Tun advaixc, ivi . r.w Arr.iL 17, ic-: ADVANCE .2. ' PKELK A rEEXH, Publishers HERBERT PEEL!, laltar N. C, r.,-.d at tha MattfllM at tliuMM City, a wtPd (law aiatt.r. Member of the Assorted ITess. Th. Aiaaclat.s PrtM li tcluill tnlltlrt to U, r.-,bhl.. .( m.i suaatch.. araSH In hli M,w ,, .In to th. local aubhihas thr.ln. Subscription Rates Hy Carrier I melt - - I nth (I dine) I month i (In dinc) . aanthi (In advanot) 12 ajsntha (In advance) - Uy Mail Zana Ona, 12 anontha Zana Twa. 12 wontln Br Mall Elaewhara 10c ...42a ...11.20 ..12.21 ...MOO .. 6.M ...M.00 TUESDAY, APRIL 17, 1923. Lingering in the lap of Spring thisaway old Winter certainly has got himself talked about. "Am I registered?" is a ques tion for every voter to be sure he or she can answer in the af firmative by May 5th. The wo men especially, being compara tively new voters, are warned not to take it for granted that because they have registered once they arc registered for this election. Different sets of books are kept for city, County, State and National elections. The idea that Federal money distributed to counties for aid in road building or in other mat ters is a gift is, as former Sen ator Townsend says, quite too prevalent. And the same thing is true, to a lesser degree of course, of funds from the State to the counties. All such moneys come out of the taxpayer's own pocket and he will do . well to bear this fact in mind. "The greatest enemy of good roads is the motor truck," is a timely phrase that The Advance culls out of all thegood roads oratory at Greenville, South Carolina, today and sets out as worthy of special emphasis. The suggestion that motor-truck licenses should be materially in creased might also be well taken. Experience in this County indi cates that there are trucks in use in the section which ought to be debarred from the paved roads altogether. STETSON HATS Call and Bee our stylish Stet sons for Spring. Reasonably priced. McCABE & GRICE pMTP pnULTRY Food A .via. V ... , , na ITTAL KIT.VS Mrs. Sallle P. Gurley entered the hospital Friday for treatment ot a dislocated shoulder. Mrs. Clarence Twlford of Beech Street underwent an operation Tues day. Mrs. Lula Hewitt of South Road Street is improving after an opera tion. . Mrs. Durant Forehand of Camden Is at the hospital for medical treat ment. J. C. Spence of East Fearing Street entered Sunday for niedioal treat ment. Mrs. N. G. Davis of Martin Street was operated on Monday and is get ting along well. Mrs. Pat Twlddy is much better and hopes to return home soon. Mrs. J. S. Wise is improving af ter an operation. J. S. Merritt of Gregory is at the hospital for medical treatment. Oscar Swain of Powell's Point is improving after an operation. i.Mrs. Reuben Bailey of Ehrnghaus Street is getting along well after an operation. There are nineteen patients at the hospital now. 1 FRENCH-BRED HORSE, BOUGHT FOR $4,000, WORLD RECORD BREAKER . Abadane, talk of the winter turf and maker of new world! record for one mile and 40 yards, tet in a match race with J. K L. Rom's "Rebuke," at the Tijuana track, Mexico. Time 1:39-25, clipping 2-35 seconds off the record; and incidentally breaking the Tijuana track recordi for both six furlongs and one mile, v-.i-r PAT MOORE, YOUNGSTER, IN FOX PHOTODRAMA Pat Moore, the delightful young ster, who appears as the youngest son of "The Village Blacksmith" in the William Fox photo drama of that name, based on Henry W. Longfellow's masterful poem, is the son of an illustrious father and mother. Tom Moore, the lad's father, was at one time a champion swimmer and holds two world's re cords. His mother waa Nora Moore, a celebrated English actress. Besldas being an accomplished ac tress, Mrs. Moore wrote several pro ductions and appeared in the title roles 1n the Gaiety Theatre in Lon don. Pat was born In England and when his father and mother moved to California the little fellow natur ally drifted into motion pictures aud became an instantaneous success. DAILY POTATO MARKET REPORTER THIS YEAR ALKItAMA CIXSES FOR. FUNERAL MRS. BURGESS The Alkrama Theater will be closed from 3 to 5 Wednesday after noon on account of the funeral of Mrs. Nannie Burgess. The funeral will be conducted from the home on Burgess street by Dr. J. H. Thayer. TRADEMARK REGISTERED- Pratt's Butter Milk and Scratch grain for the chick. Growing Mesh and Grain for the half grown chick ens. Egg Mesh and scratch feed for the Hen. Also a full line of Pratt's white Diarrhoea, Roup, Cholera and Gape Remedies. Dip Disinfector and Lice Killer. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. See our window display of Stoneware and Flower Tots. ' Yours to Serve, .fccr. ?&: i2o-2 PoindextfrSt ficrfolk Market COTTON AND PEANUTS (Reported by Wlnbone & Co.) April 17 Cotton Middling (close today) 28c Peanuis Medium sized 6c to 6c Jumbos 7 to 74 c Norfolk Produce Market as reported by SPENCE-HOLLOWELL CO. for Jarvis & Fentress Live U. 25 28-30 Elizabeth City this year will again have the services of a market re porter from the United States De partment of Agriculture during the potato season. This announcement followed a con ference of commission merchants here Monday afternoon with Secre tary Job of the Chamber of Com merce. As last year, the reporter will be here during the potato season and will have headquarters at the Com nunity Building. He furnishei daily reports to farmers and potato com mission merchants throughout this section. These reports will enable those intf rested to know the conui tion of all markets throughout tne country and liminates shipping to flooded markets. KILLED IN BATTLE WITH RUM RUNNERS New Orleans, April 17. Deputy Sheriff Estopinal and Federal Pro hibition Agent Estevel were shot and killed in a battle with rum run ners near Violet today, according to reports to the police here. It is also reported that one of the rum run ners was wounded. GROCERY SERVICE Call 698 Potato Chips Swiss Cheese Pimento Cheese Share Cheese Philadelphia Cheese Roquefort Cheese R. L. GARRETT "X-x-X"X"X-xx:xxx-x STORAGE BATTERIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS RECHARGED AND REPAIRED Auto & Gas Engine Works Hens Cocks Ducks Geese . 15 25 ...20-25 ..-30-35 Turkeys Hogs .. Good Nancy Halls , Eggs 18 30 28-30 35 D. 30-32 20 35 30-35 40-45 11-12 $2.00 21 You Say It With Flowers Say It With Ours. THE APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 400 xxx-xkX"X-:-X"Xx-x 3. ,-TIOELY TOPICS- Tennis Rackets, at all sorts of prices, are ready for you now. Bring us your Rackets to be restrung. We have it done by experts. P. VI. Mclick Co. ..:...:.-x:x-xxK"x-X"X"X' 4 H. C. Bright Co. Diamonds, Jewelry, Watches X Ilinton Did jr. Main St. X"-c::-m:":'X''X''X Where Society Grand Clothes Are Sold r Pay Enough for QUALITY GROCERIES! The surest way of disapKint Iiir yourself is to buy inferior goods at low prices. Quality demands its price but only a fair price. t Morgan & Parker Phones 250 and 81)0 Morgan's Special c m E E Roasted, and Packed for D. R. Morgan & Co. Wholesale Grocers Elizabeth City, N. C. cK-x-x-i-x-x-i-x-xx-x-x-XK": Monarch Coffee Special l-Ib. Monarch Coffee 40c U -lb. Monarch Tea 20c The Best Coffee and Tea on the American Market. Why Pay More for Coffee That Is Not As Good Main Street Grocery x-xxx-X":xXK"X:"Xxx X-X-XK-XK-XX-XXX-X.; ' '.yC:l 1' THE Rough Dry and Wet Wash is the modern way of re juvenating the family's weekly accumulation of soiled linens. Don't go to the trouble and an noyance of having your washing done at home. Let us assume the responsibility. Tlione us and we'll call for It in a j::Ty. X"XKXKKXXXX"XXX Vs T5 lit El JAR Tlie Connnissioners of Pas quotank County Hill pay $300.00 to the person fur nishing information causing the arrest and conviction of the party who murdered N. I). Pendleton at Weeksville, N. C, on the night of April 9lh, 1923. N. RURFOOT, Chairman R;1;;rd C o u n t y OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST 621 Mala St. Elizabeth City XX"X"XKX"X"XKXX"XXX- (JOVEKXOR IX JAIL WILL AXXOL'.NCE CANDIDACY Jackson, Miss., April 17. In jail for contempt of court, former Gov ernor Theodore G. Dilbo of Missis sippi today will make formal an nouncement from Jail of his candi dacy for re-election to the governor ship, according to his friends. "v CAKDIDME CAIIDS FOR MAYOR At the insistence ef a number of friends, I announce myself a candi date for Mayor ot Elizabeth City in the municipal election on May 15. Your support and your vote will be appreciated A. G. McCABE E Makes Pullets LaiM E If you can develop your young E pullets into laying hens soon, E you will get that many more C eggs from each chicken. Caro Vet i-gg Producer is a scientific formula and makes hens and pullets lay more eggs. It also keeps poultry in good condition. At all dealers. Prices sue ana ouc. Carslisa. Reaiaalaa Cnaan, be Uaisa,S.C Would You Be Beautiful? Beauty has been the quest of all ages. Thousands of lovely women attribute their beauty to the use of Nad i no Face Powder. The cheeks have just a tint of color the skin can only e equalled by the soft texture of a rose petal. Nadine will keep the roses in your cheeks. It will adhere and protect the skin from the sun, wind and dust. It con tains no white lead or other ingredient to harm the skin or the eyes. It's the same pure powder, popular for so many years only the box and frag grance have been improved. Money refunded if you are not pleased. At your toilet counter 50c. Miniature box sample by mail 4c Tints, Whit; Flath, Pink, Brunettm. National Toilet Co Paris, T.nn. FROM1 FIRST WARD I hereby announce myself a .can didate for election to the Board of Aldermen from jthe fourth ward, subject to the action of the munici pal election May 15. Your suppoit and your vote will be appreciated. L." B. ARMSTRONG. FROM FIRST WARD. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Alderman In the First Ward in the approaching Municipal elec tion. J. C. PERRY. FOR FIRST WARD At the request of a number of my friends I hereby announce my can didacy for Alderman from the first ward, in the municipal election of May 15th. Your support will be ap preciated. C. N. MORGAN. FOR SECQXD WARD At the request ot a number of my friends I hereby announce my can didacy for Alderman from the se- cond ward, in the municipal election of May 15th. Yours for service. J. D. FITCHE.TT, the Plumber. FROM SECOND WARD At the request of the people of the second ward I hereby announce myself as a oandidadate for alder man of the second ward. Yours very truly, L W. ANDERSON. FROM SECOND WARD Announcement Is hereby made of my candidacy for Alderman from the second ward in the municipal elec tion of May 15. D. RAY KRAMER. Machine Sliced BREAKFAST BACON Pound 33c M. V. Perry Tut-so St. PHONE 483 WANT ADS FOR RENT TWO ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. Apply Mrs. R. H. Raper. 117 Burgess street. Phone 542-W or 420. apr 17npd FOR RENT THREE ROOMS, (each room with large closet,) lights and bath. Call 168-w. A.17-23dp FOR SALE 1 M1IJC COW, WILL give 4 gallons of milk a day. Fresh about May 1. Apply Mrs. S. M. Bro thers, Weeksville, N. C. ap.l4-20-np BIRD DOG LOST DROWN AND white. Answers to the name of Frank. Finder return to Doc Hof fler at Tidewater Buick Company and receive reward. apr.l4-20-np FOR RENT TWO OR THREE rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 756-J, or call 636 Cherry St. apr.ll-17-pd. Handy Andy Says- it's surprising what a change any man or woman can make In the appearance of their home surroundings with a little paint, stain or varnish the floors can be done over easily the wood work can be brightened furni ture can be refinished bath room wails and ceilings can be done over with waterproof paint. There are so many places around the home where a coat of good paint will make things look attractive and wear longer. We sell best quality paints, stains and varnishes and I'll be glad to give any information you want regarding painting and reflnishing tell us what you want to paint and we'll show you the right paint to use. Color cards can be had for the asking. J. H. Aydlett Hdw. Co. 16 N. Water Street PHONE 23 EARN $20 WEEKLY SPARE TIME, at home, addressing, mailing, music, circulars. Send 10c for music, in formation. American Music Com pany, 1658 Broadway, Dept. 58-F New York, apr 16-28pd FOR RENT OR SALE NEW SEV- en hoom house on West Church St. with garage. All modern conven iences. Apply G. W. Beveridge or J. W. Selig. PLOW CASTINGS FOR SALE by Elizabeth City Iron Works. 30tf FOR SECOND WARD I hereby announce myself as can didate for Alderman from the sec ond ward, subject to the election of the municipal election on May 15 apr.l2-tf. C. W. STEVENS. SECOND WARD I hereby announce myself a can didate for Alderman from the second ward, subject to the action of the municipal election on May 15. J. C. MODLIN. tfpd FOR THIRD WARD This is announcing my candidacy for Alderman from the third ward subject to the action of the munici pal election in May. W. H. JENNETTE. FOR THIRD WARD I hereby announce my candidacy for Alderman from the third ward, subject to the election to be held May 15. JERRY J. HUGHES A9tt FROM FOURTH W'ARD I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-election to the Board of Aldermen from the fourth ward., subject to the action of the munici pal election May 15. Your support and your vote will be appreciated. ELDEN M. DAVI3. FOR FOURTH. WARD I hereby announce that I am a candidate for re-election to the Board of Aldermen, subject to the action of the municipal election to be held May 15. apr.9tf W. H. WEATHERLY. FROM FOURTH WARD I hereby announce myself as can didate for Alderman from the fourth ward, subject tJ the action of the municipal election on May 15. G. W. BALLANCE. Electrical Contracting PELIG J. MIDGETT PHONE 802-W 241 W. Fearing Street GIFTS For The BRIDE Guaranteed Quality and Just Prices SILVERWARE because of its beauty, usefulness and in- trinsic value-is the most favored of all Wedding Gift lines. We're showing some unusual patterns this year. Tea Sets Sets of Spoons Flower Vases Chest of Silver Coffee Sets Sandwich Trays Knives & Forks Fruit Baskets LOUIS SELIG l'our Jeweler Since 1882 Main and Water Sts. V Y r Y r f Y t I Jtori his day wan a Smile over a cup of Co r s n n o 1 V ' rs P

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