In The Social Circles niuDtfl were served and the young people enjoyed a social hour. iil V i lis Uil Peela & Peele, Publishers Herbert tkele, editor JcrM at the pMmce at EUjilxth tlty, N. C, m Bconl clans mtttfr, I 'ernber of che Associated Press rw,mM,u lr" iuiv i, ; , . , . ....,,., ""V: . tlwv iiltPndc,! the funeral of F. 1) itoUUed to the one, for reniiltliration i J 1 1 """-" n.rK nH i .reecv, rnoewie nne, ue en , " , V,. v .u r. . lne ,l,r n,P"MHin c,itli.,v i-..i,ni:.ri- ? .... , ..,.,.. ... ' .,. Alh'V. Mrs. Skinner a brother. was a slowing red In-art. Punch was h served by Miss Frances Saunders of Norfolk. Games, contents and danc ing were enjoyed. Many lovely gifts' r., ,c u u, .... .,,... .6 ,,s Personals I hostess. The guesls were: Misses; , i Martha m .rtin Minna PirUarH Mrs. Wilbert WhitehurKt Is spend- Hr. .liillan SHI.u and Mr. Aubrey .Francs Saunders of Norfolk, Ida lng lh" W,,,'k-,J"1 at Greenville vlsit- i,k:.!.s i on ia:.T and a lot ov furnlture for sale. Apply 501 Penn sylvania avenue. febl7-pd I'oi' Hi lilc mill Groom MeCabe were hosts Fridny evening Jones, Ethel Perkins, Maud Perk- :il t'ie home or .Mr. Mct.aiie. in Honor , ,)H. Rosalie Wood. Katherine Hath away, Ruth Scott, Mary Cornell, of Miss Matt i Wealherly and Mr. Ing relatives. Mr. and Mrs. returned from L. E. Skinner have Lynchburg when. el oewg dispatches credited to it -r ot othArwlae credited 'n this paer also to tbe local Drl puhlUlu'f' therein. Subscription Rate By Carrier I week 10c 1 month (in advanre) , t months (in advance) 6 months (in advanre) IS months (In advance) BY MAIL Cone One, 12 months , . fcsne Two, 12 months 95.00 By MaC Elsewhere .0.00 SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 19 2:!. place on Wednesday, I eoruary Thorpe, Grace Jenkins, Mary Prit Prizes were presented to Miss ttea- (.hflrd, Margaret Hill, Rachel Wll therty and Mr. Pinner, while topliamHi Annle S(.eHy Mary Ruth score prizes were won by Muss Helen , ,!rlf,hti Mamie SnoW(en, Mrs. Les Wood and Mr. Alvin Haley, punch!,,,, Ar,u,r,,n nn,i Mr. t j shinn Messrs. Carl Perry, Wllnier Rai- a salad course was followed by mac- lard, William Harrell. James Hill, laroon piidclii.K and cotlee Ihe guests Marvln Mann, Mercer Bailey, Ros- ' t fa IV", u" KH'!'"rl.n m ' M,f ' Foreman, Walter Perkins, 0,1-arinu Helen Wood Matt.e eath-; ,.,,. Wni Markliain ...2.2Jj;erly. ( iv- Wood hva McMullnn. : (.orst, Daushu. ry and Vernon Davis. .84.00 I "'lira Rodney of Laurel, I)i i Weatlierly, Messrs. Robert . 4.00 F-1 wood Weatlierly, George Annie Cotter, j Bever- i Old snappy. Winter's making it Viileiitine l'artv idgf, Hubert loey, John Pinner, Joe Mjss Elizabeth Raulfs delightfully Pinner. Marshall Jones. Huck Avent, entertained at a ' Valentine party Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wilson, Mr. and Friday night at her home on Mc Mrs. Warren Pinner, Mr. and Mrs. ; pherson Street. Many entertaining .1. R. l ord, Mr. and Mrs. Graham ; Kaim,s were pI,ay,,d after which re Le.l Mr. and Mrs Alvin Haley, Mr. j freshments were served. The guests and Mrs. V. II. Weatlierly, Jr., Mr. WFr. Misses Mattie White, Grace San and Mrs. T. s. McMullan. Jr., Dr. i d(,rlini Mattie Horton, Esther Uroth- .iiiii .uis. tiowaro conios, and -Mrs Thorburn Pennett. Raleigh's style spring is set for show for; the second' week in March, we believe., sued today: i.i. i. -L and inats taie enougn, 11 siriKea ers, Ruth Cox, Helen Brothers, Delia lUrotliers, Elsie O'Neal; Messrs. Clar- jence Twiford, Marvin Mercer, Ray To Wed On TVen,y.clKh,h ! ,on'1, "'others, Lester Sawyer Jes- The following invitations were ls-,MV d Ml' aim .uia. i . txtiu. us. The Advance is not going to admit that spring is more laggard in these parts than it is in Wake. You want to be on the look out for the first David Law rence dispatch on temperance Monday of next week. And then you want to read the en tire series of six. The discus sion will be informing, wheth er you consider it entirely un biased or not. Mrs. William Henry W'eatherly invite you to be present at the marriage of their daughter Meet With Mrs. Modliu The Berean and Fidelia classes of Mattie Elbeta, to Mr. Joseph Brick- Blackwell Memorial Sunday school house Pinner, on Wednesday, theihfli a Dusiness meeting at tne nome Norfolk Market COTTON AND PEANUTS (Reported by WlnborLe & Co.) February 17 Cotton Middling, close today 2Sc Peanuts According to grade 6i to Norfolk Produce Market as reported by SPENCE-HOLLOWELL CO. for Jarvls & Fentress Live XJndn. Dwn. Ifens 26 3Z-3i I Cocks .f u iv a Geese . Turkeys Hogs Halves (milk) Yearlings " . '? Eggs 33 j (o.u teous I J prices hav 3 r pii rp n To the first one hun dred customers purchasing a package of TECO SELF RISING or PANCAKE FLOUR, we will give one package free. M. P. GALLOP Company Phones 3 and 57 If The Sign of Wisdom IS THE OWL The Mark of Wisdom is to (jet our pike on JOLIXTKK'AL WORK. W'e will wire your house at a surprisingly low cost. Terms, Hi 1. 00 a week, if desired. twenty-eighth of February, one thou sand nine hundred and twenty-three, at eight o'clock in the evening, First Baptist Church, Elizabeth City N'orth Carolina. . We've had two fake wed dings turned in the office to day, but immediately investi gated and found out the truth about them, , We are consider ing urging a bill before the Legislature to have the bride and groom personally appear before the editor as well as be fore the doctor and preacher,, and also to have foolish per 'sons guilty of trying to put over such fake stuff delivered into the custody of Police Of ficer Twiddy. of Mrs. J. W. Modlin on West Church street Friday evening. Af ter discussing plans for increasing membership in the school refresh- 15 18 20. A L)li I n:J--n A. 25 so 33 r 1 cug j. miageu x ' ...... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA A A 20-Z.i s-iv Av . .-. .. 241 Fearing Street 30 40 45-50; t T ...,x-o ..r A 1112c a rinejevveiry x ? ou-n t 1 V vx-:-:h:k-:-m:"Xh:-:-:-h: ( VlehruteH Ilirthdny Miss Billie Saunders entertained in celebration of her fifteenth birth day Friday evening from eight to eleven o'clock at her home on First street. Valentine decorations were used and Valentine favors given.' The lights were shaded in red and) from them were suspended showers! of tiny red hearts. The ices were moulded in the form of cupids andj in the center of the big birthday cake I f X TIMELY TOPICS siS Boys' and Girls' "Pal" Pencils, 10c. Regular 25c value, but a discontinued pattern, hence the price. With Safety clip for boys; with Guard Ring for girls. Only 10c. P. 7. Melick Co. Say It WITH FLOWERS For All Occasions The Apothecary Shop PHOXK 400 Service and low have made this store the ! .. Headquarters for (iift lluyers. j: V -i T V '( ? V V :xX":x:4x:x:kx .;.x:x-x-x-:-x-x-xkw-h-.-.-." -SEE OUR SPECIALS Don't forget that we are offering special prices for a limited time only on Living Room, Dining Room and Bed Room Furniture. IF IT CAN BE FIXED WE CAN HAVE IT FIXED FOK YOU Let us do that next repair Job and we will always serve you afterwards. Give our mechanics a trial, and they will suit you. Charges reasonable. Tidewater Buick Co., Inc. WANT ADS MKX WANTED FOR DETECTIVE work. Experience unnecessary. Write J. Ganor, former Government Detective, St. Louis. fl7-pd FOK HEXT OX MAIN STREET Upper floor, four rooms and bath; private entrance. Phone 69S. feb.lfi-22-np OXE STEWART TRUCK FOR SALE in splendid condition. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Aydlett & Owens. febl4-20-np - Then And Now Six months ago, taking our cue fpm. the News and Ob server but dispensing with italics The Advance said: "More than ordinary interest at taches to the announcement that the Albemarle Building & Loan Associ ation is about to open a new series of building and loan shares. "The building and loan associa tion Is no ordinary business enter prise. It is a home building institu tion and as such commands the sup port of every good citizen. "That is why in various towns of the State, in which the housing prob lem Is acute, there have been cam-, $ paigns recently, hinniMneu u.r chamber of commerce or other civic organizations, for the sale of build ing and loan shares. "The Advance wonders why some organization cannot be effected to make a thorough canvass of Eliza beth City for the sale of shares In the Albemarle Building & Loan As sociation as this new series opens "No more hopeful sign of Eliza beth City's future is to be seen than the number of new homes that are eolne ud in better residence sections where houses are owned by those who live in them. The Albemarle Building & Loan Association has fos tered this movement and contributed more, The Advance ventures to as sert, to the era of home building in which the town now finds itself than any other single factor. "If some plan could be devised whereby every wage earner or sal ary worker In the city could be ap proached while this series Is open and given an opportunity to sub scribe to ibullding and loan shares It would be one of the biggest things done in a decade 1,0 Insure the fu ture Krowth and well being of Eliza beth City." The suggestion bore no fruit at that time but The Advance is delighted that the Chamber of Commerce has decided to help along the sale of shares of the sixteenth series of the Albemarle Building and Loan stock. Here's hoping that the Chamber will throw itself into this campaign without reserva tion and with an enthusiasm that will win hearty co-operation and ready response throughout the city. We have just received another shipment of Oriental and Domestic Rugs and we are anxious that our cus tomers call and look them over. We are confident that we can please you both as to quality and price. It Is Always Our Pleasure to Have You Call And Let lis Show You Through Our Store Quinn Furniture Go. MITCHELL'S 0. F. GILBERT, Prop. AGEXTS WANTED THE J. R. Watkins Company will employ a lady ,or gentleman agent in Elizabeth City. uatkins Products are known every where and our salespeople make big incomes. Investigate this opportu nity! Full particulars and valuable samples sent free to hustlers who mean business. Write today. The J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. 85, New York, N. Y. feb3,10,17,24-pd COLORED MEN WANTED TO qualify for sleeping car and train porters. Experience unnecessary. Transportation furnished. Write T. McCaffrey, Supt., St. Louis. f 17-pJ MEN'S DRESS HOSE Puro Silk 50c Pair X MAX, WOMAN WANTED SALARY yj$75 weekly full time, $1.50 an hour l; spare time, selling guaranteed hosi ery to wearer. Beautiful sprins line. Guaranteed Mills, Norris town, Pa. febl7,24mar3,,14.21p $ i $ $ i $ j $ $ $ I nocr IS THE TIEJE TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR 3 R 3 bil H i 1 1 3 i Utt u First Choice for Qualllr I. tha Willard Battery (TliraU Ruhtxir !nuUfion) For All Crops We Are Daily Receiving Carloads of SWIFTS Red Star Brands and can sell you any analysis you may require. It pays to use Swift's Kel Slar Fertilizer and grow li crops. Our prices are always in line. Brock & Scott Produce Company PHONK lit I. Burgess Street. FORDS, TRACTORS, TRUCKS Ready For Immediate Delivery BUY NOW DON'T WAIT UNTIL THE SPRING Auto & Gas Engine Works Inc. FOR SALE RROWX LEGHORN eggs that hatch fine. Fifteen per setting, $2.00. T. C. Whitehurst, Route 5, City, near Corinth. febl3-19-pd FOR SALE EIGHT ROOM HOUSEr best residence section; modern con veniences, steam heat. Apply Box 365. febl2-17-pd NOTICE WHEN IN NEED OP A Plumber, call 687-J. C. E. Garrett, 402 Second Street. Junel-tf v v v v v : : : : : : : : : : : : : t Carolina Banking & Trust Company ? HERTFORD ELIZABETH CITY COLUMBIA ? X Dr. A. L. rendleton, Tres. R. C. ABBOTT, V. Prei. X Ourney P. Hood, V. Treg. & Caih. Geo. R. Little, Asst. Caib.. I Capital Slock $2S0,CC0 Member Federal Reserve vVvWvv-vvvvvvWvvvvWWvvHvvvWWvv Owens Shoe Co. FOOTWEAR OF MERIT Main St., Hinton Building EUCLID HEIGHTS IX)T FOR SALE. third from Newby home, also two lots on North Road street. See J. O. Meiggs. febl4-20-np FOR SALEr NEW SEVEN ROOM house on West Church street. All modern conveniences. Apply to Geo. W. Beveridge or J. W. Selig. Feb5-t FOR SALE GREEN'LEAF HOME place on Matthews street. For in formation apply J. P. Greenleaf. Febl-28-np FOR SALE HOUSEHOLD FURM- ture, 3 wicker seta .and 2 drugget?. Phone 765. febl7-tf FOR SALE ONE FORD SEDAX IV ' A-l condition. See J. O. Meiggs or phone 634-J. febl4-20-np Alkrama Today BERT WILSON offers JACKHOXIE THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR HAY, grain and mixed feeds. ' Special prices this week on beet pulp and mixed oats. We can quote you the lowest market prices on any stand ard feeds. Special prices to farm ers on 90 day seed oats. See us be fore you buy anything in our line. Aydlett & Owens. feb!4-20-nj FOR REXT FRONT ROOM, southern exposure, with table board, lights and fuel furnished for two, $14.00 per week. Apply 412 West Main street. fe.blo-21-np WANTED SALESMAN' FOR BAL- tlmore wholesale hardware house for Eastern North Carolina. One acquainted with the trade preferred. Address Box No. 529, City. febl5,16,17-npd lit m f B w 1 W . 4" 11 " Of tlCHG FOU RENT SIX ROOM HOUSE with bath and lights. No. 5 East Burgess street. See W. M. Perry at 308 N. Road St. febl6,17-pd AGENTS WANTED THE J. R, Watkins Company will employ a lady or gentleman agent In Elizabeth City. Watkins Products are known everywhere and our salespeople make big Incomes. Investigate thl opportunity! Full particulars and valuable namples sent free to hustlers who mean business. Write today. The J. R. Watkins Co.. Dept. 85. New York, N. Y. feb3,10,17,24pd FOR RENT ONE SIX ROOM house In good condition, all modern conveniences. Apply Carolina Real Estate Company, 4th floor Hinton Bldg., phone 308. febl7,19,21np.

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