Fhe DAILY ADVANCE Announces a ^ u r ,er. lteme?nl>er ?"KVKHYBODY WINS." Clip the Nomination lllank on |uige 1 and send or bring It In for yourself or a friend today?be riding In al car of your own In a short time. Vote-netting in this "EVKRYRODY WINS" Sri.OOO.tH) (.rami Prize Campaign Is ea?y and pleas ant and the chances are you'll be mighty well paiil for every minute of your s|>are time." The ln>)ior taut thing is to start AT ONCK. You'll be surprised at how easy it Is to get vote*. Your friends will all sa\e tlielr \otes for >ou and they will give yoi tlieir subscriptions. Pegin collecting the votes at once. The Nomination lllank starts )ou off with 5.(HN) votes right at the beginning. Ciet your nom ination In TODAY?without fail. Rules of the Campaign Any reputable, man or womaq_ boy or pirl, is eligible to enter the campaign and win a prize. Campaign begins at once and nominations may bo made at any time. No salaried employe of The Advance or any imnv rt but full* to win wte of tin- irrlw* offcwl, nil! pariIrlpatu |o ?liIm rotnmhMkm rcAinrr? THINK OF IT! Ten |wr cent of every aubarrlptkm you collect goo* Into vour |mm kot If you fall Jo win one of the Prizes. Thl?? arramrement R?nirY WINS." <*oul(l anything Im* fairer or more liberal than thin? .lust one subscription for The Advance from n milivrllior Ihlni: an\where in ihe (in rounllw of PiisqiHilnnk. t'anuUm. Currituck. tiates, l*er iim ihat "the early bird iret* the worm.*' You heuiu at once your M?lf toda> in this uriuid IfcMMMMH) "K\ KUYIIODY WINS" t'ampnlun. Start at once and before bun; you may he ridiim around In an automobile of your own which did not com! you a cent. Nom inate yourself today while the "other fellow" in just sittini: around witii his hands foldetl. You will notice that the vote schedule Is arranged so those who make the early start get more fof their efforts. This Is vitally im|M>rtant. Ask your friends to Mate their vote coii|mnis tor you and have them Kite you a subscription to The Advance. I lee in uatherhiu the \ote011 want an automi?hile without cost. Then !>euhi at once. The Nomination Itlank, 011 page 1, starts you off toward"getting one of the two free cars. IIow to Enter and Win The first s*top in order to Hl?nro In thin mammoth distribution of costly awards In to clip the Nomination lllank appearing on page oiio of this Issue and snul or brinK It to Campaiun Headquarters, the Daily Advance. Elixabi'tli City. N. C. The Nom ination niank entitles yoli or the person nominated to 5,000 vote*. Then you will bo pi von a free outfit con sisting of a special receipt book, sample copies of the paper and full information relative to the campaign as well as assis tance that will b?-|p you win one of the tWii automobiles or other grand prizes. It inquires \ote;; to win and votes are secured in two ways. First, by clipping out the free 100-vote coupons which will appear In each Issue of The Advance. Very soon, however, those voting coupons will be reduced to a lesser number of votes and they must be voted before the expira tion date appearing thereon. Hut the oth er and faster way to get votes is by getting your friends to pay you for subscription! to this paper. Old or renewal subscrip tions count si lesser number of votes but you will notice that more votes are given for subscriptions turned in now than later. (See schedule of votes below). . So you see that the more mhscrlptions you secure and the quicker you get them the better your chances will be to land one of the two automobiles. Then, too, the flmt In the field will pet the "cream" of the votes ami snbscrlptions-wlrHo those who put off ~ entering will have to take what is left, lie aure that your Nomination is in KHJHT AWAY. QUESTIONS AM) ANSWERS On- ii-n Wlm' t? ili" (!??? ililiii* to ?1 rtic i'4?>i'iii.ii ami .h-muiM' . li .bl. two autnmnb.l.. <-r ii'bi-r |>ti?:??- * An mi r Tlir II.-? tMnu In il > ?- ' III' lli?' Nomination Ulaiik ?i i?^r.n? ?hi ? n. I:* n ?.r mail ?h'? m'tr lit,ink in Tlx- Advaikv Offi?N> ami i"ii ar<* iilun &.'kJ4 li-f HMe. u. u Uarlrr. l)mi II m.t am iMnc In ?n'-r ihr rmrri?l/ti? An %??*! Tin n- i- n? ni'i H''ii'> in riim i'Mi wuli Ik mm - inn a ?>ni|il?'r In th* l..ivb-h Win*" Cami-al^n no# m at any (lnx>. . QiK-ltqt Siiv \i4ir aiMi. im ? in in : ? ? thai 1tn* two Itanl lew aut<-miibil< ?, linw an ihf nilri <>!??? itnl ami Wliat I- tin- h. t W-m l.t ft On in f An-Mf?i at' ?i*ni?l in it?'? *ji- Kli-i. Iry ? llin Ihj nut tlir fni' luting r<*ii?>ii? ili-i ant hat. ?nur Omul ?arr.tti-m ami ra?l lliriii f?i rmir i iwllr. Tin- nlh'-r ami fa*t.r sn in ?r euro loll-. i> lit K-ttloa your fiU-ml* in aiir >?ni ih?ir MiliTili-fl'in In Hi ? i'4i?r A i-iitain mit.,l?r >-f \tif,? ai?? git i n tnr li >iili < il|>U>>n ih,? imi w ll >rr t>y I'm mil- M*lii'i|iil<> iiii thU |i?Tin* numhar ?if ??*e?.al l>iw In iiil Kilo I- tIn' Ijltrj um-IIimI. Viii| llirrrtrr iiil ikinri< rt-uli? h\f t??ur ?i-an onw rttmt*. Il'iw wit, all tin Iii.t.? rou|in|i. r?.iint al-i. U?-l an many at th?w n y??o ran. ? Qii< ?t|nn I)hm It nmli<> anr ilifT"rn>'?? wlnlhrr lh* tubwrfp* l Inn- I fcrnirr arc (iiil <-r m-w"* An-m r V?ii?* rr?dlt allnwnl nn in w nl?-i rlptlont |? tllghlly lilaln-r than lor <>li| >'ib-rrl|>t l>n?. Qu??tlnn WJi'tf mar I Millrli .nh-i Milium*' An-wr \in win tr in tin- un mnotir. of I'awiuniank. Cur rituck- ?'?ruil- ?. OalM. I Vt quintan- Clmwan. Wa-hln* inn. Tinrll, ||\ami l?ai>-. HnliM-iiirtimi. ntiuiilf i4 lli'-- arr in t"n all\ 'lalwlrx l? Ailtam-r ailtnllxr* ami NO VOTI: CICKOIT will If all..?..| for Ihi-m. Qu .linn r-Wlirn l? ih?- lir-i time In ?tail m? ramiialanf An-wi-r 'lllicht nnw. a' Hir Ixoiininu 14 ili^ rampalaa. U iha lw?l llnr in ?iait fur two M>nn?. Flr*i. Mili'?l." th?- irt? atiKjuIr |? mi arian^ il thai Ihnw mho mak" the tarlf -'aft grt nwra for m-mhln> ihr* tin a* tha viiin ?/hn|iiii- iiliit.il nn ihU i?a*p 'li-ailr *liow?. Qii< 'inn llarf I iha firUH'Cf "f nntnlnaUnc nn??lf or mu I my mniiinaiinn br Mt n'rr..ny that >iair nmiiiniiinn !*? >i?t in by aivilnr i?i-m. Qii'-*'l>m Wial Ito )'H| iman by rwr ThU imafn thai Cti-rr artlrf ramlnla'a will b* iwht In iiri?i?riU?n In (1ir amnant i.f qntr tiin.- drtntnt, Tn ItooNt ertl*?' rani|idat>>, wlin tnaVr a w<-rhlv ra-li irime, * ami wImi rt-i m.t win mi? ilif irlmiiail tfram! prltr>, a prlw In ra?b m a miMinl-iliiti nf t.-n i*r r??t will b palil i*i all Mib?'rli't|i,n. tuiwml tn. IIuhni "Km)bbi|y WlBl"?Ih'N ?fi" nn Inwfv HOW THE VOTES COUNT. FlltHT PERIOD Tlllltn PERIOD To Ortoter tilth October 20 to Novmriirr !? OH N>w Old N.? >tOB?h? - I 2.00 2.000 A.'mhi ft Month* - ..?*.<*? 1.2110 *.???*? Vrar I <*i fl/mo H.'rftO 1 Vnr 1.00 S.100 ft.tltfO V-ar. i.n l*.W >1.M0 JtO.Ooi 4 Y?ar? 14?A II V? rami-aim. No riin t-r 014 i will h>- nfffH at am Mm*. A Ipn-lil ImlM aood * Month* - . ... i 2,00 MM I'M foo.ooo rur* ?M?? will h* l??n?-d for rarh fJ5.no in ?nlwflf 1 Yur -???? 4.on I.*"" ?.nno lion mow* turned In but In |H thl? rmlK li In M nW'tvary 12 00 11 500 22 6M "?*' '??* I2S.0O worth nt ?ithwrlHIon* ?w nirn?-d in all al Mi* i Y*ar* 10.on 20 V*o ?l.V?t ',m* ?? Ihl* arhan?<>mHj? will h* In H???rt fhfmationt th# ran I V?*r* . 2n.oo 27.000 4n.ot?o pa I an and I* to b* roadilrrWl a part of iht miliar iM* ?chulul". For Full Details Write, Phone or Call on CAMPAIGN MANAGER, DAILY ADVANCE, Elizabeth City, N. C. Phone 357.