The Capper bill authorizes the incor poration also of rediscount corpora tions under Federal supervision and through these companies undoubted-j lv the agricultural corporations win have access to city capital sending to another state for a prison er in cases of this kind. Sheriff Reid declares that when extradition papers from the Gover nor are placed in his hands it is his duty to serve them, and that when papers from Governor Morrison reached him by mail naming Deputy Sheriff Pritchard as the officer to serve them there was nothing to do but send Pritchard to Richmond with the requisition. He is confi dent that the Board of Commission ers would not have taken any ac tion on the matter had he been called before the Board to explain the circumstances. Commissioner P. G. Pritchard ' stated at the close of the meeting, that he did not understand, when he voted for this notice to the sheriff that the sheriff was armed with a requisition from the Gover nor for the prospective prisoner. The Bdlla are preparing to pro secute Root through the courts of Norfolk County. no way permit the trustees to make final decision as to the location of the proposed college. The bill providing for an amend ment to the State law governing optometrists and regulation of the practice of that profession was tin Says Will Expose New York Brokers Los Angeles, Feb. 6 (By The Asso ciated Press) Austen Montgomery, Junior, former New York broker, is said by officers who arrested him on charepu nf lining the. fraud In deals said to aggregate three! ln"n llpRtns. A .arge riogram is million dollars, to have stated that , 1 lr""J"lL' " H" The program for the Chamber of ' Commerce for the coming year In cludes civic improvements, residen tial growth, real estate development and other activities. Curney P. Hood, president of the Chamber, said Tuesday morning. The expansion campaign begins on Thursday morning and will be conducted by a membership com mittee which Is now being formed. Membership dues are only $25 per year and may he paid annually, quarterly or monthly. In his statement Tuesday morning President Hood said further: "Our fiscal years ends on Decem ber 31st. Another year's work hn begins. A large program is contem plated for 1923. "Our work, broad in scope, covers civic Improvements, residential growth, real estate development and other activities, but to accomplish all that we want to do we must have more members, greater financial support and a larger number of in terested workers. "Our fiscal year ends on Decem ber 31st. Another year's work he would "make a clean breast t my connection with this affair. The men who are back of the deal are merely trying to make me the vic tim. When I get to New York will Our work, broal in scope, covers clk Improvements, residential priwMi. rent 'Mfat.o developments and other activities, but to accom ilMi all that wa want to do we make a statement that will put 8ev-i",,!' have more rieinhen, greater eral men in the penitentiary and iini'iirfat suppoft and u larger num some of them are known to every, '''r of interested workers, broker in Wall Street." i "Cvery addition to the nnter of our Chamber of Commerce of new members who vil) my their dues jam! give their time and effort to TV Hf d I community beterment helps us to rUI lUlSSlIlJi OllIDi acr,,n,l,lif,h Jlst 9 v "it more. Anxiety Is Felt illy passed In the House today and tn" " ' cono.o Th mp. home port San Francisco, Feb. 6 (By The As sociated Press) The five masted barkentine, Katherine Mackall, with a crew of sixty men is sixty-one days over due from Sydney, Australia, and apprehension Is felt In local ship ping circles. This Is the vessel's Police Car Skids Into Millinery Shop now goes to tne senate, ine mea-i sure If it becomes a law would re quire among other things that an ap plicant for an optometrlcal license must have at least two years college course. The Joint committee appointed to Investigate the condition of the State's finances adjourned today un til tomorrow after an hour's meeting. The Milllken bill designed to re quire secret ordera to register the names of their members and officers with the State authorities failed to pass the second reading in the House today by a vote of 50 to 53. The passage in the Senate of the bill sponsored by Senator Long of Hali fax to prohibit corporations from pleading usury was blocked at least temporarily after the suggestion that It might apply to municipalities as well. PROBABLY SIGN TREATY AT ONCE Lausanne, Feb. 6 (By The Associ ated Press) Rlza Nur Bey, Turkish delegate to the Near Sast conference, said today that Turkey and the pow ers had reached an accord on Judi cial capitulations but that there were still Important financial mat ters on which an agreement had not "Before making up our budget for the coming year we are anxious to increase our membership and to do so a campaign will be conducted February 8th by a vpeoiul member ship committee now being formed. The securing of new members, however, should not be lett solely to. this committee, but also be partici pated in by those who are able, and we ask every member now living la Elizabeth City to multiply his use fulness by bringing In at least one good new member. "Our membership dues are only $25.00 per annum, payaible monthly, quarterly or semiannually. Non res ident members pay only $10.00 per annum. Membership dues hare been made so small that none might have a chance to say "I can't afford to Join." We therefore must de pend upon numbers for the mainten ance of our treasury, through which we function In proportion to our i nZ c ,n, tu a I mean. A plural membership plan B,h p p , ThP AflflO0i-has been adopted permitting corpor- ated Press) Reuters Lausanne cor-lato individual well .rPBomenardWah8ead oTS KVl ! " -'"-.he lor '.Ml' t'.ona m J! Winn" Tnd,Hh I? rrr'P to subscribe to multiples of " . ". u. V.. V ! $25.00, the subscribers so doing be ing allowed to assign their plural NOT KSPKCIALLV 8WKKT One speeder and two crap shoot ers made up the grist that fed the St- Paul Feb. 6 (By The Associ- mlll of justice in recorders couri " 'ra " pumpmen were NO QUORUM PREVENTED was a possibility of the Near East treaty being signed almost immedi ately. London, Feb. 6 (By The Associ ated Press) France today notified - . i nlkillpd and fnnr npranng Inlurad tn" Tuesday morning, ine speeuer Bi , ------ ...J1..u, iu tprm, S10 and costs. He was Eddie j critically, when a speeding police' With flu In the air. only two of 8lRn a" '"arB tPrma i g ntnmA.ltlla Crap SnOOlerS Were I omuuru uu mr irey me mem ut-i a m in i,uy council ana, costs Thev were Ed-!8treft here today and crashed IntOjthe Mayor braved the weather Mnn-invj v TYtn M I7ini7.f nd Leslie Hardy, col-a millinery shop. The front of theday night to attend the February v'1"1 1 w " I'lIVMUr.US building collapsed. meeting of the City Council. The! OF BOARD PRESE Owens. The fined $5 and die Owens and ored. Court was done with before ten o'clock. skidded membership to their wives, sisters, employes or to parties of either sex in whom they may be interested. I 1T I l CITY COUNCIL MEETING Great rltan that the Ottoman dele-1 , ver yl,u ,may De' "MB iiirjriiinw -citizen or property owner, we ask you as a physical part of Elizabeth gation at Lausanne has agreed to on the lceythe members of the City Council and a crop and the land but not the cap ital to Bee him through. In the bus iness world he would get capital MORSE A XI) OTHERS ON TRIAL FOR CONSPIRACY was to set Tuesday night for the meeting; but the matter was left Washington, Feb. 6 (By The As sociated Press) Charles W. Morse lAreelv on the strength of his abii-iand eight others went on trial to-ilen to see what sort of weather itv to produce and his character and day for conspiracy to defraud the I Tueaday would be. The reliability. Hut ine farmer who went Government on ship building. RESENT two present were W. H. Jennette and i W. H. Weatherly. With no quorum The Rtorm that has swept Eliza no meeting could be held. j both City for the last two days al- .... , mom i:eH.HHiPSBiy wnn rain, sleet or snow measure war .7" lJ 1 17. h. to the country banks found them ,"rnn h fearful of lending for any more than war minute -" i ...... ...... .v.. - . . . . . ., .. lln. But the champions or the other 2 ;npB of tradp "hills, namely the Lenroot-Anderson ynr tnp PW bills the farmer and the Strong bills, while admitting can ,n gomp cai,s g(t thm years' the merit's of the Capper bill, say ltcr(,dit There would be set aside -will help the livestock Industry chief-1 ranltal fnr ntrrlenlture liliruoses iy ana also tnose pronucers wnu ait organized now or are likely to be organized in co-operative association. The letter can make advances to In dividual producers because the co- whlch cannot be disturbed by needs of other industries. In order to make the new farm loan bonds at tractive It is proposed to make them IIKUIWAY COMMISSION MEETS SOCIAL I'OSTPOXED The arrival of Dr. R. B. Davis to The ladles of the degree of Poca-!rard noon Monday saved the Pas hontas wish to announce that the j quotank Highway Commission from Two Bit Social which was to have! a no quorum session, been given tonight at the Red Men'sj Only formal and routine business Hall has been postponed on account i waH disposed of. of the weather until a later date. .NTOK.M t'KMKIW IX City to lend your effort to this cam paign so that our work of promoting, advertising and developing Eliza beth City may e permitted to In crease and not diminish. "It Is the duty of pvery one Inter ested In Elizabeth City to belong to this Chamber of Commerce. Why I Belong and sometimes with all three! 'Because: I owe It to myself, my at once, prevented a quorum from ; family and my business. being present at the meeting of thel "Because: The Chamber of Com- iboard of directors of the Chamber '"erce Is more Important In my corn- operative has a-bindlng contract toin-t nke this because he says it is market the crop. The purpose or inconsistent with the administra te Lenroot-Anderson bill is to reach ton. pfrnrt t0 aboiish all tax ex the individual farmer who Is not lnemptg by constitutional amendment, a co-operative and who needs money: I!lt thp anHWPP of thp farm bor )B for farm improvements or to handle that tnp farm inan bonds issued for crops with a long turnover of credit., mortgage purposes now are tax ex Under the Lenroot-Anderson blllempt and that other tax exempts are credit departments will be formed 1 jn the market now and until all tax in tne reaerai rarm iana nanus. , pvpnint securities are forblddpn hv tax exempt. Secretary Mellon does- Sawyer of Eure, and M. fl Harris jr., or tnis city, as alternates WESTERN' CAROLINA TO WEST POINT Charlotte. Feb. 6 (Bv TIip As.ho- Stuart Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. (elated Press) The storm which has J. Q. A. Wood of this city, has re-! swept the South for three days Is reived the appointment to West centered In Western North Carolina J'omt from this district, with H. C. and Tennessee. PRESIDENT POSTPONES OX TRIAL FOR Ml'RDEIt OF FORTY YEARS A(iO Lumberton, N. C, Feb. 6 (By The Atmnrtntpd Praua T 11 L'nmn u.An MESSAGE TO COX(;RESSj0n trlal today for (h(, nuirdprf n, E. 'McNeill forty years ago. Washington, Feb. 6 (By The As sociated Press) The President has postponed his message to Congress SKIPS HIS BOND New York, Feb. 6 (By The Asso- The Initial capital of the twelve ; tne constitution which mav take two V J V" Tr l.np aebt "-1 elated Prow) David Lamar Wolf, banks will total $60,000,000 and fur- to three vears to net through all 1,1 .., VVTnui nnal aPPv' f j wtio was due to go to the penitentiary ther capital will be obtained by sell- gtate legislatures, the farmers might as well go Into the borrowing mar ket on as attractive terms as possible. The Strong bill would correct cer tain defects In the farm land bank wlth 8,!rlou opposition. ing debenture bonds in the open market. I'ltlmately these, bonds ought to sell for about five and a half per cent at which figure the present farm loan bonds used In starting the land banks aTe selling, i organizations permitting government The Federal land ha-nks at present , supervision Instead of allowing them however, lend money on mortgages! to be Indifferently managed by prlv whlch are geeured of course by the ste hands. land itself. The farmer, however, in On the' whole the administration the Teeent depression didn't have 8 proud of the farm program and anything to offer as collateral be- feela the agrarian movement in this cause he was already mortgaged to country will be considerably calmed the limit. He Tiad the aklll to raise by what has been done the settlement recently negotiated ! today, has skipped his bond. iui ureai uruain until runner con ferences with leaders had establish-1 SEARCH FOR PEACOCK ed what form of amendment of the: law would he least likely to meet SAYS BISHOP AND RECTOR SHOI I.D ROTH HE TRIED New York, Feb. 6 (By The Asso ciated Press) Rev. H. M. Dnmbell HAS IJEEX ABANDONED Raleigh, Fe.b. 6 (By The Associ ated Press) The Governor's agent has returned from Florida and search for Dr. Peacock ban been abandoned. of Commerce and the Community Hospital at the Community Hospital on Monday night. There were only two members of the board present, but Secretary Job and two news paper men were also on hand and the excellent four course dinner served by the hospital corps of nurses was well taken care of. While no definite business could munlty than any other institution except the Church, the Press, .and the School. "Because: The Chamber of Com merce Is active, alive, and doing things to make my city a better' place In which to live and do busi ness. "Because: The organization Is the only one whose exclusive busl- be disposed of, the matter of secur-! n,'R 's Hie development of my own Ing an anaesthetist and a tecnlclan cll'' was discussed and also of establish- "Because: The degree of growth nig a training scnool for nurses. These matters were presented again before a meeting of the directors at the Chamber of Commerce rooms at four o'clock Tuesday afternoon. of my city establishes the ibreadth of my opportunity for contlniut or future success. "Because: I want It to be a strong as possible and Its strength can lie only In Its membership and financial support. "Because: I do not wish to accept community welfare gratutfously, or as h charity. Because: The opportunities and iluiies that I enjoy are the result of Duesseldorf, Feb. 6 (Bv The As- . c worK 01 u,0Hf' Derore n,e- soclated Press)-The return to Ruhr : , ' m"80t. now " my, 1 , . nf iiunomi Wo ,., i j .i Because: I am red-blooded and of Public Works Letrocquer to co-: ' , n,;v, ow" , harp a"d d "X ordinate transportation without em-"w" ln he building o my city, Plovment of German lahor find, rail- father. than .,0 lH some othera pay way service demoralized today and resistance generally strengthened presumably as the result of the visit of Chancellor Cuno. The Ruhr Strike Gains Strength TODAY'S COTTON MARKET New York. Feb. 6. The closlna rector of St. Luke's Darlan, Connee-j bid on futures today was as follows: tlcut, declares that Bishop Manning! March 28.65. May 28.85, July 28.30, and Dr. Grant should both be tried i October 25.80, December 25.25. for their recent controversy. Spot cotton closed at eatfy at 28.65. STILL IT STORMS ' The Weather Bureau announced Tuesday morning that the storm will continue In this section for the next It or do It for me." SAYAXXAH READY TO ENTERTAIN SOLDIERS Savannah. Feb. 6 (By The Asso ciated Press) The city Is ready to entertain the returnln Rhlnelaml 24 or 36 hours with strone north I soldiers who are exoected to rrlv and northeast winds. tomorrow.

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