THE ADVANCE PKKLK A PKELE. Publisher* NIRBCRT PEKLC. Hitw Member of the A?wocli?te?l IVw*. ?W Amctiiil Pr*M It antitla* ta th* im tar N'HMlMlltii ?f nrwi tfupatrhfi credits in thil WWf U4 alto n tna lacai n?.i>Vuknihil ttiaraln. at tha aa?l?rr.a? at (liitbflli City, N. C.. II M??"4 tliH matter. r-v ' Im* Oa*. II ?antni K.N MM Jw. 12 miUii 1&.M ?y Hail (Iwalitd lt.00 ttub*crl|>tioii Ilctes lly Carrier aanttw (la Mvanoa) fm ???Oil (In Un*H) - ... I2.2J MONDAY. Al'GUST 20, 1023. A I.oxl Opportunity America is bound to view with grave concern the rupture between France and England as to fhe French occupation of th^ Ruhr, but there doesn't seem to be anything that American can do about it. On Saturday, August 11, Lord Curzon flatly declared the French occupation of the Ruhr! illegal. On Sunday, August 19, | Premier Poincare of France, speaking at Charleville within the shadow of the building which was the seat of the Ger m a n military headquarters, said: This really Is an unhappy argu-j ment, especially when the text of the treaty of Versailles and the declara tions made collectively by the Allies*,', Including Great Britain, prior to Jan uary 11, 1 fi21!. recognized the right, of the Allies to occupy additional ter ritory as security for payment of rep arations. Instead of engaging In controvers ies of this sort, the premier contin ued, we should better be advised to see practical solutions of problems toward which no one may show lack of Interest. Europe will recover Its economic and moral equilibrium only J on such a day, as peace shall be os-i tabHshed upon a solid basis. Pence entails the loyal execution of treaties 8lgned and justice exacts, complete reperatlon for damages caused France demands nothing else and ' England cannot desire anything dif ferent. Surely a way of agreeing to gether must be found. As to America's attitude to ward the controversy which seems to be daily widening the breach between England and France the Greensboro News in a recent editorial says: As far as the American people art concerned, they have no direct in terest in this quarrel, except as it may eontain the germs of futuh wars; but for the very reason that It may contain them. Americans mmt necessarily take a keen interest In the progress of the negotiations. Moreover, the sympathy of the poo- I pie will Inevitably go to one side or j the other, and even the popular sym- j pathy, not backed by any sort of gov ernmental Interference, of as huge a nation as the United States Is In It aelf an Immense force. It would be lamentable If that sympathy went to the wrong aide. i In the first place, the Britons have the advantage in appealing to Amer icans, for America is only less an xious than Great Britain herself to see aome kind of settlement ar ranged. Furthermore, the country has been doubtful from the begin ning of the efficacy of the Ruhr In tervention, and nothing has occurred , to settle Its doubts. On the other hand, this country Is not sure Just how much of British policy Is based on a real desire for peace, and how much on a desire to cripple French Influence and power on the continent of Europe. We are more than will ing to lend a hand In establishment of peace, but we have no desire to be used for the estal^ishmcnt of a British ascendancy over France. Our great opportunity passed four years ago. Had we joined In ener getically In the settlement of the Eu ropean chaos, the Ruhr Invasion in all likelihood never would have tak en place, and It Is probable that long ere this the total of German repara tions would have been not only fixed, but partially paid. However, It 1s no use to cry over spilt milk. All that la left to us now seem to be a policy of watchful waiting. Including a firm 1 refusal to be drawn Into blind alle giance to any purely nationalistic Mheme, whether British, French, or any other. Did It Really Happen? When a New Yorker recov ered from a drunken spree it was to discover himself married to an actress whom he had known for only four days, ac cording to the story being told in the daily newspapers now. "When I found what I had let myself in for," says the hus band, "I determined to make the best of it, but I've never been in toxicated since." Here seems to be at least one authenticated instance of a wo man's reforming a man by mar rying him. Broken, they say, in health, ?ore in spirit and, we mistrust, aad /at heart, Cameron Morrison ought to be a horrible example *"?0 sundry North Carolinians who have seemed to be im pressed that it would be nice to be Governor of North Carolina. Celebrate* Birthday Mrs. J. I*, Hughes entertained at her liojne on I'eliiiuylvunla avenue Thurnlay night in honor of her 56th birthday. Watermelon, punch and leak*' w#*r*' served and Mr*. Hughes Iwin the recipient of many lovely gifts 'and good wishes. The guests were: i.Mr..and Mrs. J. E. Hughes and son. Edward, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. T. S. [Hughes and son. Thomas. Jr., Mr. ami Mrs. O. L. Hughes and children. Elizabeth and John. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Griffin and son, Kdward, Jr.. Mrs. F. M. Wilson and son Frank, Jr., of Woodvllle; Mrs. H. E. Hanks and daughter, Virgil la Mae, Miss Evelyn Hughes, Miss Mildred Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Will Zimmerman. Personals 'Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Foreman, and children, Camilla and Wesley. Jr., Mr. and Mrs. W J. Woodley left Mon day for nn extensive automobile trip through Pennsylvania and New York to Niagara Falls, Toronto. Montreal, Thousand Islands, Quebec, return ing through the New England States. G. II. Harrow returned Sunday morning* after spending some time in New York. Mrs. Barrow and lit tle iMiss Alice Fearing Barrow who accompanied him on the trip re maned to visit friends in New Jer sey. Miss Elizabeth Saunders returned Saturday from Wllloughby Beach where she has been the guest of Mrs. Jack Bogan. Miss Neva Owens and Miss Emily Hnrris have returned from Ocean View, where they spent the week end. Clayton OwcTis of NorTnUc !? r!?P Ing Zach Owens on West Church street. Mrs. D. P. Held and nephew. Al man Brown, and Miss Mary Reid of Norfolk, Imve returned home, after visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Overman of Route Two, city. Miss Anna DeLon of North Road street has returned from Newport News, whfre she was the guest of her niece, Miss Bruce Davis. Miss DeLon was accompanied home by Miss Davis who will spend several days here. Dr. and Mrs. J. II. /Thayer nnc son. Janus Henry, Jr.,' will Wednesday for a vacation trip t Washington, D. C,, Philadelphia, N< 'York city and a trip up the Hudson. W. P. Duff. C. E. Thompson and i W. G. Galther were among the Sun day visitors at Nai:s Head. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Small and I children. Walter. Jr. and Lillian. re Iturned Sunday from Virginia Reach, (where they have been for aeveral weeks. I)r. and Mrs. C. TV Williams and ? children. Robert and Rennle. have returned from Ocean View, where ! they have been for some time. Miss Amte Cheatham of Henderson and Miss Van Cleve Wilkins of Ath ens, Georgia, are the guests of Miss Ruth White on West Main street. Miss Ruth White and her guests. I Miss Amle Cheatham of Henderson, land Miss Van Cleve Wilkins of Ath ens. Georgia, spent Sunday at Nags 'Head. i Mrs. L. S. Gordon and daughter, I Mabel, retBrned Sunday from Nor folk. where they have been visiting i Mrs. Gordon's sister. Mrs. M. L. Tay I lor. Miss Emerald Sykes returned Sun day from New York City where she has been attending the New York Schoo! of Music and Arts. Little Miss Margaret Anderson is. .Improving at her Tiome on Parsonage street after narrowly escaping blood I poison from a nail wound in her , foot. Lee Anderson who underwent an operation at the Community Hospi tal last week for appendicitis is im proving. John Harney of Raleigh pawed [ through the city Sunday enroute home after spending several days' at Nags Head. Selhy Harney and sons.^f apehart | and Selby. Jr.. are visiting Mr. Har ney's mother. Mrs T. S. Harney on West Main street. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Morgan and children. Marie and Elliott, of East j nroad street spent Sunday at Ocean ' View. Mrs. W. C. My rick of Littleton has Where Society Brand Clothes Are Sold D. Walter Harris The City Tailor and Clothier We have Springs and bear ings for all makes of cars. AUTO SUPPLY & VULCANIZING CO. At Its Best When Brewed In the Banquet I Percolator Teapot. Information In each package tella how to get this teapot. You will enjoy the tan- I talizing fragrance and the delightful flavor which charms all lovers of good tea. Direct from the Orient McCORMICK A CO., Baltimore Importer*, Blenders and Packer* I returned home after vlsiing Mr. and '.Mrs. C. L. Morgan of East Broad ' street. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Barnett spent Sunday at Nags Head. Mrs. Robert Beasley returned Sun day from Manns Harbor after visit ing relatives and friends for some time. Miss Priscilla Barnett and Miss Hester Barnett left Monday for Beaufort where they will visit Mrs. Pecola Johnson. Miss Amy Hewett of Norfolk is the guest of Mrs. Earl Sawyer of this city. Editor H. L. Story of the Albe FARM FOR SALE Not just an ordinary farm, but one worth while. Located in Nlxonton Township, six miles from city and reached by two roads. Acreage 35 under plow; 30 in pine timber and piling; 35 in swamp containing gum, ash and cypress timber. Seven room dwelling in good shape. Good sized barn and stables. Fruit tn|es. large grape vine, walnut trees, etc. Loamy soil and good for all crops. Near churches and good schools. Price a sacrifice?$7, 500, as I am not a farmer. The timber ho place will nearly pay for it if properly handled. Will consider other property in part payment. V. W. E. DUNSTAN Elizabeth City. N. C. If You Say It IWith Plotters Say It With Ours. THE APOTHECARY SHOP PHONE 400 <~x-xkkkk~x~x~^x~x~x~x~x~x? | H. C. Bright Co. ;!; H atches, Diamonds .Ivicclry .;. Ilinton lH.lx. - Main St. :>: < STORAGE BATTERIES FOR AI.L MAKFS OP TARS? HECHAltGKI) ANI> REPAIRED Auto ?c Gas Engine Worke x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x~: <~x~x~x~>* | ?Use? ? f PASTEURIZED MILK Guard the health of the lit tle ones by nsing Pasteurized Milk. Delivered twice daily to any part of the city. The Winekream Co. ,j. * PHONE 578. SEED For Farms and Garden Electric Supplies, Lighting Fixture? ami House Wiring. Yours (o serve FEED For Stock and Poultry ^S-WhitefeCo Phone e.*: 120-21 Poindortrr St. NKW FALL HATH ARRIVING DAI ly at Ferry's "Smart" 8hop, Main Street, near Southern Hotel. Auk 16-27 np. | FOR RRKT?6-HOOM HOUSE OX Polndexter street. Apply Brad San ders. Elisabeth City Iron Works. Aug 9-tf-np l-OHT?AT l*OHT OFFICR FRIDAY morning, bunch of keps on ring In leather case. Reward If returned to The Advance Office. 8ALRSMAX WAMTBD?TO ftVCIX nationally advertised overalls, pants and shirts In the following Virginia counties: Stafford. King, George. Carolna. Essex. Westmoreland. Rich mond, King and Queen, King Wil liam, New Kent, James City, War wick, Oloucetser, Matthews. Middle* sex, Lancaster. North 1'mberland. Surry, l*le of Wight. Nansemond. Norfolk, Princess Anne. North Car olina counties: North Hampton, Bertie, Chowan, Hertford. Gates, Perquimans. Pasquotank, Camden. Currituck. Established trade; must have^ade following, experience and automobile. Guaranteed drawing ac count and liberal commlaslons. State age Write P. O. Box 74T, Lynch burg. Virginia. Attg.St-p4. WANTID?TWO IIOYH NOT OOINCJ to school to carry papers, apply Vir ginian Pilot Bureau, 234 Hlnton budding. Aug.20-3t-np WAXTKD?8ALKHMAN FOR KIJZ abeth City and vicinity immediately. Can earn $100 weekly. Write The Parker Refining Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Aug.20-pd FOR HATiR ? KKOOVD HAND Ill cycle In first class condition. Call at (Ir.fTln's Bicycle 8hop Matthews str? 00, fronting on pared State highway, next to Whitley l'scklng riant. Oeo. J. Spence. Jy.lO-tf-np Let's Swap! X V 7? K r T, Broadcast far and wide! H I, ft, A II C. Linton! Hare you tried X T l*K B V The SWAP-AD trading game! H I, 8, A n r. Broadcast wide Its fame. marie Observer. Edenton, with Mrs. j Story and a party of friends, motored to Elizabeth City Sunday afternoon, j Little Carolyn Aydlett is getting along well at Sarah Leigh Hospital where she was taken for treatment and underwent an operation last Week. Mrs. J. W. Davis and son. Worth, are spending some time visiting, friends a Yirgina Beach. TIMELY TOPICS ! KUctric Fans $5.00, Electric StoveB jg.oo Electric Turn Toaster >9.25j Electric Percolator . , >18.25 Icy-Hot Bottles >1.00 / P. W. MELICK-CO. Gelfand's Relish and Mayonnaise at all good grocers. I FREE! While they Last A Klim Cook Book and Klim Measuring Spoon. Buy a can of Klim today at our store, get a cook book and measuring spoon, and try the delicious Klim rec ipes. M. P. Gallop Co PHONES 8 AND 57 Corner Main & Water Sta. "Parties" "Picnics" aiul for "CATCH UP" meal* these hols days CALL 697 OK 698 lU KK'S MAYONNAISE l)lKi:*S UELISI1 1>I KK'S HI'SSI AN (iHI.I AMVS IthMSH PICKLES?of nil kind*. OI.IVES and SANDWICH 8PKKAD R. L. GARRETT "AICOI'ND THE CORNER" EARL & WILSON Shirts There are none better for the price. McCABE & CRICE For lliat MONDAY LUNCH Let us help .you with SLICED IIOILKD IIAM SLICK!) DKIKI) IlKKF MINT LUNCHEON and NICK l'KACHKS M. V. PERRY Phone l#3 Canh and Delivery AT Cash and Carry Pricos Kagle l|fAn<1 MILK, nut 19c K\d|i#filH Milk, Tall can..11c (?urilner'fl and Merchants' lltriMl, loaf - He 1'neeila ltl*ciilt? 6c Morgan & Parker PHONES 2.K1-306 Fresh Vegetables Call us for fresh vege tables of all kinds ? if you don't know what you want?ask us. MAIN ST. GROCERY UPTON'S TEA V\ ll?. - ~..23e Yl lb. pkg 42c Gallop-SawyerRealtyCo Ut U? Handle Your City And Rural Property This Exquis ite Kins in all l'laiin um and coutaius a single fine quality for $225.00 Ol. R % aluatlons are unusu ally reasonable, it will pay you well to make a comparisoft-tff our prices before making your seection. Forty-two years of square dealing your safeguard In pur chasing a Diamond. LOUIS SELIG QUALITY SINCE 1H82 Main ?st Water ??ts. Silk Hose Special A high class Glove Silk Stocking with lace stripes and pointed heel. Black, white, gray and nude. Special price $1.95 M. Leigh Sheep Co. Woman's Wear ALKRAMA TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY August 21 mid 22 MrmdMrs. MartinJohnson's TRAILING AFRICAN WILD ANIMALS Thm King of Beasts it an impraaiv figure in this King of Big Gmmrn Photo ADMISSION: 10c and 33c;* 15c an