* * * * * * * \orthvast winds. * ******** ********* Li \ JL. XIII. FIN'AL EDITION. ELIZABETH CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, MONDAY EVENING, SEPTEMBER 10, 1923. EIGHT PAGES. NO. 209. CONCRETE INSTEAD OF GRAVEL LIKELY N iriritiiu Highway Officials .Mu\ (Jump1 Speoiiicalio^ of i?oa?l from Drop (.reek l*i North Carolina Lino. Norfolk^ Sept. 10.?Concrete, in -'.-?ud jf cray travel, may be used in i lit* const ruction of Route 12-X. be Deep Creek and tlx** North Car olina lint.*, according to developments sine** tli? state highway commission announced last week the plans of Portsmouth and Norfolk county offi cials relative to building--of the 1U miles of highway. It was reliably stated in official circles last niuht that a determined effort will be made at the joint meet ing.of the city and county road com mittees Tuesday to change the speci fication''. as originally agreed upon; from gravel to concrete. Those who advocate the construc tion of a concrete highway declare that no other road would be adequate to compete -with Route 27. running throuulr Great Urldco. which will be constructed of concrete. An effort on the part of Norfolk business men, officials pointed out, to have Route 2 7 constructed as soon as possible, emphasized the need of a concrete highway between Deep Cfvk niul the North Carolina line, it Portsmouth is to retain the source re\I'liue derived from the bulk of the North Carolina traffic passim, through the city. Is Shorter Route According to the highway officials, Route 27 is 10 milea longer than Route 12-X from any point In North Carolina to Portsmouth and Nor folk. Officials believe that if Route 12-X l? constructed of clay yravel instead of conrrete, motorists will prefer t'? travel jo mile* further over a con crete route, rather than use the ' ?l-r.m-1?KOiiil?route, thereby div? itinv traffic entirely away from Portsmouth, and the ferries, over road ;md tii. ii.-- t?> Nor folk., Portsmouth?merchants will! bo asked to attend the siiecial meeting ?Tuesday. it is said, for the purpose ot bringing every Influence to bear upon the members of both rommlt t? e-. in behalf of a concrete con i-truct road ov?r Route 12-X. Xo l-'inaiicial Kmi-irr If lx understood that there Is no financial barrier to cope with, in so far a* tin financing of the concrete construction of the road is concerned. It was authoritatively stated that-ar ranaem^i t ; have already been made to finance the project, with tlie as surance that the city share of the burden, which amounts to $lfi2.f?00 will be returned to the municipal treasury upon the completion of the road work. The county, it was point ed out, is in a position to advance its share of tlie cost immediate ly. The city's share of the rout will be reutrned, it Is said,, by virtue of the fact, that 12-X N a !?*? d? ral road, and that funds. sucUvj&s tin ?? ity will ad vance, are payable on the part of the Government Immediately after the construction work is finished. H. <5. Shirley, chairman of the state highway commission, officials say, has already agreed lo build any type of r< :kd-t-he city and county of ficials misbt su:rL-est. The Kvnvr] road will asked for by countv and city officials during a recent confer ence with highway officials in Rich mond. Mr. Shirley a-ur-M them, it is said, that it does not make any difference to the state what material is used In the construction of the roads, statins that either bituminous macadam, water bound macadam, concrete or gravel could be specified, Construction Cost Reduced Highway officials who have made a survey of the canal bank road, say a concrete highway could l>e built there cheaper than In any other part of the state, as all materials could be liuhtered to the point of dis churue. thereby eliminating all truck and team hauls. The engineers estimate that the road could be built in fix months, owlnu to operating under exception ally favorable conditions. It was pointed out that in view of the comparatively short time needed for the construction, that the city's interest burden Would extend over a period of Inns than one year. NEW IKEH.HT LINE BEGINS THIS WEEK A new freight line from Baltimore lo Elizabeth City begins operation nbout Wednesday of this w.?ek. Captain L. W. Kelson purchased t!,.? freight boat "Defiance" at a re nt pale under libel and In being ?,v< rh '.tiled and will-soon bo In shape ?or ? ; ration. W lv t-lp* will be made from Raili'i 1? Elisabeth City. Thl<< line will be of considerable advan tage t ? wholesale business houses In Klliabeth City. Miss NKI.VJK sTIt Mil, is NOW \ NOTARY ITHMC n.tb luh. Sept. 10 - Notary of the public -licenses have been l??ued nt the office i.f Oovrrnor Morrison to the follow-In: persons: J. C. Law rence. Ralelah; Miss Annie M. Ader holdt. 8tatesvlll?; T. C. Hyman. Fay rttevllle; H. V. Rore. Smlthfleid; Miss Nellie O. Htrabl. Elisabeth Cltyv T. R Wall, Greensboro; J. A. War ten. Chapel Hill. OKDKIt I'ASSIVK KESISTANCF. KM) 111* TLp A.' fU'-d I'f >?? I.nr.dnn. S-pt. 1?>.?Popula tions in tli* occupied ar? as of Germany have Im n ordered to discontinue ilicir passive resis tance "to tin* French an?! li? !? iiian authorities, according to the Central N<.ws. .correspond t ut in U? rlin. URGE PURCHASE OF DISMAL CANAL Carolina anil Virginia W ill Unite Forres During (in vention of Deeper Water ways Association. Norfolk, Sept. 10.?Virginia and1 North Carolina will combine forces' during the convention of the Atlantic Deeper Waterways Ansociation horo November 13 to lf> for furthering tho movement on foot to have the United States buy the Dismal Swamp Canal and keep it open as a free waterway. This project long has been before Congress, and industries alone the route have brought all their influence' lo boar in favor of Government pur chase niul operation. Renewed ef forts now are b'Hng made to crys talize sentiment to this end..both in Nori^ Carolina 'and in Virginia. tillers tin- Government buys (lie :canal it will be forced out of business |shortly, became of the competition 'brought by the Albemarle-Chesa peake Canal, operated in compotitlon by tho Government froo of toils. The 'owncra of the Dismal Swamp Canal ha v?* offered to bell for Saoo.ooO, which is said to he about half of its .estimated value. A bill has boon bvfore Congress for several years providing for the 1 "Mi rcii;t* :iru?-rs ha\ ?? * \ j pressed confidence that it will bo ! passed at the next session, provido>i tli" II ! ? | ? l'l i ? ( < i. ? I 1'iv. t fin In '! ufflclontiy cry>tali/.(-d. Tho Atlantic Deeper Waterways Association will ; o'lnto a full discussion of tin- matter In its forthcoming meeting, with a iview to iirilvlnu at some means of getting the* quegiion, once, aiid for jail. The rich agricultural territory 'which centers it) Kilzubeth City. N. C., is deeply interested in the pur chase of this canal by tlie Gbvern ; inent, because it is one of tho prin cipal outlot to market from that ter 'rltor.v .? T.nrue lumber Industries. lo cated on the route of the canal, and many of them established tl?< re on the strength of facilities provided by this'watei way. are ; ;ii lur: ?? section of agricultural territory bordering its route. North Carolina interests ore prepared to give their full support to the advocate, of the i purchase In Virginia. School Has Opened At Poplar Branch Tlranch School opened thin mornltr. wiili ili?- faculty of 11 tolCbeffl nil here. wltl\ the new teachf raue com pleled. with the school bnlhllni: ren ovated find put In eomplete rcadlm-**,. nud with eyery prospect for a splen did year's work. Two new trucks will transport! students to Poplar Hranch this y? ar,1 making n total of five trucks briir.-i Ins In students from cfther parts of. the county. The children of the primary d#-] partment will give an entertainment j Saturday evening, the chief feature of which will he n Hahy Show. The Parent -Teachers' Association Is busily nt work assist lfi- In many wayn to make the session successful and pleasant. ItlOVIVAf. MttilNH TOXIOHT iti:i;i;\ liAfTlsT (Hl KCll Revival service.* at Ilerca Tin pt 1st Church bevln tonlsht at 8 o'clock. The pastor. Hey. II. I'. Hall, will he assisted by Rev. E. I.. Wells of Kd enton. Services will be held each af ternoon and eveninu throughout the \v. ? k at 3 and ? o'clock. ThC public Is cordially Invited. FORMERLY LARGEST COTTON EXI*OKTF.li ilalrlph. Hcpt 10 -Col. Charlen E. Jnlinsnn, prominent cltlfn of Ra lelKh for fifty yeart. and formerly the lint largest cotton exporter in the | State, died here laat night. . Miraculous Escape In Auto Accident Man And Wife Apparently Get Off With Minor Bruises When Car is Wrecked Ney* has just readied Elisabeth ? "it> ??i (li?* miraculous t scape from d?;ith ol Oexter Forbes and Mr>. Forbes of Currituck County win n 11 *?? Ford coupe. driven by Mr. Korbis with Ms wife on the s?at beside liini. turn I'd a complPtc somersault wh* n it Tailed to keep to the road at the curve between Maple post off ice and Currituck Courthouse last Thursday.' Tli?' curve, which is not a sharp one. in only a few hundred feet from the! postoffice. Mr. Forbes, according to reports! reaching lu re, was taking his wife to a teachers' meeting at the courthouse| but was driving recklessly and was apparently under the influence of.li-, quor. The car turned completely ov-. er and when bystanders rushed to the wreck it was to find the machine headed in exactly the opposite direc-l tion from that which it had when it i left the road. Mr. Forbes escaped with no injury more serious than a s? vere exit on] the arm. it is said. Mis. Forbes ap-1 pea red to escape without marked in jury of any sort, unless she buffered internal injuries that were not ap parent. Lone Man Holding Policemen At Bay I'ellesville. ill., Sept. 1(1.?Harry Kettb r. ag<-d 27, today shot his wife and moth' r in law, and when a score of )Htiicemen surrounded the house, he 0|H'lli;d fire ell the .officers, W.M'i ou? I' wonndini: two of them. ?T!u? im:ii?fwiii.v?to y,\. I .on is for r< inforcemeiHs and a gun squad e'iroute th? re. t'Oill\TII MCFTIMi i:\ps with i*'.\i !:i>i i \ r iticsri/rs Tin- revival :it Corinth Itaipti.-t Church in which Tt? v. A. <:. llamhv. :i i: t. d lh*> pastor. Hev. II. iVlIail. clo?i? d Sunday night. Sixteen iiit mh<-rs w\r?r? baptized, seven volunteered for ?!? finite Cbn - tian service, and.fh?-r> wire eii/lit n< \v subscriptions to the Isihlical !:? forder. (Jood crowds attended all three services Sunday. Two Killed When Train Leaves Track lloanoke. Va.. Sept. 10.?Fireman Toil< y van killed ,toduy ami sev>n person- were injured, two seriously, when ill-1 Norfolk and Western south bound fr? inlit train 1?*ft the tracks a few miles north of here and piti 11 feed Into a car on which several men were loading lumber. The In jured .were .rushed *to the ho.spital here. NEW STKENGTH IN THE COTTON MAIUvET New Orleans, Srpt. 1ft Cotton f how* d r? newed str< ntfh today and all month* In the contract market went to n? w lilfih levels for the x .i -on. October roco almost 10ft points or $j a hah', from the early level. A privat* crop estimate of only 10.2r.e n60 Imh . Includlm: lint'Vn, vn< re ponslble for much of the buy-, Int. Now York. Sept. 10. Within tl ? ftr^t half hour of trading today Oc tober "rotten advanced f?ft point to 2^.50. or $5 a bale above Saturday'* closing. ckeece accepts COUNCIL'S TEIWS Athens, Sept. 10. C,|. c< y< f-r day accepted the t? rms of tin Coun cil of Amb.i 'xadorn to Mltlo the Ore eo Italian dispute. WANTS LESS TALK IW AND MOKE III. SI NESS Impressed with the loss of film through so much sp? ? ch-m#klDit ht sessions of tli" City Council, Council man L S. Gordon hav a plan by which he believe* much time Vould be Raved and better results be ob tained nil around. lie believes that It would be to tin iHvantafcc to all concerned for anyone having a matter to present to the Council to deal dlfectly with the Council rattier than throne1) paid at torneys. Says Mr. Gordon: "If anyone haw a grievance or any other matter which be wi^hca to brlnto the attentloy of the Council, I believe that he can be hi ard more promptly and given any relb f he may seek equally as effectively If he will put his petition, or whatever other matter he may wish to present*. In! writing, and hand It to the member of the Council from his ward. "This Councilman can bring the, matter to the attention of the whole , body in a few words and thtts more, matters of business can be attended to." HAVE THREE DAYS 1 70 RAISE QUOTA! FJiAisIielli Oily I rgril 1>j [Ii'ai1i|ii:irliT!> to lliirrx < 011 li"iitilit?ti< In l!e lirl I- timl. Tl.f follow lnv |t>|? urain lias l?? ???? rec* iv ?1 by .1 II. U Uoy. Jr., chair man of the local chapter. American lli il Ci ???*!?: "finally concerned t?ecause no new* your chapter relative Presi dent's appeal for Japanese. Your quota nece.-sary to obtain your State".* j;oal. Southern division chapter quotas lowest possible and bared on every chapter helping. Wire immediately closest your estimate amount can be expected your com munity next three days." "As the for?-uoiiifi telegram indi cates haste i.s half the battle." says Chairman l.eltoy, "Saturday's News and Observer contained the follow ing headlines: 'Italeiuh passes coal] bv $l,(oio; nation giving liberally to heip stricken Japan.' "Can Elizabeth Citv and Pasquo- J tnr.U County neglect this opportunity I to render a ser\ic?* to humat'it> 7 The? oxpcntivo committer of the IJed Cross i believes that this call wlli lie ffuXTi-1 clent to raise Hii' $::qn.noO without personal solicitation. "I.ei l.ear from the Individuaju.' Send y? t:r money or check to Harney Jennings. treaMir?r. care Savings Oank Ar Tru*t? Company. "The treasurers of churches and other contributing organizations an asked to F. nd clucks for their con tributions to Mr. Jen Hint's at once.. If some pledges have no( Ixcn col lected r? port the amount colN et?-r contrlbtitioi? to this county'* quota of the Japane-to It?-llef. Contribu i ? i' ? i i? i < i I i ? 11 ? ., . ? i,;' I ii (!< ii|? t W. o Sauirdi r? . >" 10 OU PractIcoI ly *ev< r> chtfVcti in lite ?Ity took a collection for Japanese r? li?T Sunday, but up to 11 o'clock Mondax the various church tn:i-urers Sad mano report to Mr. J? nnlnvs. Jewish Merchants Observe New Year Rosh Mashana Registers Pro founclcsts Convictions of Jewish People Uosh Hasliann, tin Jewish N- w : Year, brill s at o'clock this ev? n ln.: and lasts until *? o'clnfk Tuesday, ev? nine. It lb a pun ly*F? H^louM 6c fHsion, solemnly celebrated in ? v? ry natotiH' and t? mple throughout t)i< world. Tin' iooond day of the! obftvami Is v i1' h> the ortliodux of tin? J ? will faith wit I) prayera. li tanies and M?n^.? <<|Ual In fervor to those i f tli>- first day. Uosh 1-fashann r? ? istern the |?r*? founde'at conviction; of the l<'M h people. T of atonement which occurs In days lat er, It Iuih always had a tinii|iie hojd cm the J'-ttMi peopb the world over. The symbolism of tin- da> was used with treat effectiveness In driv ing horn** tin* moral lesson of reju-nt ance. The soundiuv oT tie- rain's horn (Shofnr) was to r?mind the congregation to repent of tin ir slim and to Improve their Ways that they might rise on hteppln: r ton. of their d< id Hi'lvea to higher things and wor thb r aim*, The Shofar blasts wen intend' 1 to i--iiIfy three dominant Ideal* of the i' -IK* ion of Israel. There blasts pro claim* d the fact that Clod Is Kin? all ovt-r tli*' earth, that He Is Jud'-e'of i inn's deeds and thought and that It* i ruler who proven throughout Hie! j :' s that righteousness and Justice an ultimately triumphant. The* N?-w Year's day !?? therefore a c> nt and only half heartedly j carried out. On Kosli Hnshana ureef i lii' M are exchanged among frlendn| ami It I if d red and hou re hold ties are knit firmer. N w Year's cards are i malted to friend ; and n lations and ! Ofte n telegrams are rent by dear one?j to their kindred conveying best wish-j ? and hopes Of a year of health, liap-j pines* and worthiness. Closed Monday and Tuesday on j account of the Jewish holiday are the Kllzaheth City flrmn of IxipMls Ke||g, Mosen Olisner and H. Oanderson. HKMOD t'liOHKD Tt KHDAY Sella's Jewelry Store will he closed all day Tuesday, Heptember 11. which In a Jewish holiday. adv. I II n I)K VI) IN <: vi.cr'iTA yr\Ki: 'l.tmtltMi. s- i-t l??. riftiM-n pcfoii* ..i. ri.il Mil* 'I or iii.mii-> ?1 in 11raiili^iialv' wliicll : hook Oilli'Ht:.) 1i ?!;iv, -:?>* at* i:\ci.jin .? T. J. i.ii'li ili?pnt? !i 11 ? III 111t. I ritlf.ii In dian li i:' reported 11 hit the ral?l Mii'kinu a possible route for a new I railroad linkitm the coal Adds with ! the Atlantic s parly recently visited Soutliport ' and looked It over. The Carolina, CMnchflcld ? and JJlilo look* d Soul )i port i?v?*r whiMi it* WHs I mi IIVISn?; lis splendid road froiit the roal fl< 1 I t ? 1 Fo7TFe"j~ and rumor also saytt that a tentative route lias been vli wi .1 :?nd found to i '' ??' " !??>! .ii i ? ? Im nl ni'iinu throuvh the mountains. j Such a nmii, which would lirlnu i.crial h< ,?r? r in faiolirtsi Industrie.. and trav? r-< !'. l?e Sold for SiT:i])|tin^ Wasbltu'toit, 1-1. 10.-- Tw??rtly o?i?> battle** hi pi and battle cruisers .vISI l> ? old f Tokio. 1 ft.?-Report* of a thr? .iff ncd epidemic ??f choleru In tfir* region devastated by tin- earthquake ? unfounded, .irrordinK to authori ties here. Sixty thousand bodies have been recovt red In Toklo and Yokohama tip to and including todny. and the po lice < timate that 100,000 have he ? Geneva. Sept. 10. Ireland was to day unanimously elected to m? mber ?hip In the f^esfgue of Nation* by the Assembly. M.< %|fK nn <41114 i i i:\ti iii; ivw.i, moi>kh McCabe and Orlce are featuring the new autumn mode* at their store this week, and In today's Advance In vite shopper* to view the season's styles. Mr. and Mr*. N. T. Aydlett and children motored to Sbawboro and spent the day Sunday. DESTROYERS ARE BETWEEN ROCKS Twciily-foiic .Mm killed jmil Sevri'al Injured ? Steam j-!ii|i Cillta Al?u (.rmmded mill Itullii't'd to I'itTcs. (Hj Th? AimrlilM rrfaa) Santa Uai ba, Sept. lO?Twen ty-three persons are dead and 15 injured, and seven destroyers of the Pacific squadron of the bat tlelleet are held fast between the rocks off the point at Arsuel lo Light between San Francisco and Los Angeles. These are the outstanding consc quenccs of (lie Navy's major marine disaster in the Pacific wat?ys. The Injured arc being tiun?ed nt hospitals licrc. A tminl'uiil of survivors Is hendeo lor. San |)ii*i:o, while the s?'vcn ships arc fast approaching total wrecks by Incessant pounding of the surf. Tin* deaftoyers wrnt asliorc while cruising from San Francisco to San Oieuo Saturday night In the dense fog. ?Hi-^nUen position In relation to tfn*- eoa \ line Is believed to have caused the crash. San Francisco. Sept. 1<>.?Seven Klilted States destroy, is were totMlly destroyed \ ? ?t?>r?ln>' wlwnthey went ashore on the rocks 75 tulles north or Santa. Ilarbara. and 2 1 men were killed and nev? ral Injured. The si? am-l.lp. Cuba, also ground ed and was battered to pieces. Most of the pa.: I'liin rs -are believed to Has Old Letter From -Mexk'o Battle Front L'.Uli' From?Sold it. r?Untie In 1847 Treasured By Mrs. Trueblood A letter :?> vi nly nix yearn old, wi!;|en !?? for? the days of nivchipP'i wlii ti the letter JHelf was fabled .?ml ?? i! I with wax. by her uncle, 1 :1 atf it wax pro bably m nt tv conrl> to _o t< . ii LiiIm l*olosb or to the r;rpit:rl of M?*xir*r, one or tho other. "Scott nnd the Mexicans has hud another tremonclous ft *?h t. Tho nunihor of Mexican* that wore killed are too topiiotm li? mention. Thof? were fivi thousand taken prisoners. So Vet I of tin* highest rank of Santa Anna's .taff, his borne* and carrlago and bi? cork lev an beforo long. I am very tire I of thi* place and am not In very ?ood health at this time but po iit? do duty. There aro ? '?vcial of our in? ? n sick at this tlmo but not dangerously. "I lioj.i. I shall you nil again in tin* Old North State. Tell all tho i. oplo howdo for me and tell theiA I ix'n'i to v,.e thom again. "f do not think thai wo shall have to st ?y Ir re much lonicer. Tho Mexicans want poire worn" than wo i!o. "f hope that thou? fow line* may fmd you all enjoying a roMonaW* portion of health. May -Ood blem you all in every respect, whatever. I must com* to a cio?e, write to me ev< ry opportunity." Tho letter cWmo* with direction-* ?is to how letters to tile writer ought to 4>e addressed ;?nrt wilii repeated uriMnf-^. that hi" friend* write to him. WOltl.D SHIMM Y or cotton is t.owKtt Washington, Sept. 10, -The total world Mivuly of cotton on Atiiuirt 1 wax 27.'?;x.000 bale*, as compared with 2ft.fi02.600 bale* on AiroM 1 last v.-ar. nceordlnu to the survey of the Department of Commerce. '"?ids m iftKWT New York, flopt. 10. spot cotton, closed steady. Middling 29.10 an ad vance of IT, points over the opening. Futures, closing bid. Oct. 27.8/1-88, Dec 27.5.1-02. Jntj. 27 20-23. March 27.2r.*no, May 27.20-24, July 26.96 triuling New York, flopt. 10.?Cotton fu ture* opened today at the following lovela: Oct. 27.60-60. Dec. 27.37-33, Jan 26.90-84, March 26.96-86, May 26.90-95. * A