HEALTH CRUSADE IN THE SCHOOLS Sponsored by North (Jurolinu TulwrruloMst Association in the Schools of llie Whole State. Sanatorium . Sept. 26?North Car has around 7 53.000 children in its public schools enrolled in grade* from 1 to 7. To kuep them growing.. In both mlud and lirdy fur the n??xi six. eight or'nine month-* is t"it? d??u 1)1^ task commit ted to the ua< her. A few years ago. training the mind was one thing and keeping the body well and strong was another. Today it Is a well established iaet that If the brain is to grow and develop normally, along with it mu?t grow ?nd develop a strong, sound body. A proper functioning body is essen tial to a properly functioning mind. So related Is the growth and devel opment of the mind to the growth and development of the body that no modern progressive school sys tem of today attempts the flrst with out giving consideration to the other. Almost every worth while school In the country has Inaugurated some method of teaching the fundamental rules of health to th? children, which at the same time helps them to put their knowledge Into practice. Probably the most popular and successful health movement that has been worked out in the schools In this country Is the modern health crusade, developed and practiced by Mr. Charles M. IJoForest of the Na tional Tuberculosis Association. New York City. Since the inauguration of this movement four ?or five years ago. millions of American children have been given training in forming good health habits. In North Car olina alone 96.000 children were given this training last year. The Modern Health Crusade In the schools Is a system of teuching that Imparts good health habits. Its basis is practice rincipals of the following counties are expected. to att?-nd this confer ence: Hertford. Gates. Pusquotank, Cani den, Currituck. Perquimans. Clio xvan. Bertie, Martin, Edcccomb, \Vil-| son, Lenoir. Craven, Carter**!, Pam iico, Pitt, Beaufort. Hyde. Washing ton. Tyrrell and Dare. ? An Interesting program lias been arranged, as follows: | Public meeting Friday. 8 i>. m. A. T. Allen. Superintendent of Public Instruction. "The County Wide Plan of Organisation." N. W. Walker, dean School ??f Ed ucation, U. N. C. . Address?Topic to Ik? selected. I J. Henry Highsmlth, hl?h school supervisor, "High School llrogress." General Program "The Teaching or Citizen ,hip"?C. It. Hinshaw. Anlander. "Supervised Study?What Is Ac [tusliy Being Done"?A. B. Combs. Elissbeth City; Miss Pearl Brlnson. Morehead City. "How to Handle the Study Hall Problem"?J. R. Carroll. Winter [vllle; It. L. Frits, Jr.. Hertford. "High School Classification and Standardisation"?(Should any class C high school teacher be allowed to teach In a standard high school?) "The Biggest Problem I Had Last ,Year and How It Was Solved"?C. iW. E. Pitt man, Beaufort; H. Lee iThomas, Dover; Miss Elizabeth Tol bert. West Edgecombe H. S.; K. T. ) Ray nor, Ahoskie; W. A. Bivcns, Fairfield; Mrs. K. M. W. Tack. Cres ] well. "The Place of Science In the High 'School"?B. W. Wells. N. C. State College, Raleigh. "Relating the High School to the Community?Some Practical Sugges tions"?Miss Clara Pigg, Mars Hill H. 8.; D. M. Alt man, Chowan H. S.; C. U. Williams. Poplar Branch; A. L. jllrninlett. Stonewall. "What Is the Platoon System?"? J. Shepard Bryan, Wilson. I Round Table Discussion?Any thing affecting the work of the High School. Routine matters?Records and re ports; daily schedule; school house keeping. The High School in Its Relation ship to the County-Wide Plan. High School Surveys?What has been done? ^ I Is the Athletic Situation What It I Should Be? If Not, What Should be |Done? CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES HUN INTO MILLIONS Mexico. Sept. 26?Claims for; damages to foreign property result ing from the Mexican revolution already tiled with the j Claims Commission total more than ' $250,000, according to the commis-i sion'M last report. Should a revolutionary claims convention be adopted after resump tion of diplomatic relation* between 1 the United States and Mexico, as , proposed in the understanding | reached at the pre-recognltion con-. (erence, this amount will be enor- j mously Increased as numerous American and otlior foreign claims j have not yet been filed with the national commission, but are hefd up for settlement through diplomatic channels. -??? BACKBONE OF STRIKE OF PRESSMEN BROKEN New York, Sept. 26.?With press meu arriving In response to the In ternational Union call today, the backbone of the strike which has pre vented publication of the metropoli tan dallies, appears to be broken and the papers are planning the resump tion of their regular issues. WOMEN DROWNED AS CAR TAKES PLUNGE Norfolk, Sept. 26.?Two women were drowned here late yesterday when a car plunged off the army pier into Uie water. The four others In the car were rescued. STORAGE BATTERY PRICES CUT TO THE BONE "EXIDE" The Celebrated Ballerie? Old Price New Price FOHD Hl/K *21.00 II Plate* 910.03 FORD mid CIIKV ICOI.KT NIZK 927.93 Irt Plate* 920.83 DUICK, At 111 UN. ('II MiMKItS. POUT, l>t It ANT SI/.K, **".30 15 Platen 925.OO Lil>era1 dixctiunt to dealers. All makefi of storage batter ies repaired and recharged. AUTO & GAS ENGINE WORKS INC. C. W. GAITIIER, PpmI. 105 N. Walrr Street ********* * Major League Baseball * ********* AMERICA* LEAGUE Yesterday's Score*. Detroit. 5; New York. 4. Washington, 5; Chicago. 2. Philadelphia. 6-5; Cleveland. 5-1. St. LouIm. 8; Boston. 2. How Thej Stand. Won Lost Pet. New York 94 4 9 .66 4 Cleveland 74 65 .532 'Detroit 74 68 .521 St. Louis 69 71 .493 Washington 70 73 .4 89 Chicago r'j 7 7 .4 59 l'hiiatielplila *??'? 79 .4411 Boston ??. 1....56 87 .391 NATIONAL LKAtilE N\w York, 3: Cincinnati. 2. Pittsburgh, Is; Philadelphia, 5. Boston, 2; Chicago. 0. I St. Louis. 4; Brooklyn, 1. How They Stand. Won Lost Pet. New York 93 55 .628 Cincinnati ?89 6ft .597 , Pittsburgh 84 1*2 .571 ^Chicago 79 69 .532 -St. Louis 75 71 .513 '.Brooklyn 69 75 .478 Boston - 50 95 .352 'Philadelphia 46 100 .315 Getting Ready For Big Football Game Contract Let For Erection Of Grandstand* On Riddick Field, State College Raleigh. Sept! 26.?Contract for (the erection of wooden stands on Iilddick Field at State College, to ac j commodate 4.160 spectators, has been let to W. B. Barrow of Raleigh. | Work will begin immediately and the Job will be rushed to completion In time for the first major home game, that with the Tniversity of South Carolina, on October 13. J. M. Ken nedy, also of Raleigh, Is the archi tect. The new stands will be located along the eastern side of the field, I where the embankment was cut away during the summer, and they will be permanent, or rather they j will remain in place until the Tech Athletic Association is able to re place them with concrete construc tion. For the last several years tempor ary bleachers have been used on the east side of the field for the football games and when the baseball seas on came around the stands were re moved to make room for the spring j sport.* This practice, while expens ; ive and troublesome, was necessary on account of the limited space. With the embankment cut away, however, considerably more than the regula tion distance for baseball is avail able. even with the bleachers in place. Tne new stands will be built fronl! a platform at least three-feet high which will give spectators seated on) the bottom row an uninterrupted, view of the plpylng field over the heads of person** standing In front. Additional bleachers will be erect ed also at the south end of the field, I next to the railroad, a&d the Hue of j {concrete stuuds along the western! side will bo supplemented with wood en construction providing seats com 1 ph tely around the field. According > to I'roft ".-or Thomas N.-lson, of the, Scully athletic committee, who is la charge of the seating arrangements,; ! more than 9,000 people can be seat-j ed at the I'air Week game with Car 'olina, and there will be standlugl j room for three to four thou*aud' j mori'. Tlij^ie will be :j,150 reserVed seats orTTTu- Carolina side of the field, and I ? 2.040 on the State College side.] ITirkets for these two reserved sec-j .tions will go on sale about October |l. The price will be two dollars! each. Mail orders should be ad dressed to I'rofessor Thomas Nelson, State' College Station, Raleigh, who I advises that the purchaser should specify his preference as to the side ?of the field and enclose ten cents ad ditional for registering the tickets. CHARLOTTE FINAL WINNER IN SERIES Wilson, Sept. 26.?Charlotte of the South Atlantic League yesterday defeated Wilson of the Virginia League 3-to 2, and thus ended the post season series by winning four games to Wilson's two. WILL GIVK FLAY AT WOODVILLE FHIDAY NKiHT A play will be given at Woodvilie i "She Looks Well In Anything " Of course she does! But it's .no gift of the gods?Just good taste plus common sense. She "looks well in anything she puts on" because she is care ful never to put 'on anything alio will not look well in! It's not a matter of money, either. Rather of wisdom lu fcelectien. No woman can dres:* well on money alone! We know a lot of women, and you do, too?women of mod.Mt means who find our fashion service the golden yet Inex pensive key to successful dressing. M. Leigh Sheep Co. I ISN'T it simply absurd, when you stop to think about it. that so many people are striving for success and yet they are doing absolutely noth ing to strengthen their bodies and develop the health which they must have to win sut cess. Your Chiropractor Your i'hlropractor In lnleir?J?l In your health. It In hlN duty to kc( you well and keep you well, which he In capable of doing by correct lug the cause of your physical weaknesses. CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE Consult me when you are nick. Remember the Chiro pmctic pathway to health and efficiency is open to you. Telephone 7VS for an appointment. DR. A. L. PEARCE CHIROPRACTOR OVKR WOOL WORTH'S O * 10c STORK SI 1-14 Kramer UulldinK. Klizabeth City, N. C. Do You Need MONEY? You can repay the loan In small amounts and not have to dread the day it will come due. We will lend you from five dollars (96.00) to Ave hundred dollars ($500.00) to bo paid back In weekly Installments ns per the following table: From $ 5.00 to 9 25.00 to be paid back at $ .60 pet'week From 25.00 to 60.00 to be paid back at 1.00 per week From 60.00 to 100.00 to be paid back at 2.00 per wcok From 100.00 to 160.00 to be paid back at 3.00 per week From 150.00 to 200.00 to be paid back at 4.00 per week From 200.00 to 260.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week From 260.00 to 300.00 to be paid back at 6.00 per week From 300.00 ta 400.00 to be paid back at 8.00 per week From 400.00 to 600.00 to be paid back at 10.00 per week If you are In need, consult our officers today. They will gladly give you any Information desired. We base our security on CHARACTER. PERSONAL ENDORSE MENTS. COLLATERAL. REAL ESTATE. Carolina Banking & Trust Company Friday evening. entitled "The1 Squire's Daughter." by the young people of the community. The pub-j lie is cordially Invited to attend. i Fim-ONE Mil i.IONS INVESTED IN ALTOS Raleigh. Sept. 26.?Fifty-one mil lion dollars were Invested In autos In North Carolina during the past year, declares the report of the auto de partment today, which adds that li censes have passed the 221.000 mark. Tit \IMMi CLASS TO I IK IIKLU AT KIVKKSIDK CHI ItCH lie;;Inning next Monday evening at Illversldu UaptUt Church, the pastor. Rev. W. "J. Ranks, will teach a class In the Sunday school manual. The clas's will meet each e% siting at 7:30 and the pastor hopes for a good at tendance in. this important work. Headquarters FOR BOYS IN ELIZABETH CITY ITS T. T. TURNER & CO. Boys' Two PunlD Suit S6.75, S7.45, S8.95, SI0.00, S12.00, S15.00, $16.50,. full lined, full cut. The extra pair means twice the. wear. Little Boys' Overcoats, sol id colors; Brown, Buff, Na vy; sizes 2 to 8. Hats for Little Folks? 79c, 81.00, 81.25, 81.39, SI.69 to $2.95. Sweaters for Girls and Boys?$1.95 to 83.95. Fan-j cy aud plain colors. Bahe Ituth Sweaters for Bovs, 28 to 36^83.15 to 8 L50. Boys' School Pants. Boys' Blouses and Shirts. Boys' Stockings. Boys' Sport Socks. Boys' Underwear. Boys' Ties and Collars? And Everything. T. T. TURNER & COMPANY "The Store for Dad and the Boys" "Masters of Men' Life at Sea Fighting Youth Lovely Girlhood ROMANCE/ "Masters of Men" The Greatest Sea Picture Ever Screened ?at ALKRAMA ?Today? Knit Vests Warm and snug-fitting they will be very popu lar this season. See tlieiu oil display in the window of Weeks & Sawyer "Where the Rest Clothes Come From" 1BS0SSSHS00?? Gallop-SawyerRealtyCo Let Us Handle Your City And Rural Property Hlnton Building Main St THE HOME OF GOOD FOOD We know our groceries and canned goods are good. Our customers know it. But there are ma-ny people who have never given us a trial. They are the tnes who don't know our food is so good. We merely ask for a single opportunity to serve you who have never been in, to see us. G. W. Twiddy "At Once" DELIVERY When you need some Grocer ies. want them In a hurry?in fact you must have them in time for Dinner?Phone 356 or 296 and they will be in your hands almost as soon as you hang up the phone. We maintain a special delivery service just to accommodate our customers. Try it today Morgan & Parker PHONES S30 and 200 OPTICAL SERVICE DR. J. W. SELIG OPTOMETRIST til Mala St. ? Elizabeth Cltj Tomorrow Alright STANDARD PHARMACY Widower Congratulated "flince my wife's death. Ave year* ago. I have suffered greatly from stomach and lifer trouble and gas attacks. 1 lost over 60 pounds, and nt times was an yellow as saffron My doctors could not help me. 81* doses of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy have entirely cured mo. I have regained my weight and every one Is rongratulatlng mo how well I look." Tt In a simple. harmless preparation ithat removes the catarrhal muctu {from the Intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes prac tically all stomach, liver and Intes tinal ailments. Including appendici tis. One dose will convince or mon ey refunded at all druggists, adv