; EXTRA 5c * ******** * ! EXTRA 5c BETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY MORNING, AUG. 3. 1923. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 178. VOL. XIII. ........ v-- vug*: X - Dies of Stroke j Of Apoplexy End Came In Early Evening Without Warn ing With Nobody But Mrs. Harding And Nurses At His Bedside (By The Associated Press.) Presidential Headquarters, San Francisco, August 2.? The President is dead. Warren G. Harding died at 7:15 tonight (10:37 Eastern Ihrof, without a moment's warning, of apoplexy, which struck him down in his weakened condition, after an illness of exactly a week. The Chief Executive of the nation, and hy virtue of his office a personality, and one of the world's leaders, he passed at the prime of life when his physicians, his wife and family, and the people of the United States thought that medical skill, hope, and prayer liud won the hatilo against disease. The disease hhd heen conquereil. The fire was out. But seven days of silent though great suffering hud left their marks, and the stroke of apoplexy canic without an in stant's warning and before physicians could he called, mem bers of his party summoned or warned, or remedial meas ures taken. He passed from life's stage after having for nearly two and a half years served the nation, and for many more years his native state, Ohio. A third official statement issued at 8:45 announced that Vice President Calvin (>K?lidgc, the next man who occupies the first position of the land, had been notified of the Pres ident's death. With the passing of Mr. Harding, the office of President devolves upon Calvin Coulidge, Vice President of the United States, a man retiring hi nature, hut demonstrated as string in emergencies. He wus notified of the death of Mr. Hard ing at his home at Plymouth, Vermont. The suddenness with which the end. came is shown in the fact tliat only Mrs. Harding and two nurses were in the room at the time. Mrs. Harding, with her characteristic faithfulness and constant tenderness was reading to the President. Then without a moment's warning, a slight shudder passed through the President's frame. He collapsed, and the end came. Immediately when the indications of dis tress showed itself, Mrs. Harding ran to the door and called for Lieut. Commander Boone and the other physicians who v came quickly. The hour was 7:15 Pacific time, which is tfri37 Eastern time. Warren G. Harding brought to the. Prealdency an* Infinite patience and kindness in dealing with public ques tions and men, which enabled him to handle the problem* of government j without the stress and worry which ! had handicapped many of hla pre decessors. Whatever elae historian* may say of hint there probably will be little diHpute that few chief executive* came to office In peace time faring problem* more complex in their na ture or greater In number. All |n-, t< rnatlonal affalra were unbalanced a* never before, with many principal settlement* of the Great War still to b< effectuated. At home the work of reconstruction had only Just begun,j .r ith bu*lne?* depressed, agriculture prostrate and uretnploymenc general. How Mr. Harding measured up to j the task before him mu*t be left to tli< historian, but his friends *ald that coming to the Presidency a* he | did with an open mind, a de*lrp for counsel and an Intimate knowledge 1 of the processes of government ac- j quired In his services In the genste. he wa* the type of man needed for the Job at such a time. Preaching upon every occasion the doctrine of Americanism, he set hla face resolutely against "Kntangflng! Alliances." While thus adhering to [ what he was pleased to t*rm the; principles of the founding fathers, he' nevertheless lent the moral assist ance of the government In the effortsj to bind up the wounds of the world. | That Influence was once declared by him to be not Inconsiderable, and1 *o America under his guidance had a part, silent though It was In the main, In effecting the settlements of many vexing world questions. Its, chief contribution was the Washing-: ton Arms Conference at which the principal powers covenanted to limit the site of their navies and thus lift from tax weary peoples the burden of maintaining the race for naval su premacy. Along with the proffer of counsel In effecting world settlements went an Inslstsnce that American rig'its i. recognised. In poliwhod pbrtn, but with a directness of expression that was not to be misconstrued, the world was given to understand from the very, flrjt of the Harding Admin istration that the Tnlted States, free ly respecting the rights of the other nation*, asked for herself only that to which she was entitled In simple Justice, and that she could accept nothing less While In his dealings with Con* gress Mr. Harding preferred the role of counsellor rather than dictator, he speedily removed any doubt that hla gift of patience denoted any lack of purpoae one elie had charted a course. Thus he kold Congress thatl soldiers' bonus (legislation either should carry the means of financing or be postponed. And when the legis lators put astfp his advice he promptly vetoed/the bill they aenti him. I His tenacity Lt purpose was fur-; th?r exempllflfl In hJa continual1 pounding t?jf #?nomy In py>llc >*-, penditures and again In his insist ence that Congress pass the merch ant marine aid hill with a view to curtailing the continual drain which the operation of the war-built com mercial fleet had become upon the Treasury. His greatest single effort In the field of domestic legislation was in behalf of this measure. ? Not infrequently Mr. Harding was called upon to play the role of peace maker In governmental affairs. He intervened in a dispute between Con gress and the Treasury a* to the form general tax revision was to take, and the program he approved was car ried out in the main with a reduc tion of more than half a billion in the nation's tax burden. Likewise, his counsel settled the [ long controversy between the House ;and Senate on the question of Amer ican valuation in the tarifT law. He proposed An its place a flexible tariff arrangement under which the TarifT > Commission was given authority with his approval to increase or low !er rates within prescribed limita tions. lTpon signing the bill, the President declared It constituted the greatest tariff reform In American history. ? ? Mr. Harding came of hardy plon |eer stock. He was born at Bloom ing C.rove, Morrow Countv, Ohio. ,November 2. 1RG5, the son of a coun try doctor. Oieorge T. Harding. Like rroost country boys ho went to coun ! try school between morning and night chores and^latcr attended col | lege at neria, Ohio. He tried school (teaching for a year, but having had a smell of printers' ink while stick ing type for .his college paper, the lure drew him into the newspaper flcld. His family meantime had moved to I Marion, in an adjoining county, where he obtained his flrst newspa per Job. and where his life Interests J were centered thereafter. Mr. Hard ing's ambition was to bcome a pub lisher, and it was realized at the age jof 19 when he bid in the Marion Star at a sheriff's sale. The paper was I purchased under a heavy mortgage land his friends have often said that ;the struggles and hardships which were his in making this paper a suc cess had much to do in fashioning his characterm'nd developing a broad ! patience and tolerance which were his chief characteristics. Whatever his other attainments. Mr. Harding's greatest pride was In his professional accomplishments and training as printer, editor and 1 publisher. Nor did the Interests and exacting duties of his high ofTice I serve to dull his delight In potter ing about a composing room. On his first trip back home after his Inaug uration. he went to the Star office, pulled ofT his coat, rolled up his nleeves^borrowed a chew of tobacco and helped, "make up" the paper. His luck charm was a printer's rule, car ried always In a vest pocket. As his ambition had carried him I Into the ranks of publishers, so his fancy took him Into the realm of pol itics. From the first he was an ar dent partisan, and his Insistence up on wearing a "stove pipe" hat. the I badge of support of James O. Illalne. while a reporter on a Democratic newspaper brought him a sharp rep rimand from his chief, who held it to be Inconsistent for a worker on a Democratic paper to so prominently display the symbol of his Republi canism. The future President's ability as a stump speaker won him early recog nition from his local party leaders. Marlon County then was In the Dem ocratic column and he undertook to switch It to the Republican partv, but his flrst effort at office on his party ticket resulted In a defeat, though he commanded an unexpected vote. Mr. Harding's first political ofTice was that of Ohio State Senator, to which he was elected at the age of 34. He served two terms and later was elected Lieutenant Governor of his state. In 1910 he sought the governorship. buMWas defeated. Four years later he was elected to the I'nlted States Senate, where he served six years, much of the time as a member of the Important For eign Relations Committee. From this place he was eleVated to the Presi dency, the flrst Senator to be elected Chief Executive. Early In hla jtearf'or political ser vice he mot WWllam McKlnley, to whom his eloae friend* hare moat of ten likened him, and with whom he had in common a predominant pas sion for obliteration of class and sec tional line*. A friendship sprang up between the two hien. Mr. Harding ?Iso was close in later days to Theo dore Roosertlt, Senators Foraker gjt ?- m.-. . . v .5 SNAPSHOT OF PRESIDENT HARDING ON RECENT ALASKAN TRIP Four specialists wore railed to the President'* bedside in San Francisco just after his arrival from his Alaskan and Canadian trip. His illness b?'gan with ptomaine poisoning on the IT. S. S H?-nderson from eating crabs, but was not considered serious, un ? til a relapse followed, and later bronchial pneumonia set in. Defense Begins To Call Its Witnesses (By The AHHlntelu day for Friday, j August 3rd. The Steamer Annie L. I Vansclver has been chartered to take mcmbera of the Sunday Bchool and 'their friends for a combined basket picnic and boat excursion. Those going will meet at the foot of Main street Instead of at the church as was first planned. 'fhe steamer leaves at 2 p. m. for the pic nic grounds at Shantilla Reach, land 1 Ing at the wharf where there will be no danger for small children. (lames and amusements have been arranged for children, for young people and for adults, including bathing. After supper the crowd will leave the beach about 0:30 for a two hours' ride on the river, ar riving at Elizabeth City" about 8:30. xkw tiu'kt m n.m\<; has liAIU.KST HANKING ROOM i Cleveland. August 2.?The f'nlon Trust building, Cleveland's largest, ; Is nenrini* completion at the corner of Euclid Avenue and* Ksst 0th 'streot, In the heart of the downtown district. The structure technically Is 23 stories high and Is believed to have the largest banking room In the world. Marble columns rise to the full five-r-tory. height of the main bank ing room, which Is "L" shaped, giv ing the savings department and com mercial departments each a wing. Around the room are two balconies, l>ned with office rooms. The savings room Is long enough for a 100-yard dash. Four and one-hnlf floors of thej building will be occupied by the. bank. Deslde the offices there will be :? cafeteria and kitchen, a complete] hospital with private rooms and two ' ards, rest rooms for employes and j v veral private dining and luncheon > r winfi for conference-dinners. t'cs and his mentality which first st-j 11 acted to him the attention of po 1 tirnl leaders. The late Senator i W, Murray Crane, who was a real- j d >nt of Coolidge'* congressional <1 Is- ? t 'let, was among the first to note tliese qualities, and he resolved to i Mllze the first opportunity to pro J rt Mr. Coolidge Into the national I olltlcal arena. Ily hard work and stesdy progress .Mr. Coolidge eontlnued his rise un til he could >be considered for high i rfflce and then It was that Senator t'rane and other lenders exerted their powers to have him nominated for Lieutenant-Governorship. He was elected In the first campaign won by the Republicans in Massa chusetts for several years, due to fhe Progressive party split. There after It was but logical for him to; succeed to the governorship, an of fice which he held for two terms and which he left for the vice presidency. Th* dramatic events of the Ilos ton police strike, in which the gov ernor took a firm and unyielding stand for law and order, focussed upon him in 1919 national attention and made of him almost overnight a national figure. Por a while he was talked of prominently as a Presidential possibility. As Vlee-Presldfnt he became e# regular attendant at the President's cabinet meetings, a custom estab lished for the first time In hla case. | ( Mr. Coolidge msrrled Miss Grace Goodhue, whom he first met In .Northampton as a teacher, In 1905, 'and they have two sons. RACE PROGRAMS ARE NOW READY Twenty-five Hundred Dol lurx Offered in l'ur?eg (or Alhemurle Dirtrirt-^ Fair Races?Many Enlrie* Kn tries for the home races at the Albemarle District Fair clone on Oc tober 2. Race programs were Issued on Thursday by Secretary Duck worth Glover. All rnc?'H will be mile heats and the races will be run on the three h?iat plan. One-thirty Is the hour set for the races to start on each of the four days of the Fair. Over $2,500 have been offered In purses and with programs iHready out. It Is expected that there will be a larger number of entries than at any previous fair held here. Following Is the program for each day's races: ? Tuesday, Oct. 9th 2:30 trot and pace?$150.00. I This is a district race for horses ;owned in the Albemarle fair district GO days prior to date of race. 2:15 pace?$300.00. 2:20 trot ? $300.00. Wednesday. Oct. 10th 2:14 trot?$300.00. 2:10 pace?$300.00. Thursday, Oct. 11th ' 2:17 trot?$300.00. 2:24 pare?$300.00. Friday, Oct. 12th Free-for-all !rot and pace?$300. | 2:24 trot?$300.00. TWO MEN ARRESTED FOII EMBEZZLEMENT i Harrlsburc, Pa., August 2. -7- A |shortage of $78,500 In the accounts of the Bethlehem Trust Company at IBethlehem has been discovered and Elmer Henner andttoward Rehrlg. lasHlstant treasurer, "who confessed to speculation, have been arrested, Het rlg Cameron, secretary of the bank jannounced today. 1 BANDITS STEAL FIVE TRUCK lyOADS BEER New York. August 2.?Two auto mobile loads of bandits flourishing revolvers today stole Ave trucks con taining 350 kegs of legal beer at Concord, Statcn Island, and escaped to Manhattan with two trucks after abandoning the others. IIASTY CONCLUSION MA)SRH FAT PKK TO PAHIH DOCTOR Paris, August 2.?A Paris surgeon Is felling a good story against hlm^ | self. He was called In to operate on ,an American woman for appendici tis, and when the cure was complete j the pntlent. seeking to show her ?ra Itlfude In some way that was not too icoihmon place, embroidered a cigar case and took it to the surgeon. Cnfortunstely the surgeon had1 lust had a run of patients who had paid for his services by presents of little intrinsic value, so he could not help saying', "No, really, Madame, take away such rubbish; a thousand franc note would be much more ac ceptable." "All right," said tho American woman, and opening the cigar case she drew a thousand franc bill from It. laid It on the table, and said cooly, "There were five others like It in the case." IW(I Prrcinun Stones In Building ?>f Huinrt N?>w York, AuRunt i.?In Arlmnn Can Htlll bo noon remain* of build ings prwt^diby the i?ar1y American Indiana, built nut of stone containing opal, agate and chalcedony. These stones were taken from the petrified forests In the neighborhood of Ad ainana. Arizona. Prehistoric builder* never uncd more beautiful stone* for their hab itations than the trunks of those trees which flourished apes before man appeared on the earth, says C. F. Talman in The Mentor for Aug ust. HKI'U)HE FAILIJHE IN HANDLING LYNCHING Ashevflle, August 2.-- Resolutions deploring what Is termed the failure of state governments to handle prop erly the lynching problem were unanimously adopted here today by the Commission on Inter-Haclftl Co operation. <*OTTO* MAICKKT New York, Aug. 2.?Spot cotton, closed quiet. Middling 23.50, a de rllne of lfi points. Futures, closed at the following levels: Oct. 22.25, Dec. 22.12, Jan. 21.99. March 22 05. Maf ?22.00. Now York, August 2.?Cotton fu tures opened here todaf at ths fol lowing leevls: October 22.48, De cember 22.44, January 12.30, March >22.30, May 22.30.