tiid advance, iu. :.v i:v;.:m;a, hay i:., ADVANCE VKKUC & ri:i:l.E. Publishers HERBERT PlEll. Editor N. C, lr.a it till aoitolllea at Elliabrtii City. ai Mcond tni matter. Member of the Associated Press. Tha Awoclaifd Preia la aaluill antillrd ta tha w tar ra-aublicatign ot Bawl duaalchfi crrdiM ,n ttill M,,r tl1l alia to lha lacal ntwi aublitlird therein. iy .Mull lana Ona. II monthi tM Zona Twa. I monthi - - l-00 By Mall Eliewhera - KubHcrllltn Ilfiien Ry Carrier I aak . - I Mnth (In advance) . 42a I MntM (In advance) .. 11.20 nth i (In advance) - ..12.29 II aaanthi (In advance) .fe4-00 TI'ESDAY, MAY 15, 1023. Elizabeth Lrty is now in first class in the matter of its postoffice. It's been a first class town in other respects all along. Rotary and Kiwanis have been in Elizabeth City now for a little more than a year. Just a year ao last Friday Rotary entertained the newly organ ized Kiwanis Club at a ban quet. These organizations are doing a great deal to promote mutual understandings in Eliz abeth City and so to pave the way for real progress. Nothing that has occurred in Elizabeth City during the present year has given The Advance more genuine satis faction than the plan set on foot by Rev. Frank Scatter good to organize boy scout troops in Elizabeth City. The Advance bespeaks for Mr. -Scattergood, whom somehow we would like to call by his first name, the hearty co-operation of all parents in Eliza beth City. One Thing and Another .We can't for the life of us become greatly interested in the Twelve Greatest Women in the United States, but we are more than interested in the Twelve Greatest Fish Liars. Are nominations in order? That's all right; we don't intend to tell what we know. Of course, we recognize the ability of Herbert Brimley, Stedman Thompson, George j Justice, Ed. Carter, Mose Wo6Qarr, Harry Davis, Fire Insurance McClenaghan, Nan cy Parker, Bill Horton, and a host of others; but the season isnt over, we dont know who has the most worms saved up and we aren't taking any chances. But when it comes to the twelve unluckiest politicians we are beginning to believe that we are qualified to speak. There's Mayor Eldridge, John Bray and Commissioner Mooneyham at the head of the list. You can go ahead and name the other nine. Raleigh Times. TIMELY TOPICS Loose Leaf Ledgers, Price Books, Memorandums in the Standard B & P Line. We have good assortment tbat is at your service. P. 17. UeUck Co. - Timor; rtfY or rktsEM cat- Di&cu&;ioN. "t.ll 1 and Mrs. J. P. WImberley. Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Burgess mid jWalter Pearson have returned, after attending the T. P. A. Convention at Rocky Mount and visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Cartwrisht at Wilson W. H. Weatherly, Jr., and A. J. Scott have returned afbr uttendinu the T. P. A. Convention at Rocky Mount. and gingham dresses In a variety of Htylufl, all new, at very low prtceH. The sale begins Wednesday morning, and shoppers are warned to go early to "avoid the rush " The City of Mosul, Turkey, which has been talked of. and will continue to be talked of for quite tome time. It Is here that the oil Melds mentioned with the Chester concessionaires, the richest mineral '"sources of Asia Minor, are Bald to be. Mosul lies on both sides of io Tigris Hlver, on the far side of which can be seen a stretch of ' oil fields. i.MITCIIKMS PRKSS SALK will iu:;i vKi.i:si)Y In today's issue of The Advance Mitc'licU's Department Store Is adver tising a sale of silk, linen, organdie "You Should Know" Where to liny Your Groceries j We have something now that is the best thing ever happened. For mak iing perfect Jams, Jellies and Mar i niiiliules. Order one bottle and you won't know how you ever got along with out it. Ii. L. GAKKETT PHOXKS 097 1)8. Should You Need a Tire, Tube, or anything for your au tomobile, don't forget we can serve ou wllli as good as your money can buy. Our priies are right. Tidewater Buiek Co. WANT ADS I OK NAI.K OXi; VICTROI.A, OMv Wicker living room set and a feath er bed. Call 765. Myl5-tf-up CLUBBED TO DEATH, I ' i j '? ! I if j i 1 V-;2i Li:, yihio Ik C, : II Warren J. Lincoln, Aurora, Illln ois lawyer who has been mysteri ously murdered. An Indian club, smeared with blood was found in the back yard of the bungalow, his night clothes In an old unused well and a blood covered lady's glove which has been Identified as belonging to his estranged wife. The police are searching for Mrs. Lina Lincoln who left her husband In January after several unsuc cessful attempts at polsonlnj him. Warren Lincoln Is a distant rela tion of the martyred President, Abraham Lincoln. PKRSOXAI.S James G. Gregory left Tuesday for Rchmoncf where he will attend the Cotton Manufacturers Associa tion in session there Wednesday. Mrs. Gregory and1 Miss Mary Gladden Gregory will accompany Mr. Gregory ias far as Norfolk and visit Mrs. T. J. Mann for several days. Jack Sawyer Is spending several days at Camden witr his uncle, John M. Bell. Mts. Minrw'e Applewhite of Bel cross was in the city Tuesday. .Mrs. J. T. Stallings returned Sun day from Rocky Mount, where she was the guest of Mrs. W. S. Moye ALII EMMA Wednesday & Thursday mm For A Few Days 8190 Seamless Sheets. Ex tra fine nrale Branded "Coro na" and fully guaranteed, each -...$1.50 Hemstitched of sain kind...$1.75 HcCfiBE & GRICO 1 ? ? i Y Y I v & Haroldloyd Grandmas Bov ii ADMISSION 15c a 35c 25c a 35c I OK SALK PIANO IV (iOOI) ( ()- dition. Will sell cheap for cash. Ap ply 10S llurgess St. Phone Myl5-21-pd 4 V f Mas mL I I'OKI) ItlXABOlT THICK I'Olt sale, with electric starter, suitable for grocery business or farmer. Perfect condition; sell at a sacrifice. See M.' G, Morrisette. MylO-tf-np W.WTKl) SAI.i:SLADIi:S KOIt I .Saturdays; no one under 20 years 1 old need apply. Experience not nec essary. Apply to O. F. Gilbert, "Mitchell's." lt-np Handy Andy Says it's surprising what a change any man or woman can make In the appearance of their home surroundings with a little paint, stain or varnish the floors can he done over easily the wood work'can be brightened furni ture can be reflnlshed bath room walls and ceilings can be done over with waterproof paint. There are so many places around the home where a coat of good paint will make things look attractive and wear longer. We sell best quality paints, stains and varnishes and I'll be glad to give any Information you want regarding painting and reflnishlng tell ua what you want to paint and we'll show you the right paint to use. Color cards can be had for the asking. J. H. Aydlett Hdw. Co. 16 N. Water Street PHONE 23 IT IS GRADUATION TIMK. YOl II friends and relatives will expect your photograph in that new graduating dress. Make an appointment with Zoeller's Studio, over First and Citi zens Nat'l Bank. Myl4-19-np WILL ItKNT HOl'SE FOIl TUB summer, June, July, August. Big rec reational hall included. Apply No. 3 South Road street or phone 534-J. Myl4-18-np FORI) TOI K1XG CAR FOR SALE See S. O. Perkins, Southern hotel. Myl2,14,15-np HOLSTEIN MILK COW FOK SALE. Will give five gallons. Seven years old. Fresh June 15. J. D. Winslow. Myl2-18-pd. FOR RENT UPSTAIRS APART- ment, cool rooms, private bath. Also two rooms first floor. Mrs. Mary Brit ton, 207 South Road street. Myll-17-np FIVE ROOM HOUSE, WELL FUR- nished for quick sale at cash price. Mrs. J. s. Simpson, 506 Third street. Myll-17-np LAND FOR SALE ( HEAP IN CAM- . den County, six miles from Court House building, main road, suitable for dwelling and store. Mrs. M. M. jTwiddy, 514 Riverside Ave. MylO-16-pd SADDLE HORSES FOR HIRE. AP- ply Geo. C. Smith, 200 Poindexter St. Phone No. 335-J. ma.9-15-pd (MA Y Y f Y ? Y Y Y ? Y Y TIIK IlnuBh PrT and Wot Wish In tha modern war ot rrjimnatinn tha famllv'a wwkly aifumu lullcn ot soihd linrns. Dun'I bo to the trouble and annoiani'i' of Uailna your waslilnn dom- at home. Let os aMime the reiponsibility. l'hone ut and we'll rail tor it la a JirTy. ALBEMARLE LAUNDRY HOMES WIRED $1.00 Per Week Pelig J. Midgett 21 1 W. Fearing St. lMione ,102-W :xx-:":"XhxX"::-X"X:-x::" ."XXXXXXXXXX - FRESH ! PINEAPPLES Nice May Peas; Straw berries. AH kinds of vegetables. Urn Street Grocery Phone 633. "XxX"X-:-:-x-x-xxxx-x Winekream g Ideal for Sunday Dessert, as economical as you can eat and as delicious as you want. THE WIXEKREAM CO. PJione 578 Scarlet sage riants Mixed Coleus Plants The last shipment of the seas- . 1 i on. strong, vigorous pianis from 2 ' inch pots, just right for setting in beds, borders and boxes. Summer-flowering bulbs of all kinds Gladioli, Cannas, Dahlias, Tuberoses. 0 Buxton White Seed Co. The Live Seed House PHONE 084. 13 S. Water St. People Enjoy Trading Here In this store we sell wliat the customers want that Is one reason why people enjoy trad ing here. Morgan & Parker Phones 250 and 800 Why That Lame Back That morning lameness those sharp pains when bending or lifting, make work a burden and rest im possible. Don't be handicapped by a bad back lok to your kidneys. You will make no mistake by follow ing this resident's example. R. B. Berry, insurance agent, 609 Southern Avenue, says: "I was out of condition and my back and kid neys bothered me. I blame the handling of paints and varnishes for the trouble. One day I had such a catch in my back it was all I could e,ice- L do to get up. Many mornings my j ttia. 9-tf back felt sore and stiff when I first WHEX IX XEEI) OF A PAINTER, call W. W. Powell, phone 730-J. Good work done. May 14-19 pd. WILL SWAP OR SELL ROLLER top desk. What will you swap? What will yon pay? Address H. K. W., care of The Advance. May 7tf I WILL SWAP ONE LITTLE BOY'S red automobile for a tricycle Let me hear from you, "Jr". care of The Advance. May 7 tt WANTED POSITION AS STEXOO rapher or bookkeeper, with experi- B. W., care of Advance. X U'Iytkii ivnrwTi?mi'c n. got up, and often when passing the ,Jable ma 25" t0 50 vears "In pas. secretions I had a stinging burning quotank County. Handle local trade sensation. My kidneys acted too ! delivering Kawleigh's Good Health .j. i frequently and were very weak. I j Products direct to home. Largest,. knew this could not go on any lon-jD('st. fastest selling line. Products ger and hearing of Doan's Kidney ion tin!e- ow(?st wholesale, no ad- duio t i,,.rri, n i vance in prices. No experience, prac- P. is I bought a box. One ox Ucally n0 cai,ita, nwd'd We't'each iicipeu hi i' ii aim auer using luree more boxes I was cured and the cure has been permanent." 60c at all dealers. Foster-Milhurn Company, Manufacturers, Buffalo, New York. adv A Broken Spring Can be replaced by us at once. We carry Springs to fix over 30 different cars. PHONE 497. Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. FOK SALE Lovely Sweet Peas and Peonies. Call 311-J. .u.uuuuuuuauuuuMaaV THE BEST PLACE TO FURNITURE BUY Both in Quality and Price Let Us Save You Money ..XXX-XXXXXXKXXXXXXK'XX'X-X'X" you to manage your own permanent, profitable business. Largest, strong est Company, gives most co-operation. Write age, occupation, refer ences. W. T. Rawleigh. Co., Dept. 1383, Freeport, 111. ma.l0,12,15,17,19,22-npd . awiM.i.naai U7v For Your Wife, Sister, Mother or Daughter XAGruenwatch ( of beauty LET US HELP YOU SELECT A WATCH THAT YOU WILL BE PROUD TO GIVE PRICED AT $25.00 AND UP. LOUIS SELIG Your Jeweler Since 1882 Main and Water Sts. LQ'il G SlJOp Day by day in every way Our babies grow and grow; Their high chairs and their baby carts To dusty storerooms go. Rut if their mother learned to si And would the SWAP ADS lead, They'd swap the things that babes outgrow For other things they need. x:hkxkK"X"XS":X"Xxx t a n. -IPIJ FOOTWEAR OF MERIT fnin ff: TJiiitnn HniJrl Svtn V x-xxxxxxxkkxx-xx:x"XX"Xxx:xx4 CHfxKKK4::XKx4xxxXKK-xxxxtv Carolina Banking & Trust Company HERTFORD ELIZABETH CITY COLUMBIA Dr. A. L. Pundleton, Pres. R. C. ABBOTT, V. Prei. Gurney P. Mood, V. Pres. ft Cash. Geo. R. Little, Asst. Caih. Capital Slock $250,000 Member Federal Reserve If You Say It With Flotcers Say It With Ours. THE APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 400 SLICED MEAT Boiled Ham, Dried Beef, Ulint Luncheon, Ox Tongue, Breakfast Bacon. Kingan's Country Style Smoked Sausage, 11 25e M. V. PERRY Callus. Phone 183. A " ' I ................ . ........ . . . "X":xxxX"X:x M-x-x-i-x-x-:" r -X"XH"HXK-XX"XX-X-X"X-X. FROM POCOMOKE WAREHOUSE AT DEPOT SPENCE HOLLO WELL Co. HUM GARS DAILY A A ,... A A A A A A A A A A A A A it 1

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