John W. Davis Able But Not A Leading Candidate [West Virginian Second To None In Ability But In Demo cratic Convention Deadlock Lies His Only Chance Of Being Chosen Party Standard Beurer It) DAVID LA WREN OK Cw'ffet ins fey Tft? ut.t, t?HM? iThU U Ik* rtflh of I art >? ? of mn? arttrlr. bi I>lll4 l-??f fw-r i q |*e?l<|rf|tlal pnuiblll- I tie* 41*4 lw?po?alblhtl?? |!?in? aa apvralaal at ih? political and liability* of tba m.o iuo.( talked ?bout today for U>? lUpuNwaa and D*i?w*rrat?r ?B*laatW4L Mr l-a?r-r?r? ba? Ju.t flni*h*d a tou* of, the Wm*rn pan at lb* I'aJted mate* with I'mideM Harding and I. aua rnr<ait? to Kunpf to tuakr a Anallrd >un>i at rmnMruriioa iwvbirm* therr At tb? ?-oorlu..?>a o{ (bit mi??. Mr. l*wtrxtrr t j caklrt from fcurotn wiU br.m rnlutlnli la T1j? Ad?aner.? John W. Davis of West Virginia is one of the most brilliant, men ever suggested for the Presidency of the United States. In intellectual attainment, or atorical ability, legal achieve ment, and international back ground, he has few equals in America today. At present lie is the head of the American Bar Association, one of the highest honors thai can cpme to an American lawyer. ,9' Mr- Davis it frequently was said that, when he wan Solicitor Cen tral of the Department of Justice c2??a?ifir8Uld ,";for" ,h" Supreme SM h,"or' brilliancy than he aid. The late Chief Justice White once paid Mr. Davis a compliment heifer ?K n''V',,' ha<1 ?Pen a better lawyer. All those who wit nessed the last convention of thel Pf?0??"? Party In San Francisco I remember that the name of John W U m "BMVrle", W"h " onP of tt might-have-been situations that One ,imery.?n""' ","d ,h"n '? Pontics one little concession on the part of yWdU.ajTnr ,FontlnKent and a little I yielding on the part of McAdoo ele ven ih !* W Davl!' wo",rt have Zl " nominee of the convention. There wan a moment when the whole ' If U"had1^ 3"?ht Kon" lo h,m IT It had not boon for th?- deadlock i force?" ',alM"'r """ McAdoo I Mr. Davis Is Inclined to be a wet >J* r prohlb',lon argument. The v. . ffom which he conies?West abl? "iT*? ? hlm Poll"<-ally sult "'ways classed na a doubtful Rtate, As for the Wilson strenRth In the Dernociatlc iiartv It! Is friendly to Mr. Davis. He was an' I 5o ne?i l'n 1>r*'"llk'"1 Wilson to be of j L "'1;'11 of Department *mi?i '."ld a liul<' la,?r to be American Ambassador to Croat Ilrl te??'i has "lany 'rlend.s In the] legislative world. His record as I cbalrmaii of the judiciary committee or the Houho of ReprfsfntatlvcH was an Impressive one. He was a leaS inKlmcmb." of Congress, a remark-I popiilar.0' a"d P"r""nallJ very I tieMnr?J?aVi" chances as a Democra-. tic nominee are at the moment said to have been affected by his resl toffi. ?'W Y?rk Clty Slnce leav ing the Government service, he has and" am"" .IP ,he Profession and among his clients Is J. I> Mor gan and Company. The politicians ve? for hi niK11 ? ? ha" b<>en a law yer for big bankers will never get Mm IT ,i,the wp",<,rn communl tta.n. k an" w"H Street aen In kL,". y nof!oan? <lle<l down In recent years. The prejudice of iahl^Irt Section against big business that fhe k T 0r Ie88 on ,h* belief 5hJ i bankers and city folks get !i *har" prices at which. fJUJ2h? are "oW; namely, hi ' rates and distribution. rwl!. v. JP""1"0* the fact that Mr. "avis has been a lawyer for any con He's hor^eVeral year8 "J"5'" m" to not h? c^Pl and probably It would were 2"." "5"# " ,h'' Politicians , r?Pr: d ?P?rrd ,0.'Knor" ? themselves In nominating Mr. Davis. Hut the ara?. u Mr- ,"avl"' nomination ?Hi k ma ""m" ?' K. Z cmphaslie the political dan-! ger of such a candidate. For It Is always the fight Inside the party *h'^. exaggerates the defects of a snklnr ?i. PaV'" h,,llae" '? not non"n??lon and has dis r?u,'every kind of activity ft'? - friends have sought to In mate In Ida behalf. Jt j? Kn|,i "'at he really believed he was he wenVl V I",l"l,'al future when law Vork to Practice knlwn^t atands John W. Davis, well1 J"""throughout the country, an able man?one of the ablest in the Democratic party In this generation an<1 yet his avallahllltv is a matter tutfo"! as the** a " -"" ?'"rtl-an ln.',7 . ?UV?" tno Associated Prea* rfiri not hesitate to select John W. Davis ? J general counsel. Hut leaving fSe auestio^V'"' J*"' eonnectlonsl 1 n wh" Political orirnn xatlon would stand simnsor for hlm? MADE U. S. OBEY. Ten-year-old arrival from Colom bia and Nlcko. the monkey whoA aiJn.iniiiori to thla country she won by u*illnK authorities they would have to let him In or >he would refuse to enter. REAR ADMIRAL CHESTER. While England and France are protesting the Turkish Nationalist grant of railway and land in Asia Minor to Rear Admiral Colby Mitchell Chester. U. 8. N., retired, the Admiral In a rccent statement declared that he and his associates would fight all comers for the Chester concession. His son Ar thur Chester, is now in Asia Minor looking after his futher's Interests. rfe has not lived In West Virginia for several years and certainly he is not 011 friendly terms with Tammany which has Its own favorite son?Al Smith or Senator Copeland. In an rwot to this it can he said of course that the strength of John W. Davis bofore the laHt convention was not duo to any political organization, but to his reputation. He mnd*> a good record at the American Embassy in London and since his return has up hold the doctrines of the Democratic party with respect' to co-operation with Europe. He probably would bo very satisfactory to Wood row Wil son. Mr. Davis* chances of nomina tion lie particularly in 1924. as they did In 1920. In the possibility of a deadlock. He Is the type of candi date to whom the party, besot by ex tremes, might turn as a compromise. State Committee Is To Meet Tonight Democrats to Receive Norwood Resignation and Probably Name Dawson Raleigh. July 11.?The State Dem ocratic Executive Committee will meet here tonight for the purpose of receiving the resignation of J. D. Norwood. Salisbury, as State Chair-! man and probably naming a success or. John G. Dawson, Kinston, Speaker of the State House of Re presentatives and prominent party leader is being prominently mention ed as the probable successor of Mr. Norwood, although names of others will be considered. .Mr. Dawson's appointment has been endorsed by a number of Dem ocratic leaders, including Senator Simmons nnd former Lieutenant Governor O. Max Gardner, and his S??nd ?our vacation on tt>? hi?h?it crrtt of th? Blut lliitc. ?n-t at N?>rili Carolina lin?-. rlctati.n , frrt hlatit-r A4;r?illr Wondrrfulf) cool tllmatr. iruHii|.?? kcrn?ry. -u[~r?bind?iKP of fruit*. miliar. cb? Jl' hotel ratr*. teUpfmne ai)<l tr|r?rafh wrtliv. Four da Ijr mail train*. Write for IlluMratrd folder. T. L. TRAWICK, PROPRIE TOR. NEW SHADES IN SILK HOSE All the new phades for the shoes that are "hard to match" ?Standard qualities ? high class hose?Prices? SI.50 to S2.75 M. Leigh Sheep Co. HOPSACK PALM BEACH an<l Kool-Kloth Sulla laundered to look like new ILBEMARLE LAUNDRY K'HOXE 125 OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST 621 Mala St. ? Elizabeth CItj FEED For Stock and Poultry SEED For Farms and Garden Electric Supplies, righting Fixtures and House Wiring. Yours to serve When You Weed Grocer ies or Fresh Vegetables OA 1.1/ I'S. We have them nml plenty of "good things to eat'" M. V. PERKY election U regarded as a certainty by political observers. Others mentioned for considera tion by the executve committee at lta meeting tonight include: Hugh Chatham. Winston Salem; W. W. Neal, Marlon; S. C. Brawley, Dur ham; J. O. Carr/ Wilmington; and Charles U. Harris, of Raleigh. _ HOMES WIRED $1.00 Per Week Peliff J. Midgett 241 W. Fear In* St. Pbooe 892-W LEGAL NOTICES AX OHDIXAM'K REGULATING TMC PARKING OF RAILWAY CARS He it urda in*-d that no railroad, their aiiii* vr *0ii<l??i.all l?a?? or -i>arh aiu marh. nr. aon iV'l*. tender or main* vithln flrty 1U1 (w at either Mile nf N'-nji Ituad Street. where Mid Nor-1 >?U Southern riw*? d Mrwt, and an? agent or employ* of xid railroad leaving or park U? anr ?a.<| rar. ruach. (?ail<'li. tender or enaine Wltlun the I'NiihfHl djotaDi-r. dull I*- ludi*tdoall> guilty o( a nii?|rnM-in-'i Any i-r-on. firm or rorprra'loa *.'!jtir<.- anr pro xUioo of thi? oidin^n1-. *l<ail Ui-un natHiM br hnnl Tw?nt? Ifcllar Ttt<? ordinal*-- ?Itall .u IL'o ??*??? t?:i ? !?? ? dj>? after ratification. lUtin-d il>> ik? Mh dj? el Juts. j. h. sx?\viii;n, | iVrfc; AX OHDIXAXC K REGULATING RAILROAO CROSSINGS IN ELIZABETH CITY. ttll<tr??. Hv an act of tbe A&*rn bh N"?tli Carolina. al ll? -??-.:<? in IMS. |<a>?d and ratified nn llanh fith. 1923. an art re/ulating motor irblrlrt rro?ini railroad*, at public road cro??ing?. ainl trtifi'K In *aid act wa? the following I'Mtlw: "Tbl* a< i -hall not intfffit with ihr rrrulatlon? prex-ribed by clti?-? and town*:" Now. tliJtWor*. bt It ordalfhd. that no railroad thall b? required to iwit up anr notK-e nn any branch or ?pur itnr. rrowini an> ?tr*et? of Klirabrth City. but Mid railroad ahall put up nntlrrt on the right >ld? of It? track, at each ! ?trwt cto??ln* on lt? train line. |m? than fifty | nur iuor? than ?e*cnty-flve few from each of aald rtfl?ini?. reading "N. c. Law?Stop" and uld oo- , tier ?iiall b- printed In nd Inter*, not le?? than ? It lwb? high. npoa white bnaidt forty by fifty Iif hc. m?>n po?la not lr?? tban ten f?*t from the ground. lie It further ?rdalned. that ea?h driver of a mo tor Vehicle crowing any main line of any railroad crowing any ?ir?rt of Klltabeth City. Uiall bring hi* or her vehicle to a i-omi>M? ?top. not further than flft* feet nf any of 'aid cr?>*?inr*. Any j*r?on. flim or corporation violating any pro vision ?f tlila ordinance, -lull upon c<<n?irtlon fined T'O l>ollar? i)IO.Ml.' Tlil? nrdlnarw-e dull nn Into effect three t3l daya after ratification. Ratified thia the flth day yf July. IMV J. II. RiOWUKX. J> 11.11.12. Clerfc. FLORENCE MoreJIeax Less Cake Always Ready! Getting your stove ready and watching the fire makes cooking a hard job. The Florence Oil Cook Stove ?makes cooking easy. If our meals will be on time, and well cooked. Burns kero sene and is easy to keep clean. Let us show you how sturdy it is, how easy to regulate, and why it is such a splendid stove for washing, baking, broiling, and frying. Sharber & White Hardware Co. YOUR MARKET Quality Groceries This Is your Krocery market. Our products arc unexcelled In quality, and our service prompt and ever ready. Our prices you will And low rr than anywhere In this com munity. Morgan & Parker PIIONK AM 17 JEWEL HAMILTON WATCH (Thit Store Clone* 1 O'clock Fridayt) Adjusted to the Second Ad jutted to Temperature Ad jutted to hochronitm Ad jutted to Potition WE HAVE ONLY A LIMITED I NUMBER OF THESE WATCHES. THERE IS NO BETTER WATCH MADE THAN THE 17 Ruby and Sapphire Jewel* 20 Year Cold Filled C.ate Beautiful Numeral Dial Kelt Thin Model Cane. HAMILTON LOUIS SELIG $ 2975 DOUBLE Jour Savings It CAN be done FlltST A: 11TIZKNH NATIONAL HANK Two kind* Of Inirre^l?IVntonal anil 4 IVr (>m FEW people, who at some time or other, have not suffered terrific pain with "neuralgia of the face." And yet not one In ten got Instant Ire,,, from remedies used, or even understood the true came of the ailment. "Neuralgia" Is caused by piwunre on nerve fibre* connwtwl with the trifacial nerve of the fare. Thi* pressure 1* found In the nerk. Almost instant relief la af forded the sufferer, with Chiropractic Adjust ments. CONSULTATION IS WITHOUT COST ALWAYS Let me explain why Chiropractic offers positive results in this and many other forma of painful nerves. Tele phone 793 for an appointment. DR. A. L. PEARCE CHIROPRACTOR OVER WOOI,WORTH'S 5 * lOc STORK 211-14 Kramer Hull.lint. Kllatbeth City, N. C. ALWAYS CALL and see what we have to offer before buying Furni ture. A larger stock to select from and better prices at which to buy. QUINN FURNITURE CO. A New Offer On Fisk Tires One Tube FREE u-iih Each Tire for 15 Day?, Beginning July 14. C. V. PERRY PHONE HO3. Wf?l Main Street. Near Depot

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