Will You Exchange A FEW WEEKS OF SPARE TIME FOR $1,395 r$3 19? THE ADVANCE Offers You Such an Opportunity Rules of the Campaign Any reputable man or woman, boy or girl, is eligible to enter the campaign and win a prise. Campaign begins at once anil nominations ma* be made at any time. No halaried employe of TI.e Advance or any immediate member of bis or her fa mil v l.i allowed to enter tbe election. Tbe right to reject any nomination is reserved. Cash must accompany all subscriptions to receive votes. No vote credit Is giveu on subscriptions received at the office un less requested nt the time of payment. Votes are free. It costs nothing for sub scribers and readers to vote for their fav orites. Votes cannot b??purchased. Every cent accepted by the Campaimi Depart ment must represent subscription pay ments. Votes are not transferable. One candi date cannot withdraw In ravor or another candidate. Should a candidate withdraw from the campaign his or her votes will be cancelled. Votes will not be allowed on subscriptions outside Elizabeth City's trade territory of Pasquotank, Perquimans, Camden, Currituck, Gates, Chowan. Wash ington, Tyrrell, Hyde and Dare counties. Dallots issued on subscriptions may be held In reserve and voted at the discretion of the candidate. The printed vote cou pons appearing In the pa|>er each week must be voted before the expiration date appearing thereon. No statement or promise made by any solicitor, agent or candidate varying from the rules niul Ktntcuients published through this paper will be recognized by the pub lsher. In case of typographical or othtr error. It Is understood that neither the publisher nor the campaign manager shall be respon sible except to make the necessary corn c tlons. It Is distinctly understood that candi dates will be? responsible for all moneys collected and tlu\t tliry will remit such amounts In full at frequent intervals or on demand. There will be two standard make r lto mobiles and cash prizes awarded besides a 10 per cent cash commission to all AC TIVE non-prize winners, but it Is distinct ly understood that in event ANY candi date becomes INACTIVE falling to make a weekly cash report he or she will be come disqualified and THKHKIlY FOlt FKIT Al'li HKiHT TO A COMMISSION. To Insure absolute fairness In nwarding the prizes the campaign will bo brought to ft close under a "sealed ballot box" sys tem and will be under the personal super vision or the Advisory Board. However, during the progress of the campaign tho standings will bo published from time to time. During the entire last week or tho election, candidates and their rrlends will deposit their Hnal collections and reserve votes In tho locked and sealed ballot box. Not uutll the race Is closed will the seals be broken and Judges begin the flnal count. No one. not even the campaign man ager or publisher, can possibly know tho voting strength of the respective candi dates which precludes any possibility of favoritism and Insures fairness to the min utest degree. The Advance reserves the right to amend the rules of this election ir necessary for the protection of the Interest of both tbe candidates and this newspaper. In accepting the nominations, tho candi dates agree to abldo by the above condi tions. Winners of the automobiles and other prises will be decided by their accredited votes, said votes being represented by bal lots Issued on subscriptions nnd by cou pons clipped from the paper. In tho event or ties, prizes Identical In character with those offered will be given to each of thopo flelng. THESE ARE THE FREE PRIZES FIRST PRIZE $1,395 Velie Touring Car Purchased From ami on Display Auto Supply & Vulcanizing Co. SECOND PRIZE $319 Ford Roadster Purchased From and on Display -? at ? Auto & Gas Engine Works Inc. THIRD PRIZE $75.00 FIFTH PRIZE $25.00 SEVENTH PRIZE $10.00 FOURTH PRIZE $50.00 SIXTH PRIZE $15.00 EIGHTH PRIZE $5.00 BIG CASH AWARDS A NPKCIAIj FUND Wllifi I?K SKT AttlDK TO MS DIHTRIBrTED in the forrn of rommiwkm* amotitf active non-prize winners on a ten |?er cent basis. Any candidate who remains wtlve through the ciuii|>alKn, making a regular weekly re|>ort bat falls to win one of the prises offered, will partlcl|?ate In this commission feature? TIIINK OK IT J Ten |>er cent of e\ery Niihscrlptlon you roller! goe?, Into vour |mh ket If you fall to win one of the I'rlz^s. This arrangement assures a rom|>ensatloti to all candidates and It means there will be no loser*; "KVKHYIIODV WINS." Could an>thing be fairer or in ore liberal than tills? How to Enter and Win The first atop In order to share In this mammoth distribution of costly awards is to clip the Nomination Illank appearing on pag*-one of this issue and send or bring it to Campaign Headquarters, the Daily Advance. Elizabeth City, N. C. The Nom ination niank entitles you or the person nominated to 5,000 votes. Then you will be given a free outfit con shtlng of a special receipt book, sample copies of the paper and full information relative to the campaign as well as assis tance that will help you win one of the two automobiles or other grand prizes. It requires votes to win and votes are y.-cured in two ways. First, by clippiug rut the free 100-vote coupons which will appear In each Issue of The Advance. Very soon, however, these voting coupons will be reduced to a lesser number of votes and they must be voted before the expira tion date appearing thereon. But the oth er and faster way to get votes is by getting your friends to pay yon for subscriptions to this paper. Old or renewal subscrip tions count a lesser number of votes but you will notice that more votes are given 1 i subscriptions turned In How than later. (S? ? schedule of rotea below). So you see that the more subscriptions you secure aud the quicker you get them the better your chances will be to land one of the two automobiles. Then, too, the first in the field will pet the "cr. am" of the votes asid subscriptions while those who'put off entering will have to take what Is left. He sure that your Nomination 'is iu RIGHT AWAY. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Qu -lion?What Ik the flr?t thin* to do In ord-r lo rn'n t-Ji.-* one. ltriru or .mall thi* tn'ir bUnk to Tin- Ailt?no Office and you ate gi??n Ji'M) flee rotes a* a >tail.r. Q*ie-?ion l>o?? u rn?t anvthlnc to enter th ? ramralgnf Anmn There i- no eo.f whar.t. r lo c nn.vtl. t? w.'li ln-enm lug a rimlukte In the "liver)body Wins" t'ai.:i?i?n ik-w cit at any time. Qur-tlon -Since vo?f anno moment aaya that the two branl new automobile* and the otlr r prize* arc to be ginn In exchang.- for tot, . bow are the ?o?i? obtained and what l? (In M w.h t?(t ?-Vote* ate veeured In two nay*. Klr.-t. bv_cl.ii iiu out the firo voting "? curt tctea I* bv vetting your friend* to give you their aub*-rlptlon to fhi? i>ai?rr. A certain numh.r of Wet are gltcn f?r each .\ih-rrl;>tlon alan. I* the beil time to ?tart for two rea-ona. Flr*t. subscription* are much rosier to g-t now than at anv otbrr time a* the Held will r.ot have been ?'combed." Secondly, the sole whedule it ? airanvd that thote who maif* the early ?tart get more for everything tbev do ai ths tote schedule printed on this page clearly shews. Question -Have f th? privilege of nominating myself or mutt any nomination b* ?nt in by another person! An?wer-You may nominate yotir.i If. It I* not nwral giand 1-tires, a prlre In ca*b or a commU?l?Jd on al* nibvYlt'tlon* turned In. llcnce "l.uobwlr Win*"?there are no loacr*. THE ADVISORY BOARD It In the sincere aim of The Advance to conduct thin election, from start to finish, In n fair, honorable and Impartial manner. Every p.? caution linn been taken to safeguard the In terest* of the participants and absolute honest' In all dealing* Is guaranteed. For that reason an Advisory Hoard Is selected whose functions shall he to deride any question of sufficient mo ment that might arise during the competition a id from which a committee shall be selected to act as Judges and count the votes the last nig it of the eloctlon. The personnel of the board Is as follows: WILLIAM EDWARD GRIFFIN. First * Citizens National Dink; D.^OUY IIROCKET. First & Citizens National Dank; AUDREY O. MfCADE, McCabe & Grlce; . J. D. FLORA. J. D. Flora tc Company. W. C. 8AWYER, Weeks & Sawyer. All of these gentlemen are well known to ?/cry man or woman In Elisabeth City and sur rounding territory and the final results as give > out by them will be beyond dispute. HOW THE VOTES COUNT FIIIST PERIOD THIRD PKRIOD To October 13th October 211 to November 3 Old * Naw 0,4 N?" ? M?ntha ism i.ooo i.ono e M?nih? I im i.sm t.c?? I Yr?r 4 oo (l.ntui N.otio I Ynir ...??.? * 00 8fto? ?.** f Yrtri too 14."oo la.oo) t Y*r? ? ? ??*> ?.#*> 11.w* I Tun U.00 11.000 11.8*1 I Trtri I""1 IMJ "?ff 4 Ytar? lft.no m m 10.000 4 Yhim I*0"1 11.sort t?.5fl0 8 Year* MM 40.000 ftO.OOO I Ytnra ? l?'*0 N.M 8K(X)N I KKIOD f,,, ?rfe?i Yeara ... 1ft 00 to.&uo II.Soo ?? thla arrancenfnt will b# In rtfwt throughout tba ??? I Yrar* 10.00 IT.ooo M.ooo pain and l? to br con?kVr