THE ADVANCE * PERLS, Publlnhrr* HERBERT fECLt Edit* of the AnKoclat(sl IVca*. I PriN ll *ntitlf4 tt Hi* ?M trn ra-MMtaatiaa at filiate*** erUitf* ,r Mi ?Mar t?< alM ta U?a lacal n??i\?uhii?n*? BrtMil at Ola Matamaa at ElUafctth City. N. C.. ?? Hctad rtaia aialUr. liy Mail E*a? Oaa. II M-00 |MM TM, 12 Mntll _ li.w By Hall Eliawftara MOO Hub?crl|>t ion IUtw l)> Carrier t ?antli (la a<nM?) ; ?? n M*U| (la a<<a*M) M>M ? Midi (la alrtnct) ?JI.70 ???till (I* atfvaaca) 12.2S FRIDAY, AUG I'ST 10. 1923. The Nation Mourns The nation mourns today the death of Warren C. Harding and Elizabeth City and The Ad vance mourn witn it. Out of the day of mourning, let us hope, will come a fullei and more abundant spirit of that peace on*earth and good will to ward men for which Warren C. Harding always labored?how wisely or how well it is not foi a people still bowed in sorrow at his passing to say. And The Advance hopes that this may be true npt only of our national life, but of our com munity life as well. If on the morrow the grief which we have felt and shared with a^wtrote nation at the death of our chosen chieftain has not purged our hearts of malice and driven out any bitterness that may have lurked in them, then, so far as we are concerned. Warren Harding will have given his life for his country in vain. The Advance is probably wrong about it, as it has been in some other matters, but, grant ing that Maxwell is right about the State's finances, which ev-i erybody now except Governor j Morrison seems ready to con-] cede, this newspaper can't bring itself to believe that the situa-l tion is such as t? make a special, session of the Legislature either! probable or necessary. f? 3 Thursday was a good day for digging sweet potatoes, judging by the appearance of the Van-j sciver as loaded to capacity she swung into her moorings at the North: River Line dock Friday j morning. Elizabeth City and Pasquo tank sportsmen are advised toj get posted on the provisions of the new hunters' license law, which was published in full in, this newspaper yesterday. Elizabeth City is sometimes a bit slow to realize what the proper thing is, but the old town, once she realizes what is expected of her, rises to the oc casion right nobly. The Advance confesses to a feeling of keen disappointment that Elizabeth City's City Plan-, ning Commission, authorized by act of the 1923 Legislature, has not yet been named. Talk about camps, but as for / us and our house, give us the home and farm demonstration camp above all others. TIMELY TOPICS Electric Funa frvoo Electric Btoven - 92.00 Electric Turn Tonwtir *Q.i? Electric TVrcolator -|m.m Icy-Hot Bottle* ?I.OO P. \V. MEI.ICK OO. ATTENTION MEN! MenV and Young Men'* two-pipfc Summer Suits, val ors to $16.50; special $9.95 MrnV Straw Hats, wore 82.SO to $6, now $1 to $3.65 Suitcase* and Bags, wei ? 1.25 to 812.00, now 59c. to $6.95 Going-Atcay Time T.T. Turner & Co. \ Mrs. Foreman Entertains Mrs. J. W. Foreman entertained at rook Thursday at her home on West Main street In honor of Miss Annie Ferebee of Norfolk. The out-of-town guests were each- given lovely hand I made handkerchiefs and the guest of (honor was Riven a hand-made hand ? kerchief and lingerie clasps. The prize for top score was won by Mrs. [H. C. Foreman. After the game de licious punch and an ice course wero 'served. Those playing were: MIsb jes Annie Ferebee of Norfolk^-Ger .trude Edmonson of Staunton. Marga ret Foreman, Mesdames J. B. Kltt frell of Greenville. William Adams o! Four Oaks. M. L. Sheep. H. C. Fore .man, L. R. Foreman. J. K. Hughes Howard Kramer, Frank Kramer am Mrs. William Woodley, Jr. I Give Ifc-tlfftilful Sail '.irr n*;ii Mr'- itiiiirnr w.i'i-man w; a delightful sail on the Wlcocor Thursday evening in honor of Mrs F. I). Vleh*? of Rlnxhamton, N. Y. ??u?'st of Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Blades I Miss Annie Ferebee of Norfolk, guesi I of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Foreman, anc i Miss Gertrude Kdmondson of Staun ton, Va., guest of Miss Margarel j Foreman. Celebrates Birthday Master George Overman celehrat jed his 10th birthday Thursday af ? ternoon at his home on Cypres? j street. Those present were Daisy | Moore, Marion Williams, Mary Fran ces Williams, Ruth Overman. Mary j Raper, Hallie and Fdna Silverthorn, (Hazel Jennings, Reida Burrus, Mar garet Richardson. Eleanor Sawyer, Charlie Hale, Shirley Morrlsette, James H. Thayer, Elliott Morgan. El mer Payne, Ray and Wilfred Wil liams, Rex Mann and Howard Over I man. Personals C. W. Mellck has returned from a ten days stay In the northern mar kets where "tre purchased goods- for the P. W. Mellck Company. Baxter Bell of Shawboro was In the city Thursday on business. Miss Ethel Doby has returned home after a visit to Miss Maude Wright of Camden. Gll!?>rt Doby is spending two weeks at Nags Head. Mr. and Mrs J, T. Cox of Timber land are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Doby on North Dyer street. j Miss Ituth Johnson has returned; from Natural Bridge. Virginia, wlier-; she has been for some time with ; friends on a home party. Miss Hazel Hughes and her guest Mis* Inez (leech of Chapel Hill left Thursday to spend sortie time visit-; Inn Miss Annie White at Nags Head.; Mrs. Susan Williams of North' Road street left Thursday to spend j several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Williams of Shiloh. Mrs. Oscar Jackson and daughter, ) Mar^af-l. of Weeksvilje,.. returned! Thursday from Virginia Beach and Norfolk, where they have been visit-j Ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carter. Misses Pearl and Hat t la.'.Carter and Dennis Carter spent Thursday at Virginia Beach. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Lane and chil dren, Eleanor. Ruth and Judith, and! Mrs. fleorgc Williamson motor.fH to I Ocean View Friday to sj>end the , week-end. Miss Carolyn Aydlett, daughter of1 Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Aydlett, Jr.. was taken to Sarah Leigh Hospital at! Norfolk Friday for an operation. Dr. C. B. Williams was in Norfolk Friday on professional business. MJss Emllv Skinner of Hertford 13 the truest of the Misses Albcrtsons on West Church street. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Sanderlin and children, George. Walter an^ Lula, are visiting relatives at Bel5 cross. Miss Carlp Baldwin of Washing ton Is visiting Miss Alma Armstrong on Burgess street. H. D. Swain. Jr., of Wanchese, Is visit Ins; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Swain, Sr., on Burgess street. Mrs. J. G. Fearing Is able to be out again, after being 111 for several days. ? ? Mrs. George Cartwrlght of Wceks ville will leave Saturday for Virginia Beach, where she will spend several weeks. Ilrariford WlnfU lil af Spartanburg, Gelfand's Relish and Mayonnaise at all good grocers. 666 It th? moil apr?d)r rom?dy wp know for Con.tliuMlon, nniomnc?. Cold*, Hrailarhn and Malarial Ferer. S. C.. was In ?h. city Thursday ons1 business trip. Mrs. J. Norman Whltehurst and daughter. I-oulaer are at home again, after an extended trip to Atlanta Georgia, and Alabama. Mrs. R. H. Commander and little' granddaughter, Jean Armstrong, of West Main street. left for Virainia Beach Friday, where they win spend, some time. | Mr a. RE. Lew la of Pennsy Ivania .avenue and her daucht?r. Hel^n will ? leave Saturday morning for' the jnothern markets to buy fall and I winter millinery for The Fashion Shop. | Miss Daisy Moore of Portsmouth is spending the week with Miss Ruth Overman on Cypress street. John Daniels GrifTin. son of Mrs. ' ^ ' k. Griffin of High Point, who is visiting Mrs. W. C. Sawyer pn North Road street, is recovering rapidly jfrom accuse of measles. I E. S. Chesson Jr., of the firm of E. S. CheRson Co.. returned Thursday from Philadelphia. New York, and Hoston. where lie had be<?n buying fall and winter .goods. INCITE GOVERNORS TO KINGS MOUNTAIN Kings Mountain. August 10.?The governors of North Carolina. South Carolina. Virginia and Tennessee to gether with their stafT ofTic^s. will be invited to attend the annual cel lebration here on October 7. in co niemmoration of the Rattle of Kings Mountain, according to announce ment by the Kings Mountain Cham ber of CoThmerce. Men from these states participated in the Rattle of ! Kings Mountain, which was the turn iing point in the American Revolu tion. I Dr. J. E. Anthony, chairman of jthe committee on conventions of the local commerce body, has the pro-1 gram of the celebration in charge The program has not yet been cotti ? pleted. AUTO COLLISION .. CAUSES EXPLOSION NyacSt Auk. In-Xone per son Is dead, two are believed to have been fatally Injured, with ten seri ously Injured when an auto ran into a 8tea.m concrete mixer here yester day eSiilodlns It. STItKKT I'KKACIIIXU ftx SATl'ltUAY AKTKICNOOX A street service jvJll.lie held Sal urday afternoon at three o'clock at the usual place by .Mrs. L. II. Edge and also services at the Pentecostal" Holiness Church, corner Beech and When Yon Need Accessories, see us. We can fit you up. I vet it* sell J on your accessories. I'rices are rluht. Tidewater Quick Co., Inc. y ^ I IjJ Hopsack Palm Beach X anil Kool.KIoth Suits I ?j* laundered to look like new i Alhcinarhr Laundry PyOXE 123 I Fresh Vegetables Call us for fresh vege tables of all kinds ? if you don't know what you want?ask us. MAIN ST. GROCERY 1/ You Say It With Floners Say It With Ours. THE APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 400 STORAGE BATTERIES FOR AM, MAKES OP TABS? RECHARGED AND REPAIRED Auto & Gat Engine Work* UPTON'S TEA 14 ">? 23< Yl ll?. pkg 42c U DRIVE IT tlent a new Ford iui?] drive It yourwelf. 8|>ecl*l Commercial lUtM. Builoy's Filling Station Church St. Gallop-Sawyer Realty Co Let Ut Handle Your City And Rural Property fflnton I lit titling Main St For Sale Cheap One Studrltaker in good condition Auto Supply & Vulc. Co Oak streets. Sunday mornng at 11.1 Sunday afternoon at S. and Sunday I evening at 7:30 o'clock, the pastor.' Mrs. L. B. Edge, preaching. FL.\(i AT HALF MAST Worth Hagley Council No. 60, Jr.! Q. 17. A. M.. shares Its lo*s and bows its head with sorrow in the death of' our country's Chief, Warren G. Har-. dinu. As a token of the death and burial of our late President, Warren' (J. Harding. our country's flag will j be displayed at half mast from thej front window of our council hall; from 12 o'clock noon to 5 p. m. Frl-1 day. August 10. 1923. J. E. CORBETT, Councilor, j J .W. ALEXANDER. Secy. Silk Hose Special A high class Glove Silk Stocking wtth lace stripes and pointed heel. Illack, white, gray and nude. ?Special price SI.05 i ? M. Leigh Sheep Co. If otnan's IT'ear SEED For Farms and Garden Klectrlc Supplies, Lighting Fixture* and House Wiring. Yours to nerve FEED For Stock and Poultry ^S.VhitefeCo. Where Society Brand Clothe* Are Sold D. Walter Harris The City Tailor and Clothier FOR TIRES Hood, Oldflrld and Mfchelfn ? the best tires for the money Invested. Economy Tire Co, The Family Market ' Grocery Specialties! When you do your grocery shopping with us you are as sured quality products, cour teous treatment and prompt de livery, at the most reasonable prices. | Morgan & Parker x PHONE 2aa DOUBLE - Your Savings It CAN be done Two Kinds of Intercut?Personal and 4%. THE FIRST & CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK "Notice to Consumers" r Gas service will be turned off in the city from 2 p. m. Sunday, August 12th, until 8 a. m. Monday, Aug ust 13th. Please have all your cooking finished before 2 p. m. Sunday, and see that all burners and pilots are closed off tight. The turning off of gas service is made necessary while we are making improvements at our plant. Southern Gas Impt. Co. Morehead City, N. C. Tho Ideal North Carolina Coast resort, offering unusual attractions and accommoda tions for visitors. Atlantic Ho tel has been remodelled and with other hotels offer excel lent accommodations: Unsur passed surf bathing at. Boguo Sound. Convenient schedules via Norfolk Southern trains and close connections at Goldsboro from points on connecting lines. Special Sunday, Week-End and Summer Excursion Fares. Sunday train leave Morehead City, 6:30 P. M. For information, rates and schedules, apply any ticket ag ent or write J. F. DALTON, General PaKnenger Agent, Norfolk, Va. ?Use? PASTEURIZED MILK Guard the health of the lit tle one* by tiding Pasteurized Milk. Delivered twice dally to any part of the city. The Winekream Co. PHONE 578. Magnifying Attention During the Summer when Coats are abolished, your cuff links receive magni fied attention. They should be chosen with this thought in mind. Remember our selection, our qmlity, our value. H.C. Bright Co. Largest Jewelers in Eastern North Carolina :: WE HAVE? (?rwn Country Cabbage Freeh Snap 1 leans Nice Tomatoes Cucumbers Corn Apples for Cooking Ceorgla reaches ? Pears Cantaloupe* and Watermelon?.** FRESH LIMA IIBANS We will appreciate your or ders, large or small and will do our befit to you. PHONE 488 M. V. Perry JLJ FOR MtK CHR4P?1-OT BO * ISO. fronting on pared State highway, next to Whitley Packing Plant. Geo J. Spence. Jy.20-tf-np ISK MrPMEItNON linosWrTn ' I.lne between Rlliabeth City and Norfolk. Learea 10:30 a. m. South ern Hotel. Call 837. Fare $2.00. Jy.S-Aug.ll-pd. WANTED ? POSITION AH HOOK keeper. Graduate of King* Bual- j nana College. Addrena "X" care of Tha Advance ofBce. ' aug?tfnpd i WANTKD ? WOMEN AND UlRMl to work ta flnlahlng room. Apply Elizabeth City Hosiery Company. Aug.7-13-np FOB RKNT-ONK TKN ROOM Homm? Situated on Raleigh Street, near the Hoftpital. House new and In perfect condition. Splendid yard rdom. southern exposure. W. R. Smith' Riverside Drive. Aug 6-llpd. C01X>RKI> DINING CAR WAITKRH and sleeping car porters wanted, yon. Information free. Write 570 Experience nnnec*isjiry. We train Railway Exchange. Omaha. Nebraft- j ker. Thur. Frl. till Oct 6th pd. FOR RKST?M-ICOOM HOl'NK ON Polndexter street. Apply Brad San-! d#>rs, Elizabeth City Iron Works. Aug.9-tfnp HAIKHMAN W A XTKD?TO HKLt, nationally advertised Overalls. Pants and Shirts eastern part of North Car olina open. Entabllshed trade, must hav?? experience, trade following and automobile. Guaranteed drawing ac count and liberal commlaslon. State age Write P. O. Box 747. Lynch er*, Va. Aug.10 pd i r Let's Swap! Mrs. Presses Make* flno drossfs, Cloaks an<! bonnets, too; Mm. Buslck Teachos music? Has so much to do; So Mrs. Presses Make* her dresF#*, Quickly gets thorn don*. While Mrs. Duslck Teaches music To Mrs. Presses* son.

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