American Membership Not EssentialToNations League Work of League Going on and America Participating in Much of It* Work Despite Rejection of Member ship by Harding and the Senate By DAVI1> LAWRENCE C*ryr4?M IM fry Tha Oatly A*m?m (ThU U the 11th of Mr. Ufinct't dliptlrhei from ICurap* dealing ?lih M ?if iwoMnidloo prob l?M 41 the* untr to him After fir* rear* tbarOK. Ilr rtnda that the rrnnh hat* made amaiini pr?? raaa la rt*?rtBi (hoae portion* of their country that w*r? d?*a?tated IB Ikt war. but that their mood after flw yeara la atUI am* nf ?Md war rwollerlkma. Tha*. la rtr h? *tartrd hla aur**y of Kuropran rerun *tn*r i i < ' ' ORANCE PEKOE l i ? ? ' 1 4 1,1 i * ? ? ? I * 1 i KEDTCA | M c CQRMICK&CD ' | BALTIMORE USA = Comfort In Hot Weather This depends largely on whether the pore* of the skin are kept open. The best way to keep them open is to take h bath dailv in warm water. The best way to get hot water is by means of a gf?A water heater. Southern Gas Imp't Co. J. T. STALLINGS, Mffr. "They say that Ga? Can Do It Better" ?H?I JuUm. Bo thay (Ml thai Id time American sentiment will swing to the League. It may take five or ten years, but what la that Hi the life of an organisation whose I members think it will. In time, be come the greatest moral Influence (or the preservation of peace In all his tory? ... .. Both President Harding and Secff^ tary of State Hughes hare wished the League success for the sake of Europe, but hare professed to be lieve It could beneflt America. Time alone can tell whether the United States will beneflt from the policy of aloofness. Certainly the League is no longer ithlnklng in terms of America, but is proceeding confidently on Its way to I help make th ewhole world progres sively better In the age-long struggle between greed and higher morality. Mrs. J. Walston of Stalloh Is visiting Mrs. W. C. Sawyer of North Road street. OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST 521 Main St. ? Elltabeth City THtRHDAY EVENING An Ice cream supper for the bene- i fit of the Berea baseball team will be I held at the home of Charlie 8cott, 1 Clinton Prilchard's old place, on the Forji roid^T^rada^ evening from Ueven to ten7 fiVeirybo